import*; import java.util.*; public class Driver3 { public static void main (String [] args) { if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println ("Enter the ArrayLength followed by the highest amount of digits in the number. i.e: 10 5 "); System.exit (0); } long t, start; int arrayLength = Integer.parseInt (args [0]); int digitLength = Integer.parseInt (args [1]); //maxDigits is 9 for an integer Sorting s = new Sorting (arrayLength,digitLength); //First number says how many elements there will be in the array. The second is how many digits in the number. //System.out.println (s); start = System.currentTimeMillis (); /* s.Order (); */ s.SelectionSort (); //slows at 100,000 t = System.currentTimeMillis () - start; System.out.println ("SELECTION SORT!!!"); System.out.println (/*s + */" Max Time: " + t); //It takes the jump at 100,000 elements in the array System.out.println ("Number of Comparisons: " + s.getCompareNumber () ); System.out.println ("Number of Swaps: " + s.getSwapNumber() ); System.out.println ("------------"); Sorting s2 = new Sorting (arrayLength,digitLength); //First number says how many elements there will be in the array. The second is how many digits in the number. //System.out.println (s2); start = System.currentTimeMillis (); /* s.Order (); */ s2.bubbleSort (); //slows at 100,000 t = System.currentTimeMillis () - start; System.out.println ("BUBBLE SORT!!!"); System.out.println (/*s2 +*/ " Max Time: " + t); //It takes the jump at 100,000 elements in the array System.out.println ("Number of Comparisons: " + s2.getCompareNumber () ); System.out.println ("Number of Swaps: " + s2.getSwapNumber() ); System.out.println ("------------"); Sorting s3 = new Sorting (arrayLength,digitLength); //First number says how many elements there will be in the array. The second is how many digits in the number. //System.out.println (s3); start = System.currentTimeMillis (); /* s.Order (); */ s3.InsertionSort (); //slows at 100,000 t = System.currentTimeMillis () - start; System.out.println ("INSERTION SORT!!!"); System.out.println (/*s3 +*/ " Max Time: " + t); //It takes the jump at 100,000 elements in the array System.out.println ("Number of Comparisons: " + s3.getCompareNumber () ); System.out.println ("Number of Swaps: " + s3.getSwapNumber() ); System.out.println ("------------"); Sorting s4 = new Sorting (arrayLength,digitLength); //First number says how many elements there will be in the array. The second is how many digits in the number. //System.out.println (s4); start = System.currentTimeMillis (); /* s.Order (); */ s4.Order (); //slows at 100,000 t = System.currentTimeMillis () - start; System.out.println ("RADIX SORT!!!"); System.out.println (/*s4 +*/ " Max Time: " + t); //It takes the jump at 100,000 elements in the array System.out.println ("Number of Comparisons: " + s4.getCompareNumber () ); System.out.println ("Number of Swaps: " + s4.getSwapNumber() ); System.out.println ("------------"); } }