import*; import java.util.*; public class BankAccount{ private double bal; private String name; private double interestRate; private int acctNumber; public BankAccount(String pn, int acct) { name = pn; acctNumber = acct; } public void deposit(double amt) { bal = bal + amt; } public void withdraw(double amt) { /* MUST check if you have available to withdraw. Can't have -bal*/ if (bal >= amt) { bal = bal - amt; } } //get function public double getBal() { return bal; } //integrating other BankAccounts public void takeMoneyFrom(BankAccount other, double amt) { if (other.bal >= amt) { other.withdraw(amt); this.deposit(amt); } } public void giveMoneyTo(BankAccount other, double amt) { if (bal >= amt) { this.bal = this.bal - amt; other.bal = other.getBal() + amt; } } }