/* I had a lot of trouble with this homework. I guess I don't understand these concepts as well as I thought I did in class. This code is based off of James Chen's, who I asked for help. He told me I could use his code as a reference. I tried to at least consolidate it but now it doesn't work :(. */ import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class Greeter { public String happygreeting; public String sadgreeting; public Greeter() { setHappy("happy"); setSad("sad"); } public Greeter (String greet, String greet2){ setHappy(greet); setSad(greet2); } public void setHappy (String mood1, String mood2) { happygreeting = mood1; sadgreeting = mood2; } public String greet (String name, String name2) { String message; message = name + " is " + happygreeting + "\n" + name2 + " is " + sadgreeting; return message; }}