import java.util.*; import*; public class WordSearch{ private char[][] board; private ArrayList<String> wordList, wordBank; private int rows, cols; public WordSearch(int rows, int cols) { board = new char[rows][cols]; for (int i=0;i<rows;i++) for (int j=0;j<cols;j++) board[i][j]='-'; this.rows = rows; this.cols = cols; fillWordList("words.txt"); } private void fillWordList(String s){ wordList = new ArrayList<String>(); try{ Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File(s)); while (sc.hasNext()){ String str = sc.nextLine(); wordList.add(str); } }catch(FileNotFoundException e){ System.out.println("We could not find the file"); System.exit(0); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e); System.exit(0); } } public WordSearch() { this(20,20); } public String toString() { String s = ""; for (int i=0;i<board.length;i++) { for (int j=0;j<board[i].length;j++) { s=s+board[i][j]; } s=s+"\n"; } return s; } public void test(WordSearch w){ System.out.println(w); System.out.println(wordBank); System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); } //Insertion methods private boolean insert(int c, int r, int cinc, int rinc, String s){ if (r > rows-1 || r < 0 || c > cols-1 || c < 0) return false; //diagonal check if (rinc == 1 && cinc == 1){ if (r + s.length()-1 > rows || c + s.length()-1 > cols) return false; } //reverse diagonal check else if (rinc == -1 && cinc == -1){ if (r - s.length()-1 < 0 || c - s.length()-1 < 0) return false; } //vert check else if (rinc == 1 && cinc == 0){ if (r + s.length()-1 > rows || c>cols-1) return false; } //horizontal check else if (cinc == 1 && rinc == 0){ if (c + s.length()-1 > cols || r>rows-1) return false; } for (int n=0; n<s.length(); n++){ if ( (board[r + rinc*n][c + cinc*n] != '-') && (board[r + rinc*n][c + cinc*n] != s.charAt(n))){ return false; } } for (int n=0; n<s.length(); n++){ board[r + rinc*n][c + cinc*n] = s.charAt(n); } return true; } public boolean insertHorizontal(int c, int r, String s){ return insert(c, r, 1, 0, s); } public boolean insertVertical(int c, int r, String s){ return insert(c, r, 0, 1, s); } public boolean insertDiagonal1(int c, int r, String s){ //top left to bottom right return insert(c, r, 1, 1, s); } public boolean insertDiagonal2(int c, int r, String s){ //bottom left to top right return insert(c, r, -1, -1, s); } private String reverse(String s){ String s1 = ""; for (int n=s.length(); n>0; n--){ s1 = s1 + s.substring(n-1, n); } return s1; } public boolean insertHReverse(int c, int r, String s){ return insertHorizontal(c, r, reverse(s)); } public boolean insertVReverse(int c, int r, String s){ return insertVertical(c, r, reverse(s)); } public boolean insertD1Reverse(int c, int r, String s){ return insertDiagonal1(c, r, reverse(s)); } public boolean insertD2Reverse(int c, int r, String s){ return insertDiagonal2(c, r, reverse(s)); } private void fillWordBank(int n){ wordBank = new ArrayList<String>(); //*tries* to add n words to the wordsearch Random r = new Random(); while (!(wordList.isEmpty()) && n>0){ int i = r.nextInt(wordList.size()); String w = wordList.get(i); try{if (addWords(w)){ wordBank.add(w); n = n-1; } wordList.remove(i); } catch (Exception e) {} } } private boolean addWords(String s){ Random r = new Random(); for (int z=0; z<100; z++){ int n = r.nextInt(8); if (n==0) if(insertHorizontal(r.nextInt(cols), r.nextInt(rows), s)) return true; if (n==1) if(insertVertical(r.nextInt(cols), r.nextInt(rows), s)) return true; if (n==2) if(insertDiagonal1(r.nextInt(cols), r.nextInt(rows), s)) return true; if (n==3) if(insertDiagonal2(r.nextInt(cols), r.nextInt(rows), s)) return true; if (n==4) if (insertHReverse(r.nextInt(cols), r.nextInt(rows), s)) return true; if (n==5) if (insertVReverse(r.nextInt(cols), r.nextInt(rows), s)) return true; if (n==6) if(insertD1Reverse(r.nextInt(cols), r.nextInt(rows), s)) return true; if (n==7) if (insertD2Reverse(r.nextInt(cols), r.nextInt(rows), s)) return true; } return false; } private void fillIn(){ Random r = new Random(); for (int n=0; n<cols; n++){ for (int m=0; m<rows; m++){ if (board[m][n] == '-') board[m][n] = (char)('a' + r.nextInt(26)); } } } public void game(int n){ fillWordBank(n); fillIn(); test(this); } public void game(){ game(10); } }