import*; import java.util.*; public class Rational { /* Variable int a represents the numerator */ private int a; /* Variable int b represents the denominator */ private int b; private String fraction; public Rational(int a, int b){ if (a == 0) { setNumerator(a); setDenominator(b); fraction = "0"; } else if (b != 0) { setNumerator(a); setDenominator(b); setFraction(a,b); } else fraction = "undefined"; } /* Basic set methods for numerator and denominator */ public void setNumerator(int m){ a = m; } public void setDenominator(int n) { b = n; } public void setFraction(int m, int n) { fraction = m + "/" + n; } /*Basic get methods to retrive the numerator and the denominator */ public int getNumerator() { return a; } public int getDenominator() { return b; } public String getFraction() { return fraction; } /* Method that tests for the gcd between the numerator and the denominator */ public int gcd(int a,int b) { int c = Math.min(a,b); while (a%c!=0 || b%c!=0) { c = c -1; } return c; } /* Method that will reduce/simplify a fraction if a gcd is present */ public void reduce() { if (fraction == "undefined") fraction = "undefined"; else if(a == 0) fraction = "0"; else { int n = gcd(a,b); a = a / n; b = b / n; setFraction(a,b); } } /*Method that will tell whether two rational numbers are equal or not */ public boolean equals(Rational other){ this.reduce(); other.reduce(); return(a == other.a && b == other.b); } /*Method that will mulitply two rational numbers and create a NEW rational*/ public Rational mult(Rational other) { this.reduce(); other.reduce(); if (fraction == "undefined" || other.fraction == "undefined") return new Rational(1,0); else if (fraction == "0" || other.fraction == "0") return new Rational(0,0); else { int newA = a * other.a; int newB = b * other.b; return new Rational(newA,newB); } } /*Method that will compare the values of two rational numbers: -if the two rationals are equal, return 0 -if THIS rational is greater than OTHER rational, return 1 -if THIS rational is less than OTHER rational, return -1 */ public int compareTo(Rational other) { int result = 0; this.reduce(); other.reduce(); int partA = ((a * other.b) - (other.a * b)); int partB = b * other.b; double n = ((double) partA / (double) partB); if (n < 0) result = -1; else if (n == 0) result = 0; else result = 1; return result; } }