import java.util.*; import*; public class CoinGame{ Coin cp1 = new Coin(); Coin cp2 = new Coin(); BankAccount bap1 = new BankAccount(); BankAccount bap2 = new BankAccount(); BankAccount pot = new BankAccount(); Random r = new Random(); private double initial, PutIn,test; private int timesplayed; public void startGame(){//sets up the game and initializes variables timesplayed = 0; test = 0.0; PutIn = 0.0; initial = r.nextDouble(); initial = (int)(1000 * initial) + 0.0; initial = initial / 100; bap1.setBalance((20.0 - initial)); bap2.setBalance((20.0 - initial)); pot.setBalance(initial); } public void play(int n){ int rounds = 0; while ((bap1.getBalance() > PutIn) && (bap2.getBalance() > PutIn) && (n > rounds)){ rounds = rounds + 1; timesplayed = timesplayed + 1; double d = r.nextDouble();//gets a random coin value that both players put into the pot if (d <= 0.25){ PutIn = 0.01; } else { if (d <= 0.50){ PutIn = 0.05; } else { if (d <= 0.75){ PutIn = 0.10; } else { PutIn = 0.25; } } } bap1.withdraw (PutIn);//withdraws the amount from both players and flips coin bap2.withdraw (PutIn); cp1.setNameValue(PutIn); cp1.Flip(); cp2.setNameValue(PutIn); cp2.Flip(); if ((cp1.getFace() == "Heads")&&(cp2.getFace() == "Heads")){//result of coin flip bap1.deposit((PutIn + PutIn)); cp1.resetCoin(); cp2.resetCoin(); } if ((cp1.getFace() == "Tails")&&(cp2.getFace() == "Tails")){ bap2.deposit((2 * PutIn)); cp1.resetCoin(); cp2.resetCoin(); } if (cp1.getFace() != cp2.getFace()){ pot.deposit((2 * PutIn)); cp1.resetCoin(); cp2.resetCoin(); } } } public void turn(){//plays one turn play (1); } public String getWinner(){//returns the winner or returns if its a tie if (bap1.getBalance() > bap2.getBalance()){ return "Player 1"; } else { if (bap2.getBalance() > bap1.getBalance()){ return "Player 2"; } else { return "tie"; } } } public double getWinnerBalance(){//returns the amount of money the winner has if (bap1.getBalance() > bap2.getBalance()){ return (bap1.getBalance()); } else { return (bap2.getBalance()); } } public void preciseDoubles(){//makes doubles precise to the hundreths place int p1,p2,p3,r1,r2,r3; double d1,d2,d3; p1 = (int)(1000.0 * (bap1.getBalance())); r1 = p1 % 10; if (r1 >= 5){ p1 = p1 + (10 - r1); } else { p1 = p1 - r1; } d1 = p1 / 1000.0; bap1.setBalance(d1); p2 = (int)(1000.0 * (bap2.getBalance())); r2 = p2 % 10; if (r2 >= 5){ p2 = p2 + (10 - r2); } else { p2 = p2 - r2; } d2 = p2 / 1000.0; bap2.setBalance(d2); p3 = (int)(1000.0 * (pot.getBalance())); r3 = p3 % 10; if (r3 >= 5){ p3 = p3 + (10 - r3); } else { p3 = p3 - r3; } d3 = p3 / 1000.0; pot.setBalance(d3); } public double getInitial(){ return initial; } public int getTimesplayed(){ return timesplayed; } public double getPotbalance(){ return pot.getBalance(); } }