public int i; public boolean sameStarChar(String str) { for (i=1;i<str.length()-1;i++){//took some guesswork if (str.substring(i,i+1).equals("*")) { if (!str.substring(i-1,i).equals(str.substring(i+1,i+2)))//i tried another solution where it would return true but that would just return true if any * had two same characters, not all of them { return false;} } } return true; } public String sameEnds(String string) { String res = ""; for (int i=0;i<=string.length()/2;i++){ for (int j=string.length()/2;j<string.length();j++){ if (string.substring(0,i).equals(string.substring(j))){ res=string.substring(j); }}} return res; }