import*; import java.util.*; public class myListString { private String[] data; private int numItems; public myListString() { data = new String[5]; numItems = 0; } //Checks if the string Array is full using numItems public boolean isFull() { return numItems >= data.length; } /*Expands the length of the array by creating a new larger array and then copying it over. The length of the array increases by 1.5 */ public void grow() { String[] tmpArray = new String[data.length+data.length/2]; for (int i=0;i<data.length;i++) { tmpArray[i]=data[i]; } data = tmpArray; } /* Adds a string d to the end of the array. If the array is full, it first grows the array and then adds */ public void add(String d) { if (isFull()) grow(); data[numItems] = d; numItems=numItems+1; } /* Inserts data item d at location pos in the data array. Remember to shift down items and that the array might need to grow */ public void insert(int pos, String d){ if (isFull()) grow(); String[] tmpArray = new String[data.length]; for (int i = 0; i<data.length; i++){ if(i<pos) tmpArray[i] = data[i]; else if (i == pos) tmpArray[i] = d; else tmpArray[i] = data[i-1]; } data = tmpArray; numItems = numItems+1; } /* Removes the data item at location pos from the array data Decreases the length of Array by 1.*/ public String remove(int pos) { String removed = data[pos]; String[] tmpArray = new String[data.length-1]; for (int i = 0; i<pos; i++) tmpArray[i] = data[i]; for (int j = pos; j<tmpArray.length; j++) tmpArray[j] = data[j+1]; data = tmpArray; numItems = numItems - 1; return removed; } //Returns the number of items in the list public int size(){ return numItems; } //Returns the elements at position/index pos public String get(int pos){ return data[pos]; } //Change the element at position pos to have value d public void set(int pos, String d){ data[pos] = d; } /* Find the first instance that n occurs in the array and return n. If n is not present, return 0 */ public String find(String n) { for (int i=0; i<numItems; i++){ if (data[i].equals(n)) return n; } return "NOT HERE"; } /* Find the first instance that n occurs in the array and remove it. Shift the rest of the elements down and return the value of n. If n is not in the array, return -1 */ public String fremove(String n) { for (int i=0; i<numItems; i++){ if (data[i].equals(n)){ remove(i); return n; } } return "NOT HERE"; } //ToString returns the array followed by the number of items public String toString() { String s = Arrays.toString(data)+" : "+numItems; return s; } }