/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2004-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.geometry.iso.operations; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.geotools.geometry.GeometryBuilder; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.aggregate.MultiCurveImpl; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.aggregate.MultiPointImpl; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.aggregate.MultiSurfaceImpl; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.io.wkt.ParseException; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.io.wkt.WKTReader; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.primitive.CurveImpl; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.primitive.PointImpl; import org.geotools.geometry.iso.primitive.SurfaceImpl; import org.geotools.referencing.crs.DefaultGeographicCRS; import org.opengis.geometry.primitive.OrientableCurve; import org.opengis.geometry.primitive.OrientableSurface; import org.opengis.geometry.primitive.Point; import org.opengis.referencing.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem; /** * * * @source $URL$ */ public class CentroidTest extends TestCase { private GeometryBuilder builder = null; private CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = null; public void testMain() { // === 2D === this.builder = new GeometryBuilder(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84); this.crs = DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84; // Test Points and MultiPoints this._testPoints2D(); // Test Curves, MultiCurves and CurveBoundaries this._testCurves2D(); // Test Surfaces, MultiSurfaces, SurfaceBoundaries and Rings this._testSurfaces2D(); // === 3D === this.builder.setCoordinateReferenceSystem(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84_3D); this.crs = DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84_3D; // Test Points and MultiPoints this._testPoints3D(); // Test Curves, MultiCurves and CurveBoundaries this._testCurves3D(); } private void _testPoints2D() { double res[] = null; // Point res = this.createPointA().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(res[0] == 30.0); assertTrue(res[1] == 50.0); res = this.createPointB().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(res[0] == 100.0); assertTrue(res[1] == 120.0); // MultiPoint res = this.createMultiPointA().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(res[0] == 67.5); assertTrue(res[1] == 50.0); } private void _testPoints3D() { double res[] = null; // Point res = this.createPointA3D().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(res[0] == 30.0); assertTrue(res[1] == 50.0); assertTrue(res[2] == 10.0); res = this.createPointB3D().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(res[0] == 100.0); assertTrue(res[1] == 120.0); assertTrue(res[2] == 20.0); // MultiPoint res = this.createMultiPointA3D().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); ////System.out.println(this.createMultiPointA3D().getCentroid()); assertTrue(Math.round(res[0] * 100) == 6667); assertTrue(Math.round(res[1] * 100) == 6333); assertTrue(Math.round(res[2] * 100) == 1833); } private void _testCurves2D() { double res[] = null; // Curve res = this.createCurveA().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); //System.out.println(Math.round(res[0] * 1000)); assertTrue(Math.round(res[0] * 1000) == 58146); assertTrue(Math.round(res[1] * 100) == 8811); res = this.createCurveB().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(res[0] == 55); assertTrue(res[1] == 20); res = this.createCurveC().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(res[0] == 40); assertTrue(res[1] == 35); res = this.createCurveD().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(res[0] == 92.5); assertTrue(res[1] == 27.5); res = this.createCurveX().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(Math.round(res[0] * 100) == 4263); assertTrue(Math.round(res[1] * 100) == 13986); // MultiCurve res = this.createMultiCurveA().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(Math.round(res[0] * 100) == 6025); assertTrue(Math.round(res[1] * 100) == 6766); // CurveBoundary res = this.createCurveA().getBoundary().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(res[0] == 20); assertTrue(res[1] == 80); } private void _testCurves3D() { } private void _testSurfaces2D() { double res[] = null; // Surface res = this.createSurfaceX().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(res[0] == 50); assertTrue(res[1] == 50); res = this.createSurfaceAwithoutHole().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(Math.round(res[0] * 1000) == 82161); assertTrue(Math.round(res[1] * 100) == 9122); res = this.createSurfaceAwithHole().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(Math.round(res[0] * 1000) == 81309); assertTrue(Math.round(res[1] * 100) == 9167); res = this.createSurfaceAwithTwoHoles().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(Math.round(res[0] * 1000) == 82692); assertTrue(Math.round(res[1] * 100) == 9106); res = this.createSurfaceBwithoutHole().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(Math.round(res[0] * 1000) == 135734); assertTrue(Math.round(res[1] * 100) == 6977); // MultiSurface res = this.createMultiSurfaceA().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(Math.round(res[0] * 10) == 1068); assertTrue(Math.round(res[1] * 1000) == 81357); // SurfaceBoundary res = this.createSurfaceAwithoutHole().getBoundary().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); assertTrue(Math.round(res[0] * 1000) == 82178); assertTrue(Math.round(res[1] * 1000) == 91658); // Ring res = this.createSurfaceAwithoutHole().getBoundary().getExterior().getCentroid().getCoordinate(); ////System.out.println(this.createSurfaceAwithoutHole().getBoundary().getExterior().getCentroid()); assertTrue(Math.round(res[0] * 1000) == 82178); assertTrue(Math.round(res[1] * 1000) == 91658); } private PointImpl createPointFromWKT(String aWKTpoint) { PointImpl rPoint = null; WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader(this.crs); try { rPoint = (PointImpl) wktReader.read(aWKTpoint); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rPoint; } private CurveImpl createCurveFromWKT(String aWKTcurve) { CurveImpl rCurve = null; WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader(this.crs); try { rCurve = (CurveImpl) wktReader.read(aWKTcurve); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rCurve; } private SurfaceImpl createSurfaceFromWKT(String aWKTsurface) { SurfaceImpl rSurface = null; WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader(this.crs); try { rSurface = (SurfaceImpl) wktReader.read(aWKTsurface); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rSurface; } private PointImpl createPointA() { String wktPoint = "POINT(30 50)"; return this.createPointFromWKT(wktPoint); } private PointImpl createPointA3D() { String wktPoint = "POINT(30 50 10)"; return this.createPointFromWKT(wktPoint); } private PointImpl createPointB() { String wktPoint = "POINT(100 120)"; return this.createPointFromWKT(wktPoint); } private PointImpl createPointB3D() { String wktPoint = "POINT(100 120 20)"; return this.createPointFromWKT(wktPoint); } private PointImpl createPointC() { String wktPoint = "POINT(70 20)"; return this.createPointFromWKT(wktPoint); } private PointImpl createPointC3D() { String wktPoint = "POINT(70 20 25)"; return this.createPointFromWKT(wktPoint); } private PointImpl createPointD() { String wktPoint = "POINT(70 10)"; return this.createPointFromWKT(wktPoint); } private MultiPointImpl createMultiPointA() { Set<Point> points = new HashSet<Point>(); points.add(this.createPointA()); points.add(this.createPointB()); points.add(this.createPointC()); points.add(this.createPointD()); return (MultiPointImpl) new MultiPointImpl(crs, points); //this.factory.getAggregateFactory().createMultiPoint(points); } private MultiPointImpl createMultiPointA3D() { Set<Point> points = new HashSet<Point>(); points.add(this.createPointA3D()); points.add(this.createPointB3D()); points.add(this.createPointC3D()); return (MultiPointImpl) this.builder.getAggregateFactory().createMultiPoint(points); } private CurveImpl createCurveA() { String wktCurve1 = "CURVE(30 20, 10 50, 100 120, 100 70, 10 140)"; return this.createCurveFromWKT(wktCurve1); } private CurveImpl createCurveB() { String wktCurve1 = "CURVE(30 20, 50 20, 80 20)"; return this.createCurveFromWKT(wktCurve1); } private CurveImpl createCurveC() { String wktCurve1 = "CURVE(40 60, 40 30, 40 10)"; return this.createCurveFromWKT(wktCurve1); } private CurveImpl createCurveD() { String wktCurve1 = "CURVE(70 20, 100 20, 100 50)"; return this.createCurveFromWKT(wktCurve1); } private CurveImpl createCurveX() { String wktCurve1 = "CURVE(70 20, 100 20, 100 50, 120 60, 130 80, 120 90, 130 100, 140 110, 200 220, -50 220, -60 210, -120 100, 0 0)"; return this.createCurveFromWKT(wktCurve1); } private MultiCurveImpl createMultiCurveA() { Set<OrientableCurve> curves = new HashSet<OrientableCurve>(); curves.add(this.createCurveA()); curves.add(this.createCurveB()); curves.add(this.createCurveC()); curves.add(this.createCurveD()); return (MultiCurveImpl) this.builder.getAggregateFactory().createMultiCurve(curves); } private SurfaceImpl createSurfaceAwithoutHole() { String wktSurface1 = "SURFACE ((10 90, 30 50, 70 30, 120 40, 150 70, 150 120, 100 150, 30 140, 10 90))"; return this.createSurfaceFromWKT(wktSurface1); } private SurfaceImpl createSurfaceAwithHole() { String wktSurface1 = "SURFACE ((10 90, 30 50, 70 30, 120 40, 150 70, 150 120, 100 150, 30 140, 10 90), (90 60, 110 100, 120 90, 100 60, 90 60))"; return this.createSurfaceFromWKT(wktSurface1); } private SurfaceImpl createSurfaceAwithTwoHoles() { String wktSurface1 = "SURFACE ((10 90, 30 50, 70 30, 120 40, 150 70, 150 120, 100 150, 30 140, 10 90), (90 60, 110 100, 120 90, 100 60, 90 60), (30 100, 30 120, 50 120, 50 100, 30 100))"; return this.createSurfaceFromWKT(wktSurface1); } private SurfaceImpl createSurfaceBwithoutHole() { // Clockwise oriented String wktSurface1 = "SURFACE ((100 10, 70 50, 90 100, 160 140, 200 90, 170 20, 100 10))"; return this.createSurfaceFromWKT(wktSurface1); } private SurfaceImpl createSurfaceX() { String wktSurface1 = "SURFACE ((0 0, 100 0, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0))"; return this.createSurfaceFromWKT(wktSurface1); } private MultiSurfaceImpl createMultiSurfaceA() { Set<OrientableSurface> surfaces = new HashSet<OrientableSurface>(); surfaces.add(this.createSurfaceAwithoutHole()); surfaces.add(this.createSurfaceBwithoutHole()); return (MultiSurfaceImpl) this.builder.getAggregateFactory().createMultiSurface(surfaces); } }