package org.geotools.api; import; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import org.geotools.feature.NameImpl; import org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQL; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; public class DataStoreExamples { DataStore dataStore = null; SimpleFeatureSource featureSource = null; void exampleInfo() { // exampleInfo start ServiceInfo info = dataStore.getInfo(); // Human readable name and description String title = info.getTitle(); String text = info.getDescription(); // keywords (dublin core keywords like a web page) Set<String> keywords = info.getKeywords(); // formal metadata URI publisher = info.getPublisher(); // authority publishing data URI schema = info.getSchema(); // used for data conforming to a standard URI source = info.getSource(); // location where information is published from // exampleInfo end } void exampleCreateSchema() throws Exception { // exampleCreateSchema start SimpleFeatureType schema = DataUtilities.createType("LINE", "centerline:LineString,name:\"\",id:0"); dataStore.createSchema( schema ); // exampleCreateSchema end } void exampleRemoveSchema() throws Exception { // exampleRemoveSchema start Name schemaName = new NameImpl("myTable"); dataStore.removeSchema(schemaName); // exampleRemoveSchema end } void exampleAllCount() throws Exception { // all start int count = featureSource.getCount( Query.ALL ); if( count == -1 ){ count = featureSource.getFeatures().size(); } // all end } void exampleQueryCount() throws Exception { // count start Query query = new Query( "typeName", CQL.toFilter("REGION = 3") ); int count = featureSource.getCount( query ); if( count == -1 ){ count = featureSource.getFeatures( query ).size(); } // count end } }