/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2006-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.graph.util.delaunay; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import org.geotools.graph.structure.Graph; import org.geotools.graph.structure.basic.BasicGraph; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression; /** * * @author jfc173 * * * * @source $URL$ */ public class PoissonClusterer { private static double threshold = 1.0E-10; /** Creates a new instance of PoissonClusterer */ public PoissonClusterer() { } public static Graph findClusters(Graph incoming, Expression base, Expression target, double meanRate, int distance){ Collection nodes = incoming.getNodes(); Iterator nodeIt = nodes.iterator(); Vector clusterNodes = new Vector(); Vector clusterEdges = new Vector(); System.out.println("x, y, actual, expected, probability"); while (nodeIt.hasNext()){ DelaunayNode next = (DelaunayNode) nodeIt.next(); SimpleFeature nextFeature = next.getFeature(); Object baseObj = base.evaluate(nextFeature); if (!(baseObj instanceof Number)){ throw new RuntimeException("Expression " + base + " must evaluate to a number on feature " + nextFeature); } Object targetObj = target.evaluate(nextFeature); if (!(targetObj instanceof Number)){ throw new RuntimeException("Expression " + target + " must evaluate to a number on feature " + nextFeature); } double totalBase = ((Number) baseObj).doubleValue(); double totalTarget = ((Number) targetObj).doubleValue(); Collection newEdges = new Vector(); Vector newNodes = new Vector(); newNodes.add(next); if (distance == 1){ newEdges = next.getEdges(); // System.out.println("this node has " + newEdges.size() + " edges"); Iterator edgeIt = newEdges.iterator(); Vector removals = new Vector(); while (edgeIt.hasNext()){ DelaunayEdge nextEdge = (DelaunayEdge) edgeIt.next(); if (nextEdge.getEuclideanDistance() > 30){ removals.add(nextEdge); } else { DelaunayNode neighbor = (DelaunayNode) nextEdge.getOtherNode(next); if (neighbor == null){ throw new RuntimeException("We have a problem. " + next + " and " + neighbor + " should be neighbors via " + nextEdge + ", but aren't."); } SimpleFeature neighborFeature = neighbor.getFeature(); newNodes.add(neighbor); Object neighborsBaseObj = base.evaluate(nextFeature); if (!(baseObj instanceof Number)){ throw new RuntimeException("Expression " + base + " must evaluate to a number on feature " + neighborFeature); } Object neighborsTargetObj = target.evaluate(nextFeature); if (!(targetObj instanceof Number)){ throw new RuntimeException("Expression " + target + " must evaluate to a number on feature " + neighborFeature); } totalBase = totalBase + ((Number) baseObj).doubleValue(); totalTarget = totalTarget + ((Number) targetObj).doubleValue(); } } newEdges.removeAll(removals); } else { for (int i = 0; i <= distance; i++){ Iterator nodeIt2 = newNodes.iterator(); Vector nodesToAdd = new Vector(); Vector edgesToAdd = new Vector(); while (nodeIt2.hasNext()){ DelaunayNode next2 = (DelaunayNode) nodeIt2.next(); // System.out.println("expanding from " + next2); Collection edges = next2.getEdges(); // System.out.println("its edges are " + edges); newEdges.addAll(edges); Iterator another = edges.iterator(); while (another.hasNext()){ DelaunayEdge nextEdge = (DelaunayEdge) another.next(); DelaunayNode farNode = (DelaunayNode) nextEdge.getOtherNode(next2); // System.out.println("checking " + farNode + " in " + newNodes); if (!(newNodes.contains(farNode))){ nodesToAdd.add(farNode); edgesToAdd.add(nextEdge); // System.out.println("adding node " + farNode + " and edge " + nextEdge); } } } newNodes.addAll(nodesToAdd); newEdges.addAll(edgesToAdd); } // System.out.println("I've got " + newNodes + " and "); // System.out.println(newEdges); totalBase = totalTarget = 0; Iterator newNodeIt = newNodes.iterator(); while (newNodeIt.hasNext()){ DelaunayNode nextNode = (DelaunayNode) newNodeIt.next(); SimpleFeature nextFeature2 = nextNode.getFeature(); Object neighborsBaseObj = base.evaluate(nextFeature2); if (!(baseObj instanceof Number)){ throw new RuntimeException("Expression " + base + " must evaluate to a number on feature " + nextFeature2); } Object neighborsTargetObj = target.evaluate(nextFeature2); if (!(targetObj instanceof Number)){ throw new RuntimeException("Expression " + target + " must evaluate to a number on feature " + nextFeature2); } totalBase = totalBase + ((Number) baseObj).doubleValue(); totalTarget = totalTarget + ((Number) targetObj).doubleValue(); } } double expectedTarget = meanRate * totalBase; double top = ((Math.pow(Math.E,(0 - expectedTarget)) * (Math.pow(expectedTarget, totalTarget)))); double bottom = fact((int) Math.round(totalTarget)); double poissonProb = top/bottom; // System.out.println("testing " + newNodes); // System.out.println("testing " + newEdges); System.out.println(next.getCoordinate().x + ", " + next.getCoordinate().y + ", " + totalTarget + ", " + expectedTarget + ", " + poissonProb); if (poissonProb < threshold){ clusterNodes.addAll(newNodes); clusterEdges.addAll(newEdges); } } //end while (nodeIt.hasNext()) return new BasicGraph(clusterNodes, clusterEdges); } private static double iterFact(int i, int f){ if ((i == 0) || (i == 1)){ return f; } else { return iterFact(i-1, i*f); } } public static double fact(int i){ return iterFact(i, 1); } }