/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.jdbc; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import org.opengis.referencing.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; /** * Java Bean for pyramid level information. For each pyramid and the original * image, there is one ImageLevelInfo object * * @author mcr * * * * @source $URL$ */ public class ImageLevelInfo implements Comparable<ImageLevelInfo> { /** * Flag if ImageIO.read(InputStream in) does not return a null pointer */ private boolean canImageIOReadFromInputStream =true; /** * The Coordinate Reference System stored in the sql database (if supported) */ private CoordinateReferenceSystem crs; /** * The Spatial Reference System Id if the used database supports it */ private Integer srsId; /** * The name of the coverage, stored in the master table */ private String coverageName; /** * minimum X value of the covered extent */ private Double extentMinX; /** * minimum Y value of the covered extent */ private Double extentMinY; /** * maximum X value of the covered extent */ private Double extentMaxX; /** * maximu Y value of the covered extent */ private Double extentMaxY; /** * resolution of the x axis */ private Double resX; /** * resolution of the y axis */ private Double resY; /** * table name where to find the images */ private String tileTableName; /** * table name where to find georeferencing information */ private String spatialTableName; /** * the number of entries in the spatial table */ private Integer countFeature; /** * the number of entries in the tiles table */ private Integer countTiles; /** * storing resolutionX and resolution Y as array, for convinience */ private double[] resolution = null; /** * storing the extent as envelope, for convinience */ private Envelope envelope = null; private Number noDataValue; public String getCoverageName() { return coverageName; } public void setCoverageName(String coverageName) { this.coverageName = coverageName; } public Double getExtentMaxX() { return extentMaxX; } public void setExtentMaxX(Double extentMaxX) { this.extentMaxX = extentMaxX; envelope = null; } public Double getExtentMaxY() { return extentMaxY; } public void setExtentMaxY(Double extentMaxY) { this.extentMaxY = extentMaxY; envelope = null; } public Double getExtentMinX() { return extentMinX; } public void setExtentMinX(Double extentMinX) { this.extentMinX = extentMinX; envelope = null; } public Double getExtentMinY() { return extentMinY; } public void setExtentMinY(Double extentMinY) { this.extentMinY = extentMinY; envelope = null; } public Double getResX() { return resX; } public void setResX(Double resX) { this.resX = resX; resolution = null; } public Double getResY() { return resY; } public void setResY(Double resY) { this.resY = resY; resolution = null; } public String getSpatialTableName() { return spatialTableName; } public void setSpatialTableName(String spatialTableName) { this.spatialTableName = spatialTableName; } public String getTileTableName() { return tileTableName; } public void setTileTableName(String tileTableName) { this.tileTableName = tileTableName; } @Override public String toString() { return "Coverage: " + getCoverageName() + ":" + getSpatialTableName() + ":" + getTileTableName(); } public int compareTo(ImageLevelInfo other) { int res = 0; if ((res = getCoverageName().compareTo(other.getCoverageName())) != 0) { return res; } if ((res = getResX().compareTo(other.getResX())) != 0) { return res; } if ((res = getResY().compareTo(other.getResY())) != 0) { return res; } return 0; } public double[] getResolution() { if (resolution != null) { return resolution; } resolution = new double[2]; if (getResX() != null) { resolution[0] = getResX().doubleValue(); } if (getResY() != null) { resolution[1] = getResY().doubleValue(); } return resolution; } public Envelope getEnvelope() { if (envelope != null) { return envelope; } if ((getExtentMaxX() == null) || (getExtentMaxY() == null) || (getExtentMinX() == null) || (getExtentMinY() == null)) { return null; } envelope = new Envelope(getExtentMinX().doubleValue(), getExtentMaxX() .doubleValue(), getExtentMinY().doubleValue(), getExtentMaxY() .doubleValue()); return envelope; } public Integer getCountFeature() { return countFeature; } public void setCountFeature(Integer countFeature) { this.countFeature = countFeature; } public Integer getCountTiles() { return countTiles; } public void setCountTiles(Integer countTiles) { this.countTiles = countTiles; } public CoordinateReferenceSystem getCrs() { return crs; } public void setCrs(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) { this.crs = crs; } public boolean calculateResolutionNeeded() { return (getResX() == null) || (getResY() == null); } public boolean calculateExtentsNeeded() { return (getExtentMaxX() == null) || (getExtentMaxY() == null) || (getExtentMinX() == null) || (getExtentMinY() == null); } public String infoString() { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(bout); w.print("Coveragename: "); w.println(getCoverageName()); if (getCrs() != null) { w.print("CoordinateRefernceSystem: "); w.println(getCrs().getName()); } if (getSrsId() != null) { w.print("SRS_ID: "); w.println(getSrsId()); } w.print("Envelope: "); w.println(getEnvelope()); w.print("Resolution X: "); w.println(getResX()); w.print("Resolution Y: "); w.println(getResY()); w.print("Tiletable: "); w.print(getTileTableName()); if (getCountTiles() != null) { w.print(" #tiles: "); w.println(getCountTiles()); } w.print(" Spatialtable: "); w.print(getSpatialTableName()); if (getCountFeature() != null) { w.print(" #geometries: "); w.println(getCountFeature()); } w.close(); return bout.toString(); } public Integer getSrsId() { return srsId; } public void setSrsId(Integer srsId) { this.srsId = srsId; } public boolean isImplementedAsTableSplit() { return getSpatialTableName().equals(getTileTableName()) == false; } public boolean getCanImageIOReadFromInputStream() { return canImageIOReadFromInputStream; } public void setCanImageIOReadFromInputStream( boolean canImageIOReadFromInputStream) { this.canImageIOReadFromInputStream = canImageIOReadFromInputStream; } public Number getNoDataValue() { return noDataValue; } public void setNoDataValue(Number noDataValue) { this.noDataValue = noDataValue; } }