/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2002-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.filter.text.commons; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.geotools.filter.IllegalFilterException; import org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQLException; import org.geotools.referencing.crs.DefaultGeographicCRS; import org.opengis.filter.And; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory; import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory2; import org.opengis.filter.Not; import org.opengis.filter.Or; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsBetween; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsEqualTo; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsGreaterThan; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsLessThan; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsLike; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsNull; import org.opengis.filter.expression.BinaryExpression; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Function; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal; import org.opengis.filter.expression.PropertyName; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.BinarySpatialOperator; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.DistanceBufferOperator; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.After; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.Before; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.During; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.TEquals; import org.opengis.temporal.Period; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; import com.vividsolutions.jts.io.WKTReader; /** * * This abstract class provides the common behavior to build the filters for the related * semantic actions of parsing language process. * * <p> * Builds Filter or Expression and their components (literal, functions, etc). * It maintains the results of semantic actions in the stack used to build complex * filters and expressions. * </p> * * <p> * Warning: This component is not published. It is part of module implementation. * Client module should not use this feature. * </p> * * @author Mauricio Pazos (Axios Engineering) * @since 2.6 * * * * @source $URL$ */ public abstract class AbstractFilterBuilder { /** * Pattern for matching date time strings with capturing groups for date, time, and timezone. */ static Pattern DATETIME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "(\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2})?" + "(?:T?(\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(?:\\.\\d+)?))?" + "(Z|(?:[+-]\\d{2}(?:\\:?\\d{2})?))?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); /** * Pattern for matching if a time zone specified as offset. */ static Pattern TZOFFSET_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[+-]\\d{2}(?:\\d{2})"); private final FilterFactory filterFactory; private final BuildResultStack resultStack; protected final String cqlSource; /** * New instance of FilterBuilder * @param cqlSource * @param filterFactory */ public AbstractFilterBuilder(final String cqlSource, final FilterFactory filterFactory){ assert cqlSource != null: "illegal argument"; assert filterFactory != null: "illegal argument"; this.cqlSource = cqlSource; this.filterFactory = filterFactory; this.resultStack = new BuildResultStack(cqlSource); } protected FilterFactory getFilterFactory(){ return this.filterFactory; } protected final BuildResultStack getResultStack(){ return this.resultStack; } protected final String getStatement(){ return this.cqlSource; } /** * Adds in the result stack the partial result associated to node. * @param built partial result * @param token * @param type node associated to partial result */ public void pushResult(final Result result) { this.resultStack.push(result); } public Result peekResult() { return this.resultStack.peek(); } public Filter getFilter() throws CQLException { return resultStack.popFilter(); } public Expression getExpression() throws CQLException { return resultStack.popExpression(); } public List<Filter> getFilterList() throws CQLException { int size = resultStack.size(); List<Filter> results = new ArrayList<Filter>(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Result item = this.resultStack.popResult(); Filter result = (Filter)item.getBuilt(); results.add(0, result); } return results; } public BinaryExpression buildAddExpression() throws CQLException { Expression right = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Expression left = this.resultStack.popExpression(); return filterFactory.add(left, right); } public BinaryExpression buildSubtractExression() throws CQLException { Expression right = this.resultStack .popExpression(); Expression left = this.resultStack .popExpression(); return filterFactory.subtract(left, right); } public BinaryExpression buildMultiplyExpression() throws CQLException { Expression right = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Expression left = this.resultStack.popExpression(); return filterFactory.multiply(left, right); } public BinaryExpression buildDivideExpression() throws CQLException { Expression right = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Expression left = this.resultStack.popExpression(); return filterFactory.divide(left, right); } public Filter buildAndFilter() throws CQLException { Filter right = this.resultStack.popFilter(); Filter left = this.resultStack.popFilter(); Filter logicFilter = null; if (Filter.INCLUDE.equals(right)) { logicFilter = left; } else if (Filter.INCLUDE.equals(left)) { logicFilter = right; } else if (Filter.EXCLUDE.equals(right) || Filter.EXCLUDE.equals(left)) { logicFilter = Filter.EXCLUDE; } else { logicFilter = filterFactory.and(left, right); } return logicFilter; } public Filter buildOrFilter() throws CQLException { Filter right = this.resultStack.popFilter(); Filter left = this.resultStack.popFilter(); Filter logicFilter = null; if (Filter.INCLUDE.equals(right) || Filter.INCLUDE.equals(left)) { logicFilter = Filter.INCLUDE; } else if (Filter.EXCLUDE.equals(left)) { logicFilter = right; } else if (Filter.EXCLUDE.equals(right)) { logicFilter = left; } else { logicFilter = filterFactory.or(left, right); } return logicFilter; } public Filter buildNotFilter() throws CQLException { Filter right = this.resultStack.popFilter(); Filter logicFilter = null; if (Filter.INCLUDE.equals(right)) { logicFilter = Filter.EXCLUDE; } else if (Filter.EXCLUDE.equals(right)) { logicFilter = Filter.INCLUDE; } else { logicFilter = filterFactory.not(right); } return logicFilter; } /** * Builds a like filter * * @matchCase * * @return a PropertyIsLike * @throws CQLException */ public PropertyIsLike buildLikeFilter(boolean matchCase) throws CQLException { final String WC_MULTI = "%"; final String WC_SINGLE = "_"; final String ESCAPE = "\\"; try { org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression pattern = this.resultStack .popExpression(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression expr = this.resultStack .popExpression(); PropertyIsLike f = filterFactory.like(expr, pattern.toString(), WC_MULTI, WC_SINGLE, ESCAPE, matchCase); return f; } catch (IllegalFilterException ife) { throw new CQLException("Exception building LikeFilter: " + ife.getMessage(), this.cqlSource); } } /** * Builds property is null filter * * @return PropertyIsNull * @throws CQLException */ public PropertyIsNull buildPropertyIsNull() throws CQLException { try { org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression property = this.resultStack .popExpression(); PropertyIsNull filter = filterFactory.isNull(property); return filter; } catch (CQLException e) { throw new CQLException("Exception building Null Predicate", this.cqlSource); } } public Not buildPorpertyNotIsNull() throws CQLException { return filterFactory.not( this.buildPropertyIsNull() ); } /** * builds PropertyIsBetween filter * * @return PropertyIsBetween * @throws CQLException */ public PropertyIsBetween buildBetween() throws CQLException { try { org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression sup = this.resultStack .popExpression(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression inf = this.resultStack .popExpression(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression expr = this.resultStack .popExpression(); PropertyIsBetween filter = filterFactory.between(expr, inf, sup); return filter; } catch (IllegalFilterException ife) { throw new CQLException("Exception building CompareFilter: "+ ife.getMessage(), this.cqlSource); } } public Not buildNotBetween() throws CQLException { return filterFactory.not(buildBetween()); } public Not buildNotLikeFilter(boolean matchCase) throws CQLException { Not filter = filterFactory.not(buildLikeFilter(matchCase)); return filter; } /** * Creates PropertyIsEqualTo with PropertyExists predicate * * @return PropertyIsEqualTo * @throws CQLException */ public PropertyIsEqualTo buildPropertyExists() throws CQLException { PropertyName property = this.resultStack.popPropertyName(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression[] args = new org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression[1]; args[0] = filterFactory.literal(property); Function function = filterFactory.function("PropertyExists", args); Literal literalTrue = filterFactory.literal(Boolean.TRUE); PropertyIsEqualTo propExistsFilter = filterFactory.equals(function, literalTrue); return propExistsFilter; } public Literal buildDateExpression(final IToken token) throws CQLException { return asLiteralDate(token.toString()); } /** * Creates a literal with date time * * @param token with date time * @return Literal * @throws CQLException */ public Literal buildDateTimeExpression(final IToken token) throws CQLException { return asLiteralDateTime(token.toString()); } private Literal asLiteralDate(final String cqlDate) throws CQLException { try { String strDate = extractDate(cqlDate); String strTimeZone = extractTimeZone(cqlDate); return asLiteralTemporal(strDate, null, strTimeZone); } catch (java.text.ParseException e) { throw new CQLException("Unsupported date time format: " + e.getMessage(), this.cqlSource); } } /** * Transforms the cqlDateTime to a literal date. * @param cqlDateTime a string with the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.s[(+|-)HH:mm] * @return a literal Date * @throws CQLException */ private Literal asLiteralDateTime(final String cqlDateTime) throws CQLException { try { final String strDate = extractDate(cqlDateTime); final String strTime = extractTime(cqlDateTime); String timeZoneOffset = extractTimeZone(cqlDateTime); return asLiteralTemporal(strDate, strTime, timeZoneOffset); } catch (java.text.ParseException e) { throw new CQLException("Unsupported date time format: " + e.getMessage(), this.cqlSource); } } private Literal asLiteralTemporal(String strDate, String strTime, String timeZoneOffset) throws ParseException { StringBuilder format = new StringBuilder("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (strTime != null && !"".equals(strTime)) { format.append(" HH:mm:ss"); if (strTime.contains(".")) { //includes milliseconds format.append(".SSS"); } } TimeZone tz = null; if (timeZoneOffset != null && !"".equals(timeZoneOffset)) { if ("Z".equals(timeZoneOffset)) { // it is Zulu or 0000 zone (old syntax) timeZoneOffset = "GMT+00:00"; } else { timeZoneOffset = "GMT"+timeZoneOffset; } tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneOffset); } else { // the time zone offset wasn't specified then the time zone is that provided by the host tz = TimeZone.getDefault(); } DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format.toString()); formatter.setTimeZone(tz); Date date; if (!"".equals(strTime)) { date = formatter.parse(strDate + " " + strTime); } else { date = formatter.parse(strDate); } Literal literalDate = filterFactory.literal(date); return literalDate; } /** * Extracts the time zone from the parameter * * @param cqlDateTime * @return String with the time zone */ private String extractTimeZone(final String cqlDateTime) throws CQLException { Matcher m = DATETIME_PATTERN.matcher(cqlDateTime); if (m.matches()) { return m.group(3) != null ? m.group(3).toUpperCase() : ""; } return ""; } /** * Remove the ":". The Z format is [sign]hhmm * @param cqlTimeZone [sign]hh:mm * @return [sign]hhmm */ private String toTimeZone(final String cqlTimeZone) { String[] str = cqlTimeZone.split(":"); assert str.length == 2; return str[0].concat(str[1]); } /** * Extracts the time * * @param cqlDateTime * @return the time or a null string */ private String extractTime(String cqlDateTime) { Matcher m = DATETIME_PATTERN.matcher(cqlDateTime); if (m.matches()) { assert m.group(2) != null; return m.group(2); } assert false; return null; } /** * Extracts the Date from cql date time * * @param cqlDateTime * @return String with the date */ private String extractDate(final String cqlDateTime) { Matcher m = DATETIME_PATTERN.matcher(cqlDateTime); if (m.matches()) { assert m.group(1) != null; return m.group(1); } assert false; return null; } public Not buildNotFilter(Filter eq) { return filterFactory.not(eq); } public Literal buildTrueLiteral() { return filterFactory.literal(Boolean.TRUE); } public Literal buildFalseLiteral() { return filterFactory.literal(Boolean.FALSE); } public Literal buildLiteralInteger(final String tokenImage) { return filterFactory.literal(Long.parseLong(tokenImage)); } public Literal buildLiteralDouble(final String tokenImage) { return filterFactory.literal(Double.parseDouble(tokenImage)); } public Literal buildLiteralString(final String tokenImage) { String strLiteral = removeQuotes(tokenImage); return filterFactory.literal(strLiteral); } /** * Removes initial and final "'" from string. If some "''" is found * it will be changed by a single quote "'". * * @param source * @return string without initial and final quote, and "''" replaced * by "'". */ protected String removeQuotes(final String source){ // checks if it has initial an final quote final String quote = "'"; if( !( source.startsWith(quote) && source.endsWith(quote)) ){ return source; } int length = source.length(); // removes the first and last quote String result = source.substring(1,length -1); // removes internal quotes result = result.replaceAll("''", "'"); return result; } public String buildIdentifier(final int nodeIdentifier) throws CQLException { // precondition: the stack have one or more identifier part parts try { // retrieves all part of identifier from result stack ArrayList<String> arrayParts = new ArrayList<String>(); while (this.resultStack.size() > 0) { Result r = this.resultStack.peek(); if (r.getNodeType() != nodeIdentifier) { break; } String part = this.resultStack.popIdentifierPart(); part = removeFirstAndLastDoubleQuote(part); arrayParts.add(part); } assert arrayParts.size() >= 1 : "postcondition: the list of identifier part must have one or more elements "; // makes the identifier StringBuffer identifier = new StringBuffer(100); String part; int i = 0; for (i = arrayParts.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { part = (String) arrayParts.get(i); identifier.append(part).append(":"); } assert i== 0; part = arrayParts.get(i); identifier.append(part); return identifier.toString(); } catch (CQLException e) { throw new CQLException("Fail builing identifier: " + e.getMessage(), this.cqlSource); } } /** * Creates the identifier part. An identifier like "idpart1:idpart2:idpart3: * ... idpartN" has N part. * * @return identifier part */ public String buildIdentifierPart(IToken token) { String part = token.toString(); return part; } /** * Removes the initial and final double quote. If the source string has not double quotes the * source is returned without changes. * @param source * @return the source without double quotes (initial and final) */ private String removeFirstAndLastDoubleQuote(String source) { // checks if it has initial an final quote final String doubleQuote = "\""; if( !( source.startsWith(doubleQuote) && source.endsWith(doubleQuote)) ){ return source; // return without changes } // removes the first and last quote String result = source.substring(1,source.length() -1); return result; } public PropertyName buildSimpleAttribute() throws CQLException { // Only retrieve the identifier built before String identifier = this.resultStack.popIdentifier(); PropertyName property = filterFactory.property(identifier); return property; } /** * * @param nodeSimpleAttr * @param nodeAttrSeparator * @return PropertyName * @throws CQLException */ public PropertyName buildCompoundAttribute(final int nodeSimpleAttr, final String nodeAttrSeparator ) throws CQLException { ArrayList<String> arrayIdentifiers = new ArrayList<String>(); // precondition: stack has one or more simple attributes while (this.resultStack.size() > 0) { Result r = this.resultStack.peek(); if (r.getNodeType() !=nodeSimpleAttr ) { break; } PropertyName simpleAttribute = this.resultStack.popPropertyName(); arrayIdentifiers.add(simpleAttribute.getPropertyName()); } // postcondition: array has one or more simple attribute StringBuffer attribute = new StringBuffer(100); int i = 0; for (i = arrayIdentifiers.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { attribute.append(arrayIdentifiers.get(i)); attribute.append(nodeAttrSeparator); } attribute.append(arrayIdentifiers.get(i)); PropertyName property = filterFactory.property(attribute.toString()); return property; } public Literal buildDistanceUnit(IToken token) throws CQLException { Literal unit = null; unit = filterFactory.literal(token.toString()); return unit; } public Literal buildTolerance() throws CQLException { Literal tolerance = null; try { tolerance = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); return tolerance; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new CQLException("Unsupported number format",this.cqlSource); } } public BinarySpatialOperator buildSpatialEqualFilter() throws CQLException { Literal geom = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); Expression property = this.resultStack.popExpression(); FilterFactory2 ff = (FilterFactory2) filterFactory; // TODO this cast must be removed. It depends of Geometry implementation return ff.equal(property, geom); } public BinarySpatialOperator buildSpatialDisjointFilter() throws CQLException { Literal geom = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); Expression property = this.resultStack.popExpression(); FilterFactory2 ff = (FilterFactory2) filterFactory; // TODO this cast must be removed. It depends of Geometry implementation return ff.disjoint(property, geom); } public BinarySpatialOperator buildSpatialIntersectsFilter() throws CQLException { Literal geom = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); Expression property = this.resultStack.popExpression(); FilterFactory2 ff = (FilterFactory2) filterFactory; // TODO this cast must be removed. It depends of Geometry implementation return ff.intersects(property, geom); } public PropertyIsEqualTo buildSpatialRelateFilter() throws CQLException { Literal pattern = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); Literal geometry = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); PropertyName property = this.resultStack.popPropertyName(); FilterFactory2 ff = (FilterFactory2) filterFactory; Expression[] args = new Expression[] { property, geometry, pattern }; Function function = filterFactory.function("relatePattern", args); assert function != null: "a relatePattern function is expected"; PropertyIsEqualTo filter = ff.equals(function, ff.literal(true)); return filter; } /** * Build the intersection matrix pattern * * @param patternToken * @return */ public Literal buildDE9IM(final String tokenImage){ Literal literal = filterFactory.literal(tokenImage); return literal; } public BinarySpatialOperator buildSpatialTouchesFilter() throws CQLException { Literal geom = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); Expression property = this.resultStack.popExpression(); FilterFactory2 ff = (FilterFactory2) filterFactory; // TODO this cast must be removed. It depends of Geometry implementation return ff.touches(property, geom); } public BinarySpatialOperator buildSpatialCrossesFilter() throws CQLException { Literal geom = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); Expression property = this.resultStack.popExpression(); FilterFactory2 ff = (FilterFactory2) filterFactory; // TODO this cast must be removed. It depends of Geometry implementation return ff.crosses(property, geom); } public BinarySpatialOperator buildSpatialWithinFilter() throws CQLException { Literal geom = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); Expression property = this.resultStack.popExpression(); FilterFactory2 ff = (FilterFactory2) filterFactory; // TODO this cast must be removed. It depends of Geometry implementation return ff.within(property, geom); } public BinarySpatialOperator buildSpatialContainsFilter() throws CQLException { Literal geom = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); Expression property = this.resultStack.popExpression(); FilterFactory2 ff = (FilterFactory2) filterFactory; // TODO this cast must be removed. It depends of Geometry implementation return ff.contains(property, geom); } public BinarySpatialOperator buildSpatialOverlapsFilter() throws CQLException { Literal geom = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); Expression property = this.resultStack.popExpression(); FilterFactory2 ff = (FilterFactory2) filterFactory; // TODO this cast must be removed. It depends of Geometry implementation return ff.overlaps(property, geom); } public org.opengis.filter.spatial.BBOX buildBBox() throws CQLException{ return buildBbox(null); } public org.opengis.filter.spatial.BBOX buildBBoxWithCRS() throws CQLException { String crs = this.resultStack.popStringValue(); assert crs != null; return buildBbox(crs); } private org.opengis.filter.spatial.BBOX buildBbox(final String crs) throws CQLException{ double maxY = this.resultStack.popDoubleValue(); double maxX = this.resultStack.popDoubleValue(); double minY = this.resultStack.popDoubleValue(); double minX = this.resultStack.popDoubleValue(); PropertyName property = this.resultStack.popPropertyName(); String strProperty = property.getPropertyName(); org.opengis.filter.spatial.BBOX bbox = filterFactory.bbox( strProperty, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, crs); return bbox; } public DistanceBufferOperator buildSpatialDWithinFilter() throws CQLException { String unit = this.resultStack.popStringValue(); double tolerance = this.resultStack.popDoubleValue(); Expression geom = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Expression property = this.resultStack.popExpression(); FilterFactory2 ff = (FilterFactory2) filterFactory; // TODO this cast must be removed. It depends of Geometry implementation return ff.dwithin(property, geom, tolerance, unit); } public DistanceBufferOperator buildSpatialBeyondFilter() throws CQLException { String unit = this.resultStack.popStringValue(); double tolerance = this.resultStack.popDoubleValue(); Expression geom = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Expression property = this.resultStack.popExpression(); FilterFactory2 ff = (FilterFactory2) filterFactory; // TODO this cast must be removed. It depends of Geometry implementation return ff.beyond(property, geom, tolerance, unit); } /** * builds a PeriodNode (date1,date2) * * @return PeriodNode * * @throws CQLException */ public PeriodNode buildPeriodBetweenDates() throws CQLException { org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal end = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal begin = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); PeriodNode period = PeriodNode.createPeriodDateAndDate(begin, end); return period; } /** * builds a Period Node with (duration,date). * * @return PeriodNode * @throws CQLException */ public PeriodNode buildPeriodDurationAndDate() throws CQLException { Literal date = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); Literal duration = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); PeriodNode period = PeriodNode.createPeriodDurationAndDate(duration, date, filterFactory); return period; } /** * builds a Period with (date,duration) * * @return PeriodNode * @throws CQLException */ public PeriodNode buildPeriodDateAndDuration() throws CQLException { Literal duration = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); Literal date = this.resultStack.popLiteral(); PeriodNode period = PeriodNode.createPeriodDateAndDuration(date, duration, filterFactory); return period; } /** * Create an integer literal with duration value. * * @return Literal */ public org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal buildDurationExpression(final IToken token) { String duration = token.toString(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal literalDuration = filterFactory .literal(duration); return literalDuration; } /** * Create an AND filter with property between dates of period. * (firstDate<= property <= lastDate) * * @return And filter * * @throws CQLException */ public And buildPropertyBetweenDates() throws CQLException { // retrieves date and duration of expression Result node = this.resultStack.popResult(); PeriodNode period = (PeriodNode) node.getBuilt(); Literal begin = period.getBeginning(); Literal end = period.getEnding(); // creates and filter firstDate<= property <= lastDate Expression property = this.resultStack.popExpression(); And filter = filterFactory.and(filterFactory.lessOrEqual(begin, property), filterFactory.lessOrEqual(property, end)); return filter; } /** * Builds PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo begin of period * * @return PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo * @throws CQLException */ public PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo buildPropertyIsGTEFirstDate() throws CQLException { Result node = this.resultStack.popResult(); PeriodNode period = (PeriodNode) node.getBuilt(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal begin = period.getBeginning(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression property = (org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression) resultStack .popExpression(); PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo filter = filterFactory.greaterOrEqual( property, begin); return filter; } /** * creates PropertyIsGreaterThan end date of period * * @return PropertyIsGreaterThan * * @throws CQLException */ public PropertyIsGreaterThan buildPropertyIsGTLastDate() throws CQLException { Result node = this.resultStack.popResult(); PeriodNode period = (PeriodNode) node.getBuilt(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal date = period.getEnding(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression property = this.resultStack .popExpression(); PropertyIsGreaterThan filter = filterFactory.greater(property, date); return filter; } /** * @return PropertyIsLessThan * @throws CQLException */ public PropertyIsLessThan buildPropertyIsLTFirsDate() throws CQLException { PeriodNode period = this.resultStack.popPeriodNode(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal date = period.getBeginning(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression property = this.resultStack .popExpression(); PropertyIsLessThan filter = filterFactory.less(property, date); return filter; } /** * * @return PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo * @throws CQLException */ public PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo buildPropertyIsLTELastDate() throws CQLException { PeriodNode period = this.resultStack.popPeriodNode(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal date = period.getEnding(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression property = this.resultStack .popExpression(); PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo filter = filterFactory.lessOrEqual( property, date); return filter; } /** * * @return PropertyIsEqualTo * @throws CQLException */ public PropertyIsEqualTo buildEquals() throws CQLException { Expression right = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Expression left = this.resultStack.popExpression(); return filterFactory.equals(left, right); } /** * * @return PropertyIsGreaterThan * @throws CQLException */ public PropertyIsGreaterThan buildGreater() throws CQLException { Expression right = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Expression left = this.resultStack.popExpression(); return filterFactory.greater(left, right); } /** * * @return PropertyIsLessThan * @throws CQLException */ public PropertyIsLessThan buildLess() throws CQLException { Expression right = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Expression left = this.resultStack.popExpression(); return filterFactory.less(left, right); } /** * * @return PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo * @throws CQLException */ public PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo buildGreaterOrEqual() throws CQLException { Expression right = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Expression left = this.resultStack.popExpression(); return filterFactory.greaterOrEqual(left, right); } /** * @return PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo * @throws CQLException */ public PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo buildLessOrEqual() throws CQLException { Expression right = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Expression left = this.resultStack.popExpression(); return filterFactory.lessOrEqual(left, right); } /** * Builds geometry * * @param geometry * @return a geometry * @throws CQLException */ public Literal buildGeometry(final IToken geometry) throws CQLException { try { String wktGeom = scanExpression(geometry); // transforms wkt to vividsolution geometry String vividGeom = transformWKTGeometry(wktGeom); WKTReader reader = new WKTReader(); Geometry g = reader.read(vividGeom); Literal literal = filterFactory.literal(g); return literal; } catch (com.vividsolutions.jts.io.ParseException e) { throw new CQLException(e.getMessage(), geometry, e, this.cqlSource); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CQLException("Error building WKT Geometry: " + e.getMessage(),geometry, e, this.cqlSource); } } /** * Extracts expression between initial token and last token in buffer. * * @param initialToken * * @return String the expression */ protected String scanExpression(final IToken initialToken) { IToken end = initialToken; while (end.hasNext()) { end = end.next(); } String expr = cqlSource.substring( initialToken.beginColumn() - 1, end.endColumn()); return expr; } /** * This transformation is required because some geometries like * <b>Multipoint</b> has different definition in vividsolucion library. * <p> * * <pre> * Then OGC require MULTIPOINT((1 2), (3 4)) * but vividsolunion works without point "(" ans ")" * MULTIPOINT(1 2, 3 4) * </pre> * * <p> * * @param wktGeom ogc wkt geometry * @return String vividsolution geometry */ protected String transformWKTGeometry(final String wktGeom) { final String MULTIPOINT_TYPE = "MULTIPOINT"; StringBuffer transformed = new StringBuffer(30); StringBuffer source = new StringBuffer(wktGeom.toUpperCase()); int cur = -1; if ((cur = source.indexOf(MULTIPOINT_TYPE)) != -1) { // extract "(" and ")" from points in arguments String argument = source.substring(cur + MULTIPOINT_TYPE.length() + 1, source.length() - 1); argument = argument.replace('(', ' '); argument = argument.replace(')', ' '); transformed.append(MULTIPOINT_TYPE).append("(").append(argument) .append(")"); return transformed.toString(); } else { return wktGeom; } } /** * Returns the Envelop * @param token * @return Literal */ public Literal buildEnvelop(IToken token) { String source = scanExpression(token); final String ENVELOPE_TYPE = "ENVELOPE"; int cur = source.indexOf(ENVELOPE_TYPE); // transforms CQL envelop envelop(West,East,North,South) to // GS84 West=minX, East=maxX, North=maxY, South=minY double minX, minY, maxX, maxY; cur = cur + ENVELOPE_TYPE.length() + 1; String argument = source.substring(cur, source.length() - 1); final String comma = ","; cur = 0; int end = argument.indexOf(comma, cur); String west = argument.substring(cur, end); minX = Double.parseDouble(west); cur = end + 1; end = argument.indexOf(comma, cur); String east = argument.substring(cur, end); maxX = Double.parseDouble(east); cur = end + 1; end = argument.indexOf(comma, cur); String north = argument.substring(cur, end); maxY = Double.parseDouble(north); cur = end + 1; String south = argument.substring(cur); minY = Double.parseDouble(south); // ReferencedEnvelope envelope = new // ReferencedEnvelope(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84); // envelope.init(minX, minY, maxX, maxY); GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(); Coordinate[] coords = { new Coordinate(minX, minY), new Coordinate(minX, maxY), new Coordinate(maxX, maxY), new Coordinate(maxX, minY), new Coordinate(minX, minY) }; LinearRing shell = gf.createLinearRing(coords); Polygon bbox = gf.createPolygon(shell, null); bbox.setUserData(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84); Literal literal = filterFactory.literal(bbox); return literal; } /** * Builds a function expression * * @param functionNode symbol used to identify the function node in parser tree * @return Function * @throws CQLException */ public Function buildFunction(final int functionNode) throws CQLException { String functionName = null; // token.image; // extracts the arguments from stack. Each argument in the stack // is preceded by an argument node. Finally extracts the function name List<Expression> argList = new LinkedList<Expression>(); while (!this.resultStack.empty()) { Result node = this.resultStack.peek(); if (node.getNodeType() == functionNode ) { // gets the function's name Result funcNameNode = this.resultStack.popResult(); functionName = funcNameNode.getToken().toString(); break; } // ejects the argument node this.resultStack.popResult(); // extracts the argument value Expression arg = this.resultStack.popExpression(); argList.add(arg); } // Puts the argument in correct order Collections.reverse(argList); Expression[] args = (Expression[]) argList .toArray(new Expression[argList.size()]); Function function = null; try{ function = filterFactory.function(functionName, args); if (function == null) { throw new CQLException("Function not found.", this.cqlSource); } } catch (Exception ex){ throw new CQLException("Function not found.", this.cqlSource); } return function; } /** * BUild a TEquals date filter. */ public TEquals buildTEquals() throws CQLException { Expression right = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Expression left = this.resultStack.popExpression(); return this.filterFactory.tequals(left, right); } /** * Build an After date filter * * @return After * @throws CQLException */ public After buildAfterDate() throws CQLException { Expression right = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Expression left = this.resultStack.popExpression(); After filter = this.filterFactory.after(left, right); return filter; } /** * Builds an after period filter * * @return after * @throws CQLException */ public After buildAfterPeriod() throws CQLException { Result node = this.resultStack.popResult(); PeriodNode period = (PeriodNode) node.getBuilt(); Literal date = period.getEnding(); Expression property = this.resultStack.popExpression(); After filter = filterFactory.after(property, date); return filter; } public Before buildBeforeDate() throws CQLException { Expression right = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Expression left = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Before filter = this.filterFactory.before(left, right); return filter; } public Before buildBeforePeriod() throws CQLException { Result node = this.resultStack.popResult(); PeriodNode period = (PeriodNode) node.getBuilt(); Literal date = period.getBeginning(); Expression property = this.resultStack.popExpression(); Before filter = filterFactory.before(property, date); return filter; } public During buildDuringPeriod() throws CQLException { // retrieves date and duration from expression Period period = this.resultStack.popPeriod(); Expression property = this.resultStack.popExpression(); During filter = this.filterFactory.during(property, this.filterFactory.literal(period)); return filter; } /** * Builds an Or filter composed of During and After. * * @return Or filter * @throws CQLException */ public Or buildDuringOrAfter() throws CQLException{ Period period = this.resultStack.popPeriod(); PropertyName property = this.resultStack.popPropertyName(); // makes the after filter After right = this.filterFactory.after(property, filterFactory.literal(period.getEnding())); // makes the during filter During left = this.filterFactory.during(property, this.filterFactory.literal(period)); Or filter = this.filterFactory.or(left, right); return filter; } /** * Builds an Or filter composed of Before and During filters. * * @return Or filter * @throws CQLException */ public Or buildBeforeOrDuring() throws CQLException{ Period period = this.resultStack.popPeriod(); PropertyName property = this.resultStack.popPropertyName(); // makes the after filter Before right = this.filterFactory.before(property, filterFactory.literal(period.getBeginning())); // makes the during filter During left = this.filterFactory.during(property, this.filterFactory.literal(period)); Or filter = this.filterFactory.or(right, left); return filter; } }