package; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.algorithm.Angle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * * @source $URL$ */ public abstract class DXFEntity implements DXFConstants { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DXFEntity.class); protected GeometryType geometryType; /* feature write */ protected String _name = null; protected String key = null; protected String urlLink = null; protected boolean parseError = false; protected String errorDescription = null; protected Geometry geometry = null; /* dxf read */ protected DXFUnivers univers; protected int startingLineNumber = -1; protected DXFLineType _lineType; protected int _color; protected DXFLayer _refLayer; protected double _thickness; protected boolean visible = true; private double _entRotationAngle = 0.0; protected Coordinate _entBase = new Coordinate(0.0, 0.0); protected DXFExtendedData _extendedData; public DXFEntity(DXFEntity newEntity) { this(newEntity.getColor(), newEntity.getRefLayer(), 1, newEntity.getLineType(), newEntity.getThickness()); } public DXFEntity(int c, DXFLayer l, int visibility, DXFLineType lineType, double thickness) { _refLayer = l; if (lineType != null && lineType._name.equalsIgnoreCase("BYLAYER") && _refLayer != null) { //TODO waar zit linetype in layer? } _lineType = lineType; if (!(this instanceof DXFBlockReference) && !(this instanceof DXFLayer)) { if ((c < 0) || (c == 255 && _refLayer != null)) { if (_refLayer == null) { c = DXFColor.getDefaultColorIndex(); } else { c = _refLayer._color; } } } _color = c; _thickness = thickness; if (visibility == 0) { visible = true; } else { visible = false; } } public DXFEntity(int c, DXFLayer l, int visibility, DXFLineType lineType, double thickness, DXFExtendedData extData) { _refLayer = l; if (lineType != null && lineType._name.equalsIgnoreCase("BYLAYER") && _refLayer != null) { //TODO waar zit linetype in layer? } _lineType = lineType; if (!(this instanceof DXFBlockReference) && !(this instanceof DXFLayer)) { if ((c < 0) || (c == 255 && _refLayer != null)) { if (_refLayer == null) { c = DXFColor.getDefaultColorIndex(); } else { c = _refLayer._color; } } } _color = c; _thickness = thickness; if (visibility == 0) { visible = true; } else { visible = false; } _extendedData = extData; } public void setBase(Coordinate coord) { this._entBase = coord; } public void setAngle(double angle) { this._entRotationAngle = angle; } abstract public DXFEntity translate(double x, double y); protected Coordinate rotateAndPlace(Coordinate coord) { Coordinate[] array = new Coordinate[1]; array[0] = coord; return rotateAndPlace(array)[0]; } protected Coordinate[] rotateAndPlace(Coordinate[] coordarray) { for (int i = 0; i < coordarray.length; i++) { coordarray[i] = rotateCoordDegrees(coordarray[i], _entRotationAngle); coordarray[i].x += _entBase.x; coordarray[i].y += _entBase.y; } return coordarray; } private Coordinate rotateCoordDegrees(Coordinate coord, double angle) { angle = Angle.toRadians(angle); angle = Angle.angle(coord) + angle; Coordinate newCoord = new Coordinate(coord); double radius = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(coord.x, 2) + Math.pow(coord.y, 2)); newCoord.x = radius * Math.cos(angle); newCoord.y = radius * Math.sin(angle); return newCoord; } @Override abstract public DXFEntity clone(); public Geometry getGeometry() { if (geometry == null) { updateGeometry(); } return geometry; } public void updateGeometry() { geometry = getUnivers().getErrorGeometry(); addError("error geometry created for: " + this.getClass().toString()); } public String getName() { return _name; } public String getKey() { return key; } public String getUrlLink() { return urlLink; } public boolean isParseError() { return parseError; } public String getErrorDescription() { return errorDescription; } public int getStartingLineNumber() { return startingLineNumber; } public void setStartingLineNumber(int startingLineNumber) { this.startingLineNumber = startingLineNumber; } public GeometryType getType() { return geometryType; } public void setType(GeometryType geometryType) { this.geometryType = geometryType; } public void setName(String name) { this._name = name; } public void setVisible(boolean visible) { this.visible = visible; } public boolean isVisible() { return visible; } public DXFLineType getLineType() { return _lineType; } public String getLineTypeName() { if (_lineType == null) { return DXFLineType.DEFAULT_NAME; } return _lineType._name; } public void setLineType(DXFLineType lineType) { this._lineType = lineType; } public int getColor() { return _color; } public String getColorRGB() { return DXFColor.getColorRGB(_color); } public void setColor(int color) { this._color = color; } public DXFLayer getRefLayer() { return _refLayer; } public String getRefLayerName() { if (_refLayer == null) { return DXFLayer.DEFAULT_NAME; } return _refLayer.getName(); } public void setRefLayer(DXFLayer refLayer) { this._refLayer = refLayer; } public double getThickness() { return _thickness; } public void setThickness(double thickness) { this._thickness = thickness; } public DXFUnivers getUnivers() { return univers; } public void setUnivers(DXFUnivers univers) { this.univers = univers; } /** * Called when an error occurs but that error is constrained to a single * feature/subgeometry. Try to continue parsing features, but do set parseError * property to true and add and error message. * @param msg */ public void addError(String msg) { if (!parseError) { parseError = true; errorDescription = "entry starting line " + getStartingLineNumber() + ": " + msg; } else { errorDescription += "; " + msg; } } public void setParseError(boolean parseError) { this.parseError = parseError; } public void setErrorDescription(String errorDescription) { this.errorDescription = errorDescription; } public void setKey(String key) { this.key = key; } public void setUrlLink(String urlLink) { this.urlLink = urlLink; } public void setGeometry(Geometry geometry) { this.geometry = geometry; } public DXFExtendedData getExtendedData() { return _extendedData; } public void setExtendedData(DXFExtendedData _extendedData) { this._extendedData = _extendedData; } }