/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2003-2015, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.gml.producer; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.geotools.data.DataUtilities; import org.geotools.data.FeatureReader; import org.geotools.data.simple.SimpleFeatureCollection; import org.geotools.data.simple.SimpleFeatureIterator; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollectionIteration; import org.geotools.feature.type.DateUtil; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope; import org.geotools.gml.producer.GeometryTransformer.GeometryTranslator; import org.geotools.referencing.CRS; import org.geotools.xml.XMLUtils; import org.geotools.xml.transform.TransformerBase; import org.opengis.feature.Feature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.FeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; import org.opengis.feature.type.PropertyDescriptor; import org.opengis.geometry.BoundingBox; import org.opengis.referencing.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl; import org.xml.sax.helpers.NamespaceSupport; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; /** * FeatureTransformer provides a mechanism for converting Feature objects into * (hopefully) valid gml. This is a work in progress, so please be patient. A * simple example of how to use this class follows: * <pre> * SimpleFeatureCollection collection; // can also use FeatureReader!! * OutputStream out; * FeatureTransformer ft = new FeatureTransformer(); * // set the indentation to 4 spaces * ft.setIndentation(4); * // this will allow Features with the FeatureType which has the namespace * // "http://somewhere.org" to be prefixed with xxx... * ft.getFeatureNamespaces().declarePrefix("xxx","http://somewhere.org"); * // transform * ft.transform(collection,out); * </pre> * <b>The above example assumes a homogenous collection of Features whose * FeatureType has the namespace "http://somewhere.org"</b> but note that not * all DataSources currently provide FeatureTypes with a namespace... There * are two other mechanisms for prefixing your Features.<br> * 1) Map a specific FeatureType <b>by identity</b> to prefix and nsURI * <pre> * FeatureType fc; * FeatureTransformer ft = new FeatureTransformer(); * ft.getFeatureTypeNamespaces().declareNamespace(fc,"xxx","http://somewhere.org"); * </pre> * 2) Provide a default namespace for any Features whose FeatureType either has * an empty namespace, OR, has not been mapped using the previous method. This * is basically a catch-all mechanism. * <pre> * FeatureTransformer ft = new FeatureTransformer(); * ft.getFeatureTypeNamespaces().declareDefaultNamespace("xxx","http://somewhere.org"); * </pre> * <br/> The collectionNamespace and prefix property refers to the prefix and * namespace given to the document root and defualts to * wfs,http://www.opengis.wfs. * * @author Ian Schneider * @author Chris Holmes, TOPP * * * @source $URL$ * @version $Id$ * * @todo Add support for schemaLocation */ public class FeatureTransformer extends TransformerBase { /** The logger for the filter module. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = org.geotools.util.logging.Logging.getLogger("org.geotools.gml"); private static Set gmlAtts; private String collectionPrefix = "wfs"; private String collectionNamespace = "http://www.opengis.net/wfs"; private NamespaceSupport nsLookup = new NamespaceSupport(); private FeatureTypeNamespaces featureTypeNamespaces = new FeatureTypeNamespaces(nsLookup); private SchemaLocationSupport schemaLocation = new SchemaLocationSupport(); private int maxFeatures = -1; private boolean prefixGml = false; private boolean featureBounding = false; private boolean collectionBounding = true; private String srsName; private String lockId; private int numDecimals = 4; public void setCollectionNamespace(String nsURI) { collectionNamespace = nsURI; } public String getCollectionNamespace() { return collectionNamespace; } public void setCollectionPrefix(String prefix) { this.collectionPrefix = prefix; } public String getCollectionPrefix() { return collectionPrefix; } /** * Sets the number of decimals to be used in the geometry coordinates of * the response. This allows for more efficient results, since often the * storage format itself won't specify as many decimal places as the * response might want. The default is 4, but should generally be set by * the user of this class. * * @param numDecimals the number of significant digits past the decimal to * include in the response. */ public void setNumDecimals(int numDecimals) { this.numDecimals = numDecimals; } public NamespaceSupport getFeatureNamespaces() { return nsLookup; } public FeatureTypeNamespaces getFeatureTypeNamespaces() { return featureTypeNamespaces; } public void addSchemaLocation(String nsURI, String uri) { schemaLocation.setLocation(nsURI, uri); } /** * Used to set the srsName attribute of the Geometries to be turned to xml. * The srsName is applied to all the geometries and is not done on a case by case * basis. * * @param srsName Spatial Reference System Name * * @task REVISIT: once we have better srs support in our feature model this * should be rethought, as it's a rather blunt approach. * * @see CRS#toSRS(CoordinateReferenceSystem, boolean) */ public void setSrsName(String srsName) { this.srsName = srsName; } /** * Used to set a lockId attribute after a getFeatureWithLock. * * @param lockId The lockId of the lock on the WFS. * * @task REVISIT: Ian, this is probably the most wfs specific addition. If * you'd like I can subclass and add it there. It has to be added * as an attribute to FeatureCollection, to report a * GetFeatureWithLock */ public void setLockId(String lockId) { this.lockId = lockId; } /** * If Gml Prefixing is enabled then attributes with names that could be * prefixed with gml, such as description, pointProperty, and name, will * be. So if an attribute called name is encountered, instead of * prepending the default prefix (say gt2:name), it will turn out as * gml:name. Right now this is fairly hacky, as the gml:name, * gml:description, ect., should be in the first attributes by default. * The actualy geometry encodings will always be prefixed with the proper * gml, like gml:coordinates. This only applies to attributes, that could * also be part of the features normal schema (for example a pointProperty * could be declared in the gt2 namespace, instead of a gml:pointProperty * it would be a gt2:pointProperty. * * @param prefixGml <tt>true</tt> if prefixing gml should be enabled. * Default is disabled, no gml prefixing. * * @task REVISIT: only prefix name, description, and boundedBy if they * occur in their proper places. Right now names always get gml * prefixed if the gmlPrefixing is on, which is less than ideal. * @task REVISIT: The other approach is to allow for generic mapping, users * would set which attributes they wanted to have different * prefixes. */ public void setGmlPrefixing(boolean prefixGml) { this.prefixGml = prefixGml; if (prefixGml && (gmlAtts == null)) { gmlAtts = new HashSet(); loadGmlAttributes( gmlAtts ); } } /** * Template method for determining which attributes to prefix with gml. * @param gmlAtts Set of strings corresponding to element names on a type. */ protected void loadGmlAttributes( Set gmlAtts ) { gmlAtts.add("pointProperty"); gmlAtts.add("geometryProperty"); gmlAtts.add("polygonProperty"); gmlAtts.add("lineStringProperty"); gmlAtts.add("multiPointProperty"); gmlAtts.add("multiLineStringProperty"); gmlAtts.add("multiPolygonProperty"); gmlAtts.add("description"); gmlAtts.add("name"); //boundedBy is done in handleAttribute to make use of the writeBounds //code. } /** * Sets whether a gml:boundedBy element should automatically be generated * and included. The element will not be updateable, and is simply * derived from the geometries present in the feature. * * <p> * Note that the <tt>setGmlPrefixing()</tt> interacts with this * occasionally, since it will hack in a gml prefix to a boundedBy * attribute included in the featureType. If gml prefixing is on, and * featureBounding is on, then the bounds from the attribute will be used. * If gml prefixing is off, then that boundedBy attribute will * presumably be in its own namespace, and so the automatic gml boundedBy * will not conflict, so both will be printed, with the automatic one * deriving its bounds from the boundedBy attribute and any other * geometries in the feature * </p> * * @param featureBounding <tt>true</tt> if the bounds of the feature should * be automatically calculated and included as a gml:boundedBy in * the gml output. Note this puts a good bit of bandwidth overhead * on the output. Default is <tt>false</tt> */ public void setFeatureBounding(boolean featureBounding) { this.featureBounding = featureBounding; } /** * If true, enables the generation of the full collection bounds. Depending on the * collection being generated in output, this operation can be extremely expensive. * <p> * Defaults to true (for backwards compatibility), disable explicitly if you * don't want feature collection bounds to be generated. * @param collectionBounding */ public void setCollectionBounding(boolean collectionBounding) { this.collectionBounding = collectionBounding; } public org.geotools.xml.transform.Translator createTranslator( ContentHandler handler) { FeatureTranslator t = createTranslator(handler, collectionPrefix, collectionNamespace, featureTypeNamespaces, schemaLocation); java.util.Enumeration prefixes = nsLookup.getPrefixes(); //setGmlPrefixing(true); t.setNumDecimals(numDecimals); t.setGmlPrefixing(prefixGml); t.setSrsName(srsName); t.setLockId(lockId); t.setFeatureBounding(featureBounding); t.setCollectionBounding(collectionBounding); while (prefixes.hasMoreElements()) { String prefix = prefixes.nextElement().toString(); String uri = nsLookup.getURI(prefix); t.getNamespaceSupport().declarePrefix(prefix, uri); } return t; } /** * Template method for creating the translator. */ protected FeatureTranslator createTranslator( ContentHandler handler, String prefix, String ns, FeatureTypeNamespaces featureTypeNamespaces, SchemaLocationSupport schemaLocationSupport ) { return new FeatureTranslator( handler, prefix, ns, featureTypeNamespaces, schemaLocationSupport ); } public static class FeatureTypeNamespaces { Map lookup = new HashMap(); NamespaceSupport nsSupport; String defaultPrefix = null; public FeatureTypeNamespaces(NamespaceSupport nsSupport) { this.nsSupport = nsSupport; } public void declareDefaultNamespace(String prefix, String nsURI) { defaultPrefix = prefix; nsSupport.declarePrefix(prefix, nsURI); } public void declareNamespace(FeatureType type, String prefix, String nsURI) { lookup.put(type, prefix); nsSupport.declarePrefix(prefix, nsURI); } public String findPrefix(FeatureType type) { String pre = (String) lookup.get(type); if (pre == null) { pre = defaultPrefix; } return pre; } public String toString() { return "FeatureTypeNamespaces[Default: " + defaultPrefix + ", lookUp: " + lookup.keySet() +"]"; } } /** * Outputs gml without any fancy indents or newlines. */ public static class FeatureTranslator extends TranslatorSupport implements FeatureCollectionIteration.Handler { String fc = "FeatureCollection"; protected GeometryTransformer.GeometryTranslator geometryTranslator; String memberString; String currentPrefix; FeatureTypeNamespaces types; boolean prefixGml = false; boolean featureBounding = false; boolean collectionBounding = true; /** * The string representing the Spatial Reference System of the data. * <p> * This value should be determined by looking at the first * GeometryAttributeType encountered (but this way GeoServer can override * everything and be divorced from the actual (lack of) abilities of the underlying * DataStore). */ String srsName = null; /** * Will be 0 - if unknown; 2 if normal and 3 if working with 3D coordinates. * <p> * This value will be set based on looking at the *first* GeometryAttributeType encountered, * a similar approach should be taken for determining the SRID name. * * @since 2.4.1 */ int dimension = 0; String lockId = null; ContentHandler handler; private boolean running = true; /** * Constructor with handler. * * @param handler the handler to use. * @param prefix prefix * @param ns namespace * @param types Capture namespace and prefix information for types * @param schemaLoc Schema location information */ public FeatureTranslator(ContentHandler handler, String prefix, String ns, FeatureTypeNamespaces types, SchemaLocationSupport schemaLoc) { super(handler, prefix, ns, schemaLoc); geometryTranslator = createGeometryTranslator( handler ); this.types = types; this.handler = handler; getNamespaceSupport().declarePrefix(geometryTranslator .getDefaultPrefix(), geometryTranslator.getDefaultNamespace()); memberString = geometryTranslator.getDefaultPrefix() + ":featureMember"; } /** * Method to be subclassed to return a custom geometry translator, mostly for gml3 * geometry support. * @param handler * @return */ protected GeometryTranslator createGeometryTranslator( ContentHandler handler ) { return new GeometryTransformer.GeometryTranslator( handler ); } protected GeometryTranslator createGeometryTranslator( ContentHandler handler, int numDecimals ) { return new GeometryTransformer.GeometryTranslator( handler, numDecimals ); } /** * @param handler * @param numDecimals * @param useDummyZ * @return */ protected GeometryTranslator createGeometryTranslator( ContentHandler handler, int numDecimals, boolean useDummyZ ) { return new GeometryTransformer.GeometryTranslator( handler, numDecimals, useDummyZ ); } /** * Set up a GeometryTranslator for working with content of the indicate * dimension. * <p> * This method can be used by code explicitly wishing to output 2D ordinates. * * @since 2.4.1 * @param handler * @param numDecimals * @param dimension * @return GeometryTranslator that will delegate a CoordinateWriter configured with the above parameters */ protected GeometryTranslator createGeometryTranslator( ContentHandler handler, int numDecimals, int dimension ) { return new GeometryTranslator( handler, "gml",GMLUtils.GML_URL, numDecimals, false, dimension); } void setGmlPrefixing(boolean prefixGml) { this.prefixGml = prefixGml; } void setFeatureBounding(boolean bounding) { this.featureBounding = bounding; } void setCollectionBounding(boolean collectionBounding) { this.collectionBounding = collectionBounding; } void setSrsName(String srsName) { this.srsName = srsName; } void setNumDecimals(int numDecimals) { geometryTranslator = createGeometryTranslator( handler, numDecimals ); } void setUseDummyZ(boolean useDummyZ) { geometryTranslator = createGeometryTranslator(handler, geometryTranslator.getNumDecimals(), useDummyZ); } /** If set to 3 the real z value from the coordinates will be used */ void setDimension( int dimension ){ geometryTranslator = createGeometryTranslator(handler, geometryTranslator.getNumDecimals(), dimension ); } public void setLockId(String lockId) { this.lockId = lockId; } public FeatureTypeNamespaces getFeatureTypeNamespaces() { return types; } public void encode(Object o) throws IllegalArgumentException { try { if (o instanceof FeatureCollection) { SimpleFeatureCollection fc = (SimpleFeatureCollection) o; FeatureCollectionIteration.iteration(this, fc); } else if (o instanceof FeatureCollection[]) { //Did FeatureResult[] so that we are sure they're all the same type. //Could also consider collections here... FeatureCollection[] results = (FeatureCollection[]) o; startFeatureCollection(); if(collectionBounding) { ReferencedEnvelope bounds = null; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { ReferencedEnvelope more = results[i].getBounds(); if( bounds == null ){ bounds = new ReferencedEnvelope( more ); } else { bounds.expandToInclude(more); } } writeBounds(bounds); } else { writeNullBounds(); } for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { handleFeatureIterator(DataUtilities.simple(results[i]).features()); } endFeatureCollection(); } else if (o instanceof FeatureReader) { // THIS IS A HACK FOR QUICK USE FeatureReader<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> r = (FeatureReader<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature>) o; startFeatureCollection(); handleFeatureReader(r); endFeatureCollection(); // } else if (o instanceof FeatureResults) { // FeatureResults fr = (FeatureResults) o; // startFeatureCollection(); // writeBounds(fr.getBounds()); // handleFeatureReader(fr.reader()); // endFeatureCollection(); // } else if (o instanceof FeatureResults[]) { // //Did FeatureResult[] so that we are sure they're all the same type. // //Could also consider collections here... // FeatureResults[] results = (FeatureResults[]) o; // Envelope bounds = new Envelope(); // // for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { // bounds.expandToInclude(results[i].getBounds()); // } // // startFeatureCollection(); // writeBounds(bounds); // // for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { // handleFeatureReader(results[i].reader()); // } // // endFeatureCollection(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot encode " + o); } } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(System.out); throw new RuntimeException("error reading FeatureResults", ioe); } } public void handleFeatureIterator(SimpleFeatureIterator iterator) throws IOException { try { while (iterator.hasNext() && running) { SimpleFeature f = iterator.next(); handleFeature(f); SimpleFeatureType t = f.getFeatureType(); for (int i = 0, ii = f.getAttributeCount(); i < ii; i++) { AttributeDescriptor descriptor = t.getDescriptor(i); Object value = f.getAttribute(i); handleAttribute( descriptor, value ); } endFeature(f); } } catch (Exception ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("Error reading Features", ioe); } finally { if (iterator != null) { LOGGER.finer("closing reader " + iterator); iterator.close(); } } } public void handleFeatureReader(FeatureReader <SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> reader) throws IOException { try { while (reader.hasNext() && running) { SimpleFeature f = reader.next(); handleFeature(f); SimpleFeatureType t = f.getFeatureType(); for (int i = 0, ii = f.getAttributeCount(); i < ii; i++) { AttributeDescriptor descriptor = t.getDescriptor(i); Object value = f.getAttribute(i); handleAttribute( descriptor, value ); } endFeature(f); } } catch (Exception ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("Error reading Features", ioe); } finally { if (reader != null) { LOGGER.finer("closing reader " + reader); reader.close(); } } } public void startFeatureCollection() { try { String element = (getDefaultPrefix() == null) ? fc : (getDefaultPrefix() + ":" + fc); AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl(); if (lockId != null) { atts.addAttribute("", "lockId", "lockId", "", lockId); } contentHandler.startElement("", "", element, atts); } catch (SAXException se) { throw new RuntimeException(se); } } public void endFeatureCollection() { end(fc); } /** * Prints up the gml for a featurecollection. * * @param collection FeatureCollection being encoded */ public void handleFeatureCollection(FeatureCollection<?,?> collection) { startFeatureCollection(); if(collectionBounding) writeBounds(collection.getBounds()); } /** * writes the <code>gml:boundedBy</code> element to output based on * <code>fc.getBounds()</code> * * @param bounds * * @throws RuntimeException if it is thorwn while writing the element * or coordinates */ public void writeBounds(BoundingBox bounds) { try { String boundedBy = geometryTranslator.getDefaultPrefix() + ":" + "boundedBy"; contentHandler.startElement("", "", boundedBy, NULL_ATTS); Envelope env = null; if (bounds != null){ env = new Envelope(new Coordinate(bounds.getMinX(), bounds.getMinY()),new Coordinate(bounds.getMaxX(), bounds.getMaxY())); } geometryTranslator.encode(env, srsName); contentHandler.endElement("", "", boundedBy); } catch (SAXException se) { throw new RuntimeException(se); } } /** * writes null bounds to the output * * @throws RuntimeException if it is thorwn while writing the element * or coordinates */ public void writeNullBounds() { try { String boundedBy = geometryTranslator.getDefaultPrefix() + ":boundedBy"; String nullBox = geometryTranslator.getDefaultPrefix() + ":null"; contentHandler.startElement("", "", boundedBy, NULL_ATTS); contentHandler.startElement("", "", nullBox, NULL_ATTS); contentHandler.characters("unknown".toCharArray(), 0, "unknown".length()); contentHandler.endElement("", "", nullBox); contentHandler.endElement("", "", boundedBy); } catch (SAXException se) { throw new RuntimeException(se); } } /** * Sends sax for the ending of a feature collection. * * @param collection Feature collection we have just finished encoding */ public void endFeatureCollection(FeatureCollection<?,?> collection) { endFeatureCollection(); } /** * Sends sax for the ending of a feature. * * @param f Feature (implementation assume a SimpleFeature) * * @throws RuntimeException if something goes wrong during encode it is wrapped up as a generic runtime exception */ public void endFeature(Feature f) { try { Name typeName = f.getType().getName(); String name = typeName.getLocalPart(); if (currentPrefix != null) { name = currentPrefix + ":" + name; } contentHandler.endElement("", "", name); contentHandler.endElement("", "", memberString); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * handles sax for an attribute. * * @param descriptor Property descriptor * @param value Value being encoded for this property * * @throws RuntimeException Any problems are bundled up in a generic runtime exception */ public void handleAttribute(PropertyDescriptor descriptor, Object value) { try { if (value != null) { String name = descriptor.getName().getLocalPart(); //HACK: this should be user configurable, along with the //other gml substitutions I shall add. if (prefixGml //adding this in since the extra boundedBy //hacking should only need to be done for the weird //cite tests, and having this check before the string //equals should get us better performance. Albeit //very slightly, but this method gets called millions && (name.equals("boundedBy") && value instanceof Geometry)) { Envelope envelopeInternal = ((Geometry) value).getEnvelopeInternal(); CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = null; if( descriptor instanceof GeometryDescriptor ){ GeometryDescriptor geometryDescriptor = (GeometryDescriptor) descriptor; crs = geometryDescriptor.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(); } ReferencedEnvelope bounds = new ReferencedEnvelope( envelopeInternal, crs ); writeBounds( bounds); } else { String thisPrefix = currentPrefix; if (prefixGml && gmlAtts.contains(name)) { thisPrefix = "gml"; } if (thisPrefix != null) { name = thisPrefix + ":" + name; } contentHandler.startElement("", "", name, NULL_ATTS); if (value instanceof Geometry) { if( dimension == 0 ){ // lets look at the CRS GeometryDescriptor geometryType = (GeometryDescriptor) descriptor; CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = geometryType.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(); if( crs == null ){ // I won't even bother people with a warning // (until DataStore quality has improved dimension = 2; // the most sensible default } else { dimension = crs.getCoordinateSystem().getDimension(); // note we could check the srsName here! if( dimension == 3 ){ setDimension( dimension ); } } } geometryTranslator.encode((Geometry) value, srsName); } else if(value instanceof Date) { String text = null; if(value instanceof java.sql.Date) text = DateUtil.serializeSqlDate((java.sql.Date) value); else if(value instanceof java.sql.Time) text = DateUtil.serializeSqlTime((java.sql.Time) value); else text = DateUtil.serializeDateTime((Date) value); contentHandler.characters(text.toCharArray(), 0, text.length()); } else { String text = XMLUtils.removeXMLInvalidChars(value.toString()); contentHandler.characters(text.toCharArray(), 0, text.length()); } contentHandler.endElement("", "", name); } } //REVISIT: xsi:nillable is the proper xml way to handle nulls, //but OGC people are fine with just leaving it out. } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not transform "+descriptor.getName()+":"+e, e ); } } /** * Handles sax for a feature. * <p> * Please take care when considering the prefix/namespace for the feature. It is defined * by either: * <ul> * <li>the FeatureType using type.getName().getNamespaceURI() and the user data entry for * "prefix".</li> * <li>FeatureTypeNamespaces as provided to the constructor</li> * </ul> * * @param f Feature being encoded * * @throws RuntimeException Used to report any troubles during encoding */ public void handleFeature(Feature f) { try { contentHandler.startElement("", "", memberString, NULL_ATTS); FeatureType type = f.getType(); String name = type.getName().getLocalPart(); String namespaceURI = type.getName().getNamespaceURI(); if( namespaceURI != null ){ currentPrefix = getNamespaceSupport().getPrefix( namespaceURI ); if( currentPrefix == null ){ currentPrefix = (String) type.getUserData().get("prefix"); if( currentPrefix != null ){ getNamespaceSupport().declarePrefix(currentPrefix, namespaceURI ); } } } if (currentPrefix == null) { currentPrefix = types.findPrefix(type); } if (currentPrefix == null ){ throw new IllegalStateException("FeatureType namespace/prefix unknown for " + name + "look up in: " + types); } else if ( currentPrefix.length() == 0 ) { // must be the default prefix } else { name = currentPrefix + ":" + name; } Attributes fidAtts = encodeFeatureId( f ); contentHandler.startElement("", "", name, fidAtts); // encode the bounds if requested and the bounds are not missing or empty if (featureBounding && f.getBounds() != null && !f.getBounds().isEmpty()) { //HACK pt.2 see line 511, if the cite stuff wanted to hack //in a boundedBy geometry, we don't want to do it twice. //So if if (prefixGml && (f.getProperty("boundedBy") != null)) { //do nothing, since our hack will handle it. } else { writeBounds(f.getBounds()); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not transform "+f.getIdentifier()+" :"+e, e ); } } protected Attributes encodeFeatureId( Feature f ) { AttributesImpl fidAtts = new org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl(); String fid = f.getIdentifier().getID(); if (fid != null) { fidAtts.addAttribute("", "fid", "fid", "fids", fid); } return fidAtts; } } }