/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2007-2011, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.data.complex; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.geotools.data.DataAccess; import org.geotools.data.DataSourceException; import org.geotools.data.FeatureSource; import org.geotools.data.Query; import org.geotools.data.complex.config.NonFeatureTypeProxy; import org.geotools.data.complex.config.Types; import org.geotools.data.complex.filter.XPath; import org.geotools.data.complex.filter.XPathUtil.Step; import org.geotools.data.complex.filter.XPathUtil.StepList; import org.geotools.data.joining.JoiningNestedAttributeMapping; import org.geotools.data.joining.JoiningQuery; import org.geotools.feature.AppSchemaAttributeBuilder; import org.geotools.feature.ComplexAttributeImpl; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureImpl; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureIterator; import org.geotools.filter.AttributeExpressionImpl; import org.geotools.filter.FilterAttributeExtractor; import org.geotools.gml2.bindings.GML2EncodingUtils; import org.geotools.jdbc.JDBCFeatureSource; import org.geotools.jdbc.JDBCFeatureStore; import org.geotools.jdbc.JoiningJDBCFeatureSource; import org.geotools.referencing.CRS; import org.opengis.feature.Attribute; import org.opengis.feature.ComplexAttribute; import org.opengis.feature.Feature; import org.opengis.feature.Property; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeType; import org.opengis.feature.type.FeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryType; import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.feature.type.PropertyDescriptor; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal; import org.opengis.filter.expression.PropertyName; import org.opengis.filter.identity.FeatureId; import org.opengis.referencing.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; /** * A Feature iterator that operates over the FeatureSource of a * {@linkplain org.geotools.data.complex.FeatureTypeMapping} and produces Features of the output * schema by applying the mapping rules to the Features of the source schema. * <p> * This iterator acts like a one-to-one mapping, producing a Feature of the target type for each * feature of the source type. * * @author Gabriel Roldan (Axios Engineering) * @author Ben Caradoc-Davies (CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering) * @author Rini Angreani (CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering) * @author Russell Petty (GeoScience Victoria) * @version $Id$ * * * * @source $URL$ * http://svn.osgeo.org/geotools/trunk/modules/unsupported/app-schema/app-schema/src/main * /java/org/geotools/data/complex/DataAccessMappingFeatureIterator.java $ * @since 2.4 */ public class DataAccessMappingFeatureIterator extends AbstractMappingFeatureIterator { /** * Hold on to iterator to allow features to be streamed. */ private FeatureIterator<? extends Feature> sourceFeatureIterator; /** * Reprojected CRS from the source simple features, or null */ protected CoordinateReferenceSystem reprojection; /** * This is the feature that will be processed in next() */ protected Feature curSrcFeature; protected FeatureSource<? extends FeatureType, ? extends Feature> mappedSource; protected FeatureCollection<? extends FeatureType, ? extends Feature> sourceFeatures; protected List<Expression> foreignIds; protected AttributeDescriptor targetFeature; /** * True if joining is turned off and pre filter exists. There's a need to run extra query to get * features by id because they might come from denormalised view. The rows might not match the * filter therefore doesn't exist in the mapped source but match the id of other rows. */ private boolean isFiltered; private ArrayList<String> filteredFeatures; /** * Temporary/experimental changes for enabling subsetting for isList only. */ private Filter listFilter; public DataAccessMappingFeatureIterator(AppSchemaDataAccess store, FeatureTypeMapping mapping, Query query, boolean isFiltered, boolean removeQueryLimitIfDenormalised) throws IOException { this(store, mapping, query, isFiltered, removeQueryLimitIfDenormalised, false); } public DataAccessMappingFeatureIterator(AppSchemaDataAccess store, FeatureTypeMapping mapping, Query query, boolean isFiltered, boolean removeQueryLimitIfDenormalised, boolean hasPostFilter) throws IOException { super(store, mapping, query, null, removeQueryLimitIfDenormalised, hasPostFilter); this.isFiltered = isFiltered; if (isFiltered) { filteredFeatures = new ArrayList<String>(); } } public DataAccessMappingFeatureIterator(AppSchemaDataAccess store, FeatureTypeMapping mapping, Query query) throws IOException { this(store, mapping, query, null, false); } /** * * @param store * @param mapping * place holder for the target type, the surrogate FeatureSource and the mappings * between them. * @param query * the query over the target feature type, that is to be unpacked to its equivalent * over the surrogate feature type. * @throws IOException */ public DataAccessMappingFeatureIterator(AppSchemaDataAccess store, FeatureTypeMapping mapping, Query query, Query unrolledQuery, boolean removeQueryLimitIfDenormalised) throws IOException { super(store, mapping, query, unrolledQuery, removeQueryLimitIfDenormalised); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { boolean exists = !isNextSourceFeatureNull(); if (!isHasNextCalled()) { if (featureCounter < requestMaxFeatures) { if (!exists && getSourceFeatureIterator() != null && getSourceFeatureIterator().hasNext()) { this.curSrcFeature = getSourceFeatureIterator().next(); exists = true; } if (exists && filteredFeatures != null) { // get the next one if this row has already been added to the target // feature from setNextFilteredFeature while (exists && filteredFeatures.contains(extractIdForFeature(this.curSrcFeature))) { if (getSourceFeatureIterator() != null && getSourceFeatureIterator().hasNext()) { this.curSrcFeature = getSourceFeatureIterator().next(); exists = true; } else { exists = false; } } } // HACK HACK HACK // evaluate filter that applies to this list as we want a subset // instead of full result // this is a temporary solution for Bureau of Meteorology // requirement for timePositionList if (listFilter != null) { while (exists && !listFilter.evaluate(curSrcFeature)) { // only add to subset if filter matches value if (getSourceFeatureIterator() != null && getSourceFeatureIterator().hasNext()) { this.curSrcFeature = getSourceFeatureIterator().next(); exists = true; } else { exists = false; } } } // END OF HACK } else { exists = false; } } if (!exists) { LOGGER.finest("no more features, produced " + featureCounter); close(); curSrcFeature = null; } setHasNextCalled(true); return exists; } protected FeatureIterator<? extends Feature> getSourceFeatureIterator() { return sourceFeatureIterator; } protected boolean isSourceFeatureIteratorNull() { return getSourceFeatureIterator() == null; } protected Object peekValue(Object source, Expression prop) { Object o = prop.evaluate (source); if (o instanceof Attribute) { o = ((Attribute) o).getValue(); } return o; } public Object peekNextValue(Expression prop) { return peekValue(curSrcFeature , prop); } /** * Only used for Joining, to make sure that rows with different foreign id's * aren't interpreted as one feature and merged. */ public void setForeignIds(List<Expression> ids) { foreignIds = ids; } /** * Only used for Joining, to make sure that rows with different foreign id's * aren't interpreted as one feature and merged. */ public List<Object> getForeignIdValues(Object source) { if (foreignIds != null) { List<Object> foreignIdValues = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int i = 0; i<foreignIds.size(); i++) { foreignIdValues.add(i, peekValue(source, foreignIds.get(i))); } return foreignIdValues; } return null; } /** * Only used for Joining, to make sure that rows with different foreign id's * aren't interpreted as one feature and merged. */ protected boolean checkForeignIdValues(List<Object> foreignIdValues, Feature next) { if (foreignIds!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < foreignIds.size(); i++) { if (!peekValue(next, foreignIds.get(i)).toString().equals(foreignIdValues.get(i).toString())) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Only used for Joining, to make sure that rows with different foreign id's * aren't interpreted as one feature and merged. */ public List<Object> getIdValues(Object source) { List<Object> ids = new ArrayList<Object>(); Expression idExpression = mapping.getFeatureIdExpression(); if (Expression.NIL.equals(idExpression) || idExpression instanceof Literal) { // GEOT-4554: if idExpression is not specified, should use PK if (source instanceof Feature) { for (Property p : ((Feature) source).getProperties()) { if (p.getName().getLocalPart().startsWith(JoiningJDBCFeatureSource.PRIMARY_KEY)) { ids.add(p.getValue()); } } } } else { FilterAttributeExtractor extractor = new FilterAttributeExtractor(); idExpression.accept(extractor, null); for (String att : extractor.getAttributeNameSet()) { ids.add(peekValue(source, namespaceAwareFilterFactory.property(att))); } } if (foreignIds != null) { ids.addAll(getForeignIdValues(source)); } return ids; } /** * Only used for Joining, to make sure that rows with different foreign id's * aren't interpreted as one feature and merged. */ public boolean checkForeignIdValues(List<Object> foreignIdValues) { return checkForeignIdValues(foreignIdValues, curSrcFeature); } protected void initialiseSourceFeatures(FeatureTypeMapping mapping, Query query, CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS) throws IOException { mappedSource = mapping.getSource(); //NC - joining query if (query instanceof JoiningQuery) { if (mappedSource instanceof JDBCFeatureSource) { mappedSource = new JoiningJDBCFeatureSource((JDBCFeatureSource) mappedSource); } else if (mappedSource instanceof JDBCFeatureStore) { mappedSource = new JoiningJDBCFeatureSource((JDBCFeatureStore) mappedSource); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joining queries are only supported on JDBC data stores"); } } String version=(String)this.mapping.getTargetFeature().getType().getUserData().get("targetVersion"); // might be because top level feature has no geometry // GEOT-4550: exclude this part for WMS requests because the reprojection happens during rendering // not at ReprojectingFilterVisitor. // The original CRS should be preserved so the reprojection could happen at rendering. if (targetCRS == null && version != null && !version.contains("wms")) { // figure out the crs the data is in CoordinateReferenceSystem crs=null; try{ crs = this.mappedSource.getSchema().getCoordinateReferenceSystem(); }catch(UnsupportedOperationException e){ //do nothing as mappedSource is a WSFeatureSource } // gather declared CRS CoordinateReferenceSystem declaredCRS = this.getDeclaredCrs(crs, version); CoordinateReferenceSystem target; Object crsobject = this.mapping.getTargetFeature().getType().getUserData().get("targetCrs"); if (crsobject instanceof CoordinateReferenceSystem) { target = (CoordinateReferenceSystem) crsobject; } else if (crsobject instanceof URI) { URI uri=(URI) crsobject; if (uri != null) { try { target = CRS.decode(uri.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Unable to support srsName: " + uri; throw new UnsupportedOperationException(msg, e); } } else { target = declaredCRS; } } else { target = declaredCRS; } this.reprojection = target; } else { this.reprojection = targetCRS; } //clean up user data related to request mapping.getTargetFeature().getType().getUserData().put("targetVersion", null); mapping.getTargetFeature().getType().getUserData().put("targetCrs", null); //reproject target feature targetFeature = reprojectAttribute(mapping.getTargetFeature()); query.setMaxFeatures(dataMaxFeatures); sourceFeatures = mappedSource.getFeatures(query); if (reprojection != null) { xpathAttributeBuilder.setCRS(reprojection); if (sourceFeatures.getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor() == null || this.isReprojectionCrsEqual(this.mappedSource.getSchema() .getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), this.reprojection)) { // VT: No point trying to re-project without any geometry. query.setCoordinateSystemReproject(null); } } if (!(this instanceof XmlMappingFeatureIterator)) { this.sourceFeatureIterator = sourceFeatures.features(); } // NC - joining nested atts for (AttributeMapping attMapping : selectedMapping) { if (attMapping instanceof JoiningNestedAttributeMapping) { ((JoiningNestedAttributeMapping) attMapping).open(this, query, mapping); } } } protected boolean unprocessedFeatureExists() { boolean exists = getSourceFeatureIterator().hasNext(); if (exists && this.curSrcFeature == null) { this.curSrcFeature = getSourceFeatureIterator().next(); } return exists; } protected String extractIdForFeature(Feature feature) { if (mapping.getFeatureIdExpression().equals(Expression.NIL)) { if (feature.getIdentifier() == null) { return null; } else { return feature.getIdentifier().getID(); } } return mapping.getFeatureIdExpression().evaluate(feature, String.class); } protected String extractIdForAttribute(final Expression idExpression, Object sourceInstance) { String value = (String) idExpression.evaluate(sourceInstance, String.class); return value; } protected boolean isNextSourceFeatureNull() { return curSrcFeature == null; } protected boolean sourceFeatureIteratorHasNext() { return getSourceFeatureIterator().hasNext(); } protected Object getValues(boolean isMultiValued, Expression expression, Object sourceFeatureInput) { if (isMultiValued && sourceFeatureInput instanceof FeatureImpl && expression instanceof AttributeExpressionImpl) { // RA: Feature Chaining // complex features can have multiple nodes of the same attribute.. and if they are used // as input to an app-schema data access to be nested inside another feature type of a // different XML type, it has to be mapped like this: // <AttributeMapping> // <targetAttribute> // gsml:composition // </targetAttribute> // <sourceExpression> // <inputAttribute>mo:composition</inputAttribute> // <linkElement>gsml:CompositionPart</linkElement> // <linkField>gml:name</linkField> // </sourceExpression> // <isMultiple>true</isMultiple> // </AttributeMapping> // As there can be multiple nodes of mo:composition in this case, we need to retrieve // all of them AttributeExpressionImpl attribExpression = ((AttributeExpressionImpl) expression); String xpath = attribExpression.getPropertyName(); ComplexAttribute sourceFeature = (ComplexAttribute) sourceFeatureInput; StepList xpathSteps = XPath.steps(sourceFeature.getDescriptor(), xpath, namespaces); return getProperties(sourceFeature, xpathSteps); } return expression.evaluate(sourceFeatureInput); } /** * Sets the values of grouping attributes. * * @param target * @param source * @param attMapping * @param values * * @return Feature. Target feature sets with simple attributes */ protected Attribute setAttributeValue(Attribute target, String id, final Object source, final AttributeMapping attMapping, Object values, StepList inputXpath, List<PropertyName> selectedProperties) throws IOException { final Expression sourceExpression = attMapping.getSourceExpression(); final AttributeType targetNodeType = attMapping.getTargetNodeInstance(); StepList xpath = inputXpath == null ? attMapping.getTargetXPath().clone() : inputXpath; Map<Name, Expression> clientPropsMappings = attMapping.getClientProperties(); boolean isNestedFeature = attMapping.isNestedAttribute(); if (id == null && Expression.NIL != attMapping.getIdentifierExpression()) { id = extractIdForAttribute(attMapping.getIdentifierExpression(), source); } if (attMapping.isNestedAttribute()) { NestedAttributeMapping nestedMapping = ((NestedAttributeMapping) attMapping); Object mappingName = nestedMapping.getNestedFeatureType(source); if (mappingName != null) { if (nestedMapping.isSameSource() && mappingName instanceof Name) { // data type polymorphism mapping return setPolymorphicValues((Name) mappingName, target, id, nestedMapping, source, xpath, clientPropsMappings); } else if (mappingName instanceof String) { // referential polymorphism mapping if (attMapping instanceof JoiningNestedAttributeMapping) { // GEOT-4417: update skipped ids when skipping with // toXlinkHref if (values == null && source != null) { values = getValues(attMapping.isMultiValued(), sourceExpression, source); } if (values != null) { List<Object> idValues = getIdValues(source); if (values instanceof Collection) { for (Object singleVal : (Collection) values) { ((JoiningNestedAttributeMapping) attMapping) .skip(this, singleVal, idValues); } } else { ((JoiningNestedAttributeMapping) attMapping) .skip(this, values, idValues); } } } return setPolymorphicReference((String) mappingName, clientPropsMappings, target, xpath, targetNodeType); } } else { // polymorphism could result in null, to skip the attribute return null; } } if (values == null && source != null) { values = getValues(attMapping.isMultiValued(), sourceExpression, source); } boolean isHRefLink = isByReference(clientPropsMappings, isNestedFeature); int newResolveDepth = resolveDepth; //if resolving, no xlink:href for chained feature boolean ignoreXlinkHref = false; if (isHRefLink && newResolveDepth > 0) { isHRefLink = false; newResolveDepth--; ignoreXlinkHref = true; } if (isNestedFeature) { if (values == null) { // polymorphism use case, if the value doesn't match anything, don't encode return null; } // get built feature based on link value if (values instanceof Collection) { ArrayList<Attribute> nestedFeatures = new ArrayList<Attribute>(((Collection) values) .size()); for (Object val : (Collection) values) { if (val instanceof Attribute) { val = ((Attribute) val).getValue(); if (val instanceof Collection) { val = ((Collection) val).iterator().next(); } while (val instanceof Attribute) { val = ((Attribute) val).getValue(); } } if (isHRefLink) { // get the input features to avoid infinite loop in case the nested // feature type also have a reference back to this type // eg. gsml:GeologicUnit/gsml:occurence/gsml:MappedFeature // and gsml:MappedFeature/gsml:specification/gsml:GeologicUnit nestedFeatures.addAll(((NestedAttributeMapping) attMapping) .getInputFeatures(this, val, getIdValues(source), source, reprojection, selectedProperties, includeMandatory)); } else { nestedFeatures.addAll(((NestedAttributeMapping) attMapping).getFeatures( this, val, getIdValues(source), reprojection, source, selectedProperties, includeMandatory, newResolveDepth, resolveTimeOut)); } } values = nestedFeatures; } else if (isHRefLink) { // get the input features to avoid infinite loop in case the nested // feature type also have a reference back to this type // eg. gsml:GeologicUnit/gsml:occurence/gsml:MappedFeature // and gsml:MappedFeature/gsml:specification/gsml:GeologicUnit values = ((NestedAttributeMapping) attMapping).getInputFeatures(this, values, getIdValues(source), source, reprojection, selectedProperties, includeMandatory); } else { values = ((NestedAttributeMapping) attMapping).getFeatures(this, values, getIdValues(source), reprojection, source, selectedProperties, includeMandatory, newResolveDepth, resolveTimeOut); } if (isHRefLink) { // only need to set the href link value, not the nested feature properties setXlinkReference(target, clientPropsMappings, values, xpath, targetNodeType); return null; } } Attribute instance = null; if (values instanceof Collection) { // nested feature type could have multiple instances as the whole purpose // of feature chaining is to cater for multi-valued properties for (Object singleVal : (Collection) values) { ArrayList valueList = new ArrayList(); // copy client properties from input features if they're complex features // wrapped in app-schema data access if (singleVal instanceof Attribute) { // copy client properties from input features if they're complex features // wrapped in app-schema data access Map<Name, Expression> valueProperties = getClientProperties((Attribute) singleVal); if (!valueProperties.isEmpty()) { clientPropsMappings.putAll(valueProperties); } } if (!isNestedFeature) { if (singleVal instanceof Attribute) { singleVal = ((Attribute) singleVal).getValue(); } if (singleVal instanceof Collection) { valueList.addAll((Collection) singleVal); } else { valueList.add(singleVal); } } else { valueList.add(singleVal); } instance = setAttributeContent(target, xpath, valueList, id, targetNodeType, false, sourceExpression, source, clientPropsMappings, ignoreXlinkHref); } } else { if (values instanceof Attribute) { // copy client properties from input features if they're complex features // wrapped in app-schema data access Map<Name, Expression> newClientProps = getClientProperties((Attribute) values); if (!newClientProps.isEmpty()) { newClientProps.putAll(clientPropsMappings); clientPropsMappings = newClientProps; } values = ((Attribute) values).getValue(); } instance = setAttributeContent(target, xpath, values, id, targetNodeType, false, sourceExpression, source, clientPropsMappings, ignoreXlinkHref); } if (instance != null && attMapping.encodeIfEmpty()) { instance.getDescriptor().getUserData().put("encodeIfEmpty", attMapping.encodeIfEmpty()); } return instance; } /** * Special handling for polymorphic mapping where the value of the attribute determines that * this attribute should be a placeholder for an xlink:href. * * @param uri * the xlink:href URI * @param clientPropsMappings * client properties * @param target * the complex feature being built * @param xpath * the xpath of attribute * @param targetNodeType * the type of the attribute to be cast to, if any */ private Attribute setPolymorphicReference(String uri, Map<Name, Expression> clientPropsMappings, Attribute target, StepList xpath, AttributeType targetNodeType) { if (uri != null) { Attribute instance = xpathAttributeBuilder.set(target, xpath, null, "", targetNodeType, true, null); Map<Name, Expression> newClientProps = new HashMap<Name, Expression>(); newClientProps.putAll(clientPropsMappings); newClientProps.put(XLINK_HREF_NAME, namespaceAwareFilterFactory.literal(uri)); setClientProperties(instance, null, newClientProps); return instance; } return null; } /** * Special handling for polymorphic mapping. Works out the polymorphic type name by evaluating * the function on the feature, then set the relevant sub-type values. * * @param target * The target feature to be encoded * @param id * The target feature id * @param nestedMapping * The mapping that is polymorphic * @param source * The source simple feature * @param xpath * The xpath of polymorphic type * @param clientPropsMappings * Client properties * @throws IOException */ private Attribute setPolymorphicValues(Name mappingName, Attribute target, String id, NestedAttributeMapping nestedMapping, Object source, StepList xpath, Map<Name, Expression> clientPropsMappings) throws IOException { // process sub-type mapping DataAccess<FeatureType, Feature> da = DataAccessRegistry.getDataAccess((Name) mappingName); if (da instanceof AppSchemaDataAccess) { // why wouldn't it be? check just to be safe FeatureTypeMapping fTypeMapping = ((AppSchemaDataAccess) da) .getMappingByName((Name) mappingName); List<AttributeMapping> polymorphicMappings = fTypeMapping.getAttributeMappings(); AttributeDescriptor attDescriptor = fTypeMapping.getTargetFeature(); AttributeType type = attDescriptor.getType(); Name polymorphicTypeName = attDescriptor.getName(); StepList prefixedXpath = xpath.clone(); prefixedXpath.add(new Step(new QName(polymorphicTypeName.getNamespaceURI(), polymorphicTypeName.getLocalPart(), this.namespaces .getPrefix(polymorphicTypeName.getNamespaceURI())), 1)); if (!fTypeMapping.getFeatureIdExpression().equals (Expression.NIL)) { id = fTypeMapping.getFeatureIdExpression().evaluate(source, String.class); } Attribute instance = xpathAttributeBuilder.set(target, prefixedXpath, null, id, type, false, attDescriptor, null); setClientProperties(instance, source, clientPropsMappings); for (AttributeMapping mapping : polymorphicMappings) { if (skipTopElement(polymorphicTypeName, mapping, type)) { // if the top level mapping for the Feature itself, the attribute instance // has already been created.. just need to set the client properties setClientProperties(instance, source, mapping.getClientProperties()); continue; } setAttributeValue(instance, null, source, mapping, null, null, selectedProperties.get(mapping)); } return instance; } return null; } /** * Set xlink:href client property for multi-valued chained features. This has to be specially * handled because we don't want to encode the nested features attributes, since it's already an * xLink. Also we need to eliminate duplicates. * * @param target * The target attribute * @param clientPropsMappings * Client properties mappings * @param value * Nested features * @param xpath * Attribute xPath where the client properties are to be set * @param targetNodeType * Target node type * @param attMapping * @param list * @throws IOException */ protected void setXlinkReference(Attribute target, Map<Name, Expression> clientPropsMappings, Object value, StepList xpath, AttributeType targetNodeType) { Expression linkExpression = clientPropsMappings.get(XLINK_HREF_NAME); for (Object singleVal : (Collection) value) { // Make sure the same value isn't already set // in case it comes from a denormalized view for many-to-many relationship. // (1) Get the first existing value Collection<Property> existingAttributes = getProperties((ComplexAttribute) target, xpath); boolean exists = false; if (existingAttributes != null) { for (Property existingAttribute : existingAttributes) { Object existingValue = existingAttribute.getUserData().get(Attributes.class); if (existingValue != null) { assert existingValue instanceof HashMap; existingValue = ((Map) existingValue).get(XLINK_HREF_NAME); } if (existingValue != null) { Object hrefValue = linkExpression.evaluate(singleVal); if (hrefValue != null && hrefValue.equals(existingValue)) { // (2) if one of the new values matches the first existing value, // that means this comes from a denormalized view, // and this set has already been set exists = true; // stop looking once found break; } } } } if (!exists) { Attribute instance = xpathAttributeBuilder.set(target, xpath, null, null, targetNodeType, true, null); setClientProperties(instance, singleVal, clientPropsMappings); } } } protected List<Feature> setNextFeature(String fId, List<Object> foreignIdValues) throws IOException { List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<Feature>(); features.add(curSrcFeature); curSrcFeature = null; while (getSourceFeatureIterator().hasNext()) { Feature next = getSourceFeatureIterator().next(); if (extractIdForFeature(next).equals(fId) && checkForeignIdValues(foreignIdValues, next)) { // HACK HACK HACK // evaluate filter that applies to this list as we want a subset // instead of full result // this is a temporary solution for Bureau of Meteorology // requirement for timePositionList if (listFilter != null) { if (listFilter.evaluate(next)) { features.add(next); } // END OF HACK } else { features.add(next); } // HACK HACK HACK // evaluate filter that applies to this list as we want a subset // instead of full result // this is a temporary solution for Bureau of Meteorology // requirement for timePositionList } else if (listFilter == null || listFilter.evaluate(next)) { // END OF HACK curSrcFeature = next; break; } } return features; } /** * Only used when joining is not used and pre-filter exists because the sources will match * the prefilter but there might be denormalised rows with same id that don't. * @param fId * @param features * @throws IOException */ private List<Feature> setNextFilteredFeature(String fId) throws IOException { FeatureCollection<? extends FeatureType, ? extends Feature> matchingFeatures; Query query = new Query(); if (reprojection != null) { if (sourceFeatures.getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor() != null && !this.isReprojectionCrsEqual(this.mappedSource.getSchema() .getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), this.reprojection)) { query.setCoordinateSystemReproject(reprojection); } } Filter fidFilter; if (mapping.getFeatureIdExpression().equals(Expression.NIL)) { // no real feature id mapping, // so let's find by database row id Set<FeatureId> ids = new HashSet<FeatureId>(); FeatureId featureId = namespaceAwareFilterFactory.featureId(fId); ids.add(featureId); fidFilter = namespaceAwareFilterFactory.id(ids); } else { // in case the expression is wrapped in a function, eg. strConcat // that's why we don't always filter by id, but do a PropertyIsEqualTo fidFilter = namespaceAwareFilterFactory.equals(mapping.getFeatureIdExpression(), namespaceAwareFilterFactory.literal(fId)); } // HACK HACK HACK // evaluate filter that applies to this list as we want a subset // instead of full result // this is a temporary solution for Bureau of Meteorology // requirement for timePositionList if (listFilter != null) { List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Filter>(); filters.add(listFilter); filters.add(fidFilter); fidFilter = namespaceAwareFilterFactory.and(filters); } // END OF HACK query.setFilter(fidFilter); matchingFeatures = this.mappedSource.getFeatures(query); FeatureIterator<? extends Feature> iterator = matchingFeatures.features(); List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<Feature>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { features.add(iterator.next()); } // Probably cause there is no primary key nor idExpression if (features.isEmpty()) { features.add(curSrcFeature); } filteredFeatures.add(fId); iterator.close(); curSrcFeature = null; return features; } public void skipNestedMapping(AttributeMapping attMapping, List<Feature> sources) throws IOException { if (attMapping instanceof JoiningNestedAttributeMapping) { for (Feature source : sources) { Object value = getValues(attMapping.isMultiValued(), attMapping.getSourceExpression(), source); if (value instanceof Collection) { for (Object val : (Collection) value){ ((JoiningNestedAttributeMapping)attMapping).skip(this, val, getIdValues(source)); } } else { ((JoiningNestedAttributeMapping)attMapping).skip(this, value, getIdValues(source)); } } } } public List<Feature> skip() throws IOException { setHasNextCalled(false); List<Feature> sources = getSources(extractIdForFeature(curSrcFeature)); for (AttributeMapping attMapping : selectedMapping) { skipNestedMapping(attMapping, sources); } return sources; } private GeometryDescriptor reprojectGeometry(GeometryDescriptor descr) { if (descr == null) { return null; } GeometryType type = ftf.createGeometryType(descr.getType().getName(), descr.getType().getBinding(), reprojection, descr.getType().isIdentified(), descr.getType().isAbstract(), descr.getType().getRestrictions(), descr.getType().getSuper(), descr.getType().getDescription()); type.getUserData().putAll(descr.getType().getUserData()); GeometryDescriptor gd = ftf.createGeometryDescriptor(type, descr.getName(), descr.getMinOccurs(), descr.getMaxOccurs(), descr.isNillable(), descr.getDefaultValue()); gd.getUserData().putAll(descr.getUserData()); return gd; } private FeatureType reprojectType(FeatureType type) { Collection<PropertyDescriptor> schema = new ArrayList<PropertyDescriptor>(); for (PropertyDescriptor descr : type.getDescriptors()) { if (descr instanceof GeometryDescriptor) { schema.add(reprojectGeometry((GeometryDescriptor)descr)); } else { schema.add(descr); } } FeatureType ft; if (type instanceof NonFeatureTypeProxy) { ft = new NonFeatureTypeProxy(((NonFeatureTypeProxy) type).getSubject(), mapping, schema); } else { ft = ftf.createFeatureType(type.getName(), schema, reprojectGeometry(type.getGeometryDescriptor()), type.isAbstract(), type.getRestrictions(), type.getSuper(), type.getDescription()); } ft.getUserData().putAll(type.getUserData()); return ft; } private AttributeDescriptor reprojectAttribute(AttributeDescriptor descr) { if ( reprojection != null && descr.getType() instanceof FeatureType ) { AttributeDescriptor ad = ftf.createAttributeDescriptor(reprojectType((FeatureType) descr.getType()), descr.getName(), descr.getMinOccurs(), descr.getMaxOccurs(), descr.isNillable(), descr.getDefaultValue()); ad.getUserData().putAll(descr.getUserData()); return ad; } else { return descr; } } protected Feature computeNext() throws IOException { String id = getNextFeatureId(); List<Feature> sources = getSources(id); final Name targetNodeName = targetFeature.getName(); AppSchemaAttributeBuilder builder = new AppSchemaAttributeBuilder(attf); builder.setDescriptor(targetFeature); Feature target = (Feature) builder.build(id); for (AttributeMapping attMapping : selectedMapping) { try { if (skipTopElement(targetNodeName, attMapping, targetFeature.getType())) { // ignore the top level mapping for the Feature itself // as it was already set continue; } if (attMapping.isList()) { Attribute instance = setAttributeValue(target, null, sources.get(0), attMapping, null, null, selectedProperties.get(attMapping)); if (sources.size() > 1 && instance != null) { List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); Expression sourceExpr = attMapping.getSourceExpression(); for (Feature source : sources) { values.add(getValue(sourceExpr, source)); } String valueString = StringUtils.join(values.iterator(), " "); StepList fullPath = attMapping.getTargetXPath(); StepList leafPath = fullPath.subList(fullPath.size() - 1, fullPath.size()); if (instance instanceof ComplexAttributeImpl) { // xpath builder will work out the leaf attribute to set values on xpathAttributeBuilder.set(instance, leafPath, valueString, null, null, false, sourceExpr); } else { // simple attributes instance.setValue(valueString); } } } else if (attMapping.isMultiValued()) { // extract the values from multiple source features of the same id // and set them to one built feature for (Feature source : sources) { setAttributeValue(target, null, source, attMapping, null, null, selectedProperties.get(attMapping)); } } else { String indexString = attMapping.getSourceIndex(); // if not specified, get the first row by default int index = 0; if (indexString != null) { if (ComplexFeatureConstants.LAST_INDEX.equals(indexString)) { index = sources.size() - 1; } else { index = Integer.parseInt(indexString); } } setAttributeValue(target, null, sources.get(index), attMapping, null, null, selectedProperties.get(attMapping)); // When a feature is not multi-valued but still has multiple rows with the same ID in // a denormalised table, by default app-schema only takes the first row and ignores // the rest (see above). The following line is to make sure that the cursors in the // 'joining nested mappings'skip any extra rows that were linked to those rows that are being ignored. // Otherwise the cursor will stay there in the wrong spot and none of the following feature chaining // will work. That can really only occur if the foreign key is not unique for the ID of the parent // feature (otherwise all of those rows would be already passed when creating the feature based on // the first row). This never really occurs in practice I have noticed, but it is a theoretic // possibility, as there is no requirement for the foreign key to be unique per id. skipNestedMapping(attMapping, sources.subList(1, sources.size())); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error applying mapping with targetAttribute " + attMapping.getTargetXPath(), e); } } cleanEmptyElements(target); return target; } /** * Get all source features of the provided id. This assumes the source features are grouped by * id. * * @param id * The feature id * @return list of source features * @throws IOException */ protected List<Feature> getSources(String id) throws IOException { if (isFiltered) { return setNextFilteredFeature(id); } else { return setNextFeature(id, getForeignIdValues(curSrcFeature)); } } protected String getNextFeatureId() { return extractIdForFeature(curSrcFeature); } protected void cleanEmptyElements(Feature target) throws DataSourceException { try { ArrayList values = new ArrayList<Property>(); for (Iterator i = target.getValue().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Property p = (Property) i.next(); if (hasChild(p) || p.getDescriptor().getMinOccurs() > 0 || getEncodeIfEmpty(p)) { values.add(p); } } target.setValue(values); } catch (DataSourceException e) { throw new DataSourceException("Unable to clean empty element", e); } } private boolean hasChild(Property p) throws DataSourceException { boolean result = false; if (p.getValue() instanceof Collection) { Collection c = (Collection) p.getValue(); if (this.getClientProperties(p).containsKey(XLINK_HREF_NAME)) { return true; } ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : c) { if (o instanceof Property) { if (hasChild((Property) o)) { values.add(o); result = true; } else if (getEncodeIfEmpty((Property) o)) { values.add(o); result = true; } else if (((Property) o).getDescriptor().getMinOccurs() > 0) { if (((Property) o).getDescriptor().isNillable()) { // add nil mandatory property values.add(o); } } } } p.setValue(values); } else if (p.getName().equals(ComplexFeatureConstants.FEATURE_CHAINING_LINK_NAME)) { // ignore fake attribute FEATURE_LINK result = false; } else if (p.getValue() != null && p.getValue().toString().length() > 0) { result = true; } return result; } protected boolean skipTopElement(Name topElement, AttributeMapping attMapping, AttributeType type) { // don't skip if there's OCQL return XPath.equals(topElement, attMapping.getTargetXPath()) && (attMapping.getSourceExpression() == null || Expression.NIL .equals(attMapping.getSourceExpression())); } protected Feature populateFeatureData(String id) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("populateFeatureData should not be called!"); } protected void closeSourceFeatures() { if (sourceFeatures != null && getSourceFeatureIterator() != null) { sourceFeatureIterator.close(); sourceFeatureIterator = null; sourceFeatures = null; filteredFeatures = null; listFilter = null; //NC - joining nested atts for (AttributeMapping attMapping : selectedMapping) { if (attMapping instanceof JoiningNestedAttributeMapping) { ((JoiningNestedAttributeMapping) attMapping).close(this); } } } } protected Object getValue(final Expression expression, Object sourceFeature) { Object value = expression.evaluate(sourceFeature); if (value instanceof Attribute) { value = ((Attribute) value).getValue(); } return value; } /** * Returns first matching attribute from provided root and xPath. * * @param root * The root attribute to start searching from * @param xpath * The xPath matching the attribute * @return The first matching attribute */ private Property getProperty(Attribute root, StepList xpath) { Property property = root; final StepList steps = new StepList(xpath); Iterator<Step> stepsIterator = steps.iterator(); while (stepsIterator.hasNext()) { assert property instanceof ComplexAttribute; Step step = stepsIterator.next(); property = ((ComplexAttribute) property).getProperty(Types.toTypeName(step.getName())); if (property == null) { return null; } } return property; } /** * Return all matching properties from provided root attribute and xPath. * * @param root * The root attribute to start searching from * @param xpath * The xPath matching the attribute * @return The matching attributes collection */ private Collection<Property> getProperties(ComplexAttribute root, StepList xpath) { final StepList steps = new StepList(xpath); Iterator<Step> stepsIterator = steps.iterator(); Collection<Property> properties = null; Step step = null; if (stepsIterator.hasNext()) { step = stepsIterator.next(); properties = ((ComplexAttribute) root).getProperties(Types.toTypeName(step.getName())); } while (stepsIterator.hasNext()) { step = stepsIterator.next(); Collection<Property> nestedProperties = new ArrayList<Property>(); for (Property property : properties) { assert property instanceof ComplexAttribute; Collection<Property> tempProperties = ((ComplexAttribute) property) .getProperties(Types.toTypeName(step.getName())); if (!tempProperties.isEmpty()) { nestedProperties.addAll(tempProperties); } } properties.clear(); if (nestedProperties.isEmpty()) { return properties; } properties.addAll(nestedProperties); } return properties; } /** * Checks if client property has xlink:ref in it, if the attribute is for chained features. * * @param clientPropsMappings * the client properties mappings * @param isNested * true if we're dealing with chained/nested features * @return */ protected boolean isByReference(Map<Name, Expression> clientPropsMappings, boolean isNested) { // only care for chained features return isNested ? (clientPropsMappings.isEmpty() ? false : (clientPropsMappings .get(XLINK_HREF_NAME) == null) ? false : true) : false; } /** * Returns the declared CRS given the native CRS and the request WFS version * * @param nativeCRS * @param wfsVersion * @return */ private CoordinateReferenceSystem getDeclaredCrs(CoordinateReferenceSystem nativeCRS, String wfsVersion) { try { if(nativeCRS == null) return null; if (wfsVersion.equals("1.0.0")) { return nativeCRS; } else { String code = GML2EncodingUtils.epsgCode(nativeCRS); //it's possible that we can't do the CRS -> code -> CRS conversion...so we'll just return what we have if (code == null) return nativeCRS; return CRS.decode("urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.11.2:" + code); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("We have had issues trying to flip axis of " + nativeCRS, e); } } public boolean isReprojectionCrsEqual(CoordinateReferenceSystem source,CoordinateReferenceSystem target) { return CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(source,target); } public void setListFilter(Filter filter) { listFilter = filter; } private boolean getEncodeIfEmpty(Property p) { Object o = ((p.getDescriptor()).getUserData().get("encodeIfEmpty")); if (o == null) { return false; } return (Boolean) o; } }