/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2002-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.feature.simple; import java.net.URI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.geotools.data.Query; import org.geotools.feature.AttributeBuilder; import org.geotools.feature.AttributeTypeBuilder; import org.geotools.feature.NameImpl; import org.geotools.feature.type.BasicFeatureTypes; import org.geotools.feature.type.FeatureTypeFactoryImpl; import org.geotools.referencing.CRS; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeType; import org.opengis.feature.type.FeatureTypeFactory; import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryType; import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; import org.opengis.feature.type.Schema; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.referencing.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem; import org.opengis.util.InternationalString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; /** * A builder for simple feature types. * <p> * Simple Usage: * <pre> * <code> * //create the builder * SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); * * //set global state * builder.setName( "testType" ); * builder.setNamespaceURI( "http://www.geotools.org/" ); * builder.setSRS( "EPSG:4326" ); * * //add attributes * builder.add( "intProperty", Integer.class ); * builder.add( "stringProperty", String.class ); * builder.add( "pointProperty", Point.class ); * * //add attribute setting per attribute state * builder.minOccurs(0).maxOccurs(2).nillable(false).add("doubleProperty",Double.class); * * //build the type * SimpleFeatureType featureType = builder.buildFeatureType(); * </code> * </pre> * </p> * This builder builds type by maintaining state. Two types of state are maintained: * <i>Global Type State</i> and <i>Per Attribute State</i>. Methods which set * global state are named <code>set<property>()</code>. Methods which set per attribute * state are named <code><property>()</code>. Furthermore calls to per attribute * </p> * <p> * Global state is reset after a call to {@link #buildFeatureType()}. Per * attribute state is reset after a call to {@link #add}. * </p> * <p> * A default geometry for the feature type can be specified explictly via * {@link #setDefaultGeometry(String)}. However if one is not set the first * geometric attribute ({@link GeometryType}) added will be resulting default. * So if only specifying a single geometry for the type there is no need to * call the method. However if specifying multiple geometries then it is good * practice to specify the name of the default geometry type. For instance: * <code> * <pre> * builder.add( "pointProperty", Point.class ); * builder.add( "lineProperty", LineString.class ); * builder.add( "polygonProperty", Polygon.class ); * * builder.setDefaultGeometry( "lineProperty" ); * </pre> * </code> * </p> * * @author Justin Deolivera * @author Jody Garnett * * * * @source $URL$ */ public class SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder { /** * logger */ static Logger LOGGER = org.geotools.util.logging.Logging.getLogger("org.geotools.feature"); /** * factories */ protected FeatureTypeFactory factory; /** * Map of java class bound to properties types. */ protected Map<Class<?>,AttributeType> bindings; // Global state for the feature type // /** * Naming: local name */ protected String local; /** * Naming: uri indicating scope */ protected String uri; /** * Description of type. */ protected InternationalString description; /** * List of attributes. */ protected List<AttributeDescriptor> attributes; /** * Additional restrictions on the type. */ protected List<Filter> restrictions; /** * Name of the default geometry to use */ protected String defaultGeometry; protected boolean defaultCrsSet = false; /** * default coordinate reference system of the type */ protected CoordinateReferenceSystem defaultCrs; /** * flag controlling if the type is abstract. */ protected boolean isAbstract = false; /** * the parent type. */ protected SimpleFeatureType superType; /** * attribute builder */ protected AttributeTypeBuilder attributeBuilder; /** * Constructs the builder. */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder() { this( new FeatureTypeFactoryImpl() ); } /** * Constructs the builder specifying the factory for creating feature and * feature collection types. */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(FeatureTypeFactory factory) { this.factory = factory; attributeBuilder = new AttributeTypeBuilder(factory); setBindings( new SimpleSchema() ); reset(); } // Dependency Injection // /** * Sets the factory used to create feature and feature collection types. */ public void setFeatureTypeFactory(FeatureTypeFactory factory) { this.factory = factory; } /** * The factory used to create feature and feature collection types. */ public FeatureTypeFactory getFeatureTypeFactory() { return factory; } // Builder methods // /** * Initializes the builder with state from a pre-existing feature type. */ public void init(SimpleFeatureType type) { init(); if (type == null) return; uri = type.getName().getNamespaceURI(); local = type.getName().getLocalPart(); description = type.getDescription(); restrictions = null; restrictions().addAll(type.getRestrictions()); this.defaultCrs = type.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(); this.defaultCrsSet = true; attributes = null; attributes().addAll(type.getAttributeDescriptors()); isAbstract = type.isAbstract(); superType = (SimpleFeatureType) type.getSuper(); } /** * Clears the running list of attributes. */ protected void init() { attributes = null; } /** * Completely resets all builder state. * */ protected void reset() { uri = BasicFeatureTypes.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE; local = null; description = null; restrictions = null; attributes = null; defaultCrsSet = false; defaultCrs = null; isAbstract = false; superType = BasicFeatureTypes.FEATURE; } /** * Set the namespace uri of the built type. */ public void setNamespaceURI(String namespaceURI) { this.uri = namespaceURI; } public void setNamespaceURI(URI namespaceURI) { if ( namespaceURI != null ) { setNamespaceURI( namespaceURI.toString() ); } else { setNamespaceURI( (String) null ); } } /** * The namespace uri of the built type. */ public String getNamespaceURI() { return uri; } /** * Sets the name of the built type. */ public void setName(String name) { this.local = name; } /** * The name of the built type. */ public String getName() { return local; } /** * Sets the local name and namespace uri of the built type. */ public void setName(Name name) { setName( name.getLocalPart() ); setNamespaceURI( name.getNamespaceURI() ); } /** * Sets the description of the built type. */ public void setDescription(InternationalString description) { this.description = description; } /** * The description of the built type. */ public InternationalString getDescription() { return description; } /** * Sets the name of the default geometry attribute of the built type. */ public void setDefaultGeometry(String defaultGeometryName) { this.defaultGeometry = defaultGeometryName; } /** * The name of the default geometry attribute of the built type. */ public String getDefaultGeometry() { return defaultGeometry; } /** * Sets the coordinate reference system of the next attribute being added. * <p> * The supplied coordinate reference is a "default" only used if geometric attributes are later * added to the type without specifying their coordinate reference system. * <p> * You must call this method prior to calling add for it to function. * <p> * Example: * * <pre> * <code> * builder.setCRS( DefaultGeographicCRS.EGS84 ); * builder.add( "geom", Polygon.class ); * </code> * </pre> */ public void setCRS(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) { this.defaultCrs = crs; this.defaultCrsSet = true; // set to true even if crs is null to avoid warning } /** * The fallback coordinate reference system that will be applied to any geometric attributes * added to the type without their own coordinate reference system specified. */ public CoordinateReferenceSystem getCRS() { return defaultCrs; } /** * Sets the coordinate reference system of the next attribute being added by specifying its srs. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * When the srs specified can be decored into a crs. * */ public void setSRS(String srs) { setCRS(decode(srs)); } /** * Sets the flag controlling if the resulting type is abstract. */ public void setAbstract(boolean isAbstract) { this.isAbstract = isAbstract; } /** * The flag controlling if the resulting type is abstract. */ public boolean isAbstract() { return isAbstract; } /** * Sets the super type of the built type. */ public void setSuperType(SimpleFeatureType superType) { this.superType = superType; } /** * The super type of the built type. */ public SimpleFeatureType getSuperType() { return superType; } /** * Specifies an attribute type binding. * <p> * This method is used to associate an attribute type with a java class. * The class is retreived from <code>type.getBinding()</code>. When the * {@link #add(String, Class)} method is used to add an attribute to the * type being built, this binding is used to locate the attribute type. * </p> * * @param type The attribute type. */ public void addBinding(AttributeType type) { bindings().put(type.getBinding(), type); } /** * Specifies a number of attribute type bindings. * * @param schema The schema containing the attribute types. * * @see {@link #addBinding(AttributeType)}. */ public void addBindings( Schema schema ) { for (Iterator<AttributeType> itr = schema.values().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { AttributeType type = itr.next(); addBinding(type); } } /** * Specifies a number of attribute type bindings clearing out all existing * bindings. * * @param schema The schema contianing attribute types. * * @see {@link #addBinding(AttributeType)}. */ public void setBindings( Schema schema ) { bindings().clear(); addBindings( schema ); } /** * Looks up an attribute type which has been bound to a class. * * @param binding The class. * * @return AttributeType The bound attribute type. */ public AttributeType getBinding(Class<?> binding) { return bindings().get(binding); } // per attribute methods // /** * Sets the minOccurs of the next attribute added to the feature type. * <p> * This value is reset after a call to {@link #add(String, Class)} * </p> */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder minOccurs( int minOccurs ) { attributeBuilder.setMinOccurs(minOccurs); return this; } /** * Sets the maxOccurs of the next attribute added to the feature type. * <p> * This value is reset after a call to {@link #add(String, Class)} * </p> */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder maxOccurs( int maxOccurs ) { attributeBuilder.setMaxOccurs(maxOccurs); return this; } /** * Sets the nullability of the next attribute added to the feature type. * <p> * This value is reset after a call to {@link #add(String, Class)} * </p> */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder nillable( boolean isNillable ) { attributeBuilder.setNillable(isNillable); return this; } /** * Sets a restriction on the field length of the next attribute added to the feature type. * <p> * This method is the same as adding a restriction based on length( value ) < length * This value is reset after a call to {@link #add(String, Class)} * </p> * @return length Used to limit the length of the next attribute created */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder length( int length) { attributeBuilder.setLength(length); return this; } /** * Adds a restriction to the next attribute added to the feature type. * <p> * This value is reset after a call to {@link #add(String, Class)} * </p> */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder restriction( Filter filter ) { attributeBuilder.addRestriction( filter ); return this; } /** * Adds a collection of restrictions to the next attribute added to the * <p> * This value is reset after a call to {@link #add(String, Class)} * </p> */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder restrictions( List<Filter> filters ) { for ( Filter f : filters ) { attributeBuilder.addRestriction(f); } return this; } /** * Sets the description of the next attribute added to the feature type. * <p> * This value is reset after a call to {@link #add(String, Class)} * </p> */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder description( String description ) { attributeBuilder.setDescription( description ); return this; } /** * Sets the default value of the next attribute added to the feature type. * <p> * This value is reset after a call to {@link #add(String, Class)} * </p> */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder defaultValue( Object defaultValue ) { attributeBuilder.setDefaultValue( defaultValue ); return this; } /** * Sets the crs of the next attribute added to the feature type. * <p> * This only applies if the attribute added is geometric. * </p> * Example: <code> builder.crs( DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84 ).add( "geom", Polygon.class )</code> * <p> * This value is reset after a call to {@link #add(String, Class)} * </p> */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder crs(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) { attributeBuilder.setCRS(crs); return this; } /** * Sets the srs of the next attribute added to the feature type. * <p> * The <tt>srs</tt> parameter is the id of a spatial reference system, for * example: "epsg:4326". * </p> * <p> * This only applies if the attribute added is geometric. * </p> * <p> * This value is reset after a call to {@link #add(String, Class)} * </p> * * @param srs The spatial reference system. */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder srs( String srs ) { if ( srs == null ) { return crs( null ); } return crs(decode(srs)); } /** * Sets the srid of the next attribute added to the feature type. * <p> * The <tt>srid</tt> parameter is the epsg code of a spatial reference * system, for example: "4326". * </p> * <p> * This only applies if the attribute added is geometric. * </p> * <p> * This value is reset after a call to {@link #add(String, Class)} * </p> * * @param srid The id of a spatial reference system. */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder srid( Integer srid ) { if ( srid == null ) { return crs( null ); } return crs( decode( "EPSG:" + srid ) ); } /** * Sets user data for the next attribute added to the feature type. * <p> * This value is reset after a call to {@link #add(String, Class)} * </p> * @param key The key of the user data. * @param value The value of the user data. */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder userData( Object key, Object value ) { attributeBuilder.addUserData( key, value ); return this; } /** * Sets all the attribute specific state from a single descriptor. * <p> * This method is convenience for: * <code> * builder.minOccurs( descriptor.getMinOccurs() ).maxOccurs( descriptor.getMaxOccurs() ) * .nillable( descriptor.isNillable() )... * </code> * </p> */ public SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder descriptor( AttributeDescriptor descriptor ) { minOccurs( descriptor.getMinOccurs() ); maxOccurs( descriptor.getMaxOccurs() ); nillable( descriptor.isNillable() ); //namespaceURI( descriptor.getName().getNamespaceURI() ); defaultValue( descriptor.getDefaultValue() ); if ( descriptor instanceof GeometryDescriptor ) { crs( ( (GeometryDescriptor) descriptor).getCoordinateReferenceSystem() ); } return this; } /** * Adds a new attribute w/ provided name and class. * * <p> * The provided class is used to locate an attribute type binding previously specified by * {@link #addBinding(AttributeType)},{@link #addBindings(Schema)}, or * {@link #setBindings(Schema)}. * </p> * <p> * If not such binding exists then an attribute type is created on the fly. * </p> * * @param name * The name of the attribute. * @param bind * The class the attribute is bound to. * */ public void add(String name, Class<?> binding) { AttributeDescriptor descriptor = null; attributeBuilder.setBinding(binding); attributeBuilder.setName(name); // check if this is the name of the default geometry, in that case we // better make it a geometry type // also check for jts geometry, if we ever actually get to a point where a // feature can be backed by another geometry model (like iso), we need // to remove this check // if ((defaultGeometry != null && defaultGeometry.equals(name)) || Geometry.class.isAssignableFrom(binding)) { // if no crs was set, set to defaultCRS if (!attributeBuilder.isCRSSet()) { if( defaultCrs == null && !defaultCrsSet){ LOGGER.fine("Creating "+name+" with null CoordinateReferenceSystem - did you mean to setCRS?"); } attributeBuilder.setCRS(defaultCrs); } GeometryType type = attributeBuilder.buildGeometryType(); descriptor = attributeBuilder.buildDescriptor(name, type); } else { AttributeType type = attributeBuilder.buildType(); descriptor = attributeBuilder.buildDescriptor(name, type); } attributes().add(descriptor); } /** * Adds a descriptor directly to the builder. * <p> * Use of this method is discouraged. Consider using {@link #add(String, Class)}. * </p> */ public void add( AttributeDescriptor descriptor ) { attributes().add(descriptor); } /** * Removes an attribute from the builder * * @param attributeName the name of the AttributeDescriptor to remove * * @return the AttributeDescriptor with the name attributeName * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is no AttributeDescriptor with the name attributeName */ public AttributeDescriptor remove(String attributeName){ for (Iterator<AttributeDescriptor> iterator = attributes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { AttributeDescriptor descriptor = iterator.next(); if( descriptor.getLocalName().equals(attributeName) ){ iterator.remove(); return descriptor; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(attributeName+" is not an existing attribute descriptor in this builder"); } /** * Adds a descriptor to the builder by index. * <p> * Use of this method is discouraged. Consider using {@link #add(String, Class)}. * </p> */ public void add( int index, AttributeDescriptor descriptor ) { attributes().add(index, descriptor); } /** * Adds a list of descriptors directly to the builder. * <p> * Use of this method is discouraged. Consider using {@link #add(String, Class)}. * </p> */ public void addAll( List<AttributeDescriptor> descriptors ) { if(descriptors != null) for ( AttributeDescriptor ad : descriptors ) { add( ad ); } } /** * Adds an array of descriptors directly to the builder. * <p> * Use of this method is discouraged. Consider using {@link #add(String, Class)}. * </p> */ public void addAll( AttributeDescriptor[] descriptors ) { if (descriptors != null) { for ( AttributeDescriptor ad : descriptors ) { add( ad ); } } } /** * Adds a new geometric attribute w/ provided name, class, and coordinate * reference system. * <p> * The <tt>crs</tt> parameter may be <code>null</code>. * </p> * @param name The name of the attribute. * @param binding The class that the attribute is bound to. * @param crs The crs of of the geometry, may be <code>null</code>. */ public void add(String name, Class<?> binding, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs ) { attributeBuilder.setBinding(binding); attributeBuilder.setName(name); attributeBuilder.setCRS(crs); GeometryType type = attributeBuilder.buildGeometryType(); GeometryDescriptor descriptor = attributeBuilder.buildDescriptor(name,type); attributes().add(descriptor); } /** * Adds a new geometric attribute w/ provided name, class, and spatial * reference system identifier * <p> * The <tt>srs</tt> parameter may be <code>null</code>. * </p> * @param name The name of the attribute. * @param binding The class that the attribute is bound to. * @param srs The srs of of the geometry, may be <code>null</code>. */ public void add(String name, Class<?> binding, String srs) { if ( srs == null ) { add(name,binding,(CoordinateReferenceSystem)null); return; } add(name,binding,decode(srs)); } /** * Adds a new geometric attribute w/ provided name, class, and spatial * reference system identifier * <p> * The <tt>srid</tt> parameter may be <code>null</code>. * </p> * @param name The name of the attribute. * @param binding The class that the attribute is bound to. * @param srid The srid of of the geometry, may be <code>null</code>. */ public void add(String name, Class<?> binding, Integer srid) { if ( srid == null ) { add(name,binding,(CoordinateReferenceSystem)null); return; } add( name, binding, decode( "EPSG:" + srid ) ); } /** * Gets an AttributeBuilder configured using the descriptor at the provided index. * * @param index attribute index * @return attribute builder configured with descriptor */ public AttributeDescriptor get(int index) { return this.attributes().get(index); } public AttributeDescriptor get(String attributeName){ for (Iterator<AttributeDescriptor> iterator = attributes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { AttributeDescriptor descriptor = iterator.next(); if( descriptor.getLocalName().equals(attributeName) ){ return descriptor; } } return null; } /** * Replace the descriptor at the provided index. * @param index * @param descriptor */ public void set(int index, AttributeDescriptor descriptor){ attributes().set(index,descriptor); } /** * Replace the descriptor at the provided index. * @param index * @param descriptor */ public void set(AttributeDescriptor descriptor){ int index = indexOf(descriptor.getLocalName()); if( index == -1 ){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(descriptor.getLocalName()+" is not an existing attribute descriptor in this builder"); } set(index,descriptor); } /** * Replace the descriptor at the provided index. * @param index * @param descriptor */ public void set(String attributeName, AttributeDescriptor descriptor){ int index = indexOf(attributeName); if( index == -1 ){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(attributeName+" is not an existing attribute descriptor in this builder"); } set(index,descriptor); } /** Index of attrbute by name */ private int indexOf(String attributeName) { int i=0; for (Iterator<AttributeDescriptor> iterator = attributes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { AttributeDescriptor d = iterator.next(); if( d.getLocalName().equals(attributeName) ){ return i; } i++; } return -1; } /** * Replace the descriptor at the provided index. * @param index * @param descriptor */ public void set(String attributeName, AttributeTypeBuilder attributeBuilder){ AttributeDescriptor descriptor = attributeBuilder.buildDescriptor(attributeName); set(attributeName,descriptor); } /** * Directly sets the list of attributes. * @param attributes the new list of attributes, or null to reset the list */ public void setAttributes(List<AttributeDescriptor> attributes) { List<AttributeDescriptor> atts = attributes(); atts.clear(); if(attributes != null) atts.addAll(attributes); } /** * Directly sets the list of attributes. * @param attributes the new list of attributes, or null to reset the list */ public void setAttributes(AttributeDescriptor[] attributes) { List<AttributeDescriptor> atts = attributes(); atts.clear(); if(attributes != null) atts.addAll(Arrays.asList(attributes)); } /** * Builds a feature type from compiled state. * <p> * After the type is built the running list of attributes is cleared. * </p> * @return The built feature type. */ public SimpleFeatureType buildFeatureType() { GeometryDescriptor defGeom = null; //was a default geometry set? if ( this.defaultGeometry != null ) { List<AttributeDescriptor> atts = attributes(); for ( int i = 0; i < atts.size(); i++) { AttributeDescriptor att = atts.get(i); if ( this.defaultGeometry.equals( att.getName().getLocalPart() ) ) { // ensure the attribute is a geometry attribute // if ( !(att instanceof GeometryDescriptor ) ) { LOGGER.warning("Default Geometry "+this.defaultGeometry+" was added as a geoemtry"); attributeBuilder.init( att ); attributeBuilder.setCRS(defaultCrs); GeometryType type = attributeBuilder.buildGeometryType(); att = attributeBuilder.buildDescriptor(att.getName(),type); atts.set( i, att ); } defGeom = (GeometryDescriptor)att; break; } } if (defGeom == null) { String msg = "'" + this.defaultGeometry + " specified as default" + " but could find no such attribute."; throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg ); } } if ( defGeom == null ) { //none was set by name, look for first geometric type for ( AttributeDescriptor att : attributes() ) { if ( att instanceof GeometryDescriptor ) { defGeom = (GeometryDescriptor) att; break; } } } SimpleFeatureType built = factory.createSimpleFeatureType( name(), attributes(), defGeom, isAbstract, restrictions(), superType, description); init(); return built; } // Internal api available for subclasses to override /** * Creates a new set instance, this default implementation returns {@link HashSet}. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected Set newSet() { return new HashSet(); } /** * Creates a new list instance, this default impelementation returns {@link ArrayList}. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected List newList() { return new ArrayList(); } /** * Creates a new map instance, this default implementation returns {@link HashMap} */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected Map newMap() { return new HashMap(); } /** * Creates a new list which is the same type as the provided list. * <p> * If the new copy can not be created reflectively.. {@link #newList()} is * returned. * </p> */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected List newList(List origional) { if (origional == null) { return newList(); } if (origional == Collections.EMPTY_LIST) { return newList(); } try { return origional.getClass().newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { return newList(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { return newList(); } } // Helper methods, // /** * Naming: Accessor which returns type name as follows: * <ol> * <li>If <code>typeName</code> has been set, its value is returned. * <li>If <code>name</code> has been set, it + <code>namespaceURI</code> * are returned. * </ol> * */ protected Name name() { if (local == null) return null; return new NameImpl(uri, local); } /** * Accessor for attributes (will create attributes list if needed) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected List<AttributeDescriptor> attributes() { if (attributes == null) { attributes = newList(); } return attributes; } /** * Accessor for restrictions (will create restrictions list if needed). */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected List<Filter> restrictions() { if (restrictions == null) { restrictions = newList(); } return restrictions; } /** * Accessor for bindings (will create binding map if needed). */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Map<Class<?>, AttributeType> bindings() { if (bindings == null) { bindings = newMap(); } return bindings; } /** * Decodes a srs, supplying a useful error message if there is a problem. */ protected CoordinateReferenceSystem decode(String srs) { try { return CRS.decode(srs); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "SRS '" + srs + "' unknown:" + e.getLocalizedMessage(); throw (IllegalArgumentException) new IllegalArgumentException(msg).initCause(e); } } /** * Create a SimpleFeatureType containing just the descriptors indicated. * * @param original SimpleFeatureType * @param types name of types to include in result * @return SimpleFeatureType containing just the types indicated by name */ public static SimpleFeatureType retype(SimpleFeatureType original, String[] types) { return retype(original, Arrays.asList(types)); } public static SimpleFeatureType retype(SimpleFeatureType original, List<String> types) { SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); // initialize the builder b.init(original); // clear the attributes b.attributes().clear(); // add attributes in order for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) { b.add(original.getDescriptor(types.get(i))); } // handle default geometry GeometryDescriptor defaultGeometry = original.getGeometryDescriptor(); if (defaultGeometry != null && types.contains(defaultGeometry.getLocalName())) { b.setDefaultGeometry(defaultGeometry.getLocalName()); } return b.buildFeatureType(); } /** * Create a SimpleFeatureType with the same content; just updating the geometry * attribute to match the provided coordinate reference system. * @param original SimpleFeatureType * @param crs CoordinateReferenceSystem of result * @return SimpleFeatureType updated with the provided CoordinateReferenceSystem */ public static SimpleFeatureType retype( SimpleFeatureType original,CoordinateReferenceSystem crs ) { SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); //initialize the builder b.init( original ); //clear the attributes b.attributes().clear(); //add attributes in order for( AttributeDescriptor descriptor : original.getAttributeDescriptors() ){ if( descriptor instanceof GeometryDescriptor ){ GeometryDescriptor geometryDescriptor = (GeometryDescriptor) descriptor; AttributeTypeBuilder adjust = new AttributeTypeBuilder( b.factory ); adjust.init( geometryDescriptor ); adjust.setCRS( crs ); b.add( adjust.buildDescriptor( geometryDescriptor.getLocalName() )); continue; } b.add( descriptor); } return b.buildFeatureType(); } /** * Configure expected * @param origional * @param query * @return */ public static SimpleFeatureType retype(SimpleFeatureType origional, Query query) { CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = null; if( query.getCoordinateSystem() != null ){ crs = query.getCoordinateSystem(); } if( query.getCoordinateSystemReproject() != null ){ crs = query.getCoordinateSystemReproject(); } return retype( origional, query.getPropertyNames(), crs ); } private static SimpleFeatureType retype(SimpleFeatureType origional, String[] propertyNames, CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /** * Copys a feature type. * <p> * This method does a deep copy in that all individual attributes are copied as well. * </p> */ public static SimpleFeatureType copy( SimpleFeatureType original ) { SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); //initialize the builder b.init( original ); //clear attributes b.attributes().clear(); //add attributes in order for( AttributeDescriptor descriptor : original.getAttributeDescriptors() ){ AttributeTypeBuilder ab = new AttributeTypeBuilder( b.factory ); ab.init( descriptor ); b.add( ab.buildDescriptor( descriptor.getLocalName() )); } return b.buildFeatureType(); } }