/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2002-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.data.db2; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.geotools.jdbc.JDBCPrimaryKeyFinderTestSetup; /** * * * @source $URL$ */ public class DB2PrimaryKeyFinderTestSetup extends JDBCPrimaryKeyFinderTestSetup { protected DB2PrimaryKeyFinderTestSetup() { super(new DB2TestSetup()); } @Override protected void createMetadataTable() throws Exception { Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); con.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".gt_pk_metadata ( " + "table_schema VARCHAR(32) not null, " + "table_name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, " + "pk_column VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, " + "pk_column_idx INTEGER, " + "pk_policy VARCHAR(32), " + "pk_sequence VARCHAR(64)," + "primary key (table_schema, table_name, pk_column)" + ")").execute(); con.close(); } @Override protected void dropMetadataTable() throws Exception { Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); try { //DB2TestUtil.dropTable(DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA, "gt_pk_metadata_table", con); DB2TestUtil.dropTable(DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA, "gt_pk_metadata".toUpperCase(), con); } catch (SQLException e) { } con.close(); } @Override protected void createSequencedPrimaryKeyTable() throws Exception { Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); con.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".\"seqtable\" ( \"key\" integer not null, " + "\"name\" VARCHAR(256), \"geom\" db2gse.ST_GEOMETRY, primary key (\"key\") )").execute(); DB2Util.executeRegister(DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA, "seqtable", "geom", DB2TestUtil.SRSNAME, con); con.prepareStatement("CREATE SEQUENCE "+getSquenceNameQuoted()+ " AS INTEGER start with 1").execute(); con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".\"seqtable\" (\"key\", \"name\",\"geom\" ) VALUES (" + "next value for "+getSquenceNameQuoted()+",'one',NULL)").execute(); con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".\"seqtable\" (\"key\", \"name\",\"geom\" ) VALUES (" + "next value for "+getSquenceNameQuoted()+",'two',NULL)").execute(); con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".\"seqtable\" (\"key\", \"name\",\"geom\" ) VALUES (" + "next value for "+getSquenceNameQuoted()+",'three',NULL)").execute(); con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".gt_pk_metadata VALUES" + "('"+ DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "', 'seqtable', 'key', 0, 'sequence', '"+ getSquenceName()+"')").execute(); con.close(); } @Override protected void dropSequencedPrimaryKeyTable() throws Exception { Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); try { DB2Util.executeUnRegister(DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA, "seqtable", "geom", con); DB2TestUtil.dropTable(DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA, "seqtable", con); DB2TestUtil.dropSequence(DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA, "pksequence", con); } catch (SQLException e) { } con.close(); } @Override protected void createPlainTable() throws Exception { Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); con.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".\"plaintable\" ( \"key1\" int, \"key2\" int, " + "\"name\" VARCHAR(256), \"geom\" db2gse.ST_GEOMETRY)").execute(); DB2Util.executeRegister(DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA, "plaintable", "geom", DB2TestUtil.SRSNAME, con); con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".\"plaintable\" VALUES (1, 2, 'one', NULL)").execute(); con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".\"plaintable\" VALUES (2, 3, 'two', NULL)").execute(); con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".\"plaintable\" VALUES (3, 4, 'three', NULL)").execute(); con.close(); } @Override protected void dropPlainTable() throws Exception { Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); try { DB2Util.executeUnRegister(DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA, "plaintable", "geom", con); DB2TestUtil.dropTable(DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA, "plaintable", con); } catch (SQLException e) { } con.close(); } @Override protected void createAssignedSinglePkView() throws Exception { Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); con.prepareStatement("CREATE VIEW \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".\"assignedsinglepk\" AS SELECT * FROM \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".\"plaintable\"").execute(); con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".gt_pk_metadata VALUES" + "('"+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "', 'assignedsinglepk', 'key1', 0, 'assigned', NULL)").execute(); con.close(); } @Override protected void dropAssignedSinglePkView() throws Exception { Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); try { DB2TestUtil.dropView(DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA, "assignedsinglepk", con); } catch (SQLException e) { } con.close(); } @Override protected void createAssignedMultiPkView() throws Exception { Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); con.prepareStatement("CREATE VIEW \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".\"assignedmultipk\" AS SELECT * FROM \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".\"plaintable\"").execute(); con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".gt_pk_metadata VALUES" + "('"+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "', 'assignedmultipk', 'key1', 0, 'assigned', NULL)").execute(); con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO \""+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "\".gt_pk_metadata VALUES" + "('"+DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA+ "', 'assignedmultipk', 'key2', 1, 'assigned', NULL)").execute(); con.close(); } @Override protected void dropAssignedMultiPkView() throws Exception { Connection con = getDataSource().getConnection(); try { DB2TestUtil.dropView(DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA, "assignedmultipk", con); } catch (SQLException e) { } con.close(); } private String getSquenceName() { return "pksequence"; } private String getSquenceNameQuoted() { return DB2TestUtil.SCHEMA_QUOTED+".\""+getSquenceName()+"\""; } }