/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 1999-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * This package contains formulas from the PROJ package of USGS. * USGS's work is fully acknowledged here. This derived work has * been relicensed under LGPL with Frank Warmerdam's permission. */ package org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection; import static java.lang.Math.*; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.measure.unit.NonSI; import javax.measure.unit.SI; import javax.measure.unit.Unit; import org.geotools.math.XMath; import org.geotools.measure.Latitude; import org.geotools.measure.Longitude; import org.geotools.metadata.iso.citation.Citations; import org.geotools.referencing.NamedIdentifier; import org.geotools.referencing.operation.MathTransformProvider; import org.geotools.referencing.operation.transform.AbstractMathTransform; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.ErrorKeys; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.Errors; import org.geotools.util.Utilities; import org.geotools.util.logging.Logging; import org.opengis.parameter.GeneralParameterDescriptor; import org.opengis.parameter.InvalidParameterValueException; import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptor; import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptorGroup; import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterNotFoundException; import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform2D; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.NoninvertibleTransformException; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.Projection; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException; /** * Base class for transformation services between ellipsoidal and cartographic projections. * This base class provides the basic feature needed for all methods (no need to overrides * methods). Subclasses must "only" implements the following methods: * <ul> * <li>{@link #getParameterValues}</li> * <li>{@link #transformNormalized}</li> * <li>{@link #inverseTransformNormalized}</li> * </ul> * <p> * <strong>NOTE:</strong>Serialization of this class is appropriate for short-term storage * or RMI use, but will probably not be compatible with future version. For long term storage, * WKT (Well Know Text) or XML (not yet implemented) are more appropriate. * * @since 2.0 * @version $Id$ * * * @source $URL$ * @author André Gosselin * @author Martin Desruisseaux (PMO, IRD) * @author Rueben Schulz * * @see <A HREF="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/MapProjection.html">Map projections on MathWorld</A> * @see <A HREF="http://atlas.gc.ca/site/english/learningresources/carto_corner/map_projections.html">Map projections on the atlas of Canada</A> * @tutorial http://www.geotools.org/display/GEOTOOLS/How+to+add+new+projections */ public abstract class MapProjection extends AbstractMathTransform implements MathTransform2D, Serializable { /** * A global variable use to disable the reciprocal distance checks made when assertions are * enabled. This allows tests to work in "real world" conditions, where users often ask for * points that are way to far from the correct area of usage of projections */ public static boolean SKIP_SANITY_CHECKS = false; /** * For cross-version compatibility. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -406751619777246914L; /** * The projection package logger */ protected static final Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger(MapProjection.class); /** * Maximum difference allowed when comparing real numbers. * This field is private because subclasses may use different threshold value. */ private static final double EPSILON = 1E-6; /** * Maximum difference allowed when comparing longitudes or latitudes in degrees. * This tolerance do not apply to angle in radians. A tolerance of 1E-4 is about * 10 kilometers. */ private static final double ANGLE_TOLERANCE = 1E-4; /** * Difference allowed in iterative computations. */ private static final double ITERATION_TOLERANCE = 1E-10; /** * Relative iteration precision used in the <code>mlfn<code> method */ private static final double MLFN_TOL = 1E-11; /** * Maximum number of iterations for iterative computations. */ private static final int MAXIMUM_ITERATIONS = 15; /** * Constants used to calculate {@link #en0}, {@link #en1}, * {@link #en2}, {@link #en3}, {@link #en4}. */ private static final double C00= 1.0, C02= 0.25, C04= 0.046875, C06= 0.01953125, C08= 0.01068115234375, C22= 0.75, C44= 0.46875, C46= 0.01302083333333333333, C48= 0.00712076822916666666, C66= 0.36458333333333333333, C68= 0.00569661458333333333, C88= 0.3076171875; /** * Ellipsoid excentricity, equals to <code>sqrt({@link #excentricitySquared})</code>. * Value 0 means that the ellipsoid is spherical. * * @see #excentricitySquared * @see #isSpherical */ protected final double excentricity; /** * The square of excentricity: e² = (a²-b²)/a² where * <var>e</var> is the {@linkplain #excentricity excentricity}, * <var>a</var> is the {@linkplain #semiMajor semi major} axis length and * <var>b</var> is the {@linkplain #semiMinor semi minor} axis length. * * @see #excentricity * @see #semiMajor * @see #semiMinor * @see #isSpherical */ protected final double excentricitySquared; /** * {@code true} if this projection is spherical. Spherical model has identical * {@linkplain #semiMajor semi major} and {@linkplain #semiMinor semi minor} axis * length, and an {@linkplain #excentricity excentricity} zero. * * @see #excentricity * @see #semiMajor * @see #semiMinor */ protected final boolean isSpherical; /** * Length of semi-major axis, in metres. This is named '<var>a</var>' or '<var>R</var>' * (Radius in spherical cases) in Snyder. * * @see #excentricity * @see #semiMinor */ protected final double semiMajor; /** * Length of semi-minor axis, in metres. This is named '<var>b</var>' in Snyder. * * @see #excentricity * @see #semiMajor */ protected final double semiMinor; /** * Central longitude in <u>radians</u>. Default value is 0, the Greenwich meridian. * This is called '<var>lambda0</var>' in Snyder. * <p> * <strong>Consider this field as final</strong>. It is not final only * because some classes need to modify it at construction time. */ protected double centralMeridian; /** * Latitude of origin in <u>radians</u>. Default value is 0, the equator. * This is called '<var>phi0</var>' in Snyder. * <p> * <strong>Consider this field as final</strong>. It is not final only * because some classes need to modify it at construction time. */ protected double latitudeOfOrigin; /** * The scale factor. Default value is 1. Named '<var>k</var>' in Snyder. * <p> * <strong>Consider this field as final</strong>. It is not final only * because some classes need to modify it at construction time. */ protected double scaleFactor; /** * False easting, in metres. Default value is 0. */ protected final double falseEasting; /** * False northing, in metres. Default value is 0. */ protected final double falseNorthing; /** * Global scale factor. Default value {@code globalScale} is equal * to {@link #semiMajor}×{@link #scaleFactor}. * <p> * <strong>Consider this field as final</strong>. It is not final only * because some classes need to modify it at construction time. */ protected double globalScale; /** * The inverse of this map projection. Will be created only when needed. */ private transient MathTransform2D inverse; /** * Constant needed for the <code>mlfn<code> method. * Setup at construction time. */ protected double en0,en1,en2,en3,en4; /** * When different than {@link #globalRangeCheckSemaphore}, coordinate ranges will be * checked and a {@code WARNING} log will be issued if they are out of their natural * ranges (-180/180° for longitude, -90/90° for latitude). * * @see #verifyCoordinateRanges() * @see #warningLogged() */ private transient int rangeCheckSemaphore; /** * The value to be checked against {@link #rangeCheckSemaphore} in order to determine * if coordinates ranges should be checked. */ private static int globalRangeCheckSemaphore = 1; /** * Marks if the projection is invertible. The vast majority is, subclasses can override. */ protected boolean invertible = true; /** * Constructs a new map projection from the suplied parameters. * * @param values The parameter values in standard units. * The following parameter are recognized: * <ul> * <li>"semi_major" (mandatory: no default)</li> * <li>"semi_minor" (mandatory: no default)</li> * <li>"central_meridian" (default to 0°)</li> * <li>"latitude_of_origin" (default to 0°)</li> * <li>"scale_factor" (default to 1 )</li> * <li>"false_easting" (default to 0 )</li> * <li>"false_northing" (default to 0 )</li> * </ul> * @throws ParameterNotFoundException if a mandatory parameter is missing. */ protected MapProjection(final ParameterValueGroup values) throws ParameterNotFoundException { this(values, null); } /** * Constructor invoked by sub-classes when we can't rely on {@link #getParameterDescriptors} * before the construction is completed. This is the case when the later method depends on * the value of some class's attribute, which has not yet been set. An example is * {@link ObliqueMercator#getParameterDescriptors}. * <p> * This method is not public because it is not a very elegant hack, and a work around exists. * For example {@code ObliqueMercator} two-points case could be implemented by as a separated * classes, in which case {@link #getParameterDescriptors} returns a constant and can be safely * invoked in a constructor. */ MapProjection(final ParameterValueGroup values, Collection<GeneralParameterDescriptor> expected) throws ParameterNotFoundException { if (expected == null) { expected = getParameterDescriptors().descriptors(); } semiMajor = doubleValue(expected, AbstractProvider.SEMI_MAJOR, values); semiMinor = doubleValue(expected, AbstractProvider.SEMI_MINOR, values); centralMeridian = doubleValue(expected, AbstractProvider.CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, values); latitudeOfOrigin = doubleValue(expected, AbstractProvider.LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, values); scaleFactor = doubleValue(expected, AbstractProvider.SCALE_FACTOR, values); falseEasting = doubleValue(expected, AbstractProvider.FALSE_EASTING, values); falseNorthing = doubleValue(expected, AbstractProvider.FALSE_NORTHING, values); isSpherical = (semiMajor == semiMinor); excentricitySquared = 1.0 - (semiMinor * semiMinor) / (semiMajor * semiMajor); excentricity = sqrt(excentricitySquared); globalScale = scaleFactor * semiMajor; ensureLongitudeInRange(AbstractProvider.CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, centralMeridian, true); ensureLatitudeInRange (AbstractProvider.LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, latitudeOfOrigin, true); // Compute constants for the mlfn double t; en0 = C00 - excentricitySquared * (C02 + excentricitySquared * (C04 + excentricitySquared * (C06 + excentricitySquared * C08))); en1 = excentricitySquared * (C22 - excentricitySquared * (C04 + excentricitySquared * (C06 + excentricitySquared * C08))); en2 = (t = excentricitySquared * excentricitySquared) * (C44 - excentricitySquared * (C46 + excentricitySquared * C48)); en3 = (t *= excentricitySquared) * (C66 - excentricitySquared * C68); en4 = t * excentricitySquared * C88; } /** * Returns {@code true} if the specified parameter can apply to this map projection. * The set of expected parameters must be supplied. The default implementation just * invokes {@code expected.contains(param)}. Some subclasses will override this method * in order to handle {@link ModifiedParameterDescriptor} in a special way. * * @see #doubleValue * @see #set */ boolean isExpectedParameter(final Collection<GeneralParameterDescriptor> expected, final ParameterDescriptor param) { return expected.contains(param); } /** * Returns the parameter value for the specified operation parameter. Values are * automatically converted into the standard units specified by the supplied * {@code param} argument, except {@link NonSI#DEGREE_ANGLE degrees} which * are converted to {@link SI#RADIAN radians}. * * @param expected The value returned by {@code getParameterDescriptors().descriptors()}. * @param param The parameter to look for. * @param group The parameter value group to search into. * @return The requested parameter value, or {@code NaN} if {@code param} is * {@linkplain MathTransformProvider#createOptionalDescriptor optional} * and the user didn't provided any value. * @throws ParameterNotFoundException if the parameter is not found. * * @see MathTransformProvider#doubleValue */ final double doubleValue(final Collection<GeneralParameterDescriptor> expected, final ParameterDescriptor param, final ParameterValueGroup group) throws ParameterNotFoundException { if (isExpectedParameter(expected, param)) { /* * Gets the value supplied by the user. The conversion from decimal * degrees to radians (if needed) is performed by AbstractProvider. */ return AbstractProvider.doubleValue(param, group); } /* * The constructor asked for a parameter value that do not apply to the type of the * projection to be created. Returns a default value common to all projection types, * but this value should not be used in projection computations. */ double v; final Object value = param.getDefaultValue(); if (value instanceof Number) { v = ((Number) value).doubleValue(); if (NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE.equals(param.getUnit())) { v = toRadians(v); } } else { v = Double.NaN; } return v; } /** * Ensures that this projection has equals semi-major and semi-minor axis. This method is * invoked by constructors of classes implementing only spherical formulas. */ final void ensureSpherical() throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!isSpherical) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.ELLIPTICAL_NOT_SUPPORTED)); } } /** * Ensures that the absolute value of a latitude is equals to the specified value, up to * the tolerance value. The expected value is usually either {@code 0} or {@code PI/2} * (the equator or a pole). * * @param y Latitude to check, in radians. * @param expected The expected value, in radians. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the latitude is not the expected one. */ static void ensureLatitudeEquals(final ParameterDescriptor name, double y, double expected) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!(abs(abs(y) - expected) < EPSILON)) { y = toDegrees(y); final String n = name.getName().getCode(); throw new InvalidParameterValueException(Errors.format( ErrorKeys.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_$2, n, new Latitude(y)), n, y); } } /** * Ensures that the latitude is within allowed limits (±π/2). * This method is useful to check the validity of projection parameters, * like {@link #latitudeOfOrigin}. * * @param y Latitude to check, in radians. * @param edge {@code true} to accept latitudes of ±π/2. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the latitude is out of range. */ static void ensureLatitudeInRange(final ParameterDescriptor name, double y, final boolean edge) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (edge ? (y >= Latitude.MIN_VALUE * PI/180 && y <= Latitude.MAX_VALUE * PI/180) : (y > Latitude.MIN_VALUE * PI/180 && y < Latitude.MAX_VALUE * PI/180)) { return; } y = toDegrees(y); throw new InvalidParameterValueException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.LATITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE_$1, new Latitude(y)), name.getName().getCode(), y); } /** * Ensures that the longitue is within allowed limits (±π). * This method is used to check the validity of projection parameters, * like {@link #centralMeridian}. * * @param x Longitude to verify, in radians. * @param edge {@code true} for accepting longitudes of ±π. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the longitude is out of range. */ static void ensureLongitudeInRange(final ParameterDescriptor name, double x, final boolean edge) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (edge ? (x >= Longitude.MIN_VALUE * PI/180 && x <= Longitude.MAX_VALUE * PI/180) : (x > Longitude.MIN_VALUE * PI/180 && x < Longitude.MAX_VALUE * PI/180)) { return; } x = toDegrees(x); throw new InvalidParameterValueException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.LONGITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE_$1, new Longitude(x)), name.getName().getCode(), x); } /** * Verifies if the given coordinates are in the range of geographic coordinates. If they are * not, then this method logs a warning and returns {@code true}. Otherwise this method does * nothing and returns {@code false}. * * @param tr The caller. * @param x The longitude in decimal degrees. * @param y The latitude in decimal degrees. * @return {@code true} if the coordinates are not in the geographic range, in which case * a warning has been logged. */ private static boolean verifyGeographicRanges(final AbstractMathTransform tr, final double x, final double y) { // Note: the following tests should not fails for NaN values. final boolean xOut, yOut; xOut = (x < (Longitude.MIN_VALUE - ANGLE_TOLERANCE) || x > (Longitude.MAX_VALUE + ANGLE_TOLERANCE)); yOut = (y < (Latitude .MIN_VALUE - ANGLE_TOLERANCE) || y > (Latitude .MAX_VALUE + ANGLE_TOLERANCE)); if (!xOut && !yOut) { return false; } final String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n"); final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.OUT_OF_PROJECTION_VALID_AREA_$1, tr.getName())); if (xOut) { buffer.append(lineSeparator); buffer.append(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.LONGITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE_$1, new Longitude(x))); } if (yOut) { buffer.append(lineSeparator); buffer.append(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.LATITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE_$1, new Latitude(y))); } final LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.WARNING, buffer.toString()); final String classe; if (tr instanceof Inverse) { classe = ((Inverse) tr).inverse().getClass().getName() + ".Inverse"; } else { classe = tr.getClass().getName(); } record.setSourceClassName(classe); record.setSourceMethodName("transform"); record.setLoggerName(LOGGER.getName()); LOGGER.log(record); return true; } /** * Sets the value in a parameter group. This convenience method is used * by subclasses for {@link #getParameterValues} implementation. Values * are automatically converted from radians to decimal degrees if needed. * * @param expected The value returned by {@code getParameterDescriptors().descriptors()}. * @param param One of the {@link AbstractProvider} constants. * @param group The group in which to set the value. * @param value The value to set. */ final void set(final Collection<GeneralParameterDescriptor> expected, final ParameterDescriptor<?> param, final ParameterValueGroup group, double value) { if (isExpectedParameter(expected, param)) { if (NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE.equals(param.getUnit())) { /* * Converts radians to degrees and try to fix rounding error * (e.g. -61.500000000000014 --> -61.5). This is necessary * in order to avoid a bias when formatting a transform and * parsing it again. */ value = toDegrees(value); double old = value; value = XMath.trimDecimalFractionDigits(value, 4, 12); if (value == old) { /* * The attempt to fix rounding error failed. Try again with the * assumption that the true value is a multiple of 1/3 of angle * (e.g. 51.166666666666664 --> 51.166666666666666), which is * common in the EPSG database. */ old *= 3; final double test = XMath.trimDecimalFractionDigits(old, 4, 12); if (test != old) { value = test/3; } } } group.parameter(param.getName().getCode()).setValue(value); } } /** * Returns the parameter descriptors for this map projection. * This is used for a providing a default implementation of * {@link #getParameterValues}, as well as arguments checking. */ @Override public abstract ParameterDescriptorGroup getParameterDescriptors(); /** * Returns the parameter values for this map projection. * * @return A copy of the parameter values for this map projection. */ @Override public ParameterValueGroup getParameterValues() { final ParameterDescriptorGroup descriptor = getParameterDescriptors(); final Collection<GeneralParameterDescriptor> expected = descriptor.descriptors(); final ParameterValueGroup values = descriptor.createValue(); set(expected, AbstractProvider.SEMI_MAJOR, values, semiMajor ); set(expected, AbstractProvider.SEMI_MINOR, values, semiMinor ); set(expected, AbstractProvider.CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, values, centralMeridian ); set(expected, AbstractProvider.LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, values, latitudeOfOrigin); set(expected, AbstractProvider.SCALE_FACTOR, values, scaleFactor ); set(expected, AbstractProvider.FALSE_EASTING, values, falseEasting ); set(expected, AbstractProvider.FALSE_NORTHING, values, falseNorthing ); return values; } /** * Returns the dimension of input points. */ public final int getSourceDimensions() { return 2; } /** * Returns the dimension of output points. */ public final int getTargetDimensions() { return 2; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// //////// //////// TRANSFORMATION METHODS //////// //////// Includes an inner class for inverse projections. //////// //////// //////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns the orthodromic distance between the two specified points using a spherical * approximation. This is used for assertions only. */ protected double orthodromicDistance(final Point2D source, final Point2D target) { // The orthodromic distance calculation here does not work well over short // distances, so we only use it if we believe the distance is significant. if (source.distanceSq(target) > 1.0) { final double y1 = toRadians(source.getY()); final double y2 = toRadians(target.getY()); final double dx = toRadians(abs(target.getX() - source.getX()) % 360); double rho = sin(y1)*sin(y2) + cos(y1)*cos(y2)*cos(dx); if (rho > +1) {assert rho <= +(1+EPSILON) : rho; rho = +1;} if (rho < -1) {assert rho >= -(1+EPSILON) : rho; rho = -1;} return acos(rho) * semiMajor; } else { // Otherwise we approximate using alternate means. This is based // on the Haversine formula to compute the arc angle between the // point (derived from S2LatLng.getDistance()) which is stable for // small distances. double lat1 = toRadians(source.getY()); double lat2 = toRadians(target.getY()); double lng1 = toRadians(source.getX()); double lng2 = toRadians(target.getX()); double dlat = Math.sin(0.5 * (lat2 - lat1)); double dlng = Math.sin(0.5 * (lng2 - lng1)); double x = dlat * dlat + dlng * dlng * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2); double arcRadians = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(x), Math.sqrt(Math.max(0.0, 1.0 - x))); return arcRadians * semiMajor; } } /** * Check point for private use by {@link #checkReciprocal}. This class is necessary in order * to avoid never-ending loop in {@code assert} statements (when an {@code assert} * calls {@code transform(...)}, which calls {@code inverse.transform(...)}, which * calls {@code transform(...)}, etc.). */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static final class CheckPoint extends Point2D.Double { public CheckPoint(final Point2D point) { super(point.getX(), point.getY()); } } /** * Check if the transform of {@code point} is close enough to {@code target}. * "Close enough" means that the two points are separated by a distance shorter than * {@link #getToleranceForAssertions}. This method is used for assertions with J2SE 1.4. * * @param point Point to transform, in decimal degrees if {@code inverse} is {@code false}. * @param target Point to compare to, in metres if {@code inverse} is {@code false}. * @param inverse {@code true} for an inverse transform instead of a direct one. * @return {@code true} if the two points are close enough. */ protected boolean checkReciprocal(Point2D point, final Point2D target, final boolean inverse) throws ProjectionException { if (SKIP_SANITY_CHECKS) { return true; } if (!(point instanceof CheckPoint)) try { point = new CheckPoint(point); final double longitude; final double latitude; final double distance; if (inverse) { // Computes orthodromic distance (spherical model) in metres. point = inverse().transform(point, point); distance = orthodromicDistance(point, target); longitude = point.getX(); latitude = point.getY(); } else { // Computes cartesian distance in metres. longitude = point.getX(); latitude = point.getY(); point = transform(point, point); distance = point.distance(target); } if (distance > getToleranceForAssertions(longitude, latitude)) { /* * Do not fail for NaN values. For other cases we must throw a ProjectionException, * not an AssertionError, because some code like CRS.transform(CoordinateOperation, * ...) will project points that are know to be suspicious by surrounding them in * "try ... catch" statements. Failure are normal in their case and we want to let * them handle the exception the way they are used to. */ throw new ProjectionException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.PROJECTION_CHECK_FAILED_$4, distance, new Longitude(longitude - toDegrees(centralMeridian )), new Latitude (latitude - toDegrees(latitudeOfOrigin)), getName())); } } catch (ProjectionException exception) { throw exception; } catch (TransformException exception) { throw new ProjectionException(exception); } return true; } /** * Checks if transform using spherical formulas produces the same result * than ellipsoidal formulas. This method is invoked during assertions only. * * @param x The easting computed by spherical formulas, in metres. * @param y The northing computed by spherical formulas, in metres. * @param expected The (easting,northing) computed by ellipsoidal formulas. * @param tolerance The tolerance (optional). */ static boolean checkTransform(final double x, final double y, final Point2D expected, final double tolerance) { if (SKIP_SANITY_CHECKS) { return true; } compare("x", expected.getX(), x, tolerance); compare("y", expected.getY(), y, tolerance); return tolerance < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } /** * Default version of {@link #checkTransform(double,double,Point2D,double)}. */ static boolean checkTransform(final double x, final double y, final Point2D expected) { return checkTransform(x, y, expected, EPSILON); } /** * Checks if inverse transform using spherical formulas produces the same result * than ellipsoidal formulas. This method is invoked during assertions only. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> this method ignores the longitude if the latitude is * at a pole, because in such case the longitude is meanless. * * @param longitude The longitude computed by spherical formulas, in radians. * @param latitude The latitude computed by spherical formulas, in radians. * @param expected The (longitude,latitude) computed by ellipsoidal formulas. * @param tolerance The tolerance (optional). */ static boolean checkInverseTransform(final double longitude, final double latitude, final Point2D expected, final double tolerance) { compare("latitude", expected.getY(), latitude, tolerance); if (abs(PI/2 - abs(latitude)) > EPSILON) { compare("longitude", expected.getX(), longitude, tolerance); } return tolerance < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } /** * Default version of {@link #checkInverseTransform(double,double,Point2D,double)}. */ static boolean checkInverseTransform(double longitude, double latitude, Point2D expected) { return checkInverseTransform(longitude, latitude, expected, EPSILON); } /** * Compares two value for equality up to some tolerance threshold. This is used during * assertions only. The comparaison do not fails if at least one value to compare is * {@link Double#NaN}. * <p> * <strong>Hack:</strong> if the {@code variable} name starts by lower-case {@code L} * (as in "longitude" and "latitude"), then the value is assumed to be an angle in * radians. This is used for formatting an error message, if needed. */ private static void compare(String variable, double expected, double actual, double tolerance) { if (abs(expected - actual) > tolerance) { if (variable.charAt(0) == 'l') { actual = toDegrees(actual); expected = toDegrees(expected); } throw new AssertionError(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.TEST_FAILURE_$3, variable, expected, actual)); } } /** * Transforms the specified coordinate and stores the result in {@code ptDst}. This method * returns longitude as <var>x</var> values in the range {@code [-PI..PI]} and latitude as * <var>y</var> values in the range {@code [-PI/2..PI/2]}. It will be checked by the caller, * so this method doesn't need to performs this check. * <p> * Input coordinates have the {@link #falseEasting} and {@link #falseNorthing} removed and are * divided by {@link #globalScale} before this method is invoked. After this method is invoked, * the {@link #centralMeridian} is added to the {@code x} results in {@code ptDst}. This means * that projections that implement this method are performed on an ellipse (or sphere) with a * semi-major axis of 1. * <p> * In <A HREF="http://www.remotesensing.org/proj/">PROJ.4</A>, the same standardization, * described above, is handled by {@code pj_inv.c}. Therefore when porting projections * from PROJ.4, the inverse transform equations can be used directly here with minimal * change. In the equations of Snyder, {@link #falseEasting}, {@link #falseNorthing} and * {@link #scaleFactor} are usually not given. When implementing these equations here, you * will not need to add the {@link #centralMeridian} to the output longitude or remove the * {@link #semiMajor} (<var>a</var> or <var>R</var>). * * @param x The easting of the coordinate, linear distance on a unit sphere or ellipse. * @param y The northing of the coordinate, linear distance on a unit sphere or ellipse. * @param ptDst the specified coordinate point that stores the result of transforming * {@code ptSrc}, or {@code null}. Ordinates will be in <strong>radians</strong>. * @return the coordinate point after transforming {@code x}, {@code y} * and storing the result in {@code ptDst}. * @throws ProjectionException if the point can't be transformed. */ protected abstract Point2D inverseTransformNormalized(double x, double y, final Point2D ptDst) throws ProjectionException; /** * Transforms the specified coordinate and stores the result in {@code ptDst}. This method is * usually (but <strong>not</strong> guaranteed) to be invoked with values of <var>x</var> in * the range {@code [-PI..PI]} and values of <var>y</var> in the range {@code [-PI/2..PI/2]}. * Values outside those ranges are accepted (sometime with a warning logged) on the assumption * that most implementations use those values only in trigonometric functions like * {@linkplain Math#sin sin} and {@linkplain Math#cos cos}. * <p> * Coordinates have the {@link #centralMeridian} removed from <var>lambda</var> before this * method is invoked. After this method is invoked, the results in {@code ptDst} are multiplied * by {@link #globalScale}, and the {@link #falseEasting} and {@link #falseNorthing} are added. * This means that projections that implement this method are performed on an ellipse (or sphere) * with a semi-major axis of 1. * <p> * In <A HREF="http://www.remotesensing.org/proj/">PROJ.4</A>, the same standardization, * described above, is handled by {@code pj_fwd.c}. Therefore when porting projections * from PROJ.4, the forward transform equations can be used directly here with minimal * change. In the equations of Snyder, {@link #falseEasting}, {@link #falseNorthing} and * {@link #scaleFactor} are usually not given. When implementing these equations here, * you will not need to remove the {@link #centralMeridian} from <var>lambda</var> or apply * the {@link #semiMajor} (<var>a</var> or <var>R</var>). * * @param lambda The longitude of the coordinate, in <strong>radians</strong>. * @param phi The latitude of the coordinate, in <strong>radians</strong>. * @param ptDst the specified coordinate point that stores the result of transforming * {@code ptSrc}, or {@code null}. Ordinates will be in a * dimensionless unit, as a linear distance on a unit sphere or ellipse. * @return the coordinate point after transforming ({@code lambda}, {@code phi}) * and storing the result in {@code ptDst}. * @throws ProjectionException if the point can't be transformed. */ protected abstract Point2D transformNormalized(double lambda, double phi, final Point2D ptDst) throws ProjectionException; /** * Transforms the specified {@code ptSrc} and stores the result in {@code ptDst}. * <p> * This method standardizes the source {@code x} coordinate * by removing the {@link #centralMeridian}, before invoking * <code>{@link #transformNormalized transformNormalized}(x, y, ptDst)</code>. * It also multiplies by {@link #globalScale} and adds the {@link #falseEasting} and * {@link #falseNorthing} to the point returned by the {@code transformNormalized(...)} call. * * @param ptSrc the specified coordinate point to be transformed. * Ordinates must be in decimal degrees. * @param ptDst the specified coordinate point that stores the result of transforming * {@code ptSrc}, or {@code null}. Ordinates will be in metres. * @return the coordinate point after transforming {@code ptSrc} and storing * the result in {@code ptDst}. * @throws ProjectionException if the point can't be transformed. */ @Override public final Point2D transform(final Point2D ptSrc, Point2D ptDst) throws ProjectionException { final double x = ptSrc.getX(); final double y = ptSrc.getY(); if (verifyCoordinateRanges()) { if (verifyGeographicRanges(this, x, y)) { warningLogged(); } } /* * Makes sure that the longitude before conversion stay within +/- PI radians. As a * special case, we do not check the range if no rotation were applied on the longitude. * This is because the user may have a big area ranging from -180° to +180°. With the * slight rounding errors related to map projections, the 180° longitude may be slightly * over the limit. Rolling the longitude would changes its sign. For example a bounding * box from 30° to +180° would become 30° to -180°, which is probably not what the user * wanted. */ ptDst = transformNormalized(centralMeridian != 0 ? rollLongitude(toRadians(x) - centralMeridian) : toRadians(x), toRadians(y), ptDst); ptDst.setLocation(globalScale*ptDst.getX() + falseEasting, globalScale*ptDst.getY() + falseNorthing); if(invertible) { assert checkReciprocal(ptDst, (ptSrc!=ptDst) ? ptSrc : new Point2D.Double(x,y), true); } return ptDst; } /** * Transforms a list of coordinate point ordinal values. Ordinates must be * (<var>longitude</var>,<var>latitude</var>) pairs in decimal degrees. * * @throws ProjectionException if a point can't be transformed. This method tries to transform * every points even if some of them can't be transformed. Non-transformable points will * have value {@link Double#NaN}. If more than one point can't be transformed, then this * exception may be about an arbitrary point. */ public final void transform(final double[] srcPts, int srcOff, final double[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts) throws ProjectionException { /* * Vérifie s'il faudra parcourir le tableau en sens inverse. * Ce sera le cas si les tableaux source et destination se * chevauchent et que la destination est après la source. */ final boolean reverse = (srcPts == dstPts && srcOff < dstOff && srcOff + (2*numPts) > dstOff); if (reverse) { srcOff += 2*numPts; dstOff += 2*numPts; } final Point2D.Double point = new Point2D.Double(); ProjectionException firstException = null; while (--numPts >= 0) { try { point.x = srcPts[srcOff++]; point.y = srcPts[srcOff++]; transform(point, point); dstPts[dstOff++] = point.x; dstPts[dstOff++] = point.y; } catch (ProjectionException exception) { dstPts[dstOff++] = Double.NaN; dstPts[dstOff++] = Double.NaN; if (firstException == null) { firstException = exception; } } if (reverse) { srcOff -= 4; dstOff -= 4; } } if (firstException != null) { throw firstException; } } /** * Transforms a list of coordinate point ordinal values. Ordinates must be * (<var>longitude</var>,<var>latitude</var>) pairs in decimal degrees. * * @throws ProjectionException if a point can't be transformed. This method tries to transform * every points even if some of them can't be transformed. Non-transformable points will * have value {@link Float#NaN}. If more than one point can't be transformed, then this * exception may be about an arbitrary point. */ @Override public final void transform(final float[] srcPts, int srcOff, final float[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts) throws ProjectionException { final boolean reverse = (srcPts == dstPts && srcOff < dstOff && srcOff + (2*numPts) > dstOff); if (reverse) { srcOff += 2*numPts; dstOff += 2*numPts; } final Point2D.Double point = new Point2D.Double(); ProjectionException firstException = null; while (--numPts >= 0) { try { point.x = srcPts[srcOff++]; point.y = srcPts[srcOff++]; transform(point, point); dstPts[dstOff++] = (float) point.x; dstPts[dstOff++] = (float) point.y; } catch (ProjectionException exception) { dstPts[dstOff++] = Float.NaN; dstPts[dstOff++] = Float.NaN; if (firstException == null) { firstException = exception; } } if (reverse) { srcOff -= 4; dstOff -= 4; } } if (firstException != null) { throw firstException; } } /** * Inverse of a map projection. Will be created by {@link MapProjection#inverse()} only when * first required. Implementation of {@code transform(...)} methods are mostly identical * to {@code MapProjection.transform(...)}, except that they will invokes * {@link MapProjection#inverseTransformNormalized} instead of * {@link MapProjection#transformNormalized}. * * @version $Id$ * @author Martin Desruisseaux (PMO, IRD) */ private final class Inverse extends AbstractMathTransform.Inverse implements MathTransform2D { /** * For cross-version compatibility. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -9138242780765956870L; /** * Default constructor. */ public Inverse() { MapProjection.this.super(); } /** * Inverse transforms the specified {@code ptSrc} and stores the result in {@code ptDst}. * <p> * This method standardizes the {@code ptSrc} by removing the {@link #falseEasting} * and {@link #falseNorthing} and dividing by {@link #globalScale} before invoking * <code>{@link #inverseTransformNormalized inverseTransformNormalized}(x, y, ptDst)</code>. * It then adds the {@link #centralMeridian} to the {@code x} of the point returned by the * {@code inverseTransformNormalized} call. * * @param ptSrc the specified coordinate point to be transformed. * Ordinates must be in metres. * @param ptDst the specified coordinate point that stores the result of transforming * {@code ptSrc}, or {@code null}. Ordinates will be in decimal degrees. * @return the coordinate point after transforming {@code ptSrc} * and stroring the result in {@code ptDst}. * @throws ProjectionException if the point can't be transformed. */ @Override public final Point2D transform(final Point2D ptSrc, Point2D ptDst) throws ProjectionException { final double x0 = ptSrc.getX(); final double y0 = ptSrc.getY(); ptDst = inverseTransformNormalized((x0 - falseEasting ) / globalScale, (y0 - falseNorthing) / globalScale, ptDst); /* * Makes sure that the longitude after conversion stay within +/- PI radians. As a * special case, we do not check the range if no rotation were applied on the longitude. * This is because the user may have a big area ranging from -180° to +180°. With the * slight rounding errors related to map projections, the 180° longitude may be slightly * over the limit. Rolling the longitude would changes its sign. For example a bounding * box from 30° to +180° would become 30° to -180°, which is probably not what the user * wanted. */ final double x = toDegrees(centralMeridian != 0 ? rollLongitude(ptDst.getX() + centralMeridian) : ptDst.getX()); final double y = toDegrees(ptDst.getY()); ptDst.setLocation(x,y); if (verifyCoordinateRanges()) { if (verifyGeographicRanges(this, x, y)) { warningLogged(); } } assert checkReciprocal(ptDst, (ptSrc!=ptDst) ? ptSrc : new Point2D.Double(x0, y0), false); return ptDst; } /** * Inverse transforms a list of coordinate point ordinal values. * Ordinates must be (<var>x</var>,<var>y</var>) pairs in metres. * * @throws ProjectionException if a point can't be transformed. This method tries * to transform every points even if some of them can't be transformed. * Non-transformable points will have value {@link Double#NaN}. If more * than one point can't be transformed, then this exception may be about * an arbitrary point. */ public final void transform(final double[] src, int srcOffset, final double[] dest, int dstOffset, int numPts) throws TransformException { /* * Vérifie s'il faudra parcourir le tableau en sens inverse. * Ce sera le cas si les tableaux source et destination se * chevauchent et que la destination est après la source. */ final boolean reverse = (src==dest && srcOffset<dstOffset && srcOffset+(2*numPts) > dstOffset); if (reverse) { srcOffset += 2*numPts; dstOffset += 2*numPts; } final Point2D.Double point = new Point2D.Double(); ProjectionException firstException = null; while (--numPts>=0) { try { point.x = src[srcOffset++]; point.y = src[srcOffset++]; transform(point, point); dest[dstOffset++] = point.x; dest[dstOffset++] = point.y; } catch (ProjectionException exception) { dest[dstOffset++] = Double.NaN; dest[dstOffset++] = Double.NaN; if (firstException == null) { firstException = exception; } } if (reverse) { srcOffset -= 4; dstOffset -= 4; } } if (firstException != null) { throw firstException; } } /** * Inverse transforms a list of coordinate point ordinal values. * Ordinates must be (<var>x</var>,<var>y</var>) pairs in metres. * * @throws ProjectionException if a point can't be transformed. This method tries * to transform every points even if some of them can't be transformed. * Non-transformable points will have value {@link Float#NaN}. If more * than one point can't be transformed, then this exception may be about * an arbitrary point. */ @Override public final void transform(final float[] src, int srcOffset, final float[] dest, int dstOffset, int numPts) throws ProjectionException { final boolean reverse = (src==dest && srcOffset<dstOffset && srcOffset+(2*numPts) > dstOffset); if (reverse) { srcOffset += 2*numPts; dstOffset += 2*numPts; } final Point2D.Double point = new Point2D.Double(); ProjectionException firstException = null; while (--numPts>=0) { try { point.x = src[srcOffset++]; point.y = src[srcOffset++]; transform(point, point); dest[dstOffset++] = (float) point.x; dest[dstOffset++] = (float) point.y; } catch (ProjectionException exception) { dest[dstOffset++] = Float.NaN; dest[dstOffset++] = Float.NaN; if (firstException == null) { firstException = exception; } } if (reverse) { srcOffset -= 4; dstOffset -= 4; } } if (firstException!=null) { throw firstException; } } /** * Returns the original map projection. */ @Override public MathTransform2D inverse() { return (MathTransform2D) super.inverse(); } } /** * Returns the inverse of this map projection. */ @Override public final MathTransform2D inverse() throws NoninvertibleTransformException { if(!invertible) { throw new NoninvertibleTransformException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.NONINVERTIBLE_TRANSFORM)); } // No synchronization. Not a big deal if this method is invoked in // the same time by two threads resulting in two instances created. if (inverse == null) { inverse = new Inverse(); } return inverse; } /** * Maximal error (in metres) tolerated for assertions, if enabled. When assertions are enabled, * every direct projection is followed by an inverse projection, and the result is compared to * the original coordinate. If a distance greater than the tolerance level is found, then an * {@link ProjectionException} will be thrown. Subclasses should override this method if they * need to relax the tolerance level. * * @param longitude The longitude in decimal degrees. * @param latitude The latitude in decimal degrees. * @return The tolerance level for assertions, in meters. */ protected double getToleranceForAssertions(final double longitude, final double latitude) { final double delta = abs(longitude - centralMeridian)/2 + abs(latitude - latitudeOfOrigin); if (delta > 40) { // When far from the valid area, use a larger tolerance. return 1; } // Be less strict when the point is near an edge. return (abs(longitude) > 179) || (abs(latitude) > 89) ? 1E-1 : 3E-3; } /** * When {@code true}, coordinate ranges will be checked, and a {@link Level#WARNING WARNING} * log will be issued if they are out of their natural ranges (-180/180° for longitude, * -90/90° for latitude). * <p> * To avoid excessive logging, this flag will be set to {@code false} after the first * coordinate failing the checks is found. */ final boolean verifyCoordinateRanges() { /* * Do not synchronize - doing so would be a major bottleneck since this method will be * invoked thousands of time. The consequence is that a call to {@link #resetWarnings} * may not be reflected immediately in other threads, but the later is defined only on * a "best effort" basis. */ return rangeCheckSemaphore != globalRangeCheckSemaphore && !SKIP_SANITY_CHECKS; } /** * To be invoked after a warning in order to disable subsequent warnings. */ final void warningLogged() { synchronized (MapProjection.class) { rangeCheckSemaphore = globalRangeCheckSemaphore; } } /** * Resets the warning status of all projections in the current JVM. Every {@link MapProjection} * instance may log a warning the first time they are given coordinates outside their area of * validity. Subsequent coordinates outside the area of validity are silently projected in order * to avoid flowing the log with warnings. In case of suspicion, this method may be invoked in * order to force all projections to log again their first out-of-bounds coordinates. * <p> * <b>Multi-threading</b><br> * Calls to this method have immediate effect in the invoker's thread. The effect in other * threads may be delayed by some arbitrary amount of time. This method works only on a * "best effort" basis. * * @see org.geotools.referencing.CRS#reset * * @since 2.5 */ public static synchronized void resetWarnings() { globalRangeCheckSemaphore++; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// //////// //////// IMPLEMENTATION OF Object AND MathTransform2D STANDARD METHODS //////// //////// //////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns a hash value for this map projection. */ @Override public int hashCode() { long code = Double.doubleToLongBits(semiMajor); code = code*37 + Double.doubleToLongBits(semiMinor); code = code*37 + Double.doubleToLongBits(centralMeridian); code = code*37 + Double.doubleToLongBits(latitudeOfOrigin); return (int) code ^ (int) (code >>> 32); } /** * Compares the specified object with this map projection for equality. */ @Override public boolean equals(final Object object) { // Do not check 'object==this' here, since this // optimization is usually done in subclasses. if (super.equals(object)) { final MapProjection that = (MapProjection) object; return equals(this.semiMajor, that.semiMajor) && equals(this.semiMinor, that.semiMinor) && equals(this.centralMeridian, that.centralMeridian) && equals(this.latitudeOfOrigin, that.latitudeOfOrigin) && equals(this.scaleFactor, that.scaleFactor) && equals(this.falseEasting, that.falseEasting) && equals(this.falseNorthing, that.falseNorthing); } return false; } /** * Returns {@code true} if the two specified value are equals. * Two {@link Double#NaN NaN} values are considered equals. */ static boolean equals(final double value1, final double value2) { return Utilities.equals(value1, value2); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// //////// //////// FORMULAS FROM SNYDER //////// //////// //////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Iteratively solve equation (7-9) from Snyder. */ final double cphi2(final double ts) throws ProjectionException { final double eccnth = 0.5 * excentricity; double phi = (PI/2) - 2.0 * atan(ts); for (int i=0; i<MAXIMUM_ITERATIONS; i++) { final double con = excentricity * sin(phi); final double dphi = (PI/2) - 2.0*atan(ts * pow((1-con)/(1+con), eccnth)) - phi; phi += dphi; if (abs(dphi) <= ITERATION_TOLERANCE) { return phi; } } throw new ProjectionException(ErrorKeys.NO_CONVERGENCE); } /** * Computes function <code>f(s,c,e²) = c/sqrt(1 - s²×e²)</code> needed for the true scale * latitude (Snyder 14-15), where <var>s</var> and <var>c</var> are the sine and cosine of * the true scale latitude, and <var>e²</var> is the {@linkplain #excentricitySquared * eccentricity squared}. */ final double msfn(final double s, final double c) { return c / sqrt(1.0 - (s*s) * excentricitySquared); } /** * Computes function (15-9) and (9-13) from Snyder. * Equivalent to negative of function (7-7). */ final double tsfn(final double phi, double sinphi) { sinphi *= excentricity; /* * NOTE: change sign to get the equivalent of Snyder (7-7). */ return tan(0.5 * (PI/2 - phi)) / pow((1 - sinphi) / (1 + sinphi), 0.5*excentricity); } /** * Calculates the meridian distance. This is the distance along the central * meridian from the equator to {@code phi}. Accurate to < 1e-5 meters * when used in conjuction with typical major axis values. * * @param phi latitude to calculate meridian distance for. * @param sphi sin(phi). * @param cphi cos(phi). * @return meridian distance for the given latitude. */ protected final double mlfn(final double phi, double sphi, double cphi) { cphi *= sphi; sphi *= sphi; return en0 * phi - cphi * (en1 + sphi * (en2 + sphi * (en3 + sphi * (en4)))); } /** * Calculates the latitude ({@code phi}) from a meridian distance. * Determines phi to TOL (1e-11) radians, about 1e-6 seconds. * * @param arg meridian distance to calulate latitude for. * @return the latitude of the meridian distance. * @throws ProjectionException if the itteration does not converge. */ protected final double inv_mlfn(double arg) throws ProjectionException { double s, t, phi, k = 1.0/(1.0 - excentricitySquared); int i; phi = arg; for (i=MAXIMUM_ITERATIONS; true;) { // rarely goes over 5 iterations if (--i < 0) { throw new ProjectionException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.NO_CONVERGENCE)); } s = Math.sin(phi); t = 1.0 - excentricitySquared * s * s; t = (mlfn(phi, s, Math.cos(phi)) - arg) * (t * Math.sqrt(t)) * k; phi -= t; if (Math.abs(t) < MLFN_TOL) { return phi; } } } /** * Tolerant asin that will just return the limits of its output range if the input is out of range * @param v * @return */ double aasin(double v) { double av = abs(v); if (av >= 1.) { return (v < 0. ? -PI / 2: PI / 2); } return asin(v); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// //////// //////// PROVIDER //////// //////// //////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * The base provider for {@link MapProjection}s. * * @version $Id$ * @author Martin Desruisseaux (PMO, IRD) */ public static abstract class AbstractProvider extends MathTransformProvider { /** * Serial number for interoperability with different versions. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 6280666068007678702L; /** * The operation parameter descriptor for the {@linkplain #semiMajor semi major} parameter * value. Valid values range is from 0 to infinity. This parameter is mandatory. * * @todo Would like to start range from 0 <u>exclusive</u>. */ public static final ParameterDescriptor SEMI_MAJOR = createDescriptor( new NamedIdentifier[] { new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC, "semi_major"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "semi-major axis") // EPSG does not specifically define the above parameter }, Double.NaN, 0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, SI.METER); /** * The operation parameter descriptor for the {@linkplain #semiMinor semi minor} parameter * value. Valid values range is from 0 to infinity. This parameter is mandatory. * * @todo Would like to start range from 0 <u>exclusive</u>. */ public static final ParameterDescriptor SEMI_MINOR = createDescriptor( new NamedIdentifier[] { new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC, "semi_minor"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "semi-minor axis") // EPSG does not specifically define the above parameter }, Double.NaN, 0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, SI.METER); /** * The operation parameter descriptor for the {@linkplain #centralMeridian central meridian} * parameter value. Valid values range is from -180 to 180°. Default value is 0. */ public static final ParameterDescriptor CENTRAL_MERIDIAN = createDescriptor( new NamedIdentifier[] { new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC, "central_meridian"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Longitude of natural origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Longitude of false origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Longitude of origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "Longitude_Of_Center"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "longitude_of_center"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "Longitude_Of_Origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "longitude_of_origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTIFF, "NatOriginLong") // ESRI uses "Longitude_Of_Origin" in orthographic (not to // be confused with "Longitude_Of_Center" in oblique mercator). }, 0, -180, 180, NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE); /** * The operation parameter descriptor for the {@linkplain #latitudeOfOrigin latitude of origin} * parameter value. Valid values range is from -90 to 90°. Default value is 0. */ public static final ParameterDescriptor LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN = createDescriptor( new NamedIdentifier[] { new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC, "latitude_of_origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Latitude of false origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Latitude of natural origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "Latitude_Of_Origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "latitude_of_origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "Latitude_Of_Center"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "latitude_of_center"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTIFF, "NatOriginLat") // ESRI uses "Latitude_Of_Center" in orthographic. }, 0, -90, 90, NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE); /** * The operation parameter descriptor for the longitude of center * parameter value. Valid values range is from -180 to 180°. Default value is 0. */ public static final ParameterDescriptor LONGITUDE_OF_CENTRE = createDescriptor( new NamedIdentifier[] { new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC, "longitude_of_center"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Longitude of natural origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Spherical longitude of origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "Central_Meridian"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTIFF, "ProjCenterLong") }, 0, -180, 180, NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE); /** * The operation parameter descriptor for the latitude of center * parameter value. Valid values range is from -90 to 90°. Default value is 0. */ public static final ParameterDescriptor LATITUDE_OF_CENTRE = createDescriptor( new NamedIdentifier[] { new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC, "latitude_of_center"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Latitude of natural origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Spherical latitude of origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "Latitude_Of_Origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTIFF, "ProjCenterLat") }, 0, -90, 90, NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE); /** * The operation parameter descriptor for the standard parallel 1 parameter value. * Valid values range is from -90 to 90°. Default value is 0. */ public static final ParameterDescriptor STANDARD_PARALLEL_1 = createDescriptor( new NamedIdentifier[] { new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC, "standard_parallel_1"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Latitude of 1st standard parallel"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "Standard_Parallel_1"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "standard_parallel_1"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTIFF, "StdParallel1") }, 0, -90, 90, NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE); /** * The operation parameter descriptor for the standard parallel 2 parameter value. * Valid values range is from -90 to 90°. Default value is 0. */ public static final ParameterDescriptor STANDARD_PARALLEL_2 = createOptionalDescriptor( new NamedIdentifier[] { new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC, "standard_parallel_2"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Latitude of 2nd standard parallel"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "Standard_Parallel_2"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "standard_parallel_2"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTIFF, "StdParallel2") }, -90, 90, NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE); /** * The operation parameter descriptor for the {@link #scaleFactor scaleFactor} * parameter value. Valid values range is from 0 to infinity. Default value is 1. * * @todo Would like to start range from 0 <u>exclusive</u>. */ public static final ParameterDescriptor SCALE_FACTOR = createDescriptor( new NamedIdentifier[] { new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC, "scale_factor"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Scale factor at natural origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Scale factor on initial line"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTIFF, "ScaleAtNatOrigin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTIFF, "ScaleAtCenter"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "Scale_Factor"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "scale_factor"), }, 1, 0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Unit.ONE); /** * The operation parameter descriptor for the {@link #falseEasting falseEasting} * parameter value. Valid values range is unrestricted. Default value is 0. */ public static final ParameterDescriptor FALSE_EASTING = createDescriptor( new NamedIdentifier[] { new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC, "false_easting"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "False easting"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Easting at false origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Easting at projection centre"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTIFF, "FalseEasting"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "False_Easting") }, 0, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, SI.METER); /** * The operation parameter descriptor for the {@link #falseNorthing falseNorthing} * parameter value. Valid values range is unrestricted. Default value is 0. */ public static final ParameterDescriptor FALSE_NORTHING = createDescriptor( new NamedIdentifier[] { new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC, "false_northing"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "False northing"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Northing at false origin"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.EPSG, "Northing at projection centre"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTIFF, "FalseNorthing"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "False_Northing"), new NamedIdentifier(Citations.ESRI, "false_northing") }, 0, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, SI.METER); /** * Constructs a math transform provider from a set of parameters. The provider * {@linkplain #getIdentifiers identifiers} will be the same than the parameter * ones. * * @param parameters The set of parameters (never {@code null}). */ public AbstractProvider(final ParameterDescriptorGroup parameters) { super(2, 2, parameters); } /** * Returns the operation type for this map projection. */ @Override public Class<? extends Projection> getOperationType() { return Projection.class; } /** * Returns {@code true} is the parameters use a spherical datum. */ static boolean isSpherical(final ParameterValueGroup values) { try { return doubleValue(SEMI_MAJOR, values) == doubleValue(SEMI_MINOR, values); } catch (IllegalStateException exception) { // Probably could not find the requested values -- gobble error and be forgiving. // The error will probably be thrown at MapProjection construction time, which is // less surprising to some users. return false; } } /** * Returns the parameter value for the specified operation parameter in standard units. * Values are automatically converted into the standard units specified by the supplied * {@code param} argument, except {@link NonSI#DEGREE_ANGLE degrees} which are converted * to {@link SI#RADIAN radians}. This conversion is performed because the radians units * are standard for all internal computations in the map projection package. For example * they are the standard units for {@link MapProjection#latitudeOfOrigin latitudeOfOrigin} * and {@link MapProjection#centralMeridian centralMeridian} fields in the * {@link MapProjection} class. * * @param param The parameter to look for. * @param group The parameter value group to search into. * @return The requested parameter value. * @throws ParameterNotFoundException if the parameter is not found. */ protected static double doubleValue(final ParameterDescriptor param, final ParameterValueGroup group) throws ParameterNotFoundException { double v = MathTransformProvider.doubleValue(param, group); if (NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE.equals(param.getUnit())) { v = toRadians(v); } return v; } } }