/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2004-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.filter.text.cql2; import org.geotools.filter.function.FilterFunction_relatePattern; import org.geotools.filter.text.commons.CompilerUtil; import org.geotools.filter.text.commons.Language; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsEqualTo; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.BinarySpatialOperator; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.io.WKTReader; /** * Literal parser test * * @author Mauricio Pazos (Axios Engineering) * @since 2.6 * * * * @source $URL$ */ public class CQLLiteralTest { protected final Language language; public CQLLiteralTest(){ this(Language.CQL); } protected CQLLiteralTest(final Language language){ assert language != null: "language cannot be null value"; this.language = language; } /** * Tests Geometry Literals * <p> * * <pre> * <geometry literal > := * <Point Tagged Text > * | <LineString Tagged Text > * | <Polygon Tagged Text > * | <MultiPoint Tagged Text > * | <MultiLineString Tagged Text > * | <MultiPolygon Tagged Text > * | <GeometryCollection Tagged Text > * | <Envelope Tagged Text > * </pre> * * </p> */ @Test public void geometryLiterals() throws Exception { BinarySpatialOperator result; Literal geom; // Point":" <time-second> "Z" result = (BinarySpatialOperator) CompilerUtil.parseFilter(this.language, "WITHIN(ATTR1, POINT(1 2))"); geom = (Literal) result.getExpression2(); Assert.assertNotNull(geom.getValue()); Assert.assertTrue(geom.getValue() instanceof com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point); // LineString result = (BinarySpatialOperator) CompilerUtil.parseFilter(this.language,"WITHIN(ATTR1, LINESTRING(1 2, 10 15))"); geom = (Literal) result.getExpression2(); Assert.assertNotNull(geom.getValue()); Assert.assertTrue(geom.getValue() instanceof com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString); // Polygon result = (BinarySpatialOperator) CompilerUtil.parseFilter(this.language, "WITHIN(ATTR1, POLYGON((1 2, 15 2, 15 20, 15 21, 1 2)))"); geom = (Literal) result.getExpression2(); Assert.assertNotNull(geom.getValue()); Assert.assertTrue(geom.getValue() instanceof com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon); // MultiPoint result = (BinarySpatialOperator) CompilerUtil.parseFilter(this.language, "WITHIN(ATTR1, MULTIPOINT( (1 2), (15 2), (15 20), (15 21), (1 2) ))"); geom = (Literal) result.getExpression2(); Assert.assertNotNull(geom.getValue()); Assert.assertTrue(geom.getValue() instanceof com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPoint); // MultiLineString result = (BinarySpatialOperator) CompilerUtil.parseFilter(this.language, "WITHIN(ATTR1, MULTILINESTRING((10 10, 20 20),(15 15,30 15)) )"); geom = (Literal) result.getExpression2(); Assert.assertNotNull(geom.getValue()); Assert.assertTrue(geom.getValue() instanceof com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiLineString); // MultiPolygon result = (BinarySpatialOperator) CompilerUtil.parseFilter(this.language, "WITHIN(ATTR1, MULTIPOLYGON( ((10 10, 10 20, 20 20, 20 15, 10 10)),((60 60, 70 70, 80 60, 60 60 )) ) )"); geom = (Literal) result.getExpression2(); Assert.assertNotNull(geom.getValue()); Assert.assertTrue(geom.getValue() instanceof com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPolygon); // ENVELOPE result = (BinarySpatialOperator) CompilerUtil.parseFilter(this.language, "WITHIN(ATTR1, ENVELOPE( 10, 20, 30, 40) )"); geom = (Literal) result.getExpression2(); Assert.assertNotNull(geom.getValue()); Assert.assertTrue(geom.getValue() instanceof com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon); } /** * Test error at geometry literal * @throws CQLException */ @Test(expected=CQLException.class) public void geometryLiteralsError() throws CQLException { final String filterError = "WITHIN(ATTR1, POLYGON(1 2, 10 15), (10 15, 1 2)))"; CompilerUtil.parseFilter(this.language,filterError); } /** * <pre> * <character string literal> ::= <quote> [ {<character representation<} ] <quote> * <character representation> ::= * <nonquote character> * | <quote symbol> * <quote symbol> ::= <quote> <quote> * </pre> */ @Test public void characterStringLiteral() throws Exception { PropertyIsEqualTo eqFilter; // space check final String strWithSpace = "ALL PRACTICES"; Filter filterWithSpace = CompilerUtil.parseFilter(language, "practice='" + strWithSpace + "'"); Assert.assertNotNull(filterWithSpace); Assert.assertTrue(filterWithSpace instanceof PropertyIsEqualTo); eqFilter = (PropertyIsEqualTo) filterWithSpace; Expression spacesLiteral = eqFilter.getExpression2(); Assert.assertEquals(strWithSpace, spacesLiteral.toString()); // empty string '' Filter emptyFilter = CompilerUtil.parseFilter(language, "MAJOR_WATERSHED_SYSTEM = ''"); Assert.assertNotNull(emptyFilter); Assert.assertTrue(emptyFilter instanceof PropertyIsEqualTo); eqFilter = (PropertyIsEqualTo) emptyFilter; Expression emptyLiteral = eqFilter.getExpression2(); Assert.assertEquals("", emptyLiteral.toString()); // character string without quote final String expectedWithout = "ab"; Filter filterWithoutQuote = CompilerUtil.parseFilter(language, "MAJOR_WATERSHED_SYSTEM = '" + expectedWithout + "'"); Assert.assertNotNull(filterWithoutQuote); Assert.assertTrue(filterWithoutQuote instanceof PropertyIsEqualTo); eqFilter = (PropertyIsEqualTo) filterWithoutQuote; Expression actualWhithoutQuote = eqFilter.getExpression2(); Assert.assertEquals(expectedWithout, actualWhithoutQuote.toString()); // <quote symbol> final String expected = "cde'' fg"; Filter filter = CQL.toFilter("MAJOR_WATERSHED_SYSTEM = '" + expected + "'"); Assert.assertNotNull(filter); Assert.assertTrue(filter instanceof PropertyIsEqualTo); eqFilter = (PropertyIsEqualTo) filter; Expression actual = eqFilter.getExpression2(); Assert.assertEquals(expected.replaceAll("''", "'"), actual.toString()); // special characters final String otherChars = "üä"; filter = (PropertyIsEqualTo) CompilerUtil.parseFilter(language, "NAME = '" + otherChars + "'"); Assert.assertNotNull(filter); Assert.assertTrue(filter instanceof PropertyIsEqualTo); eqFilter = (PropertyIsEqualTo) filter; actual = eqFilter.getExpression2(); Assert.assertEquals(otherChars, actual.toString()); } @Test public void russianCharacterStringLiteral() throws Exception{ testCharacterString("ДОБРИЧ" ); testCharacterString("название"); testCharacterString("фамилия"); testCharacterString("среды"); } /** * Japan charset * @throws Exception */ @Test public void japanCharacterStringLiteral() throws Exception{ testCharacterString("名" ); testCharacterString("姓"); testCharacterString("環境"); } private void testCharacterString(final String str) throws Exception{ Filter filter = (PropertyIsEqualTo) CompilerUtil.parseFilter(language, "NAME = '" + str + "'"); Assert.assertNotNull(filter); Assert.assertTrue(filter instanceof PropertyIsEqualTo); PropertyIsEqualTo eqFilter = (PropertyIsEqualTo) filter; Expression actual = eqFilter.getExpression2(); Assert.assertEquals(str, actual.toString()); } @Test public void doubleLiteral() throws Exception{ final String expected = "4.20082008E4"; Expression expr = CompilerUtil.parseExpression(language, expected); Literal doubleLiteral = (Literal) expr; Double actual = (Double) doubleLiteral.getValue(); Assert.assertEquals(Double.parseDouble(expected), actual.doubleValue(), 8); } @Test public void longLiteral() throws Exception{ { final String expected = "123456789012345"; Expression expr = CompilerUtil.parseExpression(language, expected); Literal intLiteral = (Literal) expr; Long actual = (Long) intLiteral.getValue(); Assert.assertEquals(Long.parseLong(expected), actual.longValue()); } { final String maxLongValue = "9223372036854775807"; Expression expr = CompilerUtil.parseExpression(language, maxLongValue); Literal intLiteral = (Literal) expr; Long actual = (Long) intLiteral.getValue(); Assert.assertEquals(Long.parseLong(maxLongValue), actual.longValue()); } } /** * Tests that the ambiguous syntax between Integer and relate pattern is solved by the parser. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void clashLongLiteralandDE9IM() throws Exception{ { final String expected = "201000002"; Expression expr = CompilerUtil.parseExpression(language, expected); Literal intLiteral = (Literal) expr; Long actual = (Long) intLiteral.getValue(); Assert.assertEquals(Long.parseLong(expected), actual.longValue()); } { PropertyIsEqualTo resultFilter; resultFilter = (PropertyIsEqualTo) CompilerUtil.parseFilter(language,"RELATE(the_geom, LINESTRING (-134.921387 58.687767, -135.303391 59.092838), 201000002)"); Expression relateFunction = resultFilter.getExpression1(); Assert.assertTrue(relateFunction instanceof FilterFunction_relatePattern); Literal trueLiteral = (Literal) resultFilter.getExpression2(); Assert.assertTrue(trueLiteral.getValue() instanceof Boolean); } } /** * Test the pattern that represent the intersection matrix that is required by the Relate predicate. * * @throws CQLException */ @Test public void relatePatterns() throws CQLException { testRelatePatten("T******F*"); testRelatePatten("T012**FF*"); testRelatePatten("100000001"); testRelatePatten("200000000"); } private void testRelatePatten(final String pattern) throws CQLException { PropertyIsEqualTo resultFilter; resultFilter = (PropertyIsEqualTo) CompilerUtil.parseFilter(language,"RELATE(the_geom, LINESTRING (-134.921387 58.687767, -135.303391 59.092838), "+pattern+")"); Expression relateFunction = resultFilter.getExpression1(); Assert.assertTrue(relateFunction instanceof FilterFunction_relatePattern); Literal trueLiteral = (Literal) resultFilter.getExpression2(); Assert.assertTrue(trueLiteral.getValue() instanceof Boolean); } @Test public void dateLiteral() throws Exception{ // Date value final String expectedDate = "2009-08-01"; Filter filter = CompilerUtil.parseFilter(language, "END_DATE = '"+ expectedDate + "'"); Assert.assertNotNull(filter); Assert.assertTrue(filter instanceof PropertyIsEqualTo); PropertyIsEqualTo eq = (PropertyIsEqualTo) filter; Expression exp = eq.getExpression2(); Assert.assertTrue(exp instanceof Literal); Literal actualDate = (Literal) exp; Assert.assertEquals(expectedDate, actualDate.toString()); } @Test public void timeLiteral() throws Exception{ final String expectedTime = "12:08:01"; Filter filter = CompilerUtil.parseFilter(language, "END_TIME = '"+ expectedTime + "'"); Assert.assertNotNull(filter); Assert.assertTrue(filter instanceof PropertyIsEqualTo); PropertyIsEqualTo eq = (PropertyIsEqualTo) filter; Expression exp = eq.getExpression2(); Assert.assertTrue(exp instanceof Literal); Literal actualTime = (Literal) exp; Assert.assertEquals(expectedTime, actualTime.toString()); } @Test public void timeStampLiteral() throws Exception{ final String expectedDateTime = "2009-08-01 12:08:01"; Filter filter = CompilerUtil.parseFilter(language, "END_DATE = '"+ expectedDateTime + "'"); Assert.assertNotNull(filter); Assert.assertTrue(filter instanceof PropertyIsEqualTo); PropertyIsEqualTo eq = (PropertyIsEqualTo) filter; Expression exp = eq.getExpression2(); Assert.assertTrue(exp instanceof Literal); Literal actualDateTime = (Literal) exp; Assert.assertEquals(expectedDateTime, actualDateTime.toString()); } /** * Asserts that the geometries are equals * * @param strGeomExpected * @param actualGeometry */ protected void assertEqualsGeometries( final String strGeomExpected, final Geometry actualGeometry) throws Exception{ WKTReader reader = new WKTReader(); Geometry expectedGeometry; expectedGeometry = reader.read(strGeomExpected); Assert.assertTrue(expectedGeometry.equalsTopo(actualGeometry)); } }