package; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.*; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * Decode Sql Server binary format to JTS * * @author Anders Bakkevold, Bouvet * * @source $URL$ */ public class SqlServerBinaryReader { private ByteOrderDataInStream dis = new ByteOrderDataInStream(); private GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(); private SqlServerBinary binary; public SqlServerBinaryReader() { = new GeometryFactory(); } public SqlServerBinaryReader(GeometryFactory gf) { = gf; } public Geometry read(byte[] bytes) throws IOException { this.binary = new SqlServerBinary(); return read(new ByteArrayInStream(bytes)); } public Geometry read(InStream is) throws IOException { parse(is); readCoordinateSequences(); Type type = getTypeFromBinary(); Geometry geometry = decode(0, type); geometry.setSRID(binary.getSrid()); return geometry; } private Geometry decode(int shapeIndex, Type type) throws SqlServerBinaryParseException { switch (type) { case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: return decodeGeometryCollection(shapeIndex); case POINT: return decodePoint(shapeIndex); case LINESTRING: return decodeLinestring(shapeIndex); case POLYGON: return decodePolygon(shapeIndex); case MULTILINESTRING: return decodeMultiLinestring(shapeIndex); case MULTIPOINT: return decodeMultiPoint(shapeIndex); case MULTIPOLYGON: return decodeMultiPolygon(shapeIndex); default: throw new SqlServerBinaryParseException("Geometry type unsupported " + type); } } private Geometry decodeMultiPolygon( int shapeIndex) { Collection<Geometry> polygons = new ArrayList<Geometry>(); for (int i = shapeIndex; i < binary.getShapes().length; i++) { if (binary.getShape(i).getParentOffset() == shapeIndex) { polygons.add(decodePolygon(i)); } } return gf.createMultiPolygon(polygons.toArray(new Polygon[polygons.size()])); } private Geometry decodeMultiPoint(int shapeIndex) { Collection<Geometry> points = new ArrayList<Geometry>(); for (int i = shapeIndex; i < binary.getShapes().length; i++) { if (binary.getShape(i).getParentOffset() == shapeIndex) { points.add(gf.createPoint(binary.getSequence(binary.getShape(i).getFigureOffset()))); } } return gf.createMultiPoint(points.toArray(new Point[points.size()])); } private Geometry decodeMultiLinestring(int shapeIndex) { Collection<Geometry> linestrings = new ArrayList<Geometry>(); for (int i = shapeIndex; i < binary.getShapes().length; i++) { if (binary.getShape(i).getParentOffset() == shapeIndex) { linestrings.add(gf.createLineString(binary.getSequence(binary.getShape(i).getFigureOffset()))); } } return gf.createMultiLineString(linestrings.toArray(new LineString[linestrings.size()])); } private Geometry decodePolygon(int shapeIndex) { Shape shape = binary.getShape(shapeIndex); int figureOffset = shape.getFigureOffset(); int figureStopIndex = binary.getFigures().length-1; if (shapeIndex +1 < binary.getShapes().length) { Shape nextShape = binary.getShape(shapeIndex + 1); figureStopIndex = nextShape.getFigureOffset()-1; } List<LinearRing> linearRings = new ArrayList<LinearRing>(); if (figureOffset <= -1) { return gf.createPolygon(new Coordinate[0]); } for (int i = figureOffset; i <= figureStopIndex; i++) { CoordinateSequence sequence = binary.getSequence(i); linearRings.add(gf.createLinearRing(sequence)); } LinearRing outerShell = linearRings.remove(0); LinearRing[] holes = linearRings.toArray(new LinearRing[linearRings.size()]); return gf.createPolygon(outerShell, holes); } private Geometry decodeLinestring(int shapeIndex) { Shape shape = binary.getShape(shapeIndex); CoordinateSequence sequence = binary.getSequence(shape.getFigureOffset()); return gf.createLineString(sequence); } private Geometry decodePoint(int shapeIndex) { Shape shape = binary.getShapes()[shapeIndex]; Coordinate coordinate; if (binary.isSinglePoint()) { coordinate = binary.getCoordinates()[0]; } else if (shape.getParentOffset() != -1) { Figure figure = binary.getFigure(shape.getFigureOffset()); coordinate = binary.getCoordinates()[figure.getPointOffset()]; } else { coordinate = null; } return gf.createPoint(coordinate); } private Geometry decodeGeometryCollection(int shapeIndex) throws SqlServerBinaryParseException { Collection<Geometry> geometries = new ArrayList<Geometry>(); for (int i = shapeIndex +1; i < binary.getShapes().length; i++) { Shape subShape = binary.getShapes()[i]; if (subShape.getParentOffset() == shapeIndex) { geometries.add(decode(i, subShape.getType())); } } return gf.buildGeometry(geometries); } private Type getTypeFromBinary() { if (binary.isSinglePoint()) { return Type.POINT; } if (binary.hasSingleLineSegment()) { return Type.LINESTRING; } return binary.getShapes()[0].getType(); } private void readCoordinateSequences() { Figure[] figures = binary.getFigures(); CoordinateSequence[] sequences = new CoordinateSequence[figures.length]; for (int i = 0; i < figures.length; i++) { int figurePointOffset = figures[i].getPointOffset(); int nextPointOffset = figures.length >= i+2 ? figures[i+1].getPointOffset() : binary.getCoordinates().length; Coordinate[] coordinates = Arrays.copyOfRange(binary.getCoordinates(), figurePointOffset, nextPointOffset); int attribute = figures[i].getAttribute(); if ((attribute == 0 || attribute == 2) && !coordinates[0].equals(coordinates[coordinates.length-1]) ) { coordinates = Arrays.copyOf(coordinates, coordinates.length + 1); coordinates[coordinates.length-1] = coordinates[0]; } sequences[i] = gf.getCoordinateSequenceFactory().create(coordinates); } binary.setSequences(sequences); } private void parse(InStream is) throws IOException { dis.setInStream(is); dis.setOrder(ByteOrderValues.LITTLE_ENDIAN); binary.setSrid(dis.readInt()); byte version = dis.readByte(); if (version != 1) { throw new SqlServerBinaryParseException("Unsupported version (only supports version 1): " + version); } binary.setSerializationProperties(dis.readByte()); readNumberOfPoints(); readCoordinates(); readZValues(); readMValues(); if (binary.isSinglePoint()) { binary.setFigures(new Figure[] { new Figure(1,0) }); binary.setShapes(new Shape[] { new Shape(-1,0,2)}); } else if (binary.hasSingleLineSegment()) { binary.setFigures(new Figure[] { new Figure(1,0) }); binary.setShapes(new Shape[] { new Shape(-1,0,1)}); } else { readFigures(); readShapes(); } } private void readNumberOfPoints() throws IOException { if (binary.isSinglePoint()) { binary.setNumberOfPoints(1); } else if (binary.hasSingleLineSegment()) { binary.setNumberOfPoints(2); } else { binary.setNumberOfPoints(dis.readInt()); } } private void readCoordinates() throws IOException { Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[binary.getNumberOfPoints()]; for(int i = 0; i<binary.getNumberOfPoints(); i++) { coordinates[i] = readCoordinate(); } binary.setCoordinates(coordinates); } private void readShapes() throws IOException { int numberOfShapes;Shape[] shapesMetadata; numberOfShapes = dis.readInt(); shapesMetadata = new Shape[numberOfShapes]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfShapes; i++) { int parentOffset = dis.readInt(); int figureOffset = dis.readInt(); int shapeType = dis.readByte(); shapesMetadata[i] = new Shape(parentOffset, figureOffset, shapeType); } binary.setShapes(shapesMetadata); } private void readFigures() throws IOException { int numberOfFigures;Figure[] figuresMetadata; numberOfFigures = dis.readInt(); figuresMetadata = new Figure[numberOfFigures]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFigures; i++) { byte figureAttribute = dis.readByte(); int figurePointOffset = dis.readInt(); figuresMetadata[i] = new Figure(figureAttribute,figurePointOffset); } binary.setFigures(figuresMetadata); } private void readMValues() throws IOException { //measure values are currently discarded, as they cannot be represented in a JTS Geometry if (binary.hasM()) { for (int i = 0; i < binary.getNumberOfPoints(); i++) { dis.readDouble(); } } } private void readZValues() throws IOException { if (binary.hasZ()) { for (int i = 0; i < binary.getNumberOfPoints(); i++) { binary.getCoordinates()[i].z = dis.readDouble(); } } } private Coordinate readCoordinate() throws IOException { return new Coordinate(dis.readDouble(), dis.readDouble()); } }