/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2009-2011, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.data.complex; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.geotools.data.DataAccess; import org.geotools.data.DataAccessFinder; import org.geotools.data.DataSourceException; import org.geotools.data.FeatureSource; import org.geotools.data.complex.config.AppSchemaDataAccessConfigurator; import org.geotools.data.complex.config.AppSchemaDataAccessDTO; import org.geotools.data.complex.config.NonFeatureTypeProxy; import org.geotools.data.complex.config.SourceDataStore; import org.geotools.data.complex.config.TypeMapping; import org.geotools.data.complex.config.Types; import org.geotools.test.AppSchemaTestSupport; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.opengis.feature.Feature; import org.opengis.feature.type.FeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; /** * This tests AppSchemaDataAccessRegistry class. When an appschema data access is created, it would * be registered in the registry. Once it's in the registry, its feature type mapping and feature * source (simple or mapped) would be accessible globally. * * @author Rini Angreani (CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering) * * * * * @source $URL$ * http://svn.osgeo.org/geotools/trunk/modules/unsupported/app-schema/app-schema/src/test * /java/org/geotools/data/complex/AppSchemaDataAccessRegistryTest.java $ */ public class AppSchemaDataAccessRegistryTest extends AppSchemaTestSupport { public static final Logger LOGGER = org.geotools.util.logging.Logging .getLogger("org.geotools.data.complex"); private static final String GSMLNS = "urn:cgi:xmlns:CGI:GeoSciML:2.0"; private static final Name MAPPED_FEATURE = Types.typeName(GSMLNS, "MappedFeature"); private static final Name GEOLOGIC_UNIT = Types.typeName("myGeologicUnit"); private static final Name COMPOSITION_PART = Types.typeName(GSMLNS, "CompositionPart"); private static final Name CGI_TERM_VALUE = Types.typeName(GSMLNS, "CGI_TermValue"); private static final Name CONTROLLED_CONCEPT = Types.typeName(GSMLNS, "ControlledConcept"); private static final String schemaBase = "/test-data/"; /** * Geological unit data access */ private static AppSchemaDataAccess guDataAccess; /** * Compositional part data access */ private static AppSchemaDataAccess cpDataAccess; /** * Mapped feature data access */ private static AppSchemaDataAccess mfDataAccess; /** * CGI Term Value data access */ private static AppSchemaDataAccess cgiDataAccess; /** * Controlled Concept data access */ private static AppSchemaDataAccess ccDataAccess; /** * App-schema FeatureTypeMapping extract from a mapping file. This one has a mappingName to * identify itself. */ private static TypeMapping dtoMappingName; /** * App-schema FeatureTypeMapping extract from a mapping file.This one has no mappingName, * therefore targetElement is used to identify itself. */ private static TypeMapping dtoNoMappingName; /** * App-schema mapping file extract. */ private static AppSchemaDataAccessDTO config; /** * Test registering and unregistering all data accesses works. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testRegisterAndUnregisterDataAccess() throws Exception { loadDataAccesses(); /** * Check that data access are registered */ this.checkRegisteredDataAccess(mfDataAccess, MAPPED_FEATURE, false); this.checkRegisteredDataAccess(guDataAccess, GEOLOGIC_UNIT, false); this.checkRegisteredDataAccess(cpDataAccess, COMPOSITION_PART, true); this.checkRegisteredDataAccess(cgiDataAccess, CGI_TERM_VALUE, true); this.checkRegisteredDataAccess(ccDataAccess, CONTROLLED_CONCEPT, true); /** * Now unregister, and see if they're successful */ unregister(mfDataAccess, MAPPED_FEATURE); unregister(guDataAccess, GEOLOGIC_UNIT); unregister(cpDataAccess, COMPOSITION_PART); unregister(cgiDataAccess, CGI_TERM_VALUE); unregister(ccDataAccess, CONTROLLED_CONCEPT); } /** * Test that asking for a nonexistent type causes an excception to be thrown with the correct * number of type names in the detail message. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testThrowDataSourceException() throws Exception { Name typeName = Types.typeName(GSMLNS, "DoesNotExist"); boolean handledException = false; try { AppSchemaDataAccessRegistry.getMappingByElement(typeName); } catch (DataSourceException e) { LOGGER.info(e.toString()); handledException = true; assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("Feature type " + typeName + " not found")); } assertTrue("Expected a DataSourceException to have been thrown and handled", handledException); } /** * Load all data accesses * * @throws Exception */ public static void loadDataAccesses() throws Exception { /** * Load Mapped Feature data access */ Map dsParams = new HashMap(); URL url = AppSchemaDataAccessRegistryTest.class.getResource(schemaBase + "MappedFeaturePropertyfile.xml"); assertNotNull(url); dsParams.put("dbtype", "app-schema"); dsParams.put("url", url.toExternalForm()); mfDataAccess = (AppSchemaDataAccess) DataAccessFinder.getDataStore(dsParams); assertNotNull(mfDataAccess); /** * Load Geological Unit data access */ url = AppSchemaDataAccessRegistryTest.class.getResource(schemaBase + "GeologicUnit.xml"); assertNotNull(url); dsParams.put("url", url.toExternalForm()); guDataAccess = (AppSchemaDataAccess) DataAccessFinder.getDataStore(dsParams); assertNotNull(guDataAccess); /** * Find Compositional Part data access */ cpDataAccess = (AppSchemaDataAccess) DataAccessRegistry.getDataAccess(COMPOSITION_PART); assertNotNull(cpDataAccess); /** * Find CGI Term Value data access */ cgiDataAccess = (AppSchemaDataAccess) DataAccessRegistry.getDataAccess(CGI_TERM_VALUE); assertNotNull(cgiDataAccess); /** * Find ControlledConcept data access */ ccDataAccess = (AppSchemaDataAccess) DataAccessRegistry.getDataAccess(CONTROLLED_CONCEPT); assertNotNull(ccDataAccess); } /** * Create mock app-schema data access config. */ @BeforeClass public static void oneTimeSetUp() { /** * Create mock AppSchemaDataAccessDto to test mappingName */ final String TARGET_ELEMENT_NAME = "gsml:MappedFeature"; final String MAPPING_NAME = "MAPPING_NAME_ONE"; final String SOURCE_ID = "MappedFeature"; final String MAPPING_FILE = "MappedFeaturePropertyfile"; HashSet mappings = new HashSet(); Map dsParams = new HashMap(); URL url = AppSchemaDataAccessRegistryTest.class.getResource(schemaBase); assertNotNull(url); final SourceDataStore ds = new SourceDataStore(); ds.setId(SOURCE_ID); try { dsParams.put("directory", new File(url.toURI()).toURL().toString()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } ds.setParams(dsParams); config = new AppSchemaDataAccessDTO(); config.setSourceDataStores(new ArrayList() { { add(ds); } }); config.setBaseSchemasUrl(url.toExternalForm()); config.setNamespaces(new HashMap<String, String>() { { put("gsml", GSMLNS); } }); config.setTargetSchemasUris(new ArrayList<String>() { { add("http://www.geosciml.org/geosciml/2.0/xsd/geosciml.xsd"); } }); config.setCatalog("mappedPolygons.oasis.xml"); /** * Create mock TypeMapping objects to be set inside config in the test cases */ dtoMappingName = new TypeMapping(); dtoMappingName.setMappingName(MAPPING_NAME); dtoMappingName.setSourceDataStore(SOURCE_ID); dtoMappingName.setSourceTypeName(MAPPING_FILE); dtoMappingName.setTargetElementName(TARGET_ELEMENT_NAME); dtoNoMappingName = new TypeMapping(); dtoNoMappingName.setSourceDataStore(SOURCE_ID); dtoNoMappingName.setSourceTypeName(MAPPING_FILE); dtoNoMappingName.setTargetElementName(TARGET_ELEMENT_NAME); } /** * Tests that registry works. * * @param dataAccess * The app schema data access to check * @param typeName * Feature type * @param isNonFeature * true if the type is non feature * @throws IOException */ private void checkRegisteredDataAccess(AppSchemaDataAccess dataAccess, Name typeName, boolean isNonFeature) throws IOException { FeatureTypeMapping mapping = AppSchemaDataAccessRegistry.getMappingByName(typeName); assertNotNull(mapping); // compare with the supplied data access assertEquals(dataAccess.getMappingByName(typeName).equals(mapping), true); if (isNonFeature) { assertTrue(mapping.getTargetFeature().getType() instanceof NonFeatureTypeProxy); } // should return a simple feature source FeatureSource<FeatureType, Feature> source = AppSchemaDataAccessRegistry .getMappingByName(typeName).getSource(); assertNotNull(source); assertEquals(mapping.getSource(), source); // should return a mapping feature source FeatureSource<FeatureType, Feature> mappedSource = DataAccessRegistry .getFeatureSource(typeName); assertNotNull(mappedSource); // compare with the supplied data access assertTrue(mappedSource.getDataStore().equals(dataAccess)); } /** * Tests that unregistering data access works * * @param dataAccess * The data access * @param typeName * The feature type name * @throws IOException */ private void unregister(DataAccess dataAccess, Name typeName) throws IOException { dataAccess.dispose(); boolean notFound = false; try { FeatureTypeMapping mapping = AppSchemaDataAccessRegistry.getMappingByElement(typeName); } catch (DataSourceException e) { notFound = true; assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("Feature type " + typeName + " not found")); } if (!notFound) { fail("Expecting DataSourceException but didn't occur. Deregistering data access fails."); } notFound = false; try { FeatureSource source = AppSchemaDataAccessRegistry.getSimpleFeatureSource(typeName); } catch (DataSourceException e) { notFound = true; assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("Feature type " + typeName + " not found")); } if (!notFound) { fail("Expecting DataSourceException but didn't occur. Deregistering data access fails."); } } /** * Fail scenarios for breaking uniqueness of FeatureTypeMapping key (mappingName or * targetElement). * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testDuplicateKey() throws IOException { boolean threwException = false; /** * Test duplicate mappingName */ HashSet mappings = new HashSet(); TypeMapping duplicate = new TypeMapping(); duplicate.setMappingName(dtoMappingName.getMappingName()); duplicate.setSourceDataStore(dtoMappingName.getSourceDataStore()); duplicate.setSourceTypeName(dtoMappingName.getSourceTypeName()); duplicate.setTargetElementName(dtoMappingName.getTargetElementName()); mappings.add(dtoMappingName); mappings.add(duplicate); config.setTypeMappings(mappings); try { AppSchemaDataAccess da = new AppSchemaDataAccess(AppSchemaDataAccessConfigurator .buildMappings(config)); } catch (DataSourceException e) { assertTrue(e .getMessage() .startsWith( "Duplicate mappingName or targetElement across FeatureTypeMapping instances detected.")); threwException = true; } assertTrue(threwException); threwException = false; /** * Test when targetElement duplicates a mappingName */ duplicate = new TypeMapping(); duplicate.setMappingName(dtoNoMappingName.getTargetElementName()); duplicate.setSourceDataStore(dtoNoMappingName.getSourceDataStore()); duplicate.setSourceTypeName(dtoNoMappingName.getSourceTypeName()); duplicate.setTargetElementName(dtoNoMappingName.getTargetElementName()); mappings.clear(); mappings.add(duplicate); mappings.add(dtoNoMappingName); config.setTypeMappings(mappings); // make sure the above operation didn't fail assertTrue(config.getTypeMappings().containsAll(mappings)); try { AppSchemaDataAccess da = new AppSchemaDataAccess(AppSchemaDataAccessConfigurator .buildMappings(config)); } catch (DataSourceException e) { assertTrue(e .getMessage() .startsWith( "Duplicate mappingName or targetElement across FeatureTypeMapping instances detected.")); threwException = true; } assertTrue(threwException); threwException = false; /** * Test duplicate targetElement, when both don't have mappingName */ duplicate = new TypeMapping(); duplicate.setSourceDataStore(dtoNoMappingName.getSourceDataStore()); duplicate.setSourceTypeName(dtoNoMappingName.getSourceTypeName()); duplicate.setTargetElementName(dtoNoMappingName.getTargetElementName()); mappings.clear(); mappings.add(duplicate); mappings.add(dtoNoMappingName); config.setTypeMappings(mappings); assertTrue(config.getTypeMappings().containsAll(mappings)); try { AppSchemaDataAccess da = new AppSchemaDataAccess(AppSchemaDataAccessConfigurator .buildMappings(config)); } catch (DataSourceException e) { assertTrue(e .getMessage() .startsWith( "Duplicate mappingName or targetElement across FeatureTypeMapping instances detected.")); threwException = true; } assertTrue(threwException); } /** * Success scenarios for keeping uniqueness of FeatureTypeMapping key (mappingName or * targetElement). * * @throws IOException * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testUniqueKey() throws IOException { /** * When mappingName are present in both mappings, and they're unique */ HashSet mappings = new HashSet(); TypeMapping duplicate = new TypeMapping(); duplicate.setMappingName(dtoMappingName.getTargetElementName()); duplicate.setSourceDataStore(dtoMappingName.getSourceDataStore()); duplicate.setSourceTypeName(dtoMappingName.getSourceTypeName()); duplicate.setTargetElementName(dtoMappingName.getTargetElementName()); mappings.add(dtoMappingName); mappings.add(duplicate); config.setTypeMappings(mappings); AppSchemaDataAccess da = new AppSchemaDataAccess(AppSchemaDataAccessConfigurator .buildMappings(config)); assertNotNull(da); da.dispose(); /** * When mappingName is present in one mapping, and it's different from the targetElement of * the other. */ mappings.clear(); mappings.add(dtoMappingName); mappings.add(dtoNoMappingName); config.setTypeMappings(mappings); assertTrue(config.getTypeMappings().containsAll(mappings)); da = new AppSchemaDataAccess(AppSchemaDataAccessConfigurator.buildMappings(config)); assertNotNull(da); da.dispose(); // no need to test the scenario if both target elements are unique, as most of the other // app-schema test files are already like this. } }