// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. package com.cloud.storage.download; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.DataObject; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.DataStore; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.EndPoint; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.EndPointSelector; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.VolumeInfo; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.async.AsyncCompletionCallback; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.config.dao.ConfigurationDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.command.DownloadCommand; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.command.DownloadCommand.ResourceType; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.command.DownloadProgressCommand; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.command.DownloadProgressCommand.RequestType; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.datastore.db.TemplateDataStoreDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.datastore.db.TemplateDataStoreVO; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.datastore.db.VolumeDataStoreDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.datastore.db.VolumeDataStoreVO; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.TemplateObjectTO; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.VolumeObjectTO; import com.cloud.agent.AgentManager; import com.cloud.agent.api.storage.DownloadAnswer; import com.cloud.utils.net.Proxy; import com.cloud.configuration.Config; import com.cloud.storage.RegisterVolumePayload; import com.cloud.storage.Storage.ImageFormat; import com.cloud.storage.VMTemplateStorageResourceAssoc.Status; import com.cloud.storage.Volume; import com.cloud.storage.dao.VMTemplateDao; import com.cloud.storage.dao.VolumeDao; import com.cloud.storage.template.TemplateConstants; import com.cloud.storage.upload.UploadListener; import com.cloud.template.VirtualMachineTemplate; import com.cloud.utils.component.ComponentContext; import com.cloud.utils.component.ManagerBase; import com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException; @Component public class DownloadMonitorImpl extends ManagerBase implements DownloadMonitor { static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(DownloadMonitorImpl.class); @Inject private TemplateDataStoreDao _vmTemplateStoreDao; @Inject private VolumeDao _volumeDao; @Inject private VolumeDataStoreDao _volumeStoreDao; @Inject private final VMTemplateDao _templateDao = null; @Inject private AgentManager _agentMgr; @Inject private ConfigurationDao _configDao; @Inject private EndPointSelector _epSelector; private String _copyAuthPasswd; private String _proxy = null; private Timer _timer; @Override public boolean configure(String name, Map<String, Object> params) { final Map<String, String> configs = _configDao.getConfiguration("management-server", params); _proxy = configs.get(Config.SecStorageProxy.key()); String cert = configs.get("secstorage.ssl.cert.domain"); if (!"realhostip.com".equalsIgnoreCase(cert)) { s_logger.warn("Only realhostip.com ssl cert is supported, ignoring self-signed and other certs"); } _copyAuthPasswd = configs.get("secstorage.copy.password"); DownloadListener dl = new DownloadListener(this); ComponentContext.inject(dl); _agentMgr.registerForHostEvents(dl, true, false, false); return true; } @Override public boolean start() { _timer = new Timer(); return true; } @Override public boolean stop() { return true; } public boolean isTemplateUpdateable(Long templateId, Long storeId) { List<TemplateDataStoreVO> downloadsInProgress = _vmTemplateStoreDao.listByTemplateStoreDownloadStatus(templateId, storeId, Status.DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS, Status.DOWNLOADED); return (downloadsInProgress.size() == 0); } private void initiateTemplateDownload(DataObject template, AsyncCompletionCallback<DownloadAnswer> callback) { boolean downloadJobExists = false; TemplateDataStoreVO vmTemplateStore = null; DataStore store = template.getDataStore(); vmTemplateStore = _vmTemplateStoreDao.findByStoreTemplate(store.getId(), template.getId()); if (vmTemplateStore == null) { vmTemplateStore = new TemplateDataStoreVO(store.getId(), template.getId(), new Date(), 0, Status.NOT_DOWNLOADED, null, null, "jobid0000", null, template.getUri()); vmTemplateStore.setDataStoreRole(store.getRole()); vmTemplateStore = _vmTemplateStoreDao.persist(vmTemplateStore); } else if ((vmTemplateStore.getJobId() != null) && (vmTemplateStore.getJobId().length() > 2)) { downloadJobExists = true; } Long maxTemplateSizeInBytes = getMaxTemplateSizeInBytes(); if (vmTemplateStore != null) { start(); VirtualMachineTemplate tmpl = _templateDao.findById(template.getId()); DownloadCommand dcmd = new DownloadCommand((TemplateObjectTO)(template.getTO()), maxTemplateSizeInBytes); dcmd.setProxy(getHttpProxy()); if (downloadJobExists) { dcmd = new DownloadProgressCommand(dcmd, vmTemplateStore.getJobId(), RequestType.GET_OR_RESTART); } if (vmTemplateStore.isCopy()) { dcmd.setCreds(TemplateConstants.DEFAULT_HTTP_AUTH_USER, _copyAuthPasswd); } EndPoint ep = _epSelector.select(template); if (ep == null) { String errMsg = "There is no secondary storage VM for downloading template to image store " + store.getName(); s_logger.warn(errMsg); throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMsg); } DownloadListener dl = new DownloadListener(ep, store, template, _timer, this, dcmd, callback); ComponentContext.inject(dl); // initialize those auto-wired field in download listener. if (downloadJobExists) { // due to handling existing download job issues, we still keep // downloadState in template_store_ref to avoid big change in // DownloadListener to use // new ObjectInDataStore.State transition. TODO: fix this later // to be able to remove downloadState from template_store_ref. s_logger.info("found existing download job"); dl.setCurrState(vmTemplateStore.getDownloadState()); } try { ep.sendMessageAsync(dcmd, new UploadListener.Callback(ep.getId(), dl)); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.warn("Unable to start /resume download of template " + template.getId() + " to " + store.getName(), e); dl.setDisconnected(); dl.scheduleStatusCheck(RequestType.GET_OR_RESTART); } } } @Override public void downloadTemplateToStorage(DataObject template, AsyncCompletionCallback<DownloadAnswer> callback) { if(template != null) { long templateId = template.getId(); DataStore store = template.getDataStore(); if (isTemplateUpdateable(templateId, store.getId())) { if (template.getUri() != null) { initiateTemplateDownload(template, callback); } else { s_logger.info("Template url is null, cannot download"); DownloadAnswer ans = new DownloadAnswer("Template url is null", Status.UNKNOWN); callback.complete(ans); } } else { s_logger.info("Template download is already in progress or already downloaded"); DownloadAnswer ans = new DownloadAnswer("Template download is already in progress or already downloaded", Status.UNKNOWN); callback.complete(ans); } } } @Override public void downloadVolumeToStorage(DataObject volume, AsyncCompletionCallback<DownloadAnswer> callback) { boolean downloadJobExists = false; VolumeDataStoreVO volumeHost = null; DataStore store = volume.getDataStore(); VolumeInfo volInfo = (VolumeInfo)volume; RegisterVolumePayload payload = (RegisterVolumePayload)volInfo.getpayload(); String url = payload.getUrl(); String checkSum = payload.getChecksum(); ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.valueOf(payload.getFormat()); volumeHost = _volumeStoreDao.findByStoreVolume(store.getId(), volume.getId()); if (volumeHost == null) { volumeHost = new VolumeDataStoreVO(store.getId(), volume.getId(), new Date(), 0, Status.NOT_DOWNLOADED, null, null, "jobid0000", null, url, checkSum); _volumeStoreDao.persist(volumeHost); } else if ((volumeHost.getJobId() != null) && (volumeHost.getJobId().length() > 2)) { downloadJobExists = true; } else { // persit url and checksum volumeHost.setDownloadUrl(url); volumeHost.setChecksum(checkSum); _volumeStoreDao.update(volumeHost.getId(), volumeHost); } Long maxVolumeSizeInBytes = getMaxVolumeSizeInBytes(); if (volumeHost != null) { start(); Volume vol = _volumeDao.findById(volume.getId()); DownloadCommand dcmd = new DownloadCommand((VolumeObjectTO)(volume.getTO()), maxVolumeSizeInBytes, checkSum, url, format); dcmd.setProxy(getHttpProxy()); if (downloadJobExists) { dcmd = new DownloadProgressCommand(dcmd, volumeHost.getJobId(), RequestType.GET_OR_RESTART); dcmd.setResourceType(ResourceType.VOLUME); } EndPoint ep = _epSelector.select(volume); if (ep == null) { s_logger.warn("There is no secondary storage VM for image store " + store.getName()); return; } DownloadListener dl = new DownloadListener(ep, store, volume, _timer, this, dcmd, callback); ComponentContext.inject(dl); // auto-wired those injected fields in DownloadListener if (downloadJobExists) { dl.setCurrState(volumeHost.getDownloadState()); } try { ep.sendMessageAsync(dcmd, new UploadListener.Callback(ep.getId(), dl)); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.warn("Unable to start /resume download of volume " + volume.getId() + " to " + store.getName(), e); dl.setDisconnected(); dl.scheduleStatusCheck(RequestType.GET_OR_RESTART); } } } private Long getMaxTemplateSizeInBytes() { try { return Long.parseLong(_configDao.getValue("max.template.iso.size")) * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } private Long getMaxVolumeSizeInBytes() { try { return Long.parseLong(_configDao.getValue("storage.max.volume.upload.size")) * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } private Proxy getHttpProxy() { if (_proxy == null) { return null; } try { URI uri = new URI(_proxy); Proxy prx = new Proxy(uri); return prx; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { return null; } } }