// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. package com.cloud.network.resource; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.naming.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.cloud.agent.IAgentControl; import com.cloud.agent.api.Answer; import com.cloud.agent.api.AssociateAsaWithLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.CleanupLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.Command; import com.cloud.agent.api.ConfigureNexusVsmForAsaCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.CreateLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.ExternalNetworkResourceUsageAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.ExternalNetworkResourceUsageCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.MaintainAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.MaintainCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.PingCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.ReadyAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.ReadyCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.StartupCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.StartupExternalFirewallCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.routing.IpAssocAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.routing.IpAssocCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.routing.NetworkElementCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.routing.SetFirewallRulesCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.routing.SetPortForwardingRulesCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.routing.SetSourceNatCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.routing.SetStaticNatRulesCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.FirewallRuleTO; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.PortForwardingRuleTO; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.StaticNatRuleTO; import com.cloud.host.Host; import com.cloud.network.cisco.CiscoVnmcConnectionImpl; import com.cloud.network.rules.FirewallRule.TrafficType; import com.cloud.resource.ServerResource; import com.cloud.utils.NumbersUtil; import com.cloud.utils.Pair; import com.cloud.utils.cisco.n1kv.vsm.NetconfHelper; import com.cloud.utils.cisco.n1kv.vsm.VsmCommand.OperationType; import com.cloud.utils.cisco.n1kv.vsm.VsmCommand.SwitchPortMode; import com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException; import com.cloud.utils.exception.ExecutionException; import com.cloud.utils.net.NetUtils; public class CiscoVnmcResource implements ServerResource { private String _name; private String _zoneId; private String _physicalNetworkId; private String _ip; private String _username; private String _password; private String _guid; private Integer _numRetries = 1; private CiscoVnmcConnectionImpl _connection; public void setConnection(CiscoVnmcConnectionImpl connection) { _connection = connection; } private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(CiscoVnmcResource.class); @Override public Answer executeRequest(Command cmd) { if (cmd instanceof ReadyCommand) { return execute((ReadyCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof MaintainCommand) { return execute((MaintainCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof IpAssocCommand) { return execute((IpAssocCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof SetSourceNatCommand) { return execute((SetSourceNatCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof SetFirewallRulesCommand) { return execute((SetFirewallRulesCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof SetStaticNatRulesCommand) { return execute((SetStaticNatRulesCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof SetPortForwardingRulesCommand) { return execute((SetPortForwardingRulesCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof ExternalNetworkResourceUsageCommand) { return execute((ExternalNetworkResourceUsageCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof CreateLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand) { return execute((CreateLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof CleanupLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand) { return execute((CleanupLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof ConfigureNexusVsmForAsaCommand) { return execute((ConfigureNexusVsmForAsaCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof AssociateAsaWithLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand) { return execute((AssociateAsaWithLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand)cmd); } else { return Answer.createUnsupportedCommandAnswer(cmd); } } @Override public boolean configure(String name, Map<String, Object> params) throws ConfigurationException { try { _name = (String)params.get("name"); if (_name == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find name"); } _zoneId = (String)params.get("zoneId"); if (_zoneId == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find zone"); } _physicalNetworkId = (String)params.get("physicalNetworkId"); if (_physicalNetworkId == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find physical network id in the configuration parameters"); } _ip = (String)params.get("ip"); if (_ip == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find IP"); } _username = (String)params.get("username"); if (_username == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find username"); } _password = (String)params.get("password"); if (_password == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find password"); } _guid = (String)params.get("guid"); if (_guid == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find the guid"); } _numRetries = NumbersUtil.parseInt((String)params.get("numretries"), 1); NumbersUtil.parseInt((String)params.get("timeout"), 300); // Open a socket and login _connection = new CiscoVnmcConnectionImpl(_ip, _username, _password); if (!refreshVnmcConnection()) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to connect to VNMC, check if ip/username/password is valid."); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override public StartupCommand[] initialize() { StartupExternalFirewallCommand cmd = new StartupExternalFirewallCommand(); cmd.setName(_name); cmd.setDataCenter(_zoneId); cmd.setPod(""); cmd.setPrivateIpAddress(_ip); cmd.setStorageIpAddress(""); cmd.setVersion(CiscoVnmcResource.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion()); cmd.setGuid(_guid); return new StartupCommand[] {cmd}; } @Override public Host.Type getType() { return Host.Type.ExternalFirewall; } @Override public String getName() { return _name; } @Override public boolean start() { return true; } @Override public boolean stop() { return true; } @Override public PingCommand getCurrentStatus(final long id) { if (!refreshVnmcConnection()) { return null; } return new PingCommand(Host.Type.ExternalFirewall, id); } @Override public void disconnected() { } @Override public IAgentControl getAgentControl() { return null; } @Override public void setAgentControl(IAgentControl agentControl) { return; } private Answer execute(ReadyCommand cmd) { return new ReadyAnswer(cmd); } private Answer execute(MaintainCommand cmd) { return new MaintainAnswer(cmd); } private ExternalNetworkResourceUsageAnswer execute(ExternalNetworkResourceUsageCommand cmd) { return new ExternalNetworkResourceUsageAnswer(cmd); } /* * Login */ private boolean refreshVnmcConnection() { boolean ret = false; try { ret = _connection.login(); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { s_logger.error("Login to Vnmc failed", ex); } return ret; } private synchronized Answer execute(IpAssocCommand cmd) { refreshVnmcConnection(); return execute(cmd, _numRetries); } private Answer execute(IpAssocCommand cmd, int numRetries) { String[] results = new String[cmd.getIpAddresses().length]; return new IpAssocAnswer(cmd, results); } private String[] getIpRangeFromCidr(String cidr) { String[] result = new String[2]; String[] cidrData = cidr.split("\\/"); assert (cidrData.length == 2) : "Something is wrong with source cidr " + cidr; long size = Long.parseLong(cidrData[1]); result[0] = cidrData[0]; result[1] = cidrData[0]; if (size < 32) { result[0] = NetUtils.getIpRangeStartIpFromCidr(cidrData[0], size); result[1] = NetUtils.getIpRangeEndIpFromCidr(cidrData[0], size); } return result; } /* * Source NAT */ private synchronized Answer execute(SetSourceNatCommand cmd) { refreshVnmcConnection(); return execute(cmd, _numRetries); } private Answer execute(SetSourceNatCommand cmd, int numRetries) { String vlanId = cmd.getContextParam(NetworkElementCommand.GUEST_VLAN_TAG); String tenant = "vlan-" + vlanId; String policyIdentifier = cmd.getIpAddress().getPublicIp().replace('.', '-'); try { if (!_connection.createTenantVDCNatPolicySet(tenant)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create NAT policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCSourceNatPolicy(tenant, policyIdentifier)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create source NAT policy in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCSourceNatPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate source NAT policy with NAT policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCSourceNatIpPool(tenant, policyIdentifier, cmd.getIpAddress().getPublicIp())) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create source NAT ip pool in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } String[] ipRange = getIpRangeFromCidr(cmd.getContextParam(NetworkElementCommand.GUEST_NETWORK_CIDR)); if (!_connection.createTenantVDCSourceNatRule(tenant, policyIdentifier, ipRange[0], ipRange[1])) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create source NAT rule in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.associateNatPolicySet(tenant)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate source NAT policy set with edge security profile in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } } catch (ExecutionException e) { String msg = "SetSourceNatCommand failed due to " + e.getMessage(); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } return new Answer(cmd, true, "Success"); } /* * Firewall rule */ private synchronized Answer execute(SetFirewallRulesCommand cmd) { refreshVnmcConnection(); return execute(cmd, _numRetries); } private Answer execute(SetFirewallRulesCommand cmd, int numRetries) { String vlanId = cmd.getContextParam(NetworkElementCommand.GUEST_VLAN_TAG); String tenant = "vlan-" + vlanId; FirewallRuleTO[] rules = cmd.getRules(); Map<String, List<FirewallRuleTO>> publicIpRulesMap = new HashMap<String, List<FirewallRuleTO>>(); for (FirewallRuleTO rule : rules) { String publicIp = rule.getSrcIp(); if (!publicIpRulesMap.containsKey(publicIp)) { List<FirewallRuleTO> publicIpRulesList = new ArrayList<FirewallRuleTO>(); publicIpRulesMap.put(publicIp, publicIpRulesList); } publicIpRulesMap.get(publicIp).add(rule); } try { if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicySet(tenant, true)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL ingress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicySet(tenant, false)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL egress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } for (String publicIp : publicIpRulesMap.keySet()) { String policyIdentifier = publicIp.replace('.', '-'); if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicy(tenant, policyIdentifier)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL policy in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier, true)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate ACL policy with ACL ingress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier, false)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate ACL policy with ACL egress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } for (FirewallRuleTO rule : publicIpRulesMap.get(publicIp)) { if (rule.revoked()) { if (!_connection.deleteTenantVDCAclRule(tenant, rule.getId(), policyIdentifier)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to delete ACL rule in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } } else { String[] externalIpRange = getIpRangeFromCidr(rule.getSourceCidrList().get(0)); if (rule.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Ingress) { if (!rule.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("icmp") && rule.getSrcPortRange() != null) { if (!_connection.createTenantVDCIngressAclRule(tenant, rule.getId(), policyIdentifier, rule.getProtocol().toUpperCase(), externalIpRange[0], externalIpRange[1], Integer.toString(rule.getSrcPortRange()[0]), Integer.toString(rule.getSrcPortRange()[1]))) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL ingress rule in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } } else { if (!_connection.createTenantVDCIngressAclRule(tenant, rule.getId(), policyIdentifier, rule.getProtocol().toUpperCase(), externalIpRange[0], externalIpRange[1])) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL ingress rule in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } } } else { if ((rule.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("tcp") || rule.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("udp")) && rule.getSrcPortRange() != null) { if (!_connection.createTenantVDCEgressAclRule(tenant, rule.getId(), policyIdentifier, rule.getProtocol().toUpperCase(), externalIpRange[0], externalIpRange[1], Integer.toString(rule.getSrcPortRange()[0]), Integer.toString(rule.getSrcPortRange()[1]))) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL egress rule in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } } else { if (!_connection.createTenantVDCEgressAclRule(tenant, rule.getId(), policyIdentifier, rule.getProtocol().toUpperCase(), externalIpRange[0], externalIpRange[1])) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL egress rule in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } } } } } } if (!_connection.associateAclPolicySet(tenant)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate ACL policy set with edge security profile in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } } catch (ExecutionException e) { String msg = "SetFirewallRulesCommand failed due to " + e.getMessage(); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } return new Answer(cmd, true, "Success"); } /* * Static NAT */ private synchronized Answer execute(SetStaticNatRulesCommand cmd) { refreshVnmcConnection(); return execute(cmd, _numRetries); } private Answer execute(SetStaticNatRulesCommand cmd, int numRetries) { String vlanId = cmd.getContextParam(NetworkElementCommand.GUEST_VLAN_TAG); String tenant = "vlan-" + vlanId; StaticNatRuleTO[] rules = cmd.getRules(); Map<String, List<StaticNatRuleTO>> publicIpRulesMap = new HashMap<String, List<StaticNatRuleTO>>(); for (StaticNatRuleTO rule : rules) { String publicIp = rule.getSrcIp(); if (!publicIpRulesMap.containsKey(publicIp)) { List<StaticNatRuleTO> publicIpRulesList = new ArrayList<StaticNatRuleTO>(); publicIpRulesMap.put(publicIp, publicIpRulesList); } publicIpRulesMap.get(publicIp).add(rule); } try { if (!_connection.createTenantVDCNatPolicySet(tenant)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create NAT policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicySet(tenant, true)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL ingress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicySet(tenant, false)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL egress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } for (String publicIp : publicIpRulesMap.keySet()) { String policyIdentifier = publicIp.replace('.', '-'); if (!_connection.createTenantVDCDNatPolicy(tenant, policyIdentifier)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create DNAT policy in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCDNatPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate DNAT policy with NAT policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicy(tenant, policyIdentifier)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL policy in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier, true)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate ACL policy with ACL ingress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier, false)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate ACL policy with ACL egress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } for (StaticNatRuleTO rule : publicIpRulesMap.get(publicIp)) { if (rule.revoked()) { if (!_connection.deleteTenantVDCDNatRule(tenant, rule.getId(), policyIdentifier)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to delete DNAT rule in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } } else { if (!_connection.createTenantVDCDNatIpPool(tenant, Long.toString(rule.getId()), rule.getDstIp())) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create DNAT ip pool in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCDNatRule(tenant, rule.getId(), policyIdentifier, rule.getSrcIp())) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create DNAT rule in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } } } } if (!_connection.associateAclPolicySet(tenant)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate source NAT policy set with edge security profile in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } } catch (ExecutionException e) { String msg = "SetStaticNatRulesCommand failed due to " + e.getMessage(); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } return new Answer(cmd, true, "Success"); } /* * PF */ private synchronized Answer execute(SetPortForwardingRulesCommand cmd) { refreshVnmcConnection(); return execute(cmd, _numRetries); } private Answer execute(SetPortForwardingRulesCommand cmd, int numRetries) { String vlanId = cmd.getContextParam(NetworkElementCommand.GUEST_VLAN_TAG); String tenant = "vlan-" + vlanId; PortForwardingRuleTO[] rules = cmd.getRules(); Map<String, List<PortForwardingRuleTO>> publicIpRulesMap = new HashMap<String, List<PortForwardingRuleTO>>(); for (PortForwardingRuleTO rule : rules) { String publicIp = rule.getSrcIp(); if (!publicIpRulesMap.containsKey(publicIp)) { List<PortForwardingRuleTO> publicIpRulesList = new ArrayList<PortForwardingRuleTO>(); publicIpRulesMap.put(publicIp, publicIpRulesList); } publicIpRulesMap.get(publicIp).add(rule); } try { if (!_connection.createTenantVDCNatPolicySet(tenant)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create NAT policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicySet(tenant, true)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL ingress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicySet(tenant, false)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL egress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } for (String publicIp : publicIpRulesMap.keySet()) { String policyIdentifier = publicIp.replace('.', '-'); if (!_connection.createTenantVDCPFPolicy(tenant, policyIdentifier)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create PF policy in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCPFPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate PF policy with NAT policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicy(tenant, policyIdentifier)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL policy in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier, true)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate ACL policy with ACL ingress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier, false)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate ACL policy with ACL egress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } for (PortForwardingRuleTO rule : publicIpRulesMap.get(publicIp)) { if (rule.revoked()) { if (!_connection.deleteTenantVDCPFRule(tenant, rule.getId(), policyIdentifier)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to delete PF rule in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } } else { if (!_connection.createTenantVDCPFIpPool(tenant, Long.toString(rule.getId()), rule.getDstIp())) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create PF ip pool in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCPFPortPool(tenant, Long.toString(rule.getId()), Integer.toString(rule.getDstPortRange()[0]), Integer.toString(rule.getDstPortRange()[1]))) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create PF port pool in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } if (!_connection.createTenantVDCPFRule(tenant, rule.getId(), policyIdentifier, rule.getProtocol().toUpperCase(), rule.getSrcIp(), Integer.toString(rule.getSrcPortRange()[0]), Integer.toString(rule.getSrcPortRange()[1]))) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create PF rule in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } } } } if (!_connection.associateAclPolicySet(tenant)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate source NAT policy set with edge security profile in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } } catch (ExecutionException e) { String msg = "SetPortForwardingRulesCommand failed due to " + e.getMessage(); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } return new Answer(cmd, true, "Success"); } /* * Logical edge firewall */ private synchronized Answer execute(CreateLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand cmd) { refreshVnmcConnection(); return execute(cmd, _numRetries); } private void createEdgeDeviceProfile(String tenant, List<String> gateways, Long vlanId) throws ExecutionException { // create edge device profile if (!_connection.createTenantVDCEdgeDeviceProfile(tenant)) throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create tenant edge device profile in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); // create edge static route policy if (!_connection.createTenantVDCEdgeStaticRoutePolicy(tenant)) throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create tenant edge static route policy in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); // create edge static route for all gateways for (String gateway : gateways) { if (!_connection.createTenantVDCEdgeStaticRoute(tenant, gateway, "", "")) throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create tenant edge static route in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } // associate edge if (!_connection.associateTenantVDCEdgeStaticRoutePolicy(tenant)) throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate edge static route policy with edge device profile in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId); } private Answer execute(CreateLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand cmd, int numRetries) { String tenant = "vlan-" + cmd.getVlanId(); try { // create tenant if (!_connection.createTenant(tenant)) throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create tenant in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + cmd.getVlanId()); // create tenant VDC if (!_connection.createTenantVDC(tenant)) throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create tenant VDC in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + cmd.getVlanId()); // create edge security profile if (!_connection.createTenantVDCEdgeSecurityProfile(tenant)) throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create tenant edge security profile in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + cmd.getVlanId()); // create edge device profile and associated route createEdgeDeviceProfile(tenant, cmd.getPublicGateways(), cmd.getVlanId()); // create logical edge firewall if (!_connection.createEdgeFirewall(tenant, cmd.getPublicIp(), cmd.getInternalIp(), cmd.getPublicSubnet(), cmd.getInternalSubnet())) throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create edge firewall in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + cmd.getVlanId()); } catch (ExecutionException e) { String msg = "CreateLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand failed due to " + e.getMessage(); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } return new Answer(cmd, true, "Success"); } /* * Create vservice node and update inside port profile for ASA appliance in VSM */ private synchronized Answer execute(ConfigureNexusVsmForAsaCommand cmd) { return execute(cmd, _numRetries); } private Answer execute(ConfigureNexusVsmForAsaCommand cmd, int numRetries) { String vlanId = Long.toString(cmd.getVlanId()); NetconfHelper helper = null; List<Pair<OperationType, String>> params = new ArrayList<Pair<OperationType, String>>(); params.add(new Pair<OperationType, String>(OperationType.addvlanid, vlanId)); try { helper = new NetconfHelper(cmd.getVsmIp(), cmd.getVsmUsername(), cmd.getVsmPassword()); s_logger.debug("Connected to Cisco VSM " + cmd.getVsmIp()); helper.addVServiceNode(vlanId, cmd.getIpAddress()); s_logger.debug("Created vservice node for ASA appliance in Cisco VSM for vlan " + vlanId); helper.updatePortProfile(cmd.getAsaInPortProfile(), SwitchPortMode.access, params); s_logger.debug("Updated inside port profile for ASA appliance in Cisco VSM with new vlan " + vlanId); } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) { String msg = "ConfigureVSMForASACommand failed due to " + e.getMessage(); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } finally { if( helper != null) { helper.disconnect(); } } return new Answer(cmd, true, "Success"); } /* * Associates ASA 1000v with logical edge firewall in VNMC */ private synchronized Answer execute(AssociateAsaWithLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand cmd) { return execute(cmd, _numRetries); } private Answer execute(AssociateAsaWithLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand cmd, int numRetries) { String tenant = "vlan-" + cmd.getVlanId(); try { Map<String, String> availableAsaAppliances = _connection.listUnAssocAsa1000v(); if (availableAsaAppliances.isEmpty()) { throw new ExecutionException("No ASA 1000v available to associate with logical edge firewall for guest vlan " + cmd.getVlanId()); } String asaInstanceDn = availableAsaAppliances.get(cmd.getAsaMgmtIp()); if (asaInstanceDn == null) { throw new ExecutionException("Requested ASA 1000v (" + cmd.getAsaMgmtIp() + ") is not available"); } if (!_connection.assignAsa1000v(tenant, asaInstanceDn)) { throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate ASA 1000v (" + cmd.getAsaMgmtIp() + ") with logical edge firewall for guest vlan " + cmd.getVlanId()); } } catch (ExecutionException e) { String msg = "AssociateAsaWithLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand failed due to " + e.getMessage(); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } return new Answer(cmd, true, "Success"); } /* * Cleanup */ private synchronized Answer execute(CleanupLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand cmd) { refreshVnmcConnection(); return execute(cmd, _numRetries); } private Answer execute(CleanupLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand cmd, int numRetries) { String tenant = "vlan-" + cmd.getVlanId(); try { _connection.deleteTenant(tenant); } catch (ExecutionException e) { String msg = "CleanupLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand failed due to " + e.getMessage(); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } return new Answer(cmd, true, "Success"); } @Override public void setName(String name) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void setConfigParams(Map<String, Object> params) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public Map<String, Object> getConfigParams() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public int getRunLevel() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } @Override public void setRunLevel(int level) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }