// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. package com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.resource; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.ConnectException; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.URI; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import org.joda.time.Duration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.UUID; import javax.naming.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.NDC; import com.google.gson.Gson; import com.vmware.vim25.AboutInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.BoolPolicy; import com.vmware.vim25.ComputeResourceSummary; import com.vmware.vim25.CustomFieldStringValue; import com.vmware.vim25.DasVmPriority; import com.vmware.vim25.DVPortConfigInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.DVPortConfigSpec; import com.vmware.vim25.DatastoreSummary; import com.vmware.vim25.DistributedVirtualPort; import com.vmware.vim25.DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection; import com.vmware.vim25.DistributedVirtualSwitchPortCriteria; import com.vmware.vim25.DynamicProperty; import com.vmware.vim25.HostCapability; import com.vmware.vim25.HostHostBusAdapter; import com.vmware.vim25.HostInternetScsiHba; import com.vmware.vim25.ManagedObjectReference; import com.vmware.vim25.ObjectContent; import com.vmware.vim25.OptionValue; import com.vmware.vim25.PerfCounterInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.PerfEntityMetric; import com.vmware.vim25.PerfEntityMetricBase; import com.vmware.vim25.PerfMetricId; import com.vmware.vim25.PerfMetricIntSeries; import com.vmware.vim25.PerfMetricSeries; import com.vmware.vim25.PerfQuerySpec; import com.vmware.vim25.PerfSampleInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.RuntimeFaultFaultMsg; import com.vmware.vim25.ToolsUnavailableFaultMsg; import com.vmware.vim25.VMwareDVSPortSetting; import com.vmware.vim25.VimPortType; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualDevice; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualDeviceBackingInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualDeviceConfigSpec; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualUSBController; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualDisk; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualEthernetCard; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualEthernetCardOpaqueNetworkBackingInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineConfigSpec; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineFileInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineFileLayoutEx; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachinePowerState; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineRelocateSpec; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineRelocateSpecDiskLocator; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineRuntimeInfo; import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineVideoCard; import com.vmware.vim25.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchVlanIdSpec; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.command.CopyCommand; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.command.StorageSubSystemCommand; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.resource.NfsSecondaryStorageResource; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.PrimaryDataStoreTO; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.TemplateObjectTO; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.VolumeObjectTO; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import com.cloud.agent.IAgentControl; import com.cloud.agent.api.Answer; import com.cloud.agent.api.AttachIsoCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.BackupSnapshotAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.BackupSnapshotCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.CheckHealthAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.CheckHealthCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.CheckNetworkAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.CheckNetworkCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.CheckOnHostAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.CheckOnHostCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.CheckVirtualMachineAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.CheckVirtualMachineCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.Command; import com.cloud.agent.api.CreatePrivateTemplateFromSnapshotCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.CreateStoragePoolCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.CreateVMSnapshotAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.CreateVMSnapshotCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.CreateVolumeFromSnapshotAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.CreateVolumeFromSnapshotCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.DeleteStoragePoolCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.DeleteVMSnapshotAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.DeleteVMSnapshotCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.GetHostStatsAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.GetHostStatsCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.GetStorageStatsAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.GetStorageStatsCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.GetVmDiskStatsAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.GetVmDiskStatsCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.GetVmStatsAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.GetVmStatsCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.GetVncPortAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.GetVncPortCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.HostStatsEntry; import com.cloud.agent.api.HostVmStateReportEntry; import com.cloud.agent.api.MaintainAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.MaintainCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.ManageSnapshotAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.ManageSnapshotCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.MigrateAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.MigrateCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.MigrateWithStorageAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.MigrateWithStorageCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.ModifySshKeysCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.ModifyStoragePoolAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.ModifyStoragePoolCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.ModifyTargetsAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.ModifyTargetsCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.NetworkUsageAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.NetworkUsageCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.PingCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.PingRoutingCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.PingTestCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.PlugNicAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.PlugNicCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.PrepareForMigrationAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.PrepareForMigrationCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.PvlanSetupCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.ReadyAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.ReadyCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.RebootAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.RebootCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.RebootRouterCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.RevertToVMSnapshotAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.RevertToVMSnapshotCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.ScaleVmAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.ScaleVmCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.SetupAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.SetupCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.SetupGuestNetworkCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.StartAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.StartCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.StartupCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.StartupRoutingCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.StartupStorageCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.StopAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.StopCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.StoragePoolInfo; import com.cloud.agent.api.UnPlugNicAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.UnPlugNicCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.UnregisterNicCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.UnregisterVMCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.UpgradeSnapshotCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.ValidateSnapshotAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.ValidateSnapshotCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.VmStatsEntry; import com.cloud.agent.api.check.CheckSshAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.check.CheckSshCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.routing.IpAssocCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.routing.IpAssocVpcCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.routing.NetworkElementCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.routing.SetNetworkACLCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.routing.SetSourceNatCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.storage.CopyVolumeAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.storage.CopyVolumeCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.storage.CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.storage.DestroyCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.storage.MigrateVolumeAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.storage.MigrateVolumeCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.storage.PrimaryStorageDownloadAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.storage.PrimaryStorageDownloadCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.storage.ResizeVolumeAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.storage.ResizeVolumeCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.DataStoreTO; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.DiskTO; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.IpAddressTO; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.NfsTO; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.NicTO; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.StorageFilerTO; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.VirtualMachineTO; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.VolumeTO; import com.cloud.agent.resource.virtualnetwork.VRScripts; import com.cloud.agent.resource.virtualnetwork.VirtualRouterDeployer; import com.cloud.agent.resource.virtualnetwork.VirtualRoutingResource; import com.cloud.dc.DataCenter.NetworkType; import com.cloud.dc.Vlan; import com.cloud.exception.CloudException; import com.cloud.exception.InternalErrorException; import com.cloud.host.Host.Type; import com.cloud.hypervisor.Hypervisor.HypervisorType; import com.cloud.hypervisor.guru.VMwareGuru; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.manager.VmwareHostService; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.manager.VmwareManager; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.manager.VmwareStorageMount; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.ClusterMO; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.CustomFieldConstants; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.CustomFieldsManagerMO; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.DatacenterMO; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.DatastoreFile; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.DatastoreMO; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.DiskControllerType; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.FeatureKeyConstants; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.HostMO; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.HostStorageSystemMO; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.HypervisorHostHelper; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.NetworkDetails; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.TaskMO; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.VirtualEthernetCardType; import org.apache.cloudstack.utils.volume.VirtualMachineDiskInfo; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.VirtualMachineDiskInfoBuilder; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.VirtualMachineMO; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.VirtualSwitchType; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.VmwareHypervisorHost; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.VmwareHypervisorHostNetworkSummary; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.mo.VmwareHypervisorHostResourceSummary; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.util.VmwareContext; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.util.VmwareContextPool; import com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.util.VmwareHelper; import com.cloud.network.Networks; import com.cloud.network.Networks.BroadcastDomainType; import com.cloud.network.Networks.TrafficType; import com.cloud.network.VmwareTrafficLabel; import com.cloud.resource.ServerResource; import com.cloud.serializer.GsonHelper; import com.cloud.storage.Storage; import com.cloud.storage.Storage.StoragePoolType; import com.cloud.storage.Volume; import com.cloud.storage.resource.StoragePoolResource; import com.cloud.storage.resource.StorageSubsystemCommandHandler; import com.cloud.storage.resource.VmwareStorageLayoutHelper; import com.cloud.storage.resource.VmwareStorageProcessor; import com.cloud.storage.resource.VmwareStorageSubsystemCommandHandler; import com.cloud.storage.resource.VmwareStorageProcessor.VmwareStorageProcessorConfigurableFields; import com.cloud.storage.template.TemplateProp; import com.cloud.utils.DateUtil; import com.cloud.utils.ExecutionResult; import com.cloud.utils.NumbersUtil; import com.cloud.utils.Pair; import com.cloud.utils.Ternary; import com.cloud.utils.db.DB; import com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException; import com.cloud.utils.exception.ExceptionUtil; import com.cloud.utils.mgmt.JmxUtil; import com.cloud.utils.mgmt.PropertyMapDynamicBean; import com.cloud.utils.net.NetUtils; import com.cloud.utils.nicira.nvp.plugin.NiciraNvpApiVersion; import com.cloud.utils.ssh.SshHelper; import com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachine; import com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachine.PowerState; import com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachineName; import com.cloud.vm.VmDetailConstants; public class VmwareResource implements StoragePoolResource, ServerResource, VmwareHostService, VirtualRouterDeployer { private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(VmwareResource.class); protected String _name; protected final long _opsTimeout = 900000; // 15 minutes time out to time protected final int _shutdownWaitMs = 300000; // wait up to 5 minutes for shutdown // out an operation protected final int _retry = 24; protected final int _sleep = 10000; protected final int DefaultDomRSshPort = 3922; protected final int MazCmdMBean = 100; protected String _url; protected String _dcId; protected String _pod; protected String _cluster; protected String _username; protected String _password; protected String _guid; protected String _vCenterAddress; protected Integer storageNfsVersion; protected String _privateNetworkVSwitchName; protected VmwareTrafficLabel _guestTrafficInfo = new VmwareTrafficLabel(TrafficType.Guest); protected VmwareTrafficLabel _publicTrafficInfo = new VmwareTrafficLabel(TrafficType.Public); protected Map<String, String> _vsmCredentials = null; protected int _portsPerDvPortGroup; protected boolean _fullCloneFlag = false; protected boolean _instanceNameFlag = false; protected boolean _recycleHungWorker = false; protected DiskControllerType _rootDiskController = DiskControllerType.ide; protected ManagedObjectReference _morHyperHost; protected final static ThreadLocal<VmwareContext> s_serviceContext = new ThreadLocal<VmwareContext>(); protected String _hostName; protected List<PropertyMapDynamicBean> _cmdMBeans = new ArrayList<PropertyMapDynamicBean>(); protected Gson _gson; protected volatile long _cmdSequence = 1; protected StorageSubsystemCommandHandler storageHandler; private VmwareStorageProcessor _storageProcessor; protected VirtualRoutingResource _vrResource; protected final static HashMap<VirtualMachinePowerState, PowerState> s_powerStatesTable = new HashMap<VirtualMachinePowerState, PowerState>(); static { s_powerStatesTable.put(VirtualMachinePowerState.POWERED_ON, PowerState.PowerOn); s_powerStatesTable.put(VirtualMachinePowerState.POWERED_OFF, PowerState.PowerOff); s_powerStatesTable.put(VirtualMachinePowerState.SUSPENDED, PowerState.PowerOn); } public Gson getGson() { return _gson; } public VmwareResource() { _gson = GsonHelper.getGsonLogger(); } private String getCommandLogTitle(Command cmd) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (_hostName != null) { sb.append(_hostName); } if (cmd.getContextParam("job") != null) { sb.append(", ").append(cmd.getContextParam("job")); } sb.append(", cmd: ").append(cmd.getClass().getSimpleName()); return sb.toString(); } @Override public Answer executeRequest(Command cmd) { if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) s_logger.trace("Begin executeRequest(), cmd: " + cmd.getClass().getSimpleName()); Answer answer = null; NDC.push(getCommandLogTitle(cmd)); try { long cmdSequence = _cmdSequence++; Date startTime = DateUtil.currentGMTTime(); PropertyMapDynamicBean mbean = new PropertyMapDynamicBean(); mbean.addProp("StartTime", DateUtil.getDateDisplayString(TimeZone.getDefault(), startTime)); mbean.addProp("Command", _gson.toJson(cmd)); mbean.addProp("Sequence", String.valueOf(cmdSequence)); mbean.addProp("Name", cmd.getClass().getSimpleName()); Class<? extends Command> clz = cmd.getClass(); if (cmd instanceof NetworkElementCommand) { return _vrResource.executeRequest((NetworkElementCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == ReadyCommand.class) { answer = execute((ReadyCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == GetHostStatsCommand.class) { answer = execute((GetHostStatsCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == GetVmStatsCommand.class) { answer = execute((GetVmStatsCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == GetVmDiskStatsCommand.class) { answer = execute((GetVmDiskStatsCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == CheckHealthCommand.class) { answer = execute((CheckHealthCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == StopCommand.class) { answer = execute((StopCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == RebootRouterCommand.class) { answer = execute((RebootRouterCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == RebootCommand.class) { answer = execute((RebootCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == CheckVirtualMachineCommand.class) { answer = execute((CheckVirtualMachineCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == PrepareForMigrationCommand.class) { answer = execute((PrepareForMigrationCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == MigrateCommand.class) { answer = execute((MigrateCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == MigrateWithStorageCommand.class) { answer = execute((MigrateWithStorageCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == MigrateVolumeCommand.class) { answer = execute((MigrateVolumeCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == DestroyCommand.class) { answer = execute((DestroyCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == CreateStoragePoolCommand.class) { return execute((CreateStoragePoolCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == ModifyTargetsCommand.class) { answer = execute((ModifyTargetsCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == ModifyStoragePoolCommand.class) { answer = execute((ModifyStoragePoolCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == DeleteStoragePoolCommand.class) { answer = execute((DeleteStoragePoolCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == CopyVolumeCommand.class) { answer = execute((CopyVolumeCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == AttachIsoCommand.class) { answer = execute((AttachIsoCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == ValidateSnapshotCommand.class) { answer = execute((ValidateSnapshotCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == ManageSnapshotCommand.class) { answer = execute((ManageSnapshotCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == BackupSnapshotCommand.class) { answer = execute((BackupSnapshotCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == CreateVolumeFromSnapshotCommand.class) { answer = execute((CreateVolumeFromSnapshotCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeCommand.class) { answer = execute((CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == CreatePrivateTemplateFromSnapshotCommand.class) { answer = execute((CreatePrivateTemplateFromSnapshotCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == UpgradeSnapshotCommand.class) { answer = execute((UpgradeSnapshotCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == GetStorageStatsCommand.class) { answer = execute((GetStorageStatsCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == PrimaryStorageDownloadCommand.class) { answer = execute((PrimaryStorageDownloadCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == GetVncPortCommand.class) { answer = execute((GetVncPortCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == SetupCommand.class) { answer = execute((SetupCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == MaintainCommand.class) { answer = execute((MaintainCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == PingTestCommand.class) { answer = execute((PingTestCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == CheckOnHostCommand.class) { answer = execute((CheckOnHostCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == ModifySshKeysCommand.class) { answer = execute((ModifySshKeysCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == NetworkUsageCommand.class) { answer = execute((NetworkUsageCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == StartCommand.class) { answer = execute((StartCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == CheckSshCommand.class) { answer = execute((CheckSshCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == CheckNetworkCommand.class) { answer = execute((CheckNetworkCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == PlugNicCommand.class) { answer = execute((PlugNicCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == UnPlugNicCommand.class) { answer = execute((UnPlugNicCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof CreateVMSnapshotCommand) { return execute((CreateVMSnapshotCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof DeleteVMSnapshotCommand) { return execute((DeleteVMSnapshotCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof RevertToVMSnapshotCommand) { return execute((RevertToVMSnapshotCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == ResizeVolumeCommand.class) { return execute((ResizeVolumeCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == UnregisterVMCommand.class) { return execute((UnregisterVMCommand) cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof StorageSubSystemCommand) { checkStorageProcessorAndHandlerNfsVersionAttribute((StorageSubSystemCommand)cmd); return storageHandler.handleStorageCommands((StorageSubSystemCommand) cmd); } else if (clz == ScaleVmCommand.class) { return execute((ScaleVmCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == PvlanSetupCommand.class) { return execute((PvlanSetupCommand)cmd); } else if (clz == UnregisterNicCommand.class) { answer = execute((UnregisterNicCommand)cmd); } else { answer = Answer.createUnsupportedCommandAnswer(cmd); } if (cmd.getContextParam("checkpoint") != null) { answer.setContextParam("checkpoint", cmd.getContextParam("checkpoint")); } Date doneTime = DateUtil.currentGMTTime(); mbean.addProp("DoneTime", DateUtil.getDateDisplayString(TimeZone.getDefault(), doneTime)); mbean.addProp("Answer", _gson.toJson(answer)); synchronized (this) { try { JmxUtil.registerMBean("VMware " + _morHyperHost.getValue(), "Command " + cmdSequence + "-" + cmd.getClass().getSimpleName(), mbean); _cmdMBeans.add(mbean); if (_cmdMBeans.size() >= MazCmdMBean) { PropertyMapDynamicBean mbeanToRemove = _cmdMBeans.get(0); _cmdMBeans.remove(0); JmxUtil.unregisterMBean("VMware " + _morHyperHost.getValue(), "Command " + mbeanToRemove.getProp("Sequence") + "-" + mbeanToRemove.getProp("Name")); } } catch (Exception e) { if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) s_logger.trace("Unable to register JMX monitoring due to exception " + ExceptionUtil.toString(e)); } } } finally { recycleServiceContext(); NDC.pop(); } if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) s_logger.trace("End executeRequest(), cmd: " + cmd.getClass().getSimpleName()); return answer; } /** * Check if storage NFS version is already set or needs to be reconfigured.<br> * If _storageNfsVersion is not null -> nothing to do, version already set.<br> * If _storageNfsVersion is null -> examine StorageSubSystemCommand to get NFS version and set it * to the storage processor and storage handler. * @param cmd command to execute */ protected void checkStorageProcessorAndHandlerNfsVersionAttribute(StorageSubSystemCommand cmd) { if (storageNfsVersion != null) return; if (cmd instanceof CopyCommand){ EnumMap<VmwareStorageProcessorConfigurableFields,Object> params = new EnumMap<VmwareStorageProcessorConfigurableFields,Object>(VmwareStorageProcessorConfigurableFields.class); examineStorageSubSystemCommandNfsVersion((CopyCommand) cmd, params); params = examineStorageSubSystemCommandFullCloneFlagForVmware((CopyCommand) cmd, params); reconfigureProcessorByHandler(params); } } /** * Reconfigure processor by handler * @param params params */ protected void reconfigureProcessorByHandler(EnumMap<VmwareStorageProcessorConfigurableFields,Object> params) { VmwareStorageSubsystemCommandHandler handler = (VmwareStorageSubsystemCommandHandler) storageHandler; boolean success = handler.reconfigureStorageProcessor(params); if (success){ s_logger.info("VmwareStorageProcessor and VmwareStorageSubsystemCommandHandler successfully reconfigured"); } else { s_logger.error("Error while reconfiguring VmwareStorageProcessor and VmwareStorageSubsystemCommandHandler, params=" + _gson.toJson(params)); } } /** * Examine StorageSubSystem command to get full clone flag, if provided * @param cmd command to execute * @param params params * @return copy of params including new values, if suitable */ protected EnumMap<VmwareStorageProcessorConfigurableFields,Object> examineStorageSubSystemCommandFullCloneFlagForVmware(CopyCommand cmd, EnumMap<VmwareStorageProcessorConfigurableFields,Object> params) { EnumMap<VmwareStorageProcessorConfigurableFields, Object> paramsCopy = new EnumMap<VmwareStorageProcessorConfigurableFields, Object>(params); HypervisorType hypervisor = cmd.getDestTO().getHypervisorType(); if (hypervisor != null && hypervisor.equals(HypervisorType.VMware)){ DataStoreTO destDataStore = cmd.getDestTO().getDataStore(); if (destDataStore instanceof PrimaryDataStoreTO){ PrimaryDataStoreTO dest = (PrimaryDataStoreTO) destDataStore; if (dest.isFullCloneFlag() != null){ paramsCopy.put(VmwareStorageProcessorConfigurableFields.FULL_CLONE_FLAG, dest.isFullCloneFlag().booleanValue()); } } } return paramsCopy; } /** * Examine StorageSubSystem command to get storage NFS version, if provided * @param cmd command to execute * @param params params */ protected void examineStorageSubSystemCommandNfsVersion(CopyCommand cmd, EnumMap<VmwareStorageProcessorConfigurableFields,Object> params){ DataStoreTO srcDataStore = cmd.getSrcTO().getDataStore(); boolean nfsVersionFound = false; if (srcDataStore instanceof NfsTO){ nfsVersionFound = getStorageNfsVersionFromNfsTO((NfsTO) srcDataStore); } if (nfsVersionFound){ params.put(VmwareStorageProcessorConfigurableFields.NFS_VERSION, storageNfsVersion); } } /** * Get storage NFS version from NfsTO * @param nfsTO nfsTO * @return true if NFS version was found and not null, false in other case */ protected boolean getStorageNfsVersionFromNfsTO(NfsTO nfsTO){ if (nfsTO != null && nfsTO.getNfsVersion() != null){ storageNfsVersion = nfsTO.getNfsVersion(); return true; } return false; } /** * Registers the vm to the inventory given the vmx file. */ private void registerVm(String vmName, DatastoreMO dsMo) throws Exception{ //1st param VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); ManagedObjectReference dcMor = hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter(); DatacenterMO dataCenterMo = new DatacenterMO(getServiceContext(), dcMor); ManagedObjectReference vmFolderMor = dataCenterMo.getVmFolder(); //2nd param String vmxFilePath = dsMo.searchFileInSubFolders(vmName + ".vmx", false); // 5th param ManagedObjectReference morPool = hyperHost.getHyperHostOwnerResourcePool(); ManagedObjectReference morTask = getServiceContext().getService().registerVMTask(vmFolderMor, vmxFilePath, vmName, false, morPool, hyperHost.getMor()); boolean result = getServiceContext().getVimClient().waitForTask(morTask); if (!result) { throw new Exception("Unable to register vm due to " + TaskMO.getTaskFailureInfo(getServiceContext(), morTask)); } else { getServiceContext().waitForTaskProgressDone(morTask); } } private Answer execute(ResizeVolumeCommand cmd) { String path = cmd.getPath(); String vmName = cmd.getInstanceName(); long newSize = cmd.getNewSize() / 1024; long oldSize = cmd.getCurrentSize()/1024; boolean useWorkerVm = false; VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); String poolId = cmd.getPoolUuid(); VirtualMachineMO vmMo = null; DatastoreMO dsMo = null; ManagedObjectReference morDS = null; String vmdkDataStorePath = null; try { if (newSize < oldSize) { throw new Exception("VMware doesn't support shrinking volume from larger size: " + oldSize/(1024*1024) + " GB to a smaller size: " + newSize/(1024*1024) + " GB"); } else if (newSize == oldSize) { return new ResizeVolumeAnswer(cmd, true, "success", newSize*1024); } if (vmName.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) { // we need to spawn a worker VM to attach the volume to and // resize the volume. useWorkerVm = true; vmName = getWorkerName(getServiceContext(), cmd, 0); morDS = HypervisorHostHelper.findDatastoreWithBackwardsCompatibility(hyperHost, poolId); dsMo = new DatastoreMO(hyperHost.getContext(), morDS); s_logger.info("Create worker VM " + vmName); vmMo = HypervisorHostHelper.createWorkerVM(hyperHost, dsMo, vmName); if (vmMo == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to create a worker VM for volume resize"); } synchronized (this) { vmdkDataStorePath = VmwareStorageLayoutHelper.getLegacyDatastorePathFromVmdkFileName(dsMo, path + ".vmdk"); vmMo.attachDisk(new String[] { vmdkDataStorePath }, morDS); } } // find VM through datacenter (VM is not at the target host yet) vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnPeerHyperHost(vmName); if (vmMo == null) { String msg = "VM " + vmName + " does not exist in VMware datacenter"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } Pair<VirtualDisk, String> vdisk = vmMo.getDiskDevice(path); if (vdisk == null) { if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) s_logger.trace("resize volume done (failed)"); throw new Exception("No such disk device: " + path); } // IDE virtual disk cannot be re-sized if VM is running if (vdisk.second() != null && vdisk.second().contains("ide")) { throw new Exception("Re-sizing a virtual disk over IDE controller is not supported in VMware hypervisor. " + "Please re-try when virtual disk is attached to a VM using SCSI controller."); } if (vdisk.second() != null && !vdisk.second().toLowerCase().startsWith("scsi")) { s_logger.error("Unsupported disk device bus "+ vdisk.second()); throw new Exception("Unsupported disk device bus "+ vdisk.second()); } VirtualDisk disk = vdisk.first(); if ((VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo)disk.getBacking() != null && ((VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo)disk.getBacking()).getParent() != null) { s_logger.error("Resize is not supported because Disk device has Parent "+ ((VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo)disk.getBacking()).getParent().getUuid()); throw new Exception("Resize is not supported because Disk device has Parent "+ ((VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo)disk.getBacking()).getParent().getUuid()); } String vmdkAbsFile = getAbsoluteVmdkFile(disk); if (vmdkAbsFile != null && !vmdkAbsFile.isEmpty()) { vmMo.updateAdapterTypeIfRequired(vmdkAbsFile); } disk.setCapacityInKB(newSize); VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec deviceConfigSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); deviceConfigSpec.setDevice(disk); deviceConfigSpec.setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.EDIT); vmConfigSpec.getDeviceChange().add(deviceConfigSpec); if (!vmMo.configureVm(vmConfigSpec)) { throw new Exception("Failed to configure VM to resize disk. vmName: " + vmName); } return new ResizeVolumeAnswer(cmd, true, "success", newSize * 1024); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Unable to resize volume", e); String error = "Failed to resize volume: " + e.getMessage(); return new ResizeVolumeAnswer(cmd, false, error); } finally { try { if (useWorkerVm == true) { s_logger.info("Destroy worker VM after volume resize"); vmMo.detachDisk(vmdkDataStorePath, false); vmMo.destroy(); } } catch (Throwable e) { s_logger.info("Failed to destroy worker VM: " + vmName); } } } protected Answer execute(CheckNetworkCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource CheckNetworkCommand " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } // TODO setup portgroup for private network needs to be done here now return new CheckNetworkAnswer(cmd, true, "Network Setup check by names is done"); } protected Answer execute(NetworkUsageCommand cmd) { if (cmd.isForVpc()) { return VPCNetworkUsage(cmd); } if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource NetworkUsageCommand " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } if (cmd.getOption() != null && cmd.getOption().equals("create")) { String result = networkUsage(cmd.getPrivateIP(), "create", null); NetworkUsageAnswer answer = new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, result, 0L, 0L); return answer; } long[] stats = getNetworkStats(cmd.getPrivateIP()); NetworkUsageAnswer answer = new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, "", stats[0], stats[1]); return answer; } protected NetworkUsageAnswer VPCNetworkUsage(NetworkUsageCommand cmd) { String privateIp = cmd.getPrivateIP(); String option = cmd.getOption(); String publicIp = cmd.getGatewayIP(); String args = "-l " + publicIp + " "; if (option.equals("get")) { args += "-g"; } else if (option.equals("create")) { args += "-c"; String vpcCIDR = cmd.getVpcCIDR(); args += " -v " + vpcCIDR; } else if (option.equals("reset")) { args += "-r"; } else if (option.equals("vpn")) { args += "-n"; } else if (option.equals("remove")) { args += "-d"; } else { return new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, "success", 0L, 0L); } ExecutionResult callResult = executeInVR(privateIp, "vpc_netusage.sh", args); if (!callResult.isSuccess()) { s_logger.error("Unable to execute NetworkUsage command on DomR (" + privateIp + "), domR may not be ready yet. failure due to " + callResult.getDetails()); } if (option.equals("get") || option.equals("vpn")) { String result = callResult.getDetails(); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { s_logger.error(" vpc network usage get returns empty "); } long[] stats = new long[2]; if (result != null) { String[] splitResult = result.split(":"); int i = 0; while (i < splitResult.length - 1) { stats[0] += Long.parseLong(splitResult[i++]); stats[1] += Long.parseLong(splitResult[i++]); } return new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, "success", stats[0], stats[1]); } } return new NetworkUsageAnswer(cmd, "success", 0L, 0L); } @Override public ExecutionResult createFileInVR(String routerIp, String filePath, String fileName, String content) { VmwareManager mgr = getServiceContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); File keyFile = mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(); try { SshHelper.scpTo(routerIp, 3922, "root", keyFile, null, filePath, content.getBytes("UTF-8"), fileName, null); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.warn("Fail to create file " + filePath + fileName + " in VR " + routerIp, e); return new ExecutionResult(false, e.getMessage()); } return new ExecutionResult(true, null); } @Override public ExecutionResult prepareCommand(NetworkElementCommand cmd) { //Update IP used to access router cmd.setRouterAccessIp(getRouterSshControlIp(cmd)); assert cmd.getRouterAccessIp() != null; if (cmd instanceof IpAssocVpcCommand) { return prepareNetworkElementCommand((IpAssocVpcCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof IpAssocCommand) { return prepareNetworkElementCommand((IpAssocCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof SetSourceNatCommand) { return prepareNetworkElementCommand((SetSourceNatCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof SetupGuestNetworkCommand) { return prepareNetworkElementCommand((SetupGuestNetworkCommand)cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof SetNetworkACLCommand) { return prepareNetworkElementCommand((SetNetworkACLCommand)cmd); } return new ExecutionResult(true, null); } @Override public ExecutionResult cleanupCommand(NetworkElementCommand cmd) { return new ExecutionResult(true, null); } // // list IP with eth devices // ifconfig ethx |grep -B1 "inet addr" | awk '{ if ( $1 == "inet" ) { print $2 } else if ( $2 == "Link" ) { printf "%s:" ,$1 } }' // | awk -F: '{ print $1 ": " $3 }' // // returns // eth0:xx.xx.xx.xx // // private int findRouterEthDeviceIndex(String domrName, String routerIp, String mac) throws Exception { VmwareManager mgr = getServiceContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); s_logger.info("findRouterEthDeviceIndex. mac: " + mac); ArrayList<String> skipInterfaces = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("all", "default", "lo")); // when we dynamically plug in a new NIC into virtual router, it may take time to show up in guest OS // we use a waiting loop here as a workaround to synchronize activities in systems long startTick = System.currentTimeMillis(); long waitTimeoutMillis = VmwareManager.s_vmwareNicHotplugWaitTimeout.value(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTick < waitTimeoutMillis) { // TODO : this is a temporary very inefficient solution, will refactor it later Pair<Boolean, String> result = SshHelper.sshExecute(routerIp, DefaultDomRSshPort, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, "ls /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf"); if (result.first()) { String[] tokens = result.second().split("\\s+"); for (String token : tokens) { if (!(skipInterfaces.contains(token))) { String cmd = String.format("ip address show %s | grep link/ether | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | cut -d' ' -f2", token); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("Run domr script " + cmd); Pair<Boolean, String> result2 = SshHelper.sshExecute(routerIp, DefaultDomRSshPort, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, // TODO need to find the dev index inside router based on IP address cmd); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("result: " + result2.first() + ", output: " + result2.second()); if (result2.first() && result2.second().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(mac.trim())) { return Integer.parseInt(token.substring(3)); } else { skipInterfaces.add(token); } } } } s_logger.warn("can not find intereface associated with mac: " + mac + ", guest OS may still at loading state, retry..."); try { Thread.currentThread(); Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { s_logger.debug("[ignored] interupted while trying to get mac."); } } return -1; } private VirtualDevice findVirtualNicDevice(VirtualMachineMO vmMo, String mac) throws Exception { VirtualDevice[] nics = vmMo.getNicDevices(); for (VirtualDevice nic : nics) { if (nic instanceof VirtualEthernetCard) { if (((VirtualEthernetCard)nic).getMacAddress().equals(mac)) return nic; } } return null; } protected ExecutionResult prepareNetworkElementCommand(SetupGuestNetworkCommand cmd) { NicTO nic = cmd.getNic(); String routerIp = getRouterSshControlIp(cmd); String domrName = cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_NAME); try { int ethDeviceNum = findRouterEthDeviceIndex(domrName, routerIp, nic.getMac()); nic.setDeviceId(ethDeviceNum); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Prepare SetupGuestNetwork failed due to " + e.toString(); s_logger.warn(msg, e); return new ExecutionResult(false, msg); } return new ExecutionResult(true, null); } private ExecutionResult prepareNetworkElementCommand(IpAssocVpcCommand cmd) { String routerName = cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_NAME); String routerIp = getRouterSshControlIp(cmd); try { IpAddressTO[] ips = cmd.getIpAddresses(); for (IpAddressTO ip : ips) { int ethDeviceNum = findRouterEthDeviceIndex(routerName, routerIp, ip.getVifMacAddress()); if (ethDeviceNum < 0) { if (ip.isAdd()) { throw new InternalErrorException("Failed to find DomR VIF to associate/disassociate IP with."); } else { s_logger.debug("VIF to deassociate IP with does not exist, return success"); continue; } } ip.setNicDevId(ethDeviceNum); } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Prepare Ip Assoc failure on applying one ip due to exception: ", e); return new ExecutionResult(false, e.toString()); } return new ExecutionResult(true, null); } protected ExecutionResult prepareNetworkElementCommand(SetSourceNatCommand cmd) { String routerName = cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_NAME); String routerIp = getRouterSshControlIp(cmd); IpAddressTO pubIp = cmd.getIpAddress(); try { int ethDeviceNum = findRouterEthDeviceIndex(routerName, routerIp, pubIp.getVifMacAddress()); pubIp.setNicDevId(ethDeviceNum); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Prepare Ip SNAT failure due to " + e.toString(); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new ExecutionResult(false, e.toString()); } return new ExecutionResult(true, null); } private ExecutionResult prepareNetworkElementCommand(SetNetworkACLCommand cmd) { NicTO nic = cmd.getNic(); String routerName = cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_NAME); String routerIp = getRouterSshControlIp(cmd); try { int ethDeviceNum = findRouterEthDeviceIndex(routerName, routerIp, nic.getMac()); nic.setDeviceId(ethDeviceNum); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Prepare SetNetworkACL failed due to " + e.toString(); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new ExecutionResult(false, msg); } return new ExecutionResult(true, null); } private PlugNicAnswer execute(PlugNicCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource PlugNicCommand " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } getServiceContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); try { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); String vmName = cmd.getVmName(); VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(vmName); if (vmMo == null) { if (hyperHost instanceof HostMO) { ClusterMO clusterMo = new ClusterMO(hyperHost.getContext(), ((HostMO)hyperHost).getParentMor()); vmMo = clusterMo.findVmOnHyperHost(vmName); } } if (vmMo == null) { String msg = "Router " + vmName + " no longer exists to execute PlugNic command"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } /* if(!isVMWareToolsInstalled(vmMo)){ String errMsg = "vmware tools is not installed or not running, cannot add nic to vm " + vmName; s_logger.debug(errMsg); return new PlugNicAnswer(cmd, false, "Unable to execute PlugNicCommand due to " + errMsg); } */ // Fallback to E1000 if no specific nicAdapter is passed VirtualEthernetCardType nicDeviceType = VirtualEthernetCardType.E1000; Map<String, String> details = cmd.getDetails(); if (details != null) { nicDeviceType = VirtualEthernetCardType.valueOf((String) details.get("nicAdapter")); } // find a usable device number in VMware environment VirtualDevice[] nicDevices = vmMo.getNicDevices(); int deviceNumber = -1; for (VirtualDevice device : nicDevices) { if (device.getUnitNumber() > deviceNumber) deviceNumber = device.getUnitNumber(); } deviceNumber++; NicTO nicTo = cmd.getNic(); VirtualDevice nic; Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String> networkInfo = prepareNetworkFromNicInfo(vmMo.getRunningHost(), nicTo, false, cmd.getVMType()); String dvSwitchUuid = null; if (VmwareHelper.isDvPortGroup(networkInfo.first())) { ManagedObjectReference dcMor = hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter(); DatacenterMO dataCenterMo = new DatacenterMO(context, dcMor); ManagedObjectReference dvsMor = dataCenterMo.getDvSwitchMor(networkInfo.first()); dvSwitchUuid = dataCenterMo.getDvSwitchUuid(dvsMor); s_logger.info("Preparing NIC device on dvSwitch : " + dvSwitchUuid); nic = VmwareHelper.prepareDvNicDevice(vmMo, networkInfo.first(), nicDeviceType, networkInfo.second(), dvSwitchUuid, nicTo.getMac(), deviceNumber, deviceNumber + 1, true, true); } else { s_logger.info("Preparing NIC device on network " + networkInfo.second()); nic = VmwareHelper.prepareNicDevice(vmMo, networkInfo.first(), nicDeviceType, networkInfo.second(), nicTo.getMac(), deviceNumber, deviceNumber + 1, true, true); } VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); //VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] deviceConfigSpecArray = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[1]; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec deviceConfigSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); deviceConfigSpec.setDevice(nic); deviceConfigSpec.setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.ADD); vmConfigSpec.getDeviceChange().add(deviceConfigSpec); setNuageVspVrIpInExtraConfig(vmConfigSpec.getExtraConfig(), nicTo, dvSwitchUuid); if (!vmMo.configureVm(vmConfigSpec)) { throw new Exception("Failed to configure devices when running PlugNicCommand"); } return new PlugNicAnswer(cmd, true, "success"); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Unexpected exception: ", e); return new PlugNicAnswer(cmd, false, "Unable to execute PlugNicCommand due to " + e.toString()); } } private UnPlugNicAnswer execute(UnPlugNicCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource UnPlugNicCommand " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); try { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); String vmName = cmd.getVmName(); VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(vmName); if (vmMo == null) { if (hyperHost instanceof HostMO) { ClusterMO clusterMo = new ClusterMO(hyperHost.getContext(), ((HostMO)hyperHost).getParentMor()); vmMo = clusterMo.findVmOnHyperHost(vmName); } } if (vmMo == null) { String msg = "VM " + vmName + " no longer exists to execute UnPlugNic command"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } /* if(!isVMWareToolsInstalled(vmMo)){ String errMsg = "vmware tools not installed or not running, cannot remove nic from vm " + vmName; s_logger.debug(errMsg); return new UnPlugNicAnswer(cmd, false, "Unable to execute unPlugNicCommand due to " + errMsg); } */ VirtualDevice nic = findVirtualNicDevice(vmMo, cmd.getNic().getMac()); if (nic == null) { return new UnPlugNicAnswer(cmd, true, "success"); } VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); //VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] deviceConfigSpecArray = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[1]; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec deviceConfigSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); deviceConfigSpec.setDevice(nic); deviceConfigSpec.setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.REMOVE); vmConfigSpec.getDeviceChange().add(deviceConfigSpec); if (!vmMo.configureVm(vmConfigSpec)) { throw new Exception("Failed to configure devices when running unplugNicCommand"); } return new UnPlugNicAnswer(cmd, true, "success"); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Unexpected exception: ", e); return new UnPlugNicAnswer(cmd, false, "Unable to execute unPlugNicCommand due to " + e.toString()); } } private void plugPublicNic(VirtualMachineMO vmMo, final String vlanId, final String vifMacAddress) throws Exception { // TODO : probably need to set traffic shaping Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String> networkInfo = null; VirtualSwitchType vSwitchType = VirtualSwitchType.StandardVirtualSwitch; if (_publicTrafficInfo != null) { vSwitchType = _publicTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchType(); } /** FIXME We have no clue which network this nic is on and that means that we can't figure out the BroadcastDomainType * so we assume that it's VLAN for now */ if (VirtualSwitchType.StandardVirtualSwitch == vSwitchType) { networkInfo = HypervisorHostHelper.prepareNetwork(_publicTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchName(), "cloud.public", vmMo.getRunningHost(), vlanId, null, null, _opsTimeout, true, BroadcastDomainType.Vlan, null); } else { networkInfo = HypervisorHostHelper.prepareNetwork(_publicTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchName(), "cloud.public", vmMo.getRunningHost(), vlanId, null, null, null, _opsTimeout, vSwitchType, _portsPerDvPortGroup, null, false, BroadcastDomainType.Vlan, _vsmCredentials); } int nicIndex = allocPublicNicIndex(vmMo); try { VirtualDevice[] nicDevices = vmMo.getNicDevices(); VirtualEthernetCard device = (VirtualEthernetCard)nicDevices[nicIndex]; if (VirtualSwitchType.StandardVirtualSwitch == vSwitchType) { VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo nicBacking = new VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo(); nicBacking.setDeviceName(networkInfo.second()); nicBacking.setNetwork(networkInfo.first()); device.setBacking(nicBacking); } else { HostMO hostMo = vmMo.getRunningHost(); DatacenterMO dataCenterMo = new DatacenterMO(hostMo.getContext(), hostMo.getHyperHostDatacenter()); device.setBacking(dataCenterMo.getDvPortBackingInfo(networkInfo)); } VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); //VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] deviceConfigSpecArray = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[1]; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec deviceConfigSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); deviceConfigSpec.setDevice(device); deviceConfigSpec.setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.EDIT); vmConfigSpec.getDeviceChange().add(deviceConfigSpec); if (!vmMo.configureVm(vmConfigSpec)) { throw new Exception("Failed to configure devices when plugPublicNic"); } } catch (Exception e) { // restore allocation mask in case of exceptions String nicMasksStr = vmMo.getCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_NIC_MASK); int nicMasks = Integer.parseInt(nicMasksStr); nicMasks &= ~(1 << nicIndex); vmMo.setCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_NIC_MASK, String.valueOf(nicMasks)); throw e; } } private int allocPublicNicIndex(VirtualMachineMO vmMo) throws Exception { String nicMasksStr = vmMo.getCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_NIC_MASK); if (nicMasksStr == null || nicMasksStr.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Could not find NIC allocation info"); } int nicMasks = Integer.parseInt(nicMasksStr); VirtualDevice[] nicDevices = vmMo.getNicDevices(); for (int i = 3; i < nicDevices.length; i++) { if ((nicMasks & (1 << i)) == 0) { nicMasks |= (1 << i); vmMo.setCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_NIC_MASK, String.valueOf(nicMasks)); return i; } } throw new Exception("Could not allocate a free public NIC"); } private ExecutionResult prepareNetworkElementCommand(IpAssocCommand cmd) { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); try { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); IpAddressTO[] ips = cmd.getIpAddresses(); String routerName = cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_NAME); String controlIp = VmwareResource.getRouterSshControlIp(cmd); VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(routerName); // command may sometimes be redirect to a wrong host, we relax // the check and will try to find it within cluster if (vmMo == null) { if (hyperHost instanceof HostMO) { ClusterMO clusterMo = new ClusterMO(hyperHost.getContext(), ((HostMO)hyperHost).getParentMor()); vmMo = clusterMo.findVmOnHyperHost(routerName); } } if (vmMo == null) { String msg = "Router " + routerName + " no longer exists to execute IPAssoc command"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } for (IpAddressTO ip : ips) { /** * TODO support other networks */ URI broadcastUri = BroadcastDomainType.fromString(ip.getBroadcastUri()); if (BroadcastDomainType.getSchemeValue(broadcastUri) != BroadcastDomainType.Vlan) { throw new InternalErrorException("Unable to assign a public IP to a VIF on network " + ip.getBroadcastUri()); } String vlanId = BroadcastDomainType.getValue(broadcastUri); String publicNeworkName = HypervisorHostHelper.getPublicNetworkNamePrefix(vlanId); Pair<Integer, VirtualDevice> publicNicInfo = vmMo.getNicDeviceIndex(publicNeworkName); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Find public NIC index, public network name: " + publicNeworkName + ", index: " + publicNicInfo.first()); } boolean addVif = false; if (ip.isAdd() && publicNicInfo.first().intValue() == -1) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Plug new NIC to associate" + controlIp + " to " + ip.getPublicIp()); } addVif = true; } if (addVif) { plugPublicNic(vmMo, vlanId, ip.getVifMacAddress()); publicNicInfo = vmMo.getNicDeviceIndex(publicNeworkName); if (publicNicInfo.first().intValue() >= 0) { networkUsage(controlIp, "addVif", "eth" + publicNicInfo.first()); } } if (publicNicInfo.first().intValue() < 0) { String msg = "Failed to find DomR VIF to associate/disassociate IP with."; s_logger.error(msg); throw new InternalErrorException(msg); } ip.setNicDevId(publicNicInfo.first().intValue()); ip.setNewNic(addVif); } } catch (Throwable e) { s_logger.error("Unexpected exception: " + e.toString() + " will shortcut rest of IPAssoc commands", e); return new ExecutionResult(false, e.toString()); } return new ExecutionResult(true, null); } @Override public ExecutionResult executeInVR(String routerIP, String script, String args) { return executeInVR(routerIP, script, args, VRScripts.VR_SCRIPT_EXEC_TIMEOUT); } @Override public ExecutionResult executeInVR(String routerIP, String script, String args, Duration timeout) { Pair<Boolean, String> result; //TODO: Password should be masked, cannot output to log directly if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Run command on VR: " + routerIP + ", script: " + script + " with args: " + args); } try { VmwareManager mgr = getServiceContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); result = SshHelper.sshExecute(routerIP, DefaultDomRSshPort, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, "/opt/cloud/bin/" + script + " " + args, VRScripts.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, VRScripts.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, timeout); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Command failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg); result = new Pair<Boolean, String>(false, msg); } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug(script + " execution result: " + result.first().toString()); } return new ExecutionResult(result.first(), result.second()); } protected CheckSshAnswer execute(CheckSshCommand cmd) { String vmName = cmd.getName(); String privateIp = cmd.getIp(); int cmdPort = cmd.getPort(); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Ping command port, " + privateIp + ":" + cmdPort); } try { String result = connect(cmd.getName(), privateIp, cmdPort); if (result != null) { s_logger.error("Can not ping System vm " + vmName + "due to:" + result); return new CheckSshAnswer(cmd, "Can not ping System vm " + vmName + "due to:" + result); } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Can not ping System vm " + vmName + "due to exception"); return new CheckSshAnswer(cmd, e); } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Ping command port succeeded for vm " + vmName); } if (VirtualMachineName.isValidRouterName(vmName)) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Execute network usage setup command on " + vmName); } networkUsage(privateIp, "create", null); } return new CheckSshAnswer(cmd); } private DiskTO[] validateDisks(DiskTO[] disks) { List<DiskTO> validatedDisks = new ArrayList<DiskTO>(); for (DiskTO vol : disks) { if (vol.getType() != Volume.Type.ISO) { VolumeObjectTO volumeTO = (VolumeObjectTO)vol.getData(); DataStoreTO primaryStore = volumeTO.getDataStore(); if (primaryStore.getUuid() != null && !primaryStore.getUuid().isEmpty()) { validatedDisks.add(vol); } } else if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ISO) { TemplateObjectTO templateTO = (TemplateObjectTO)vol.getData(); if (templateTO.getPath() != null && !templateTO.getPath().isEmpty()) { validatedDisks.add(vol); } } else { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Drop invalid disk option, volumeTO: " + _gson.toJson(vol)); } } } return validatedDisks.toArray(new DiskTO[0]); } private static DiskTO getIsoDiskTO(DiskTO[] disks) { for (DiskTO vol : disks) { if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ISO) { return vol; } } return null; } protected ScaleVmAnswer execute(ScaleVmCommand cmd) { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VirtualMachineTO vmSpec = cmd.getVirtualMachine(); try { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(cmd.getVmName()); VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); int ramMb = getReservedMemoryMb(vmSpec); long hotaddIncrementSizeInMb; long hotaddMemoryLimitInMb; long requestedMaxMemoryInMb = vmSpec.getMaxRam() / (1024 * 1024); // Check if VM is really running on hypervisor host if (getVmPowerState(vmMo) != PowerState.PowerOn) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Found that the VM " + vmMo.getVmName() + " is not running. Unable to scale-up this VM"); } // Check max hot add limit hotaddIncrementSizeInMb = vmMo.getHotAddMemoryIncrementSizeInMb(); hotaddMemoryLimitInMb = vmMo.getHotAddMemoryLimitInMb(); if (requestedMaxMemoryInMb > hotaddMemoryLimitInMb) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Memory of VM " + vmMo.getVmName() + " cannot be scaled to " + requestedMaxMemoryInMb + "MB." + " Requested memory limit is beyond the hotadd memory limit for this VM at the moment is " + hotaddMemoryLimitInMb + "MB."); } // Check increment is multiple of increment size long reminder = requestedMaxMemoryInMb % hotaddIncrementSizeInMb; if (reminder != 0) { requestedMaxMemoryInMb = requestedMaxMemoryInMb + hotaddIncrementSizeInMb - reminder; } // Check if license supports the feature VmwareHelper.isFeatureLicensed(hyperHost, FeatureKeyConstants.HOTPLUG); VmwareHelper.setVmScaleUpConfig(vmConfigSpec, vmSpec.getCpus(), vmSpec.getMaxSpeed(), vmSpec.getMinSpeed(), (int)requestedMaxMemoryInMb, ramMb, vmSpec.getLimitCpuUse()); if (!vmMo.configureVm(vmConfigSpec)) { throw new Exception("Unable to execute ScaleVmCommand"); } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Unexpected exception: ", e); return new ScaleVmAnswer(cmd, false, "Unable to execute ScaleVmCommand due to " + e.toString()); } return new ScaleVmAnswer(cmd, true, null); } protected void ensureDiskControllers(VirtualMachineMO vmMo, Pair<String, String> controllerInfo) throws Exception { if (vmMo == null) { return; } String msg; String rootDiskController = controllerInfo.first(); String dataDiskController = controllerInfo.second(); String scsiDiskController; String recommendedDiskController = null; if (VmwareHelper.isControllerOsRecommended(dataDiskController) || VmwareHelper.isControllerOsRecommended(rootDiskController)) { recommendedDiskController = vmMo.getRecommendedDiskController(null); } scsiDiskController = HypervisorHostHelper.getScsiController(new Pair<String, String>(rootDiskController, dataDiskController), recommendedDiskController); if (scsiDiskController == null) { return; } vmMo.getScsiDeviceControllerKeyNoException(); // This VM needs SCSI controllers. // Get count of existing scsi controllers. Helps not to attempt to create more than the maximum allowed 4 // Get maximum among the bus numbers in use by scsi controllers. Safe to pick maximum, because we always go sequential allocating bus numbers. Ternary<Integer, Integer, DiskControllerType> scsiControllerInfo = vmMo.getScsiControllerInfo(); int requiredNumScsiControllers = VmwareHelper.MAX_SCSI_CONTROLLER_COUNT - scsiControllerInfo.first(); int availableBusNum = scsiControllerInfo.second() + 1; // method returned current max. bus number if (requiredNumScsiControllers == 0) { return; } if (scsiControllerInfo.first() > 0) { // For VMs which already have a SCSI controller, do NOT attempt to add any more SCSI controllers & return the sub type. // For Legacy VMs would have only 1 LsiLogic Parallel SCSI controller, and doesn't require more. // For VMs created post device ordering support, 4 SCSI subtype controllers are ensured during deployment itself. No need to add more. // For fresh VM deployment only, all required controllers should be ensured. return; } ensureScsiDiskControllers(vmMo, scsiDiskController, requiredNumScsiControllers, availableBusNum); } private void ensureScsiDiskControllers(VirtualMachineMO vmMo, String scsiDiskController, int requiredNumScsiControllers, int availableBusNum) throws Exception { // Pick the sub type of scsi if (DiskControllerType.getType(scsiDiskController) == DiskControllerType.pvscsi) { if (!vmMo.isPvScsiSupported()) { String msg = "This VM doesn't support Vmware Paravirtual SCSI controller for virtual disks, because the virtual hardware version is less than 7."; throw new Exception(msg); } vmMo.ensurePvScsiDeviceController(requiredNumScsiControllers, availableBusNum); } else if (DiskControllerType.getType(scsiDiskController) == DiskControllerType.lsisas1068) { vmMo.ensureLsiLogicSasDeviceControllers(requiredNumScsiControllers, availableBusNum); } else if (DiskControllerType.getType(scsiDiskController) == DiskControllerType.buslogic) { vmMo.ensureBusLogicDeviceControllers(requiredNumScsiControllers, availableBusNum); } else if (DiskControllerType.getType(scsiDiskController) == DiskControllerType.lsilogic) { vmMo.ensureScsiDeviceControllers(requiredNumScsiControllers, availableBusNum); } } protected StartAnswer execute(StartCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource StartCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } VirtualMachineTO vmSpec = cmd.getVirtualMachine(); boolean vmAlreadyExistsInVcenter = false; String existingVmName = null; VirtualMachineFileInfo existingVmFileInfo = null; VirtualMachineFileLayoutEx existingVmFileLayout = null; Pair<String, String> names = composeVmNames(vmSpec); String vmInternalCSName = names.first(); String vmNameOnVcenter = names.second(); String dataDiskController = vmSpec.getDetails().get(VmDetailConstants.DATA_DISK_CONTROLLER); String rootDiskController = vmSpec.getDetails().get(VmDetailConstants.ROOT_DISK_CONTROLLER); DiskTO rootDiskTO = null; // If root disk controller is scsi, then data disk controller would also be scsi instead of using 'osdefault' // This helps avoid mix of different scsi subtype controllers in instance. if (DiskControllerType.lsilogic == DiskControllerType.getType(rootDiskController)) { dataDiskController = DiskControllerType.scsi.toString(); } // Validate the controller types dataDiskController = DiskControllerType.getType(dataDiskController).toString(); rootDiskController = DiskControllerType.getType(rootDiskController).toString(); if (DiskControllerType.getType(rootDiskController) == DiskControllerType.none) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Invalid root disk controller detected : " + rootDiskController); } if (DiskControllerType.getType(dataDiskController) == DiskControllerType.none) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Invalid data disk controller detected : " + dataDiskController); } Pair<String, String> controllerInfo = new Pair<String, String>(rootDiskController, dataDiskController); Boolean systemVm = vmSpec.getType().isUsedBySystem(); // Thus, vmInternalCSName always holds i-x-y, the cloudstack generated internal VM name. VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); DatacenterMO dcMo = null; try { VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); dcMo = new DatacenterMO(hyperHost.getContext(), hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter()); // Validate VM name is unique in Datacenter VirtualMachineMO vmInVcenter = dcMo.checkIfVmAlreadyExistsInVcenter(vmNameOnVcenter, vmInternalCSName); if(vmInVcenter != null) { vmAlreadyExistsInVcenter = true; String msg = "VM with name: " + vmNameOnVcenter +" already exists in vCenter."; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } String guestOsId = translateGuestOsIdentifier(vmSpec.getArch(), vmSpec.getOs(), vmSpec.getPlatformEmulator()).value(); DiskTO[] disks = validateDisks(vmSpec.getDisks()); assert (disks.length > 0); NicTO[] nics = vmSpec.getNics(); HashMap<String, Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO>> dataStoresDetails = inferDatastoreDetailsFromDiskInfo(hyperHost, context, disks, cmd); if ((dataStoresDetails == null) || (dataStoresDetails.isEmpty())) { String msg = "Unable to locate datastore details of the volumes to be attached"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } DatastoreMO dsRootVolumeIsOn = getDatastoreThatRootDiskIsOn(dataStoresDetails, disks); if (dsRootVolumeIsOn == null) { String msg = "Unable to locate datastore details of root volume"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } VirtualMachineDiskInfoBuilder diskInfoBuilder = null; VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(vmInternalCSName); DiskControllerType systemVmScsiControllerType = DiskControllerType.lsilogic; int firstScsiControllerBusNum = 0; int numScsiControllerForSystemVm = 1; boolean hasSnapshot = false; if (vmMo != null) { s_logger.info("VM " + vmInternalCSName + " already exists, tear down devices for reconfiguration"); if (getVmPowerState(vmMo) != PowerState.PowerOff) vmMo.safePowerOff(_shutdownWaitMs); // retrieve disk information before we tear down diskInfoBuilder = vmMo.getDiskInfoBuilder(); hasSnapshot = vmMo.hasSnapshot(); if (!hasSnapshot) vmMo.tearDownDevices(new Class<?>[] {VirtualDisk.class, VirtualEthernetCard.class}); else vmMo.tearDownDevices(new Class<?>[] {VirtualEthernetCard.class}); if (systemVm) { ensureScsiDiskControllers(vmMo, systemVmScsiControllerType.toString(), numScsiControllerForSystemVm, firstScsiControllerBusNum); } else { ensureDiskControllers(vmMo, controllerInfo); } } else { ManagedObjectReference morDc = hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter(); assert (morDc != null); vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnPeerHyperHost(vmInternalCSName); if (vmMo != null) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Found vm " + vmInternalCSName + " at other host, relocate to " + hyperHost.getHyperHostName()); } takeVmFromOtherHyperHost(hyperHost, vmInternalCSName); if (getVmPowerState(vmMo) != PowerState.PowerOff) vmMo.safePowerOff(_shutdownWaitMs); diskInfoBuilder = vmMo.getDiskInfoBuilder(); hasSnapshot = vmMo.hasSnapshot(); if (!hasSnapshot) vmMo.tearDownDevices(new Class<?>[] {VirtualDisk.class, VirtualEthernetCard.class}); else vmMo.tearDownDevices(new Class<?>[] {VirtualEthernetCard.class}); if (systemVm) { // System volumes doesn't require more than 1 SCSI controller as there is no requirement for data volumes. ensureScsiDiskControllers(vmMo, systemVmScsiControllerType.toString(), numScsiControllerForSystemVm, firstScsiControllerBusNum); } else { ensureDiskControllers(vmMo, controllerInfo); } } else { // If a VM with the same name is found in a different cluster in the DC, unregister the old VM and configure a new VM (cold-migration). VirtualMachineMO existingVmInDc = dcMo.findVm(vmInternalCSName); if (existingVmInDc != null) { s_logger.debug("Found VM: " + vmInternalCSName + " on a host in a different cluster. Unregistering the exisitng VM."); existingVmName = existingVmInDc.getName(); existingVmFileInfo = existingVmInDc.getFileInfo(); existingVmFileLayout = existingVmInDc.getFileLayout(); existingVmInDc.unregisterVm(); } Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO> rootDiskDataStoreDetails = null; for (DiskTO vol : disks) { if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) { Map<String, String> details = vol.getDetails(); boolean managed = false; if (details != null) { managed = Boolean.parseBoolean(details.get(DiskTO.MANAGED)); } if (managed) { String datastoreName = VmwareResource.getDatastoreName(details.get(DiskTO.IQN)); rootDiskDataStoreDetails = dataStoresDetails.get(datastoreName); } else { DataStoreTO primaryStore = vol.getData().getDataStore(); rootDiskDataStoreDetails = dataStoresDetails.get(primaryStore.getUuid()); } } } assert (vmSpec.getMinSpeed() != null) && (rootDiskDataStoreDetails != null); boolean vmFolderExists = rootDiskDataStoreDetails.second().folderExists(String.format("[%s]", rootDiskDataStoreDetails.second().getName()), vmNameOnVcenter); String vmxFileFullPath = dsRootVolumeIsOn.searchFileInSubFolders(vmNameOnVcenter + ".vmx", false); if (vmFolderExists && vmxFileFullPath != null) { // VM can be registered only if .vmx is present. registerVm(vmNameOnVcenter, dsRootVolumeIsOn); vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(vmInternalCSName); if (vmMo != null) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Found registered vm " + vmInternalCSName + " at host " + hyperHost.getHyperHostName()); } } tearDownVm(vmMo); }else if (!hyperHost.createBlankVm(vmNameOnVcenter, vmInternalCSName, vmSpec.getCpus(), vmSpec.getMaxSpeed().intValue(), getReservedCpuMHZ(vmSpec), vmSpec.getLimitCpuUse(), (int)(vmSpec.getMaxRam() / (1024 * 1024)), getReservedMemoryMb(vmSpec), guestOsId, rootDiskDataStoreDetails.first(), false, controllerInfo, systemVm)) { throw new Exception("Failed to create VM. vmName: " + vmInternalCSName); } } vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(vmInternalCSName); if (vmMo == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to find the newly create or relocated VM. vmName: " + vmInternalCSName); } } int totalChangeDevices = disks.length + nics.length; DiskTO volIso = null; if (vmSpec.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) { // system VM needs a patch ISO totalChangeDevices++; } else { volIso = getIsoDiskTO(disks); if (volIso == null) totalChangeDevices++; } VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); VmwareHelper.setBasicVmConfig(vmConfigSpec, vmSpec.getCpus(), vmSpec.getMaxSpeed(), getReservedCpuMHZ(vmSpec), (int)(vmSpec.getMaxRam() / (1024 * 1024)), getReservedMemoryMb(vmSpec), guestOsId, vmSpec.getLimitCpuUse()); // Check for multi-cores per socket settings int numCoresPerSocket = 1; String coresPerSocket = vmSpec.getDetails().get("cpu.corespersocket"); if (coresPerSocket != null) { String apiVersion = HypervisorHostHelper.getVcenterApiVersion(vmMo.getContext()); // Property 'numCoresPerSocket' is supported since vSphere API 5.0 if (apiVersion.compareTo("5.0") >= 0) { numCoresPerSocket = NumbersUtil.parseInt(coresPerSocket, 1); vmConfigSpec.setNumCoresPerSocket(numCoresPerSocket); } } // Check for hotadd settings vmConfigSpec.setMemoryHotAddEnabled(vmMo.isMemoryHotAddSupported(guestOsId)); String hostApiVersion = ((HostMO)hyperHost).getHostAboutInfo().getApiVersion(); if (numCoresPerSocket > 1 && hostApiVersion.compareTo("5.0") < 0) { s_logger.warn("Dynamic scaling of CPU is not supported for Virtual Machines with multi-core vCPUs in case of ESXi hosts 4.1 and prior. Hence CpuHotAdd will not be" + " enabled for Virtual Machine: " + vmInternalCSName); vmConfigSpec.setCpuHotAddEnabled(false); } else { vmConfigSpec.setCpuHotAddEnabled(vmMo.isCpuHotAddSupported(guestOsId)); } configNestedHVSupport(vmMo, vmSpec, vmConfigSpec); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] deviceConfigSpecArray = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[totalChangeDevices]; int i = 0; int ideUnitNumber = 0; int scsiUnitNumber = 0; int nicUnitNumber = 0; int ideControllerKey = vmMo.getIDEDeviceControllerKey(); int scsiControllerKey = vmMo.getGenericScsiDeviceControllerKeyNoException(); int controllerKey; // // Setup ISO device // // prepare systemvm patch ISO if (vmSpec.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) { // attach ISO (for patching of system VM) Pair<String, Long> secStoreUrlAndId = mgr.getSecondaryStorageStoreUrlAndId(Long.parseLong(_dcId)); String secStoreUrl = secStoreUrlAndId.first(); Long secStoreId = secStoreUrlAndId.second(); if (secStoreUrl == null) { String msg = "secondary storage for dc " + _dcId + " is not ready yet?"; throw new Exception(msg); } mgr.prepareSecondaryStorageStore(secStoreUrl, secStoreId); ManagedObjectReference morSecDs = prepareSecondaryDatastoreOnHost(secStoreUrl); if (morSecDs == null) { String msg = "Failed to prepare secondary storage on host, secondary store url: " + secStoreUrl; throw new Exception(msg); } DatastoreMO secDsMo = new DatastoreMO(hyperHost.getContext(), morSecDs); deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); Pair<VirtualDevice, Boolean> isoInfo = VmwareHelper.prepareIsoDevice(vmMo, String.format("[%s] systemvm/%s", secDsMo.getName(), mgr.getSystemVMIsoFileNameOnDatastore()), secDsMo.getMor(), true, true, ideUnitNumber++, i + 1); deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setDevice(isoInfo.first()); if (isoInfo.second()) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at new device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first())); deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.ADD); } else { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at existing device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first())); deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.EDIT); } } else { // Note: we will always plug a CDROM device if (volIso != null) { TemplateObjectTO iso = (TemplateObjectTO)volIso.getData(); if (iso.getPath() != null && !iso.getPath().isEmpty()) { DataStoreTO imageStore = iso.getDataStore(); if (!(imageStore instanceof NfsTO)) { s_logger.debug("unsupported protocol"); throw new Exception("unsupported protocol"); } NfsTO nfsImageStore = (NfsTO)imageStore; String isoPath = nfsImageStore.getUrl() + File.separator + iso.getPath(); Pair<String, ManagedObjectReference> isoDatastoreInfo = getIsoDatastoreInfo(hyperHost, isoPath); assert (isoDatastoreInfo != null); assert (isoDatastoreInfo.second() != null); deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); Pair<VirtualDevice, Boolean> isoInfo = VmwareHelper.prepareIsoDevice(vmMo, isoDatastoreInfo.first(), isoDatastoreInfo.second(), true, true, ideUnitNumber++, i + 1); deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setDevice(isoInfo.first()); if (isoInfo.second()) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at new device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first())); deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.ADD); } else { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at existing device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first())); deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.EDIT); } } } else { deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); Pair<VirtualDevice, Boolean> isoInfo = VmwareHelper.prepareIsoDevice(vmMo, null, null, true, true, ideUnitNumber++, i + 1); deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setDevice(isoInfo.first()); if (isoInfo.second()) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at existing device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first())); deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.ADD); } else { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("Prepare ISO volume at existing device " + _gson.toJson(isoInfo.first())); deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.EDIT); } } } i++; // // Setup ROOT/DATA disk devices // DiskTO[] sortedDisks = sortVolumesByDeviceId(disks); for (DiskTO vol : sortedDisks) { if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ISO) continue; VirtualMachineDiskInfo matchingExistingDisk = getMatchingExistingDisk(diskInfoBuilder, vol, hyperHost, context); controllerKey = getDiskController(matchingExistingDisk, vol, vmSpec, ideControllerKey, scsiControllerKey); String diskController = getDiskController(vmMo, matchingExistingDisk, vol, new Pair<String, String>(rootDiskController, dataDiskController)); if (DiskControllerType.getType(diskController) == DiskControllerType.osdefault) { diskController = vmMo.getRecommendedDiskController(null); } if (DiskControllerType.getType(diskController) == DiskControllerType.ide) { controllerKey = vmMo.getIDEControllerKey(ideUnitNumber); if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.DATADISK) { // Could be result of flip due to user configured setting or "osdefault" for data disks // Ensure maximum of 2 data volumes over IDE controller, 3 includeing root volume if (vmMo.getNumberOfVirtualDisks() > 3) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Found more than 3 virtual disks attached to this VM [" + vmMo.getVmName() + "]. Unable to implement the disks over " + diskController + " controller, as maximum number of devices supported over IDE controller is 4 includeing CDROM device."); } } } else { controllerKey = vmMo.getScsiDiskControllerKeyNoException(diskController); if (controllerKey == -1) { // This may happen for ROOT legacy VMs which doesn't have recommended disk controller when global configuration parameter 'vmware.root.disk.controller' is set to "osdefault" // Retrieve existing controller and use. Ternary<Integer, Integer, DiskControllerType> vmScsiControllerInfo = vmMo.getScsiControllerInfo(); DiskControllerType existingControllerType = vmScsiControllerInfo.third(); controllerKey = vmMo.getScsiDiskControllerKeyNoException(existingControllerType.toString()); } } if (!hasSnapshot) { deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); VolumeObjectTO volumeTO = (VolumeObjectTO)vol.getData(); DataStoreTO primaryStore = volumeTO.getDataStore(); Map<String, String> details = vol.getDetails(); boolean managed = false; String iScsiName = null; if (details != null) { managed = Boolean.parseBoolean(details.get(DiskTO.MANAGED)); iScsiName = details.get(DiskTO.IQN); } // if the storage is managed, iScsiName should not be null String datastoreName = managed ? VmwareResource.getDatastoreName(iScsiName) : primaryStore.getUuid(); Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO> volumeDsDetails = dataStoresDetails.get(datastoreName); assert (volumeDsDetails != null); String[] diskChain = syncDiskChain(dcMo, vmMo, vmSpec, vol, matchingExistingDisk, dataStoresDetails); if(controllerKey == scsiControllerKey && VmwareHelper.isReservedScsiDeviceNumber(scsiUnitNumber)) scsiUnitNumber++; VirtualDevice device = VmwareHelper.prepareDiskDevice(vmMo, null, controllerKey, diskChain, volumeDsDetails.first(), (controllerKey == vmMo.getIDEControllerKey(ideUnitNumber)) ? ((ideUnitNumber++) % VmwareHelper.MAX_IDE_CONTROLLER_COUNT) : scsiUnitNumber++, i + 1); if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) rootDiskTO = vol; deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setDevice(device); deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.ADD); if(s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("Prepare volume at new device " + _gson.toJson(device)); i++; } else { if (controllerKey == scsiControllerKey && VmwareHelper.isReservedScsiDeviceNumber(scsiUnitNumber)) scsiUnitNumber++; if (controllerKey == vmMo.getIDEControllerKey(ideUnitNumber)) ideUnitNumber++; else scsiUnitNumber++; } } // // Setup USB devices // if (guestOsId.startsWith("darwin")) { //Mac OS VirtualDevice[] devices = vmMo.getMatchedDevices(new Class<?>[] {VirtualUSBController.class}); if (devices.length == 0) { s_logger.debug("No USB Controller device on VM Start. Add USB Controller device for Mac OS VM " + vmInternalCSName); //For Mac OS X systems, the EHCI+UHCI controller is enabled by default and is required for USB mouse and keyboard access. VirtualDevice usbControllerDevice = VmwareHelper.prepareUSBControllerDevice(); deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setDevice(usbControllerDevice); deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.ADD); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("Prepare USB controller at new device " + _gson.toJson(deviceConfigSpecArray[i])); i++; } else { s_logger.debug("USB Controller device exists on VM Start for Mac OS VM " + vmInternalCSName); } } // // Setup NIC devices // VirtualDevice nic; int nicMask = 0; int nicCount = 0; VirtualEthernetCardType nicDeviceType = VirtualEthernetCardType.valueOf(vmSpec.getDetails().get(VmDetailConstants.NIC_ADAPTER)); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("VM " + vmInternalCSName + " will be started with NIC device type: " + nicDeviceType); NiciraNvpApiVersion.logNiciraApiVersion(); Map<String, String> nicUuidToDvSwitchUuid = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (NicTO nicTo : sortNicsByDeviceId(nics)) { s_logger.info("Prepare NIC device based on NicTO: " + _gson.toJson(nicTo)); boolean configureVServiceInNexus = (nicTo.getType() == TrafficType.Guest) && (vmSpec.getDetails().containsKey("ConfigureVServiceInNexus")); VirtualMachine.Type vmType = cmd.getVirtualMachine().getType(); Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String> networkInfo = prepareNetworkFromNicInfo(vmMo.getRunningHost(), nicTo, configureVServiceInNexus, vmType); if ((nicTo.getBroadcastType() != BroadcastDomainType.Lswitch) || (nicTo.getBroadcastType() == BroadcastDomainType.Lswitch && NiciraNvpApiVersion.isApiVersionLowerThan("4.2"))){ if (VmwareHelper.isDvPortGroup(networkInfo.first())) { String dvSwitchUuid; ManagedObjectReference dcMor = hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter(); DatacenterMO dataCenterMo = new DatacenterMO(context, dcMor); ManagedObjectReference dvsMor = dataCenterMo.getDvSwitchMor(networkInfo.first()); dvSwitchUuid = dataCenterMo.getDvSwitchUuid(dvsMor); s_logger.info("Preparing NIC device on dvSwitch : " + dvSwitchUuid); nic = VmwareHelper.prepareDvNicDevice(vmMo, networkInfo.first(), nicDeviceType, networkInfo.second(), dvSwitchUuid, nicTo.getMac(), nicUnitNumber++, i + 1, true, true); if (nicTo.getUuid() != null) { nicUuidToDvSwitchUuid.put(nicTo.getUuid(), dvSwitchUuid); } } else { s_logger.info("Preparing NIC device on network " + networkInfo.second()); nic = VmwareHelper.prepareNicDevice(vmMo, networkInfo.first(), nicDeviceType, networkInfo.second(), nicTo.getMac(), nicUnitNumber++, i + 1, true, true); } } else{ //if NSX API VERSION >= 4.2, connect to br-int (nsx.network), do not create portgroup else previous behaviour nic = VmwareHelper.prepareNicOpaque(vmMo, nicDeviceType, networkInfo.second(), nicTo.getMac(), nicUnitNumber++, i + 1, true, true); } deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setDevice(nic); deviceConfigSpecArray[i].setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.ADD); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("Prepare NIC at new device " + _gson.toJson(deviceConfigSpecArray[i])); // this is really a hacking for DomR, upon DomR startup, we will reset all the NIC allocation after eth3 if (nicCount < 3) nicMask |= (1 << nicCount); i++; nicCount++; } for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) vmConfigSpec.getDeviceChange().add(deviceConfigSpecArray[j]); // // Setup VM options // // pass boot arguments through machine.id & perform customized options to VMX ArrayList<OptionValue> extraOptions = new ArrayList<OptionValue>(); configBasicExtraOption(extraOptions, vmSpec); configNvpExtraOption(extraOptions, vmSpec, nicUuidToDvSwitchUuid); configCustomExtraOption(extraOptions, vmSpec); // config VNC String keyboardLayout = null; if (vmSpec.getDetails() != null) keyboardLayout = vmSpec.getDetails().get(VmDetailConstants.KEYBOARD); vmConfigSpec.getExtraConfig().addAll( Arrays.asList(configureVnc(extraOptions.toArray(new OptionValue[0]), hyperHost, vmInternalCSName, vmSpec.getVncPassword(), keyboardLayout))); // config video card configureVideoCard(vmMo, vmSpec, vmConfigSpec); // // Configure VM // if (!vmMo.configureVm(vmConfigSpec)) { throw new Exception("Failed to configure VM before start. vmName: " + vmInternalCSName); } if (vmSpec.getType() == VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter) { hyperHost.setRestartPriorityForVM(vmMo, DasVmPriority.HIGH.value()); } //For resizing root disk. if (rootDiskTO != null && !hasSnapshot) { resizeRootDisk(vmMo, rootDiskTO, hyperHost, context); } // // Post Configuration // vmMo.setCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_NIC_MASK, String.valueOf(nicMask)); postNvpConfigBeforeStart(vmMo, vmSpec); Map<String, String> iqnToPath = new HashMap<String, String>(); postDiskConfigBeforeStart(vmMo, vmSpec, sortedDisks, ideControllerKey, scsiControllerKey, iqnToPath, hyperHost, context); // // Power-on VM // if (!vmMo.powerOn()) { throw new Exception("Failed to start VM. vmName: " + vmInternalCSName + " with hostname " + vmNameOnVcenter); } StartAnswer startAnswer = new StartAnswer(cmd); startAnswer.setIqnToPath(iqnToPath); // Since VM was successfully powered-on, if there was an existing VM in a different cluster that was unregistered, delete all the files associated with it. if (existingVmName != null && existingVmFileLayout != null) { deleteUnregisteredVmFiles(existingVmFileLayout, dcMo, true); } return startAnswer; } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String msg = "StartCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.warn(msg, e); StartAnswer startAnswer = new StartAnswer(cmd, msg); if(vmAlreadyExistsInVcenter) { startAnswer.setContextParam("stopRetry", "true"); } // Since VM start failed, if there was an existing VM in a different cluster that was unregistered, register it back. if (existingVmName != null && existingVmFileInfo != null) { s_logger.debug("Since VM start failed, registering back an existing VM: " + existingVmName + " that was unregistered"); try { DatastoreFile fileInDatastore = new DatastoreFile(existingVmFileInfo.getVmPathName()); DatastoreMO existingVmDsMo = new DatastoreMO(dcMo.getContext(), dcMo.findDatastore(fileInDatastore.getDatastoreName())); registerVm(existingVmName, existingVmDsMo); } catch (Exception ex){ String message = "Failed to register an existing VM: " + existingVmName + " due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(ex); s_logger.warn(message, ex); } } return startAnswer; } finally { } } private void resizeRootDisk(VirtualMachineMO vmMo, DiskTO rootDiskTO, VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost, VmwareContext context) throws Exception { Pair<VirtualDisk, String> vdisk = getVirtualDiskInfo(vmMo, rootDiskTO.getPath() + ".vmdk"); assert(vdisk != null); Long reqSize=((VolumeObjectTO)rootDiskTO.getData()).getSize()/1024; VirtualDisk disk = vdisk.first(); if (reqSize > disk.getCapacityInKB()) { VirtualMachineDiskInfo diskInfo = getMatchingExistingDisk(vmMo.getDiskInfoBuilder(), rootDiskTO, hyperHost, context); assert (diskInfo != null); String[] diskChain = diskInfo.getDiskChain(); if (diskChain != null && diskChain.length>1) { s_logger.error("Unsupported Disk chain length "+ diskChain.length); throw new Exception("Unsupported Disk chain length "+ diskChain.length); } if (diskInfo.getDiskDeviceBusName() == null || !diskInfo.getDiskDeviceBusName().toLowerCase().startsWith("scsi")) { s_logger.error("Unsupported root disk device bus "+ diskInfo.getDiskDeviceBusName() ); throw new Exception("Unsupported root disk device bus "+ diskInfo.getDiskDeviceBusName()); } disk.setCapacityInKB(reqSize); VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec deviceConfigSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); deviceConfigSpec.setDevice(disk); deviceConfigSpec.setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.EDIT); vmConfigSpec.getDeviceChange().add(deviceConfigSpec); if (!vmMo.configureVm(vmConfigSpec)) { throw new Exception("Failed to configure VM for given root disk size. vmName: " + vmMo.getName()); } } } /** * Sets video card memory to the one provided in detail svga.vramSize (if provided) on {@code vmConfigSpec}. * 64MB was always set before. * Size must be in KB. * @param vmMo virtual machine mo * @param vmSpec virtual machine specs * @param vmConfigSpec virtual machine config spec * @throws Exception exception */ protected void configureVideoCard(VirtualMachineMO vmMo, VirtualMachineTO vmSpec, VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec) throws Exception { if (vmSpec.getDetails().containsKey(VmDetailConstants.SVGA_VRAM_SIZE)){ String value = vmSpec.getDetails().get(VmDetailConstants.SVGA_VRAM_SIZE); try { long svgaVmramSize = Long.parseLong(value); setNewVRamSizeVmVideoCard(vmMo, svgaVmramSize, vmConfigSpec); } catch (NumberFormatException e){ s_logger.error("Unexpected value, cannot parse " + value + " to long due to: " + e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Search for vm video card iterating through vm device list * @param vmMo virtual machine mo * @param svgaVmramSize new svga vram size (in KB) * @param vmConfigSpec virtual machine config spec */ protected void setNewVRamSizeVmVideoCard(VirtualMachineMO vmMo, long svgaVmramSize, VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec) throws Exception { for (VirtualDevice device : vmMo.getAllDeviceList()){ if (device instanceof VirtualMachineVideoCard){ VirtualMachineVideoCard videoCard = (VirtualMachineVideoCard) device; modifyVmVideoCardVRamSize(videoCard, vmMo, svgaVmramSize, vmConfigSpec); } } } /** * Modifies vm vram size if it was set to a different size to the one provided in svga.vramSize (user_vm_details or template_vm_details) on {@code vmConfigSpec} * @param videoCard vm's video card device * @param vmMo virtual machine mo * @param svgaVmramSize new svga vram size (in KB) * @param vmConfigSpec virtual machine config spec */ protected void modifyVmVideoCardVRamSize(VirtualMachineVideoCard videoCard, VirtualMachineMO vmMo, long svgaVmramSize, VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec) { if (videoCard.getVideoRamSizeInKB().longValue() != svgaVmramSize){ s_logger.info("Video card memory was set " + videoCard.getVideoRamSizeInKB().longValue() + "kb instead of " + svgaVmramSize + "kb"); configureSpecVideoCardNewVRamSize(videoCard, svgaVmramSize, vmConfigSpec); } } /** * Add edit spec on {@code vmConfigSpec} to modify svga vram size * @param videoCard video card device to edit providing the svga vram size * @param svgaVmramSize new svga vram size (in KB) * @param vmConfigSpec virtual machine spec */ protected void configureSpecVideoCardNewVRamSize(VirtualMachineVideoCard videoCard, long svgaVmramSize, VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec){ videoCard.setVideoRamSizeInKB(svgaVmramSize); videoCard.setUseAutoDetect(false); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec arrayVideoCardConfigSpecs = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); arrayVideoCardConfigSpecs.setDevice(videoCard); arrayVideoCardConfigSpecs.setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.EDIT); vmConfigSpec.getDeviceChange().add(arrayVideoCardConfigSpecs); } private void tearDownVm(VirtualMachineMO vmMo) throws Exception{ if(vmMo == null) return; boolean hasSnapshot = false; hasSnapshot = vmMo.hasSnapshot(); if (!hasSnapshot) vmMo.tearDownDevices(new Class<?>[] {VirtualDisk.class, VirtualEthernetCard.class}); else vmMo.tearDownDevices(new Class<?>[] {VirtualEthernetCard.class}); vmMo.ensureScsiDeviceController(); } int getReservedMemoryMb(VirtualMachineTO vmSpec) { if (vmSpec.getDetails().get(VMwareGuru.VmwareReserveMemory.key()).equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { return (int) (vmSpec.getMinRam() / (1024 * 1024)); } return 0; } int getReservedCpuMHZ(VirtualMachineTO vmSpec) { if (vmSpec.getDetails().get(VMwareGuru.VmwareReserveCpu.key()).equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { return vmSpec.getMinSpeed() * vmSpec.getCpus(); } return 0; } // return the finalized disk chain for startup, from top to bottom private String[] syncDiskChain(DatacenterMO dcMo, VirtualMachineMO vmMo, VirtualMachineTO vmSpec, DiskTO vol, VirtualMachineDiskInfo diskInfo, HashMap<String, Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO>> dataStoresDetails) throws Exception { VolumeObjectTO volumeTO = (VolumeObjectTO)vol.getData(); DataStoreTO primaryStore = volumeTO.getDataStore(); Map<String, String> details = vol.getDetails(); boolean isManaged = false; String iScsiName = null; if (details != null) { isManaged = Boolean.parseBoolean(details.get(DiskTO.MANAGED)); iScsiName = details.get(DiskTO.IQN); } // if the storage is managed, iScsiName should not be null String datastoreName = isManaged ? VmwareResource.getDatastoreName(iScsiName) : primaryStore.getUuid(); Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO> volumeDsDetails = dataStoresDetails.get(datastoreName); if (volumeDsDetails == null) { throw new Exception("Primary datastore " + primaryStore.getUuid() + " is not mounted on host."); } DatastoreMO dsMo = volumeDsDetails.second(); // we will honor vCenter's meta if it exists if (diskInfo != null) { // to deal with run-time upgrade to maintain the new datastore folder structure String disks[] = diskInfo.getDiskChain(); for (int i = 0; i < disks.length; i++) { DatastoreFile file = new DatastoreFile(disks[i]); if (!isManaged && file.getDir() != null && file.getDir().isEmpty()) { s_logger.info("Perform run-time datastore folder upgrade. sync " + disks[i] + " to VM folder"); disks[i] = VmwareStorageLayoutHelper.syncVolumeToVmDefaultFolder(dcMo, vmMo.getName(), dsMo, file.getFileBaseName()); } } return disks; } final String datastoreDiskPath; if (isManaged) { if (volumeTO.getVolumeType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) { datastoreDiskPath = VmwareStorageLayoutHelper.syncVolumeToVmDefaultFolder(dcMo, vmMo.getName(), dsMo, volumeTO.getName()); } else { datastoreDiskPath = dsMo.getDatastorePath(dsMo.getName() + ".vmdk"); } } else { datastoreDiskPath = VmwareStorageLayoutHelper.syncVolumeToVmDefaultFolder(dcMo, vmMo.getName(), dsMo, volumeTO.getPath()); } if (!dsMo.fileExists(datastoreDiskPath)) { s_logger.warn("Volume " + volumeTO.getId() + " does not seem to exist on datastore, out of sync? path: " + datastoreDiskPath); } return new String[] {datastoreDiskPath}; } // Pair<internal CS name, vCenter display name> private Pair<String, String> composeVmNames(VirtualMachineTO vmSpec) { String vmInternalCSName = vmSpec.getName(); String vmNameOnVcenter = vmSpec.getName(); if (_instanceNameFlag && vmSpec.getHostName() != null) { vmNameOnVcenter = vmSpec.getHostName(); } return new Pair<String, String>(vmInternalCSName, vmNameOnVcenter); } protected void configNestedHVSupport(VirtualMachineMO vmMo, VirtualMachineTO vmSpec, VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec) throws Exception { VmwareContext context = vmMo.getContext(); if ("true".equals(vmSpec.getDetails().get(VmDetailConstants.NESTED_VIRTUALIZATION_FLAG))) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("Nested Virtualization enabled in configuration, checking hypervisor capability"); ManagedObjectReference hostMor = vmMo.getRunningHost().getMor(); ManagedObjectReference computeMor = context.getVimClient().getMoRefProp(hostMor, "parent"); ManagedObjectReference environmentBrowser = context.getVimClient().getMoRefProp(computeMor, "environmentBrowser"); HostCapability hostCapability = context.getService().queryTargetCapabilities(environmentBrowser, hostMor); Boolean nestedHvSupported = hostCapability.isNestedHVSupported(); if (nestedHvSupported == null) { // nestedHvEnabled property is supported only since VMware 5.1. It's not defined for earlier versions. s_logger.warn("Hypervisor doesn't support nested virtualization, unable to set config for VM " + vmSpec.getName()); } else if (nestedHvSupported.booleanValue()) { s_logger.debug("Hypervisor supports nested virtualization, enabling for VM " + vmSpec.getName()); vmConfigSpec.setNestedHVEnabled(true); } else { s_logger.warn("Hypervisor doesn't support nested virtualization, unable to set config for VM " + vmSpec.getName()); vmConfigSpec.setNestedHVEnabled(false); } } } private static void configBasicExtraOption(List<OptionValue> extraOptions, VirtualMachineTO vmSpec) { OptionValue newVal = new OptionValue(); newVal.setKey("machine.id"); newVal.setValue(vmSpec.getBootArgs()); extraOptions.add(newVal); newVal = new OptionValue(); newVal.setKey("devices.hotplug"); newVal.setValue("true"); extraOptions.add(newVal); } private static void configNvpExtraOption(List<OptionValue> extraOptions, VirtualMachineTO vmSpec, Map<String, String> nicUuidToDvSwitchUuid) { /** * Extra Config : nvp.vm-uuid = uuid * - Required for Nicira NVP integration */ OptionValue newVal = new OptionValue(); newVal.setKey("nvp.vm-uuid"); newVal.setValue(vmSpec.getUuid()); extraOptions.add(newVal); /** * Extra Config : nvp.iface-id.<num> = uuid * - Required for Nicira NVP integration */ int nicNum = 0; for (NicTO nicTo : sortNicsByDeviceId(vmSpec.getNics())) { if (nicTo.getUuid() != null) { newVal = new OptionValue(); newVal.setKey("nvp.iface-id." + nicNum); newVal.setValue(nicTo.getUuid()); extraOptions.add(newVal); setNuageVspVrIpInExtraConfig(extraOptions, nicTo, nicUuidToDvSwitchUuid.get(nicTo.getUuid())); } nicNum++; } } private static void setNuageVspVrIpInExtraConfig(List<OptionValue> extraOptions, NicTO nicTo, String dvSwitchUuid) { if (nicTo.getBroadcastType() != BroadcastDomainType.Vsp) { return; } OptionValue newVal; if (nicTo.getType().equals(TrafficType.Guest) && dvSwitchUuid != null && nicTo.getGateway() != null && nicTo.getNetmask() != null) { String vrIp = nicTo.getBroadcastUri().getPath().substring(1); newVal = new OptionValue(); newVal.setKey("vsp.vr-ip." + nicTo.getMac()); newVal.setValue(vrIp); extraOptions.add(newVal); newVal = new OptionValue(); newVal.setKey("vsp.dvswitch." + nicTo.getMac()); newVal.setValue(dvSwitchUuid); extraOptions.add(newVal); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("NIC with MAC " + nicTo.getMac() + " and BroadcastDomainType " + nicTo.getBroadcastType() + " in network(" + nicTo.getGateway() + "/" + nicTo.getNetmask() + ") is " + nicTo.getType() + " traffic type. So, vsp-vr-ip is set in the extraconfig"); } } } private static void configCustomExtraOption(List<OptionValue> extraOptions, VirtualMachineTO vmSpec) { // we no longer to validation anymore for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : vmSpec.getDetails().entrySet()) { OptionValue newVal = new OptionValue(); newVal.setKey(entry.getKey()); newVal.setValue(entry.getValue()); extraOptions.add(newVal); } } private static void postNvpConfigBeforeStart(VirtualMachineMO vmMo, VirtualMachineTO vmSpec) throws Exception { /** * We need to configure the port on the DV switch after the host is * connected. So make this happen between the configure and start of * the VM */ int nicIndex = 0; for (NicTO nicTo : sortNicsByDeviceId(vmSpec.getNics())) { if (nicTo.getBroadcastType() == BroadcastDomainType.Lswitch) { // We need to create a port with a unique vlan and pass the key to the nic device s_logger.trace("Nic " + nicTo.toString() + " is connected to an NVP logicalswitch"); VirtualDevice nicVirtualDevice = vmMo.getNicDeviceByIndex(nicIndex); if (nicVirtualDevice == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to find a VirtualDevice for nic " + nicIndex); //FIXME Generic exceptions are bad } VirtualDeviceBackingInfo backing = nicVirtualDevice.getBacking(); if (backing instanceof VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo) { // This NIC is connected to a Distributed Virtual Switch VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo portInfo = (VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo)backing; DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection port = portInfo.getPort(); String portKey = port.getPortKey(); String portGroupKey = port.getPortgroupKey(); String dvSwitchUuid = port.getSwitchUuid(); s_logger.debug("NIC " + nicTo.toString() + " is connected to dvSwitch " + dvSwitchUuid + " pg " + portGroupKey + " port " + portKey); ManagedObjectReference dvSwitchManager = vmMo.getContext().getVimClient().getServiceContent().getDvSwitchManager(); ManagedObjectReference dvSwitch = vmMo.getContext().getVimClient().getService().queryDvsByUuid(dvSwitchManager, dvSwitchUuid); // Get all ports DistributedVirtualSwitchPortCriteria criteria = new DistributedVirtualSwitchPortCriteria(); criteria.setInside(true); criteria.getPortgroupKey().add(portGroupKey); List<DistributedVirtualPort> dvPorts = vmMo.getContext().getVimClient().getService().fetchDVPorts(dvSwitch, criteria); DistributedVirtualPort vmDvPort = null; List<Integer> usedVlans = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (DistributedVirtualPort dvPort : dvPorts) { // Find the port for this NIC by portkey if (portKey.equals(dvPort.getKey())) { vmDvPort = dvPort; } VMwareDVSPortSetting settings = (VMwareDVSPortSetting)dvPort.getConfig().getSetting(); VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchVlanIdSpec vlanId = (VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchVlanIdSpec)settings.getVlan(); s_logger.trace("Found port " + dvPort.getKey() + " with vlan " + vlanId.getVlanId()); if (vlanId.getVlanId() > 0 && vlanId.getVlanId() < 4095) { usedVlans.add(vlanId.getVlanId()); } } if (vmDvPort == null) { throw new Exception("Empty port list from dvSwitch for nic " + nicTo.toString()); } DVPortConfigInfo dvPortConfigInfo = vmDvPort.getConfig(); VMwareDVSPortSetting settings = (VMwareDVSPortSetting)dvPortConfigInfo.getSetting(); VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchVlanIdSpec vlanId = (VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchVlanIdSpec)settings.getVlan(); BoolPolicy blocked = settings.getBlocked(); if (blocked.isValue() == Boolean.TRUE) { s_logger.trace("Port is blocked, set a vlanid and unblock"); DVPortConfigSpec dvPortConfigSpec = new DVPortConfigSpec(); VMwareDVSPortSetting edittedSettings = new VMwareDVSPortSetting(); // Unblock blocked.setValue(Boolean.FALSE); blocked.setInherited(Boolean.FALSE); edittedSettings.setBlocked(blocked); // Set vlan int i; for (i = 1; i < 4095; i++) { if (!usedVlans.contains(i)) break; } vlanId.setVlanId(i); // FIXME should be a determined // based on usage vlanId.setInherited(false); edittedSettings.setVlan(vlanId); dvPortConfigSpec.setSetting(edittedSettings); dvPortConfigSpec.setOperation("edit"); dvPortConfigSpec.setKey(portKey); List<DVPortConfigSpec> dvPortConfigSpecs = new ArrayList<DVPortConfigSpec>(); dvPortConfigSpecs.add(dvPortConfigSpec); ManagedObjectReference task = vmMo.getContext().getVimClient().getService().reconfigureDVPortTask(dvSwitch, dvPortConfigSpecs); if (!vmMo.getContext().getVimClient().waitForTask(task)) { throw new Exception("Failed to configure the dvSwitch port for nic " + nicTo.toString()); } s_logger.debug("NIC " + nicTo.toString() + " connected to vlan " + i); } else { s_logger.trace("Port already configured and set to vlan " + vlanId.getVlanId()); } } else if (backing instanceof VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo) { // This NIC is connected to a Virtual Switch // Nothing to do } else if (backing instanceof VirtualEthernetCardOpaqueNetworkBackingInfo) { //if NSX API VERSION >= 4.2, connect to br-int (nsx.network), do not create portgroup else previous behaviour //OK, connected to OpaqueNetwork } else { s_logger.error("nic device backing is of type " + backing.getClass().getName()); throw new Exception("Incompatible backing for a VirtualDevice for nic " + nicIndex); //FIXME Generic exceptions are bad } } nicIndex++; } } private VirtualMachineDiskInfo getMatchingExistingDisk(VirtualMachineDiskInfoBuilder diskInfoBuilder, DiskTO vol, VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost, VmwareContext context) throws Exception { if (diskInfoBuilder != null) { VolumeObjectTO volume = (VolumeObjectTO)vol.getData(); String dsName = null; String diskBackingFileBaseName= null; Map<String, String> details = vol.getDetails(); boolean isManaged = details != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(details.get(DiskTO.MANAGED)); if (isManaged) { String iScsiName = details.get(DiskTO.IQN); // if the storage is managed, iScsiName should not be null dsName = VmwareResource.getDatastoreName(iScsiName); diskBackingFileBaseName = new DatastoreFile(volume.getPath()).getFileBaseName(); } else { ManagedObjectReference morDs = HypervisorHostHelper.findDatastoreWithBackwardsCompatibility(hyperHost, volume.getDataStore().getUuid()); DatastoreMO dsMo = new DatastoreMO(context, morDs); dsName = dsMo.getName(); diskBackingFileBaseName = volume.getPath(); } VirtualMachineDiskInfo diskInfo = diskInfoBuilder.getDiskInfoByBackingFileBaseName(diskBackingFileBaseName, dsName); if (diskInfo != null) { s_logger.info("Found existing disk info from volume path: " + volume.getPath()); return diskInfo; } else { String chainInfo = volume.getChainInfo(); if (chainInfo != null) { VirtualMachineDiskInfo infoInChain = _gson.fromJson(chainInfo, VirtualMachineDiskInfo.class); if (infoInChain != null) { String[] disks = infoInChain.getDiskChain(); if (disks.length > 0) { for (String diskPath : disks) { DatastoreFile file = new DatastoreFile(diskPath); diskInfo = diskInfoBuilder.getDiskInfoByBackingFileBaseName(file.getFileBaseName(), dsName); if (diskInfo != null) { s_logger.info("Found existing disk from chain info: " + diskPath); return diskInfo; } } } if (diskInfo == null) { diskInfo = diskInfoBuilder.getDiskInfoByDeviceBusName(infoInChain.getDiskDeviceBusName()); if (diskInfo != null) { s_logger.info("Found existing disk from from chain device bus information: " + infoInChain.getDiskDeviceBusName()); return diskInfo; } } } } } } return null; } private int getDiskController(VirtualMachineDiskInfo matchingExistingDisk, DiskTO vol, VirtualMachineTO vmSpec, int ideControllerKey, int scsiControllerKey) { int controllerKey; if (matchingExistingDisk != null) { s_logger.info("Chose disk controller based on existing information: " + matchingExistingDisk.getDiskDeviceBusName()); if (matchingExistingDisk.getDiskDeviceBusName().startsWith("ide")) return ideControllerKey; else return scsiControllerKey; } if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) { Map<String, String> vmDetails = vmSpec.getDetails(); if (vmDetails != null && vmDetails.get(VmDetailConstants.ROOT_DISK_CONTROLLER) != null) { if (vmDetails.get(VmDetailConstants.ROOT_DISK_CONTROLLER).equalsIgnoreCase("scsi")) { s_logger.info("Chose disk controller for vol " + vol.getType() + " -> scsi, based on root disk controller settings: " + vmDetails.get(VmDetailConstants.ROOT_DISK_CONTROLLER)); controllerKey = scsiControllerKey; } else { s_logger.info("Chose disk controller for vol " + vol.getType() + " -> ide, based on root disk controller settings: " + vmDetails.get(VmDetailConstants.ROOT_DISK_CONTROLLER)); controllerKey = ideControllerKey; } } else { s_logger.info("Chose disk controller for vol " + vol.getType() + " -> scsi. due to null root disk controller setting"); controllerKey = scsiControllerKey; } } else { // DATA volume always use SCSI device s_logger.info("Chose disk controller for vol " + vol.getType() + " -> scsi"); controllerKey = scsiControllerKey; } return controllerKey; } private String getDiskController(VirtualMachineMO vmMo, VirtualMachineDiskInfo matchingExistingDisk, DiskTO vol, Pair<String, String> controllerInfo) throws Exception { int controllerKey; DiskControllerType controllerType = DiskControllerType.none; if (matchingExistingDisk != null) { String currentBusName = matchingExistingDisk.getDiskDeviceBusName(); if (currentBusName != null) { s_logger.info("Chose disk controller based on existing information: " + currentBusName); if (currentBusName.startsWith("ide")) { controllerType = DiskControllerType.ide; } else if (currentBusName.startsWith("scsi")) { controllerType = DiskControllerType.scsi; } } if (controllerType == DiskControllerType.scsi || controllerType == DiskControllerType.none) { Ternary<Integer, Integer, DiskControllerType> vmScsiControllerInfo = vmMo.getScsiControllerInfo(); controllerType = vmScsiControllerInfo.third(); } return controllerType.toString(); } if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) { s_logger.info("Chose disk controller for vol " + vol.getType() + " -> " + controllerInfo.first() + ", based on root disk controller settings at global configuration setting."); return controllerInfo.first(); } else { s_logger.info("Chose disk controller for vol " + vol.getType() + " -> " + controllerInfo.second() + ", based on default data disk controller setting i.e. Operating system recommended."); // Need to bring in global configuration setting & template level setting. return controllerInfo.second(); } } private void postDiskConfigBeforeStart(VirtualMachineMO vmMo, VirtualMachineTO vmSpec, DiskTO[] sortedDisks, int ideControllerKey, int scsiControllerKey, Map<String, String> iqnToPath, VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost, VmwareContext context) throws Exception { VirtualMachineDiskInfoBuilder diskInfoBuilder = vmMo.getDiskInfoBuilder(); for (DiskTO vol : sortedDisks) { if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ISO) continue; VolumeObjectTO volumeTO = (VolumeObjectTO)vol.getData(); VirtualMachineDiskInfo diskInfo = getMatchingExistingDisk(diskInfoBuilder, vol, hyperHost, context); assert (diskInfo != null); String[] diskChain = diskInfo.getDiskChain(); assert (diskChain.length > 0); Map<String, String> details = vol.getDetails(); boolean managed = false; if (details != null) { managed = Boolean.parseBoolean(details.get(DiskTO.MANAGED)); } DatastoreFile file = new DatastoreFile(diskChain[0]); if (managed) { DatastoreFile originalFile = new DatastoreFile(volumeTO.getPath()); if (!file.getFileBaseName().equalsIgnoreCase(originalFile.getFileBaseName())) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) s_logger.info("Detected disk-chain top file change on volume: " + volumeTO.getId() + " " + volumeTO.getPath() + " -> " + diskChain[0]); } } else { if (!file.getFileBaseName().equalsIgnoreCase(volumeTO.getPath())) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) s_logger.info("Detected disk-chain top file change on volume: " + volumeTO.getId() + " " + volumeTO.getPath() + " -> " + file.getFileBaseName()); } } VolumeObjectTO volInSpec = getVolumeInSpec(vmSpec, volumeTO); if (volInSpec != null) { if (managed) { String datastoreVolumePath = diskChain[0]; iqnToPath.put(details.get(DiskTO.IQN), datastoreVolumePath); vol.setPath(datastoreVolumePath); volumeTO.setPath(datastoreVolumePath); volInSpec.setPath(datastoreVolumePath); } else { volInSpec.setPath(file.getFileBaseName()); } volInSpec.setChainInfo(_gson.toJson(diskInfo)); } } } private void deleteUnregisteredVmFiles(VirtualMachineFileLayoutEx vmFileLayout, DatacenterMO dcMo, boolean deleteDisks) throws Exception { s_logger.debug("Deleting files associated with an existing VM that was unregistered"); DatastoreFile vmFolder = null; try { List<VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileInfo> fileInfo = vmFileLayout.getFile(); for (VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileInfo file : fileInfo) { DatastoreFile fileInDatastore = new DatastoreFile(file.getName()); // In case of linked clones, VM file layout includes the base disk so don't delete all disk files. if (file.getType().startsWith("disk") || file.getType().startsWith("digest")) continue; else if (file.getType().equals("config")) vmFolder = new DatastoreFile(fileInDatastore.getDatastoreName(), fileInDatastore.getDir()); DatastoreMO dsMo = new DatastoreMO(dcMo.getContext(), dcMo.findDatastore(fileInDatastore.getDatastoreName())); s_logger.debug("Deleting file: " + file.getName()); dsMo.deleteFile(file.getName(), dcMo.getMor(), true); } // Delete files that are present in the VM folder - this will take care of the VM disks as well. DatastoreMO vmFolderDsMo = new DatastoreMO(dcMo.getContext(), dcMo.findDatastore(vmFolder.getDatastoreName())); String[] files = vmFolderDsMo.listDirContent(vmFolder.getPath()); if (deleteDisks) { for (String file : files) { String vmDiskFileFullPath = String.format("%s/%s", vmFolder.getPath(), file); s_logger.debug("Deleting file: " + vmDiskFileFullPath); vmFolderDsMo.deleteFile(vmDiskFileFullPath, dcMo.getMor(), true); } } // Delete VM folder if (deleteDisks || files.length == 0) { s_logger.debug("Deleting folder: " + vmFolder.getPath()); vmFolderDsMo.deleteFolder(vmFolder.getPath(), dcMo.getMor()); } } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Failed to delete files associated with an existing VM that was unregistered due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.warn(message, e); } } private static VolumeObjectTO getVolumeInSpec(VirtualMachineTO vmSpec, VolumeObjectTO srcVol) { for (DiskTO disk : vmSpec.getDisks()) { VolumeObjectTO vol = (VolumeObjectTO)disk.getData(); if (vol.getId() == srcVol.getId()) return vol; } return null; } private static NicTO[] sortNicsByDeviceId(NicTO[] nics) { List<NicTO> listForSort = new ArrayList<NicTO>(); for (NicTO nic : nics) { listForSort.add(nic); } Collections.sort(listForSort, new Comparator<NicTO>() { @Override public int compare(NicTO arg0, NicTO arg1) { if (arg0.getDeviceId() < arg1.getDeviceId()) { return -1; } else if (arg0.getDeviceId() == arg1.getDeviceId()) { return 0; } return 1; } }); return listForSort.toArray(new NicTO[0]); } private static DiskTO[] sortVolumesByDeviceId(DiskTO[] volumes) { List<DiskTO> listForSort = new ArrayList<DiskTO>(); for (DiskTO vol : volumes) { listForSort.add(vol); } Collections.sort(listForSort, new Comparator<DiskTO>() { @Override public int compare(DiskTO arg0, DiskTO arg1) { if (arg0.getDiskSeq() < arg1.getDiskSeq()) { return -1; } else if (arg0.getDiskSeq().equals(arg1.getDiskSeq())) { return 0; } return 1; } }); return listForSort.toArray(new DiskTO[0]); } private HashMap<String, Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO>> inferDatastoreDetailsFromDiskInfo(VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost, VmwareContext context, DiskTO[] disks, Command cmd) throws Exception { HashMap<String, Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO>> mapIdToMors = new HashMap<String, Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO>>(); assert (hyperHost != null) && (context != null); for (DiskTO vol : disks) { if (vol.getType() != Volume.Type.ISO) { VolumeObjectTO volumeTO = (VolumeObjectTO)vol.getData(); DataStoreTO primaryStore = volumeTO.getDataStore(); String poolUuid = primaryStore.getUuid(); if (mapIdToMors.get(poolUuid) == null) { boolean isManaged = false; Map<String, String> details = vol.getDetails(); if (details != null) { isManaged = Boolean.parseBoolean(details.get(DiskTO.MANAGED)); } if (isManaged) { String iScsiName = details.get(DiskTO.IQN); // details should not be null for managed storage (it may or may not be null for non-managed storage) String datastoreName = VmwareResource.getDatastoreName(iScsiName); ManagedObjectReference morDatastore = HypervisorHostHelper.findDatastoreWithBackwardsCompatibility(hyperHost, datastoreName); // if the datastore is not present, we need to discover the iSCSI device that will support it, // create the datastore, and create a VMDK file in the datastore if (morDatastore == null) { morDatastore = _storageProcessor.prepareManagedStorage(context, hyperHost, null, iScsiName, details.get(DiskTO.STORAGE_HOST), Integer.parseInt(details.get(DiskTO.STORAGE_PORT)), volumeTO.getVolumeType() == Volume.Type.ROOT ? volumeTO.getName() : null, details.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_USERNAME), details.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_SECRET), details.get(DiskTO.CHAP_TARGET_USERNAME), details.get(DiskTO.CHAP_TARGET_SECRET), Long.parseLong(details.get(DiskTO.VOLUME_SIZE)), cmd); DatastoreMO dsMo = new DatastoreMO(getServiceContext(), morDatastore); String datastoreVolumePath = dsMo.getDatastorePath((volumeTO.getVolumeType() == Volume.Type.ROOT ? volumeTO.getName() : dsMo.getName()) + ".vmdk"); volumeTO.setPath(datastoreVolumePath); vol.setPath(datastoreVolumePath); } mapIdToMors.put(datastoreName, new Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO>(morDatastore, new DatastoreMO(context, morDatastore))); } else { ManagedObjectReference morDatastore = HypervisorHostHelper.findDatastoreWithBackwardsCompatibility(hyperHost, poolUuid); if (morDatastore == null) { String msg = "Failed to get the mounted datastore for the volume's pool " + poolUuid; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } mapIdToMors.put(poolUuid, new Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO>(morDatastore, new DatastoreMO(context, morDatastore))); } } } } return mapIdToMors; } private DatastoreMO getDatastoreThatRootDiskIsOn(HashMap<String, Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO>> dataStoresDetails, DiskTO disks[]) { Pair<ManagedObjectReference, DatastoreMO> rootDiskDataStoreDetails = null; for (DiskTO vol : disks) { if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) { Map<String, String> details = vol.getDetails(); boolean managed = false; if (details != null) { managed = Boolean.parseBoolean(details.get(DiskTO.MANAGED)); } if (managed) { String datastoreName = VmwareResource.getDatastoreName(details.get(DiskTO.IQN)); rootDiskDataStoreDetails = dataStoresDetails.get(datastoreName); break; } else { DataStoreTO primaryStore = vol.getData().getDataStore(); rootDiskDataStoreDetails = dataStoresDetails.get(primaryStore.getUuid()); break; } } } if (rootDiskDataStoreDetails != null) { return rootDiskDataStoreDetails.second(); } return null; } private String getPvlanInfo(NicTO nicTo) { if (nicTo.getBroadcastType() == BroadcastDomainType.Pvlan) { return NetUtils.getIsolatedPvlanFromUri(nicTo.getBroadcastUri()); } return null; } private String getVlanInfo(NicTO nicTo, String defaultVlan) { if (nicTo.getBroadcastType() == BroadcastDomainType.Native) { return defaultVlan; } else if (nicTo.getBroadcastType() == BroadcastDomainType.Vlan || nicTo.getBroadcastType() == BroadcastDomainType.Pvlan) { if (nicTo.getBroadcastUri() != null) { if (nicTo.getBroadcastType() == BroadcastDomainType.Vlan) // For vlan, the broadcast uri is of the form vlan://<vlanid> // BroadcastDomainType recogniizes and handles this. return BroadcastDomainType.getValue(nicTo.getBroadcastUri()); else // for pvlan, the broacast uri will be of the form pvlan://<vlanid>-i<pvlanid> // TODO consider the spread of functionality between BroadcastDomainType and NetUtils return NetUtils.getPrimaryPvlanFromUri(nicTo.getBroadcastUri()); } else { s_logger.warn("BroadcastType is not claimed as VLAN or PVLAN, but without vlan info in broadcast URI. Use vlan info from labeling: " + defaultVlan); return defaultVlan; } } else if (nicTo.getBroadcastType() == BroadcastDomainType.Lswitch) { // We don't need to set any VLAN id for an NVP logical switch return null; } else if (nicTo.getBroadcastType() == BroadcastDomainType.Storage) { URI broadcastUri = nicTo.getBroadcastUri(); if (broadcastUri != null) { String vlanId = BroadcastDomainType.getValue(broadcastUri); s_logger.debug("Using VLAN [" + vlanId + "] from broadcast uri [" + broadcastUri + "]"); return vlanId; } } s_logger.warn("Unrecognized broadcast type in VmwareResource, type: " + nicTo.getBroadcastType().toString() + ". Use vlan info from labeling: " + defaultVlan); return defaultVlan; } private Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String> prepareNetworkFromNicInfo(HostMO hostMo, NicTO nicTo, boolean configureVServiceInNexus, VirtualMachine.Type vmType) throws Exception { Ternary<String, String, String> switchDetails = getTargetSwitch(nicTo); VirtualSwitchType switchType = VirtualSwitchType.getType(switchDetails.second()); String switchName = switchDetails.first(); String vlanToken = switchDetails.third(); String namePrefix = getNetworkNamePrefix(nicTo); Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String> networkInfo = null; s_logger.info("Prepare network on " + switchType + " " + switchName + " with name prefix: " + namePrefix); if (VirtualSwitchType.StandardVirtualSwitch == switchType) { networkInfo = HypervisorHostHelper.prepareNetwork(switchName, namePrefix, hostMo, getVlanInfo(nicTo, vlanToken), nicTo.getNetworkRateMbps(), nicTo.getNetworkRateMulticastMbps(), _opsTimeout, !namePrefix.startsWith("cloud.private"), nicTo.getBroadcastType(), nicTo.getUuid()); } else { String vlanId = getVlanInfo(nicTo, vlanToken); String svlanId = null; boolean pvlannetwork = (getPvlanInfo(nicTo) == null) ? false : true; if (vmType != null && vmType.equals(VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter) && pvlannetwork) { // plumb this network to the promiscuous vlan. svlanId = vlanId; } else { // plumb this network to the isolated vlan. svlanId = getPvlanInfo(nicTo); } networkInfo = HypervisorHostHelper.prepareNetwork(switchName, namePrefix, hostMo, vlanId, svlanId, nicTo.getNetworkRateMbps(), nicTo.getNetworkRateMulticastMbps(), _opsTimeout, switchType, _portsPerDvPortGroup, nicTo.getGateway(), configureVServiceInNexus, nicTo.getBroadcastType(), _vsmCredentials); } return networkInfo; } // return Ternary <switch name, switch tyep, vlan tagging> private Ternary<String, String, String> getTargetSwitch(NicTO nicTo) throws CloudException { TrafficType[] supportedTrafficTypes = new TrafficType[] { TrafficType.Guest, TrafficType.Public, TrafficType.Control, TrafficType.Management, TrafficType.Storage }; TrafficType trafficType = nicTo.getType(); if (!Arrays.asList(supportedTrafficTypes).contains(trafficType)) { throw new CloudException("Traffic type " + trafficType.toString() + " for nic " + nicTo.toString() + " is not supported."); } String switchName = null; VirtualSwitchType switchType = VirtualSwitchType.StandardVirtualSwitch; String vlanId = Vlan.UNTAGGED; if(nicTo.getName() != null && !nicTo.getName().isEmpty()) { // Format of network traffic label is <VSWITCH>,<VLANID>,<VSWITCHTYPE> // If all 3 fields are mentioned then number of tokens would be 3. // If only <VSWITCH>,<VLANID> are mentioned then number of tokens would be 2. // Get switch details from the nicTO object String networkName = nicTo.getName(); VmwareTrafficLabel mgmtTrafficLabelObj = new VmwareTrafficLabel(networkName, trafficType); switchName = mgmtTrafficLabelObj.getVirtualSwitchName(); vlanId = mgmtTrafficLabelObj.getVlanId(); switchType = mgmtTrafficLabelObj.getVirtualSwitchType(); } else { if (trafficType == TrafficType.Guest && _guestTrafficInfo != null) { switchType = _guestTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchType(); switchName = _guestTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchName(); } else if (trafficType == TrafficType.Public && _publicTrafficInfo != null) { switchType = _publicTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchType(); switchName = _publicTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchName(); } } if (switchName == null && (nicTo.getType() == Networks.TrafficType.Control || nicTo.getType() == Networks.TrafficType.Management || nicTo.getType() == Networks.TrafficType.Storage)) { switchName = _privateNetworkVSwitchName; } if (switchType == VirtualSwitchType.NexusDistributedVirtualSwitch) { if (trafficType == TrafficType.Management || trafficType == TrafficType.Storage) { throw new CloudException("Unable to configure NIC " + nicTo.toString() + " as traffic type " + trafficType.toString() + " is not supported over virtual switch type " + switchType + ". Please specify only supported type of virtual switches i.e. {vmwaresvs, vmwaredvs} in physical network traffic label."); } } return new Ternary<String, String, String>(switchName, switchType.toString(), vlanId); } private String getNetworkNamePrefix(NicTO nicTo) throws Exception { if (nicTo.getType() == Networks.TrafficType.Guest) { return "cloud.guest"; } else if (nicTo.getType() == Networks.TrafficType.Control || nicTo.getType() == Networks.TrafficType.Management) { return "cloud.private"; } else if (nicTo.getType() == Networks.TrafficType.Public) { return "cloud.public"; } else if (nicTo.getType() == Networks.TrafficType.Storage) { return "cloud.storage"; } else if (nicTo.getType() == Networks.TrafficType.Vpn) { throw new Exception("Unsupported traffic type: " + nicTo.getType().toString()); } else { throw new Exception("Unsupported traffic type: " + nicTo.getType().toString()); } } private VirtualMachineMO takeVmFromOtherHyperHost(VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost, String vmName) throws Exception { VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnPeerHyperHost(vmName); if (vmMo != null) { ManagedObjectReference morTargetPhysicalHost = hyperHost.findMigrationTarget(vmMo); if (morTargetPhysicalHost == null) { String msg = "VM " + vmName + " is on other host and we have no resource available to migrate and start it here"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } if (!vmMo.relocate(morTargetPhysicalHost)) { String msg = "VM " + vmName + " is on other host and we failed to relocate it here"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } return vmMo; } return null; } // isoUrl sample content : // nfs:// private Pair<String, ManagedObjectReference> getIsoDatastoreInfo(VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost, String isoUrl) throws Exception { assert (isoUrl != null); int isoFileNameStartPos = isoUrl.lastIndexOf("/"); if (isoFileNameStartPos < 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid ISO path info"); } String isoFileName = isoUrl.substring(isoFileNameStartPos); int templateRootPos = isoUrl.indexOf("template/tmpl"); if (templateRootPos < 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid ISO path info"); } String storeUrl = isoUrl.substring(0, templateRootPos - 1); String isoPath = isoUrl.substring(templateRootPos, isoFileNameStartPos); ManagedObjectReference morDs = prepareSecondaryDatastoreOnHost(storeUrl); DatastoreMO dsMo = new DatastoreMO(getServiceContext(), morDs); return new Pair<String, ManagedObjectReference>(String.format("[%s] %s%s", dsMo.getName(), isoPath, isoFileName), morDs); } protected Answer execute(ReadyCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource ReadyCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } try { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); if (hyperHost.isHyperHostConnected()) { return new ReadyAnswer(cmd); } else { return new ReadyAnswer(cmd, "Host is not in connect state"); } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Unexpected exception: ", e); return new ReadyAnswer(cmd, VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e)); } } protected Answer execute(GetHostStatsCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) { s_logger.trace("Executing resource GetHostStatsCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); HostStatsEntry hostStats = new HostStatsEntry(cmd.getHostId(), 0, 0, 0, "host", 0, 0, 0, 0); Answer answer = new GetHostStatsAnswer(cmd, hostStats); try { HostStatsEntry entry = getHyperHostStats(hyperHost); if (entry != null) { entry.setHostId(cmd.getHostId()); answer = new GetHostStatsAnswer(cmd, entry); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String msg = "Unable to execute GetHostStatsCommand due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg, e); } if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) { s_logger.trace("GetHostStats Answer: " + _gson.toJson(answer)); } return answer; } protected Answer execute(GetVmStatsCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) { s_logger.trace("Executing resource GetVmStatsCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } HashMap<String, VmStatsEntry> vmStatsMap = null; try { HashMap<String, PowerState> vmPowerStates = getVmStates(); // getVmNames should return all i-x-y values. List<String> requestedVmNames = cmd.getVmNames(); List<String> vmNames = new ArrayList<String>(); if (requestedVmNames != null) { for (String vmName : requestedVmNames) { if (vmPowerStates.get(vmName) != null) { vmNames.add(vmName); } } } if (vmNames != null) { vmStatsMap = getVmStats(vmNames); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } s_logger.error("Unable to execute GetVmStatsCommand due to : " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e), e); } Answer answer = new GetVmStatsAnswer(cmd, vmStatsMap); if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) { s_logger.trace("Report GetVmStatsAnswer: " + _gson.toJson(answer)); } return answer; } protected Answer execute(GetVmDiskStatsCommand cmd) { return new GetVmDiskStatsAnswer(cmd, null, null, null); } protected Answer execute(CheckHealthCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource CheckHealthCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } try { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); if (hyperHost.isHyperHostConnected()) { return new CheckHealthAnswer(cmd, true); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } s_logger.error("Unable to execute CheckHealthCommand due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e), e); } return new CheckHealthAnswer(cmd, false); } protected Answer execute(StopCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource StopCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } // In the stop command, we're passed in the name of the VM as seen by cloudstack, // i.e., i-x-y. This is the internal VM name. VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); try { VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(cmd.getVmName()); if (vmMo != null) { if (cmd.checkBeforeCleanup()) { if (getVmPowerState(vmMo) != PowerState.PowerOff) { String msg = "StopCommand is sent for cleanup and VM " + cmd.getVmName() + " is current running. ignore it."; s_logger.warn(msg); return new StopAnswer(cmd, msg, false); } else { String msg = "StopCommand is sent for cleanup and VM " + cmd.getVmName() + " is indeed stopped already."; s_logger.info(msg); return new StopAnswer(cmd, msg, true); } } try { vmMo.setCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_NIC_MASK, "0"); vmMo.setCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME, cmd.getVmName()); if (getVmPowerState(vmMo) != PowerState.PowerOff) { if (vmMo.safePowerOff(_shutdownWaitMs)) { return new StopAnswer(cmd, "Stop VM " + cmd.getVmName() + " Succeed", true); } else { String msg = "Have problem in powering off VM " + cmd.getVmName() + ", let the process continue"; s_logger.warn(msg); return new StopAnswer(cmd, msg, true); } } String msg = "VM " + cmd.getVmName() + " is already in stopped state"; s_logger.info(msg); return new StopAnswer(cmd, msg, true); } finally { } } else { String msg = "VM " + cmd.getVmName() + " is no longer in vSphere"; s_logger.info(msg); return new StopAnswer(cmd, msg, true); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String msg = "StopCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg); return new StopAnswer(cmd, msg, false); } } protected Answer execute(RebootRouterCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource RebootRouterCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } RebootAnswer answer = (RebootAnswer)execute((RebootCommand)cmd); if (answer.getResult()) { String connectResult = connect(cmd.getVmName(), cmd.getPrivateIpAddress()); networkUsage(cmd.getPrivateIpAddress(), "create", null); if (connectResult == null) { return answer; } else { return new Answer(cmd, false, connectResult); } } return answer; } protected Answer execute(RebootCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource RebootCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); try { VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(cmd.getVmName()); if (vmMo != null) { try { vmMo.rebootGuest(); return new RebootAnswer(cmd, "reboot succeeded", true); } catch (ToolsUnavailableFaultMsg e) { s_logger.warn("VMware tools is not installed at guest OS, we will perform hard reset for reboot"); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.warn("We are not able to perform gracefull guest reboot due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e)); } // continue to try with hard-reset if (vmMo.reset()) { return new RebootAnswer(cmd, "reboot succeeded", true); } String msg = "Reboot failed in vSphere. vm: " + cmd.getVmName(); s_logger.warn(msg); return new RebootAnswer(cmd, msg, false); } else { String msg = "Unable to find the VM in vSphere to reboot. vm: " + cmd.getVmName(); s_logger.warn(msg); return new RebootAnswer(cmd, msg, false); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String msg = "RebootCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg); return new RebootAnswer(cmd, msg, false); } } protected Answer execute(CheckVirtualMachineCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource CheckVirtualMachineCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } final String vmName = cmd.getVmName(); PowerState powerState = PowerState.PowerUnknown; Integer vncPort = null; VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); try { VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(vmName); if (vmMo != null) { powerState = getVmPowerState(vmMo); return new CheckVirtualMachineAnswer(cmd, powerState, vncPort); } else { s_logger.warn("Can not find vm " + vmName + " to execute CheckVirtualMachineCommand"); return new CheckVirtualMachineAnswer(cmd, powerState, vncPort); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } s_logger.error("Unexpected exception: " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e), e); return new CheckVirtualMachineAnswer(cmd, powerState, vncPort); } } protected Answer execute(PrepareForMigrationCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource PrepareForMigrationCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } VirtualMachineTO vm = cmd.getVirtualMachine(); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Preparing host for migrating " + vm); } final String vmName = vm.getName(); try { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); VmwareManager mgr = hyperHost.getContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); // find VM through datacenter (VM is not at the target host yet) VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnPeerHyperHost(vmName); if (vmMo == null) { s_logger.info("VM " + vmName + " was not found in the cluster of host " + hyperHost.getHyperHostName() + ". Looking for the VM in datacenter."); ManagedObjectReference dcMor = hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter(); DatacenterMO dcMo = new DatacenterMO(hyperHost.getContext(), dcMor); vmMo = dcMo.findVm(vmName); if (vmMo == null) { String msg = "VM " + vmName + " does not exist in VMware datacenter"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } } NicTO[] nics = vm.getNics(); for (NicTO nic : nics) { // prepare network on the host prepareNetworkFromNicInfo(new HostMO(getServiceContext(), _morHyperHost), nic, false, cmd.getVirtualMachine().getType()); } Pair<String, Long> secStoreUrlAndId = mgr.getSecondaryStorageStoreUrlAndId(Long.parseLong(_dcId)); String secStoreUrl = secStoreUrlAndId.first(); Long secStoreId = secStoreUrlAndId.second(); if (secStoreUrl == null) { String msg = "secondary storage for dc " + _dcId + " is not ready yet?"; throw new Exception(msg); } mgr.prepareSecondaryStorageStore(secStoreUrl, secStoreId); ManagedObjectReference morSecDs = prepareSecondaryDatastoreOnHost(secStoreUrl); if (morSecDs == null) { String msg = "Failed to prepare secondary storage on host, secondary store url: " + secStoreUrl; throw new Exception(msg); } return new PrepareForMigrationAnswer(cmd); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String msg = "Unexcpeted exception " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new PrepareForMigrationAnswer(cmd, msg); } } protected Answer execute(MigrateCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource MigrateCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } final String vmName = cmd.getVmName(); try { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); ManagedObjectReference morDc = hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter(); // find VM through datacenter (VM is not at the target host yet) VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnPeerHyperHost(vmName); if (vmMo == null) { String msg = "VM " + vmName + " does not exist in VMware datacenter"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } VmwareHypervisorHost destHyperHost = getTargetHyperHost(new DatacenterMO(hyperHost.getContext(), morDc), cmd.getDestinationIp()); ManagedObjectReference morTargetPhysicalHost = destHyperHost.findMigrationTarget(vmMo); if (morTargetPhysicalHost == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to find a target capable physical host"); } if (!vmMo.migrate(destHyperHost.getHyperHostOwnerResourcePool(), morTargetPhysicalHost)) { throw new Exception("Migration failed"); } return new MigrateAnswer(cmd, true, "migration succeeded", null); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String msg = "MigrationCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.warn(msg, e); return new MigrateAnswer(cmd, false, msg, null); } } protected Answer execute(MigrateWithStorageCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource MigrateWithStorageCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } VirtualMachineTO vmTo = cmd.getVirtualMachine(); String vmName = vmTo.getName(); VmwareHypervisorHost srcHyperHost = null; VmwareHypervisorHost tgtHyperHost = null; VirtualMachineMO vmMo = null; ManagedObjectReference morDsAtTarget = null; ManagedObjectReference morDsAtSource = null; ManagedObjectReference morDc = null; ManagedObjectReference morDcOfTargetHost = null; ManagedObjectReference morTgtHost = new ManagedObjectReference(); ManagedObjectReference morTgtDatastore = new ManagedObjectReference(); VirtualMachineRelocateSpec relocateSpec = new VirtualMachineRelocateSpec(); List<VirtualMachineRelocateSpecDiskLocator> diskLocators = new ArrayList<VirtualMachineRelocateSpecDiskLocator>(); VirtualMachineRelocateSpecDiskLocator diskLocator = null; String tgtDsName = ""; String tgtDsHost; String tgtDsPath; int tgtDsPort; VolumeTO volume; StorageFilerTO filerTo; Set<String> mountedDatastoresAtSource = new HashSet<String>(); List<VolumeObjectTO> volumeToList = new ArrayList<VolumeObjectTO>(); Map<Long, Integer> volumeDeviceKey = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(); List<Pair<VolumeTO, StorageFilerTO>> volToFiler = cmd.getVolumeToFilerAsList(); String tgtHost = cmd.getTargetHost(); String tgtHostMorInfo = tgtHost.split("@")[0]; morTgtHost.setType(tgtHostMorInfo.split(":")[0]); morTgtHost.setValue(tgtHostMorInfo.split(":")[1]); try { srcHyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); tgtHyperHost = new HostMO(getServiceContext(), morTgtHost); morDc = srcHyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter(); morDcOfTargetHost = tgtHyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter(); if (!morDc.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(morDcOfTargetHost.getValue())) { String msg = "Source host & target host are in different datacentesr"; throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg); } VmwareManager mgr = tgtHyperHost.getContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); String srcHostApiVersion = ((HostMO)srcHyperHost).getHostAboutInfo().getApiVersion(); // find VM through datacenter (VM is not at the target host yet) vmMo = srcHyperHost.findVmOnPeerHyperHost(vmName); if (vmMo == null) { String msg = "VM " + vmName + " does not exist in VMware datacenter " + morDc.getValue(); s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } vmName = vmMo.getName(); // Specify destination datastore location for each volume for (Pair<VolumeTO, StorageFilerTO> entry : volToFiler) { volume = entry.first(); filerTo = entry.second(); s_logger.debug("Preparing spec for volume : " + volume.getName()); morDsAtTarget = HypervisorHostHelper.findDatastoreWithBackwardsCompatibility(tgtHyperHost, filerTo.getUuid()); morDsAtSource = HypervisorHostHelper.findDatastoreWithBackwardsCompatibility(srcHyperHost, filerTo.getUuid()); if (morDsAtTarget == null) { String msg = "Unable to find the target datastore: " + filerTo.getUuid() + " on target host: " + tgtHyperHost.getHyperHostName() + " to execute MigrateWithStorageCommand"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } morTgtDatastore = morDsAtTarget; // If host version is below 5.1 then simultaneous change of VM's datastore and host is not supported. // So since only the datastore will be changed first, ensure the target datastore is mounted on source host. if (srcHostApiVersion.compareTo("5.1") < 0) { tgtDsName = filerTo.getUuid().replace("-", ""); tgtDsHost = filerTo.getHost(); tgtDsPath = filerTo.getPath(); tgtDsPort = filerTo.getPort(); // If datastore is NFS and target datastore is not already mounted on source host then mount the datastore. if (filerTo.getType().equals(StoragePoolType.NetworkFilesystem)) { if (morDsAtSource == null) { morDsAtSource = srcHyperHost.mountDatastore(false, tgtDsHost, tgtDsPort, tgtDsPath, tgtDsName); if (morDsAtSource == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to mount NFS datastore " + tgtDsHost + ":/" + tgtDsPath + " on " + _hostName); } mountedDatastoresAtSource.add(tgtDsName); s_logger.debug("Mounted datastore " + tgtDsHost + ":/" + tgtDsPath + " on " + _hostName); } } // If datastore is VMFS and target datastore is not mounted or accessible to source host then fail migration. if (filerTo.getType().equals(StoragePoolType.VMFS)) { if (morDsAtSource == null) { s_logger.warn("If host version is below 5.1, then target VMFS datastore(s) need to manually mounted on source host for a successful live storage migration."); throw new Exception("Target VMFS datastore: " + tgtDsPath + " is not mounted on source host: " + _hostName); } DatastoreMO dsAtSourceMo = new DatastoreMO(getServiceContext(), morDsAtSource); String srcHostValue = srcHyperHost.getMor().getValue(); if(!dsAtSourceMo.isAccessibleToHost(srcHostValue)) { s_logger.warn("If host version is below 5.1, then target VMFS datastore(s) need to accessible to source host for a successful live storage migration."); throw new Exception("Target VMFS datastore: " + tgtDsPath + " is not accessible on source host: " + _hostName); } } morTgtDatastore = morDsAtSource; } if (volume.getType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) { relocateSpec.setDatastore(morTgtDatastore); } diskLocator = new VirtualMachineRelocateSpecDiskLocator(); diskLocator.setDatastore(morDsAtSource); Pair<VirtualDisk, String> diskInfo = getVirtualDiskInfo(vmMo, volume.getPath() + ".vmdk"); String vmdkAbsFile = getAbsoluteVmdkFile(diskInfo.first()); if (vmdkAbsFile != null && !vmdkAbsFile.isEmpty()) { vmMo.updateAdapterTypeIfRequired(vmdkAbsFile); } int diskId = diskInfo.first().getKey(); diskLocator.setDiskId(diskId); diskLocators.add(diskLocator); volumeDeviceKey.put(volume.getId(), diskId); } // If a target datastore is provided for the VM, then by default all volumes associated with the VM will be migrated to that target datastore. // Hence set the existing datastore as target datastore for volumes that are not to be migrated. List<Pair<Integer, ManagedObjectReference>> diskDatastores = vmMo.getAllDiskDatastores(); for (Pair<Integer, ManagedObjectReference> diskDatastore : diskDatastores) { if (!volumeDeviceKey.containsValue(diskDatastore.first().intValue())) { diskLocator = new VirtualMachineRelocateSpecDiskLocator(); diskLocator.setDiskId(diskDatastore.first().intValue()); diskLocator.setDatastore(diskDatastore.second()); diskLocators.add(diskLocator); } } relocateSpec.getDisk().addAll(diskLocators); // Prepare network at target before migration NicTO[] nics = vmTo.getNics(); for (NicTO nic : nics) { // prepare network on the host prepareNetworkFromNicInfo(new HostMO(getServiceContext(), morTgtHost), nic, false, vmTo.getType()); } // Ensure secondary storage mounted on target host Pair<String, Long> secStoreUrlAndId = mgr.getSecondaryStorageStoreUrlAndId(Long.parseLong(_dcId)); String secStoreUrl = secStoreUrlAndId.first(); Long secStoreId = secStoreUrlAndId.second(); if (secStoreUrl == null) { String msg = "secondary storage for dc " + _dcId + " is not ready yet?"; throw new Exception(msg); } mgr.prepareSecondaryStorageStore(secStoreUrl, secStoreId); ManagedObjectReference morSecDs = prepareSecondaryDatastoreOnSpecificHost(secStoreUrl, tgtHyperHost); if (morSecDs == null) { String msg = "Failed to prepare secondary storage on host, secondary store url: " + secStoreUrl; throw new Exception(msg); } if (srcHostApiVersion.compareTo("5.1") < 0) { // Migrate VM's volumes to target datastore(s). if (!vmMo.changeDatastore(relocateSpec)) { throw new Exception("Change datastore operation failed during storage migration"); } else { s_logger.debug("Successfully migrated storage of VM " + vmName + " to target datastore(s)"); } // Migrate VM to target host. ManagedObjectReference morPool = tgtHyperHost.getHyperHostOwnerResourcePool(); if (!vmMo.migrate(morPool, tgtHyperHost.getMor())) { throw new Exception("VM migration to target host failed during storage migration"); } else { s_logger.debug("Successfully migrated VM " + vmName + " from " + _hostName + " to " + tgtHyperHost.getHyperHostName()); } } else { // Simultaneously migrate VM's volumes to target datastore and VM to target host. relocateSpec.setHost(tgtHyperHost.getMor()); relocateSpec.setPool(tgtHyperHost.getHyperHostOwnerResourcePool()); if (!vmMo.changeDatastore(relocateSpec)) { throw new Exception("Change datastore operation failed during storage migration"); } else { s_logger.debug("Successfully migrated VM " + vmName + " from " + _hostName + " to " + tgtHyperHost.getHyperHostName() + " and its storage to target datastore(s)"); } } // Consolidate VM disks. // In case of a linked clone VM, if VM's disks are not consolidated, further VM operations such as volume snapshot, VM snapshot etc. will result in DB inconsistencies. if (!vmMo.consolidateVmDisks()) { s_logger.warn("VM disk consolidation failed after storage migration. Yet proceeding with VM migration."); } else { s_logger.debug("Successfully consolidated disks of VM " + vmName + "."); } // Update and return volume path and chain info for every disk because that could have changed after migration VirtualMachineDiskInfoBuilder diskInfoBuilder = vmMo.getDiskInfoBuilder(); for (Pair<VolumeTO, StorageFilerTO> entry : volToFiler) { volume = entry.first(); long volumeId = volume.getId(); VirtualDisk[] disks = vmMo.getAllDiskDevice(); for (VirtualDisk disk : disks) { if (volumeDeviceKey.get(volumeId) == disk.getKey()) { VolumeObjectTO newVol = new VolumeObjectTO(); String newPath = vmMo.getVmdkFileBaseName(disk); String poolName = entry.second().getUuid().replace("-", ""); VirtualMachineDiskInfo diskInfo = diskInfoBuilder.getDiskInfoByBackingFileBaseName(newPath, poolName); newVol.setId(volumeId); newVol.setPath(newPath); newVol.setChainInfo(_gson.toJson(diskInfo)); volumeToList.add(newVol); break; } } } return new MigrateWithStorageAnswer(cmd, volumeToList); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encountered remote exception at vCenter, invalidating VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String msg = "MigrationCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.warn(msg, e); return new MigrateWithStorageAnswer(cmd, (Exception)e); } finally { // Cleanup datastores mounted on source host for (String mountedDatastore : mountedDatastoresAtSource) { s_logger.debug("Attempting to unmount datastore " + mountedDatastore + " at " + _hostName); try { srcHyperHost.unmountDatastore(mountedDatastore); } catch (Exception unmountEx) { s_logger.debug("Failed to unmount datastore " + mountedDatastore + " at " + _hostName + ". Seems the datastore is still being used by " + _hostName + ". Please unmount manually to cleanup."); } s_logger.debug("Successfully unmounted datastore " + mountedDatastore + " at " + _hostName); } } } private Answer execute(MigrateVolumeCommand cmd) { String volumePath = cmd.getVolumePath(); StorageFilerTO poolTo = cmd.getPool(); if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource MigrateVolumeCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } String vmName = cmd.getAttachedVmName(); VirtualMachineMO vmMo = null; VmwareHypervisorHost srcHyperHost = null; ManagedObjectReference morDs = null; ManagedObjectReference morDc = null; VirtualMachineRelocateSpec relocateSpec = new VirtualMachineRelocateSpec(); List<VirtualMachineRelocateSpecDiskLocator> diskLocators = new ArrayList<VirtualMachineRelocateSpecDiskLocator>(); VirtualMachineRelocateSpecDiskLocator diskLocator = null; String tgtDsName = ""; try { srcHyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); morDc = srcHyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter(); tgtDsName = poolTo.getUuid(); // find VM in this datacenter not just in this cluster. DatacenterMO dcMo = new DatacenterMO(getServiceContext(), morDc); vmMo = dcMo.findVm(vmName); if (vmMo == null) { String msg = "VM " + vmName + " does not exist in VMware datacenter " + morDc.getValue(); s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } vmName = vmMo.getName(); morDs = HypervisorHostHelper.findDatastoreWithBackwardsCompatibility(srcHyperHost, tgtDsName); if (morDs == null) { String msg = "Unable to find the mounted datastore with name: " + tgtDsName + " on source host: " + srcHyperHost.getHyperHostName() +" to execute MigrateVolumeCommand"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } DatastoreMO targetDsMo = new DatastoreMO(srcHyperHost.getContext(), morDs); String fullVolumePath = VmwareStorageLayoutHelper.getVmwareDatastorePathFromVmdkFileName(targetDsMo, vmName, volumePath + ".vmdk"); Pair<VirtualDisk, String> diskInfo = getVirtualDiskInfo(vmMo, volumePath + ".vmdk"); String vmdkAbsFile = getAbsoluteVmdkFile(diskInfo.first()); if (vmdkAbsFile != null && !vmdkAbsFile.isEmpty()) { vmMo.updateAdapterTypeIfRequired(vmdkAbsFile); } int diskId = diskInfo.first().getKey(); diskLocator = new VirtualMachineRelocateSpecDiskLocator(); diskLocator.setDatastore(morDs); diskLocator.setDiskId(diskId); diskLocators.add(diskLocator); if (cmd.getVolumeType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) { relocateSpec.setDatastore(morDs); // If a target datastore is provided for the VM, then by default all volumes associated with the VM will be migrated to that target datastore. // Hence set the existing datastore as target datastore for volumes that are not to be migrated. List<Pair<Integer, ManagedObjectReference>> diskDatastores = vmMo.getAllDiskDatastores(); for (Pair<Integer, ManagedObjectReference> diskDatastore : diskDatastores) { if (diskDatastore.first().intValue() != diskId) { diskLocator = new VirtualMachineRelocateSpecDiskLocator(); diskLocator.setDiskId(diskDatastore.first().intValue()); diskLocator.setDatastore(diskDatastore.second()); diskLocators.add(diskLocator); } } } relocateSpec.getDisk().addAll(diskLocators); // Change datastore if (!vmMo.changeDatastore(relocateSpec)) { throw new Exception("Change datastore operation failed during volume migration"); } else { s_logger.debug("Successfully migrated volume " + volumePath + " to target datastore " + tgtDsName); } // Consolidate VM disks. // In case of a linked clone VM, if VM's disks are not consolidated, // further volume operations on the ROOT volume such as volume snapshot etc. will result in DB inconsistencies. if (!vmMo.consolidateVmDisks()) { s_logger.warn("VM disk consolidation failed after storage migration."); } else { s_logger.debug("Successfully consolidated disks of VM " + vmName + "."); } // Update and return volume path and chain info because that could have changed after migration if (!targetDsMo.fileExists(fullVolumePath)) { VirtualDisk[] disks = vmMo.getAllDiskDevice(); for (VirtualDisk disk : disks) if (disk.getKey() == diskId) { volumePath = vmMo.getVmdkFileBaseName(disk); } } VirtualMachineDiskInfoBuilder diskInfoBuilder = vmMo.getDiskInfoBuilder(); String chainInfo = _gson.toJson(diskInfoBuilder.getDiskInfoByBackingFileBaseName(volumePath, poolTo.getUuid().replace("-", ""))); MigrateVolumeAnswer answer = new MigrateVolumeAnswer(cmd, true, null, volumePath); answer.setVolumeChainInfo(chainInfo); return answer; } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Catch Exception " + e.getClass().getName() + " due to " + e.toString(); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new MigrateVolumeAnswer(cmd, false, msg, null); } } private Pair<VirtualDisk, String> getVirtualDiskInfo(VirtualMachineMO vmMo, String srcDiskName) throws Exception { Pair<VirtualDisk, String> deviceInfo = vmMo.getDiskDevice(srcDiskName); if (deviceInfo == null) { throw new Exception("No such disk device: " + srcDiskName); } return deviceInfo; } private VmwareHypervisorHost getTargetHyperHost(DatacenterMO dcMo, String destIp) throws Exception { VmwareManager mgr = dcMo.getContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); List<ObjectContent> ocs = dcMo.getHostPropertiesOnDatacenterHostFolder(new String[] {"name", "parent"}); if (ocs != null && ocs.size() > 0) { for (ObjectContent oc : ocs) { HostMO hostMo = new HostMO(dcMo.getContext(), oc.getObj()); VmwareHypervisorHostNetworkSummary netSummary = hostMo.getHyperHostNetworkSummary(mgr.getManagementPortGroupByHost(hostMo)); if (destIp.equalsIgnoreCase(netSummary.getHostIp())) { return new HostMO(dcMo.getContext(), oc.getObj()); } } } throw new Exception("Unable to locate dest host by " + destIp); } protected Answer execute(CreateStoragePoolCommand cmd) { if (cmd.getCreateDatastore()) { try { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); _storageProcessor.prepareManagedDatastore(context, getHyperHost(context), cmd.getDetails().get(CreateStoragePoolCommand.DATASTORE_NAME), cmd.getDetails().get(CreateStoragePoolCommand.IQN), cmd.getDetails().get(CreateStoragePoolCommand.STORAGE_HOST), Integer.parseInt(cmd.getDetails().get(CreateStoragePoolCommand.STORAGE_PORT))); } catch (Exception ex) { return new Answer(cmd, false, "Issue creating datastore"); } } return new Answer(cmd, true, "success"); } protected Answer execute(ModifyTargetsCommand cmd) { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); handleTargets(cmd.getAdd(), cmd.getTargets(), (HostMO)hyperHost); return new ModifyTargetsAnswer(); } protected Answer execute(ModifyStoragePoolCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource ModifyStoragePoolCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } try { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); StorageFilerTO pool = cmd.getPool(); if (pool.getType() != StoragePoolType.NetworkFilesystem && pool.getType() != StoragePoolType.VMFS) { throw new Exception("Unsupported storage pool type " + pool.getType()); } ManagedObjectReference morDatastore = HypervisorHostHelper.findDatastoreWithBackwardsCompatibility(hyperHost, pool.getUuid()); if (morDatastore == null) { morDatastore = hyperHost.mountDatastore(pool.getType() == StoragePoolType.VMFS, pool.getHost(), pool.getPort(), pool.getPath(), pool.getUuid().replace("-", "")); } assert (morDatastore != null); DatastoreSummary summary = new DatastoreMO(getServiceContext(), morDatastore).getSummary(); long capacity = summary.getCapacity(); long available = summary.getFreeSpace(); Map<String, TemplateProp> tInfo = new HashMap<String, TemplateProp>(); ModifyStoragePoolAnswer answer = new ModifyStoragePoolAnswer(cmd, capacity, available, tInfo); if (cmd.getAdd() && pool.getType() == StoragePoolType.VMFS) { answer.setLocalDatastoreName(morDatastore.getValue()); } return answer; } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String msg = "ModifyStoragePoolCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } } private void handleTargets(boolean add, List<Map<String, String>> targets, HostMO host) { if (targets != null && targets.size() > 0) { try { _storageProcessor.handleTargetsForHost(add, targets, host); } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } } protected Answer execute(DeleteStoragePoolCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource DeleteStoragePoolCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } try { if (cmd.getRemoveDatastore()) { _storageProcessor.handleDatastoreAndVmdkDetach(cmd.getDetails().get(DeleteStoragePoolCommand.DATASTORE_NAME), cmd.getDetails().get(DeleteStoragePoolCommand.IQN), cmd.getDetails().get(DeleteStoragePoolCommand.STORAGE_HOST), Integer.parseInt(cmd.getDetails().get(DeleteStoragePoolCommand.STORAGE_PORT))); return new Answer(cmd, true, "success"); } else { // We will leave datastore cleanup management to vCenter. Since for cluster VMFS datastore, it will always // be mounted by vCenter. // VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = this.getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); // hyperHost.unmountDatastore(pool.getUuid()); return new Answer(cmd, true, "success"); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } StorageFilerTO pool = cmd.getPool(); String msg = "DeleteStoragePoolCommand (pool: " + pool.getHost() + ", path: " + pool.getPath() + ") failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } } public static String getDatastoreName(String str) { return str.replace('/', '-'); } protected Answer execute(AttachIsoCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource AttachIsoCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } try { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(cmd.getVmName()); if (vmMo == null) { String msg = "Unable to find VM in vSphere to execute AttachIsoCommand, vmName: " + cmd.getVmName(); s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } String storeUrl = cmd.getStoreUrl(); if (storeUrl == null) { if (!cmd.getIsoPath().equalsIgnoreCase("vmware-tools.iso")) { String msg = "ISO store root url is not found in AttachIsoCommand"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } else { if (cmd.isAttach()) { vmMo.mountToolsInstaller(); } else { try{ if (!vmMo.unmountToolsInstaller()) { return new Answer(cmd, false, "Failed to unmount vmware-tools installer ISO as the corresponding CDROM device is locked by VM. Please unmount the CDROM device inside the VM and ret-try."); } }catch(Throwable e){ vmMo.detachIso(null); } } return new Answer(cmd); } } ManagedObjectReference morSecondaryDs = prepareSecondaryDatastoreOnHost(storeUrl); String isoPath = cmd.getIsoPath(); if (!isoPath.startsWith(storeUrl)) { assert (false); String msg = "ISO path does not start with the secondary storage root"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } int isoNameStartPos = isoPath.lastIndexOf('/'); String isoFileName = isoPath.substring(isoNameStartPos + 1); String isoStorePathFromRoot = isoPath.substring(storeUrl.length(), isoNameStartPos); // TODO, check if iso is already attached, or if there is a previous // attachment DatastoreMO secondaryDsMo = new DatastoreMO(getServiceContext(), morSecondaryDs); String storeName = secondaryDsMo.getName(); String isoDatastorePath = String.format("[%s] %s%s", storeName, isoStorePathFromRoot, isoFileName); if (cmd.isAttach()) { vmMo.attachIso(isoDatastorePath, morSecondaryDs, true, false); } else { vmMo.detachIso(isoDatastorePath); } return new Answer(cmd); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } if (cmd.isAttach()) { String msg = "AttachIsoCommand(attach) failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } else { String msg = "AttachIsoCommand(detach) failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.warn(msg, e); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } } } public synchronized ManagedObjectReference prepareSecondaryDatastoreOnHost(String storeUrl) throws Exception { String storeName = getSecondaryDatastoreUUID(storeUrl); URI uri = new URI(storeUrl); VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); ManagedObjectReference morDatastore = hyperHost.mountDatastore(false, uri.getHost(), 0, uri.getPath(), storeName.replace("-", "")); if (morDatastore == null) throw new Exception("Unable to mount secondary storage on host. storeUrl: " + storeUrl); return morDatastore; } public synchronized ManagedObjectReference prepareSecondaryDatastoreOnSpecificHost(String storeUrl, VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost) throws Exception { String storeName = getSecondaryDatastoreUUID(storeUrl); URI uri = new URI(storeUrl); ManagedObjectReference morDatastore = hyperHost.mountDatastore(false, uri.getHost(), 0, uri.getPath(), storeName.replace("-", "")); if (morDatastore == null) throw new Exception("Unable to mount secondary storage on host. storeUrl: " + storeUrl); return morDatastore; } private static String getSecondaryDatastoreUUID(String storeUrl) { String uuid = null; try{ uuid=UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(storeUrl.getBytes("UTF-8")).toString(); }catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e){ s_logger.warn("Failed to create UUID from string " + storeUrl + ". Bad storeUrl or UTF-8 encoding error." ); } return uuid; } protected Answer execute(ValidateSnapshotCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource ValidateSnapshotCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } // the command is no longer available String expectedSnapshotBackupUuid = null; String actualSnapshotBackupUuid = null; String actualSnapshotUuid = null; return new ValidateSnapshotAnswer(cmd, false, "ValidateSnapshotCommand is not supported for vmware yet", expectedSnapshotBackupUuid, actualSnapshotBackupUuid, actualSnapshotUuid); } protected Answer execute(ManageSnapshotCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource ManageSnapshotCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } long snapshotId = cmd.getSnapshotId(); /* * "ManageSnapshotCommand", * "{\"_commandSwitch\":\"-c\",\"_volumePath\":\"i-2-3-KY-ROOT\",\"_snapshotName\":\"i-2-3-KY_i-2-3-KY-ROOT_20101102203827\",\"_snapshotId\":1,\"_vmName\":\"i-2-3-KY\"}" */ boolean success = false; String cmdSwitch = cmd.getCommandSwitch(); String snapshotOp = "Unsupported snapshot command." + cmdSwitch; if (cmdSwitch.equals(ManageSnapshotCommand.CREATE_SNAPSHOT)) { snapshotOp = "create"; } else if (cmdSwitch.equals(ManageSnapshotCommand.DESTROY_SNAPSHOT)) { snapshotOp = "destroy"; } String details = "ManageSnapshotCommand operation: " + snapshotOp + " Failed for snapshotId: " + snapshotId; String snapshotUUID = null; // snapshot operation (create or destroy) is handled inside BackupSnapshotCommand(), we just fake // a success return here snapshotUUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); success = true; details = null; return new ManageSnapshotAnswer(cmd, snapshotId, snapshotUUID, success, details); } protected Answer execute(BackupSnapshotCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource BackupSnapshotCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } try { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); return mgr.getStorageManager().execute(this, cmd); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String details = "BackupSnapshotCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(details, e); return new BackupSnapshotAnswer(cmd, false, details, null, true); } } protected Answer execute(CreateVMSnapshotCommand cmd) { try { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); return mgr.getStorageManager().execute(this, cmd); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new CreateVMSnapshotAnswer(cmd, false, ""); } } protected Answer execute(DeleteVMSnapshotCommand cmd) { try { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); return mgr.getStorageManager().execute(this, cmd); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new DeleteVMSnapshotAnswer(cmd, false, ""); } } protected Answer execute(RevertToVMSnapshotCommand cmd) { try { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); return mgr.getStorageManager().execute(this, cmd); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new RevertToVMSnapshotAnswer(cmd, false, ""); } } protected Answer execute(CreateVolumeFromSnapshotCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource CreateVolumeFromSnapshotCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } String details = null; boolean success = false; String newVolumeName = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); try { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); return mgr.getStorageManager().execute(this, cmd); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } details = "CreateVolumeFromSnapshotCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(details, e); } return new CreateVolumeFromSnapshotAnswer(cmd, success, details, newVolumeName); } protected Answer execute(CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } try { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); return mgr.getStorageManager().execute(this, cmd); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String details = "CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(details, e); return new CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer(cmd, false, details); } } protected Answer execute(final UpgradeSnapshotCommand cmd) { return new Answer(cmd, true, "success"); } protected Answer execute(CreatePrivateTemplateFromSnapshotCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource CreatePrivateTemplateFromSnapshotCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } try { VmwareManager mgr = getServiceContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); return mgr.getStorageManager().execute(this, cmd); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String details = "CreatePrivateTemplateFromSnapshotCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(details, e); return new CreatePrivateTemplateAnswer(cmd, false, details); } } protected Answer execute(GetStorageStatsCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) { s_logger.trace("Executing resource GetStorageStatsCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } try { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); ManagedObjectReference morDs = HypervisorHostHelper.findDatastoreWithBackwardsCompatibility(hyperHost, cmd.getStorageId()); if (morDs != null) { DatastoreMO datastoreMo = new DatastoreMO(context, morDs); DatastoreSummary summary = datastoreMo.getSummary(); assert (summary != null); long capacity = summary.getCapacity(); long free = summary.getFreeSpace(); long used = capacity - free; if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Datastore summary info, storageId: " + cmd.getStorageId() + ", localPath: " + cmd.getLocalPath() + ", poolType: " + cmd.getPooltype() + ", capacity: " + capacity + ", free: " + free + ", used: " + used); } if (summary.getCapacity() <= 0) { s_logger.warn("Something is wrong with vSphere NFS datastore, rebooting ESX(ESXi) host should help"); } return new GetStorageStatsAnswer(cmd, capacity, used); } else { String msg = "Could not find datastore for GetStorageStatsCommand storageId : " + cmd.getStorageId() + ", localPath: " + cmd.getLocalPath() + ", poolType: " + cmd.getPooltype(); s_logger.error(msg); return new GetStorageStatsAnswer(cmd, msg); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String msg = "Unable to execute GetStorageStatsCommand(storageId : " + cmd.getStorageId() + ", localPath: " + cmd.getLocalPath() + ", poolType: " + cmd.getPooltype() + ") due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new GetStorageStatsAnswer(cmd, msg); } } protected Answer execute(GetVncPortCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) { s_logger.trace("Executing resource GetVncPortCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } try { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); assert (hyperHost instanceof HostMO); VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(cmd.getName()); if (vmMo == null) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Unable to find the owner VM for GetVncPortCommand on host " + hyperHost.getHyperHostName() + ", try within datacenter"); } vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnPeerHyperHost(cmd.getName()); if (vmMo == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to find VM in vSphere, vm: " + cmd.getName()); } } Pair<String, Integer> portInfo = vmMo.getVncPort(mgr.getManagementPortGroupByHost((HostMO)hyperHost)); if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) { s_logger.trace("Found vnc port info. vm: " + cmd.getName() + " host: " + portInfo.first() + ", vnc port: " + portInfo.second()); } return new GetVncPortAnswer(cmd, portInfo.first(), portInfo.second()); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String msg = "GetVncPortCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new GetVncPortAnswer(cmd, msg); } } protected Answer execute(SetupCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource SetupCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } return new SetupAnswer(cmd, false); } protected Answer execute(MaintainCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource MaintainCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } return new MaintainAnswer(cmd, "Put host in maintaince"); } protected Answer execute(PingTestCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource PingTestCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } String controlIp = cmd.getRouterIp(); if (controlIp != null) { String args = " -c 1 -n -q " + cmd.getPrivateIp(); try { VmwareManager mgr = getServiceContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); Pair<Boolean, String> result = SshHelper.sshExecute(controlIp, DefaultDomRSshPort, "root", mgr.getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, "/bin/ping" + args); if (result.first()) return new Answer(cmd); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Unable to execute ping command on DomR (" + controlIp + "), domR may not be ready yet. failure due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e), e); } return new Answer(cmd, false, "PingTestCommand failed"); } else { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); try { HostMO hostMo = (HostMO)hyperHost; ClusterMO clusterMo = new ClusterMO(context, hostMo.getHyperHostCluster()); VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); List<Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String>> hosts = clusterMo.getClusterHosts(); for (Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String> entry : hosts) { HostMO hostInCluster = new HostMO(context, entry.first()); String hostIp = hostInCluster.getHostManagementIp(mgr.getManagementPortGroupName()); if (hostIp != null && hostIp.equals(cmd.getComputingHostIp())) { if (hostInCluster.isHyperHostConnected()) return new Answer(cmd); else return new Answer(cmd, false, "PingTestCommand failed"); } } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Unable to execute ping command on host (" + cmd.getComputingHostIp() + "). failure due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e), e); } return new Answer(cmd, false, "PingTestCommand failed"); } } protected Answer execute(CheckOnHostCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource CheckOnHostCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } return new CheckOnHostAnswer(cmd, null, "Not Implmeneted"); } protected Answer execute(ModifySshKeysCommand cmd) { //do not log the command contents for this command. do NOT log the ssh keys if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource ModifySshKeysCommand."); } return new Answer(cmd); } @Override public PrimaryStorageDownloadAnswer execute(PrimaryStorageDownloadCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource PrimaryStorageDownloadCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } try { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); return (PrimaryStorageDownloadAnswer)mgr.getStorageManager().execute(this, cmd); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String msg = "PrimaryStorageDownloadCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new PrimaryStorageDownloadAnswer(msg); } } protected Answer execute(PvlanSetupCommand cmd) { // Pvlan related operations are performed in the start/stop command paths // for vmware. This function is implemented to support mgmt layer code // that issue this command. Note that pvlan operations are supported only // in Distributed Virtual Switch environments for vmware deployments. return new Answer(cmd, true, "success"); } protected Answer execute(UnregisterVMCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource UnregisterVMCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); try { DatacenterMO dataCenterMo = new DatacenterMO(getServiceContext(), hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter()); VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(cmd.getVmName()); if (vmMo != null) { try { VirtualMachineFileLayoutEx vmFileLayout = vmMo.getFileLayout(); context.getService().unregisterVM(vmMo.getMor()); if (cmd.getCleanupVmFiles()) { deleteUnregisteredVmFiles(vmFileLayout, dataCenterMo, false); } return new Answer(cmd, true, "unregister succeeded"); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.warn("We are not able to unregister VM " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e)); } String msg = "Expunge failed in vSphere. vm: " + cmd.getVmName(); s_logger.warn(msg); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } else { String msg = "Unable to find the VM in vSphere to unregister, assume it is already removed. VM: " + cmd.getVmName(); s_logger.warn(msg); return new Answer(cmd, true, msg); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String msg = "UnregisterVMCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } } /** * UnregisterNicCommand is used to remove a portgroup created for this * specific nic. The portgroup will have the name set to the UUID of the * nic. Introduced to cleanup the portgroups created for each nic that is * plugged into an lswitch (Nicira NVP plugin) * * @param cmd * @return */ protected Answer execute(UnregisterNicCommand cmd) { s_logger.info("Executing resource UnregisterNicCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); if (_guestTrafficInfo == null) { return new Answer(cmd, false, "No Guest Traffic Info found, unable to determine where to clean up"); } try { if (_guestTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchType() != VirtualSwitchType.StandardVirtualSwitch) { // For now we only need to cleanup the nvp specific portgroups // on the standard switches return new Answer(cmd, true, "Nothing to do"); } s_logger.debug("Cleaning up portgroup " + cmd.getNicUuid() + " on switch " + _guestTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchName()); VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareHypervisorHost host = getHyperHost(context); ManagedObjectReference clusterMO = host.getHyperHostCluster(); // Get a list of all the hosts in this cluster @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<ManagedObjectReference> hosts = (List<ManagedObjectReference>)context.getVimClient().getDynamicProperty(clusterMO, "host"); if (hosts == null) { return new Answer(cmd, false, "No hosts in cluster, which is pretty weird"); } for (ManagedObjectReference hostMOR : hosts) { HostMO hostMo = new HostMO(context, hostMOR); hostMo.deletePortGroup(cmd.getNicUuid().toString()); s_logger.debug("Removed portgroup " + cmd.getNicUuid() + " from host " + hostMo.getHostName()); } return new Answer(cmd, true, "Unregistered resources for NIC " + cmd.getNicUuid()); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String msg = "UnregisterVMCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } } public void cleanupNetwork(HostMO hostMo, NetworkDetails netDetails) { // we will no longer cleanup VLAN networks in order to support native VMware HA /* * assert(netDetails.getName() != null); try { synchronized(this) { NetworkMO networkMo = new * NetworkMO(hostMo.getContext(), netDetails.getNetworkMor()); ManagedObjectReference[] vms = * networkMo.getVMsOnNetwork(); if(vms == null || vms.length == 0) { if(s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { * s_logger.info("Cleanup network as it is currently not in use: " + netDetails.getName()); } * * hostMo.deletePortGroup(netDetails.getName()); } } } catch(Throwable e) { * s_logger.warn("Unable to cleanup network due to exception, skip for next time"); } */ } @Override public CopyVolumeAnswer execute(CopyVolumeCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource CopyVolumeCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } try { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); return (CopyVolumeAnswer)mgr.getStorageManager().execute(this, cmd); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } String msg = "CopyVolumeCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new CopyVolumeAnswer(cmd, false, msg, null, null); } } @Override public void disconnected() { } @Override public IAgentControl getAgentControl() { return null; } @Override public PingCommand getCurrentStatus(long id) { try { gcAndKillHungWorkerVMs(); VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); try { if (!hyperHost.isHyperHostConnected()) { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Unexpected exception", e); return null; } return new PingRoutingCommand(getType(), id, syncHostVmStates()); } finally { recycleServiceContext(); } } private void gcAndKillHungWorkerVMs() { try { // take the chance to do left-over dummy VM cleanup from previous run VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); VmwareManager mgr = hyperHost.getContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); if (hyperHost.isHyperHostConnected()) { mgr.gcLeftOverVMs(context); s_logger.info("Scan hung worker VM to recycle"); int workerKey = ((HostMO)hyperHost).getCustomFieldKey("VirtualMachine", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_WORKER); int workerTagKey = ((HostMO)hyperHost).getCustomFieldKey("VirtualMachine", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_WORKER_TAG); String workerPropName = String.format("value[%d]", workerKey); String workerTagPropName = String.format("value[%d]", workerTagKey); // GC worker that has been running for too long ObjectContent[] ocs = hyperHost.getVmPropertiesOnHyperHost(new String[] {"name", "config.template", workerPropName, workerTagPropName,}); if (ocs != null) { for (ObjectContent oc : ocs) { List<DynamicProperty> props = oc.getPropSet(); if (props != null) { boolean template = false; boolean isWorker = false; String workerTag = null; for (DynamicProperty prop : props) { if (prop.getName().equals("config.template")) { template = (Boolean)prop.getVal(); } else if (prop.getName().equals(workerPropName)) { CustomFieldStringValue val = (CustomFieldStringValue)prop.getVal(); if (val != null && val.getValue() != null && val.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) isWorker = true; } else if (prop.getName().equals(workerTagPropName)) { CustomFieldStringValue val = (CustomFieldStringValue)prop.getVal(); workerTag = val.getValue(); } } VirtualMachineMO vmMo = new VirtualMachineMO(hyperHost.getContext(), oc.getObj()); if (!template && isWorker) { boolean recycle = false; recycle = mgr.needRecycle(workerTag); if (recycle) { s_logger.info("Recycle pending worker VM: " + vmMo.getName()); vmMo.powerOff(); vmMo.detachAllDisks(); vmMo.destroy(); } } } } } } else { s_logger.error("Host is no longer connected."); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(); } } } @Override public Type getType() { return com.cloud.host.Host.Type.Routing; } @Override public StartupCommand[] initialize() { try { String hostApiVersion = "4.1"; VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); try { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); assert (hyperHost instanceof HostMO); if (!((HostMO)hyperHost).isHyperHostConnected()) { s_logger.info("Host " + hyperHost.getHyperHostName() + " is not in connected state"); return null; } ((HostMO)hyperHost).enableVncOnHostFirewall(); AboutInfo aboutInfo = ((HostMO)hyperHost).getHostAboutInfo(); hostApiVersion = aboutInfo.getApiVersion(); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "VmwareResource intialize() failed due to : " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg); invalidateServiceContext(); return null; } StartupRoutingCommand cmd = new StartupRoutingCommand(); fillHostInfo(cmd); cmd.setHypervisorType(HypervisorType.VMware); cmd.setCluster(_cluster); cmd.setHypervisorVersion(hostApiVersion); List<StartupStorageCommand> storageCmds = initializeLocalStorage(); StartupCommand[] answerCmds = new StartupCommand[1 + storageCmds.size()]; answerCmds[0] = cmd; for (int i = 0; i < storageCmds.size(); i++) { answerCmds[i + 1] = storageCmds.get(i); } return answerCmds; } finally { recycleServiceContext(); } } private List<StartupStorageCommand> initializeLocalStorage() { List<StartupStorageCommand> storageCmds = new ArrayList<StartupStorageCommand>(); VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); try { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context); if (hyperHost instanceof HostMO) { HostMO hostMo = (HostMO)hyperHost; List<Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String>> dsList = hostMo.getLocalDatastoreOnHost(); for (Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String> dsPair : dsList) { DatastoreMO dsMo = new DatastoreMO(context, dsPair.first()); String poolUuid = dsMo.getCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_UUID); if (poolUuid == null || poolUuid.isEmpty()) { poolUuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); dsMo.setCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_UUID, poolUuid); } DatastoreSummary dsSummary = dsMo.getSummary(); String address = hostMo.getHostName(); StoragePoolInfo pInfo = new StoragePoolInfo(poolUuid, address, dsMo.getMor().getValue(), "", StoragePoolType.VMFS, dsSummary.getCapacity(), dsSummary.getFreeSpace()); StartupStorageCommand cmd = new StartupStorageCommand(); cmd.setName(poolUuid); cmd.setPoolInfo(pInfo); cmd.setGuid(poolUuid); // give storage host the same UUID as the local storage pool itself cmd.setResourceType(Storage.StorageResourceType.STORAGE_POOL); cmd.setDataCenter(_dcId); cmd.setPod(_pod); cmd.setCluster(_cluster); s_logger.info("Add local storage startup command: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); storageCmds.add(cmd); } } else { s_logger.info("Cluster host does not support local storage, skip it"); } } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "initializing local storage failed due to : " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg); invalidateServiceContext(); throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg); } return storageCmds; } protected void fillHostInfo(StartupRoutingCommand cmd) { VmwareContext serviceContext = getServiceContext(); Map<String, String> details = cmd.getHostDetails(); if (details == null) { details = new HashMap<String, String>(); } try { fillHostHardwareInfo(serviceContext, cmd); fillHostNetworkInfo(serviceContext, cmd); fillHostDetailsInfo(serviceContext, details); } catch (RuntimeFaultFaultMsg e) { s_logger.error("RuntimeFault while retrieving host info: " + e.toString(), e); throw new CloudRuntimeException("RuntimeFault while retrieving host info"); } catch (RemoteException e) { s_logger.error("RemoteException while retrieving host info: " + e.toString(), e); invalidateServiceContext(); throw new CloudRuntimeException("RemoteException while retrieving host info"); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Exception while retrieving host info: " + e.toString(), e); invalidateServiceContext(); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Exception while retrieving host info: " + e.toString()); } cmd.setHostDetails(details); cmd.setName(_url); cmd.setGuid(_guid); cmd.setDataCenter(_dcId); cmd.setIqn(getIqn()); cmd.setPod(_pod); cmd.setCluster(_cluster); cmd.setVersion(VmwareResource.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion()); } private String getIqn() { try { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); if (hyperHost instanceof HostMO) { HostMO host = (HostMO)hyperHost; HostStorageSystemMO hostStorageSystem = host.getHostStorageSystemMO(); for (HostHostBusAdapter hba : hostStorageSystem.getStorageDeviceInfo().getHostBusAdapter()) { if (hba instanceof HostInternetScsiHba) { return ((HostInternetScsiHba)hba).getIScsiName(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.info("Could not locate an IQN for this host."); } return null; } private void fillHostHardwareInfo(VmwareContext serviceContext, StartupRoutingCommand cmd) throws RuntimeFaultFaultMsg, RemoteException, Exception { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); VmwareHypervisorHostResourceSummary summary = hyperHost.getHyperHostResourceSummary(); if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Startup report on host hardware info. " + _gson.toJson(summary)); } cmd.setCaps("hvm"); cmd.setDom0MinMemory(0); cmd.setSpeed(summary.getCpuSpeed()); cmd.setCpuSockets(summary.getCpuSockets()); cmd.setCpus((int)summary.getCpuCount()); cmd.setMemory(summary.getMemoryBytes()); } private void fillHostNetworkInfo(VmwareContext serviceContext, StartupRoutingCommand cmd) throws RuntimeFaultFaultMsg, RemoteException { try { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); assert (hyperHost instanceof HostMO); VmwareManager mgr = hyperHost.getContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); VmwareHypervisorHostNetworkSummary summary = hyperHost.getHyperHostNetworkSummary(mgr.getManagementPortGroupByHost((HostMO)hyperHost)); if (summary == null) { throw new Exception("No ESX(i) host found"); } if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Startup report on host network info. " + _gson.toJson(summary)); } cmd.setPrivateIpAddress(summary.getHostIp()); cmd.setPrivateNetmask(summary.getHostNetmask()); cmd.setPrivateMacAddress(summary.getHostMacAddress()); cmd.setStorageIpAddress(summary.getHostIp()); cmd.setStorageNetmask(summary.getHostNetmask()); cmd.setStorageMacAddress(summary.getHostMacAddress()); } catch (Throwable e) { String msg = "querying host network info failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg, e); throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg); } } private void fillHostDetailsInfo(VmwareContext serviceContext, Map<String, String> details) throws Exception { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); if (hyperHost.isHAEnabled()) { details.put("NativeHA", "true"); } } protected HashMap<String, HostVmStateReportEntry> syncHostVmStates() { try { return getHostVmStateReport(); } catch (Exception e) { return new HashMap<String, HostVmStateReportEntry>(); } } protected OptionValue[] configureVnc(OptionValue[] optionsToMerge, VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost, String vmName, String vncPassword, String keyboardLayout) throws Exception { VirtualMachineMO vmMo = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(vmName); VmwareManager mgr = hyperHost.getContext().getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); if (!mgr.beginExclusiveOperation(600)) throw new Exception("Unable to begin exclusive operation, lock time out"); try { int maxVncPorts = 64; int vncPort = 0; Random random = new Random(); HostMO vmOwnerHost = vmMo.getRunningHost(); ManagedObjectReference morParent = vmOwnerHost.getParentMor(); HashMap<String, Integer> portInfo; if (morParent.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("ClusterComputeResource")) { ClusterMO clusterMo = new ClusterMO(vmOwnerHost.getContext(), morParent); portInfo = clusterMo.getVmVncPortsOnCluster(); } else { portInfo = vmOwnerHost.getVmVncPortsOnHost(); } // allocate first at 5900 - 5964 range Collection<Integer> existingPorts = portInfo.values(); int val = random.nextInt(maxVncPorts); int startVal = val; do { if (!existingPorts.contains(5900 + val)) { vncPort = 5900 + val; break; } val = (++val) % maxVncPorts; } while (val != startVal); if (vncPort == 0) { s_logger.info("we've run out of range for ports between 5900-5964 for the cluster, we will try port range at 59000-60000"); Pair<Integer, Integer> additionalRange = mgr.getAddiionalVncPortRange(); maxVncPorts = additionalRange.second(); val = random.nextInt(maxVncPorts); startVal = val; do { if (!existingPorts.contains(additionalRange.first() + val)) { vncPort = additionalRange.first() + val; break; } val = (++val) % maxVncPorts; } while (val != startVal); } if (vncPort == 0) { throw new Exception("Unable to find an available VNC port on host"); } if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Configure VNC port for VM " + vmName + ", port: " + vncPort + ", host: " + vmOwnerHost.getHyperHostName()); } return VmwareHelper.composeVncOptions(optionsToMerge, true, vncPassword, vncPort, keyboardLayout); } finally { try { mgr.endExclusiveOperation(); } catch (Throwable e) { assert (false); s_logger.error("Unexpected exception ", e); } } } private VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier translateGuestOsIdentifier(String cpuArchitecture, String guestOs, String cloudGuestOs) { if (cpuArchitecture == null) { s_logger.warn("CPU arch is not set, default to i386. guest os: " + guestOs); cpuArchitecture = "i386"; } if(cloudGuestOs == null) { s_logger.warn("Guest OS mapping name is not set for guest os: " + guestOs); } VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier identifier = null; try { if (cloudGuestOs != null) { identifier = VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier.fromValue(cloudGuestOs); s_logger.debug("Using mapping name : " + identifier.toString()); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { s_logger.warn("Unable to find Guest OS Identifier in VMware for mapping name: " + cloudGuestOs + ". Continuing with defaults."); } if (identifier != null) { return identifier; } if (cpuArchitecture.equalsIgnoreCase("x86_64")) { return VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier.OTHER_GUEST_64; } return VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier.OTHER_GUEST; } private HashMap<String, HostVmStateReportEntry> getHostVmStateReport() throws Exception { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); int key = ((HostMO)hyperHost).getCustomFieldKey("VirtualMachine", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME); if (key == 0) { s_logger.warn("Custom field " + CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME + " is not registered ?!"); } String instanceNameCustomField = "value[" + key + "]"; // CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME stores the internal CS generated vm name. This was earlier stored in name. Now, name can be either the hostname or // the internal CS name, but the custom field CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME always stores the internal CS name. ObjectContent[] ocs = hyperHost.getVmPropertiesOnHyperHost(new String[] {"name", "runtime.powerState", "config.template", instanceNameCustomField}); HashMap<String, HostVmStateReportEntry> newStates = new HashMap<String, HostVmStateReportEntry>(); if (ocs != null && ocs.length > 0) { for (ObjectContent oc : ocs) { List<DynamicProperty> objProps = oc.getPropSet(); if (objProps != null) { boolean isTemplate = false; String name = null; String VMInternalCSName = null; VirtualMachinePowerState powerState = VirtualMachinePowerState.POWERED_OFF; for (DynamicProperty objProp : objProps) { if (objProp.getName().equals("config.template")) { if (objProp.getVal().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { isTemplate = true; } } else if (objProp.getName().equals("runtime.powerState")) { powerState = (VirtualMachinePowerState)objProp.getVal(); } else if (objProp.getName().equals("name")) { name = (String)objProp.getVal(); } else if (objProp.getName().contains(instanceNameCustomField)) { if (objProp.getVal() != null) VMInternalCSName = ((CustomFieldStringValue)objProp.getVal()).getValue(); } else { assert (false); } } if (VMInternalCSName != null) name = VMInternalCSName; if (!isTemplate) { newStates.put(name, new HostVmStateReportEntry(convertPowerState(powerState), hyperHost.getHyperHostName())); } } } } return newStates; } private HashMap<String, PowerState> getVmStates() throws Exception { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); int key = ((HostMO)hyperHost).getCustomFieldKey("VirtualMachine", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME); if (key == 0) { s_logger.warn("Custom field " + CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME + " is not registered ?!"); } String instanceNameCustomField = "value[" + key + "]"; // CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME stores the internal CS generated vm name. This was earlier stored in name. Now, name can be either the hostname or // the internal CS name, but the custom field CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME always stores the internal CS name. ObjectContent[] ocs = hyperHost.getVmPropertiesOnHyperHost(new String[] {"name", "runtime.powerState", "config.template", instanceNameCustomField}); HashMap<String, PowerState> newStates = new HashMap<String, PowerState>(); if (ocs != null && ocs.length > 0) { for (ObjectContent oc : ocs) { List<DynamicProperty> objProps = oc.getPropSet(); if (objProps != null) { boolean isTemplate = false; String name = null; String VMInternalCSName = null; VirtualMachinePowerState powerState = VirtualMachinePowerState.POWERED_OFF; for (DynamicProperty objProp : objProps) { if (objProp.getName().equals("config.template")) { if (objProp.getVal().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { isTemplate = true; } } else if (objProp.getName().equals("runtime.powerState")) { powerState = (VirtualMachinePowerState)objProp.getVal(); } else if (objProp.getName().equals("name")) { name = (String)objProp.getVal(); } else if (objProp.getName().contains(instanceNameCustomField)) { if (objProp.getVal() != null) VMInternalCSName = ((CustomFieldStringValue)objProp.getVal()).getValue(); } else { assert (false); } } if (VMInternalCSName != null) name = VMInternalCSName; if (!isTemplate) { newStates.put(name, convertPowerState(powerState)); } } } } return newStates; } private HashMap<String, VmStatsEntry> getVmStats(List<String> vmNames) throws Exception { VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(getServiceContext()); HashMap<String, VmStatsEntry> vmResponseMap = new HashMap<String, VmStatsEntry>(); ManagedObjectReference perfMgr = getServiceContext().getServiceContent().getPerfManager(); VimPortType service = getServiceContext().getService(); PerfCounterInfo rxPerfCounterInfo = null; PerfCounterInfo txPerfCounterInfo = null; List<PerfCounterInfo> cInfo = getServiceContext().getVimClient().getDynamicProperty(perfMgr, "perfCounter"); for (PerfCounterInfo info : cInfo) { if ("net".equalsIgnoreCase(info.getGroupInfo().getKey())) { if ("transmitted".equalsIgnoreCase(info.getNameInfo().getKey())) { txPerfCounterInfo = info; } if ("received".equalsIgnoreCase(info.getNameInfo().getKey())) { rxPerfCounterInfo = info; } } } int key = ((HostMO)hyperHost).getCustomFieldKey("VirtualMachine", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME); if (key == 0) { s_logger.warn("Custom field " + CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME + " is not registered ?!"); } String instanceNameCustomField = "value[" + key + "]"; final String numCpuStr = "summary.config.numCpu"; final String cpuUseStr = "summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage"; final String guestMemUseStr = "summary.quickStats.guestMemoryUsage"; final String memLimitStr = "resourceConfig.memoryAllocation.limit"; final String memMbStr = "config.hardware.memoryMB"; final String allocatedCpuStr = "summary.runtime.maxCpuUsage"; ObjectContent[] ocs = hyperHost.getVmPropertiesOnHyperHost(new String[] {"name", numCpuStr, cpuUseStr ,guestMemUseStr ,memLimitStr ,memMbStr,allocatedCpuStr ,instanceNameCustomField}); if (ocs != null && ocs.length > 0) { for (ObjectContent oc : ocs) { List<DynamicProperty> objProps = oc.getPropSet(); if (objProps != null) { String name = null; String numberCPUs = null; double maxCpuUsage = 0; String memlimit = null; String memkb = null; String guestMemusage = null; String vmNameOnVcenter = null; String vmInternalCSName = null; double allocatedCpu = 0; for (DynamicProperty objProp : objProps) { if (objProp.getName().equals("name")) { vmNameOnVcenter = objProp.getVal().toString(); } else if (objProp.getName().contains(instanceNameCustomField)) { if (objProp.getVal() != null) vmInternalCSName = ((CustomFieldStringValue)objProp.getVal()).getValue(); }else if(objProp.getName().equals(guestMemusage)){ guestMemusage = objProp.getVal().toString(); }else if (objProp.getName().equals(numCpuStr)) { numberCPUs = objProp.getVal().toString(); } else if (objProp.getName().equals(cpuUseStr)) { maxCpuUsage = NumberUtils.toDouble(objProp.getVal().toString()); } else if (objProp.getName().equals(memLimitStr)) { memlimit = objProp.getVal().toString(); } else if (objProp.getName().equals(memMbStr)) { memkb = objProp.getVal().toString(); } else if (objProp.getName().equals(allocatedCpuStr)){ allocatedCpu = NumberUtils.toDouble(objProp.getVal().toString()); } } maxCpuUsage = (maxCpuUsage/allocatedCpu)*100; new VirtualMachineMO(hyperHost.getContext(), oc.getObj()); if (vmInternalCSName != null) { name = vmInternalCSName; } else { name = vmNameOnVcenter; } if (!vmNames.contains(name)) { continue; } ManagedObjectReference vmMor = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(name).getMor(); assert (vmMor != null); ArrayList<PerfMetricId> vmNetworkMetrics = new ArrayList<PerfMetricId>(); // get all the metrics from the available sample period List<PerfMetricId> perfMetrics = service.queryAvailablePerfMetric(perfMgr, vmMor, null, null, null); if (perfMetrics != null) { for (int index = 0; index < perfMetrics.size(); ++index) { if (((rxPerfCounterInfo != null) && (perfMetrics.get(index).getCounterId() == rxPerfCounterInfo.getKey())) || ((txPerfCounterInfo != null) && (perfMetrics.get(index).getCounterId() == txPerfCounterInfo.getKey()))) { vmNetworkMetrics.add(perfMetrics.get(index)); } } } double networkReadKBs = 0; double networkWriteKBs = 0; long sampleDuration = 0; if (vmNetworkMetrics.size() != 0) { PerfQuerySpec qSpec = new PerfQuerySpec(); qSpec.setEntity(vmMor); PerfMetricId[] availableMetricIds = vmNetworkMetrics.toArray(new PerfMetricId[0]); qSpec.getMetricId().addAll(Arrays.asList(availableMetricIds)); List<PerfQuerySpec> qSpecs = new ArrayList<PerfQuerySpec>(); qSpecs.add(qSpec); List<PerfEntityMetricBase> values = service.queryPerf(perfMgr, qSpecs); for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { List<PerfSampleInfo> infos = ((PerfEntityMetric)values.get(i)).getSampleInfo(); if (infos != null && infos.size() > 0) { int endMs = infos.get(infos.size() - 1).getTimestamp().getSecond() * 1000 + infos.get(infos.size() - 1).getTimestamp().getMillisecond(); int beginMs = infos.get(0).getTimestamp().getSecond() * 1000 + infos.get(0).getTimestamp().getMillisecond(); sampleDuration = (endMs - beginMs) / 1000; List<PerfMetricSeries> vals = ((PerfEntityMetric)values.get(i)).getValue(); for (int vi = 0; ((vals != null) && (vi < vals.size())); ++vi) { if (vals.get(vi) instanceof PerfMetricIntSeries) { PerfMetricIntSeries val = (PerfMetricIntSeries)vals.get(vi); List<Long> perfValues = val.getValue(); Long sumRate = 0L; for (int j = 0; j < infos.size(); j++) { // Size of the array matches the size as the PerfSampleInfo sumRate += perfValues.get(j); } Long averageRate = sumRate / infos.size(); if (vals.get(vi).getId().getCounterId() == rxPerfCounterInfo.getKey()) { networkReadKBs = sampleDuration * averageRate; //get the average RX rate multiplied by sampled duration } if (vals.get(vi).getId().getCounterId() == txPerfCounterInfo.getKey()) { networkWriteKBs = sampleDuration * averageRate;//get the average TX rate multiplied by sampled duration } } } } } } vmResponseMap.put(name, new VmStatsEntry( NumberUtils.toDouble(memkb)*1024,NumberUtils.toDouble(guestMemusage)*1024,NumberUtils.toDouble(memlimit)*1024, maxCpuUsage, networkReadKBs, networkWriteKBs, NumberUtils.toInt(numberCPUs), "vm")); } } } return vmResponseMap; } protected String networkUsage(final String privateIpAddress, final String option, final String ethName) { String args = null; if (option.equals("get")) { args = "-g"; } else if (option.equals("create")) { args = "-c"; } else if (option.equals("reset")) { args = "-r"; } else if (option.equals("addVif")) { args = "-a"; args += ethName; } else if (option.equals("deleteVif")) { args = "-d"; args += ethName; } ExecutionResult result = executeInVR(privateIpAddress, "netusage.sh", args); if (!result.isSuccess()) { return null; } return result.getDetails(); } private long[] getNetworkStats(String privateIP) { String result = networkUsage(privateIP, "get", null); long[] stats = new long[2]; if (result != null) { try { String[] splitResult = result.split(":"); int i = 0; while (i < splitResult.length - 1) { stats[0] += Long.parseLong(splitResult[i++]); stats[1] += Long.parseLong(splitResult[i++]); } } catch (Throwable e) { s_logger.warn("Unable to parse return from script return of network usage command: " + e.toString(), e); } } return stats; } protected String connect(final String vmName, final String ipAddress, final int port) { long startTick = System.currentTimeMillis(); // wait until we have at least been waiting for _ops_timeout time or // at least have tried _retry times, this is to coordinate with system // VM patching/rebooting time that may need int retry = _retry; while (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTick <= _opsTimeout || --retry > 0) { s_logger.info("Trying to connect to " + ipAddress); try (SocketChannel sch = SocketChannel.open();) { sch.configureBlocking(true); sch.socket().setSoTimeout(5000); InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress(ipAddress, port); sch.connect(addr); return null; } catch (IOException e) { s_logger.info("Could not connect to " + ipAddress + " due to " + e.toString()); if (e instanceof ConnectException) { // if connection is refused because of VM is being started, // we give it more sleep time // to avoid running out of retry quota too quickly try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { s_logger.debug("[ignored] interupted while waiting to retry connect after failure.", e); } } } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { s_logger.debug("[ignored] interupted while waiting to retry connect."); } } s_logger.info("Unable to logon to " + ipAddress); return "Unable to connect"; } protected String connect(final String vmname, final String ipAddress) { return connect(vmname, ipAddress, 3922); } public static PowerState getVmState(VirtualMachineMO vmMo) throws Exception { VirtualMachineRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = vmMo.getRuntimeInfo(); return convertPowerState(runtimeInfo.getPowerState()); } private static PowerState convertPowerState(VirtualMachinePowerState powerState) { return s_powerStatesTable.get(powerState); } public static PowerState getVmPowerState(VirtualMachineMO vmMo) throws Exception { VirtualMachineRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = vmMo.getRuntimeInfo(); return convertPowerState(runtimeInfo.getPowerState()); } private static HostStatsEntry getHyperHostStats(VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost) throws Exception { ComputeResourceSummary hardwareSummary = hyperHost.getHyperHostHardwareSummary(); if (hardwareSummary == null) return null; HostStatsEntry entry = new HostStatsEntry(); entry.setEntityType("host"); double cpuUtilization = ((double)(hardwareSummary.getTotalCpu() - hardwareSummary.getEffectiveCpu()) / (double)hardwareSummary.getTotalCpu() * 100); entry.setCpuUtilization(cpuUtilization); entry.setTotalMemoryKBs(hardwareSummary.getTotalMemory() / 1024); entry.setFreeMemoryKBs(hardwareSummary.getEffectiveMemory() * 1024); return entry; } private static String getRouterSshControlIp(NetworkElementCommand cmd) { String routerIp = cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_IP); String routerGuestIp = cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_GUEST_IP); String zoneNetworkType = cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ZONE_NETWORK_TYPE); if (routerGuestIp != null && zoneNetworkType != null && NetworkType.valueOf(zoneNetworkType) == NetworkType.Basic) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("In Basic zone mode, use router's guest IP for SSH control. guest IP : " + routerGuestIp); return routerGuestIp; } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) s_logger.debug("Use router's private IP for SSH control. IP : " + routerIp); return routerIp; } @Override public void setAgentControl(IAgentControl agentControl) { } @Override public boolean configure(String name, Map<String, Object> params) throws ConfigurationException { try { _name = name; _url = (String)params.get("url"); _username = (String)params.get("username"); _password = (String)params.get("password"); _dcId = (String)params.get("zone"); _pod = (String)params.get("pod"); _cluster = (String)params.get("cluster"); _guid = (String)params.get("guid"); String[] tokens = _guid.split("@"); _vCenterAddress = tokens[1]; _morHyperHost = new ManagedObjectReference(); String[] hostTokens = tokens[0].split(":"); _morHyperHost.setType(hostTokens[0]); _morHyperHost.setValue(hostTokens[1]); _guestTrafficInfo = (VmwareTrafficLabel)params.get("guestTrafficInfo"); _publicTrafficInfo = (VmwareTrafficLabel)params.get("publicTrafficInfo"); VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(); VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); if (mgr == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid vmwareContext: vmwareMgr stock object is not set or cleared."); } mgr.setupResourceStartupParams(params); CustomFieldsManagerMO cfmMo = new CustomFieldsManagerMO(context, context.getServiceContent().getCustomFieldsManager()); cfmMo.ensureCustomFieldDef("Datastore", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_UUID); if (_publicTrafficInfo != null && _publicTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchType() != VirtualSwitchType.StandardVirtualSwitch || _guestTrafficInfo != null && _guestTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchType() != VirtualSwitchType.StandardVirtualSwitch) { cfmMo.ensureCustomFieldDef("DistributedVirtualPortgroup", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_GC_DVP); } cfmMo.ensureCustomFieldDef("Network", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_GC); cfmMo.ensureCustomFieldDef("VirtualMachine", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_UUID); cfmMo.ensureCustomFieldDef("VirtualMachine", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_NIC_MASK); cfmMo.ensureCustomFieldDef("VirtualMachine", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME); cfmMo.ensureCustomFieldDef("VirtualMachine", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_WORKER); cfmMo.ensureCustomFieldDef("VirtualMachine", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_WORKER_TAG); VmwareHypervisorHost hostMo = this.getHyperHost(context); _hostName = hostMo.getHyperHostName(); if (_guestTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchType() == VirtualSwitchType.NexusDistributedVirtualSwitch || _publicTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchType() == VirtualSwitchType.NexusDistributedVirtualSwitch) { _privateNetworkVSwitchName = mgr.getPrivateVSwitchName(Long.parseLong(_dcId), HypervisorType.VMware); _vsmCredentials = mgr.getNexusVSMCredentialsByClusterId(Long.parseLong(_cluster)); } if (_privateNetworkVSwitchName == null) { _privateNetworkVSwitchName = (String)params.get("private.network.vswitch.name"); } String value = (String)params.get("vmware.recycle.hung.wokervm"); if (value != null && value.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) _recycleHungWorker = true; value = (String)params.get("vmware.root.disk.controller"); if (value != null && value.equalsIgnoreCase("scsi")) _rootDiskController = DiskControllerType.scsi; else if (value != null && value.equalsIgnoreCase("ide")) _rootDiskController = DiskControllerType.ide; else _rootDiskController = DiskControllerType.osdefault; Integer intObj = (Integer)params.get("ports.per.dvportgroup"); if (intObj != null) _portsPerDvPortGroup = intObj.intValue(); s_logger.info("VmwareResource network configuration info." + " private traffic over vSwitch: " + _privateNetworkVSwitchName + ", public traffic over " + _publicTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchType() + " : " + _publicTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchName() + ", guest traffic over " + _guestTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchType() + " : " + _guestTrafficInfo.getVirtualSwitchName()); Boolean boolObj = (Boolean)params.get("vmware.create.full.clone"); if (boolObj != null && boolObj.booleanValue()) { _fullCloneFlag = true; } else { _fullCloneFlag = false; } boolObj = (Boolean)params.get("vm.instancename.flag"); if (boolObj != null && boolObj.booleanValue()) { _instanceNameFlag = true; } else { _instanceNameFlag = false; } value = (String)params.get("scripts.timeout"); int timeout = NumbersUtil.parseInt(value, 1440) * 1000; storageNfsVersion = NfsSecondaryStorageResource.retrieveNfsVersionFromParams(params); _storageProcessor = new VmwareStorageProcessor((VmwareHostService)this, _fullCloneFlag, (VmwareStorageMount)mgr, timeout, this, _shutdownWaitMs, null, storageNfsVersion); storageHandler = new VmwareStorageSubsystemCommandHandler(_storageProcessor, storageNfsVersion); _vrResource = new VirtualRoutingResource(this); if (!_vrResource.configure(name, params)) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to configure VirtualRoutingResource"); } if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) { s_logger.trace("Successfully configured VmwareResource."); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Unexpected Exception ", e); throw new ConfigurationException("Failed to configure VmwareResource due to unexpect exception."); } finally { recycleServiceContext(); } } @Override public String getName() { return _name; } @Override public boolean start() { return true; } @Override public boolean stop() { return true; } public VmwareContext getServiceContext() { return getServiceContext(null); } public void invalidateServiceContext() { invalidateServiceContext(null); } public VmwareHypervisorHost getHyperHost(VmwareContext context) { return getHyperHost(context, null); } @Override public VmwareContext getServiceContext(Command cmd) { VmwareContext context = null; if(s_serviceContext.get() != null) { context = s_serviceContext.get(); String poolKey = VmwareContextPool.composePoolKey(_vCenterAddress, _username); // Before re-using the thread local context, ensure it corresponds to the right vCenter API session and that it is valid to make calls. if(context.getPoolKey().equals(poolKey)) { if (context.validate()) { if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) { s_logger.trace("ThreadLocal context is still valid, just reuse"); } return context; } else { s_logger.info("Validation of the context failed, dispose and use a new one"); invalidateServiceContext(context); } } else { // Exisitng ThreadLocal context corresponds to a different vCenter API session. Why has it not been recycled? s_logger.warn("ThreadLocal VMware context: " + poolKey + " doesn't correspond to the right vCenter. Expected VMware context: " + context.getPoolKey()); } } try { context = VmwareContextFactory.getContext(_vCenterAddress, _username, _password); s_serviceContext.set(context); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Unable to connect to vSphere server: " + _vCenterAddress, e); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to connect to vSphere server: " + _vCenterAddress); } return context; } @Override public void invalidateServiceContext(VmwareContext context) { assert (s_serviceContext.get() == context); s_serviceContext.set(null); if (context != null) context.close(); } private static void recycleServiceContext() { VmwareContext context = s_serviceContext.get(); if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) { s_logger.trace("Reset threadlocal context to null"); } s_serviceContext.set(null); if (context != null) { assert (context.getPool() != null); if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) { s_logger.trace("Recycling threadlocal context to pool"); } context.getPool().registerContext(context); } } @Override public VmwareHypervisorHost getHyperHost(VmwareContext context, Command cmd) { if (_morHyperHost.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("HostSystem")) { return new HostMO(context, _morHyperHost); } return new ClusterMO(context, _morHyperHost); } @Override @DB public String getWorkerName(VmwareContext context, Command cmd, int workerSequence) { VmwareManager mgr = context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); String vmName = mgr.composeWorkerName(); assert (cmd != null); context.getStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME); // TODO: Fix this? long checkPointId = vmwareMgr.pushCleanupCheckpoint(this._guid, vmName); // TODO: Fix this? cmd.setContextParam("checkpoint", String.valueOf(checkPointId)); return vmName; } @Override public void setName(String name) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void setConfigParams(Map<String, Object> params) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public Map<String, Object> getConfigParams() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public int getRunLevel() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } @Override public void setRunLevel(int level) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public Answer execute(DestroyCommand cmd) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Executing resource DestroyCommand to evict template from storage pool: " + _gson.toJson(cmd)); } try { VmwareContext context = getServiceContext(null); VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context, null); VolumeTO vol = cmd.getVolume(); VirtualMachineMO vmMo = findVmOnDatacenter(context, hyperHost, vol); if (vmMo != null && vmMo.isTemplate()) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Destroy template volume " + vol.getPath()); } vmMo.destroy(); } else { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Template volume " + vol.getPath() + " is not found, no need to delete."); } } return new Answer(cmd, true, "Success"); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof RemoteException) { s_logger.warn("Encounter remote exception to vCenter, invalidate VMware session context"); invalidateServiceContext(null); } String msg = "DestroyCommand failed due to " + VmwareHelper.getExceptionMessage(e); s_logger.error(msg, e); return new Answer(cmd, false, msg); } } /** * Use data center to look for vm, instead of randomly picking up a cluster<br/> * (in multiple cluster environments vm could not be found if wrong cluster was chosen) * @param context vmware context * @param hyperHost vmware hv host * @param vol volume * @return a virtualmachinemo if could be found on datacenter. * @throws Exception if there is an error while finding vm * @throws CloudRuntimeException if datacenter cannot be found */ protected VirtualMachineMO findVmOnDatacenter(VmwareContext context, VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost, VolumeTO vol) throws Exception { DatacenterMO dcMo = new DatacenterMO(context, hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter()); if (dcMo.getMor() == null) { String msg = "Unable to find VMware DC"; s_logger.error(msg); throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg); } return dcMo.findVm(vol.getPath()); } private String getAbsoluteVmdkFile(VirtualDisk disk) { String vmdkAbsFile = null; VirtualDeviceBackingInfo backingInfo = disk.getBacking(); if (backingInfo instanceof VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo) { VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo diskBackingInfo = (VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo)backingInfo; vmdkAbsFile = diskBackingInfo.getFileName(); } return vmdkAbsFile; } }