// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. package com.cloud.acl; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.ControlledEntity; import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.SecurityChecker; import org.apache.cloudstack.affinity.AffinityGroup; import com.cloud.dc.DataCenter; import com.cloud.dc.DedicatedResourceVO; import com.cloud.dc.dao.DedicatedResourceDao; import com.cloud.domain.Domain; import com.cloud.domain.dao.DomainDao; import com.cloud.exception.PermissionDeniedException; import com.cloud.network.Network; import com.cloud.network.NetworkModel; import com.cloud.offering.DiskOffering; import com.cloud.offering.ServiceOffering; import com.cloud.projects.ProjectManager; import com.cloud.projects.dao.ProjectAccountDao; import com.cloud.storage.LaunchPermissionVO; import com.cloud.storage.dao.LaunchPermissionDao; import com.cloud.template.VirtualMachineTemplate; import com.cloud.user.Account; import com.cloud.user.AccountService; import com.cloud.user.User; import com.cloud.user.dao.AccountDao; import com.cloud.utils.component.AdapterBase; @Component public class DomainChecker extends AdapterBase implements SecurityChecker { @Inject DomainDao _domainDao; @Inject AccountDao _accountDao; @Inject LaunchPermissionDao _launchPermissionDao; @Inject ProjectManager _projectMgr; @Inject ProjectAccountDao _projecAccountDao; @Inject NetworkModel _networkMgr; @Inject private DedicatedResourceDao _dedicatedDao; @Inject AccountService _accountService; protected DomainChecker() { super(); } @Override public boolean checkAccess(Account caller, Domain domain) throws PermissionDeniedException { if (caller.getState() != Account.State.enabled) { throw new PermissionDeniedException(caller + " is disabled."); } long domainId = domain.getId(); if (_accountService.isNormalUser(caller.getId())) { if (caller.getDomainId() != domainId) { throw new PermissionDeniedException(caller + " does not have permission to operate within domain id=" + domain.getUuid()); } } else if (!_domainDao.isChildDomain(caller.getDomainId(), domainId)) { throw new PermissionDeniedException(caller + " does not have permission to operate within domain id=" + domain.getUuid()); } return true; } @Override public boolean checkAccess(User user, Domain domain) throws PermissionDeniedException { if (user.getRemoved() != null) { throw new PermissionDeniedException(user + " is no longer active."); } Account account = _accountDao.findById(user.getAccountId()); return checkAccess(account, domain); } @Override public boolean checkAccess(Account caller, ControlledEntity entity, AccessType accessType) throws PermissionDeniedException { if (entity instanceof VirtualMachineTemplate) { VirtualMachineTemplate template = (VirtualMachineTemplate)entity; Account owner = _accountDao.findById(template.getAccountId()); // validate that the template is usable by the account if (!template.isPublicTemplate()) { if (_accountService.isRootAdmin(caller.getId()) || (owner.getId() == caller.getId())) { return true; } //special handling for the project case if (owner.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROJECT && _projectMgr.canAccessProjectAccount(caller, owner.getId())) { return true; } // since the current account is not the owner of the template, check the launch permissions table to see if the // account can launch a VM from this template LaunchPermissionVO permission = _launchPermissionDao.findByTemplateAndAccount(template.getId(), caller.getId()); if (permission == null) { throw new PermissionDeniedException(caller + " does not have permission to launch instances from " + template); } } else { // Domain admin and regular user can delete/modify only templates created by them if (accessType != null && accessType == AccessType.OperateEntry) { if (!_accountService.isRootAdmin(caller.getId()) && owner.getId() != caller.getId()) { // For projects check if the caller account can access the project account if (owner.getType() != Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROJECT || !(_projectMgr.canAccessProjectAccount(caller, owner.getId()))) { throw new PermissionDeniedException("Domain Admin and regular users can modify only their own Public templates"); } } } } return true; } else if (entity instanceof Network && accessType != null && accessType == AccessType.UseEntry) { _networkMgr.checkNetworkPermissions(caller, (Network)entity); } else if (entity instanceof AffinityGroup) { return false; } else { if (_accountService.isNormalUser(caller.getId())) { Account account = _accountDao.findById(entity.getAccountId()); if (account != null && account.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROJECT) { //only project owner can delete/modify the project if (accessType != null && accessType == AccessType.ModifyProject) { if (!_projectMgr.canModifyProjectAccount(caller, account.getId())) { throw new PermissionDeniedException(caller + " does not have permission to operate with resource " + entity); } } else if (!_projectMgr.canAccessProjectAccount(caller, account.getId())) { throw new PermissionDeniedException(caller + " does not have permission to operate with resource " + entity); } } else { if (caller.getId() != entity.getAccountId()) { throw new PermissionDeniedException(caller + " does not have permission to operate with resource " + entity); } } } } return true; } @Override public boolean checkAccess(User user, ControlledEntity entity) throws PermissionDeniedException { Account account = _accountDao.findById(user.getAccountId()); return checkAccess(account, entity, null); } @Override public boolean checkAccess(Account account, DiskOffering dof) throws PermissionDeniedException { if (account == null || dof == null || dof.getDomainId() == null) {//public offering return true; } else { //admin has all permissions if (_accountService.isRootAdmin(account.getId())) { return true; } //if account is normal user or domain admin //check if account's domain is a child of zone's domain (Note: This is made consistent with the list command for disk offering) else if (_accountService.isNormalUser(account.getId()) || account.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_RESOURCE_DOMAIN_ADMIN || _accountService.isDomainAdmin(account.getId()) || account.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROJECT) { if (account.getDomainId() == dof.getDomainId()) { return true; //disk offering and account at exact node } else { Domain domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(account.getDomainId()); if (domainRecord != null) { while (true) { if (domainRecord.getId() == dof.getDomainId()) { //found as a child return true; } if (domainRecord.getParent() != null) { domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(domainRecord.getParent()); } else { break; } } } } } } //not found return false; } @Override public boolean checkAccess(Account account, ServiceOffering so) throws PermissionDeniedException { if (account == null || so.getDomainId() == null) {//public offering return true; } else { //admin has all permissions if (_accountService.isRootAdmin(account.getId())) { return true; } //if account is normal user or domain admin //check if account's domain is a child of zone's domain (Note: This is made consistent with the list command for service offering) else if (_accountService.isNormalUser(account.getId()) || account.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_RESOURCE_DOMAIN_ADMIN || _accountService.isDomainAdmin(account.getId()) || account.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROJECT) { if (account.getDomainId() == so.getDomainId()) { return true; //service offering and account at exact node } else { Domain domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(account.getDomainId()); if (domainRecord != null) { while (true) { if (domainRecord.getId() == so.getDomainId()) { //found as a child return true; } if (domainRecord.getParent() != null) { domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(domainRecord.getParent()); } else { break; } } } } } } //not found return false; } @Override public boolean checkAccess(Account account, DataCenter zone) throws PermissionDeniedException { if (account == null || zone.getDomainId() == null) {//public zone return true; } else { //admin has all permissions if (_accountService.isRootAdmin(account.getId())) { return true; } //if account is normal user //check if account's domain is a child of zone's domain else if (_accountService.isNormalUser(account.getId()) || account.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROJECT) { // if zone is dedicated to an account check that the accountId // matches. DedicatedResourceVO dedicatedZone = _dedicatedDao.findByZoneId(zone.getId()); if (dedicatedZone != null) { if (dedicatedZone.getAccountId() != null) { if (dedicatedZone.getAccountId() == account.getId()) { return true; } else { return false; } } } if (account.getDomainId() == zone.getDomainId()) { return true; //zone and account at exact node } else { Domain domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(account.getDomainId()); if (domainRecord != null) { while (true) { if (domainRecord.getId() == zone.getDomainId()) { //found as a child return true; } if (domainRecord.getParent() != null) { domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(domainRecord.getParent()); } else { break; } } } } //not found return false; } //if account is domain admin //check if the account's domain is either child of zone's domain, or if zone's domain is child of account's domain else if (_accountService.isDomainAdmin(account.getId())) { if (account.getDomainId() == zone.getDomainId()) { return true; //zone and account at exact node } else { Domain zoneDomainRecord = _domainDao.findById(zone.getDomainId()); Domain accountDomainRecord = _domainDao.findById(account.getDomainId()); if (accountDomainRecord != null) { Domain localRecord = accountDomainRecord; while (true) { if (localRecord.getId() == zone.getDomainId()) { //found as a child return true; } if (localRecord.getParent() != null) { localRecord = _domainDao.findById(localRecord.getParent()); } else { break; } } } //didn't find in upper tree if (zoneDomainRecord != null && accountDomainRecord != null && zoneDomainRecord.getPath().contains(accountDomainRecord.getPath())) { return true; } } //not found return false; } } return false; } @Override public boolean checkAccess(Account caller, ControlledEntity entity, AccessType accessType, String action) throws PermissionDeniedException { if (action != null && ("SystemCapability".equals(action))) { if (caller != null && caller.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMIN) { return true; } else { return false; } } else if (action != null && ("DomainCapability".equals(action))) { if (caller != null && caller.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_DOMAIN_ADMIN) { return true; } else { return false; } } else if (action != null && ("DomainResourceCapability".equals(action))) { if (caller != null && caller.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_RESOURCE_DOMAIN_ADMIN) { return true; } else { return false; } } return checkAccess(caller, entity, accessType); } @Override public boolean checkAccess(Account caller, AccessType accessType, String action, ControlledEntity... entities) throws PermissionDeniedException { // returns true only if access to all entities is granted for (ControlledEntity entity : entities) { if (!checkAccess(caller, entity, accessType, action)) { return false; } } return true; } }