// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. package com.cloud.offerings; import java.util.Date; import java.util.UUID; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.EnumType; import javax.persistence.Enumerated; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.GenerationType; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.Table; import com.cloud.network.Network; import com.cloud.network.Networks.TrafficType; import com.cloud.offering.NetworkOffering; import com.cloud.utils.db.GenericDao; @Entity @Table(name = "network_offerings") public class NetworkOfferingVO implements NetworkOffering { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Column(name = "id") long id; @Column(name = "name") String name; @Column(name = "unique_name") private String uniqueName; @Column(name = "display_text") String displayText; @Column(name = "nw_rate") Integer rateMbps; @Column(name = "mc_rate") Integer multicastRateMbps; @Column(name = "traffic_type") @Enumerated(value = EnumType.STRING) TrafficType trafficType; @Column(name = "specify_vlan") boolean specifyVlan; @Column(name = "system_only") boolean systemOnly; @Column(name = "service_offering_id") Long serviceOfferingId; @Column(name = "tags", length = 4096) String tags; @Column(name = "default") boolean isDefault; @Column(name = "availability") @Enumerated(value = EnumType.STRING) Availability availability; @Column(name = "state") @Enumerated(value = EnumType.STRING) State state = State.Disabled; @Column(name = GenericDao.REMOVED_COLUMN) Date removed; @Column(name = GenericDao.CREATED_COLUMN) Date created; @Column(name = "guest_type") @Enumerated(value = EnumType.STRING) Network.GuestType guestType; @Column(name = "dedicated_lb_service") boolean dedicatedLB; @Column(name = "shared_source_nat_service") boolean sharedSourceNat; @Column(name = "specify_ip_ranges") boolean specifyIpRanges = false; @Column(name = "sort_key") int sortKey; @Column(name = "uuid") String uuid; @Column(name = "redundant_router_service") boolean redundantRouter; @Column(name = "conserve_mode") boolean conserveMode; @Column(name = "elastic_ip_service") boolean elasticIp; @Column(name = "eip_associate_public_ip") boolean eipAssociatePublicIp; @Column(name = "elastic_lb_service") boolean elasticLb; @Column(name = "inline") boolean inline; @Column(name = "is_persistent") boolean isPersistent; @Column(name = "egress_default_policy") boolean egressdefaultpolicy; @Column(name = "concurrent_connections") Integer concurrentConnections; @Column(name = "keep_alive_enabled") boolean keepAliveEnabled = false; @Column(name="supports_streched_l2") boolean supportsStrechedL2 = false; @Column(name="supports_public_access") boolean supportsPublicAccess = false; @Override public String getDisplayText() { return displayText; } @Column(name = "internal_lb") boolean internalLb; @Column(name = "public_lb") boolean publicLb; @Override public boolean isKeepAliveEnabled() { return keepAliveEnabled; } public void setKeepAliveEnabled(boolean keepAliveEnabled) { this.keepAliveEnabled = keepAliveEnabled; } @Override public long getId() { return id; } @Override public TrafficType getTrafficType() { return trafficType; } @Override public Integer getMulticastRateMbps() { return multicastRateMbps; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public Integer getRateMbps() { return rateMbps; } public Date getCreated() { return created; } @Override public boolean isSystemOnly() { return systemOnly; } public Date getRemoved() { return removed; } @Override public String getTags() { return tags; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public void setDisplayText(String displayText) { this.displayText = displayText; } public void setRateMbps(Integer rateMbps) { this.rateMbps = rateMbps; } public void setMulticastRateMbps(Integer multicastRateMbps) { this.multicastRateMbps = multicastRateMbps; } @Override public boolean isDefault() { return isDefault; } @Override public boolean getSpecifyVlan() { return specifyVlan; } @Override public Availability getAvailability() { return availability; } public void setAvailability(Availability availability) { this.availability = availability; } @Override public String getUniqueName() { return uniqueName; } @Override public void setState(State state) { this.state = state; } @Override public State getState() { return state; } @Override public Network.GuestType getGuestType() { return guestType; } public void setServiceOfferingId(Long serviceOfferingId) { this.serviceOfferingId = serviceOfferingId; } @Override public Long getServiceOfferingId() { return serviceOfferingId; } @Override public boolean getDedicatedLB() { return dedicatedLB; } public void setDedicatedLB(boolean dedicatedLB) { this.dedicatedLB = dedicatedLB; } @Override public boolean getSharedSourceNat() { return sharedSourceNat; } public void setSharedSourceNat(boolean sharedSourceNat) { this.sharedSourceNat = sharedSourceNat; } @Override public boolean getRedundantRouter() { return redundantRouter; } public void setRedundantRouter(boolean redundantRouter) { this.redundantRouter = redundantRouter; } @Override public boolean getEgressDefaultPolicy() { return egressdefaultpolicy; } public NetworkOfferingVO(String name, String displayText, TrafficType trafficType, boolean systemOnly, boolean specifyVlan, Integer rateMbps, Integer multicastRateMbps, boolean isDefault, Availability availability, String tags, Network.GuestType guestType, boolean conserveMode, boolean specifyIpRanges, boolean isPersistent, boolean internalLb, boolean publicLb) { this.name = name; this.displayText = displayText; this.rateMbps = rateMbps; this.multicastRateMbps = multicastRateMbps; this.trafficType = trafficType; this.systemOnly = systemOnly; this.specifyVlan = specifyVlan; this.isDefault = isDefault; this.availability = availability; this.uniqueName = name; this.uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); this.tags = tags; this.guestType = guestType; this.conserveMode = conserveMode; this.dedicatedLB = true; this.sharedSourceNat = false; this.redundantRouter = false; this.elasticIp = false; this.eipAssociatePublicIp = true; this.elasticLb = false; this.inline = false; this.specifyIpRanges = specifyIpRanges; this.isPersistent = isPersistent; this.publicLb = publicLb; this.internalLb = internalLb; } public NetworkOfferingVO(String name, String displayText, TrafficType trafficType, boolean systemOnly, boolean specifyVlan, Integer rateMbps, Integer multicastRateMbps, boolean isDefault, Availability availability, String tags, Network.GuestType guestType, boolean conserveMode, boolean dedicatedLb, boolean sharedSourceNat, boolean redundantRouter, boolean elasticIp, boolean elasticLb, boolean specifyIpRanges, boolean inline, boolean isPersistent, boolean associatePublicIP, boolean publicLb, boolean internalLb, boolean egressdefaultpolicy, boolean supportsStrechedL2, boolean supportsPublicAccess) { this(name, displayText, trafficType, systemOnly, specifyVlan, rateMbps, multicastRateMbps, isDefault, availability, tags, guestType, conserveMode, specifyIpRanges, isPersistent, internalLb, publicLb); this.dedicatedLB = dedicatedLb; this.sharedSourceNat = sharedSourceNat; this.redundantRouter = redundantRouter; this.elasticIp = elasticIp; this.elasticLb = elasticLb; this.inline = inline; this.eipAssociatePublicIp = associatePublicIP; this.egressdefaultpolicy = egressdefaultpolicy; this.supportsStrechedL2 = supportsStrechedL2; this.supportsPublicAccess = supportsPublicAccess; } public NetworkOfferingVO() { } /** * Network Offering for all system vms. * * @param name * @param trafficType * @param specifyIpRanges * TODO */ public NetworkOfferingVO(String name, TrafficType trafficType, boolean specifyIpRanges) { this(name, "System Offering for " + name, trafficType, true, false, 0, 0, true, Availability.Required, null, null, true, specifyIpRanges, false, false, false); this.state = State.Enabled; } public NetworkOfferingVO(String name, Network.GuestType guestType) { this(name, "System Offering for " + name, TrafficType.Guest, true, true, 0, 0, true, Availability.Optional, null, Network.GuestType.Isolated, true, false, false, false, false); this.state = State.Enabled; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("[Network Offering ["); return buf.append(id).append("-").append(trafficType).append("-").append(name).append("]").toString(); } @Override public String getUuid() { return this.uuid; } public void setUuid(String uuid) { this.uuid = uuid; } public void setSortKey(int key) { sortKey = key; } public int getSortKey() { return sortKey; } public void setUniqueName(String uniqueName) { this.uniqueName = uniqueName; } @Override public boolean isConserveMode() { return conserveMode; } @Override public boolean getElasticIp() { return elasticIp; } @Override public boolean getAssociatePublicIP() { return eipAssociatePublicIp; } @Override public boolean getElasticLb() { return elasticLb; } @Override public boolean getSpecifyIpRanges() { return specifyIpRanges; } @Override public boolean isInline() { return inline; } public void setIsPersistent(Boolean isPersistent) { this.isPersistent = isPersistent; } @Override public boolean getIsPersistent() { return isPersistent; } @Override public boolean getInternalLb() { return internalLb; } @Override public boolean getPublicLb() { return publicLb; } public void setInternalLb(boolean internalLb) { this.internalLb = internalLb; } @Override public Integer getConcurrentConnections() { return this.concurrentConnections; } public void setConcurrentConnections(Integer concurrentConnections) { this.concurrentConnections = concurrentConnections; } public void setPublicLb(boolean publicLb) { this.publicLb = publicLb; } @Override public boolean getSupportsStrechedL2() { return supportsStrechedL2; } @Override public boolean getSupportsPublicAccess() { return supportsPublicAccess; } }