// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. package com.cloud.hypervisor.ovm3.objects; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class Xen extends OvmObject { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Xen.class); private static final String VNCLISTEN = "vnclisten"; private static final String MEMORY = "memory"; private static final String MAXVCPUS = "maxvcpus"; private static final String VCPUS = "vcpus"; private static final String DOMTYPE = "OVM_domain_type"; private static final String EXTRA = "extra"; private Map<String, Vm> vmList = null; private Vm defVm = new Vm(); public Xen(Connection c) { setClient(c); } /* * a vm class.... Setting up a VM is different than retrieving one from OVM. * It's either a list retrieval or * /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/agent/lib/xenvm.py */ public class Vm { /* 'vfb': [ 'type=vnc,vncunused=1,vnclisten=,keymap=en-us'] */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final List<String> vmVncElement = new ArrayList<String>(); private Map<String, String> vmVnc = new HashMap<String, String>() { { put("type", "vnc"); put("vncunused", "1"); put(VNCLISTEN, ""); put("keymap", "en-us"); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; }; /* * 'disk': [ * 'file:/OVS/Repositories/0004fb0000030000aeaca859e4a8f8c0/VirtualDisks/0004fb0000120000c444117fd87ea251.img,xvda,w'] */ private final List<String> vmDisks = new ArrayList<String>(); private Map<String, String> vmDisk = new HashMap<String, String>() { { put("id", ""); put("uuid", ""); put("dev", ""); put("bootable", "1"); put("mode", "w"); put("VDI", ""); put("backend", "0"); put("protocol", "x86_32-abi"); put("uname", ""); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; }; /* 'vif': [ 'mac=00:21:f6:00:00:00,bridge=c0a80100'] */ private final ArrayList<String> vmVifs = new ArrayList<String>(); private final Integer maxVifs = 7; private final String[] xvmVifs = new String[maxVifs -1]; private final String vmSimpleName = ""; private final String vmName = ""; private final String vmUuid = ""; /* * the pool the vm.cfg will live on, this is the same as the primary * storage pool (should be unified with disk pool ?) */ private String vmPrimaryPoolUuid = ""; private final String vmOnReboot = "restart"; /* weight is relative for all VMs compared to each other */ private final int vmCpuWeight = 27500; /* minimum memory allowed */ private final int vmMemory = 256; private final int vmCpuCap = 0; /* dynam scaling for cpus */ private final int vmMaxVcpus = 0; /* default to 1, can't be higher than maxvCpus */ private final int vmVcpus = 1; /* high available */ private final Boolean vmHa = false; private final String vmDescription = ""; private final String vmOnPoweroff = "destroy"; private final String vmOnCrash = "restart"; private final String vmBootloader = "/usr/bin/pygrub"; private final String vmBootArgs = ""; private final String vmExtra = ""; /* default to linux */ private final String vmOs = "Other Linux"; private final String vmCpuCompatGroup = ""; /* pv is default */ private final String vmDomainType = "xen_pvm"; /* start counting disks at A -> 0 */ private final int diskZero = 97; private int diskCount = diskZero; private Map<String, Object> vmParams = new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put("vif", vmVifs); put("OVM_simple_name", vmSimpleName); put("disk", vmDisks); put("bootargs", vmBootArgs); put("uuid", vmUuid); put("on_reboot", vmOnReboot); put("cpu_weight", vmCpuWeight); put(MEMORY, vmMemory); put("cpu_cap", vmCpuCap); put(MAXVCPUS, vmMaxVcpus); put("OVM_high_availability", vmHa); put("OVM_description", vmDescription); put("on_poweroff", vmOnPoweroff); put("on_crash", vmOnCrash); put("bootloader", vmBootloader); put("name", vmName); put("guest_os_type", vmOs); put("vfb", vmVncElement); put(VCPUS, vmVcpus); put("OVM_cpu_compat_group", vmCpuCompatGroup); put(DOMTYPE, vmDomainType); put(EXTRA, vmExtra); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; }; public boolean isControlDomain() { if ("Domain-0".equals(getVmName())) { return true; } return false; } public boolean setPrimaryPoolUuid(String poolId) { vmPrimaryPoolUuid = poolId; return true; } public String getPrimaryPoolUuid() throws Ovm3ResourceException { if ("".equals(vmPrimaryPoolUuid)) { return getVmRootDiskPoolId(); } else { return vmPrimaryPoolUuid; } } public Map<String, Object> getVmParams() { return vmParams; } public void setVmParams(Map<String, Object> params) { vmParams = params; } public boolean setVmExtra(final String args) { vmParams.put(EXTRA, args); return true; } public String getVmExtra() { return (String) vmParams.get(EXTRA); } public String getVmBootArgs() { return (String) vmParams.get("bootloader_args"); } public void setVmMaxCpus(Integer val) { vmParams.put(MAXVCPUS, val); } public Integer getVmMaxCpus() { return (Integer) vmParams.get(MAXVCPUS); } public void setVmCpus(Integer val) { if (getVmMaxCpus() == 0 || getVmMaxCpus() >= val) { vmParams.put(VCPUS, val); } else if (getVmMaxCpus() < val) { setVmCpus(getVmMaxCpus()); } } public Integer getVmCpus() { return (Integer) vmParams.get(VCPUS); } public Boolean setVmMemory(long memory) { vmParams.put(MEMORY, Long.toString(memory)); return true; } public long getVmMemory() { return Integer.parseInt((String) vmParams.get(MEMORY)); } public Boolean setVmDomainType(String domtype) { vmParams.put(DOMTYPE, domtype); return true; } /* iiiis this a good idea ? */ public String getVmDomainType() { String domType = (String) vmParams.get(DOMTYPE); if (domType.equals(vmDomainType)) { String builder = (String) vmParams.get("builder"); if (builder == null || builder.contains("linux")) { domType = "xen_pvm"; } else { domType = "hvm"; } } return domType; } public String getVmState() { return (String) vmParams.get("state"); } public Boolean setVmName(String name) { vmParams.put("name", name); vmParams.put("OVM_simple_name", name); return true; } public String getVmName() { return (String) vmParams.get("name"); } public Boolean setVmUuid(String uuid) { vmParams.put("uuid", uuid); return true; } public String getVmUuid() { return (String) vmParams.get("uuid"); } public void setVmVncs(List<String> vncs) { vmVncElement.addAll(vncs); } public List<String> getVmVncs() { return vmVncElement; } public void setVmDisks(List<String> disks) { vmDisks.addAll(disks); } public List<String> getVmDisks() { return vmDisks; } public void setVmVifs(List<String> vifs) { vmVifs.addAll(vifs); } public List<String> getVmVifs() { return vmVifs; } public Integer getVifIdByMac(String mac) { Integer c = 0; for (final String entry : vmVifs) { final String[] parts = entry.split(","); final String[] macpart = parts[0].split("="); assert macpart.length == 2 : "Invalid entry: " + entry; if ("mac".equals(macpart[0]) && macpart[1].equals(mac)) { return c; } c += 1; } LOGGER.debug("No vif matched mac: " + mac + " in " + vmVifs); return -1; } public Integer getVifIdByIp(String ip) { Integer c = 0; for (final String entry : vmVifs) { final String[] parts = entry.split(","); final String[] ippart = parts[1].split("="); assert ippart.length == 2 : "Invalid entry: " + entry; if ("mac".equals(ippart[0]) && ippart[1].equals(ip)) { return c; } c += 1; } LOGGER.debug("No vif matched ip: " + ip + " in " + vmVifs); return -1; } public Boolean addVif(Integer id, String bridge, String mac) { if (getVifIdByMac(mac) > 0) { LOGGER.debug("Already nic with mac present: " + mac); return false; } String vif = "mac=" + mac + ",bridge=" + bridge; xvmVifs[id] = vif; return true; } public boolean setupVifs() { for (String vif : xvmVifs) { if (vif != null && !vmVifs.contains(vif)) { vmVifs.add(vif); } } vmParams.put("vif", vmVifs); return true; } public Boolean removeVif(String bridge, String mac) { List<String> newVifs = new ArrayList<String>(); try { String remove = "mac=" + mac + ",bridge=" + bridge; for (String vif : getVmVifs()) { if (vif.equals(remove)) { LOGGER.debug("leaving out vif: " + remove); } else { LOGGER.debug("keeping vif: " + vif); newVifs.add(vif); } } vmParams.put("vif", newVifs); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug(e); } return true; } /* 'file:/OVS/Repositories/d5f5a4480515467ca1638554f085b278/ISOs/e14c811ebbf84f0b8221e5b7404a554e.iso,hdc:cdrom,r' */ /* device is coupled with vmtype enumerate and cdboot ? */ public Boolean addRootDisk(String image) { Boolean ret = false; if (diskCount > diskZero) { Integer oVmDisk = diskCount; diskCount = diskZero; ret = addDisk(image, "w"); diskCount = oVmDisk; } else { ret = addDisk(image, "w"); } return ret; } public Boolean addDataDisk(String image) { /* * w! means we're able to share the disk nice for clustered FS? */ return addDisk(image, "w!"); } public Boolean addIso(String image) { return addDisk(image, "r!"); } private Boolean addDisk(String image, String mode) { String devName = null; /* better accounting then diskCount += 1 */ diskCount = diskZero + vmDisks.size(); if (getVmDomainType().contains("hvm")) { diskCount += 2; devName = Character.toString((char) diskCount); } else { devName = "xvd" + Character.toString((char) diskCount); } /* check for iso, force mode and additions */ if (image.endsWith(".iso")) { devName = devName + ":cdrom"; mode = "r"; } return addDiskToDisks(image, devName, mode); } /* should be on device id too, or else we get random attaches... */ private Boolean addDiskToDisks(String image, String devName, String mode) { for (String disk : vmDisks) { if (disk.contains(image)) { LOGGER.debug(vmName + " already has disk " +image+ ":" + devName + ":" + mode); return true; } } vmDisks.add("file:" + image + "," + devName + "," + mode); vmParams.put("disk", vmDisks); return true; } public Boolean removeDisk(String image) { for (String disk : vmDisks) { if (disk.contains(image)) { vmDisks.remove(disk); vmParams.put("disk", vmDisks); return true; } } LOGGER.debug("No disk found corresponding to image: " + image); return false; } /* The conflict between getVm and getVmConfig becomes clear */ public String getVmRootDiskPoolId() throws Ovm3ResourceException { String poolId = getVmDiskPoolId(0); setPrimaryPoolUuid(poolId); return poolId; } private String getVmDiskPoolId(int disk) throws Ovm3ResourceException { int fi = 3; String diskPath = ""; try { diskPath = getVmDiskDetailFromMap(disk, "uname"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { throw new Ovm3ResourceException("No valid disk found for id: " + disk); } String[] st = diskPath.split("/"); return st[fi]; } private String getVmDiskDetailFromMap(int disk, String dest) { Map<String, Object[]> o = (Map<String, Object[]>) vmParams .get("device"); if (o == null) { LOGGER.info("No devices found" + vmName); return null; } vmDisk = (Map<String, String>) o.get("vbd")[disk]; return vmDisk.get(dest); } private boolean setVnc() { List<String> vfb = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final String key : vmVnc.keySet()) { vfb.add(key + "=" + vmVnc.get(key)); } vmVncElement.add(StringUtils.join(vfb, ",")); return true; } public Boolean setVnc(String address, String password) { setVncAddress(address); setVncPassword(password); return setVnc(); } public void setVncUsed(String used) { vmVnc.put("vncused", used); } public String getVncUsed() { return vmVnc.get("vncused"); } public void setVncPassword(String pass) { vmVnc.put("vncpasswd", pass); } public String getVncPassword() { return vmVnc.get("vncpasswd"); } public void setVncAddress(String address) { vmVnc.put(VNCLISTEN, address); } public String getVncAddress() throws Ovm3ResourceException { Integer port = getVncPort(); if (port == null) { return null; } return vmVnc.get(VNCLISTEN); } public Integer getVncPort() throws Ovm3ResourceException { if (getFromVncMap("port") != null) { return Integer.parseInt(getFromVncMap("port")); } String vnc = getVncLocation(); if (vnc != null && vnc.contains(":")) { final String[] res = vnc.split(":"); vmVnc.put(VNCLISTEN, res[0]); vmVnc.put("port", res[1]); return Integer.parseInt(res[1]); } throw new Ovm3ResourceException("No VNC port found"); } public String getVncLocation() { return getFromVncMap("location"); } private String getFromVncMap(String el) { Map<String, Object[]> o = (Map<String, Object[]>) vmParams .get("device"); if (o == null) { return null; } vmVnc = (Map<String, String>) o.get("vfb")[0]; if (vmVnc.containsKey(el)) { return vmVnc.get(el); } else { return null; } } private Object get(String key) { return vmParams.get(key); } } /* * delete_assembly, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: assembly_id - * default: None */ /* * unconfigure_template, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: * template_id - default: None argument: params - default: None */ /* * sysrq_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: letter - default: None */ /* * list_vms, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None */ public Map<String, Vm> listVms() throws Ovm3ResourceException { Object[] result = (Object[]) callWrapper("list_vms"); if (result == null) { LOGGER.debug("no vm results on list_vms"); return null; } try { vmList = new HashMap<String, Vm>(); for (Object x : result) { /* put the vmparams in, as x is a hashmap */ Vm vm = new Vm(); vm.setVmParams((Map<String, Object>) x); vmList.put((String) vm.get("name"), vm); } } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Unable to list VMs: " + e.getMessage(); throw new Ovm3ResourceException(msg, e); } return vmList; } /* * this should become getVmConfig later... getVmConfig returns the * configuration file, while getVm returns the "live" configuration. It * makes perfect sense if you think about it..... ....long enough */ public Vm getRunningVmConfig(String name) throws Ovm3ResourceException { return getRunningVmConfigs().get(name); } public Map<String, Vm> getRunningVmConfigs() throws Ovm3ResourceException { return listVms(); } /* * delete_vm_core, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: core_date - default: None */ /* * delete_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None */ public Boolean deleteVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws Ovm3ResourceException { return nullIsTrueCallWrapper("delete_vm", repoId, vmId); } /* * save_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: checkpoint - default: None *//* add checkpoint */ /* * configure_template, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: * template_id - default: None argument: params - default: None */ /* * create_template, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: template_id - * default: None argument: params - default: None */ /* * list_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None */ public Boolean listVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws Ovm3ResourceException { defVm.setVmParams((Map<String, Object>) callWrapper("list_vm", repoId, vmId)); if (defVm.getVmParams() == null) { LOGGER.debug("no vm results on list_vm"); return false; } return true; } /* * dump_vm_core, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: live - default: None argument: crash - default: * None argument: reset - default: None */ /* * assembly_del_file, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: * assembly_id - default: None argument: filename - default: None */ /* * get_template_config, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: * template_id - default: None */ /* * set_assembly_config_xml, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> * argument: self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None * argument: assembly_id - default: None argument: cfg - default: None */ /* * assembly_add_file, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: * assembly_id - default: None argument: url - default: None argument: * filename - default: None argument: option - default: None */ /* * send_to_guest, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: params - default: None */ /* * set_assembly_config, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: * assembly_id - default: None argument: cfg - default: None */ /* * configure_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: params - default: None */ private Boolean configureVm(String repoId, String vmId, Map<String, Object> params) throws Ovm3ResourceException { return nullIsTrueCallWrapper("configure_vm", repoId, vmId, params); } public Boolean configureVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws Ovm3ResourceException { return configureVm(repoId, vmId, defVm.getVmParams()); } /* * cleanup_migration_target, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> * argument: self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None * argument: vm_id - default: None */ /* * pause_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None */ public Boolean pauseVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws Ovm3ResourceException { return nullIsTrueCallWrapper("pause_vm", repoId, vmId); } /* * setup_migration_target, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> * argument: self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None * argument: vm_id - default: None */ /* * deploy_assembly, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: assembly_id - * default: None argument: to_deploy - default: None argument: * target_repo_id - default: None argument: option - default: None */ /* * stop_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: force - default: None */ public Boolean stopVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws Ovm3ResourceException { Object x = callWrapper("stop_vm", repoId, vmId, false); if (x == null) { return true; } return false; } public Boolean stopVm(String repoId, String vmId, Boolean force) throws Ovm3ResourceException { Object x = callWrapper("stop_vm", repoId, vmId, force); if (x == null) { return true; } return false; } /* * set_template_config, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: * template_id - default: None argument: params - default: None */ /* * assembly_rename_file, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: * assembly_id - default: None argument: filename - default: None argument: * new_filename - default: None */ /* * migrate_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: dest - default: None argument: live - default: * None argument: ssl - default: None */ public Boolean migrateVm(String repoId, String vmId, String dest) throws Ovm3ResourceException { return nullIsTrueCallWrapper("migrate_vm", repoId, vmId, dest); } public Boolean migrateVm(String repoId, String vmId, String dest, boolean live, boolean ssl) throws Ovm3ResourceException { Object x = callWrapper("migrate_vm", repoId, vmId, dest, live, ssl); if (x == null) { return true; } return false; } /* * configure_vm_ha, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: enable_ha - default: None */ public Boolean configureVmHa(String repoId, String vmId, Boolean ha) throws Ovm3ResourceException { Object x = callWrapper("configure_vm_ha", repoId, vmId, ha); if (x == null) { return true; } return false; } /* * create_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: params - default: None */ public Boolean createVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws Ovm3ResourceException { return nullIsTrueCallWrapper("create_vm", repoId, vmId, defVm.getVmParams()); } public Boolean createVm(String repoId, String vmId, Map<String, Object> vmParams) throws Ovm3ResourceException { return nullIsTrueCallWrapper("create_vm", repoId, vmId, vmParams); } /* * pack_assembly, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: assembly_id - * default: None */ /* * restore_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: paused - default: None */ /* * start_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None */ public Boolean startVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws Ovm3ResourceException { return nullIsTrueCallWrapper("start_vm", repoId, vmId); } /* * unpause_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None */ /* * trigger_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: name - default: None argument: vcpu - default: * None */ /* * set_vm_config, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: params - default: None */ /* * delete_template, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: template_id - * default: None */ /* * reboot_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: wait - default: None */ public Boolean rebootVm(String repoId, String vmId, int wait) throws Ovm3ResourceException { Object x = callWrapper("reboot_vm", repoId, vmId, wait); if (x == null) { return true; } return false; } public Boolean rebootVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws Ovm3ResourceException { Object x = callWrapper("reboot_vm", repoId, vmId, 3); if (x == null) { return true; } return false; } /* * unpack_assembly, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: assembly_id - * default: None */ /* * get_vm_config, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None */ public Vm getVmConfig(String vmName) throws Ovm3ResourceException { defVm = getRunningVmConfig(vmName); if (defVm == null) { LOGGER.debug("Unable to retrieve running config for " + vmName); return defVm; } return getVmConfig(defVm.getVmRootDiskPoolId(), defVm.getVmUuid()); } public Vm getVmConfig() { return defVm; } /* * returns the configuration file contents, so we parse it for configuration * alterations we might want to do (/$repo/VirtualMachines/$uuid/vm.cfg) */ public Vm getVmConfig(String repoId, String vmId) throws Ovm3ResourceException { try { Xen.Vm nVm = new Xen.Vm(); Map<String, Object[]> x = (Map<String, Object[]>) callWrapper( "get_vm_config", repoId, vmId); if (x == null) { LOGGER.debug("Unable to find vm with id:" + vmId + " on repoId:" + repoId); return nVm; } nVm.setVmVifs(Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOf(x.get("vif"), x.get("vif").length, String[].class))); x.remove("vif"); nVm.setVmDisks(Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOf(x.get("disk"), x.get("disk").length, String[].class))); x.remove("disk"); nVm.setVmVncs(Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOf(x.get("vfb"), x.get("vfb").length, String[].class))); x.remove("vfb"); Map<String, Object> remains = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (final Map.Entry<String, Object[]> not : x.entrySet()) { remains.put(not.getKey(), not.getValue()); } nVm.setVmParams(remains); nVm.setPrimaryPoolUuid(repoId); /* to make sure stuff doesn't blow up in our face... */ defVm = nVm; return nVm; } catch (Ovm3ResourceException e) { throw e; } } /* * get_assembly_config_xml, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> * argument: self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None * argument: assembly_id - default: None */ /* * import_assembly, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: assembly_id - * default: None argument: url - default: None argument: option - default: * None */ /* * create_assembly, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: assembly_id - * default: None argument: templates - default: None */ /* * get_assembly_config, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: * assembly_id - default: None */ /* * unconfigure_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: params - default: None */ /* * import_template, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: template_id - * default: None argument: url_list - default: None argument: option - * default: None */ /* * import_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None argument: url_list - default: None argument: option - * default: None */ /* * list_vm_core, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self - * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id - * default: None */ }