// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. package com.cloud.upgrade.dao; import java.io.File; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException; import com.cloud.utils.script.Script; public class Upgrade452to460 implements DbUpgrade { final static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(Upgrade452to460.class); @Override public String[] getUpgradableVersionRange() { return new String[] { "4.5.2", "4.6.0" }; } @Override public String getUpgradedVersion() { return "4.6.0"; } @Override public boolean supportsRollingUpgrade() { return false; } @Override public File[] getPrepareScripts() { final String script = Script.findScript("", "db/schema-452to460.sql"); if (script == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find db/schema-452to460.sql"); } return new File[] { new File(script) }; } @Override public void performDataMigration(final Connection conn) { updateVMInstanceUserId(conn); addIndexForVMInstance(conn); } public void updateVMInstanceUserId(final Connection conn) { // For schemas before this, copy first user from an account_id which // deployed already running VMs s_logger.debug("Updating vm_instance column user_id using first user in vm_instance's account_id"); final String vmInstanceSql = "SELECT id, account_id FROM `cloud`.`vm_instance`"; final String userSql = "SELECT id FROM `cloud`.`user` where account_id=?"; final String userIdUpdateSql = "update `cloud`.`vm_instance` set user_id=? where id=?"; try (PreparedStatement selectStatement = conn.prepareStatement(vmInstanceSql)) { final ResultSet results = selectStatement.executeQuery(); while (results.next()) { final long vmId = results.getLong(1); final long accountId = results.getLong(2); try (PreparedStatement selectUserStatement = conn.prepareStatement(userSql)) { selectUserStatement.setLong(1, accountId); final ResultSet userResults = selectUserStatement.executeQuery(); if (userResults.next()) { final long userId = userResults.getLong(1); try (PreparedStatement updateStatement = conn.prepareStatement(userIdUpdateSql)) { updateStatement.setLong(1, userId); updateStatement.setLong(2, vmId); updateStatement.executeUpdate(); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to update user ID " + userId + " on vm_instance id=" + vmId, e); } } } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to update user ID using accountId " + accountId + " on vm_instance id=" + vmId, e); } } } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to update user Ids for previously deployed VMs", e); } s_logger.debug("Done updating user Ids for previously deployed VMs"); addRedundancyForNwAndVpc(conn); removeBumPriorityColumn(conn); } private void addRedundancyForNwAndVpc(final Connection conn) { ResultSet rs = null; try (PreparedStatement addRedundantColToVpcOfferingPstmt = conn .prepareStatement("ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`vpc_offerings` ADD COLUMN `redundant_router_service` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0"); PreparedStatement addRedundantColToVpcPstmt = conn.prepareStatement("ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`vpc` ADD COLUMN `redundant` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0"); PreparedStatement addRedundantColToNwPstmt = conn.prepareStatement("ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`networks` ADD COLUMN `redundant` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0"); // The redundancy of the networks must be based on the // redundancy of their network offerings PreparedStatement redundancyPerNwPstmt = conn.prepareStatement("select distinct nw.network_offering_id from networks nw join network_offerings off " + "on nw.network_offering_id = off.id where off.redundant_router_service = 1"); PreparedStatement updateNwRedundancyPstmt = conn.prepareStatement("update networks set redundant = 1 where network_offering_id = ?");) { addRedundantColToVpcPstmt.executeUpdate(); addRedundantColToVpcOfferingPstmt.executeUpdate(); addRedundantColToNwPstmt.executeUpdate(); rs = redundancyPerNwPstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { final long nwOfferingId = rs.getLong("nw.network_offering_id"); updateNwRedundancyPstmt.setLong(1, nwOfferingId); updateNwRedundancyPstmt.executeUpdate(); } } catch (final SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Adding redundancy to vpc, networks and vpc_offerings failed", e); } } private void removeBumPriorityColumn(final Connection conn) { try (PreparedStatement removeBumPriorityColumnPstmt = conn.prepareStatement("ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`domain_router` DROP COLUMN `is_priority_bumpup`");) { removeBumPriorityColumnPstmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (final SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Adding redundancy to vpc, networks and vpc_offerings failed", e); } } private void addIndexForVMInstance(final Connection conn) { // Drop index if it exists final List<String> indexList = new ArrayList<String>(); s_logger.debug("Dropping index i_vm_instance__instance_name from vm_instance table if it exists"); indexList.add("i_vm_instance__instance_name"); DbUpgradeUtils.dropKeysIfExist(conn, "vm_instance", indexList, false); // Now add index try (PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`vm_instance` ADD INDEX `i_vm_instance__instance_name`(`instance_name`)");) { pstmt.executeUpdate(); s_logger.debug("Added index i_vm_instance__instance_name to vm_instance table"); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to add index i_vm_instance__instance_name to vm_instance table for the column instance_name", e); } } @Override public File[] getCleanupScripts() { final String script = Script.findScript("", "db/schema-452to460-cleanup.sql"); if (script == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find db/schema-452to460-cleanup.sql"); } return new File[] { new File(script) }; } }