/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.cloud.network.element; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.naming.ConfigurationException; import javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.config.dao.ConfigurationDao; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.midonet.client.MidonetApi; import org.midonet.client.dto.DtoRule; import org.midonet.client.dto.DtoRule.DtoRange; import org.midonet.client.exception.HttpInternalServerError; import org.midonet.client.resource.Bridge; import org.midonet.client.resource.BridgePort; import org.midonet.client.resource.DhcpHost; import org.midonet.client.resource.DhcpSubnet; import org.midonet.client.resource.Port; import org.midonet.client.resource.ResourceCollection; import org.midonet.client.resource.Route; import org.midonet.client.resource.Router; import org.midonet.client.resource.RouterPort; import org.midonet.client.resource.Rule; import org.midonet.client.resource.RuleChain; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.FirewallRuleTO; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.PortForwardingRuleTO; import com.cloud.configuration.Config; import com.cloud.deploy.DeployDestination; import com.cloud.exception.ConcurrentOperationException; import com.cloud.exception.InsufficientCapacityException; import com.cloud.exception.ResourceUnavailableException; import com.cloud.network.IpAddress; import com.cloud.network.Network; import com.cloud.network.Network.Capability; import com.cloud.network.Network.Provider; import com.cloud.network.Network.Service; import com.cloud.network.NetworkModel; import com.cloud.network.Networks; import com.cloud.network.PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider; import com.cloud.network.PublicIpAddress; import com.cloud.network.rules.FirewallRule; import com.cloud.network.rules.PortForwardingRule; import com.cloud.network.rules.StaticNat; import com.cloud.network.vpc.VpcManager; import com.cloud.offering.NetworkOffering; import com.cloud.user.AccountManager; import com.cloud.user.AccountVO; import com.cloud.user.dao.AccountDao; import com.cloud.utils.Pair; import com.cloud.utils.component.AdapterBase; import com.cloud.utils.component.PluggableService; import com.cloud.utils.net.NetUtils; import com.cloud.vm.NicProfile; import com.cloud.vm.NicVO; import com.cloud.vm.ReservationContext; import com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachine; import com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachineProfile; import com.cloud.vm.dao.NicDao; import com.sun.jersey.core.util.MultivaluedMapImpl; @Component public class MidoNetElement extends AdapterBase implements ConnectivityProvider, DhcpServiceProvider, SourceNatServiceProvider, StaticNatServiceProvider, IpDeployer, PortForwardingServiceProvider, FirewallServiceProvider, PluggableService { private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(MidoNetElement.class); private static final Map<Service, Map<Capability, String>> capabilities = setCapabilities(); protected UUID _providerRouterId = null; protected MidonetApi api; private static final Provider MidoNet = new Provider("MidoNet", false); public enum RuleChainCode { TR_PRE, TR_PRENAT, TR_PREFILTER, TR_POST, ACL_INGRESS, ACL_EGRESS } @Inject ConfigurationDao _configDao; @Inject protected NicDao _nicDao; @Inject NetworkModel _networkModel; @Inject VpcManager _vpcMgr; @Inject AccountManager _accountMgr; @Inject AccountDao _accountDao; public void setMidonetApi(MidonetApi api) { this.api = api; } public void setAccountDao(AccountDao aDao) { this._accountDao = aDao; } @Override public Map<Service, Map<Capability, String>> getCapabilities() { return capabilities; } @Override public boolean configure(String name, Map<String, Object> params) throws ConfigurationException { super.configure(name, params); String routerIdValue = _configDao.getValue(Config.MidoNetProviderRouterId.key()); if (routerIdValue != null) _providerRouterId = UUID.fromString(routerIdValue); String value = _configDao.getValue(Config.MidoNetAPIServerAddress.key()); if (value == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Could not find midonet API location in config"); } if (this.api == null) { s_logger.info("midonet API server address is " + value); setMidonetApi(new MidonetApi(value)); this.api.enableLogging(); } return true; } public boolean midoInNetwork(Network network) { if ((network.getTrafficType() == Networks.TrafficType.Public) && (network.getBroadcastDomainType() == Networks.BroadcastDomainType.Mido)) { return true; } if ((network.getTrafficType() == Networks.TrafficType.Guest) && (network.getBroadcastDomainType() == Networks.BroadcastDomainType.Mido)) { return true; } return false; } protected boolean canHandle(Network network, Service service) { Long physicalNetworkId = _networkModel.getPhysicalNetworkId(network); if (physicalNetworkId == null) { return false; } if (!_networkModel.isProviderEnabledInPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId, getProvider().getName())) { return false; } if (service == null) { if (!_networkModel.isProviderForNetwork(getProvider(), network.getId())) { s_logger.trace("Element " + getProvider().getName() + " is not a provider for the network " + network); return false; } } else { if (!_networkModel.isProviderSupportServiceInNetwork(network.getId(), service, getProvider())) { s_logger.trace("Element " + getProvider().getName() + " doesn't support service " + service.getName() + " in the network " + network); return false; } } return true; } public void applySourceNat(Router tenantRouter, Router providerRouter, RouterPort tenantUplink, RouterPort providerDownlink, RuleChain pre, RuleChain post, PublicIpAddress addr) { boolean needAdd = true; String SNtag = "/SourceNat"; String SNkey = "CS_nat"; String snatIp = addr.getAddress().addr(); String CsDesc = snatIp + SNtag; //determine, by use of the properties, if we already //added this rule. If we did, then we can skip it //by setting needAdd = false for (Rule rule : pre.getRules()) { Map<String, String> props = rule.getProperties(); if (props == null) { continue; } String snatTag = props.get(SNkey); if (snatTag == null) { continue; } if (!snatTag.equals(CsDesc)) { continue; } else { needAdd = false; break; } } if (needAdd == false) { //we found that this rule exists already, // so lets skip adding it return; } Map<String, String> ruleProps = new HashMap<String, String>(); ruleProps.put(SNkey, CsDesc); DtoRule.DtoNatTarget[] targets = new DtoRule.DtoNatTarget[] {new DtoRule.DtoNatTarget(snatIp, snatIp, 1, 65535)}; // Set inbound (reverse SNAT) rule pre.addRule() .type(DtoRule.RevSNAT) .flowAction(DtoRule.Accept) .nwDstAddress(snatIp) .nwDstLength(32) .inPorts(new UUID[] {tenantUplink.getId()}) .position(1) .properties(ruleProps) .create(); // Set outbound (SNAT) rule post.addRule() .type(DtoRule.SNAT) .flowAction(DtoRule.Accept) .outPorts(new UUID[] {tenantUplink.getId()}) .natTargets(targets) .position(1) .properties(ruleProps) .create(); // Set up default route from tenant router to provider router tenantRouter.addRoute() .type("Normal") .weight(100) .srcNetworkAddr("") .srcNetworkLength(0) .dstNetworkAddr("") .dstNetworkLength(0) .nextHopPort(tenantUplink.getId()) .create(); // Set routes for traffic to the SNAT IP to come back from provider router providerRouter.addRoute() .type("Normal") .weight(100) .srcNetworkAddr("") .srcNetworkLength(0) .dstNetworkAddr(snatIp) .dstNetworkLength(32) .nextHopPort(providerDownlink.getId()) .create(); // Default rule to accept traffic that has been DNATed post.addRule().type(DtoRule.RevDNAT).flowAction(DtoRule.Accept).create(); } public String getAccountUuid(Network network) { AccountVO acc = _accountDao.findById(network.getAccountId()); return acc.getUuid(); } public boolean associatePublicIP(Network network, final List<? extends PublicIpAddress> ipAddress) throws ResourceUnavailableException { s_logger.debug("associatePublicIP called with network: " + network.toString()); /* * Get Mido Router for this network and set source rules * These should only be allocated inside the for loop, because * this function could be called as a part of network cleanup. In * that case, we do not want to recreate the guest network or * any ports. */ boolean resources = false; Router tenantRouter = null; Router providerRouter = null; RouterPort[] ports = null; RouterPort tenantUplink = null; RouterPort providerDownlink = null; RuleChain preNat = null; RuleChain post = null; String accountIdStr = null; String routerName = null; // Set Source NAT rules on router for (PublicIpAddress ip : ipAddress) { // ip is the external one we sourcenat to if (ip.isSourceNat()) { if (resources == false) { tenantRouter = getOrCreateGuestNetworkRouter(network); providerRouter = api.getRouter(_providerRouterId); ports = getOrCreateProviderRouterPorts(tenantRouter, providerRouter); tenantUplink = ports[0]; providerDownlink = ports[1]; accountIdStr = getAccountUuid(network); boolean isVpc = getIsVpc(network); long id = getRouterId(network, isVpc); routerName = getRouterName(isVpc, id); preNat = getChain(accountIdStr, routerName, RuleChainCode.TR_PRENAT); post = api.getChain(tenantRouter.getOutboundFilterId()); resources = true; } applySourceNat(tenantRouter, providerRouter, // Routers tenantUplink, providerDownlink, // Ports preNat, post, // Chains ip); // The IP } } return true; } /** * From interface IpDeployer * * @param network * @param ipAddress * @param services * @return * @throws ResourceUnavailableException */ @Override public boolean applyIps(Network network, List<? extends PublicIpAddress> ipAddress, Set<Service> services) throws ResourceUnavailableException { s_logger.debug("applyIps called with network: " + network.toString()); if (!this.midoInNetwork(network)) { return false; } boolean canHandle = true; for (Service service : services) { if (!canHandle(network, service)) { canHandle = false; break; } } if (canHandle) { return associatePublicIP(network, ipAddress); } else { return false; } } /** * From interface SourceNatServiceProvider */ @Override public IpDeployer getIpDeployer(Network network) { s_logger.debug("getIpDeployer called with network " + network.toString()); return this; } /** * From interface DHCPServiceProvider */ @Override public boolean addDhcpEntry(Network network, NicProfile nic, VirtualMachineProfile vm, DeployDestination dest, ReservationContext context) throws ConcurrentOperationException, InsufficientCapacityException, ResourceUnavailableException { s_logger.debug("addDhcpEntry called with network: " + network.toString() + " nic: " + nic.toString() + " vm: " + vm.toString()); if (!this.midoInNetwork(network)) { return false; } if (vm.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) { return false; } // Get MidoNet bridge Bridge netBridge = getOrCreateNetworkBridge(network); // On bridge, get DHCP subnet (ensure it exists) ResourceCollection res = netBridge.getDhcpSubnets(); DhcpSubnet sub = null; if (!res.isEmpty()) { sub = (DhcpSubnet)res.get(0); } else { Pair<String, Integer> cidrInfo = NetUtils.getCidr(network.getCidr()); sub = netBridge.addDhcpSubnet(); sub.subnetLength(cidrInfo.second()); sub.subnetPrefix(cidrInfo.first()); sub.defaultGateway(network.getGateway()); List<String> dcs = new ArrayList<String>(); dcs.add(dest.getDataCenter().getDns1()); sub.dnsServerAddrs(dcs); sub.create(); } // On DHCP subnet, add host using host details if (sub == null) { s_logger.error("Failed to create DHCP subnet on Midonet bridge"); return false; } else { // Check if the host already exists - we may just be restarting an existing VM boolean isNewDhcpHost = true; for (DhcpHost dhcpHost : sub.getDhcpHosts()) { if (dhcpHost.getIpAddr().equals(nic.getIPv4Address())) { isNewDhcpHost = false; break; } } if (isNewDhcpHost) { DhcpHost host = sub.addDhcpHost(); host.ipAddr(nic.getIPv4Address()); host.macAddr(nic.getMacAddress()); // This only sets the cloudstack internal name host.name(vm.getHostName()); host.create(); } } return true; } @Override public boolean configDhcpSupportForSubnet(Network network, NicProfile nic, VirtualMachineProfile vm, DeployDestination dest, ReservationContext context) throws ConcurrentOperationException, InsufficientCapacityException, ResourceUnavailableException { return false; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } @Override public boolean removeDhcpSupportForSubnet(Network network) { return false; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } private void removeMidonetStaticNAT(RuleChain preFilter, RuleChain preNat, RuleChain postNat, String floatingIp, String fixedIp, Router providerRouter) { // Delete filter (firewall) rules for this IP for (Rule rule : preFilter.getRules()) { String destAddr = rule.getNwDstAddress(); if (destAddr != null && destAddr.equals(floatingIp)) { rule.delete(); } } // Delete DNAT rules for this IP for (Rule rule : preNat.getRules()) { String destAddr = rule.getNwDstAddress(); if (destAddr != null && destAddr.equals(floatingIp)) { rule.delete(); } } // Delete SNAT rules for this IP for (Rule rule : postNat.getRules()) { String srcAddr = rule.getNwSrcAddress(); if (srcAddr != null && srcAddr.equals(fixedIp)) { rule.delete(); } } //we also created a route to go with this rule. That needs to be //deleted as well. for (Route route : providerRouter.getRoutes(new MultivaluedMapImpl())) { String routeDstAddr = route.getDstNetworkAddr(); if (routeDstAddr != null && routeDstAddr.equals(floatingIp)) { route.delete(); } } } private void addMidonetStaticNAT(RuleChain preFilter, RuleChain preNat, RuleChain postNat, String floatingIp, String fixedIp, RouterPort tenantUplink, RouterPort providerDownlink, Router providerRouter, Network network) { DtoRule.DtoNatTarget[] preTargets = new DtoRule.DtoNatTarget[] {new DtoRule.DtoNatTarget(fixedIp, fixedIp, 0, 0)}; // Set inbound filter rule (allow return traffic to this IP) // Implemented as "jump to NAT chain" instead of ACCEPT; // this is to enforce that filter / firewall rules are evaluated // before NAT rules. preFilter.addRule().type(DtoRule.Jump).jumpChainId(preNat.getId()).nwDstAddress(floatingIp).nwDstLength(32).matchReturnFlow(true).position(1).create(); // Allow ICMP replies (ICMP type 0, code 0 is ICMP reply) preFilter.addRule() .type(DtoRule.Jump) .jumpChainId(preNat.getId()) .nwDstAddress(floatingIp) .nwDstLength(32) .nwProto(SimpleFirewallRule.stringToProtocolNumber("icmp")) .tpSrc(new DtoRange<Integer>(0, 0)) .tpDst(new DtoRange<Integer>(0, 0)) .position(2) .create(); // We only want to set the default DROP rule for static NAT if // Firewall is handled by the Midonet plugin. // Set inbound filter rule (drop all traffic to this IP) if (canHandle(network, Service.Firewall)) { preFilter.addRule().type(DtoRule.Drop).nwDstAddress(floatingIp).nwDstLength(32).position(3).create(); } // Set inbound (DNAT) rule preNat.addRule() .type(DtoRule.DNAT) .flowAction(DtoRule.Accept) .nwDstAddress(floatingIp) .nwDstLength(32) .inPorts(new UUID[] {tenantUplink.getId()}) .natTargets(preTargets) .position(1) .create(); DtoRule.DtoNatTarget[] postTargets = new DtoRule.DtoNatTarget[] {new DtoRule.DtoNatTarget(floatingIp, floatingIp, 0, 0)}; // Set outbound (SNAT) rule // Match forward flow so that return traffic will be recognized postNat.addRule() .type(DtoRule.SNAT) .flowAction(DtoRule.Accept) .matchForwardFlow(true) .nwSrcAddress(fixedIp) .nwSrcLength(32) .outPorts(new UUID[] {tenantUplink.getId()}) .natTargets(postTargets) .position(1) .create(); // Set outbound (SNAT) rule // Match return flow to also allow out traffic which was marked as forward flow on way in postNat.addRule() .type(DtoRule.SNAT) .flowAction(DtoRule.Accept) .matchReturnFlow(true) .nwSrcAddress(fixedIp) .nwSrcLength(32) .outPorts(new UUID[] {tenantUplink.getId()}) .natTargets(postTargets) .position(2) .create(); // Set routes for traffic to the SNAT IP to come back from provider router providerRouter.addRoute() .type("Normal") .weight(100) .srcNetworkAddr("") .srcNetworkLength(0) .dstNetworkAddr(floatingIp) .dstNetworkLength(32) .nextHopPort(providerDownlink.getId()) .create(); } /** * From interface StaticNatServiceProvider */ @Override public boolean applyStaticNats(Network network, List<? extends StaticNat> rules) throws ResourceUnavailableException { s_logger.debug("applyStaticNats called with network: " + network.toString()); if (!midoInNetwork(network)) { return false; } if (!canHandle(network, Service.StaticNat)) { return false; } boolean resources = false; Router tenantRouter = null; Router providerRouter = null; RouterPort[] ports = null; RouterPort tenantUplink = null; RouterPort providerDownlink = null; RuleChain preFilter = null; RuleChain preNat = null; RuleChain post = null; String accountIdStr = getAccountUuid(network); String networkUUIDStr = String.valueOf(network.getId()); for (StaticNat rule : rules) { IpAddress sourceIp = _networkModel.getIp(rule.getSourceIpAddressId()); String sourceIpAddr = sourceIp.getAddress().addr(); if (resources == false) { tenantRouter = getOrCreateGuestNetworkRouter(network); providerRouter = api.getRouter(_providerRouterId); ports = getOrCreateProviderRouterPorts(tenantRouter, providerRouter); tenantUplink = ports[0]; providerDownlink = ports[1]; boolean isVpc = getIsVpc(network); long id = getRouterId(network, isVpc); String routerName = getRouterName(isVpc, id); preFilter = getChain(accountIdStr, routerName, RuleChainCode.TR_PREFILTER); preNat = getChain(accountIdStr, routerName, RuleChainCode.TR_PRENAT); post = api.getChain(tenantRouter.getOutboundFilterId()); resources = true; } if (rule.isForRevoke()) { removeMidonetStaticNAT(preFilter, preNat, post, sourceIpAddr, rule.getDestIpAddress(), providerRouter); } else { addMidonetStaticNAT(preFilter, preNat, post, sourceIpAddr, rule.getDestIpAddress(), tenantUplink, providerDownlink, providerRouter, network); } } return true; } @Override public boolean applyFWRules(Network config, List<? extends FirewallRule> rulesToApply) throws ResourceUnavailableException { if (!midoInNetwork(config)) { return false; } if (canHandle(config, Service.Firewall)) { String accountIdStr = getAccountUuid(config); String networkUUIDStr = String.valueOf(config.getId()); RuleChain preFilter = getChain(accountIdStr, networkUUIDStr, RuleChainCode.TR_PREFILTER); RuleChain preNat = getChain(accountIdStr, networkUUIDStr, RuleChainCode.TR_PRENAT); // Create a map of Rule description -> Rule for quicker lookups Map<String, Rule> existingRules = new HashMap<String, Rule>(); for (Rule existingRule : preFilter.getRules()) { // The "whitelist" rules we're interested in are the Jump rules where src address is specified if (existingRule.getType().equals(DtoRule.Jump) && existingRule.getNwSrcAddress() != null) { String ruleString = new SimpleFirewallRule(existingRule).toStringArray()[0]; existingRules.put(ruleString, existingRule); } } for (FirewallRule rule : rulesToApply) { if (rule.getState() == FirewallRule.State.Revoke || rule.getState() == FirewallRule.State.Add) { IpAddress dstIp = _networkModel.getIp(rule.getSourceIpAddressId()); FirewallRuleTO ruleTO = new FirewallRuleTO(rule, null, dstIp.getAddress().addr()); // Convert to string representation SimpleFirewallRule fwRule = new SimpleFirewallRule(ruleTO); String[] ruleStrings = fwRule.toStringArray(); if (rule.getState() == FirewallRule.State.Revoke) { // Lookup in existingRules, delete if present for (String revokeRuleString : ruleStrings) { Rule foundRule = existingRules.get(revokeRuleString); if (foundRule != null) { foundRule.delete(); } } } else if (rule.getState() == FirewallRule.State.Add) { // Lookup in existingRules, add if not present for (int i = 0; i < ruleStrings.length; i++) { String ruleString = ruleStrings[i]; Rule foundRule = existingRules.get(ruleString); if (foundRule == null) { // Get the cidr for the related entry in the Source Cidrs list String relatedCidr = fwRule.sourceCidrs.get(i); Pair<String, Integer> cidrParts = NetUtils.getCidr(relatedCidr); // Create rule with correct proto, cidr, ACCEPT, dst IP Rule toApply = preFilter.addRule() .type(DtoRule.Jump) .jumpChainId(preNat.getId()) .position(1) .nwSrcAddress(cidrParts.first()) .nwSrcLength(cidrParts.second()) .nwDstAddress(ruleTO.getSrcIp()) .nwDstLength(32) .nwProto(SimpleFirewallRule.stringToProtocolNumber(rule.getProtocol())); if (rule.getProtocol().equals("icmp")) { // ICMP rules - reuse port fields // (-1, -1) means "allow all ICMP", so we don't set tpSrc / tpDst if (fwRule.icmpType != -1 | fwRule.icmpCode != -1) { toApply.tpSrc(new DtoRange(fwRule.icmpType, fwRule.icmpType)).tpDst(new DtoRange(fwRule.icmpCode, fwRule.icmpCode)); } } else { toApply.tpDst(new DtoRange(fwRule.dstPortStart, fwRule.dstPortEnd)); } toApply.create(); } } } } } return true; } else { return true; } } @Override public Provider getProvider() { return MidoNet; } @Override public boolean implement(Network network, NetworkOffering offering, DeployDestination dest, ReservationContext context) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException { s_logger.debug("implement called with network: " + network.toString()); if (!midoInNetwork(network)) { return false; } if (network.getTrafficType() == Networks.TrafficType.Guest) { // Create the Midonet bridge for this network Bridge netBridge = getOrCreateNetworkBridge(network); Router tenantRouter = getOrCreateGuestNetworkRouter(network); // connect router and bridge ensureBridgeConnectedToRouter(network, netBridge, tenantRouter); } return true; } @Override public boolean prepare(Network network, NicProfile nic, VirtualMachineProfile vm, DeployDestination dest, ReservationContext context) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException { s_logger.debug("prepare called with network: " + network.toString() + " nic: " + nic.toString() + " vm: " + vm.toString()); if (!midoInNetwork(network)) { return false; } if (nic.getTrafficType() == Networks.TrafficType.Guest && !canHandle(network, Service.StaticNat)) { return false; } if (nic.getTrafficType() == Networks.TrafficType.Guest || nic.getTrafficType() == Networks.TrafficType.Public && nic.getBroadcastType() == Networks.BroadcastDomainType.Mido) { Bridge netBridge = getOrCreateNetworkBridge(network); if (nic.getTrafficType() == Networks.TrafficType.Public && vm.getVirtualMachine().getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter) { // Get provider router Router providerRouter = api.getRouter(_providerRouterId); Port[] ports = getOrCreatePublicBridgePorts(nic, netBridge, providerRouter); RouterPort providerDownlink = (RouterPort)ports[1]; // Set route from router to bridge for this particular IP. Prepare // is called in both starting a new VM and restarting a VM, so the // NIC may boolean routeExists = false; for (Route route : providerRouter.getRoutes(new MultivaluedMapImpl())) { String ip4 = route.getDstNetworkAddr(); if (ip4 != null && ip4.equals(nic.getIPv4Address())) { routeExists = true; break; } } if (!routeExists) { providerRouter.addRoute() .type("Normal") .weight(100) .srcNetworkAddr("") .srcNetworkLength(0) .dstNetworkAddr(nic.getIPv4Address()) .dstNetworkLength(32) .nextHopPort(providerDownlink.getId()) .nextHopGateway(null) .create(); } } // Add port on bridge BridgePort newPort = netBridge.addExteriorPort().create(); // returns wrapper resource of port // Set MidoNet port VIF ID to UUID of nic UUID nicUUID = getNicUUID(nic); newPort.vifId(nicUUID).update(); } return true; } @Override public boolean release(Network network, NicProfile nic, VirtualMachineProfile vm, ReservationContext context) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException { s_logger.debug("release called with network: " + network.toString() + " nic: " + nic.toString() + " vm: " + vm.toString()); if (!midoInNetwork(network)) { return false; } UUID nicUUID = getNicUUID(nic); if (nic.getTrafficType() == Networks.TrafficType.Guest || (nic.getTrafficType() == Networks.TrafficType.Public && nic.getBroadcastType() == Networks.BroadcastDomainType.Mido)) { // Seems like a good place to remove the port in midonet Bridge netBridge = getOrCreateNetworkBridge(network); Router providerRouter = api.getRouter(_providerRouterId); //remove the routes associated with this IP address for (Route route : providerRouter.getRoutes(new MultivaluedMapImpl())) { String routeDstAddr = route.getDstNetworkAddr(); if (routeDstAddr != null && routeDstAddr.equals(nic.getIPv4Address())) { route.delete(); } } for (BridgePort p : netBridge.getPorts()) { UUID vifID = p.getVifId(); if (vifID != null && vifID.equals(nicUUID)) { // This is the MidoNet port which corresponds to the NIC we are releasing // Set VIF ID to null p.vifId(null).update(); // Delete port p.delete(); } } } return true; } @Override public boolean shutdown(Network network, ReservationContext context, boolean cleanup) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException { s_logger.debug("shutdown called with network: " + network.toString()); if (!midoInNetwork(network)) { return false; } // Find Mido API server, remove ports from this network's bridge, remove bridge itself deleteNetworkBridges(network); if (network.getVpcId() == null) { deleteGuestNetworkRouters(network); } return true; } @Override public boolean destroy(Network network, ReservationContext context) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException { s_logger.debug("destroy called with network: " + network.toString()); if (!midoInNetwork(network)) { return false; } deleteNetworkBridges(network); // if This is part of a VPC, then we do not want to delete the router. // we only delete the router when the VPC is destroyed if (network.getVpcId() == null) { deleteGuestNetworkRouters(network); } return true; } @Override public boolean isReady(PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider provider) { // We are always ready. return true; } @Override public boolean shutdownProviderInstances(PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider provider, ReservationContext context) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException { // Nothing to do here because the cleanup of the networks themselves clean up the resources. return true; } @Override public boolean canEnableIndividualServices() { // We can enable individual services, though this is still subject to // "VerifyServicesCombination return true; } @Override public boolean verifyServicesCombination(Set<Service> services) { if (services.contains(Service.Vpn) || services.contains(Service.Dns) || services.contains(Service.Lb) || services.contains(Service.UserData) || services.contains(Service.SecurityGroup) || services.contains(Service.NetworkACL)) { // We don't implement any of these services, and we don't // want anyone else to do it for us. So if these services // exist, we can't handle it. return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean applyPFRules(Network network, List<PortForwardingRule> rules) throws ResourceUnavailableException { s_logger.debug("applyPFRules called with network " + network.toString()); if (!midoInNetwork(network)) { return false; } if (!canHandle(network, Service.PortForwarding)) { return false; } String accountIdStr = getAccountUuid(network); String networkUUIDStr = String.valueOf(network.getId()); RuleChain preNat = getChain(accountIdStr, networkUUIDStr, RuleChainCode.TR_PRENAT); RuleChain postNat = getChain(accountIdStr, networkUUIDStr, RuleChainCode.TR_POST); RuleChain preFilter = getChain(accountIdStr, networkUUIDStr, RuleChainCode.TR_PREFILTER); Router providerRouter = api.getRouter(_providerRouterId); Router tenantRouter = getOrCreateGuestNetworkRouter(network); RouterPort[] ports = getOrCreateProviderRouterPorts(tenantRouter, providerRouter); RouterPort providerDownlink = ports[1]; // Rules in the preNat table Map<String, Rule> existingPreNatRules = new HashMap<String, Rule>(); for (Rule existingRule : preNat.getRules()) { // The "port forwarding" rules we're interested in are dnat rules where src / dst ports are specified if (existingRule.getType().equals(DtoRule.DNAT) && existingRule.getTpDst() != null) { String ruleString = new SimpleFirewallRule(existingRule).toStringArray()[0]; existingPreNatRules.put(ruleString, existingRule); } } /* * Counts of rules associated with an IP address. Use this to check * how many rules we have of a given IP address. When it reaches 0, * we can delete the route associated with it. */ Map<String, Integer> ipRuleCounts = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Rule rule : preNat.getRules()) { String ip = rule.getNwDstAddress(); if (ip != null && rule.getNwDstLength() == 32) { if (ipRuleCounts.containsKey(ip)) { ipRuleCounts.put(ip, new Integer(ipRuleCounts.get(ip).intValue() + 1)); } else { ipRuleCounts.put(ip, new Integer(1)); } } } /* * Routes associated with IP. When we delete all the rules associated * with a given IP, we can delete the route associated with it. */ Map<String, Route> routes = new HashMap<String, Route>(); for (Route route : providerRouter.getRoutes(new MultivaluedMapImpl())) { String ip = route.getDstNetworkAddr(); if (ip != null && route.getDstNetworkLength() == 32) { routes.put(ip, route); } } for (PortForwardingRule rule : rules) { IpAddress dstIp = _networkModel.getIp(rule.getSourceIpAddressId()); PortForwardingRuleTO ruleTO = new PortForwardingRuleTO(rule, null, dstIp.getAddress().addr()); SimpleFirewallRule fwRule = new SimpleFirewallRule(ruleTO); String[] ruleStrings = fwRule.toStringArray(); if (rule.getState() == FirewallRule.State.Revoke) { /* * Lookup in existingRules, delete if present * We need to delete from both the preNat table and the * postNat table. */ for (String revokeRuleString : ruleStrings) { Rule foundPreNatRule = existingPreNatRules.get(revokeRuleString); if (foundPreNatRule != null) { String ip = foundPreNatRule.getNwDstAddress(); // is this the last rule associated with this IP? Integer cnt = ipRuleCounts.get(ip); if (cnt != null) { if (cnt == 1) { ipRuleCounts.remove(ip); // no more rules for this IP. delete the route. Route route = routes.remove(ip); route.delete(); } else { ipRuleCounts.put(ip, new Integer(ipRuleCounts.get(ip).intValue() - 1)); } } foundPreNatRule.delete(); } } } else if (rule.getState() == FirewallRule.State.Add) { for (int i = 0; i < ruleStrings.length; i++) { String ruleString = ruleStrings[i]; Rule foundRule = existingPreNatRules.get(ruleString); if (foundRule == null) { String vmIp = ruleTO.getDstIp(); String publicIp = dstIp.getAddress().addr(); int privPortStart = ruleTO.getDstPortRange()[0]; int privPortEnd = ruleTO.getDstPortRange()[1]; int pubPortStart = ruleTO.getSrcPortRange()[0]; int pubPortEnd = ruleTO.getSrcPortRange()[1]; DtoRule.DtoNatTarget[] preTargets = new DtoRule.DtoNatTarget[] {new DtoRule.DtoNatTarget(vmIp, vmIp, privPortStart, privPortEnd)}; Rule preNatRule = preNat.addRule() .type(DtoRule.DNAT) .flowAction(DtoRule.Accept) .nwDstAddress(publicIp) .nwDstLength(32) .tpDst(new DtoRange(pubPortStart, pubPortEnd)) .natTargets(preTargets) .nwProto(SimpleFirewallRule.stringToProtocolNumber(rule.getProtocol())) .position(1); Integer cnt = ipRuleCounts.get(publicIp); if (cnt != null) { ipRuleCounts.put(publicIp, new Integer(cnt.intValue() + 1)); } else { ipRuleCounts.put(publicIp, new Integer(1)); } String preNatRuleStr = new SimpleFirewallRule(preNatRule).toStringArray()[0]; existingPreNatRules.put(preNatRuleStr, preNatRule); preNatRule.create(); if (routes.get(publicIp) == null) { Route route = providerRouter.addRoute() .type("Normal") .weight(100) .srcNetworkAddr("") .srcNetworkLength(0) .dstNetworkAddr(publicIp) .dstNetworkLength(32) .nextHopPort(providerDownlink.getId()); route.create(); routes.put(publicIp, route); } // If Firewall is in our service offering, set up the // default firewall rule if (canHandle(network, Service.Firewall)) { boolean defaultBlock = false; for (Rule filterRule : preFilter.getRules()) { String pfDstIp = filterRule.getNwDstAddress(); if (pfDstIp != null && filterRule.getNwDstAddress().equals(publicIp)) { defaultBlock = true; break; } } if (!defaultBlock) { preFilter.addRule().type(DtoRule.Drop).nwDstAddress(publicIp).nwDstLength(32).create(); } } } } } } return true; } private static Map<Service, Map<Capability, String>> setCapabilities() { Map<Service, Map<Capability, String>> capabilities = new HashMap<Service, Map<Capability, String>>(); // L2 Support : SDN provisioning capabilities.put(Service.Connectivity, null); // L3 Support : Generic? capabilities.put(Service.Gateway, null); // L3 Support : DHCP Map<Capability, String> dhcpCapabilities = new HashMap<Capability, String>(); capabilities.put(Service.Dhcp, dhcpCapabilities); // L3 Support : SourceNat Map<Capability, String> sourceNatCapabilities = new HashMap<Capability, String>(); //sourceNatCapabilities.putAll(capabilities.get(Service.SourceNat)); sourceNatCapabilities.put(Capability.SupportedSourceNatTypes, "peraccount"); //sourceNatCapabilities.putAll(capabilities.get(Service.SourceNat)); sourceNatCapabilities.put(Capability.RedundantRouter, "false"); capabilities.put(Service.SourceNat, sourceNatCapabilities); // L3 Support : Port Forwarding capabilities.put(Service.PortForwarding, null); // L3 support : StaticNat capabilities.put(Service.StaticNat, null); // Set capabilities for Firewall service Map<Capability, String> firewallCapabilities = new HashMap<Capability, String>(); firewallCapabilities.put(Capability.TrafficStatistics, "per public ip"); firewallCapabilities.put(Capability.SupportedProtocols, "tcp,udp,icmp"); firewallCapabilities.put(Capability.SupportedTrafficDirection, "ingress"); firewallCapabilities.put(Capability.MultipleIps, "true"); capabilities.put(Service.Firewall, firewallCapabilities); return capabilities; } private String getChainName(String routerName, RuleChainCode chainCode) { return getChainName("", routerName, chainCode); } private String getChainName(String networkId, String routerName, RuleChainCode chainCode) { String chain = ""; switch (chainCode) { case TR_PRE: chain = "pre-routing"; break; case TR_PREFILTER: chain = "pre-filter"; break; case TR_PRENAT: chain = "pre-nat"; break; case TR_POST: chain = "post-routing"; break; case ACL_INGRESS: chain = "ACL-ingress-" + networkId; break; case ACL_EGRESS: chain = "ACL-egress-" + networkId; break; } return routerName + "-tenantrouter-" + chain; } protected RuleChain getChain(String accountUuid, String routerName, RuleChainCode chainCode) { return getChain("", accountUuid, routerName, chainCode); } protected RuleChain getChain(String networkId, String accountUuid, String routerName, RuleChainCode chainCode) { String chainName = getChainName(networkId, routerName, chainCode); MultivaluedMap findChain = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); findChain.add("tenant_id", accountUuid); ResourceCollection<RuleChain> ruleChains = api.getChains(findChain); for (RuleChain chain : ruleChains) { if (chain.getName().equals(chainName)) { return chain; } } return null; } protected RouterPort[] getOrCreateProviderRouterPorts(Router tenantRouter, Router providerRouter) { RouterPort[] ports = new RouterPort[2]; RouterPort tenantUplink = null; RouterPort providerDownlink = null; // Check if the ports and connection already exist for (Port peerPort : tenantRouter.getPeerPorts((new MultivaluedMapImpl()))) { if (peerPort != null && peerPort instanceof RouterPort) { RouterPort checkPort = (RouterPort)peerPort; if (checkPort.getDeviceId().compareTo(providerRouter.getId()) == 0) { providerDownlink = checkPort; tenantUplink = (RouterPort)api.getPort(checkPort.getPeerId()); break; } } } // Create the ports and connection if they don't exist if (providerDownlink == null) { // Add interior port on router side, with network details providerDownlink = providerRouter.addInteriorRouterPort().networkAddress("").networkLength(32).portAddress("").create(); tenantUplink = tenantRouter.addInteriorRouterPort().networkAddress("").networkLength(32).portAddress("").create(); // Link them up providerDownlink.link(tenantUplink.getId()).update(); } ports[0] = tenantUplink; ports[1] = providerDownlink; return ports; } private Port[] getOrCreatePublicBridgePorts(NicProfile nic, Bridge publicBridge, Router providerRouter) { Port[] ports = new Port[2]; BridgePort bridgeUplink = null; RouterPort providerDownlink = null; // Check if the ports and connection already exist for (Port peerPort : publicBridge.getPeerPorts()) { if (peerPort != null && peerPort instanceof RouterPort) { RouterPort checkPort = (RouterPort)peerPort; // Check it's a port on the providerRouter with the right gateway address if (checkPort.getDeviceId().compareTo(providerRouter.getId()) == 0 && checkPort.getPortAddress().equals(nic.getIPv4Gateway())) { providerDownlink = checkPort; bridgeUplink = (BridgePort)api.getPort(checkPort.getPeerId()); break; } } } // Create the ports and connection if they don't exist if (providerDownlink == null) { String cidr = NetUtils.ipAndNetMaskToCidr(nic.getIPv4Gateway(), nic.getIPv4Netmask()); String cidrSubnet = NetUtils.getCidrSubNet(cidr); int cidrSize = (int)NetUtils.getCidrSize(NetUtils.cidr2Netmask(cidr)); String gateway = nic.getIPv4Gateway(); // Add interior port on router side, with network details providerDownlink = providerRouter.addInteriorRouterPort().networkAddress(cidrSubnet).networkLength(cidrSize).portAddress(gateway).create(); bridgeUplink = publicBridge.addInteriorPort().create(); // Link them up providerDownlink.link(bridgeUplink.getId()).update(); } ports[0] = bridgeUplink; ports[1] = providerDownlink; return ports; } private void ensureBridgeConnectedToRouter(Network network, Bridge netBridge, Router netRouter) { if (getBridgeToRouterPort(network, netBridge, netRouter) == null) { connectBridgeToRouter(network, netBridge, netRouter); } } private BridgePort getBridgeToRouterPort(Network network, Bridge netBridge, Router netRouter) { for (Port p : netBridge.getPeerPorts()) { if (p.getClass().equals(BridgePort.class)) { BridgePort bp = (BridgePort)p; if (bp.getPeerId().compareTo(netRouter.getId()) == 0) { return bp; } } } return null; } /* * resetEgressACLFilter sets the Egress ACL Filter back to its initial * state - drop everything. This needs to be called when all Egress * ACL rules are deleted, so we can start allowing all Egress traffic * again */ protected void resetEgressACLFilter(Network network) { boolean isVpc = getIsVpc(network); long id = getRouterId(network, isVpc); String routerName = getRouterName(isVpc, id); RuleChain egressChain = getChain(String.valueOf(network.getId()), getAccountUuid(network), routerName, RuleChainCode.ACL_EGRESS); // Clear all the rules out for (Rule rule : egressChain.getRules()) { rule.delete(); } // Add a matchForwardFlow rule so that we can accept all return traffic egressChain.addRule().type(DtoRule.Accept).matchForwardFlow(true).position(1).create(); } protected RuleChain getOrInitEgressACLFilter(Network network) { boolean isVpc = getIsVpc(network); long id = getRouterId(network, isVpc); String routerName = getRouterName(isVpc, id); RuleChain egressChain = getChain(String.valueOf(network.getId()), getAccountUuid(network), routerName, RuleChainCode.ACL_EGRESS); // Rules set by the user will have a protocol, so we count the ACL // rules by counting how much have the nwProto field set. int totalRules = 0; for (Rule rule : egressChain.getRules()) { if (rule.getNwProto() != 0) { totalRules++; } } if (totalRules > 0) { // There are already rules present, no need to init. return egressChain; } else { // We need to delete any placeholder rules for (Rule rule : egressChain.getRules()) { rule.delete(); } } int pos = 1; // If it is ARP, accept it egressChain.addRule().type(DtoRule.Accept).dlType(0x0806).position(pos++).create(); // If it is ICMP to the router, accept that egressChain.addRule() .type(DtoRule.Accept) .nwProto(SimpleFirewallRule.stringToProtocolNumber("icmp")) .nwDstAddress(network.getGateway()) .nwDstLength(32) .position(pos++) .create(); // Everything else gets dropped egressChain.addRule().type(DtoRule.Drop).position(pos).create(); return egressChain; } private void connectBridgeToRouter(Network network, Bridge netBridge, Router netRouter) { boolean isVpc = getIsVpc(network); long id = getRouterId(network, isVpc); String routerName = getRouterName(isVpc, id); String accountIdStr = getAccountUuid(network); // Add interior port on bridge side BridgePort bridgePort = netBridge.addInteriorPort().create(); // Add interior port on router side, with network details RouterPort routerPort = netRouter.addInteriorRouterPort(); String cidr = network.getCidr(); String cidrSubnet = NetUtils.getCidrSubNet(cidr); int cidrSize = (int)NetUtils.getCidrSize(NetUtils.cidr2Netmask(cidr)); routerPort.networkAddress(cidrSubnet); routerPort.networkLength(cidrSize); routerPort.portAddress(network.getGateway()); // If this is a VPC, then we will be using NetworkACLs, which is // implemented via chains on the router port to that network. if (getIsVpc(network)) { // Create ACL filter chain for traffic coming INTO the network // (outbound from the port int pos = 1; RuleChain inc = api.addChain().name(getChainName(String.valueOf(network.getId()), routerName, RuleChainCode.ACL_INGRESS)).tenantId(accountIdStr).create(); // If it is ARP, accept it inc.addRule().type(DtoRule.Accept).dlType(0x0806).position(pos++).create(); // If it is ICMP to the router, accept that inc.addRule() .type(DtoRule.Accept) .nwProto(SimpleFirewallRule.stringToProtocolNumber("icmp")) .nwDstAddress(network.getGateway()) .nwDstLength(32) .position(pos++) .create(); // If it is connection tracked, accept that as well inc.addRule().type(DtoRule.Accept).matchReturnFlow(true).position(pos++).create(); inc.addRule().type(DtoRule.Drop).position(pos).create(); // RuleChain out = api.addChain().name(getChainName(String.valueOf(network.getId()), routerName, RuleChainCode.ACL_EGRESS)).tenantId(accountIdStr).create(); // Creating the first default rule here that does nothing // but start connection tracking. out.addRule().type(DtoRule.Accept).matchForwardFlow(true).position(1).create(); routerPort.outboundFilterId(inc.getId()); routerPort.inboundFilterId(out.getId()); } routerPort.create(); // Link them up bridgePort.link(routerPort.getId()).update(); // Set up default route from router to subnet netRouter.addRoute() .type("Normal") .weight(100) .srcNetworkAddr("") .srcNetworkLength(0) .dstNetworkAddr(cidrSubnet) .dstNetworkLength(cidrSize) .nextHopPort(routerPort.getId()) .nextHopGateway(null) .create(); } private Bridge getOrCreateNetworkBridge(Network network) { // Find the single bridge for this network, create if doesn't exist return getOrCreateNetworkBridge(network.getId(), getAccountUuid(network)); } private Bridge getOrCreateNetworkBridge(long networkID, String accountUuid) { Bridge netBridge = getNetworkBridge(networkID, accountUuid); if (netBridge == null) { String networkUUIDStr = String.valueOf(networkID); s_logger.debug("Attempting to create guest network bridge"); try { netBridge = api.addBridge().tenantId(accountUuid).name(networkUUIDStr).create(); } catch (HttpInternalServerError ex) { s_logger.warn("Bridge creation failed, retrying bridge get in case it now exists.", ex); netBridge = getNetworkBridge(networkID, accountUuid); } } return netBridge; } private Bridge getNetworkBridge(long networkID, String accountUuid) { MultivaluedMap qNetBridge = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); String networkUUIDStr = String.valueOf(networkID); qNetBridge.add("tenant_id", accountUuid); for (Bridge b : this.api.getBridges(qNetBridge)) { if (b.getName().equals(networkUUIDStr)) { return b; } } return null; } protected boolean getIsVpc(Network network) { return (network.getVpcId() != null); } protected long getRouterId(Network network, boolean isVpc) { if (isVpc) { return network.getVpcId(); } else { return network.getId(); } } private Router getOrCreateGuestNetworkRouter(Network network) { // Find the single bridge for this (isolated) guest network, create if doesn't exist boolean isVpc = getIsVpc(network); long id = getRouterId(network, isVpc); return getOrCreateGuestNetworkRouter(id, getAccountUuid(network), isVpc); } protected String getRouterName(boolean isVpc, long id) { if (isVpc) { return "VPC" + String.valueOf(id); } else { return String.valueOf(id); } } protected Router createRouter(long id, String accountUuid, boolean isVpc) { String routerName = getRouterName(isVpc, id); //Set up rule chains RuleChain pre = api.addChain().name(getChainName(routerName, RuleChainCode.TR_PRE)).tenantId(accountUuid).create(); RuleChain post = api.addChain().name(getChainName(routerName, RuleChainCode.TR_POST)).tenantId(accountUuid).create(); // Set up NAT and filter chains for pre-routing RuleChain preFilter = api.addChain().name(getChainName(routerName, RuleChainCode.TR_PREFILTER)).tenantId(accountUuid).create(); RuleChain preNat = api.addChain().name(getChainName(routerName, RuleChainCode.TR_PRENAT)).tenantId(accountUuid).create(); // Hook the chains in - first jump to Filter chain, then jump to Nat chain pre.addRule().type(DtoRule.Jump).jumpChainId(preFilter.getId()).position(1).create(); pre.addRule().type(DtoRule.Jump).jumpChainId(preNat.getId()).position(2).create(); return api.addRouter().tenantId(accountUuid).name(routerName).inboundFilterId(pre.getId()).outboundFilterId(post.getId()).create(); } private Router getOrCreateGuestNetworkRouter(long id, String accountUuid, boolean isVpc) { Router tenantRouter = getGuestNetworkRouter(id, accountUuid, isVpc); if (tenantRouter == null) { tenantRouter = createRouter(id, accountUuid, isVpc); } return tenantRouter; } private Router getGuestNetworkRouter(long id, String accountUuid, boolean isVpc) { MultivaluedMap qNetRouter = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); String routerName = getRouterName(isVpc, id); qNetRouter.add("tenant_id", accountUuid); for (Router router : api.getRouters(qNetRouter)) { if (router.getName().equals(routerName)) { return router; } } return null; } private UUID getNicUUID(NicProfile nic) { NicVO nicvo = _nicDao.findById(nic.getId()); return UUID.fromString(nicvo.getUuid()); } private void cleanBridge(Bridge br) { for (Port peerPort : br.getPeerPorts()) { if (peerPort != null && peerPort instanceof RouterPort) { RouterPort checkPort = (RouterPort)peerPort; if (checkPort.getType().equals("ExteriorRouter")) { checkPort.vifId(null).update(); } else if (checkPort.getType().equals("InteriorRouter")) { checkPort.unlink(); } checkPort.delete(); } } for (BridgePort p : br.getPorts()) { if (p.getType().equals("ExteriorBridge")) { // Set VIF ID to null p.vifId(null).update(); } if (p.getType().equals("InteriorBridge")) { p.unlink(); } // Delete port p.delete(); } } private void deleteNetworkBridges(Network network) { String accountUuid = getAccountUuid(network); long networkID = network.getId(); Bridge netBridge = getNetworkBridge(networkID, accountUuid); if (netBridge != null) { cleanBridge(netBridge); // Delete DHCP subnets for (Object dhcpSubnet : netBridge.getDhcpSubnets()) { DhcpSubnet sub = (DhcpSubnet)dhcpSubnet; sub.delete(); } netBridge.delete(); } } private void deleteGuestNetworkRouters(Network network) { String accountUuid = getAccountUuid(network); boolean isVpc = getIsVpc(network); long id = getRouterId(network, isVpc); Router tenantRouter = getGuestNetworkRouter(id, accountUuid, isVpc); // Delete any peer ports corresponding to this router for (Port peerPort : tenantRouter.getPeerPorts((new MultivaluedMapImpl()))) { if (peerPort != null && peerPort instanceof RouterPort) { RouterPort checkPort = (RouterPort)peerPort; if (checkPort.getType().equals("ExteriorRouter")) { checkPort.vifId(null).update(); } else if (checkPort.getType().equals("InteriorRouter")) { checkPort.unlink(); } checkPort.delete(); } else if (peerPort != null && peerPort instanceof BridgePort) { BridgePort checkPort = (BridgePort)peerPort; if (checkPort.getType().equals("ExteriorBridge")) { checkPort.vifId(null).update(); } else if (checkPort.getType().equals("InteriorBridge")) { checkPort.unlink(); } checkPort.delete(); } } if (tenantRouter != null) { // Remove all peer ports if any exist for (RouterPort p : tenantRouter.getPorts(new MultivaluedMapImpl())) { if (p.getType().equals("ExteriorRouter")) { // Set VIF ID to null p.vifId(null).update(); // the port might have some chains associated with it } if (p.getType().equals("InteriorRouter")) { p.unlink(); } // Delete port p.delete(); } // Remove inbound and outbound filter chains String accountIdStr = String.valueOf(accountUuid); String routerName = getRouterName(isVpc, id); RuleChain pre = api.getChain(tenantRouter.getInboundFilterId()); RuleChain preFilter = getChain(accountIdStr, routerName, RuleChainCode.TR_PREFILTER); RuleChain preNat = getChain(accountIdStr, routerName, RuleChainCode.TR_PRENAT); RuleChain post = api.getChain(tenantRouter.getOutboundFilterId()); pre.delete(); preFilter.delete(); preNat.delete(); post.delete(); // Remove routes for (Route r : tenantRouter.getRoutes(new MultivaluedMapImpl())) { r.delete(); } tenantRouter.delete(); } } @Override public List<Class<?>> getCommands() { // MidoNet does not implement any commands, so we return an empty list. return new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); } }