// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. package com.cloud.event; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.inject.Inject; import com.cloud.utils.ReflectUtil; import com.cloud.utils.db.EntityManager; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.Identity; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException; import org.apache.cloudstack.context.CallContext; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.config.dao.ConfigurationDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.events.EventBus; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.events.EventBusException; import com.cloud.configuration.Config; import com.cloud.event.dao.EventDao; import com.cloud.server.ManagementService; import com.cloud.user.Account; import com.cloud.user.AccountVO; import com.cloud.user.User; import com.cloud.user.dao.AccountDao; import com.cloud.user.dao.UserDao; import com.cloud.projects.dao.ProjectDao; import com.cloud.projects.Project; import com.cloud.utils.component.ComponentContext; public class ActionEventUtils { private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(ActionEventUtils.class); private static EventDao s_eventDao; private static AccountDao s_accountDao; private static ProjectDao s_projectDao; protected static UserDao s_userDao; protected static EventBus s_eventBus = null; protected static EntityManager s_entityMgr; protected static ConfigurationDao s_configDao; public static final String EventDetails = "event_details"; public static final String EventId = "event_id"; public static final String EntityType = "entity_type"; public static final String EntityUuid = "entity_uuid"; public static final String EntityDetails = "entity_details"; @Inject EventDao eventDao; @Inject AccountDao accountDao; @Inject UserDao userDao; @Inject ProjectDao projectDao; @Inject EntityManager entityMgr; @Inject ConfigurationDao configDao; public ActionEventUtils() { } @PostConstruct void init() { s_eventDao = eventDao; s_accountDao = accountDao; s_userDao = userDao; s_projectDao = projectDao; s_entityMgr = entityMgr; s_configDao = configDao; } public static Long onActionEvent(Long userId, Long accountId, Long domainId, String type, String description) { publishOnEventBus(userId, accountId, EventCategory.ACTION_EVENT.getName(), type, com.cloud.event.Event.State.Completed, description); Event event = persistActionEvent(userId, accountId, domainId, null, type, Event.State.Completed, true, description, null); return event.getId(); } /* * Save event after scheduling an async job */ public static Long onScheduledActionEvent(Long userId, Long accountId, String type, String description, boolean eventDisplayEnabled, long startEventId) { publishOnEventBus(userId, accountId, EventCategory.ACTION_EVENT.getName(), type, com.cloud.event.Event.State.Scheduled, description); Event event = persistActionEvent(userId, accountId, null, null, type, Event.State.Scheduled, eventDisplayEnabled, description, startEventId); return event.getId(); } public static void startNestedActionEvent(String eventType, String eventDescription) { CallContext.setActionEventInfo(eventType, eventDescription); onStartedActionEventFromContext(eventType, eventDescription, true); } public static void onStartedActionEventFromContext(String eventType, String eventDescription, boolean eventDisplayEnabled) { CallContext ctx = CallContext.current(); long userId = ctx.getCallingUserId(); long accountId = ctx.getProject() != null ? ctx.getProject().getProjectAccountId() : ctx.getCallingAccountId(); //This should be the entity owner id rather than the Calling User Account Id. long startEventId = ctx.getStartEventId(); if (!eventType.equals("")) ActionEventUtils.onStartedActionEvent(userId, accountId, eventType, eventDescription, eventDisplayEnabled, startEventId); } /* * Save event after starting execution of an async job */ public static Long onStartedActionEvent(Long userId, Long accountId, String type, String description, boolean eventDisplayEnabled, long startEventId) { publishOnEventBus(userId, accountId, EventCategory.ACTION_EVENT.getName(), type, com.cloud.event.Event.State.Started, description); Event event = persistActionEvent(userId, accountId, null, null, type, Event.State.Started, eventDisplayEnabled, description, startEventId); return event.getId(); } public static Long onCompletedActionEvent(Long userId, Long accountId, String level, String type, String description, long startEventId) { return onCompletedActionEvent(userId, accountId, level, type, true, description, startEventId); } public static Long onCompletedActionEvent(Long userId, Long accountId, String level, String type, boolean eventDisplayEnabled, String description, long startEventId) { publishOnEventBus(userId, accountId, EventCategory.ACTION_EVENT.getName(), type, com.cloud.event.Event.State.Completed, description); Event event = persistActionEvent(userId, accountId, null, level, type, Event.State.Completed, eventDisplayEnabled, description, startEventId); return event.getId(); } public static Long onCreatedActionEvent(Long userId, Long accountId, String level, String type, boolean eventDisplayEnabled, String description) { publishOnEventBus(userId, accountId, EventCategory.ACTION_EVENT.getName(), type, com.cloud.event.Event.State.Created, description); Event event = persistActionEvent(userId, accountId, null, level, type, Event.State.Created, eventDisplayEnabled, description, null); return event.getId(); } private static Event persistActionEvent(Long userId, Long accountId, Long domainId, String level, String type, Event.State state, boolean eventDisplayEnabled, String description, Long startEventId) { EventVO event = new EventVO(); event.setUserId(userId); event.setAccountId(accountId); event.setType(type); event.setState(state); event.setDescription(description); event.setDisplay(eventDisplayEnabled); if (domainId != null) { event.setDomainId(domainId); } else { event.setDomainId(getDomainId(accountId)); } if (level != null && !level.isEmpty()) { event.setLevel(level); } if (startEventId != null) { event.setStartId(startEventId); } event = s_eventDao.persist(event); return event; } private static void publishOnEventBus(long userId, long accountId, String eventCategory, String eventType, Event.State state, String description) { String configKey = Config.PublishActionEvent.key(); String value = s_configDao.getValue(configKey); boolean configValue = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); if(!configValue) return; try { s_eventBus = ComponentContext.getComponent(EventBus.class); } catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException nbe) { return; // no provider is configured to provide events bus, so just return } // get the entity details for which ActionEvent is generated String entityType = null; String entityUuid = null; CallContext context = CallContext.current(); //Get entity Class(Example - VirtualMachine.class) from the event Type eg. - VM.CREATE Class<?> entityClass = EventTypes.getEntityClassForEvent(eventType); if (entityClass != null){ //Get uuid from id Object param = context.getContextParameter(entityClass); if(param != null){ try { entityUuid = getEntityUuid(entityClass, param); entityType = entityClass.getName(); } catch (Exception e){ s_logger.debug("Caught exception while finding entityUUID, moving on"); } } } org.apache.cloudstack.framework.events.Event event = new org.apache.cloudstack.framework.events.Event(ManagementService.Name, eventCategory, eventType, EventTypes.getEntityForEvent(eventType), entityUuid); Map<String, String> eventDescription = new HashMap<String, String>(); Project project = s_projectDao.findByProjectAccountId(accountId); Account account = s_accountDao.findById(accountId); User user = s_userDao.findById(userId); // if account has been deleted, this might be called during cleanup of resources and results in null pointer if (account == null) return; if (user == null) return; if (project != null) eventDescription.put("project", project.getUuid()); eventDescription.put("user", user.getUuid()); eventDescription.put("account", account.getUuid()); eventDescription.put("event", eventType); eventDescription.put("status", state.toString()); eventDescription.put("entity", entityType); eventDescription.put("entityuuid", entityUuid); //Put all the first class entities that are touched during the action. For now atleast put in the vmid. populateFirstClassEntities(eventDescription); eventDescription.put("description", description); String eventDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z").format(new Date()); eventDescription.put("eventDateTime", eventDate); event.setDescription(eventDescription); try { s_eventBus.publish(event); } catch (EventBusException e) { s_logger.warn("Failed to publish action event on the the event bus."); } } private static String getEntityUuid(Class<?> entityType, Object entityId){ // entityId can be internal db id or UUID so accordingly call findbyId or return uuid directly if (entityId instanceof Long){ // Its internal db id - use findById final Object objVO = s_entityMgr.findById(entityType, (Long)entityId); return ((Identity)objVO).getUuid(); } else if(entityId instanceof String){ try{ // In case its an async job the internal db id would be a string because of json deserialization Long internalId = Long.valueOf((String) entityId); final Object objVO = s_entityMgr.findById(entityType, internalId); return ((Identity)objVO).getUuid(); } catch (NumberFormatException e){ // It is uuid - so return it return (String)entityId; } } return null; } private static long getDomainId(long accountId) { AccountVO account = s_accountDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(accountId); if (account == null) { s_logger.error("Failed to find account(including removed ones) by id '" + accountId + "'"); return 0; } return account.getDomainId(); } private static void populateFirstClassEntities(Map<String, String> eventDescription){ CallContext context = CallContext.current(); Map<Object, Object> contextMap = context.getContextParameters(); for(Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : contextMap.entrySet()){ try{ Class<?> clz = (Class<?>)entry.getKey(); if(clz != null && Identity.class.isAssignableFrom(clz)){ String uuid = getEntityUuid(clz, entry.getValue()); eventDescription.put(ReflectUtil.getEntityName(clz), uuid); } } catch (Exception e){ s_logger.trace("Caught exception while populating first class entities for event bus, moving on"); } } } }