// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. package com.cloud.deploy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.naming.ConfigurationException; import com.cloud.utils.fsm.StateMachine2; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.cloudstack.affinity.AffinityGroupProcessor; import org.apache.cloudstack.affinity.AffinityGroupService; import org.apache.cloudstack.affinity.AffinityGroupVMMapVO; import org.apache.cloudstack.affinity.AffinityGroupVO; import org.apache.cloudstack.affinity.AffinityGroupDomainMapVO; import org.apache.cloudstack.affinity.dao.AffinityGroupDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.affinity.dao.AffinityGroupVMMapDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.affinity.dao.AffinityGroupDomainMapDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.cloud.entity.api.db.VMReservationVO; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.cloud.entity.api.db.dao.VMReservationDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.DataStore; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.DataStoreManager; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.StoragePoolAllocator; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.config.dao.ConfigurationDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.messagebus.MessageBus; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.messagebus.MessageSubscriber; import org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.ManagedContextTimerTask; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.datastore.db.PrimaryDataStoreDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.datastore.db.StoragePoolVO; import org.apache.cloudstack.utils.identity.ManagementServerNode; import com.cloud.agent.AgentManager; import com.cloud.agent.Listener; import com.cloud.agent.api.AgentControlAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.AgentControlCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.Answer; import com.cloud.agent.api.Command; import com.cloud.agent.api.StartupCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.StartupRoutingCommand; import com.cloud.agent.manager.allocator.HostAllocator; import com.cloud.capacity.CapacityManager; import com.cloud.capacity.dao.CapacityDao; import com.cloud.configuration.Config; import com.cloud.configuration.ConfigurationManagerImpl; import com.cloud.dc.ClusterDetailsDao; import com.cloud.dc.ClusterDetailsVO; import com.cloud.dc.ClusterVO; import com.cloud.dc.DataCenter; import com.cloud.dc.DataCenterVO; import com.cloud.dc.DedicatedResourceVO; import com.cloud.dc.Pod; import com.cloud.dc.dao.ClusterDao; import com.cloud.dc.dao.DataCenterDao; import com.cloud.dc.dao.DedicatedResourceDao; import com.cloud.dc.dao.HostPodDao; import com.cloud.deploy.DeploymentPlanner.ExcludeList; import com.cloud.deploy.DeploymentPlanner.PlannerResourceUsage; import com.cloud.deploy.dao.PlannerHostReservationDao; import com.cloud.exception.AffinityConflictException; import com.cloud.exception.ConnectionException; import com.cloud.exception.InsufficientServerCapacityException; import com.cloud.gpu.GPU; import com.cloud.host.Host; import com.cloud.host.HostVO; import com.cloud.host.Status; import com.cloud.host.dao.HostDao; import com.cloud.hypervisor.Hypervisor.HypervisorType; import com.cloud.offering.ServiceOffering; import com.cloud.org.Cluster; import com.cloud.org.Grouping; import com.cloud.resource.ResourceManager; import com.cloud.resource.ResourceState; import com.cloud.service.ServiceOfferingDetailsVO; import com.cloud.service.dao.ServiceOfferingDetailsDao; import com.cloud.storage.DiskOfferingVO; import com.cloud.storage.ScopeType; import com.cloud.storage.Storage; import com.cloud.storage.StorageManager; import com.cloud.storage.StoragePool; import com.cloud.storage.StoragePoolHostVO; import com.cloud.storage.Volume; import com.cloud.storage.VolumeVO; import com.cloud.storage.dao.DiskOfferingDao; import com.cloud.storage.dao.GuestOSCategoryDao; import com.cloud.storage.dao.GuestOSDao; import com.cloud.storage.dao.StoragePoolHostDao; import com.cloud.storage.dao.VolumeDao; import com.cloud.user.AccountManager; import com.cloud.utils.DateUtil; import com.cloud.utils.NumbersUtil; import com.cloud.utils.Pair; import com.cloud.utils.component.Manager; import com.cloud.utils.component.ManagerBase; import com.cloud.utils.db.DB; import com.cloud.utils.db.SearchCriteria; import com.cloud.utils.db.Transaction; import com.cloud.utils.db.TransactionCallback; import com.cloud.utils.db.TransactionStatus; import com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException; import com.cloud.utils.fsm.StateListener; import com.cloud.vm.DiskProfile; import com.cloud.vm.VMInstanceVO; import com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachine; import com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachine.Event; import com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachine.State; import com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachineProfile; import com.cloud.vm.dao.UserVmDao; import com.cloud.vm.dao.VMInstanceDao; public class DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl extends ManagerBase implements DeploymentPlanningManager, Manager, Listener, StateListener<State, VirtualMachine.Event, VirtualMachine> { private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl.class); @Inject AgentManager _agentMgr; @Inject protected UserVmDao _vmDao; @Inject protected VMInstanceDao _vmInstanceDao; @Inject protected AffinityGroupDao _affinityGroupDao; @Inject protected AffinityGroupVMMapDao _affinityGroupVMMapDao; @Inject protected AffinityGroupDomainMapDao _affinityGroupDomainMapDao; @Inject AffinityGroupService _affinityGroupService; @Inject DataCenterDao _dcDao; @Inject PlannerHostReservationDao _plannerHostReserveDao; private int _vmCapacityReleaseInterval; @Inject MessageBus _messageBus; private Timer _timer = null; private long _hostReservationReleasePeriod = 60L * 60L * 1000L; // one hour by default @Inject protected VMReservationDao _reservationDao; private static final long INITIAL_RESERVATION_RELEASE_CHECKER_DELAY = 30L * 1000L; // thirty seconds expressed in milliseconds protected long _nodeId = -1; protected List<StoragePoolAllocator> _storagePoolAllocators; public List<StoragePoolAllocator> getStoragePoolAllocators() { return _storagePoolAllocators; } public void setStoragePoolAllocators(List<StoragePoolAllocator> storagePoolAllocators) { _storagePoolAllocators = storagePoolAllocators; } protected List<HostAllocator> _hostAllocators; public List<HostAllocator> getHostAllocators() { return _hostAllocators; } public void setHostAllocators(List<HostAllocator> hostAllocators) { _hostAllocators = hostAllocators; } @Inject protected HostDao _hostDao; @Inject protected HostPodDao _podDao; @Inject protected ClusterDao _clusterDao; @Inject protected DedicatedResourceDao _dedicatedDao; @Inject protected GuestOSDao _guestOSDao = null; @Inject protected GuestOSCategoryDao _guestOSCategoryDao = null; @Inject protected DiskOfferingDao _diskOfferingDao; @Inject protected StoragePoolHostDao _poolHostDao; @Inject protected VolumeDao _volsDao; @Inject protected CapacityManager _capacityMgr; @Inject protected ConfigurationDao _configDao; @Inject protected PrimaryDataStoreDao _storagePoolDao; @Inject protected CapacityDao _capacityDao; @Inject protected AccountManager _accountMgr; @Inject protected StorageManager _storageMgr; @Inject DataStoreManager dataStoreMgr; @Inject protected ClusterDetailsDao _clusterDetailsDao; @Inject protected ResourceManager _resourceMgr; @Inject protected ServiceOfferingDetailsDao _serviceOfferingDetailsDao; protected List<DeploymentPlanner> _planners; public List<DeploymentPlanner> getPlanners() { return _planners; } public void setPlanners(List<DeploymentPlanner> planners) { _planners = planners; } protected List<AffinityGroupProcessor> _affinityProcessors; public List<AffinityGroupProcessor> getAffinityGroupProcessors() { return _affinityProcessors; } public void setAffinityGroupProcessors(List<AffinityGroupProcessor> affinityProcessors) { _affinityProcessors = affinityProcessors; } @Override public DeployDestination planDeployment(VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile, DeploymentPlan plan, ExcludeList avoids, DeploymentPlanner planner) throws InsufficientServerCapacityException, AffinityConflictException { // call affinitygroup chain VirtualMachine vm = vmProfile.getVirtualMachine(); long vmGroupCount = _affinityGroupVMMapDao.countAffinityGroupsForVm(vm.getId()); DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(vm.getDataCenterId()); if (vmGroupCount > 0) { for (AffinityGroupProcessor processor : _affinityProcessors) { processor.process(vmProfile, plan, avoids); } } if (vm.getType() == VirtualMachine.Type.User || vm.getType() == VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter) { checkForNonDedicatedResources(vmProfile, dc, avoids); } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Deploy avoids pods: " + avoids.getPodsToAvoid() + ", clusters: " + avoids.getClustersToAvoid() + ", hosts: " + avoids.getHostsToAvoid()); } // call planners //DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(vm.getDataCenterId()); // check if datacenter is in avoid set if (avoids.shouldAvoid(dc)) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("DataCenter id = '" + dc.getId() + "' provided is in avoid set, DeploymentPlanner cannot allocate the VM, returning."); } return null; } ServiceOffering offering = vmProfile.getServiceOffering(); if(planner == null){ String plannerName = offering.getDeploymentPlanner(); if (plannerName == null) { if (vm.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.BareMetal) { plannerName = "BareMetalPlanner"; } else { plannerName = _configDao.getValue(Config.VmDeploymentPlanner.key()); } } planner = getDeploymentPlannerByName(plannerName); } int cpu_requested = offering.getCpu() * offering.getSpeed(); long ram_requested = offering.getRamSize() * 1024L * 1024L; if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("DeploymentPlanner allocation algorithm: " + planner); s_logger.debug("Trying to allocate a host and storage pools from dc:" + plan.getDataCenterId() + ", pod:" + plan.getPodId() + ",cluster:" + plan.getClusterId() + ", requested cpu: " + cpu_requested + ", requested ram: " + ram_requested); s_logger.debug("Is ROOT volume READY (pool already allocated)?: " + (plan.getPoolId() != null ? "Yes" : "No")); } String haVmTag = (String)vmProfile.getParameter(VirtualMachineProfile.Param.HaTag); if (plan.getHostId() != null && haVmTag == null) { Long hostIdSpecified = plan.getHostId(); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("DeploymentPlan has host_id specified, choosing this host and making no checks on this host: " + hostIdSpecified); } HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(hostIdSpecified); if (host == null) { s_logger.debug("The specified host cannot be found"); } else if (avoids.shouldAvoid(host)) { s_logger.debug("The specified host is in avoid set"); } else { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Looking for suitable pools for this host under zone: " + host.getDataCenterId() + ", pod: " + host.getPodId() + ", cluster: " + host.getClusterId()); } Pod pod = _podDao.findById(host.getPodId()); Cluster cluster = _clusterDao.findById(host.getClusterId()); if (vm.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.BareMetal) { DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(dc, pod, cluster, host, new HashMap<Volume, StoragePool>()); s_logger.debug("Returning Deployment Destination: " + dest); return dest; } // search for storage under the zone, pod, cluster of the host. DataCenterDeployment lastPlan = new DataCenterDeployment(host.getDataCenterId(), host.getPodId(), host.getClusterId(), hostIdSpecified, plan.getPoolId(), null, plan.getReservationContext()); Pair<Map<Volume, List<StoragePool>>, List<Volume>> result = findSuitablePoolsForVolumes(vmProfile, lastPlan, avoids, HostAllocator.RETURN_UPTO_ALL); Map<Volume, List<StoragePool>> suitableVolumeStoragePools = result.first(); List<Volume> readyAndReusedVolumes = result.second(); // choose the potential pool for this VM for this host if (!suitableVolumeStoragePools.isEmpty()) { List<Host> suitableHosts = new ArrayList<Host>(); suitableHosts.add(host); Pair<Host, Map<Volume, StoragePool>> potentialResources = findPotentialDeploymentResources( suitableHosts, suitableVolumeStoragePools, avoids, getPlannerUsage(planner, vmProfile, plan, avoids), readyAndReusedVolumes); if (potentialResources != null) { pod = _podDao.findById(host.getPodId()); cluster = _clusterDao.findById(host.getClusterId()); Map<Volume, StoragePool> storageVolMap = potentialResources.second(); // remove the reused vol<->pool from destination, since // we don't have to prepare this volume. for (Volume vol : readyAndReusedVolumes) { storageVolMap.remove(vol); } DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(dc, pod, cluster, host, storageVolMap); s_logger.debug("Returning Deployment Destination: " + dest); return dest; } } } s_logger.debug("Cannot deploy to specified host, returning."); return null; } if (vm.getLastHostId() != null && haVmTag == null) { s_logger.debug("This VM has last host_id specified, trying to choose the same host: " + vm.getLastHostId()); HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(vm.getLastHostId()); ServiceOfferingDetailsVO offeringDetails = null; if (host == null) { s_logger.debug("The last host of this VM cannot be found"); } else if (avoids.shouldAvoid(host)) { s_logger.debug("The last host of this VM is in avoid set"); } else if (plan.getClusterId() != null && host.getClusterId() != null && !plan.getClusterId().equals(host.getClusterId())) { s_logger.debug("The last host of this VM cannot be picked as the plan specifies different clusterId: " + plan.getClusterId()); } else if (_capacityMgr.checkIfHostReachMaxGuestLimit(host)) { s_logger.debug("The last Host, hostId: " + host.getId() + " already has max Running VMs(count includes system VMs), skipping this and trying other available hosts"); } else if ((offeringDetails = _serviceOfferingDetailsDao.findDetail(offering.getId(), GPU.Keys.vgpuType.toString())) != null) { ServiceOfferingDetailsVO groupName = _serviceOfferingDetailsDao.findDetail(offering.getId(), GPU.Keys.pciDevice.toString()); if(!_resourceMgr.isGPUDeviceAvailable(host.getId(), groupName.getValue(), offeringDetails.getValue())){ s_logger.debug("The last host of this VM does not have required GPU devices available"); } } else { if (host.getStatus() == Status.Up && host.getResourceState() == ResourceState.Enabled) { boolean hostTagsMatch = true; if(offering.getHostTag() != null){ _hostDao.loadHostTags(host); if (!(host.getHostTags() != null && host.getHostTags().contains(offering.getHostTag()))) { hostTagsMatch = false; } } if (hostTagsMatch) { long cluster_id = host.getClusterId(); ClusterDetailsVO cluster_detail_cpu = _clusterDetailsDao.findDetail(cluster_id, "cpuOvercommitRatio"); ClusterDetailsVO cluster_detail_ram = _clusterDetailsDao.findDetail(cluster_id, "memoryOvercommitRatio"); Float cpuOvercommitRatio = Float.parseFloat(cluster_detail_cpu.getValue()); Float memoryOvercommitRatio = Float.parseFloat(cluster_detail_ram.getValue()); boolean hostHasCpuCapability, hostHasCapacity = false; hostHasCpuCapability = _capacityMgr.checkIfHostHasCpuCapability(host.getId(), offering.getCpu(), offering.getSpeed()); if (hostHasCpuCapability) { // first check from reserved capacity hostHasCapacity = _capacityMgr.checkIfHostHasCapacity(host.getId(), cpu_requested, ram_requested, true, cpuOvercommitRatio, memoryOvercommitRatio, true); // if not reserved, check the free capacity if (!hostHasCapacity) hostHasCapacity = _capacityMgr.checkIfHostHasCapacity(host.getId(), cpu_requested, ram_requested, false, cpuOvercommitRatio, memoryOvercommitRatio, true); } if (hostHasCapacity && hostHasCpuCapability) { s_logger.debug("The last host of this VM is UP and has enough capacity"); s_logger.debug("Now checking for suitable pools under zone: " + host.getDataCenterId() + ", pod: " + host.getPodId() + ", cluster: " + host.getClusterId()); Pod pod = _podDao.findById(host.getPodId()); Cluster cluster = _clusterDao.findById(host.getClusterId()); if (vm.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.BareMetal) { DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(dc, pod, cluster, host, new HashMap<Volume, StoragePool>()); s_logger.debug("Returning Deployment Destination: " + dest); return dest; } // search for storage under the zone, pod, cluster // of // the last host. DataCenterDeployment lastPlan = new DataCenterDeployment(host.getDataCenterId(), host.getPodId(), host.getClusterId(), host.getId(), plan.getPoolId(), null); Pair<Map<Volume, List<StoragePool>>, List<Volume>> result = findSuitablePoolsForVolumes( vmProfile, lastPlan, avoids, HostAllocator.RETURN_UPTO_ALL); Map<Volume, List<StoragePool>> suitableVolumeStoragePools = result.first(); List<Volume> readyAndReusedVolumes = result.second(); // choose the potential pool for this VM for this // host if (!suitableVolumeStoragePools.isEmpty()) { List<Host> suitableHosts = new ArrayList<Host>(); suitableHosts.add(host); Pair<Host, Map<Volume, StoragePool>> potentialResources = findPotentialDeploymentResources( suitableHosts, suitableVolumeStoragePools, avoids, getPlannerUsage(planner, vmProfile, plan, avoids), readyAndReusedVolumes); if (potentialResources != null) { Map<Volume, StoragePool> storageVolMap = potentialResources.second(); // remove the reused vol<->pool from // destination, since we don't have to // prepare // this volume. for (Volume vol : readyAndReusedVolumes) { storageVolMap.remove(vol); } DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(dc, pod, cluster, host, storageVolMap); s_logger.debug("Returning Deployment Destination: " + dest); return dest; } } } else { s_logger.debug("The last host of this VM does not have enough capacity"); } } else { s_logger.debug("Service Offering host tag does not match the last host of this VM"); } } else { s_logger.debug("The last host of this VM is not UP or is not enabled, host status is: " + host.getStatus().name() + ", host resource state is: " + host.getResourceState()); } } s_logger.debug("Cannot choose the last host to deploy this VM "); } DeployDestination dest = null; List<Long> clusterList = null; if (planner != null && planner.canHandle(vmProfile, plan, avoids)) { while (true) { if (planner instanceof DeploymentClusterPlanner) { ExcludeList plannerAvoidInput = new ExcludeList(avoids.getDataCentersToAvoid(), avoids.getPodsToAvoid(), avoids.getClustersToAvoid(), avoids.getHostsToAvoid(), avoids.getPoolsToAvoid()); clusterList = ((DeploymentClusterPlanner)planner).orderClusters(vmProfile, plan, avoids); if (clusterList != null && !clusterList.isEmpty()) { // planner refactoring. call allocators to list hosts ExcludeList plannerAvoidOutput = new ExcludeList(avoids.getDataCentersToAvoid(), avoids.getPodsToAvoid(), avoids.getClustersToAvoid(), avoids.getHostsToAvoid(), avoids.getPoolsToAvoid()); resetAvoidSet(plannerAvoidOutput, plannerAvoidInput); dest = checkClustersforDestination(clusterList, vmProfile, plan, avoids, dc, getPlannerUsage(planner, vmProfile, plan, avoids), plannerAvoidOutput); if (dest != null) { return dest; } // reset the avoid input to the planners resetAvoidSet(avoids, plannerAvoidOutput); } else { return null; } } else { dest = planner.plan(vmProfile, plan, avoids); if (dest != null) { long hostId = dest.getHost().getId(); avoids.addHost(dest.getHost().getId()); if (checkIfHostFitsPlannerUsage(hostId, DeploymentPlanner.PlannerResourceUsage.Shared)) { // found destination return dest; } else { // find another host - seems some concurrent // deployment picked it up for dedicated access continue; } } else { return null; } } } } return dest; } @Override public DeploymentPlanner getDeploymentPlannerByName(String plannerName) { if (plannerName != null) { for (DeploymentPlanner plannerInList : _planners) { if (plannerName.equalsIgnoreCase(plannerInList.getName())) { return plannerInList; } } } return null; } private void checkForNonDedicatedResources(VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile, DataCenter dc, ExcludeList avoids) { boolean isExplicit = false; VirtualMachine vm = vmProfile.getVirtualMachine(); // check if zone is dedicated. if yes check if vm owner has access to it. DedicatedResourceVO dedicatedZone = _dedicatedDao.findByZoneId(dc.getId()); if (dedicatedZone != null && !_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(vmProfile.getOwner().getId())) { long accountDomainId = vmProfile.getOwner().getDomainId(); long accountId = vmProfile.getOwner().getAccountId(); // If a zone is dedicated to an account then all hosts in this zone // will be explicitly dedicated to // that account. So there won't be any shared hosts in the zone, the // only way to deploy vms from that // account will be to use explicit dedication affinity group. if (dedicatedZone.getAccountId() != null) { if (dedicatedZone.getAccountId().equals(accountId)) { return; } else { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to deploy VM, Zone " + dc.getName() + " not available for the user account " + vmProfile.getOwner()); } } // if zone is dedicated to a domain. Check owner's access to the // domain level dedication group if (!_affinityGroupService.isAffinityGroupAvailableInDomain(dedicatedZone.getAffinityGroupId(), accountDomainId)) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to deploy VM, Zone " + dc.getName() + " not available for the user domain " + vmProfile.getOwner()); } } // check affinity group of type Explicit dedication exists. If No put // dedicated pod/cluster/host in avoid list List<AffinityGroupVMMapVO> vmGroupMappings = _affinityGroupVMMapDao.findByVmIdType(vm.getId(), "ExplicitDedication"); if (vmGroupMappings != null && !vmGroupMappings.isEmpty()) { isExplicit = true; } List<Long> allPodsInDc = _podDao.listAllPods(dc.getId()); List<Long> allDedicatedPods = _dedicatedDao.listAllPods(); allPodsInDc.retainAll(allDedicatedPods); List<Long> allClustersInDc = _clusterDao.listAllClusters(dc.getId()); List<Long> allDedicatedClusters = _dedicatedDao.listAllClusters(); allClustersInDc.retainAll(allDedicatedClusters); List<Long> allHostsInDc = _hostDao.listAllHosts(dc.getId()); List<Long> allDedicatedHosts = _dedicatedDao.listAllHosts(); allHostsInDc.retainAll(allDedicatedHosts); //Only when the type is instance VM and not explicitly dedicated. if (vm.getType() == VirtualMachine.Type.User && !isExplicit) { //add explicitly dedicated resources in avoidList avoids.addPodList(allPodsInDc); avoids.addClusterList(allClustersInDc); avoids.addHostList(allHostsInDc); } //Handle the Virtual Router Case //No need to check the isExplicit. As both the cases are handled. if (vm.getType() == VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter) { long vmAccountId = vm.getAccountId(); long vmDomainId = vm.getDomainId(); //Lists all explicitly dedicated resources from vm account ID or domain ID. List<Long> allPodsFromDedicatedID = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<Long> allClustersFromDedicatedID = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<Long> allHostsFromDedicatedID = new ArrayList<Long>(); //Whether the dedicated resources belong to Domain or not. If not, it may belongs to Account or no dedication. List<AffinityGroupDomainMapVO> domainGroupMappings = _affinityGroupDomainMapDao.listByDomain(vmDomainId); //For temporary storage and indexing. List<DedicatedResourceVO> tempStorage; if (domainGroupMappings == null || domainGroupMappings.isEmpty()) { //The dedicated resource belongs to VM Account ID. tempStorage = _dedicatedDao.searchDedicatedPods(null, vmDomainId, vmAccountId, null).first(); for(DedicatedResourceVO vo : tempStorage) { allPodsFromDedicatedID.add(vo.getPodId()); } tempStorage.clear(); tempStorage = _dedicatedDao.searchDedicatedClusters(null, vmDomainId, vmAccountId, null).first(); for(DedicatedResourceVO vo : tempStorage) { allClustersFromDedicatedID.add(vo.getClusterId()); } tempStorage.clear(); tempStorage = _dedicatedDao.searchDedicatedHosts(null, vmDomainId, vmAccountId, null).first(); for(DedicatedResourceVO vo : tempStorage) { allHostsFromDedicatedID.add(vo.getHostId()); } //Remove the dedicated ones from main list allPodsInDc.removeAll(allPodsFromDedicatedID); allClustersInDc.removeAll(allClustersFromDedicatedID); allHostsInDc.removeAll(allHostsFromDedicatedID); } else { //The dedicated resource belongs to VM Domain ID or No dedication. tempStorage = _dedicatedDao.searchDedicatedPods(null, vmDomainId, null, null).first(); for(DedicatedResourceVO vo : tempStorage) { allPodsFromDedicatedID.add(vo.getPodId()); } tempStorage.clear(); tempStorage = _dedicatedDao.searchDedicatedClusters(null, vmDomainId, null, null).first(); for(DedicatedResourceVO vo : tempStorage) { allClustersFromDedicatedID.add(vo.getClusterId()); } tempStorage.clear(); tempStorage = _dedicatedDao.searchDedicatedHosts(null, vmDomainId, null, null).first(); for(DedicatedResourceVO vo : tempStorage) { allHostsFromDedicatedID.add(vo.getHostId()); } //Remove the dedicated ones from main list allPodsInDc.removeAll(allPodsFromDedicatedID); allClustersInDc.removeAll(allClustersFromDedicatedID); allHostsInDc.removeAll(allHostsFromDedicatedID); } //Add in avoid list or no addition if no dedication avoids.addPodList(allPodsInDc); avoids.addClusterList(allClustersInDc); avoids.addHostList(allHostsInDc); } } private void resetAvoidSet(ExcludeList avoidSet, ExcludeList removeSet) { if (avoidSet.getDataCentersToAvoid() != null && removeSet.getDataCentersToAvoid() != null) { avoidSet.getDataCentersToAvoid().removeAll(removeSet.getDataCentersToAvoid()); } if (avoidSet.getPodsToAvoid() != null && removeSet.getPodsToAvoid() != null) { avoidSet.getPodsToAvoid().removeAll(removeSet.getPodsToAvoid()); } if (avoidSet.getClustersToAvoid() != null && removeSet.getClustersToAvoid() != null) { avoidSet.getClustersToAvoid().removeAll(removeSet.getClustersToAvoid()); } if (avoidSet.getHostsToAvoid() != null && removeSet.getHostsToAvoid() != null) { avoidSet.getHostsToAvoid().removeAll(removeSet.getHostsToAvoid()); } if (avoidSet.getPoolsToAvoid() != null && removeSet.getPoolsToAvoid() != null) { avoidSet.getPoolsToAvoid().removeAll(removeSet.getPoolsToAvoid()); } } private PlannerResourceUsage getPlannerUsage(DeploymentPlanner planner, VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile, DeploymentPlan plan, ExcludeList avoids) throws InsufficientServerCapacityException { if (planner != null && planner instanceof DeploymentClusterPlanner) { return ((DeploymentClusterPlanner)planner).getResourceUsage(vmProfile, plan, avoids); } else { return DeploymentPlanner.PlannerResourceUsage.Shared; } } @DB private boolean checkIfHostFitsPlannerUsage(final long hostId, final PlannerResourceUsage resourceUsageRequired) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // check if this host has been picked up by some other planner // exclusively // if planner can work with shared host, check if this host has // been marked as 'shared' // else if planner needs dedicated host, PlannerHostReservationVO reservationEntry = _plannerHostReserveDao.findByHostId(hostId); if (reservationEntry != null) { final long id = reservationEntry.getId(); PlannerResourceUsage hostResourceType = reservationEntry.getResourceUsage(); if (hostResourceType != null) { if (hostResourceType == resourceUsageRequired) { return true; } else { s_logger.debug("Cannot use this host for usage: " + resourceUsageRequired + ", since this host has been reserved for planner usage : " + hostResourceType); return false; } } else { final PlannerResourceUsage hostResourceTypeFinal = hostResourceType; // reserve the host for required resourceType // let us lock the reservation entry before updating. return Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) { final PlannerHostReservationVO lockedEntry = _plannerHostReserveDao.lockRow(id, true); if (lockedEntry == null) { s_logger.error("Unable to lock the host entry for reservation, host: " + hostId); return false; } // check before updating if (lockedEntry.getResourceUsage() == null) { lockedEntry.setResourceUsage(resourceUsageRequired); _plannerHostReserveDao.persist(lockedEntry); return true; } else { // someone updated it earlier. check if we can still use it if (lockedEntry.getResourceUsage() == resourceUsageRequired) { return true; } else { s_logger.debug("Cannot use this host for usage: " + resourceUsageRequired + ", since this host has been reserved for planner usage : " + hostResourceTypeFinal); return false; } } } }); } } return false; } @DB public boolean checkHostReservationRelease(final Long hostId) { if (hostId != null) { PlannerHostReservationVO reservationEntry = _plannerHostReserveDao.findByHostId(hostId); if (reservationEntry != null && reservationEntry.getResourceUsage() != null) { // check if any VMs are starting or running on this host List<VMInstanceVO> vms = _vmInstanceDao.listUpByHostId(hostId); if (vms.size() > 0) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Cannot release reservation, Found " + vms.size() + " VMs Running on host " + hostId); } return false; } List<VMInstanceVO> vmsByLastHostId = _vmInstanceDao.listByLastHostId(hostId); if (vmsByLastHostId.size() > 0) { // check if any VMs are within skip.counting.hours, if yes // we // cannot release the host for (VMInstanceVO stoppedVM : vmsByLastHostId) { long secondsSinceLastUpdate = (DateUtil.currentGMTTime().getTime() - stoppedVM.getUpdateTime().getTime()) / 1000; if (secondsSinceLastUpdate < _vmCapacityReleaseInterval) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Cannot release reservation, Found VM: " + stoppedVM + " Stopped but reserved on host " + hostId); } return false; } } } // check if any VMs are stopping on or migrating to this host List<VMInstanceVO> vmsStoppingMigratingByHostId = _vmInstanceDao.findByHostInStates(hostId, State.Stopping, State.Migrating, State.Starting); if (vmsStoppingMigratingByHostId.size() > 0) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Cannot release reservation, Found " + vmsStoppingMigratingByHostId.size() + " VMs stopping/migrating/starting on host " + hostId); } return false; } // check if any VMs are in starting state with no hostId set yet // - // just ignore host release to avoid race condition List<VMInstanceVO> vmsStartingNoHost = _vmInstanceDao.listStartingWithNoHostId(); if (vmsStartingNoHost.size() > 0) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Cannot release reservation, Found " + vms.size() + " VMs starting as of now and no hostId yet stored"); } return false; } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Host has no VMs associated, releasing the planner reservation for host " + hostId); } final long id = reservationEntry.getId(); return Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) { final PlannerHostReservationVO lockedEntry = _plannerHostReserveDao.lockRow(id, true); if (lockedEntry == null) { s_logger.error("Unable to lock the host entry for reservation, host: " + hostId); return false; } // check before updating if (lockedEntry.getResourceUsage() != null) { lockedEntry.setResourceUsage(null); _plannerHostReserveDao.persist(lockedEntry); return true; } return false; } }); } } return false; } class HostReservationReleaseChecker extends ManagedContextTimerTask { @Override protected void runInContext() { try { s_logger.debug("Checking if any host reservation can be released ... "); checkHostReservations(); s_logger.debug("Done running HostReservationReleaseChecker ... "); } catch (Throwable t) { s_logger.error("Exception in HostReservationReleaseChecker", t); } } } private void checkHostReservations() { List<PlannerHostReservationVO> reservedHosts = _plannerHostReserveDao.listAllReservedHosts(); for (PlannerHostReservationVO hostReservation : reservedHosts) { HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(hostReservation.getHostId()); if (host != null && host.getManagementServerId() != null && host.getManagementServerId() == _nodeId) { checkHostReservationRelease(hostReservation.getHostId()); } } } @Override public boolean processAnswers(long agentId, long seq, Answer[] answers) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public boolean processCommands(long agentId, long seq, Command[] commands) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public AgentControlAnswer processControlCommand(long agentId, AgentControlCommand cmd) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public void processHostAdded(long hostId) { } @Override public void processConnect(Host host, StartupCommand cmd, boolean forRebalance) throws ConnectionException { if (!(cmd instanceof StartupRoutingCommand)) { return; } PlannerHostReservationVO reservationEntry = _plannerHostReserveDao.findByHostId(host.getId()); if (reservationEntry == null) { // record the host in this table PlannerHostReservationVO newHost = new PlannerHostReservationVO(host.getId(), host.getDataCenterId(), host.getPodId(), host.getClusterId()); _plannerHostReserveDao.persist(newHost); } } @Override public boolean processDisconnect(long agentId, Status state) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public void processHostAboutToBeRemoved(long hostId) { } @Override public void processHostRemoved(long hostId, long clusterId) { } @Override public boolean isRecurring() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public int getTimeout() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } @Override public boolean processTimeout(long agentId, long seq) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public boolean configure(final String name, final Map<String, Object> params) throws ConfigurationException { _agentMgr.registerForHostEvents(this, true, false, true); VirtualMachine.State.getStateMachine().registerListener(this); _messageBus.subscribe("VM_ReservedCapacity_Free", new MessageSubscriber() { @Override public void onPublishMessage(String senderAddress, String subject, Object obj) { VMInstanceVO vm = ((VMInstanceVO)obj); s_logger.debug("MessageBus message: host reserved capacity released for VM: " + vm.getLastHostId() + ", checking if host reservation can be released for host:" + vm.getLastHostId()); Long hostId = vm.getLastHostId(); checkHostReservationRelease(hostId); } }); _vmCapacityReleaseInterval = NumbersUtil.parseInt(_configDao.getValue(Config.CapacitySkipcountingHours.key()), 3600); String hostReservationReleasePeriod = _configDao.getValue(Config.HostReservationReleasePeriod.key()); if (hostReservationReleasePeriod != null) { _hostReservationReleasePeriod = Long.parseLong(hostReservationReleasePeriod); if (_hostReservationReleasePeriod <= 0) _hostReservationReleasePeriod = Long.parseLong(Config.HostReservationReleasePeriod.getDefaultValue()); } _timer = new Timer("HostReservationReleaseChecker"); _nodeId = ManagementServerNode.getManagementServerId(); return super.configure(name, params); } @Override public boolean start() { _timer.schedule(new HostReservationReleaseChecker(), INITIAL_RESERVATION_RELEASE_CHECKER_DELAY, _hostReservationReleasePeriod); cleanupVMReservations(); return true; } @Override public boolean stop() { _timer.cancel(); return true; } @Override public void cleanupVMReservations() { List<VMReservationVO> reservations = _reservationDao.listAll(); for (VMReservationVO reserv : reservations) { VMInstanceVO vm = _vmInstanceDao.findById(reserv.getVmId()); if (vm != null) { if (vm.getState() == State.Starting || (vm.getState() == State.Stopped && vm.getLastHostId() == null)) { continue; } else { // delete reservation _reservationDao.remove(reserv.getId()); } } else { // delete reservation _reservationDao.remove(reserv.getId()); } } } // /refactoring planner methods private DeployDestination checkClustersforDestination(List<Long> clusterList, VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile, DeploymentPlan plan, ExcludeList avoid, DataCenter dc, DeploymentPlanner.PlannerResourceUsage resourceUsageRequired, ExcludeList plannerAvoidOutput) { if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) { s_logger.trace("ClusterId List to consider: " + clusterList); } for (Long clusterId : clusterList) { ClusterVO clusterVO = _clusterDao.findById(clusterId); if (clusterVO.getHypervisorType() != vmProfile.getHypervisorType()) { s_logger.debug("Cluster: " + clusterId + " has HyperVisorType that does not match the VM, skipping this cluster"); avoid.addCluster(clusterVO.getId()); continue; } s_logger.debug("Checking resources in Cluster: " + clusterId + " under Pod: " + clusterVO.getPodId()); // search for resources(hosts and storage) under this zone, pod, // cluster. DataCenterDeployment potentialPlan = new DataCenterDeployment(plan.getDataCenterId(), clusterVO.getPodId(), clusterVO.getId(), null, plan.getPoolId(), null, plan.getReservationContext()); // find suitable hosts under this cluster, need as many hosts as we // get. List<Host> suitableHosts = findSuitableHosts(vmProfile, potentialPlan, avoid, HostAllocator.RETURN_UPTO_ALL); // if found suitable hosts in this cluster, find suitable storage // pools for each volume of the VM if (suitableHosts != null && !suitableHosts.isEmpty()) { if (vmProfile.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.BareMetal) { Pod pod = _podDao.findById(clusterVO.getPodId()); DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(dc, pod, clusterVO, suitableHosts.get(0)); return dest; } Pair<Map<Volume, List<StoragePool>>, List<Volume>> result = findSuitablePoolsForVolumes(vmProfile, potentialPlan, avoid, StoragePoolAllocator.RETURN_UPTO_ALL); Map<Volume, List<StoragePool>> suitableVolumeStoragePools = result.first(); List<Volume> readyAndReusedVolumes = result.second(); // choose the potential host and pool for the VM if (!suitableVolumeStoragePools.isEmpty()) { Pair<Host, Map<Volume, StoragePool>> potentialResources = findPotentialDeploymentResources( suitableHosts, suitableVolumeStoragePools, avoid, resourceUsageRequired, readyAndReusedVolumes); if (potentialResources != null) { Pod pod = _podDao.findById(clusterVO.getPodId()); Host host = _hostDao.findById(potentialResources.first().getId()); Map<Volume, StoragePool> storageVolMap = potentialResources.second(); // remove the reused vol<->pool from destination, since // we don't have to prepare this volume. for (Volume vol : readyAndReusedVolumes) { storageVolMap.remove(vol); } DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(dc, pod, clusterVO, host, storageVolMap); s_logger.debug("Returning Deployment Destination: " + dest); return dest; } } else { s_logger.debug("No suitable storagePools found under this Cluster: " + clusterId); } } else { s_logger.debug("No suitable hosts found under this Cluster: " + clusterId); } if (canAvoidCluster(clusterVO, avoid, plannerAvoidOutput, vmProfile)) { avoid.addCluster(clusterVO.getId()); } } s_logger.debug("Could not find suitable Deployment Destination for this VM under any clusters, returning. "); return null; } private boolean canAvoidCluster(Cluster clusterVO, ExcludeList avoids, ExcludeList plannerAvoidOutput, VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile) { ExcludeList allocatorAvoidOutput = new ExcludeList(avoids.getDataCentersToAvoid(), avoids.getPodsToAvoid(), avoids.getClustersToAvoid(), avoids.getHostsToAvoid(), avoids.getPoolsToAvoid()); // remove any hosts/pools that the planners might have added // to get the list of hosts/pools that Allocators flagged as 'avoid' resetAvoidSet(allocatorAvoidOutput, plannerAvoidOutput); // if all hosts or all pools in the cluster are in avoid set after this // pass, then put the cluster in avoid set. boolean avoidAllHosts = true; boolean avoidAllPools = true; boolean avoidAllLocalPools = true; boolean avoidAllSharedPools = true; List<HostVO> allhostsInCluster = _hostDao.listAllUpAndEnabledNonHAHosts(Host.Type.Routing, clusterVO.getId(), clusterVO.getPodId(), clusterVO.getDataCenterId(), null); for (HostVO host : allhostsInCluster) { if (!allocatorAvoidOutput.shouldAvoid(host)) { // there's some host in the cluster that is not yet in avoid set avoidAllHosts = false; break; } } // all hosts in avoid set, avoid the cluster. Otherwise check the pools if (avoidAllHosts) { return true; } // Cluster can be put in avoid set in following scenarios: // 1. If storage allocators haven't put any pools in avoid set means either no pools in cluster // or pools not suitable for the allocators to handle or there is no // linkage of any suitable host to any of the pools in cluster // 2. If all 'shared' or 'local' pools are in avoid set if (allocatorAvoidOutput.getPoolsToAvoid() != null && !allocatorAvoidOutput.getPoolsToAvoid().isEmpty()) { Pair<Boolean, Boolean> storageRequirements = findVMStorageRequirements(vmProfile); boolean vmRequiresSharedStorage = storageRequirements.first(); boolean vmRequiresLocalStorege = storageRequirements.second(); if (vmRequiresSharedStorage) { // check shared pools List<StoragePoolVO> allPoolsInCluster = _storagePoolDao.findPoolsByTags(clusterVO.getDataCenterId(), clusterVO.getPodId(), clusterVO.getId(), null); for (StoragePoolVO pool : allPoolsInCluster) { if (!allocatorAvoidOutput.shouldAvoid(pool)) { // there's some pool in the cluster that is not yet in avoid set avoidAllSharedPools = false; break; } } } if (vmRequiresLocalStorege) { // check local pools List<StoragePoolVO> allLocalPoolsInCluster = _storagePoolDao.findLocalStoragePoolsByTags(clusterVO.getDataCenterId(), clusterVO.getPodId(), clusterVO.getId(), null); for (StoragePoolVO pool : allLocalPoolsInCluster) { if (!allocatorAvoidOutput.shouldAvoid(pool)) { // there's some pool in the cluster that is not yet // in avoid set avoidAllLocalPools = false; break; } } } if (vmRequiresSharedStorage && vmRequiresLocalStorege) { avoidAllPools = (avoidAllLocalPools || avoidAllSharedPools) ? true : false; } else if (vmRequiresSharedStorage) { avoidAllPools = avoidAllSharedPools; } else if (vmRequiresLocalStorege) { avoidAllPools = avoidAllLocalPools; } } if (avoidAllHosts || avoidAllPools) { return true; } return false; } private Pair<Boolean, Boolean> findVMStorageRequirements(VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile) { boolean requiresShared = false, requiresLocal = false; List<VolumeVO> volumesTobeCreated = _volsDao.findUsableVolumesForInstance(vmProfile.getId()); // for each volume find whether shared or local pool is required for (VolumeVO toBeCreated : volumesTobeCreated) { DiskOfferingVO diskOffering = _diskOfferingDao.findById(toBeCreated.getDiskOfferingId()); if (diskOffering != null) { if (diskOffering.getUseLocalStorage()) { requiresLocal = true; } else { requiresShared = true; } } } return new Pair<Boolean, Boolean>(requiresShared, requiresLocal); } protected Pair<Host, Map<Volume, StoragePool>> findPotentialDeploymentResources(List<Host> suitableHosts, Map<Volume, List<StoragePool>> suitableVolumeStoragePools, ExcludeList avoid, DeploymentPlanner.PlannerResourceUsage resourceUsageRequired, List<Volume> readyAndReusedVolumes) { s_logger.debug("Trying to find a potenial host and associated storage pools from the suitable host/pool lists for this VM"); boolean hostCanAccessPool = false; boolean haveEnoughSpace = false; if (readyAndReusedVolumes == null) { readyAndReusedVolumes = new ArrayList<Volume>(); } Map<Volume, StoragePool> storage = new HashMap<Volume, StoragePool>(); TreeSet<Volume> volumesOrderBySizeDesc = new TreeSet<Volume>(new Comparator<Volume>() { @Override public int compare(Volume v1, Volume v2) { if (v1.getSize() < v2.getSize()) return 1; else return -1; } }); volumesOrderBySizeDesc.addAll(suitableVolumeStoragePools.keySet()); boolean multipleVolume = volumesOrderBySizeDesc.size() > 1; for (Host potentialHost : suitableHosts) { Map<StoragePool, List<Volume>> volumeAllocationMap = new HashMap<StoragePool, List<Volume>>(); for (Volume vol : volumesOrderBySizeDesc) { haveEnoughSpace = false; s_logger.debug("Checking if host: " + potentialHost.getId() + " can access any suitable storage pool for volume: " + vol.getVolumeType()); List<StoragePool> volumePoolList = suitableVolumeStoragePools.get(vol); hostCanAccessPool = false; for (StoragePool potentialSPool : volumePoolList) { if (hostCanAccessSPool(potentialHost, potentialSPool)) { hostCanAccessPool = true; if (multipleVolume && !readyAndReusedVolumes.contains(vol)) { List<Volume> requestVolumes = null; if (volumeAllocationMap.containsKey(potentialSPool)) requestVolumes = volumeAllocationMap.get(potentialSPool); else requestVolumes = new ArrayList<Volume>(); requestVolumes.add(vol); if (!_storageMgr.storagePoolHasEnoughIops(requestVolumes, potentialSPool) || !_storageMgr.storagePoolHasEnoughSpace(requestVolumes, potentialSPool, potentialHost.getClusterId())) continue; volumeAllocationMap.put(potentialSPool, requestVolumes); } storage.put(vol, potentialSPool); haveEnoughSpace = true; break; } } if (!hostCanAccessPool) { break; } if (!haveEnoughSpace) { s_logger.warn("insufficient capacity to allocate all volumes"); break; } } if (hostCanAccessPool && haveEnoughSpace && checkIfHostFitsPlannerUsage(potentialHost.getId(), resourceUsageRequired)) { s_logger.debug("Found a potential host " + "id: " + potentialHost.getId() + " name: " + potentialHost.getName() + " and associated storage pools for this VM"); return new Pair<Host, Map<Volume, StoragePool>>(potentialHost, storage); } else { avoid.addHost(potentialHost.getId()); } } s_logger.debug("Could not find a potential host that has associated storage pools from the suitable host/pool lists for this VM"); return null; } protected boolean hostCanAccessSPool(Host host, StoragePool pool) { boolean hostCanAccessSPool = false; StoragePoolHostVO hostPoolLinkage = _poolHostDao.findByPoolHost(pool.getId(), host.getId()); if (hostPoolLinkage != null) { hostCanAccessSPool = true; } s_logger.debug("Host: " + host.getId() + (hostCanAccessSPool ? " can" : " cannot") + " access pool: " + pool.getId()); return hostCanAccessSPool; } protected List<Host> findSuitableHosts(VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile, DeploymentPlan plan, ExcludeList avoid, int returnUpTo) { List<Host> suitableHosts = new ArrayList<Host>(); for (HostAllocator allocator : _hostAllocators) { suitableHosts = allocator.allocateTo(vmProfile, plan, Host.Type.Routing, avoid, returnUpTo); if (suitableHosts != null && !suitableHosts.isEmpty()) { break; } } if (suitableHosts.isEmpty()) { s_logger.debug("No suitable hosts found"); } return suitableHosts; } protected Pair<Map<Volume, List<StoragePool>>, List<Volume>> findSuitablePoolsForVolumes(VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile, DeploymentPlan plan, ExcludeList avoid, int returnUpTo) { List<VolumeVO> volumesTobeCreated = _volsDao.findUsableVolumesForInstance(vmProfile.getId()); Map<Volume, List<StoragePool>> suitableVolumeStoragePools = new HashMap<Volume, List<StoragePool>>(); List<Volume> readyAndReusedVolumes = new ArrayList<Volume>(); // There should be atleast the ROOT volume of the VM in usable state if (volumesTobeCreated.isEmpty()) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to create deployment, no usable volumes found for the VM"); } // don't allow to start vm that doesn't have a root volume if (_volsDao.findByInstanceAndType(vmProfile.getId(), Volume.Type.ROOT).isEmpty()) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to prepare volumes for vm as ROOT volume is missing"); } // for each volume find list of suitable storage pools by calling the // allocators Set<Long> originalAvoidPoolSet = avoid.getPoolsToAvoid(); if (originalAvoidPoolSet == null) { originalAvoidPoolSet = new HashSet<Long>(); } Set<Long> poolsToAvoidOutput = new HashSet<Long>(originalAvoidPoolSet); for (VolumeVO toBeCreated : volumesTobeCreated) { s_logger.debug("Checking suitable pools for volume (Id, Type): (" + toBeCreated.getId() + "," + toBeCreated.getVolumeType().name() + ")"); // If the plan specifies a poolId, it means that this VM's ROOT // volume is ready and the pool should be reused. // In this case, also check if rest of the volumes are ready and can // be reused. if (plan.getPoolId() != null || (toBeCreated.getVolumeType() == Volume.Type.DATADISK && toBeCreated.getPoolId() != null && toBeCreated.getState() == Volume.State.Ready)) { s_logger.debug("Volume has pool already allocated, checking if pool can be reused, poolId: " + toBeCreated.getPoolId()); List<StoragePool> suitablePools = new ArrayList<StoragePool>(); StoragePool pool = null; if (toBeCreated.getPoolId() != null) { pool = (StoragePool)dataStoreMgr.getPrimaryDataStore(toBeCreated.getPoolId()); } else { pool = (StoragePool)dataStoreMgr.getPrimaryDataStore(plan.getPoolId()); } if (!pool.isInMaintenance()) { if (!avoid.shouldAvoid(pool)) { long exstPoolDcId = pool.getDataCenterId(); long exstPoolPodId = pool.getPodId() != null ? pool.getPodId() : -1; long exstPoolClusterId = pool.getClusterId() != null ? pool.getClusterId() : -1; boolean canReusePool = false; if (plan.getDataCenterId() == exstPoolDcId && plan.getPodId() == exstPoolPodId && plan.getClusterId() == exstPoolClusterId) { canReusePool = true; } else if (plan.getDataCenterId() == exstPoolDcId) { DataStore dataStore = dataStoreMgr.getPrimaryDataStore(pool.getId()); if (dataStore != null && dataStore.getScope() != null && dataStore.getScope().getScopeType() == ScopeType.ZONE) { canReusePool = true; } } else { s_logger.debug("Pool of the volume does not fit the specified plan, need to reallocate a pool for this volume"); canReusePool = false; } if (canReusePool) { s_logger.debug("Planner need not allocate a pool for this volume since its READY"); suitablePools.add(pool); suitableVolumeStoragePools.put(toBeCreated, suitablePools); if (!(toBeCreated.getState() == Volume.State.Allocated || toBeCreated.getState() == Volume.State.Creating)) { readyAndReusedVolumes.add(toBeCreated); } continue; } } else { s_logger.debug("Pool of the volume is in avoid set, need to reallocate a pool for this volume"); } } else { s_logger.debug("Pool of the volume is in maintenance, need to reallocate a pool for this volume"); } } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("We need to allocate new storagepool for this volume"); } if (!isRootAdmin(vmProfile)) { if (!isEnabledForAllocation(plan.getDataCenterId(), plan.getPodId(), plan.getClusterId())) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Cannot allocate new storagepool for this volume in this cluster, allocation state is disabled"); s_logger.debug("Cannot deploy to this specified plan, allocation state is disabled, returning."); } // Cannot find suitable storage pools under this cluster for // this volume since allocation_state is disabled. // - remove any suitable pools found for other volumes. // All volumes should get suitable pools under this cluster; // else we cant use this cluster. suitableVolumeStoragePools.clear(); break; } } s_logger.debug("Calling StoragePoolAllocators to find suitable pools"); DiskOfferingVO diskOffering = _diskOfferingDao.findById(toBeCreated.getDiskOfferingId()); if (vmProfile.getTemplate().getFormat() == Storage.ImageFormat.ISO && vmProfile.getServiceOffering().getTagsArray().length != 0) { diskOffering.setTagsArray(Arrays.asList(vmProfile.getServiceOffering().getTagsArray())); } DiskProfile diskProfile = new DiskProfile(toBeCreated, diskOffering, vmProfile.getHypervisorType()); boolean useLocalStorage = false; if (vmProfile.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) { DataCenterVO zone = _dcDao.findById(plan.getDataCenterId()); assert (zone != null) : "Invalid zone in deployment plan"; Boolean useLocalStorageForSystemVM = ConfigurationManagerImpl.SystemVMUseLocalStorage.valueIn(zone.getId()); if (useLocalStorageForSystemVM != null) { useLocalStorage = useLocalStorageForSystemVM.booleanValue(); s_logger.debug("System VMs will use " + (useLocalStorage ? "local" : "shared") + " storage for zone id=" + plan.getDataCenterId()); } } else { useLocalStorage = diskOffering.getUseLocalStorage(); // TODO: this is a hacking fix for the problem of deploy // ISO-based VM on local storage // when deploying VM based on ISO, we have a service offering // and an additional disk offering, use-local storage flag is // actually // saved in service offering, override the flag from service // offering when it is a ROOT disk if (!useLocalStorage && vmProfile.getServiceOffering().getUseLocalStorage()) { if (toBeCreated.getVolumeType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) { useLocalStorage = true; } } } diskProfile.setUseLocalStorage(useLocalStorage); boolean foundPotentialPools = false; for (StoragePoolAllocator allocator : _storagePoolAllocators) { final List<StoragePool> suitablePools = allocator.allocateToPool(diskProfile, vmProfile, plan, avoid, returnUpTo); if (suitablePools != null && !suitablePools.isEmpty()) { suitableVolumeStoragePools.put(toBeCreated, suitablePools); foundPotentialPools = true; break; } } if (avoid.getPoolsToAvoid() != null) { poolsToAvoidOutput.addAll(avoid.getPoolsToAvoid()); avoid.getPoolsToAvoid().retainAll(originalAvoidPoolSet); } if (!foundPotentialPools) { s_logger.debug("No suitable pools found for volume: " + toBeCreated + " under cluster: " + plan.getClusterId()); // No suitable storage pools found under this cluster for this // volume. - remove any suitable pools found for other volumes. // All volumes should get suitable pools under this cluster; // else we cant use this cluster. suitableVolumeStoragePools.clear(); break; } } HashSet<Long> toRemove = new HashSet<Long>(); for (List<StoragePool> lsp : suitableVolumeStoragePools.values()) { for (StoragePool sp : lsp) { toRemove.add(sp.getId()); } } poolsToAvoidOutput.removeAll(toRemove); if (avoid.getPoolsToAvoid() != null) { avoid.getPoolsToAvoid().addAll(poolsToAvoidOutput); } if (suitableVolumeStoragePools.isEmpty()) { s_logger.debug("No suitable pools found"); } return new Pair<Map<Volume, List<StoragePool>>, List<Volume>>(suitableVolumeStoragePools, readyAndReusedVolumes); } private boolean isEnabledForAllocation(long zoneId, Long podId, Long clusterId) { // Check if the zone exists in the system DataCenterVO zone = _dcDao.findById(zoneId); if (zone != null && Grouping.AllocationState.Disabled == zone.getAllocationState()) { s_logger.info("Zone is currently disabled, cannot allocate to this zone: " + zoneId); return false; } Pod pod = _podDao.findById(podId); if (pod != null && Grouping.AllocationState.Disabled == pod.getAllocationState()) { s_logger.info("Pod is currently disabled, cannot allocate to this pod: " + podId); return false; } Cluster cluster = _clusterDao.findById(clusterId); if (cluster != null && Grouping.AllocationState.Disabled == cluster.getAllocationState()) { s_logger.info("Cluster is currently disabled, cannot allocate to this cluster: " + clusterId); return false; } return true; } private boolean isRootAdmin(VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile) { if (vmProfile != null) { if (vmProfile.getOwner() != null) { return _accountMgr.isRootAdmin(vmProfile.getOwner().getId()); } else { return false; } } return false; } @DB @Override public String finalizeReservation(final DeployDestination plannedDestination, final VirtualMachineProfile vmProfile, DeploymentPlan plan, ExcludeList avoids, final DeploymentPlanner planner) throws InsufficientServerCapacityException, AffinityConflictException { final VirtualMachine vm = vmProfile.getVirtualMachine(); final long vmGroupCount = _affinityGroupVMMapDao.countAffinityGroupsForVm(vm.getId()); return Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallback<String>() { @Override public String doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) { boolean saveReservation = true; if (vmGroupCount > 0) { List<Long> groupIds = _affinityGroupVMMapDao.listAffinityGroupIdsByVmId(vm.getId()); SearchCriteria<AffinityGroupVO> criteria = _affinityGroupDao.createSearchCriteria(); criteria.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.IN, groupIds.toArray(new Object[groupIds.size()])); _affinityGroupDao.lockRows(criteria, null, true); for (AffinityGroupProcessor processor : _affinityProcessors) { if (!processor.check(vmProfile, plannedDestination)) { saveReservation = false; break; } } } if (saveReservation) { VMReservationVO vmReservation = new VMReservationVO(vm.getId(), plannedDestination.getDataCenter().getId(), plannedDestination.getPod().getId(), plannedDestination.getCluster() .getId(), plannedDestination.getHost().getId()); if (planner != null) { vmReservation.setDeploymentPlanner(planner.getName()); } Map<Long, Long> volumeReservationMap = new HashMap<Long, Long>(); if (vm.getHypervisorType() != HypervisorType.BareMetal) { for (Volume vo : plannedDestination.getStorageForDisks().keySet()) { volumeReservationMap.put(vo.getId(), plannedDestination.getStorageForDisks().get(vo).getId()); } vmReservation.setVolumeReservation(volumeReservationMap); } _reservationDao.persist(vmReservation); return vmReservation.getUuid(); } return null; } }); } @Override public boolean preStateTransitionEvent(State oldState, Event event, State newState, VirtualMachine vo, boolean status, Object opaque) { return true; } @Override public boolean postStateTransitionEvent(StateMachine2.Transition<State, Event> transition, VirtualMachine vo, boolean status, Object opaque) { if (!status) { return false; } State oldState = transition.getCurrentState(); State newState = transition.getToState(); if ((oldState == State.Starting) && (newState != State.Starting)) { // cleanup all VM reservation entries SearchCriteria<VMReservationVO> sc = _reservationDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("vmId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, vo.getId()); _reservationDao.expunge(sc); } return true; } }