/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.cloudstack.storage.motion; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.CopyCommandResult; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.DataMotionStrategy; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.DataObject; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.DataStore; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.PrimaryDataStoreDriver; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.StrategyPriority; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.VolumeDataFactory; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.subsystem.api.storage.VolumeInfo; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.async.AsyncCompletionCallback; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.datastore.db.PrimaryDataStoreDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.VolumeObjectTO; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.cloud.agent.AgentManager; import com.cloud.agent.api.Answer; import com.cloud.agent.api.CreateStoragePoolCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.DeleteStoragePoolCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.MigrateWithStorageAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.MigrateWithStorageCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.MigrateWithStorageCompleteAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.MigrateWithStorageCompleteCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.MigrateWithStorageReceiveAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.MigrateWithStorageReceiveCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.MigrateWithStorageSendAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.MigrateWithStorageSendCommand; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.StorageFilerTO; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.VirtualMachineTO; import com.cloud.agent.api.to.VolumeTO; import com.cloud.exception.AgentUnavailableException; import com.cloud.exception.OperationTimedoutException; import com.cloud.host.Host; import com.cloud.hypervisor.Hypervisor.HypervisorType; import com.cloud.storage.StoragePool; import com.cloud.storage.VolumeVO; import com.cloud.storage.VolumeDetailVO; import com.cloud.storage.dao.VolumeDao; import com.cloud.storage.dao.VolumeDetailsDao; import com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException; import com.cloud.utils.Pair; import com.cloud.utils.StringUtils; import com.cloud.vm.VMInstanceVO; import com.cloud.vm.dao.VMInstanceDao; @Component public class XenServerStorageMotionStrategy implements DataMotionStrategy { private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(XenServerStorageMotionStrategy.class); @Inject AgentManager agentMgr; @Inject VolumeDao volDao; @Inject VolumeDataFactory volFactory; @Inject PrimaryDataStoreDao storagePoolDao; @Inject private VolumeDetailsDao volumeDetailsDao; @Inject VMInstanceDao instanceDao; @Override public StrategyPriority canHandle(DataObject srcData, DataObject destData) { return StrategyPriority.CANT_HANDLE; } @Override public StrategyPriority canHandle(Map<VolumeInfo, DataStore> volumeMap, Host srcHost, Host destHost) { if (srcHost.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.XenServer && destHost.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.XenServer) { return StrategyPriority.HYPERVISOR; } return StrategyPriority.CANT_HANDLE; } @Override public void copyAsync(DataObject srcData, DataObject destData, Host destHost, AsyncCompletionCallback<CopyCommandResult> callback) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void copyAsync(Map<VolumeInfo, DataStore> volumeMap, VirtualMachineTO vmTo, Host srcHost, Host destHost, AsyncCompletionCallback<CopyCommandResult> callback) { Answer answer = null; String errMsg = null; try { VMInstanceVO instance = instanceDao.findById(vmTo.getId()); if (instance != null) { if (srcHost.getClusterId().equals(destHost.getClusterId())) { answer = migrateVmWithVolumesWithinCluster(instance, vmTo, srcHost, destHost, volumeMap); } else { answer = migrateVmWithVolumesAcrossCluster(instance, vmTo, srcHost, destHost, volumeMap); } } else { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unsupported operation requested for moving data."); } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("copy failed", e); errMsg = e.toString(); } CopyCommandResult result = new CopyCommandResult(null, answer); result.setResult(errMsg); callback.complete(result); } private String getBasicIqn(long volumeId) { VolumeDetailVO volumeDetail = volumeDetailsDao.findDetail(volumeId, PrimaryDataStoreDriver.BASIC_IQN); return volumeDetail.getValue(); } /** * Tell the underlying storage plug-in to create a new volume, put it in the VAG of the destination cluster, and * send a command to the destination cluster to create an SR and to attach to the SR from all hosts in the cluster. */ private String handleManagedVolumePreMigration(VolumeInfo volumeInfo, StoragePool storagePool, Host destHost) { final PrimaryDataStoreDriver pdsd = (PrimaryDataStoreDriver)volumeInfo.getDataStore().getDriver(); VolumeDetailVO volumeDetailVo = new VolumeDetailVO(volumeInfo.getId(), PrimaryDataStoreDriver.BASIC_CREATE, Boolean.TRUE.toString(), false); volumeDetailsDao.persist(volumeDetailVo); pdsd.createAsync(volumeInfo.getDataStore(), volumeInfo, null); volumeDetailVo = new VolumeDetailVO(volumeInfo.getId(), PrimaryDataStoreDriver.BASIC_GRANT_ACCESS, Boolean.TRUE.toString(), false); volumeDetailsDao.persist(volumeDetailVo); pdsd.grantAccess(volumeInfo, destHost, volumeInfo.getDataStore()); final Map<String, String> details = new HashMap<>(); final String iqn = getBasicIqn(volumeInfo.getId()); details.put(CreateStoragePoolCommand.DATASTORE_NAME, iqn); details.put(CreateStoragePoolCommand.IQN, iqn); details.put(CreateStoragePoolCommand.STORAGE_HOST, storagePool.getHostAddress()); details.put(CreateStoragePoolCommand.STORAGE_PORT, String.valueOf(storagePool.getPort())); final CreateStoragePoolCommand cmd = new CreateStoragePoolCommand(true, storagePool); cmd.setDetails(details); cmd.setCreateDatastore(true); final Answer answer = agentMgr.easySend(destHost.getId(), cmd); if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) { String errMsg = "Error interacting with host (related to CreateStoragePoolCommand)" + (StringUtils.isNotBlank(answer.getDetails()) ? ": " + answer.getDetails() : ""); s_logger.error(errMsg); throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMsg); } return iqn; } private void handleManagedVolumePostMigration(VolumeInfo volumeInfo, Host srcHost, VolumeObjectTO volumeTO) { final Map<String, String> details = new HashMap<>(); details.put(DeleteStoragePoolCommand.DATASTORE_NAME, volumeInfo.get_iScsiName()); final DeleteStoragePoolCommand cmd = new DeleteStoragePoolCommand(); cmd.setDetails(details); cmd.setRemoveDatastore(true); final Answer answer = agentMgr.easySend(srcHost.getId(), cmd); if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) { String errMsg = "Error interacting with host (related to DeleteStoragePoolCommand)" + (StringUtils.isNotBlank(answer.getDetails()) ? ": " + answer.getDetails() : ""); s_logger.error(errMsg); throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMsg); } final PrimaryDataStoreDriver pdsd = (PrimaryDataStoreDriver)volumeInfo.getDataStore().getDriver(); pdsd.revokeAccess(volumeInfo, srcHost, volumeInfo.getDataStore()); VolumeDetailVO volumeDetailVo = new VolumeDetailVO(volumeInfo.getId(), PrimaryDataStoreDriver.BASIC_DELETE, Boolean.TRUE.toString(), false); volumeDetailsDao.persist(volumeDetailVo); pdsd.deleteAsync(volumeInfo.getDataStore(), volumeInfo, null); VolumeVO volumeVO = volDao.findById(volumeInfo.getId()); volumeVO.setPath(volumeTO.getPath()); volDao.update(volumeVO.getId(), volumeVO); } private void handleManagedVolumesAfterFailedMigration(Map<VolumeInfo, DataStore> volumeToPool, Host destHost) { for (Map.Entry<VolumeInfo, DataStore> entry : volumeToPool.entrySet()) { VolumeInfo volumeInfo = entry.getKey(); StoragePool storagePool = storagePoolDao.findById(volumeInfo.getPoolId()); if (storagePool.isManaged()) { final Map<String, String> details = new HashMap<>(); details.put(DeleteStoragePoolCommand.DATASTORE_NAME, getBasicIqn(volumeInfo.getId())); final DeleteStoragePoolCommand cmd = new DeleteStoragePoolCommand(); cmd.setDetails(details); cmd.setRemoveDatastore(true); final Answer answer = agentMgr.easySend(destHost.getId(), cmd); if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) { String errMsg = "Error interacting with host (related to handleManagedVolumesAfterFailedMigration)" + (StringUtils.isNotBlank(answer.getDetails()) ? ": " + answer.getDetails() : ""); s_logger.error(errMsg); // no need to throw an exception here as the calling code is responsible for doing so // regardless of the success or lack thereof concerning this method return; } final PrimaryDataStoreDriver pdsd = (PrimaryDataStoreDriver)volumeInfo.getDataStore().getDriver(); VolumeDetailVO volumeDetailVo = new VolumeDetailVO(volumeInfo.getId(), PrimaryDataStoreDriver.BASIC_REVOKE_ACCESS, Boolean.TRUE.toString(), false); volumeDetailsDao.persist(volumeDetailVo); pdsd.revokeAccess(volumeInfo, destHost, volumeInfo.getDataStore()); volumeDetailVo = new VolumeDetailVO(volumeInfo.getId(), PrimaryDataStoreDriver.BASIC_DELETE_FAILURE, Boolean.TRUE.toString(), false); volumeDetailsDao.persist(volumeDetailVo); pdsd.deleteAsync(volumeInfo.getDataStore(), volumeInfo, null); } } } private Answer migrateVmWithVolumesAcrossCluster(VMInstanceVO vm, VirtualMachineTO to, Host srcHost, Host destHost, Map<VolumeInfo, DataStore> volumeToPool) throws AgentUnavailableException { // Initiate migration of a virtual machine with its volumes. try { List<Pair<VolumeTO, String>> volumeToStorageUuid = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<VolumeInfo, DataStore> entry : volumeToPool.entrySet()) { VolumeInfo volumeInfo = entry.getKey(); StoragePool storagePool = storagePoolDao.findById(volumeInfo.getPoolId()); VolumeTO volumeTo = new VolumeTO(volumeInfo, storagePool); if (storagePool.isManaged()) { String iqn = handleManagedVolumePreMigration(volumeInfo, storagePool, destHost); volumeToStorageUuid.add(new Pair<>(volumeTo, iqn)); } else { volumeToStorageUuid.add(new Pair<>(volumeTo, ((StoragePool)entry.getValue()).getPath())); } } // Migration across cluster needs to be done in three phases. // 1. Send a migrate receive command to the destination host so that it is ready to receive a vm. // 2. Send a migrate send command to the source host. This actually migrates the vm to the destination. // 3. Complete the process. Update the volume details. MigrateWithStorageReceiveCommand receiveCmd = new MigrateWithStorageReceiveCommand(to, volumeToStorageUuid); MigrateWithStorageReceiveAnswer receiveAnswer = (MigrateWithStorageReceiveAnswer)agentMgr.send(destHost.getId(), receiveCmd); if (receiveAnswer == null) { s_logger.error("Migration with storage of vm " + vm + " to host " + destHost + " failed."); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Error while migrating the vm " + vm + " to host " + destHost); } else if (!receiveAnswer.getResult()) { s_logger.error("Migration with storage of vm " + vm + " failed. Details: " + receiveAnswer.getDetails()); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Error while migrating the vm " + vm + " to host " + destHost); } MigrateWithStorageSendCommand sendCmd = new MigrateWithStorageSendCommand(to, receiveAnswer.getVolumeToSr(), receiveAnswer.getNicToNetwork(), receiveAnswer.getToken()); MigrateWithStorageSendAnswer sendAnswer = (MigrateWithStorageSendAnswer)agentMgr.send(srcHost.getId(), sendCmd); if (sendAnswer == null) { handleManagedVolumesAfterFailedMigration(volumeToPool, destHost); s_logger.error("Migration with storage of vm " + vm + " to host " + destHost + " failed."); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Error while migrating the vm " + vm + " to host " + destHost); } else if (!sendAnswer.getResult()) { handleManagedVolumesAfterFailedMigration(volumeToPool, destHost); s_logger.error("Migration with storage of vm " + vm + " failed. Details: " + sendAnswer.getDetails()); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Error while migrating the vm " + vm + " to host " + destHost); } MigrateWithStorageCompleteCommand command = new MigrateWithStorageCompleteCommand(to); MigrateWithStorageCompleteAnswer answer = (MigrateWithStorageCompleteAnswer)agentMgr.send(destHost.getId(), command); if (answer == null) { s_logger.error("Migration with storage of vm " + vm + " failed."); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Error while migrating the vm " + vm + " to host " + destHost); } else if (!answer.getResult()) { s_logger.error("Migration with storage of vm " + vm + " failed. Details: " + answer.getDetails()); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Error while migrating the vm " + vm + " to host " + destHost); } else { // Update the volume details after migration. updateVolumePathsAfterMigration(volumeToPool, answer.getVolumeTos(), srcHost); } return answer; } catch (OperationTimedoutException e) { s_logger.error("Error while migrating vm " + vm + " to host " + destHost, e); throw new AgentUnavailableException("Operation timed out on storage motion for " + vm, destHost.getId()); } } private Answer migrateVmWithVolumesWithinCluster(VMInstanceVO vm, VirtualMachineTO to, Host srcHost, Host destHost, Map<VolumeInfo, DataStore> volumeToPool) throws AgentUnavailableException { // Initiate migration of a virtual machine with its volumes. try { List<Pair<VolumeTO, StorageFilerTO>> volumeToFilerto = new ArrayList<Pair<VolumeTO, StorageFilerTO>>(); for (Map.Entry<VolumeInfo, DataStore> entry : volumeToPool.entrySet()) { VolumeInfo volume = entry.getKey(); VolumeTO volumeTo = new VolumeTO(volume, storagePoolDao.findById(volume.getPoolId())); StorageFilerTO filerTo = new StorageFilerTO((StoragePool)entry.getValue()); volumeToFilerto.add(new Pair<VolumeTO, StorageFilerTO>(volumeTo, filerTo)); } MigrateWithStorageCommand command = new MigrateWithStorageCommand(to, volumeToFilerto); MigrateWithStorageAnswer answer = (MigrateWithStorageAnswer)agentMgr.send(destHost.getId(), command); if (answer == null) { s_logger.error("Migration with storage of vm " + vm + " failed."); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Error while migrating the vm " + vm + " to host " + destHost); } else if (!answer.getResult()) { s_logger.error("Migration with storage of vm " + vm + " failed. Details: " + answer.getDetails()); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Error while migrating the vm " + vm + " to host " + destHost + ". " + answer.getDetails()); } else { // Update the volume details after migration. updateVolumePathsAfterMigration(volumeToPool, answer.getVolumeTos(), srcHost); } return answer; } catch (OperationTimedoutException e) { s_logger.error("Error while migrating vm " + vm + " to host " + destHost, e); throw new AgentUnavailableException("Operation timed out on storage motion for " + vm, destHost.getId()); } } private void updateVolumePathsAfterMigration(Map<VolumeInfo, DataStore> volumeToPool, List<VolumeObjectTO> volumeTos, Host srcHost) { for (Map.Entry<VolumeInfo, DataStore> entry : volumeToPool.entrySet()) { VolumeInfo volumeInfo = entry.getKey(); StoragePool storagePool = (StoragePool)entry.getValue(); boolean updated = false; for (VolumeObjectTO volumeTo : volumeTos) { if (volumeInfo.getId() == volumeTo.getId()) { if (storagePool.isManaged()) { handleManagedVolumePostMigration(volumeInfo, srcHost, volumeTo); } else { VolumeVO volumeVO = volDao.findById(volumeInfo.getId()); Long oldPoolId = volumeVO.getPoolId(); volumeVO.setPath(volumeTo.getPath()); volumeVO.setFolder(storagePool.getPath()); volumeVO.setPodId(storagePool.getPodId()); volumeVO.setPoolId(storagePool.getId()); volumeVO.setLastPoolId(oldPoolId); volDao.update(volumeInfo.getId(), volumeVO); } updated = true; break; } } if (!updated) { s_logger.error("The volume path wasn't updated for volume '" + volumeInfo + "' after it was migrated."); } } } }