// // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. // package com.cloud.network.resource.wrapper; import static com.cloud.network.resource.NiciraNvpResource.NAME_MAX_LEN; import static com.cloud.network.resource.NiciraNvpResource.NUM_RETRIES; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.cloud.agent.api.Answer; import com.cloud.agent.api.ConfigureSharedNetworkUuidAnswer; import com.cloud.agent.api.ConfigureSharedNetworkUuidCommand; import com.cloud.network.nicira.LogicalRouterPort; import com.cloud.network.nicira.LogicalSwitch; import com.cloud.network.nicira.LogicalSwitchPort; import com.cloud.network.nicira.NiciraNvpApi; import com.cloud.network.nicira.NiciraNvpApiException; import com.cloud.network.nicira.NiciraNvpTag; import com.cloud.network.nicira.PatchAttachment; import com.cloud.network.resource.NiciraNvpResource; import com.cloud.network.utils.CommandRetryUtility; import com.cloud.resource.CommandWrapper; import com.cloud.resource.ResourceWrapper; import com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException; import com.cloud.utils.rest.HttpStatusCodeHelper; @ResourceWrapper(handles = ConfigureSharedNetworkUuidCommand.class) public final class NiciraNvpConfigureSharedNetworkUuidCommandWrapper extends CommandWrapper<ConfigureSharedNetworkUuidCommand, Answer, NiciraNvpResource>{ private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(NiciraNvpConfigureSharedNetworkUuidCommandWrapper.class); @Override public Answer execute(ConfigureSharedNetworkUuidCommand command, NiciraNvpResource niciraNvpResource) { final String logicalRouterUuid = command.getLogicalRouterUuid(); final String logicalSwitchUuid = command.getLogicalSwitchUuid(); final String portIpAddress = command.getPortIpAddress(); final List<NiciraNvpTag> tags = new ArrayList<NiciraNvpTag>(); tags.add(new NiciraNvpTag("cs_account", command.getOwnerName())); final long networkId = command.getNetworkId(); final NiciraNvpApi niciraNvpApi = niciraNvpResource.getNiciraNvpApi(); s_logger.debug("Attaching Logical Switch " + logicalSwitchUuid + " on Logical Router " + logicalRouterUuid + " for Shared Network " + networkId); //Step 1: Get lSwitch displayName s_logger.info("Looking for Logical Switch " + logicalSwitchUuid + " display name"); String logicalSwitchDisplayName; try{ List<LogicalSwitch> lSwitchList = niciraNvpApi.findLogicalSwitch(logicalSwitchUuid); if (lSwitchList != null){ if (lSwitchList.size() == 1){ logicalSwitchDisplayName = lSwitchList.get(0).getDisplayName(); } else { s_logger.error("More than one Logical Switch found with uuid " + logicalSwitchUuid); throw new CloudRuntimeException("More than one Logical Switch found with uuid=" + logicalSwitchUuid); } } else { s_logger.error("Logical Switch " + logicalSwitchUuid + " not found"); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Logical Switch " + logicalSwitchUuid + " not found"); } } catch (NiciraNvpApiException e){ s_logger.warn("Logical Switch " + logicalSwitchUuid + " not found, retrying"); final CommandRetryUtility retryUtility = niciraNvpResource.getRetryUtility(); retryUtility.addRetry(command, NUM_RETRIES); return retryUtility.retry(command, ConfigureSharedNetworkUuidAnswer.class, e); } catch (CloudRuntimeException e){ s_logger.info("Shared network UUID vlan id failed due to : " + e.getMessage()); return new ConfigureSharedNetworkUuidAnswer(command, false, e.getMessage()); } s_logger.info("Found display name " + logicalSwitchDisplayName + " for Logical Switch " + logicalSwitchUuid); //Step 2: Create lRouterPort s_logger.debug("Creating Logical Router Port in Logical Router " + logicalRouterUuid); LogicalRouterPort lRouterPort = null; try { lRouterPort = new LogicalRouterPort(); lRouterPort.setAdminStatusEnabled(true); lRouterPort.setDisplayName(niciraNvpResource.truncate(logicalSwitchDisplayName + "-uplink", NAME_MAX_LEN)); lRouterPort.setTags(tags); final List<String> ipAddresses = new ArrayList<String>(); ipAddresses.add(portIpAddress); lRouterPort.setIpAddresses(ipAddresses); lRouterPort = niciraNvpApi.createLogicalRouterPort(logicalRouterUuid, lRouterPort); } catch (NiciraNvpApiException e){ s_logger.warn("Could not create Logical Router Port on Logical Router " + logicalRouterUuid + " due to: " + e.getMessage() + ", retrying"); return handleException(e, command, niciraNvpResource); } s_logger.debug("Logical Router Port " + lRouterPort.getUuid() + " (" + lRouterPort.getDisplayName() + ") successfully created in Logical Router " + logicalRouterUuid); //Step 3: Create lSwitchPort s_logger.debug("Creating Logical Switch Port in Logical Switch " + logicalSwitchUuid + " (" + logicalSwitchDisplayName + ")"); LogicalSwitchPort lSwitchPort = null; try { lSwitchPort = new LogicalSwitchPort(niciraNvpResource.truncate("lrouter-uplink", NAME_MAX_LEN), tags, true); lSwitchPort = niciraNvpApi.createLogicalSwitchPort(logicalSwitchUuid, lSwitchPort); } catch (NiciraNvpApiException e){ s_logger.warn("Could not create Logical Switch Port on Logical Switch " + logicalSwitchUuid + " (" + logicalSwitchDisplayName + ") due to: " + e.getMessage()); cleanupLRouterPort(logicalRouterUuid, lRouterPort, niciraNvpApi); return handleException(e, command, niciraNvpResource); } s_logger.debug("Logical Switch Port " + lSwitchPort.getUuid() + " (" + lSwitchPort.getDisplayName() + ") successfully created in Logical Switch " + logicalSwitchUuid + " (" + logicalSwitchDisplayName + ")"); //Step 4: Attach lRouterPort to lSwitchPort with a PatchAttachment s_logger.debug("Attaching Logical Router Port " + lRouterPort.getUuid() + " (" + lRouterPort.getDisplayName() + ") to Logical Switch Port " + lSwitchPort.getUuid() + " (" + lSwitchPort.getDisplayName() + ") with a PatchAttachment"); try { niciraNvpApi.updateLogicalRouterPortAttachment(logicalRouterUuid, lRouterPort.getUuid(), new PatchAttachment(lSwitchPort.getUuid())); } catch (NiciraNvpApiException e) { s_logger.warn("Could not attach Logical Router Port " + lRouterPort.getUuid() + " (" + lRouterPort.getDisplayName() + ") to Logical Switch Port " + lSwitchPort.getUuid() + " (" + lSwitchPort.getDisplayName() + ") due to: " + e.getMessage() + ", retrying"); cleanupLRouterPort(logicalRouterUuid, lRouterPort, niciraNvpApi); cleanupLSwitchPort(logicalSwitchUuid, lSwitchPort, niciraNvpApi); return handleException(e, command, niciraNvpResource); } s_logger.debug("Logical Router Port " + lRouterPort.getUuid() + " (" + lRouterPort.getDisplayName() + ") successfully attached to to Logical Switch Port " + lSwitchPort.getUuid() + " (" + lSwitchPort.getDisplayName() + ") with a PatchAttachment"); //Step 5: Attach lSwitchPort to lRouterPort with a PatchAttachment s_logger.debug("Attaching Logical Switch Port " + lSwitchPort.getUuid() + " (" + lSwitchPort.getDisplayName() + ") to Logical Router Port " + lRouterPort.getUuid() + " (" + lRouterPort.getDisplayName() + ") with a PatchAttachment"); try { niciraNvpApi.updateLogicalSwitchPortAttachment(logicalSwitchUuid, lSwitchPort.getUuid(), new PatchAttachment(lRouterPort.getUuid())); } catch (NiciraNvpApiException e){ s_logger.warn("Could not attach Logical Switch Port " + lSwitchPort.getUuid() + " (" + lSwitchPort.getDisplayName() + ") to Logical Router Port " + lRouterPort.getUuid() + " (" + lRouterPort.getDisplayName() + ") due to: " + e.getMessage() + ", retrying"); cleanupLRouterPort(logicalRouterUuid, lRouterPort, niciraNvpApi); cleanupLSwitchPort(logicalSwitchUuid, lSwitchPort, niciraNvpApi); return handleException(e, command, niciraNvpResource); } s_logger.debug("Logical Switch Port " + lSwitchPort.getUuid() + " (" + lSwitchPort.getDisplayName() + ") successfully attached to to Logical Router Port " + lRouterPort.getUuid() + " (" + lRouterPort.getDisplayName() + ") with a PatchAttachment"); s_logger.info("Successfully attached Logical Switch " + logicalSwitchUuid + " on Logical Router " + logicalRouterUuid + " for Shared Network " + networkId); return new ConfigureSharedNetworkUuidAnswer(command, true, "OK"); } private void cleanupLSwitchPort(String logicalSwitchUuid, LogicalSwitchPort lSwitchPort, NiciraNvpApi niciraNvpApi) { s_logger.warn("Deleting previously created Logical Switch Port " + lSwitchPort.getUuid() + " (" + lSwitchPort.getDisplayName() + ") from Logical Switch " + logicalSwitchUuid); try { niciraNvpApi.deleteLogicalSwitchPort(logicalSwitchUuid, lSwitchPort.getUuid()); } catch (NiciraNvpApiException exceptionDeleteLSwitchPort) { s_logger.error("Error while deleting Logical Switch Port " + lSwitchPort.getUuid() + " (" + lSwitchPort.getDisplayName() + ") from Logical Switch " + logicalSwitchUuid + " due to: " + exceptionDeleteLSwitchPort.getMessage()); } s_logger.warn("Logical Switch Port " + lSwitchPort.getUuid() + " (" + lSwitchPort.getDisplayName() + ") successfully deleted"); } private void cleanupLRouterPort(String logicalRouterUuid, LogicalRouterPort lRouterPort, NiciraNvpApi niciraNvpApi) { s_logger.warn("Deleting previously created Logical Router Port " + lRouterPort.getUuid() + " (" + lRouterPort.getDisplayName() + ") from Logical Router " + logicalRouterUuid + " and retrying"); try { niciraNvpApi.deleteLogicalRouterPort(logicalRouterUuid, lRouterPort.getUuid()); } catch (NiciraNvpApiException exceptionDelete) { s_logger.error("Error while deleting Logical Router Port " + lRouterPort.getUuid() + " (" + lRouterPort.getDisplayName() + ") from Logical Router " + logicalRouterUuid + " due to: " + exceptionDelete.getMessage()); } s_logger.warn("Logical Router Port " + lRouterPort.getUuid() + " (" + lRouterPort.getDisplayName() + ") successfully deleted"); } private Answer handleException(NiciraNvpApiException e, ConfigureSharedNetworkUuidCommand command, NiciraNvpResource niciraNvpResource) { if (HttpStatusCodeHelper.isConflict(e.getErrorCode())){ s_logger.warn("There's been a conflict in NSX side, aborting implementation"); return new ConfigureSharedNetworkUuidAnswer(command, false, "FAILED: There's been a conflict in NSX side"); } else { s_logger.warn("Error code: " + e.getErrorCode() + ", retrying"); final CommandRetryUtility retryUtility = niciraNvpResource.getRetryUtility(); retryUtility.addRetry(command, NUM_RETRIES); return retryUtility.retry(command, ConfigureSharedNetworkUuidAnswer.class, e); } } }