package gdsc.foci; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomDataGenerator; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.Well19937c; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import gdsc.core.threshold.AutoThreshold; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.plugin.filter.GaussianBlur; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import ij.process.ShortProcessor; public class FindFociTest { static int bias = 500; static int offset = bias + 100; static RandomGenerator rand = new Well19937c(30051977); static ImagePlus[] data; static int numberOfTestImages = 2; static int numberOfTestImages3D = 2; static final int LOOPS = 20; // Allow testing different settings. // Note that the float processor must use absolute values as the relative ones are converted to floats // and this may result in different output. // The second method will be used with negative values so use Auto-threshold int[] backgroundMethod = new int[] { FindFoci.BACKGROUND_ABSOLUTE, FindFoci.BACKGROUND_AUTO_THRESHOLD }; double[] backgroundParameter = new double[] { bias, 0 }; String[] autoThresholdMethod = new String[] { "", }; int[] searchMethod = new int[] { FindFoci.SEARCH_ABOVE_BACKGROUND, FindFoci.SEARCH_ABOVE_BACKGROUND }; double[] searchParameter = new double[] { 0.3, 0.7 }; int[] maxPeaks = new int[] { 1000, 1000 }; int[] minSize = new int[] { 5, 3 }; int[] peakMethod = new int[] { FindFoci.PEAK_ABSOLUTE, FindFoci.PEAK_ABSOLUTE }; double[] peakParameter = new double[] { 10, 20 }; int[] outputType = new int[] { FindFoci.OUTPUT_MASK, FindFoci.OUTPUT_MASK_PEAKS }; int[] sortIndex = new int[] { FindFoci.SORT_INTENSITY, FindFoci.SORT_MAX_VALUE }; int[] options = new int[] { FindFoci.OPTION_MINIMUM_ABOVE_SADDLE, 0 }; double[] blur = new double[] { 0, 0 }; int[] centreMethod = new int[] { FindFoci.CENTRE_MAX_VALUE_SEARCH, FindFoci.CENTRE_MAX_VALUE_ORIGINAL }; double[] centreParameter = new double[] { 2, 2 }; double[] fractionParameter = new double[] { 0.5, 0 }; @Test public void isSameResultUsingIntProcessor() { boolean nonContiguous = true; for (ImagePlus imp : createData()) { for (int i = 0; i < backgroundMethod.length; i++) { FindFociResults r1 = runLegacy(imp, i); FindFociResults r2 = runInt(imp, i, false, nonContiguous); isEqual(r1, r2, i, nonContiguous); } } } @Test public void isSameResultUsingOptimisedIntProcessor() { for (ImagePlus imp : createData()) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) for (int i = 0; i < backgroundMethod.length; i++) { FindFociResults r1 = runInt(imp, i, false, nonContiguous); FindFociResults r2 = runInt(imp, i, true, nonContiguous); isEqual(r1, r2, i, nonContiguous); } } } @Test public void isSameResultUsingFloatProcessor() { for (ImagePlus imp : createData()) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) for (int i = 0; i < backgroundMethod.length; i++) { FindFociResults r1 = runInt(imp, i, false, nonContiguous); FindFociResults r2 = runFloat(imp, i, false, false, nonContiguous); isEqual(r1, r2, i, nonContiguous); } } } @Test public void isSameResultUsingOptimisedFloatProcessor() { for (ImagePlus imp : createData()) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) for (int i = 0; i < backgroundMethod.length; i++) { FindFociResults r1 = runFloat(imp, i, false, false, nonContiguous); FindFociResults r2 = runFloat(imp, i, true, false, nonContiguous); isEqual(r1, r2, i, nonContiguous); } } } @Test public void isSameResultUsingFloatProcessorWithNegativeValues() { for (ImagePlus imp : createData()) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) for (int i = 0; i < backgroundMethod.length; i++) { if (FindFociBaseProcessor.isSortIndexSenstiveToNegativeValues(sortIndex[i])) continue; FindFociResults r1 = runFloat(imp, i, false, false, nonContiguous); FindFociResults r2 = runFloat(imp, i, false, true, nonContiguous); isEqual(r1, r2, i, true, nonContiguous); } } } @Test public void isSameResultUsingOptimisedFloatProcessorWithNegativeValues() { for (ImagePlus imp : createData()) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) for (int i = 0; i < backgroundMethod.length; i++) { if (FindFociBaseProcessor.isSortIndexSenstiveToNegativeValues(sortIndex[i])) continue; FindFociResults r1 = runFloat(imp, i, true, false, nonContiguous); FindFociResults r2 = runFloat(imp, i, true, true, nonContiguous); isEqual(r1, r2, i, true, nonContiguous); } } } @Test public void isSameResultUsingIntProcessorWithStagedMethods() { for (ImagePlus imp : createData()) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) for (int i = 0; i < backgroundMethod.length; i++) { FindFociResults r1 = runInt(imp, i, false, nonContiguous); FindFociResults r2 = runIntStaged(imp, i, false, nonContiguous); isEqual(r1, r2, i, nonContiguous); } } } @Test public void isSameResultUsingOptimisedIntProcessorWithStagedMethods() { for (ImagePlus imp : createData()) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) for (int i = 0; i < backgroundMethod.length; i++) { FindFociResults r1 = runInt(imp, i, true, nonContiguous); FindFociResults r2 = runIntStaged(imp, i, true, nonContiguous); isEqual(r1, r2, i, nonContiguous); } } } @Test public void isSameResultUsingFloatProcessorWithStagedMethods() { for (ImagePlus imp : createData()) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) for (int i = 0; i < backgroundMethod.length; i++) { FindFociResults r1 = runFloat(imp, i, false, false, nonContiguous); FindFociResults r2 = runFloatStaged(imp, i, false, false, nonContiguous); isEqual(r1, r2, i, nonContiguous); } } } @Test public void isSameResultUsingOptimisedFloatProcessorWithStagedMethods() { for (ImagePlus imp : createData()) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) for (int i = 0; i < backgroundMethod.length; i++) { FindFociResults r1 = runFloat(imp, i, true, false, nonContiguous); FindFociResults r2 = runFloatStaged(imp, i, true, false, nonContiguous); isEqual(r1, r2, i, nonContiguous); } } } @Test public void isSameResultUsingFloatProcessorWithStagedMethodsWithNegativeValues() { for (ImagePlus imp : createData()) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) for (int i = 0; i < backgroundMethod.length; i++) { if (FindFociBaseProcessor.isSortIndexSenstiveToNegativeValues(sortIndex[i])) continue; FindFociResults r1 = runFloat(imp, i, false, false, nonContiguous); FindFociResults r2 = runFloatStaged(imp, i, false, true, nonContiguous); isEqual(r1, r2, i, true, nonContiguous); } } } @Test public void isSameResultUsingOptimisedFloatProcessorWithStagedMethodsWithNegativeValues() { for (ImagePlus imp : createData()) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) for (int i = 0; i < backgroundMethod.length; i++) { if (FindFociBaseProcessor.isSortIndexSenstiveToNegativeValues(sortIndex[i])) continue; FindFociResults r1 = runFloat(imp, i, true, false, nonContiguous); FindFociResults r2 = runFloatStaged(imp, i, true, true, nonContiguous); isEqual(r1, r2, i, true, nonContiguous); } } } @Test public void isFasterUsingOptimisedIntProcessor() { // Get settings to try for the speed test int[] indices = new int[] { 1 }; // Warm up createData(); //runInt(data[0], indices[0], false); //runInt(data[0], indices[0], true); long time1 = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int n = LOOPS; n-- > 0;) { start(); for (ImagePlus imp : data) { for (int i : indices) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) runInt(imp, i, false, nonContiguous); } } time1 = stop(time1); } long time2 = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int n = LOOPS; n-- > 0;) { start(); for (ImagePlus imp : data) { for (int i : indices) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) runInt(imp, i, true, nonContiguous); } } time2 = stop(time2); } System.out.printf("Int %d, Opt Int %d, %fx faster\n", time1, time2, (double) time1 / time2); Assert.assertTrue(time2 < time1); } @Test public void isFasterUsingOptimisedFloatProcessor() { // Get settings to try for the speed test int[] indices = new int[] { 1 }; // Warm up createData(); //runFloat(data[0], indices[0], false, false); //runFloat(data[0], indices[0], true, false); long time1 = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int n = LOOPS; n-- > 0;) { start(); for (ImagePlus imp : data) { for (int i : indices) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) runFloat(imp, i, false, false, nonContiguous); } } time1 = stop(time1); } long time2 = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int n = LOOPS; n-- > 0;) { start(); for (ImagePlus imp : data) { for (int i : indices) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) runFloat(imp, i, true, false, nonContiguous); } } time2 = stop(time2); } System.out.printf("Float %d, Opt Float %d, %fx faster\n", time1, time2, (double) time1 / time2); // Comment out this assertion as it sometimes fails when running all the tests. // When running all the tests the some code gets run more and so // the JVM has had time to optimise it. When running the test alone the optimised processor is comparable. // I am not worried the optimisation has worse performance. //Assert.assertTrue(time2 < time1 * 1.4); // Allow discretion so test will pass } @Test public void isNotSlowerthanLegacyUsingOptimisedIntProcessor() { // Get settings to try for the speed test int[] indices = new int[] { 1 }; // Warm up createData(); //runLegacy(data[0], indices[0]); //runInt(data[0], indices[0], true); long time1 = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int n = LOOPS; n-- > 0;) { start(); for (ImagePlus imp : data) { for (int i : indices) { runLegacy(imp, i); } } time1 = stop(time1); } long time2 = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int n = LOOPS; n-- > 0;) { start(); for (ImagePlus imp : data) { for (int i : indices) { runInt(imp, i, true, true); } } time2 = stop(time2); } System.out.printf("Legacy %d, Opt Int %d, %fx faster\n", time1, time2, (double) time1 / time2); // Comment out this assertion as it sometimes fails when running all the tests. // When running all the tests the legacy code gets run more and so // the JVM has had time to optimise it. When running the test alone the two are comparable. // I am not worried the new code has worse performance. //Assert.assertTrue(time2 < time1 * 1.4); // Allow some discretion over the legacy method } @Test public void isFasterUsingOptimisedIntProcessorOverOptimisedFloatProcessor() { // Get settings to try for the speed test int[] indices = new int[] { 1 }; // Warm up createData(); //runFloat(data[0], indices[0], true, false); //runInt(data[0], indices[0], true); ImagePlus[] data2 = new ImagePlus[data.length]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data2[i] = toFloat(data[i], false); } long time1 = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int n = LOOPS; n-- > 0;) { start(); for (ImagePlus imp : data2) { for (int i : indices) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) runFloat(imp, i, true, false, nonContiguous); } } time1 = stop(time1); } long time2 = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int n = LOOPS; n-- > 0;) { start(); for (ImagePlus imp : data) { for (int i : indices) { for (boolean nonContiguous : new boolean[] { true, false }) runInt(imp, i, true, nonContiguous); } } time2 = stop(time2); } System.out.printf("Opt Float %d, Opt Int %d, %fx faster\n", time1, time2, (double) time1 / time2); Assert.assertTrue(time2 < time1); } private void isEqual(FindFociResults r1, FindFociResults r2, int set, boolean nonContiguous) { isEqual(r1, r2, set, false, nonContiguous); } private void isEqual(FindFociResults r1, FindFociResults r2, int set, boolean negativeValues, boolean nonContiguous) { String setName = String.format("Set %d (%b)", set, nonContiguous); ImagePlus imp1 = r1.mask; ImagePlus imp2 = r2.mask; Assert.assertEquals(setName + " Mask", imp1 != null, imp2 != null); if (imp1 != null) { //Assert.assertArrayEquals(set + " Mask values", (float[]) (imp1.getProcessor().convertToFloat().getPixels()), // (float[]) (imp2.getProcessor().convertToFloat().getPixels()), 0); } ArrayList<FindFociResult> results1 = r1.results; ArrayList<FindFociResult> results2 = r2.results; //System.out.printf("N1=%d, N2=%d\n", results1.size(), results2.size()); Assert.assertEquals(setName + " Results Size", results1.size(), results2.size()); int counter = 0; final int offset = (negativeValues) ? FindFociTest.offset : 0; try { for (int i = 0; i < results1.size(); i++) { counter = i; //@formatter:off FindFociResult o1 = results1.get(i); FindFociResult o2 = results2.get(i); //System.out.printf("[%d] %d,%d %f (%d) %d vs %d,%d %f (%d) %d\n", i, // o1.x, o1.y, o1.maxValue, o1.count, o1.saddleNeighbourId, // o2.x, o2.y, o2.maxValue, o2.count, o2.saddleNeighbourId); Assert.assertEquals("X", o1.x, o2.x); Assert.assertEquals("Y", o1.y, o2.y); Assert.assertEquals("Z", o1.z, o2.z); Assert.assertEquals("ID",,; Assert.assertEquals("Count", o1.count, o2.count); Assert.assertEquals("Saddle ID", o1.saddleNeighbourId, o2.saddleNeighbourId); Assert.assertEquals("Count >Saddle", o1.countAboveSaddle, o2.countAboveSaddle); Assert.assertEquals("Max", (int)o1.maxValue, (int)o2.maxValue + offset); if (o2.highestSaddleValue != Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY && o2.highestSaddleValue != 0) Assert.assertEquals("Saddle value", (int)o1.highestSaddleValue, (int)o2.highestSaddleValue + offset); Assert.assertEquals("Av Intensity", (int)o1.averageIntensity, (int)o2.averageIntensity + offset); Assert.assertEquals("Av Intensity >background", (int)o1.averageIntensityAboveBackground, (int)o2.averageIntensityAboveBackground); if (negativeValues) continue; Assert.assertEquals("Intensity", (int)o1.totalIntensity, (int)o2.totalIntensity); Assert.assertEquals("Intensity >background", (int)o1.totalIntensityAboveBackground, (int)o2.totalIntensityAboveBackground); Assert.assertEquals("Intensity > Saddle", (int)o1.intensityAboveSaddle, (int)o2.intensityAboveSaddle); //@formatter:on } } catch (AssertionError e) { throw new AssertionError(String.format("%s [%d]: " + e.getMessage(), setName, counter), e); } } private FindFociResults runLegacy(ImagePlus imp, int i) { FindFociLegacy ff = new FindFociLegacy(); Object[] result = ff.findMaxima(imp, null, backgroundMethod[i], backgroundParameter[i], autoThresholdMethod[i], searchMethod[i], searchParameter[i], maxPeaks[i], minSize[i], peakMethod[i], peakParameter[i], outputType[i], sortIndex[i], options[i], blur[i], centreMethod[i], centreParameter[i], fractionParameter[i]); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ArrayList<int[]> resultsArray = (ArrayList<int[]>) result[1]; ArrayList<FindFociResult> results = null; if (resultsArray != null) { results = new ArrayList<FindFociResult>(); for (int[] r : resultsArray) { FindFociResult r2 = new FindFociResult(); r2.averageIntensity = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_AVERAGE_INTENSITY]; r2.x = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_X]; r2.y = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_Y]; r2.z = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_Z]; = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_PEAK_ID]; r2.count = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_COUNT]; r2.totalIntensity = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_INTENSITY]; r2.maxValue = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_MAX_VALUE]; r2.highestSaddleValue = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_HIGHEST_SADDLE_VALUE]; r2.saddleNeighbourId = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_SADDLE_NEIGHBOUR_ID]; r2.averageIntensity = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_AVERAGE_INTENSITY]; r2.totalIntensityAboveBackground = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_INTENSITY_MINUS_BACKGROUND]; r2.averageIntensityAboveBackground = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_AVERAGE_INTENSITY_MINUS_BACKGROUND]; r2.countAboveSaddle = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_COUNT_ABOVE_SADDLE]; r2.intensityAboveSaddle = r[FindFociLegacy.RESULT_INTENSITY_ABOVE_SADDLE]; results.add(r2); } } return new FindFociResults((ImagePlus) result[0], results, null); } private FindFociResults runInt(ImagePlus imp, int i, boolean optimised, boolean nonContiguous) { FindFoci ff = new FindFoci(); ff.setOptimisedProcessor(optimised); final int flags = (nonContiguous) ? options[i] : options[i] | FindFoci.OPTION_CONTIGUOUS_ABOVE_SADDLE; return ff.findMaxima(imp, null, backgroundMethod[i], backgroundParameter[i], autoThresholdMethod[i], searchMethod[i], searchParameter[i], maxPeaks[i], minSize[i], peakMethod[i], peakParameter[i], outputType[i], sortIndex[i], flags, blur[i], centreMethod[i], centreParameter[i], fractionParameter[i]); } private FindFociResults runFloat(ImagePlus imp, int i, boolean optimised, boolean negative, boolean nonContiguous) { imp = toFloat(imp, negative); FindFoci ff = new FindFoci(); ff.setOptimisedProcessor(optimised); final int flags = (nonContiguous) ? options[i] : options[i] | FindFoci.OPTION_CONTIGUOUS_ABOVE_SADDLE; return ff.findMaxima(imp, null, backgroundMethod[i], backgroundParameter[i], autoThresholdMethod[i], searchMethod[i], searchParameter[i], maxPeaks[i], minSize[i], peakMethod[i], peakParameter[i], outputType[i], sortIndex[i], flags, blur[i], centreMethod[i], centreParameter[i], fractionParameter[i]); } private ImagePlus toFloat(ImagePlus imp, boolean negative) { ImageStack stack = imp.getImageStack(); ImageStack newStack = new ImageStack(stack.getWidth(), stack.getHeight()); for (int n = 1; n <= stack.getSize(); n++) { FloatProcessor fp = (FloatProcessor) stack.getProcessor(n).convertToFloat(); if (negative) { fp.subtract(offset); } newStack.addSlice(fp); } return new ImagePlus(null, newStack); } private FindFociResults runIntStaged(ImagePlus imp, int i, boolean optimised, boolean nonContiguous) { FindFoci ff = new FindFoci(); ff.setOptimisedProcessor(optimised); final int flags = (nonContiguous) ? options[i] : options[i] | FindFoci.OPTION_CONTIGUOUS_ABOVE_SADDLE; ImagePlus imp2 = ff.blur(imp, blur[i]); FindFociInitResults initResults = ff.findMaximaInit(imp, imp2, null, backgroundMethod[i], autoThresholdMethod[i], flags); FindFociSearchResults searchResults = ff.findMaximaSearch(initResults, backgroundMethod[i], backgroundParameter[i], searchMethod[i], searchParameter[i]); FindFociMergeTempResults mergePeakResults = ff.findMaximaMergePeak(initResults, searchResults, peakMethod[i], peakParameter[i]); mergePeakResults = ff.findMaximaMergeSize(initResults, mergePeakResults, minSize[i]); FindFociMergeResults mergeResults = ff.findMaximaMergeFinal(initResults, mergePeakResults, minSize[i], flags, blur[i]); FindFociPrelimResults prelimResults = ff.findMaximaPrelimResults(initResults, mergeResults, maxPeaks[i], sortIndex[i], centreMethod[i], centreParameter[i]); return ff.findMaximaMaskResults(initResults, mergeResults, prelimResults, outputType[i], autoThresholdMethod[i], "FindFociTest", fractionParameter[i]); } private FindFociResults runFloatStaged(ImagePlus imp, int i, boolean optimised, boolean negative, boolean nonContiguous) { imp = toFloat(imp, negative); FindFoci ff = new FindFoci(); ImagePlus imp2 = ff.blur(imp, blur[i]); ff.setOptimisedProcessor(optimised); final int flags = (nonContiguous) ? options[i] : options[i] | FindFoci.OPTION_CONTIGUOUS_ABOVE_SADDLE; FindFociInitResults initResults = ff.findMaximaInit(imp, imp2, null, backgroundMethod[i], autoThresholdMethod[i], flags); FindFociSearchResults searchResults = ff.findMaximaSearch(initResults, backgroundMethod[i], backgroundParameter[i], searchMethod[i], searchParameter[i]); FindFociMergeTempResults mergePeakResults = ff.findMaximaMergePeak(initResults, searchResults, peakMethod[i], peakParameter[i]); mergePeakResults = ff.findMaximaMergeSize(initResults, mergePeakResults, minSize[i]); FindFociMergeResults mergeResults = ff.findMaximaMergeFinal(initResults, mergePeakResults, minSize[i], flags, blur[i]); FindFociPrelimResults prelimResults = ff.findMaximaPrelimResults(initResults, mergeResults, maxPeaks[i], sortIndex[i], centreMethod[i], centreParameter[i]); return ff.findMaximaMaskResults(initResults, mergeResults, prelimResults, outputType[i], autoThresholdMethod[i], "FindFociTest", fractionParameter[i]); } private static ImagePlus[] createData() { if (data == null) { System.out.println("Creating data ..."); data = new ImagePlus[numberOfTestImages + numberOfTestImages3D]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTestImages; i++) data[index++] = createImageData(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTestImages3D; i++) data[index++] = createImageData3D(); System.out.println("Created data"); } return data; } private static ImagePlus createImageData() { // Create an image with peaks int size = 256; int n = 80; float[] data1 = createSpots(size, n, 5000, 10000, 2.5, 3.0); float[] data2 = createSpots(size, n, 10000, 20000, 4.5, 3.5); float[] data3 = createSpots(size, n, 20000, 40000, 6.5, 5); short[] data = combine(data1, data2, data3); // Show String title = "FindFociTest"; ImageProcessor ip = new ShortProcessor(size, size, data, null); //gdsc.core.ij.Utils.display(title, ip); return new ImagePlus(title, ip); } private static short[] combine(float[] data1, float[] data2, float[] data3) { // Combine images and add a bias and read noise RandomDataGenerator rg = new RandomDataGenerator(rand); short[] data = new short[data1.length]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { final double mu = data1[i] + data2[i] + data3[i]; data[i] = (short) (((mu != 0) ? rg.nextPoisson(mu) : 0) + rg.nextGaussian(bias, 5)); } return data; } private static float[] createSpots(int size, int n, int min, int max, double sigmaX, double sigmaY) { float[] data = new float[size * size]; // Randomly put on spots RandomDataGenerator rg = new RandomDataGenerator(rand); while (n-- > 0) { data[rand.nextInt(data.length)] = rg.nextInt(min, max); } // Blur FloatProcessor fp = new FloatProcessor(size, size, data); GaussianBlur gb = new GaussianBlur(); gb.blurFloat(fp, sigmaX, sigmaY, 0.0002); return (float[]) fp.getPixels(); } private static ImagePlus createImageData3D() { // Create an image with peaks int size = 64; int z = 5; int n = 20; float[][] data1 = createSpots3D(size, z, n, 5000, 10000, 2.5, 3.0); float[][] data2 = createSpots3D(size, z, n, 10000, 20000, 4.5, 3.5); float[][] data3 = createSpots3D(size, z, n, 20000, 40000, 6.5, 5); ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(size, size); for (int i = 0; i < data1.length; i++) { short[] data = combine(data1[i], data2[i], data3[i]); stack.addSlice(new ShortProcessor(size, size, data, null)); } // Show String title = "FindFociTest3D"; //gdsc.core.ij.Utils.display(title, stack); return new ImagePlus(title, stack); } private static float[][] createSpots3D(int size, int z, int n, int min, int max, double sigmaX, double sigmaY) { float[] data = new float[size * size]; // Randomly put on spots RandomDataGenerator rg = new RandomDataGenerator(rand); while (n-- > 0) { data[rand.nextInt(data.length)] = rg.nextInt(min, max); } int middle = z / 2; float[][] result = new float[z][]; for (int i = 0; i < z; i++) { FloatProcessor fp = new FloatProcessor(size, size, data.clone()); GaussianBlur gb = new GaussianBlur(); // Increase blur when out-of-focus double scale = createWidthScale(Math.abs(middle - i), middle); gb.blurFloat(fp, sigmaX * scale, sigmaY * scale, 0.0002); result[i] = (float[]) fp.getPixels(); } return result; } /** * Generate a scale so that at the configured zDepth the scale is 1.5. * * @param z * @return The scale */ private static double createWidthScale(double z, double depth) { z /= depth; return 1.0 + z * z * 0.5; } private long time; private void start() { time = System.nanoTime(); } private long stop(long t) { return Math.min(t, System.nanoTime() - time); } }