package gdsc.utils; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.ArrayList; import gdsc.UsageTracker; import gdsc.core.ij.AlignImagesFFT; import gdsc.core.ij.AlignImagesFFT.SubPixelMethod; import gdsc.core.ij.AlignImagesFFT.WindowMethod; import gdsc.core.ij.Utils; import gdsc.core.threshold.AutoThreshold; import gdsc.core.threshold.AutoThreshold.Method; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.WindowManager; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.plugin.HyperStackReducer; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; import ij.plugin.ZProjector; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import ij.process.ShortProcessor; /** * Aligns open image stacks to a reference stack using XY translation to maximise the correlation. Takes in: * * - The reference image * - Z-stack projection (maximum/average) * - Optional Max/Min values for the X and Y translation * - Optional sub-pixel accuracy * * Accepts multi-dimensional stacks. For each timepoint a maximum/average intensity projection * is performed per channel. The channels are tiled to a composite image. The composite is then * aligned using the maximum correlation between the images. The translation is applied to the * entire stack for that timepoint. */ public class Align_Stacks implements PlugIn { private static final String TITLE = "Align Stacks"; private static final String SELF_ALIGN = "selfAlign"; private static String reference = ""; private static boolean selfAlign = false; private static int projectionMethod = ZProjector.MAX_METHOD; private static int myWindowFunction = 3; // Tukey private static boolean restrictTranslation = false; private static int minXShift = -20, maxXShift = 20; private static int minYShift = -20, maxYShift = 20; private String[] subPixelMethods = Align_Images_FFT.subPixelMethods; private static int subPixelMethod = 2; private String[] methods = Align_Images_FFT.methods; private static int interpolationMethod = ImageProcessor.NONE; private static boolean clipOutput = false; /** Ask for parameters and then execute. */ public void run(String arg) { UsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); String[] imageList = getImagesList(); if (imageList.length < 1) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "Only 8-bit and 16-bit images are supported (2 images required)"); return; } boolean selfAlignMode = (arg != null && arg.equals(SELF_ALIGN)); if (!showDialog(imageList, selfAlignMode)) return; ImagePlus refImp = WindowManager.getImage(reference); if (refImp == null) { IJ.log("Failed to find: " + reference); return; } Rectangle bounds = null; if (restrictTranslation) { bounds = createBounds(minXShift, maxXShift, minYShift, maxYShift); } WindowMethod wm = WindowMethod.values()[myWindowFunction]; SubPixelMethod spm = SubPixelMethod.values()[subPixelMethod]; if (selfAlign) { exec(refImp, refImp, projectionMethod, wm, bounds, spm, interpolationMethod, clipOutput); } else { for (ImagePlus targetImp : getTargetImages(refImp)) { exec(refImp, targetImp, projectionMethod, wm, bounds, spm, interpolationMethod, clipOutput); } } } private String[] getImagesList() { // Find the currently open images ArrayList<String> newImageList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int id : gdsc.core.ij.Utils.getIDList()) { ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(id); // Image must be 8-bit/16-bit if (imp != null && (imp.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY8 || imp.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY16 || imp.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY32)) { // Check it is not one the result images String imageTitle = imp.getTitle(); newImageList.add(imageTitle); } } return newImageList.toArray(new String[0]); } private boolean showDialog(String[] imageList, boolean selfAlignMode) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); if (selfAlignMode) { if (WindowManager.getCurrentImage() != null) reference = WindowManager.getCurrentImage().getTitle(); selfAlign = true; //projectionMethod = ZProjector.MAX_METHOD; //myWindowFunction = 3; // Tukey //restrictTranslation = true; // Translation is restricted to image half-max anyway //minXShift = minYShift = -20; //maxXShift = maxYShift = 20; interpolationMethod = ImageProcessor.NONE; clipOutput = false; } String msg = (selfAlignMode) ? "Align all frames to the current frame." : "Align all open stacks with the same XYC dimensions as the reference."; msg += "\nZ stacks per time frame are projected and multiple channels\nare tiled to a single image used to define the offset for\nthe frame.\n"; if (!selfAlignMode) msg += "Optionally align a single stack to the currect frame"; gd.addMessage(msg); gd.addChoice("Reference_image", imageList, reference); if (!selfAlignMode) gd.addCheckbox("Self-align", selfAlign); gd.addChoice("Projection", ZProjector.METHODS, ZProjector.METHODS[projectionMethod]); gd.addChoice("Window_function", Align_Images_FFT.windowFunctions, Align_Images_FFT.windowFunctions[myWindowFunction]); gd.addCheckbox("Restrict_translation", restrictTranslation); gd.addNumericField("Min_X_translation", minXShift, 0); gd.addNumericField("Max_X_translation", maxXShift, 0); gd.addNumericField("Min_Y_translation", minYShift, 0); gd.addNumericField("Max_Y_translation", maxYShift, 0); gd.addChoice("Sub-pixel_method", subPixelMethods, subPixelMethods[subPixelMethod]); gd.addChoice("Interpolation", methods, methods[interpolationMethod]); gd.addCheckbox("Clip_output", clipOutput); gd.addHelp(; gd.showDialog(); if (!gd.wasOKed()) return false; reference = gd.getNextChoice(); if (!selfAlignMode) selfAlign = gd.getNextBoolean(); projectionMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); myWindowFunction = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); restrictTranslation = gd.getNextBoolean(); minXShift = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); maxXShift = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); minYShift = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); maxYShift = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); subPixelMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); interpolationMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); clipOutput = gd.getNextBoolean(); return true; } private ArrayList<ImagePlus> getTargetImages(ImagePlus referenceImp) { ArrayList<ImagePlus> imageList = new ArrayList<ImagePlus>(); int[] referenceDimensions = referenceImp.getDimensions(); for (int id : WindowManager.getIDList()) { ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(id); // Image must be the same type and dimensions if (imp != null && imp.getType() == referenceImp.getType() && imp.getID() != referenceImp.getID() && isMatchingDimensions(referenceDimensions, imp.getDimensions())) { imageList.add(imp); } } return imageList; } private boolean isMatchingDimensions(int[] referenceDimensions, int[] dimensions) { // Allow aligning a stack to an image of the same dimensions XYC if the reference has only one frame if (referenceDimensions[4] == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (dimensions[i] != referenceDimensions[i]) return false; return true; } // Check for complete match for (int i = 0; i < referenceDimensions.length; i++) if (dimensions[i] != referenceDimensions[i]) return false; return true; } private void exec(ImagePlus refImp, ImagePlus targetImp, int projectionMethod, WindowMethod windowFunction, Rectangle bounds, SubPixelMethod subPixelMethod, int interpolationMethod, boolean clipOutput) { // Check same size if (!isValid(refImp, targetImp)) return; // Store initial positions int c1 = refImp.getChannel(); int z1 = refImp.getSlice(); int t1 = refImp.getFrame(); int c2 = targetImp.getChannel(); int z2 = targetImp.getSlice(); int t2 = targetImp.getFrame(); if (refImp.getNFrames() == 1 || selfAlign) { ImageProcessor ip1 = createComposite(refImp, t1, projectionMethod, windowFunction); ImagePlus imp1 = new ImagePlus("ip1", ip1); AlignImagesFFT align = new AlignImagesFFT(); align.setDoTranslation(false); align.init(imp1, windowFunction, true); // For each time point for (int frame = 1; frame <= targetImp.getNFrames(); frame++) { if (selfAlign && frame == t1) continue; IJ.showProgress(frame, targetImp.getNFrames()); // Build composite image for the timepoint ImageProcessor ip2 = createComposite(targetImp, frame, projectionMethod, windowFunction); // Align the image ImagePlus imp2 = new ImagePlus("ip2", ip2); align.align(imp2, WindowMethod.NONE, bounds, subPixelMethod, interpolationMethod, clipOutput); // Transform original stack ImageStack stack = targetImp.getImageStack(); for (int channel = 1; channel <= targetImp.getNChannels(); channel++) { for (int slice = 1; slice <= targetImp.getNSlices(); slice++) { int index = targetImp.getStackIndex(channel, slice, frame); ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(index); Align_Images.translateProcessor(interpolationMethod, ip, align.getLastXOffset(), align.getLastYOffset(), clipOutput); } } if (Utils.isInterrupted()) return; } } else { // For each time point for (int frame = 1; frame <= targetImp.getNFrames(); frame++) { IJ.showProgress(frame, targetImp.getNFrames()); // Build composite image for the timepoint ImageProcessor ip1 = createComposite(refImp, frame, projectionMethod, windowFunction); ImageProcessor ip2 = createComposite(targetImp, frame, projectionMethod, windowFunction); // Align the image ImagePlus imp1 = new ImagePlus("ip1", ip1); ImagePlus imp2 = new ImagePlus("ip2", ip2); AlignImagesFFT align = new AlignImagesFFT(); align.align(imp1, imp2, WindowMethod.NONE, bounds, subPixelMethod, interpolationMethod, true, false, false, clipOutput); // Transform original stack ImageStack stack = targetImp.getImageStack(); for (int channel = 1; channel <= targetImp.getNChannels(); channel++) { for (int slice = 1; slice <= targetImp.getNSlices(); slice++) { int index = targetImp.getStackIndex(channel, slice, frame); ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(index); Align_Images.translateProcessor(interpolationMethod, ip, align.getLastXOffset(), align.getLastYOffset(), clipOutput); } } if (Utils.isInterrupted()) return; } } // Reset input images refImp.setPosition(c1, z1, t1); targetImp.setPosition(c2, z2, t2); targetImp.updateAndDraw(); } public static Rectangle createBounds(int minXShift, int maxXShift, int minYShift, int maxYShift) { int w = maxXShift - minXShift; int h = maxYShift - minYShift; Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(minXShift, minYShift, w, h); return bounds; } private boolean isValid(ImagePlus refImp, ImagePlus targetImp) { if (refImp == null || targetImp == null) return false; if (refImp.getType() != targetImp.getType()) return false; return isMatchingDimensions(refImp.getDimensions(), targetImp.getDimensions()); } private ImageProcessor createComposite(ImagePlus imp, int frame, int projectionMethod, WindowMethod windowFunction) { // Extract the channels using the specified projection method FloatProcessor[] tiles = new FloatProcessor[imp.getNChannels()]; for (int channel = 1; channel <= imp.getNChannels(); channel++) { tiles[channel - 1] = extractTile(imp, frame, channel, projectionMethod); tiles[channel - 1] = AlignImagesFFT.applyWindowSeparable(tiles[channel - 1], windowFunction); // Normalise so each image contributes equally to the alignment normalise(tiles[channel - 1]); } // Build a composite image int w = imp.getWidth(); int h = imp.getHeight(); // Calculate total dimensions by tiling always along the smallest dimension // to produce the smallest possible output image. int w2 = w; int h2 = h; int horizontalTiles = 1; int verticalTiles = 1; do { while (w2 <= h2 && horizontalTiles * verticalTiles < imp.getNChannels()) { horizontalTiles++; w2 += w; } while (h2 <= w2 && horizontalTiles * verticalTiles < imp.getNChannels()) { verticalTiles++; h2 += h; } } while (horizontalTiles * verticalTiles < imp.getNChannels()); // Create output composite FloatProcessor ip = new FloatProcessor(w2, h2); for (int channel = 1; channel <= imp.getNChannels(); channel++) { int x = (channel - 1) % horizontalTiles; int y = (channel - 1) / horizontalTiles; ip.insert(tiles[channel - 1], x * w, y * h); } return ip; } private FloatProcessor extractTile(ImagePlus imp, int frame, int channel, int projectionMethod) { return Utils.extractTile(imp, frame, channel, projectionMethod).toFloat(1, null); } /** * Normalises the image. Performs a thresholding on the image using the Otsu method. * Then scales the pixels above the threshold from 0 to 255. * * @param ip * The input image */ private void normalise(FloatProcessor ip) { float[] pixels = (float[]) ip.getPixels(); ShortProcessor sp = (ShortProcessor) ip.convertToShort(true); int[] data = sp.getHistogram(); int threshold = AutoThreshold.getThreshold(Method.OTSU, data); float minf = (float) threshold; float maxf = (float) sp.getMax(); float scaleFactor = 255.0f / (maxf - minf); for (int i = pixels.length; i-- > 0;) { pixels[i] = (Math.max((float) sp.get(i), minf) - minf) * scaleFactor; } } /** * Extracts the specified frame from the hyperstack * * @param imp * @param frame * @return */ public static ImagePlus extractFrame(ImagePlus imp, int frame) { imp.setPositionWithoutUpdate(1, 1, frame); // Extract the timepoint into a new stack HyperStackReducer reducer = new HyperStackReducer(imp); int channels = imp.getNFrames(); int slices = imp.getNSlices(); ImagePlus imp1 = imp.createHyperStack("", channels, slices, 1, imp.getBitDepth()); reducer.reduce(imp1); return imp1; } /** * Run the plugin with self-alignment parameters */ public static void selfAlign() { new Align_Stacks().run(SELF_ALIGN); } }