package gdsc.foci; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC Plugins for ImageJ * * Copyright (C) 2011 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.WindowManager; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.gui.Roi; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; import ij.plugin.ZProjector; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import ij.process.ImageStatistics; import ij.text.TextWindow; import java.awt.Color; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import gdsc.UsageTracker; import gdsc.core.ij.Utils; import gdsc.core.match.MatchResult; /** * Analyses the image using the FindFoci algorithm to identify and assign pixels to maxima. * Realigns the marked PointROI with the appropriate peak. Any points that cannot be aligned * are identified as problem points. */ public class PointAlignerPlugin implements PlugIn { private static String TITLE = "Point Aligner"; private static TextWindow resultsWindow = null; private static String resultTitle = "-"; private static String maskImage = ""; private static String[] limitMethods = new String[] { "None", "Q1 - f * IQR", "Mean - f * SD", "nth Percentile", "% Missed < f" }; private static int limitMethod = 4; private static double factor = 15; private static boolean logAlignments = true; private static boolean showMoved = false; private static boolean updateRoi = false; private static boolean showOverlay = true; private static boolean updateOverlay = true; private static boolean showUnaligned = false; private static int unalignedBorder = 10; private static String resultsDirectory = ""; private static boolean writeHeader = true; private ImagePlus imp; private boolean saveResults; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter#run(ij.process.ImageProcessor) */ public void run(String arg) { UsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (null == imp) { IJ.showMessage("There must be at least one image open"); return; } if (!FindFoci.isSupported(imp.getBitDepth())) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "Only " + FindFoci.getSupported() + " images are supported"); return; } if (imp.getNChannels() != 1 || imp.getNFrames() != 1) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "Only single channel, single frame images are supported"); return; } Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null || roi.getType() != Roi.POINT) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "The image does not contain Point ROI"); return; } if (!showDialog()) { return; } AssignedPoint[] points = FindFociOptimiser.extractRoiPoints(roi, imp, null); FindFoci ff = new FindFoci(); //ImagePlus mask = WindowManager.getImage(maskImage); ImagePlus mask = null; int backgroundMethod = FindFoci.BACKGROUND_ABSOLUTE; double backgroundParameter = getBackgroundLevel(points); String autoThresholdMethod = ""; int searchMethod = FindFoci.SEARCH_ABOVE_BACKGROUND; double searchParameter = 0; int maxPeaks = 33000; int minSize = 1; int peakMethod = FindFoci.PEAK_RELATIVE; double peakParameter = 0; int outputType = FindFoci.OUTPUT_MASK_PEAKS | FindFoci.OUTPUT_MASK_NO_PEAK_DOTS; int sortIndex = FindFoci.SORT_MAX_VALUE; int options = 0; double blur = 0; int centreMethod = FindFoci.CENTRE_MAX_VALUE_ORIGINAL; double centreParameter = 0; FindFociResults results = ff.findMaxima(imp, mask, backgroundMethod, backgroundParameter, autoThresholdMethod, searchMethod, searchParameter, maxPeaks, minSize, peakMethod, peakParameter, outputType, sortIndex, options, blur, centreMethod, centreParameter, 1); if (results == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "FindFoci failed"); return; } alignPoints(points, results); } private boolean showDialog() { ArrayList<String> maskList = FindFoci.buildMaskList(imp); GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("Realigns the marked PointROI with the appropriate peak"); gd.addStringField("Title", resultTitle); gd.addChoice("Mask", maskList.toArray(new String[0]), maskImage); gd.addChoice("Limit_method", limitMethods, limitMethods[limitMethod]); gd.addNumericField("Factor", factor, 2); gd.addCheckbox("Log_alignments", logAlignments); gd.addCheckbox("Update_ROI", updateRoi); gd.addCheckbox("Show_moved", showMoved); gd.addCheckbox("Show_overlay", showOverlay); gd.addCheckbox("Update_overlay", updateOverlay); gd.addCheckbox("Show_unaligned", showUnaligned); gd.addNumericField("Unaligned_border", unalignedBorder, 0); gd.addStringField("Results_directory", resultsDirectory, 30); gd.addHelp(; gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; resultTitle = gd.getNextString(); maskImage = gd.getNextChoice(); limitMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); factor = gd.getNextNumber(); logAlignments = gd.getNextBoolean(); updateRoi = gd.getNextBoolean(); showMoved = gd.getNextBoolean(); showOverlay = gd.getNextBoolean(); updateOverlay = gd.getNextBoolean(); showUnaligned = gd.getNextBoolean(); unalignedBorder = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); resultsDirectory = gd.getNextString(); if (!resultsDirectory.equals("")) { File dir = new File(resultsDirectory); if (!dir.isDirectory()) { try { dir.mkdirs(); } catch (SecurityException e) { IJ.log("Failed to create directory: " + resultsDirectory + ". " + e.getMessage()); } } saveResults = new File(resultsDirectory).isDirectory(); } else saveResults = false; return true; } private float getBackgroundLevel(AssignedPoint[] points) { // Get a maximum intensity project of the image ZProjector projector = new ZProjector(imp); projector.setMethod(ZProjector.MAX_METHOD); projector.doProjection(); ImageProcessor ip = projector.getProjection().getProcessor(); // Set background using the lowest currently picked point float background = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (AssignedPoint point : points) { final float v = ip.getf(point.getXint(), point.getYint()); if (background > v) background = v; } // Subtract the image Std.Dev. to get a buffer for error. ImageStatistics stats = ip.getStatistics(); background -= stats.stdDev; return background; } private void alignPoints(AssignedPoint[] points, FindFociResults results) { if (showOverlay || logAlignments) IJ.log(String.format("%s : %s", TITLE, imp.getTitle())); // Get the results ImagePlus maximaImp = results.mask; ArrayList<FindFociResult> resultsArray = results.results; // We would like the order of the results to correspond to the maxima image pixel values. Collections.reverse(resultsArray); // Use a stack for 3D support ImageStack impStack = imp.getStack(); ImageStack maximaStack = maximaImp.getStack(); boolean is3d = maximaStack.getSize() > 1; // Assign points to maxima int[] assigned = new int[resultsArray.size()]; Arrays.fill(assigned, -1); for (AssignedPoint point : points) point.setAssignedId(-1); float[] pointHeight = new float[points.length]; float minHeight = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; sortPoints(points, impStack); // TODO - Why is there no maximum move distance? for (AssignedPoint point : points) { int pointId = point.getId(); point.setAssignedId(-1); int x = point.getXint(); int y = point.getYint(); int z = point.getZint(); // TODO - Deal with 3D images pointHeight[pointId] = impStack.getProcessor(z + 1).getf(x, y); if (minHeight > pointHeight[pointId]) { minHeight = pointHeight[pointId]; } ImageProcessor ip = maximaStack.getProcessor(z + 1); int maximaId = ip.get(x, y) - 1; if (maximaId >= 0) { if (assigned[maximaId] >= 0) { // Already assigned - The previous point is higher so it wins. // See if any unassigned maxima are closer. This could be an ROI marking error. FindFociResult result = resultsArray.get(maximaId); double d = distance2(x, y, z, result.x, result.y, result.z); float maxHeight = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int id = 0; id < assigned.length; id++) { // Only check the maxima that have not been assigned if (assigned[id] < 0) { result = resultsArray.get(id); double newD = distance2(x, y, z, result.x, result.y, result.z); if (newD < d) { // Pick the closest //maximaId = id; //d = newD; // Pick the highest final float v = result.maxValue; if (maxHeight < v) { maximaId = id; maxHeight = v; } } } } } if (assigned[maximaId] < 0) { // Assign this ROI point to the maxima assigned[maximaId] = pointId; } point.setAssignedId(maximaId); } } // Analyse assigned points for possible errors final float thresholdHeight = getThresholdHeight(points, assigned, resultsArray); // Output results LinkedList<AssignedPoint> ok = new LinkedList<AssignedPoint>(); LinkedList<AssignedPoint> moved = new LinkedList<AssignedPoint>(); LinkedList<AssignedPoint> conflict = new LinkedList<AssignedPoint>(); LinkedList<AssignedPoint> noAlign = new LinkedList<AssignedPoint>(); double averageMovedDistance = 0; float minAssignedHeight = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // List of ROI after moving to the assigned peak ArrayList<AssignedPoint> newRoiPoints = new ArrayList<AssignedPoint>(points.length); for (AssignedPoint point : points) { int pointId = point.getId(); AssignedPoint newPoint = point; int x = point.getXint(); int y = point.getYint(); int z = point.getZint(); int maximaId = point.getAssignedId(); if (maximaId >= 0) { FindFociResult result = resultsArray.get(maximaId); int newX = result.x; int newY = result.y; int newZ = result.z; double d = 0; if (newX != x || newY != y || newZ != z) { d = point.distance(newX, newY, newZ); } if (result.maxValue < thresholdHeight) { if (logAlignments) log("Point [%d] %s @ %s ~> %s @ %s (%s) below height threshold (< %s)", pointId + 1, Utils.rounded(pointHeight[pointId]), getCoords(is3d, x, y, z), Utils.rounded(result.maxValue), getCoords(is3d, newX, newY, newZ), IJ.d2s(d, 2), Utils.rounded(thresholdHeight)); noAlign.add(point); extractPoint(impStack, "below_threshold", pointId + 1, x, y, z, newX, newY, newZ); newPoint = null; // remove unaligned points from the updated ROI } else { final float v = (float) result.maxValue; if (minAssignedHeight > v) { minAssignedHeight = v; } if (assigned[maximaId] == pointId) { // This is the highest point assigned to the maxima. // Check if it is being moved. if (logAlignments) log("Point [%d] %s @ %s => %s @ %s (%s)", pointId + 1, Utils.rounded(pointHeight[pointId]), getCoords(is3d, x, y, z), Utils.rounded(result.maxValue), getCoords(is3d, newX, newY, newZ), IJ.d2s(d, 2)); newPoint = new AssignedPoint(newX, newY, newZ, point.getId()); if (showMoved && d > 0) moved.add((updateOverlay) ? newPoint : point); else ok.add((updateOverlay) ? newPoint : point); averageMovedDistance += d; } else { // This point is lower than another assigned to the maxima if (logAlignments) log("Point [%d] %s @ %s conflicts for assigned point [%d]", pointId + 1, Utils.rounded(pointHeight[pointId]), getCoords(is3d, x, y, z), assigned[maximaId] + 1); conflict.add(point); // Output an image showing the pixels extractPoint(impStack, "conflict", pointId + 1, x, y, z, newX, newY, newZ); } } } else { if (logAlignments) log("Point [%d] %s @ %s cannot be aligned", pointId + 1, Utils.rounded(pointHeight[pointId]), getCoords(is3d, x, y, z)); noAlign.add(point); extractPoint(impStack, "noalign", pointId + 1, x, y, z, x, y, z); newPoint = null; // remove unaligned points from the updated ROI } if (newPoint != null) newRoiPoints.add(newPoint); } if (logAlignments) { log("Minimum picked value = " + Utils.rounded(minHeight)); log("Threshold = " + Utils.rounded(thresholdHeight)); log("Minimum assigned peak height = " + Utils.rounded(minAssignedHeight)); } if (averageMovedDistance > 0) averageMovedDistance /= (moved.isEmpty()) ? ok.size() : moved.size(); LinkedList<AssignedPoint> missed = findMissedPoints(resultsArray, assigned, minAssignedHeight); updateRoi(newRoiPoints); showOverlay(ok, moved, conflict, noAlign, missed); createResultsWindow(); addResult(minHeight, thresholdHeight, minAssignedHeight, ok, moved, averageMovedDistance, conflict, noAlign, missed); } private double distance2(int x, int y, int z, int x2, int y2, int z2) { final int dx = x - x2; final int dy = y - y2; final int dz = z - z2; return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz; } public void sortPoints(AssignedPoint[] points, ImageStack impStack) { if (points == null || impStack == null) return; int[] pointHeight = new int[points.length]; // Do this in descending height order for (AssignedPoint point : points) { int x = point.getXint(); int y = point.getYint(); int z = point.getZint(); pointHeight[point.getId()] = impStack.getProcessor(z + 1).get(x, y); } Arrays.sort(points, new PointHeightComparator(pointHeight)); for (int pointId = 0; pointId < points.length; pointId++) { points[pointId].setId(pointId); } } private LinkedList<AssignedPoint> findMissedPoints(ArrayList<FindFociResult> resultsArray, int[] assigned, float minAssignedHeight) { // List maxima above the minimum height that have not been picked ImageStack maskStack = getMaskStack(); LinkedList<AssignedPoint> missed = new LinkedList<AssignedPoint>(); for (int maximaId = 0; maximaId < resultsArray.size(); maximaId++) { FindFociResult result = resultsArray.get(maximaId); final float v = (float) result.maxValue; if (assigned[maximaId] < 0 && v > minAssignedHeight) { int x = result.x; int y = result.y; int z = result.z; // Check if the point is within the mask if (maskStack != null) { if (maskStack.getProcessor(z + 1).get(x, y) == 0) continue; } missed.add(new AssignedPoint(x, y, z, maximaId)); } } return missed; } private LinkedList<Float> findMissedHeights(ArrayList<FindFociResult> resultsArray, int[] assigned, double t) { // List maxima above the minimum height that have not been picked ImageStack maskStack = getMaskStack(); LinkedList<Float> missed = new LinkedList<Float>(); for (int maximaId = 0; maximaId < resultsArray.size(); maximaId++) { FindFociResult result = resultsArray.get(maximaId); if (assigned[maximaId] < 0 && result.maxValue > t) { int x = result.x; int y = result.y; int z = result.z; // Check if the point is within the mask if (maskStack != null) { if (maskStack.getProcessor(z + 1).get(x, y) == 0) continue; } missed.add(result.maxValue); } } Collections.sort(missed); return missed; } /** * Analyse the assigned heights and attempt to identify any errornous points * * @return The height below which any point is considered an error */ private float getThresholdHeight(AssignedPoint[] points, int[] assigned, ArrayList<FindFociResult> resultsArray) { ArrayList<Float> heights = new ArrayList<Float>(points.length); for (int maximaId = 0; maximaId < assigned.length; maximaId++) { if (assigned[maximaId] >= 0) { FindFociResult result = resultsArray.get(maximaId); heights.add(result.maxValue); } } Collections.sort(heights); // Box plot type analysis: // The bottom and top of the box are always the 25th and 75th percentile (the lower and upper quartiles, respectively), // and the band near the middle of the box is always the 50th percentile (the median). // But the ends of the whiskers can represent several possible alternative values, among them: // - the minimum and maximum of all the data // - the lowest datum still within 1.5 IQR of the lower quartile, // and the highest datum still within 1.5 IQR of the upper quartile // - one standard deviation above and below the mean of the data // - 2nd/9th percentile etc. if (heights.isEmpty()) return 0; double t = heights.get(0); switch (limitMethod) { case 1: // Factor of inter-quartile range float q1 = getQuartileBoundary(heights, 0.25); float q2 = getQuartileBoundary(heights, 0.5); t = q1 - factor * (q2 - q1); if (logAlignments) log("Limiting peaks %s: %s - %s * %s = %s", limitMethods[limitMethod], Utils.rounded(q1), Utils.rounded(factor), Utils.rounded(q2 - q1), Utils.rounded(t)); break; case 2: // n * Std.Dev. below the mean double[] stats = getStatistics(heights); t = stats[0] - factor * stats[1]; if (logAlignments) log("Limiting peaks %s: %s - %s * %s = %s", limitMethods[limitMethod], Utils.rounded(stats[0]), Utils.rounded(factor), Utils.rounded(stats[1]), Utils.rounded(t)); break; case 3: // nth Percentile t = getQuartileBoundary(heights, 0.01 * factor); if (logAlignments) log("Limiting peaks %s: %sth = %s", limitMethods[limitMethod], Utils.rounded(factor), Utils.rounded(t)); break; case 4: // Number of missed points is a factor below picked points, // i.e. the number of potential maxima is a fraction of the number of assigned maxima. List<Float> missedHeights = findMissedHeights(resultsArray, assigned, t); double fraction = factor / 100; for (int pointId = 0; pointId < heights.size(); pointId++) { t = heights.get(pointId); // Count points int missedCount = countPoints(missedHeights, t); int assignedCount = heights.size() - pointId; int totalCount = missedCount + assignedCount; if ((missedCount / (double) totalCount) < fraction) { break; } } if (t == heights.get(heights.size() - 1)) { log("Warning: Maximum height threshold reached when attempting to limit the number of missed peaks"); } if (logAlignments) log("Limiting peaks %s: %s %% = %s", limitMethods[limitMethod], Utils.rounded(factor), Utils.rounded(t)); break; default: } // Round for integer data if (integerData(heights)) t = round(t); return (float) t; } private boolean integerData(ArrayList<Float> heights) { for (double d : heights) if ((int) d != d) return false; return true; } /** * Count points that are above the given height * * @param missedHeights * @param height * @return The count */ private int countPoints(List<Float> missedHeights, double height) { int count = missedHeights.size(); for (double h : missedHeights) { if (h < height) { count--; } else { break; } } return count; } private int round(double d) { return (int) (d + 0.5); } /** * Get the quartile boundary for the given fraction, e.g. fraction 0.25 is Q1-Q2 interquartile. * * @param heights * @param fraction * @return The boundary */ public static float getQuartileBoundary(ArrayList<Float> heights, double fraction) { if (heights.isEmpty()) return 0; if (heights.size() == 1) return heights.get(0).floatValue(); int upper = (int) Math.ceil(heights.size() * fraction); int lower = (int) Math.floor(heights.size() * fraction); upper = Math.min(Math.max(upper, 0), heights.size() - 1); lower = Math.min(Math.max(lower, 0), heights.size() - 1); return (float) ((heights.get(upper) + heights.get(lower)) / 2.0); } private double[] getStatistics(ArrayList<Float> heights) { double sum = 0.0; double sum2 = 0.0; int n = heights.size(); for (double h : heights) { sum += h; sum2 += (h * h); } double av = sum / n; // Get the Std.Dev double stdDev; if (n > 0) { double d = n; stdDev = (d * sum2 - sum * sum) / d; if (stdDev > 0.0) stdDev = Math.sqrt(stdDev / (d - 1.0)); else stdDev = 0.0; } else stdDev = 0.0; return new double[] { av, stdDev }; } private ImageStack getMaskStack() { ImagePlus mask = WindowManager.getImage(maskImage); if (mask != null) { return mask.getStack(); } return null; } private Object getCoords(boolean is3d, int x, int y, int z) { if (is3d) return String.format("%d,%d,%d", x, y, z); return String.format("%d,%d", x, y); } private void log(String format, Object... args) { if (logAlignments) { IJ.log(String.format(format, args)); } } private void extractPoint(ImageStack impStack, String type, int Id, int x, int y, int z, int newX, int newY, int newZ) { if (unalignedBorder <= 0) return; if (showUnaligned || saveResults) { int xx = impStack.getWidth() - 1; int yy = impStack.getHeight() - 1; int minX = Math.min(xx, Math.max(0, Math.min(x, newX) - unalignedBorder)); int minY = Math.min(yy, Math.max(0, Math.min(y, newY) - unalignedBorder)); int maxX = Math.min(xx, Math.max(0, Math.max(x, newX) + unalignedBorder)); int maxY = Math.min(yy, Math.max(0, Math.max(y, newY) + unalignedBorder)); int w = maxX - minX + 1; int h = maxY - minY + 1; ImageStack newStack = new ImageStack(w, h); for (int slice = 1; slice <= impStack.getSize(); slice++) { ImageProcessor ip = impStack.getProcessor(slice).duplicate(); ip.setRoi(minX, minY, w, h); ip = ip.crop(); newStack.addSlice(null, ip); } String title = imp.getShortTitle() + "_" + type + "_" + Id; ImagePlus pointImp = WindowManager.getImage(title); if (pointImp == null) pointImp = new ImagePlus(title, newStack); else pointImp.setStack(newStack); pointImp.setOverlay(null); if (newX - x != 0 || newY - y != 0) { ArrayList<BasePoint> ok = new ArrayList<BasePoint>(1); ok.add(new BasePoint(newX - minX, newY - minY, newZ)); MatchPlugin.addOverlay(pointImp, ok, MatchPlugin.MATCH); } ArrayList<BasePoint> conflict = new ArrayList<BasePoint>(1); conflict.add(new BasePoint(x - minX, y - minY, z)); MatchPlugin.addOverlay(pointImp, conflict, MatchPlugin.UNMATCH1); pointImp.updateAndDraw(); if (saveResults) {, resultsDirectory + File.separatorChar + title + ".tif"); } if (showUnaligned) {; } } } private void updateRoi(ArrayList<? extends BasePoint> newRoiPoints) { if (updateRoi) { imp.setRoi(PointManager.createROI(newRoiPoints)); } } private void showOverlay(LinkedList<AssignedPoint> ok, LinkedList<AssignedPoint> moved, LinkedList<AssignedPoint> conflict, LinkedList<AssignedPoint> noAlign, LinkedList<AssignedPoint> missed) { // Add overlap if (showOverlay) { IJ.log("Overlay key:"); IJ.log(" OK = Green"); if (showMoved) IJ.log(" Moved = Yellow"); IJ.log(" Conflict = Red"); IJ.log(" NoAlign = Blue"); IJ.log(" Missed = Magenta"); imp.setOverlay(null); imp.saveRoi(); imp.killRoi(); MatchPlugin.addOverlay(imp, ok, MatchPlugin.MATCH); MatchPlugin.addOverlay(imp, moved, MatchPlugin.UNMATCH1); MatchPlugin.addOverlay(imp, conflict,; MatchPlugin.addOverlay(imp, noAlign, MatchPlugin.UNMATCH2); MatchPlugin.addOverlay(imp, missed, Color.magenta); imp.updateAndDraw(); } } private void createResultsWindow() { if (java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { if (writeHeader) { writeHeader = false; IJ.log(createResultsHeader()); } } else { if (resultsWindow == null || !resultsWindow.isShowing()) { resultsWindow = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Results", createResultsHeader(), "", 900, 300); } } } private String createResultsHeader() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Title\t"); sb.append("Image\t"); sb.append("Method\t"); sb.append("Factor\t"); sb.append("Min Height\t"); sb.append("Threshold\t"); sb.append("Min Assigned Height\t"); sb.append("OK\t"); sb.append("Moved\t"); sb.append("Av.Move\t"); sb.append("Conflict\t"); sb.append("NoAlign\t"); sb.append("Missed\t"); sb.append("N\t"); sb.append("TP\t"); sb.append("FP\t"); sb.append("FN\t"); sb.append("Precision\t"); sb.append("Recall\t"); sb.append("Jaccard\t"); sb.append("F1-score"); return sb.toString(); } private void addResult(float minHeight, float thresholdHeight, float minAssignedHeight, LinkedList<AssignedPoint> ok, LinkedList<AssignedPoint> moved, double averageMovedDistance, LinkedList<AssignedPoint> conflict, LinkedList<AssignedPoint> noAlign, LinkedList<AssignedPoint> missed) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(resultTitle).append("\t"); sb.append(imp.getTitle()).append("\t"); sb.append(limitMethods[limitMethod]).append("\t"); sb.append(factor).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(minHeight)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(thresholdHeight)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(minAssignedHeight)).append("\t"); sb.append(ok.size()).append("\t"); sb.append(moved.size()).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(averageMovedDistance, 2)).append("\t"); sb.append(conflict.size()).append("\t"); sb.append(noAlign.size()).append("\t"); sb.append(missed.size()).append("\t"); int tp = ok.size() + moved.size(); int fp = conflict.size() + noAlign.size(); int fn = missed.size(); MatchResult match = new MatchResult(tp, fp, fn, 0); sb.append(match.getNumberPredicted()).append("\t"); sb.append(tp).append("\t"); sb.append(fp).append("\t"); sb.append(fn).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(match.getPrecision(), 4)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(match.getRecall(), 4)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(match.getJaccard(), 4)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(match.getFScore(1), 4)); if (java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { IJ.log(sb.toString()); } else { resultsWindow.append(sb.toString()); } } public class PointHeightComparator implements Comparator<AssignedPoint> { private int[] pointHeight; public PointHeightComparator(int[] pointHeight) { this.pointHeight = pointHeight; } public int compare(AssignedPoint o1, AssignedPoint o2) { int diff = pointHeight[o1.getId()] - pointHeight[o2.getId()]; if (diff > 0) return -1; if (diff < 0) return 1; return 0; } } }