package gdsc.foci; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC Plugins for ImageJ * * Copyright (C) 2016 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Contains the foci saddle results of the FindFoci algorithm. */ public class FindFociSaddleList implements Cloneable { private static class IdSaddleComparator implements Comparator<FindFociSaddle> { public int compare(FindFociSaddle o1, FindFociSaddle o2) { final int result = -; if (result != 0) return result; return o1.order - o2.order; } } private static class OrderSaddleComparator implements Comparator<FindFociSaddle> { public int compare(FindFociSaddle o1, FindFociSaddle o2) { return o1.order - o2.order; } } private static IdSaddleComparator idSaddleComparator; private static OrderSaddleComparator orderSaddleComparator; static { idSaddleComparator = new IdSaddleComparator(); orderSaddleComparator = new OrderSaddleComparator(); } int size; FindFociSaddle[] list; /** * Instantiates a new find foci saddle. */ public FindFociSaddleList() { this.list = new FindFociSaddle[0]; this.size = 0; } /** * Instantiates a new find foci saddle. */ public FindFociSaddleList(FindFociSaddle[] list) { this.list = list; if (list != null) this.size = list.length; } /** * get the size of the list * * @return The size */ public int getSize() { return size; } /** * Get the saddle for the index * * @param i * The index * @return The saddle */ public FindFociSaddle get(final int i) { return list[i]; } /** * Add a new saddle. Does not check there is capacity to do this. Call {@link #ensureExtraCapacity(int)} first. * * @param saddle * The saddle */ public void add(FindFociSaddle saddle) { list[size++] = saddle; } /** * Clear the list but do not reduce the capacity */ public void clear() { clear(0); } /** * Free memory (Set size to zero and the list to null) */ void free() { size = 0; list = null; } /** * Clear the list from the given position but do not reduce the capacity * * @param position * The position */ public void clear(int position) { if (position == size) return; final int oldSize = size; size = position; while (position < oldSize) list[position++] = null; } /** * Clear the list and set capacity to zero. This should be called to allow the garbage collector to work on freeing * memory. */ public void erase() { clear(); list = null; } /** * Ensure that n extra elements can be added to the list. * <p> * Note this is different from the ensureCapacity() method of ArrayList which checks total capacity. * * @param n * The number of extra elements (this should not be negative) */ public void ensureExtraCapacity(int n) { if (list.length - size >= n) return; // Increase size list = Arrays.copyOf(list, size + n); // On the assumption that any list which needs extra capacity will be from a large peak // This does not appear to affect speed so it is left commented out. //list = Arrays.copyOf(list, Math.max(size + n, (int) (list.length * 3))); } /** * Get the total capacity of the list * * @return The total capacity */ public int getCapacity() { return list.length; } /** * Returns a hard copy of this saddle. * * @return the find foci saddle * @see java.lang.Object#clone() */ @Override public FindFociSaddleList clone() { // Make same length so that add operations behave exactly the same if (size == 0) { if (list == null) // This is a list that has had the free() method called return new FindFociSaddleList(null); else // This list is just empty return new FindFociSaddleList(); } final FindFociSaddle[] list = new FindFociSaddle[this.list.length]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) list[i] = this.list[i].clone(); final FindFociSaddleList newList = new FindFociSaddleList(list); newList.size = this.size; return newList; } /** * Sort the list */ public void sort() { if (size < 0) return; Arrays.sort(list, 0, size); } /** * Sort the list using the comparator * * @param saddleComparator */ public void sort(Comparator<FindFociSaddle> saddleComparator) { if (size < 0) return; Arrays.sort(list, 0, size, saddleComparator); } /** * Remove duplicate Ids from the list and maintain the current order, or else do a default sort * * @param maintain * Maintain the current order, otherwise do default sort */ public void removeDuplicates(boolean maintain) { if (size < 2) return; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) list[i].order = i; sort(idSaddleComparator); int lastId = 0; int newSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (lastId != list[i].id) { list[newSize++] = list[i]; lastId = list[i].id; } } clear(newSize); if (maintain) sort(orderSaddleComparator); else sort(); } /** * Sort the list by Id but otherwise maintain the current order */ public void sortById() { if (size < 2) return; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) list[i].order = i; sort(idSaddleComparator); } }