package gdsc.colocalisation.cda; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC Plugins for ImageJ * * Copyright (C) 2011 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This class is based on the original CDA_Plugin developed by * Maria Osorio-Reich: * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import ij.gui.PlotWindow; import ij.process.ImageStatistics; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.Label; import java.awt.Panel; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; /** * Wraps the plot window of a PlotResults object. Adds a panel to the bottom containing the probability * statistics. */ public class DisplayStatistics { private static final String meanTitle = "Mean: "; private static final String stdDevTitle = "Std Dev: "; private static final String d0Title = "(d=0):"; private Panel statisticsPanel; private String title; private String prefix; private Label meanLabel; private Label stdDevLabel; private Label limitsLabel; private Label significanceLabel; private Label d0ValueLabel; private PlotResults plotResults; private double d0Value; private ImageStatistics statistics; private NumberFormat formatter; private PlotWindow plotWindow; public double getValue() { return d0Value; } public double getAverage() { return statistics.mean; } public double getStdDev() { return statistics.stdDev; } public double getLowerLimit() { return plotResults.getProbabilityLimits()[0]; } public double getUpperLimit() { return plotResults.getProbabilityLimits()[1]; } public void close() { if (plotWindow != null && plotWindow.isShowing()) { plotWindow.close(); plotWindow = null; } } public DisplayStatistics(String title, String prefix) { this.title = title; this.prefix = prefix; } public void setData(PlotResults histogram, ImageStatistics statistics, double d0Value) { this.statistics = statistics; this.plotResults = histogram; this.d0Value = d0Value; } public void draw() { if (statistics == null || plotResults == null || createFrame()) return; // Update the plot setValues(); plotWindow.drawPlot(plotResults.getPlot()); plotWindow.pack(); plotWindow.invalidate(); } private boolean createFrame() { if (plotWindow != null && plotWindow.isShowing()) return false; // Build a panel containing statistics about the plot formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.0000"); statisticsPanel = new Panel(); statisticsPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 2)); meanLabel = new Label(); stdDevLabel = new Label(); limitsLabel = new Label(); d0ValueLabel = new Label(); significanceLabel = new Label(); setValues(); statisticsPanel.add(meanLabel); statisticsPanel.add(stdDevLabel); statisticsPanel.add(limitsLabel); statisticsPanel.add(d0ValueLabel); statisticsPanel.add(significanceLabel); plotWindow = plotResults.getPlot().show(); plotWindow.setTitle(title); // Add the panel to the plot plotWindow.add(statisticsPanel); plotWindow.pack(); plotWindow.invalidate(); return true; } private void setValues() { meanLabel.setText(meanTitle.concat(String.valueOf(formatter.format(statistics.mean)))); stdDevLabel.setText(stdDevTitle.concat(String.valueOf(formatter .format(statistics.stdDev)))); limitsLabel.setText(prefix.concat("(p<" + plotResults.getPValue() + "):").concat( String.valueOf(formatter.format(plotResults.getProbabilityLimits()[0])).concat("|") .concat(String.valueOf(formatter.format(plotResults.getProbabilityLimits()[1]))))); d0ValueLabel.setText(prefix.concat(d0Title).concat( String.valueOf(formatter.format(d0Value)))); significanceLabel.setText(prefix.concat(plotResults.getSignificanceTest())); } public PlotResults getPlotResults() { return plotResults; } /** * @return the plotWindow */ public PlotWindow getPlotWindow() { return plotWindow; } }