package gdsc.utils; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.ArrayList; import gdsc.UsageTracker; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.WindowManager; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; import ij.process.ColorProcessor; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import ij.process.ImageStatistics; /** * Aligns an image stack to a reference image using XY translation to maximise the normalised correlation. Takes in: * * - The reference image * - The reference image mask (states which pixels are important) * - The image/stack to align. * - Max/Min values for the X and Y translation * * Reference image and mask must be the same width/height. * * For each translation: * - Move the image to align * - Calculate the correlation between images (ignore pixels not in the reference mask) * - Report alignment stats * * Output new stack with the best alignment with optional sub-pixel accuracy. */ public class Align_Images implements PlugIn { private static final String TITLE = "Align Images"; private static int myMinXShift = -10, myMaxXShift = 10; private static int myMinYShift = -10, myMaxYShift = 10; private String[] subPixelMethods = new String[] { "None", "Cubic", "Gaussian" }; private static int subPixelMethod = 2; private String[] methods = ImageProcessor.getInterpolationMethods(); private static int interpolationMethod = ImageProcessor.NONE; private static final String NONE = "[None]"; private static String reference = ""; private static String referenceMask = NONE; private static String target = ""; private static boolean showCorrelationImage = false; private static boolean clipOutput = false; /** Ask for parameters and then execute. */ public void run(String arg) { UsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); String[] imageList = getImagesList(); if (imageList.length < 1) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "Only 8-bit and 16-bit images are supported"); return; } if (!showDialog(imageList)) return; ImagePlus refImp = WindowManager.getImage(reference); ImageProcessor maskIp = getProcessor(referenceMask); ImagePlus targetImp = WindowManager.getImage(target); ImagePlus alignedImp = exec(refImp, maskIp, targetImp, myMinXShift, myMaxXShift, myMinYShift, myMaxYShift, subPixelMethod, interpolationMethod, showCorrelationImage, clipOutput); if (alignedImp != null); } private ImageProcessor getProcessor(String title) { ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(title); if (imp != null) return imp.getProcessor(); return null; } private String[] getImagesList() { // Find the currently open images ArrayList<String> newImageList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int id : gdsc.core.ij.Utils.getIDList()) { ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(id); // Image must be 8-bit/16-bit if (imp != null && (imp.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY8 || imp.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY16 || imp.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY32)) { // Check it is not one the result images String imageTitle = imp.getTitle(); newImageList.add(imageTitle); } } return newImageList.toArray(new String[0]); } private boolean showDialog(String[] imageList) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); if (!contains(imageList, reference)) { reference = imageList[0]; referenceMask = NONE; } // Add option to have no mask String[] maskList = new String[imageList.length + 1]; maskList[0] = NONE; for (int i = 0; i < imageList.length; i++) { maskList[i + 1] = imageList[i]; } if (!contains(maskList, target)) { target = maskList[0]; } gd.addMessage("Align target image stack to a reference using\ncorrelation within a translation range. Ignore pixels\nin the reference using a mask."); gd.addChoice("Reference_image", imageList, reference); gd.addChoice("Reference_mask", maskList, referenceMask); gd.addChoice("Target_image", maskList, target); gd.addNumericField("Min_X_translation", myMinXShift, 0); gd.addNumericField("Max_X_translation", myMaxXShift, 0); gd.addNumericField("Min_Y_translation", myMinYShift, 0); gd.addNumericField("Max_Y_translation", myMaxYShift, 0); gd.addChoice("Sub-pixel_method", subPixelMethods, subPixelMethods[subPixelMethod]); gd.addChoice("Interpolation", methods, methods[interpolationMethod]); gd.addCheckbox("Show_correlation_image", showCorrelationImage); gd.addCheckbox("Clip_output", clipOutput); gd.addHelp(; gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; reference = gd.getNextChoice(); referenceMask = gd.getNextChoice(); target = gd.getNextChoice(); myMinXShift = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); myMaxXShift = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); myMinYShift = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); myMaxYShift = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); subPixelMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); interpolationMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); showCorrelationImage = gd.getNextBoolean(); clipOutput = gd.getNextBoolean(); return true; } private boolean contains(String[] imageList, String title) { for (String t : imageList) if (t.equals(title)) return true; return false; } public ImagePlus exec(ImagePlus refImp, ImageProcessor maskIp, ImagePlus targetImp, int minXShift, int maxXShift, int minYShift, int maxYShift, int subPixelMethod, int interpolationMethod, boolean showCorrelationImage, boolean clipOutput) { ImageProcessor refIp = refImp.getProcessor(); if (targetImp == null) targetImp = refImp; // Check same size if (!isValid(refIp, maskIp, targetImp)) return null; if (maxXShift < minXShift || maxYShift < minYShift) return null; // Note: // If the reference image is centred and the target image is normalised then the result // of the top half of the Pearson correlation equation will be the correlation produced by // the Align_Images_FFT without normalisation. //refIp = centre(refIp); ImageStack outStack = new ImageStack(targetImp.getWidth(), targetImp.getHeight()); ImageStack correlationStack = null; FloatProcessor fp = new FloatProcessor(maxXShift - minXShift + 1, maxYShift - minYShift + 1); if (showCorrelationImage) { correlationStack = new ImageStack(maxXShift - minXShift + 1, maxYShift - minYShift + 1); } ImageStack stack = targetImp.getStack(); for (int slice = 1; slice <= stack.getSize(); slice++) { ImageProcessor targetIp = stack.getProcessor(slice); //targetIp = normalise(targetIp); outStack.addSlice( null, alignImages(refIp, maskIp, targetIp, slice, minXShift, maxXShift, minYShift, maxYShift, fp, subPixelMethod, interpolationMethod, clipOutput)); if (showCorrelationImage) { correlationStack.addSlice(null, fp.duplicate()); } } if (showCorrelationImage) { new ImagePlus(targetImp.getTitle() + " Correlation", correlationStack).show(); } return new ImagePlus(targetImp.getTitle() + " Aligned", outStack); } /** * Subtract mean from the image and return a float processor * * @param ip * @return */ public static FloatProcessor centre(ImageProcessor ip) { float[] pixels = new float[ip.getPixelCount()]; // Subtract mean and normalise to unit length double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ip.getPixelCount(); i++) sum += ip.getf(i); float av = (float) (sum / pixels.length); for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) pixels[i] = ip.getf(i) - av; return new FloatProcessor(ip.getWidth(), ip.getHeight(), pixels, null); } /** * Convert to unit length, return a float processor * * @param ip * @return */ public static FloatProcessor normalise(ImageProcessor ip) { float[] pixels = new float[ip.getPixelCount()]; // Normalise to unit length and subtract mean double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) { sum += ip.getf(i) * ip.getf(i); } if (sum > 0) { double factor = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(sum); for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) { pixels[i] = (float) (ip.getf(i) * factor); } } return new FloatProcessor(ip.getWidth(), ip.getHeight(), pixels, null); } private boolean isValid(ImageProcessor refIp, ImageProcessor maskIp, ImagePlus targetImp) { if (refIp == null || targetImp == null) return false; if (maskIp != null && (refIp.getWidth() != maskIp.getWidth() || refIp.getHeight() != maskIp.getHeight())) return false; // if (refIp.getWidth() != targetImp.getWidth() || refIp.getHeight() != targetImp.getHeight()) // return false; return true; } private ImageProcessor alignImages(ImageProcessor refIp, ImageProcessor maskIp, ImageProcessor targetIp, int slice, int minXShift, int maxXShift, int minYShift, int maxYShift, FloatProcessor fp, int subPixelMethod, int interpolationMethod, boolean clipOutput) { double scoreMax = 0; int xShiftMax = 0, yShiftMax = 0; for (int xShift = minXShift; xShift <= maxXShift; xShift++) { for (int yShift = minYShift; yShift <= maxYShift; yShift++) { double score = calculateScore(refIp, maskIp, targetIp, xShift, yShift); fp.setf(xShift - minXShift, yShift - minYShift, (float) score); //IJ.log("Slice " + slice + " x " + xShift + " y " + yShift + " = " + score); if (scoreMax < score) { scoreMax = score; xShiftMax = xShift; yShiftMax = yShift; } } } double xOffset = xShiftMax; double yOffset = yShiftMax; String estimatedScore = ""; if (subPixelMethod > 0 && scoreMax != 1.00) { double[] centre; int i = xShiftMax - minXShift; int j = yShiftMax - minYShift; if (subPixelMethod == 1) { centre = performCubicFit(fp, i, j); } else { centre = performGaussianFit(fp, i, j); } if (centre != null) { xOffset = centre[0] + minXShift; yOffset = centre[1] + minYShift; double score = fp.getBicubicInterpolatedPixel(centre[0], centre[1], fp); if (score < -1) score = -1; if (score > 1) score = 1; estimatedScore = String.format(" (interpolated score %g)", score); //IJ.log(String.format("Fitted slice %d x %d -> %g (%g) y %d -> %g (%g)", slice, xShiftMax, xOffset, // centre[0], yShiftMax, yOffset, centre[1])); } } String warning = ""; if (xOffset == minXShift || xOffset == maxXShift || yOffset == minYShift || yOffset == maxYShift) { warning = "***"; } IJ.log(String.format("Best Slice%s %d x %g y %g = %g%s", warning, slice, xOffset, yOffset, scoreMax, estimatedScore)); return translate(interpolationMethod, targetIp, xOffset, yOffset, clipOutput); } /** * Duplicate and translate the image processor * * @param interpolationMethod * @param ip * @param xOffset * @param yOffset * @param clipOutput * Set to true to ensure the output image has the same max as the input. Applies to bicubic * interpolation * @return New translated processor */ public static ImageProcessor translate(int interpolationMethod, ImageProcessor ip, double xOffset, double yOffset, boolean clipOutput) { ImageProcessor newIp = ip.duplicate(); translateProcessor(interpolationMethod, newIp, xOffset, yOffset, clipOutput); return newIp; } /** * Translate the image processor in place * * @param interpolationMethod * @param ip * @param xOffset * @param yOffset * @param clipOutput * Set to true to ensure the output image has the same max as the input. Applies to bicubic * interpolation */ public static void translateProcessor(int interpolationMethod, ImageProcessor ip, double xOffset, double yOffset, boolean clipOutput) { // Check if interpolation is needed if (xOffset == (int)xOffset && yOffset == (int)yOffset) { interpolationMethod = ImageProcessor.NONE; } // Bicubic interpolation can generate values outside the input range. // Optionally clip these. This is not applicable for ColorProcessors. ImageStatistics stats = null; if (interpolationMethod == ImageProcessor.BICUBIC && clipOutput && !(ip instanceof ColorProcessor)) stats = ImageStatistics.getStatistics(ip, ImageStatistics.MIN_MAX, null); ip.setInterpolationMethod(interpolationMethod); ip.translate(xOffset, yOffset); if (interpolationMethod == ImageProcessor.BICUBIC && clipOutput && !(ip instanceof ColorProcessor)) { float max = (float) stats.max; for (int i = ip.getPixelCount(); i-- > 0;) { if (ip.getf(i) > max) ip.setf(i, max); } } } /** * Iteratively search the cubic spline surface around the given pixel * to maximise the value. * * @param fp * Float processor containing a peak surface * @param i * The peak x position * @param j * The peak y position * @return The peak location with sub-pixel accuracy */ public static double[] performCubicFit(FloatProcessor fp, int i, int j) { double[] centre = new double[] { i, j }; // This value will be progressively halved. // Start with a value that allows the number of iterations to fully cover the region +/- 1 pixel // TODO - Test if 0.67 is better as this can cover +/- 1 pixel in 2 iterations double range = 0.5; for (int c = 10; c-- > 0;) { centre = performCubicFit(fp, centre[0], centre[1], range); range /= 2; } return centre; } private static double[] performCubicFit(FloatProcessor fp, double x, double y, double range) { double[] centre = new double[2]; double peakValue = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (double x0 : new double[] { x - range, x, x + range }) { for (double y0 : new double[] { y - range, y, y + range }) { double v = fp.getBicubicInterpolatedPixel(x0, y0, fp); if (peakValue < v) { peakValue = v; centre[0] = x0; centre[1] = y0; } } } return centre; } /** * Perform an interpolated Gaussian fit. * <p> * The following functions for peak finding using Gaussian fitting have been extracted from Jpiv: * * * @param fp * Float processor containing a peak surface * @param i * The peak x position * @param j * The peak y position * @return The peak location with sub-pixel accuracy */ public static double[] performGaussianFit(FloatProcessor fp, int i, int j) { // Extract Pixel block float[][] pixelBlock = new float[fp.getWidth()][fp.getHeight()]; for (int x = pixelBlock.length; x-- > 0;) { for (int y = pixelBlock[0].length; y-- > 0;) { if (Float.isNaN(fp.getf(x, y))) { pixelBlock[x][y] = -1; } else { pixelBlock[x][y] = fp.getf(x, y); } } } // Extracted as per the code in Jpiv2.PivUtils: int x = 0, y = 0, w = fp.getWidth(), h = fp.getHeight(); int[] iCoord = new int[2]; double[] dCoord = new double[2]; // This will weight the function more towards the centre of the correlation pixels. // I am not sure if this is necessary. //pixelBlock = divideByWeightingFunction(pixelBlock, x, y, w, h); iCoord = getPeak(pixelBlock); dCoord = gaussianPeakFit(pixelBlock, iCoord[0], iCoord[1]); double[] ret = null; // more or less acceptable peak fit if (Math.abs(dCoord[0] - iCoord[0]) < w / 2 && Math.abs(dCoord[1] - iCoord[1]) < h / 2) { dCoord[0] += x; dCoord[1] += y; // Jpiv block is in [Y,X] format (not [X,Y]) ret = new double[] { dCoord[1], dCoord[0] }; // IJ.log(String.format("Fitted x %d -> %g y %d -> %g", // i, ret[0], // j, ret[1])); } return (ret); } /** * Divides the correlation matrix by a pyramid weighting function. * * @param subCorrMat * The biased correlation function * @param xOffset * If this matrix is merely a search area within a larger * correlation matrix, this is the offset of the search area. * @param yOffset * If this matrix is merely a search area within a larger * correlation matrix, this is the offset of the search area. * @param w * Width of the original correlation matrix. * @param h * Height of the original correlation matrix. * @return The corrected correlation function */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static float[][] divideByWeightingFunction(float[][] subCorrMat, int xOffset, int yOffset, int w, int h) { for (int i = 0; i < subCorrMat.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < subCorrMat[0].length; j++) { subCorrMat[i][j] = subCorrMat[i][j] * (Math.abs(j + xOffset - w / 2) / w * 2 + Math.abs(i + yOffset - h / 2) / h * 2 + 1); } } return subCorrMat; } /** * Finds the highest value in a correlation matrix. * * @param subCorrMat * A single correlation matrix. * @return The indices of the highest value {i,j} or {y,x}. */ private static int[] getPeak(float[][] subCorrMat) { int[] coord = new int[2]; float peakValue = 0; for (int i = 0; i < subCorrMat.length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < subCorrMat[0].length; ++j) { if (subCorrMat[i][j] > peakValue) { peakValue = subCorrMat[i][j]; coord[0] = j; coord[1] = i; } } } return (coord); } /** * Gaussian peak fit. * See Raffel, Willert, Kompenhans; * Particle Image Velocimetry; * 3rd printing; * S. 131 * for details * * @param subCorrMat * some two dimensional data containing a correlation peak * @param x * the horizontal peak position * @param y * the vertical peak position * @return a double array containing the peak position * with sub pixel accuracy */ private static double[] gaussianPeakFit(float[][] subCorrMat, int x, int y) { double[] coord = new double[2]; // border values if (x == 0 || x == subCorrMat[0].length - 1 || y == 0 || y == subCorrMat.length - 1) { coord[0] = x; coord[1] = y; } else { coord[0] = x + (Math.log(subCorrMat[y][x - 1]) - Math.log(subCorrMat[y][x + 1])) / (2 * Math.log(subCorrMat[y][x - 1]) - 4 * Math.log(subCorrMat[y][x]) + 2 * Math .log(subCorrMat[y][x + 1])); coord[1] = y + (Math.log(subCorrMat[y - 1][x]) - Math.log(subCorrMat[y + 1][x])) / (2 * Math.log(subCorrMat[y - 1][x]) - 4 * Math.log(subCorrMat[y][x]) + 2 * Math .log(subCorrMat[y + 1][x])); } return (coord); } private double calculateScore(ImageProcessor refIp, ImageProcessor maskIp, ImageProcessor targetIp, int xShift, int yShift) { // Same dimensions at current double sumX = 0; double sumXY = 0; double sumXX = 0; double sumYY = 0; double sumY = 0; int n = 0; float ch1; float ch2; int refMax = getBitClippedMax(refIp); int targetMax = getBitClippedMax(targetIp); //int width = targetIp.getWidth(); //int height = targetIp.getHeight(); // Set the bounds for the search in the reference image: // - x,y needs to be within reference // - x,y shifted needs to be within target // Bounds of the reference image Rectangle bRef = new Rectangle(0, 0, refIp.getWidth(), refIp.getHeight()); // This is the smallest of the two images. Rectangle region = new Rectangle(0, 0, Math.min(refIp.getWidth(), targetIp.getWidth()), Math.min(refIp.getHeight(), targetIp.getHeight())); // Shift the region region.x += xShift; region.y += yShift; // Constrain search to the reference coordinates that overlap the region Rectangle intersect = bRef.intersection(region); int xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax; xMin = intersect.x; xMax = intersect.x + intersect.width; yMin = intersect.y; yMax = intersect.y + intersect.height; for (int y = yMax; y-- > yMin;) { int y2 = y - yShift; //if (y2 < 0 || y2 >= height) // continue; for (int x = xMax; x-- > xMin;) { // Check if this is within the mask if (maskIp == null || maskIp.get(x, y) > 0) { int x2 = x - xShift; //if (x2 < 0 || x2 >= width) // continue; ch1 = refIp.getf(x, y); ch2 = targetIp.getf(x2, y2); // Ignore clipped values if (ch1 == 0 || ch1 == refMax || ch2 == 0 || ch2 == targetMax) continue; sumX += ch1; sumXY += (ch1 * ch2); sumXX += (ch1 * ch1); sumYY += (ch2 * ch2); sumY += ch2; n++; } } } double r = Double.NaN; //IJ.log(String.format("%d %g %g %g %g %g", n, sumX, sumY, sumXY, sumXX, sumYY)); if (n > 0) { double pearsons1 = sumXY - (1.0 * sumX * sumY / n); double pearsons2 = sumXX - (1.0 * sumX * sumX / n); double pearsons3 = sumYY - (1.0 * sumY * sumY / n); if (pearsons2 == 0 || pearsons3 == 0) { // If there is data and all the variances are the same then correlation is perfect if (sumXX == sumYY && sumXX == sumXY && sumXX > 0) { r = 1; } else { r = 0; } } else { r = pearsons1 / (Math.sqrt(pearsons2 * pearsons3)); } // Note: // If the reference image is centred and the target image is normalised then the result // of the top half of the Pearson correlation equation will be the correlation produced by // the Align_Images_FFT without normalisation. //r = pearsons1; //IJ.log(String.format("%g %g %g %g", pearsons1, pearsons2, pearsons3, r)); } return r; } private int getBitClippedMax(ImageProcessor ip) { int max = (int) ip.getMax(); // Check for bit clipped maximum values for (int bit : new int[] { 8, 16, 10, 12 }) { int bitClippedMax = (int) (Math.pow(2.0, bit) - 1); if (max == bitClippedMax) return max; } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } }