package gdsc.colocalisation; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC Plugins for ImageJ * * Copyright (C) 2011 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.gui.Roi; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; /** * Class that allow the threshold for colocalisation analysis to be calculated for two images. A regression is performed * between the two images. If the correlation is positive a search is performed to iteratively reduce two image * thresholds until all pixels below these thresholds produce a negative correlation. * * Based on the Colocalisation_Threshold plugin at * Colocalisation Threshold */ public class ColocalisationThreshold { private ImagePlus imp1; private ImagePlus imp2; private int roiIndex = 0; private int maxIterations = 30; private boolean includeNullPixels = false; private boolean includeSaturatedPixels = false; private boolean exhaustiveSearch = false; private ArrayList<ThresholdResult> results; private boolean correlated = false; private int threshold1; private int threshold2; private double m; private double b; private double rTotal; private double rBelowThreshold; private double rAboveThreshold; private double rThreshold = 0; private double convergenceTolerance = 0.001; private double searchTolerance = 0.05; private int ch1Max = 0; private int ch2Max = 0; private int ch1Min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private int ch2Min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; /** * Constructor * * @param imp1 * Image 1 * @param imp2 * Image 2 */ public ColocalisationThreshold(ImagePlus imp1, ImagePlus imp2) { init(imp1, imp2, 0); } /** * Constructor * * @param imp1 * Image 1 * @param imp2 * Image 2 * @param roiIndex * Contains the index of the image ROI that should be analysed (0,1,2) */ public ColocalisationThreshold(ImagePlus imp1, ImagePlus imp2, int roiIndex) { init(imp1, imp2, roiIndex); } private void init(ImagePlus imp1, ImagePlus imp2, int roiIndex) { if (imp1 == null || imp2 == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Input images must not be null"); } if (imp1.getWidth() != imp2.getWidth() || imp1.getHeight() != imp2.getHeight()) { throw new RuntimeException("Input images must have the same dimensions"); } if (imp1.getStackSize() != imp2.getImageStackSize()) { throw new RuntimeException("Input images must have the same stack size"); } this.imp1 = imp1; this.imp2 = imp2; this.roiIndex = roiIndex; } /** * Performs iterative correlation thresholding. Thresholds are lowered until all pixels below these thresholds * produce a negative correlation. * * @return true if correlated */ public boolean correlate() { IJ.log("=-=-=-=-=-=-="); IJ.log("Performing correlation ..."); // Set results to default threshold1 = 0; threshold2 = 0; rBelowThreshold = Double.NaN; m = 0; b = 0; correlated = false; int ch1; int ch2; int ch3; ch1Max = 0; ch2Max = 0; ch1Min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; ch2Min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // Set up the ROI ImageProcessor ipMask = null; Rectangle roiRect = null; if (roiIndex != 0) { ImagePlus roiImage = (roiIndex == 1) ? imp1 : imp2; Roi roi = roiImage.getRoi(); if (roi != null) { roiRect = roi.getBounds(); // Use a mask for an irregular ROI if (roi.getType() != Roi.RECTANGLE) { ipMask = roiImage.getMask(); } } else { // Reset the choice for next time roiIndex = 0; } } // Speed up the processing by extracting the pixels arrays for the ROI into a new stack. // This will allow the array to be iterated over directly. int size = countPixels(roiRect, ipMask); int[] i1 = new int[size]; int[] i2 = new int[size]; extractPixels(roiRect, ipMask, i1, i2); // start regression long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // A regression is required using all the non-zero pixels long ch1Sum = 0; long ch2Sum = 0; long ch3Sum = 0; int nZero = 0; // get means for (int i = i1.length; i-- > 0;) { ch1 = i1[i]; ch2 = i2[i]; if (ch1Max < ch1) ch1Max = ch1; if (ch1Min > ch1) ch1Min = ch1; if (ch2Max < ch2) ch2Max = ch2; if (ch2Min > ch2) ch2Min = ch2; ch3 = ch1 + ch2; ch1Sum += ch1; ch2Sum += ch2; ch3Sum += ch3; if (ch1 == 0 && ch2 == 0) nZero++; } int n = (includeNullPixels) ? size : size - nZero; double ch1Mean = ch1Sum / (double) n; double ch2Mean = ch2Sum / (double) n; double ch3Mean = ch3Sum / (double) n; // TODO - Add a check to ensure that the sum will not lose precision as the total aggregates. // This could be done by keeping a BigDecimal to store the overall sum. When the rolling total // reaches the a specified precision limit for a double then it should be added to the // BigDecimal and reset. The precision limit could be set using the value of the mean, // e.g. 1e10 times bigger than the mean. // Calculate variances double ch1mch1MeanSqSum = 0; double ch2mch2MeanSqSum = 0; double ch1mch2MeanSqSum = 0; double ch3mch3MeanSqSum = 0; for (int i = i1.length; i-- > 0;) { ch1 = i1[i]; ch2 = i2[i]; ch3 = ch1 + ch2; ch1mch1MeanSqSum += (ch1 - ch1Mean) * (ch1 - ch1Mean); ch2mch2MeanSqSum += (ch2 - ch2Mean) * (ch2 - ch2Mean); ch1mch2MeanSqSum += (ch1 - ch1Mean) * (ch2 - ch2Mean); ch3mch3MeanSqSum += (ch3 - ch3Mean) * (ch3 - ch3Mean); } rTotal = ch1mch2MeanSqSum / Math.sqrt(ch1mch1MeanSqSum * ch2mch2MeanSqSum); IJ.log("R = " + IJ.d2s(rTotal, 4)); if (rTotal < searchTolerance || rTotal < rThreshold) { // No correlation at all return correlationResult(false, "No correlation found."); } // // ?2 = X2?(X)2 // = E[X2]?(E[X])2 // var (x+y) = var(x)+var(y)+2(covar(x,y)); // 2(covar(x,y)) = var(x+y) - var(x)-var(y); double ch1Var = ch1mch1MeanSqSum / (n - 1); double ch2Var = ch2mch2MeanSqSum / (n - 1); double ch3Var = ch3mch3MeanSqSum / (n - 1); double ch1ch2covar = 0.5 * (ch3Var - (ch1Var + ch2Var)); // do regression // See:Dissanaike and Wang // double denom = 2 * ch1ch2covar; double num = ch2Var - ch1Var + Math.sqrt((ch2Var - ch1Var) * (ch2Var - ch1Var) + (4 * ch1ch2covar * ch1ch2covar)); m = num / denom; b = ch2Mean - m * ch1Mean; IJ.log("Channel 2 = Channel 1 * " + IJ.d2s(m, 4) + ((b < 0) ? " " : " +") + IJ.d2s(b, 4)); IJ.log("Channel 1 range " + ch1Min + " - " + ch1Max); IJ.log("Channel 2 range " + ch2Min + " - " + ch2Max); double ch2MinCalc = ch1Min * m + b; double ch2MaxCalc = ch1Max * m + b; IJ.log("Channel 2 calculated range " + IJ.d2s(ch2MinCalc, 0) + " - " + IJ.d2s(ch2MaxCalc, 0)); // Set-up for convergence // The magnitude of b represents the difference of mean random overlap between channels // after correction for their correlation, i.e. difference in noise. // If the noise in channel 2 is higher than channel 1 (i.e. b is positive) then the channel 1 // threshold can approach zero. int lowerThreshold = (int) Math.ceil((ch2Min - b) / m); int upperThreshold = (int) Math.floor((ch2Max - b) / m); IJ.log("Channel 1 interpolated range " + lowerThreshold + " - " + upperThreshold); if (lowerThreshold < ch1Min) lowerThreshold = 0; if (upperThreshold > ch1Max) upperThreshold = ch1Max; IJ.log("Channel 1 search range " + lowerThreshold + " - " + upperThreshold); int currentThreshold = upperThreshold; if (rTotal == 1.0) { // Perfect correlation. The default results are OK. IJ.log("Perfect correlation found (did you select the same input image for both channels?)."); } else if (upperThreshold - lowerThreshold < 1) { IJ.log("No range to search for positive correlations."); } else { boolean result; if (exhaustiveSearch) { result = findThresholdExhaustive(i1, i2, lowerThreshold, upperThreshold, currentThreshold); } else { result = findThreshold(i1, i2, lowerThreshold, upperThreshold, currentThreshold); } if (!result) return false; } double seconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0; return correlationResult(true, "Threshold calculation time = " + seconds); } public static double calculateCorrelation(long sumX, long sumXY, long sumXX, long sumYY, long sumY, long n) { BigInteger nSumXY = BigInteger.valueOf(sumXY).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(n)); BigInteger nSumXX = BigInteger.valueOf(sumXX).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(n)); BigInteger nSumYY = BigInteger.valueOf(sumYY).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(n)); nSumXY = nSumXY.subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(sumX).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(sumY))); nSumXX = nSumXX.subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(sumX).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(sumX))); nSumYY = nSumYY.subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(sumY).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(sumY))); BigInteger product = nSumXX.multiply(nSumYY); return nSumXY.doubleValue() / Math.sqrt(product.doubleValue()); // double pearsons1 = n * sumXY - (sumX * sumY); // double pearsons2 = n * sumXX - (sumX * sumX); // double pearsons3 = n * sumYY - (sumY * sumY); // return pearsons1 / (Math.sqrt(pearsons2 * pearsons3)); } private int countPixels(Rectangle roiRect, ImageProcessor ipMask) { int count = 0; int nslices = imp1.getStackSize(); int width = imp1.getWidth(); int height = imp1.getHeight(); int rwidth, rheight; if (roiRect == null) { rwidth = width; rheight = height; } else { rwidth = roiRect.width; rheight = roiRect.height; } for (int y = rheight; y-- > 0;) { for (int x = rwidth; x-- > 0;) { if (ipMask == null || ipMask.get(x, y) != 0) { count++; } } } return count * nslices; } private void extractPixels(Rectangle roiRect, ImageProcessor ipMask, int[] i1, int[] i2) { int count = 0; int nslices = imp1.getStackSize(); int width = imp1.getWidth(); int height = imp1.getHeight(); int xOffset, yOffset, rwidth, rheight; if (roiRect == null) { xOffset = 0; yOffset = 0; rwidth = width; rheight = height; } else { xOffset = roiRect.x; yOffset = roiRect.y; rwidth = roiRect.width; rheight = roiRect.height; } ImageStack img1 = imp1.getStack(); ImageStack img2 = imp2.getStack(); for (int s = 1; s <= nslices; s++) { ImageProcessor ip1 = img1.getProcessor(s); ImageProcessor ip2 = img2.getProcessor(s); for (int y = rheight; y-- > 0;) { for (int x = rwidth; x-- > 0;) { if (ipMask == null || ipMask.get(x, y) != 0) { i1[count] = ip1.getPixel(x + xOffset, y + yOffset); i2[count] = ip2.getPixel(x + xOffset, y + yOffset); count++; } } } } } private boolean findThreshold(int[] i1, int[] i2, int lowerThreshold, int upperThreshold, int currentThreshold) { int ch1, ch2; // Create the results and add the global correlation - this will be the fallback result results = new ArrayList<ThresholdResult>(maxIterations); results.add(new ThresholdResult(0, 0, rTotal, Double.NaN)); results.add(new ThresholdResult(ch1Max, ch2Max, Double.NaN, rTotal)); // We already have the complete correlation so move the threshold down for the first step. int newThreshold = decreaseThreshold(currentThreshold, lowerThreshold); int iteration = 1; while (iteration <= maxIterations) { if (IJ.escapePressed()) { IJ.beep(); return correlationResult(false, "IJ plugin cancelled"); } // Check if the threshold has been updated. if (currentThreshold == newThreshold || isRepeatThreshold(results, newThreshold)) { IJ.log("Convergence at threshold " + newThreshold); break; } currentThreshold = newThreshold; // Set new thresholds threshold1 = currentThreshold; threshold2 = (int) Math.round(((double) threshold1 * m) + b); // A = both channels above the threshold // B = either channel below the threshold long ch1SumA = 0, ch2SumA = 0; int nZeroA = 0, nA = 0; long ch1SumB = 0, ch2SumB = 0; int nZeroB = 0, nB = 0; // Get means for (int i = i1.length; i-- > 0;) { ch1 = i1[i]; ch2 = i2[i]; if ((ch1 < (threshold1)) || (ch2 < (threshold2))) { if (ch1 == 0 && ch2 == 0) { nZeroB++; } else { ch1SumB += ch1; ch2SumB += ch2; } nB++; } else { if (ch1 == 0 && ch2 == 0) { nZeroA++; } else { ch1SumA += ch1; ch2SumA += ch2; } nA++; } } if (!includeNullPixels) { nA -= nZeroA; nB -= nZeroB; } double ch1MeanA = ch1SumA / (double) nA; double ch2MeanA = ch2SumA / (double) nA; double ch1MeanB = ch1SumB / (double) nB; double ch2MeanB = ch2SumB / (double) nB; // Calculate correlation double ch1mch1MeanSqSumA = 0; double ch2mch2MeanSqSumA = 0; double ch1mch2MeanSqSumA = 0; double ch1mch1MeanSqSumB = 0; double ch2mch2MeanSqSumB = 0; double ch1mch2MeanSqSumB = 0; for (int i = i1.length; i-- > 0;) { ch1 = i1[i]; ch2 = i2[i]; if ((ch1 < (threshold1)) || (ch2 < (threshold2))) { ch1mch1MeanSqSumB += (ch1 - ch1MeanB) * (ch1 - ch1MeanB); ch2mch2MeanSqSumB += (ch2 - ch2MeanB) * (ch2 - ch2MeanB); ch1mch2MeanSqSumB += (ch1 - ch1MeanB) * (ch2 - ch2MeanB); } else { ch1mch1MeanSqSumA += (ch1 - ch1MeanA) * (ch1 - ch1MeanA); ch2mch2MeanSqSumA += (ch2 - ch2MeanA) * (ch2 - ch2MeanA); ch1mch2MeanSqSumA += (ch1 - ch1MeanA) * (ch2 - ch2MeanA); } } double rA = ch1mch2MeanSqSumA / Math.sqrt(ch1mch1MeanSqSumA * ch2mch2MeanSqSumA); double rB = ch1mch2MeanSqSumB / Math.sqrt(ch1mch1MeanSqSumB * ch2mch2MeanSqSumB); // if r is not a number then set divide by zero to be true boolean divByZero; if (Double.isNaN(rB) || nB == 0) { divByZero = true; } else { divByZero = false; results.add(new ThresholdResult(threshold1, threshold2, rA, rB)); } IJ.log(iteration + ", c1(threshold)=" + threshold1 + ", c2(threshold)=" + threshold2 + " : r=" + IJ.d2s(rA, 4) + ", r2=" + ((divByZero) ? "NaN" : IJ.d2s(rB, 4))); // Change threshold max // Ensure that the correlation above the thresholds is positive and below is negative. // If there are no pixels below the threshold then a divide by zero error occurs. if (divByZero || rB < rThreshold) // || r < r2) { lowerThreshold = currentThreshold; newThreshold = increaseThreshold(currentThreshold, upperThreshold); } else { upperThreshold = currentThreshold; newThreshold = decreaseThreshold(currentThreshold, lowerThreshold); } // If our r is close to our level of tolerance then set threshold has been found. // Only true if the correlation above the threshold is positive. if (Math.abs(rB - rThreshold) < Math.abs(convergenceTolerance) && rA > 0) { IJ.log("Correlation below tolerance ... quitting"); break; } iteration++; } if (iteration > maxIterations) { IJ.log("Maximum iterations reached"); } findResultThreshold(); return true; } private boolean findThresholdExhaustive(int[] i1, int[] i2, int lowerThreshold, int upperThreshold, int currentThreshold) { int ch1, ch2; // Create the results and add the global correlation - this will be the fallback result results = new ArrayList<ThresholdResult>(maxIterations); results.add(new ThresholdResult(0, 0, rTotal, Double.NaN)); results.add(new ThresholdResult(ch1Max, ch2Max, Double.NaN, rTotal)); // Enumerate over the threshold range int interval = (int) Math.ceil((1.0 * (upperThreshold - lowerThreshold)) / maxIterations); int iteration = 1; for (currentThreshold = lowerThreshold; currentThreshold <= upperThreshold; currentThreshold += interval) { if (IJ.escapePressed()) { IJ.beep(); return correlationResult(false, "IJ plugin cancelled"); } // Set new thresholds threshold1 = currentThreshold; threshold2 = (int) Math.round(((double) threshold1 * m) + b); // A = both channels above the threshold // B = either channel below the threshold long ch1SumA = 0, ch2SumA = 0; int nZeroA = 0, nA = 0; long ch1SumB = 0, ch2SumB = 0; int nZeroB = 0, nB = 0; // Get means for (int i = i1.length; i-- > 0;) { ch1 = i1[i]; ch2 = i2[i]; if ((ch1 < (threshold1)) || (ch2 < (threshold2))) { if (ch1 == 0 && ch2 == 0) { nZeroB++; } else { ch1SumB += ch1; ch2SumB += ch2; } nB++; } else { if (ch1 == 0 && ch2 == 0) { nZeroA++; } else { ch1SumA += ch1; ch2SumA += ch2; } nA++; } } if (!includeNullPixels) { nA -= nZeroA; nB -= nZeroB; } double ch1MeanA = ch1SumA / (double) nA; double ch2MeanA = ch2SumA / (double) nA; double ch1MeanB = ch1SumB / (double) nB; double ch2MeanB = ch2SumB / (double) nB; // Calculate correlation double ch1mch1MeanSqSumA = 0; double ch2mch2MeanSqSumA = 0; double ch1mch2MeanSqSumA = 0; double ch1mch1MeanSqSumB = 0; double ch2mch2MeanSqSumB = 0; double ch1mch2MeanSqSumB = 0; for (int i = i1.length; i-- > 0;) { ch1 = i1[i]; ch2 = i2[i]; if ((ch1 < (threshold1)) || (ch2 < (threshold2))) { ch1mch1MeanSqSumB += (ch1 - ch1MeanB) * (ch1 - ch1MeanB); ch2mch2MeanSqSumB += (ch2 - ch2MeanB) * (ch2 - ch2MeanB); ch1mch2MeanSqSumB += (ch1 - ch1MeanB) * (ch2 - ch2MeanB); } else { ch1mch1MeanSqSumA += (ch1 - ch1MeanA) * (ch1 - ch1MeanA); ch2mch2MeanSqSumA += (ch2 - ch2MeanA) * (ch2 - ch2MeanA); ch1mch2MeanSqSumA += (ch1 - ch1MeanA) * (ch2 - ch2MeanA); } } double rA = ch1mch2MeanSqSumA / Math.sqrt(ch1mch1MeanSqSumA * ch2mch2MeanSqSumA); double rB = ch1mch2MeanSqSumB / Math.sqrt(ch1mch1MeanSqSumB * ch2mch2MeanSqSumB); // Only add a results if there is a correlation below the threshold if (!(Double.isNaN(rB) || nB == 0)) { results.add(new ThresholdResult(threshold1, threshold2, rA, rB)); } IJ.log(iteration + ", c1(threshold)=" + threshold1 + ", c2(threshold)=" + threshold2 + " : r=" + IJ.d2s(rA, 4) + ", r2=" + IJ.d2s(rB, 4)); if (Double.isNaN(rA)) break; iteration++; } findResultThreshold(); return true; } /** * Find the first threshold with a correlation within the limit of the target correlation. */ private void findResultThreshold() { // Results are sorted from high to low threshold. Collections.sort(results); rBelowThreshold = 2; for (ThresholdResult result : results) { // Look for results where the correlation above the threshold is positive // and the correlation below the threshold (RltT) is closer to the target R-threshold. if (result.r > rThreshold && //result.r2 < rThreshold && //Math.abs(result.r2 - rThreshold) < Math.abs(convergenceTolerance) && Math.abs(result.r2 - rThreshold) < Math.abs(rBelowThreshold - rThreshold)) { rAboveThreshold = result.r; rBelowThreshold = result.r2; threshold1 = result.threshold1; threshold2 = result.threshold2; // If the RltT is within the convergence limit then this is the final result. //if (Math.abs(result.r2 - rThreshold) < Math.abs(convergenceTolerance)) //{ // break; //} } } // Set the values in the case that no correlations satisfy the criteria. if (rBelowThreshold == 2) { ThresholdResult result = results.get(results.size() - 1); rAboveThreshold = result.r; rBelowThreshold = result.r2; threshold1 = result.threshold1; threshold2 = result.threshold2; } } private boolean isRepeatThreshold(ArrayList<ThresholdResult> results, int newThreshold) { for (ThresholdResult result : results) { if (result.threshold1 == newThreshold) return true; } return false; } private boolean correlationResult(boolean result, String message) { IJ.log(message); IJ.log("-=-=-=-=-=-=-"); correlated = result; return result; } private int decreaseThreshold(int current, int min) { return current - (int) Math.ceil((current - min) / 2.0); } private int increaseThreshold(int current, int max) { return current + (int) Math.ceil((max - current) / 2.0); } public void setMaxIterations(int maxIterations) { this.maxIterations = maxIterations; } public int getMaxIterations() { return maxIterations; } public void setIncludeNullPixels(boolean includeNullPixels) { this.includeNullPixels = includeNullPixels; } public boolean isIncludeNullPixels() { return includeNullPixels; } public void setIncludeSaturatedPixels(boolean includeSaturatedPixels) { this.includeSaturatedPixels = includeSaturatedPixels; } public boolean isIncludeSaturatedPixels() { return includeSaturatedPixels; } public void setExhaustiveSearch(boolean exhaustiveSearch) { this.exhaustiveSearch = exhaustiveSearch; } public boolean isExhaustiveSearch() { return exhaustiveSearch; } public void setResults(ArrayList<ThresholdResult> results) { this.results = results; } public ArrayList<ThresholdResult> getResults() { return results; } public boolean isCorrelated() { return correlated; } public int getThreshold1() { return (correlated) ? threshold1 : 0; } public int getThreshold2() { return (correlated) ? threshold2 : 0; } public double getM() { return m; } public double getB() { return b; } public double getRTotal() { return rTotal; } public double getRBelowThreshold() { return (correlated) ? rBelowThreshold : Double.NaN; } public double getRAboveThreshold() { return (correlated) ? rAboveThreshold : Double.NaN; } /** * Set the limit for the correlation below the threshold. The search will stop when the correlation for the pixels * below threshold is with the convergence tolerance distance of this R, i.e. is R = R-threshold +/- tolerance. * * @param r */ public void setRThreshold(double r) { this.rThreshold = r; } public double getRThreshold() { return rThreshold; } /** * Set the tolerance for convergence. The search will stop when the correlation for the pixels below threshold is * with the convergence tolerance distance of this R, i.e. is R = R-threshold +/- tolerance. * * @param tolerance */ public void setConvergenceTolerance(double tolerance) { this.convergenceTolerance = tolerance; } public double getConvergenceTolerance() { return convergenceTolerance; } public int getCh1Max() { return ch1Max; } public int getCh2Max() { return ch2Max; } public int getCh1Min() { return ch1Min; } public int getCh2Min() { return ch2Min; } /** * Set the tolerance for performing a search. The search will not start if the total correlation for the pixels * below this threshold. * * @param searchTolerance */ public void setSearchTolerance(double searchTolerance) { this.searchTolerance = searchTolerance; } public double getSearchTolerance() { return searchTolerance; } /** * Store the results of the correlation for a specified threshold */ public class ThresholdResult implements Comparable<ThresholdResult> { public int threshold1; public int threshold2; public double r; public double r2; public ThresholdResult(int threshold1, int threshold2, double r, double r2) { this.threshold1 = threshold1; this.threshold2 = threshold2; this.r = r; this.r2 = r2; } public int compareTo(ThresholdResult otherResult) throws ClassCastException { return otherResult.threshold1 - this.threshold1; } } }