package gdsc.foci; import gdsc.UsageTracker; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC Plugins for ImageJ * * Copyright (C) 2011 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import gdsc.foci.gui.OptimiserView; import gdsc.core.ij.Utils; import gdsc.core.match.Coordinate; import gdsc.core.match.MatchCalculator; import gdsc.core.match.MatchResult; import gdsc.core.threshold.AutoThreshold; import gdsc.core.utils.StoredData; import gdsc.core.utils.UnicodeReader; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.Prefs; import ij.WindowManager; import ij.gui.DialogListener; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.gui.Overlay; import ij.gui.PointRoi; import ij.gui.Roi; import ij.gui.YesNoCancelDialog; import; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; import ij.plugin.frame.Recorder; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import ij.text.TextWindow; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.Checkbox; import java.awt.Choice; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.TextField; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.TextEvent; import java.awt.event.TextListener; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.JFrame; /** * Runs the FindFoci plugin with various settings and compares the results to the reference image point ROI. */ public class FindFociOptimiser implements PlugIn, MouseListener, WindowListener, DialogListener, TextListener, ItemListener { private static OptimiserView instance; private static String TITLE = "FindFoci Optimiser"; private static TextWindow resultsWindow = null; private static int STEP_LIMIT = 10000; private static final int RESULT_PRECISION = 4; private static String myMaskImage = ""; private static boolean myBackgroundStdDevAboveMean = true; private static boolean myBackgroundAuto = true; private static boolean myBackgroundAbsolute = false; private static String myBackgroundParameter = "2.5, 3.5, 0.5"; private static String myThresholdMethod =; private static String myStatisticsMode = "Both"; private static boolean mySearchAboveBackground = true; private static boolean mySearchFractionOfPeak = true; private static String mySearchParameter = "0, 0.6, 0.2"; private static String myMinSizeParameter = "1, 9, 2"; private static String[] saddleOptions = { "Yes", "Yes - Connected", "No", "All" }; private static int myMinimumAboveSaddle = 0; private static int myPeakMethod = FindFoci.PEAK_RELATIVE_ABOVE_BACKGROUND; private static String myPeakParameter = "0, 0.6, 0.2"; private static String mySortMethod = "" + FindFoci.SORT_INTENSITY; private static int myMaxPeaks = 500; private static String myGaussianBlur = "0, 0.5, 1"; private static String myCentreMethod = "" + FindFoci.CENTRE_MAX_VALUE_SEARCH; private static String myCentreParameter = "2"; /** * The list of recognised methods for sorting the results */ public final static String[] sortMethods = { "None", "Precision", "Recall", "F0.5", "F1", "F2", "F-beta", "Jaccard", "RMSD" }; /** * Do not sort the results */ public final static int SORT_NONE = 0; /** * Sort the results using the Precision */ public final static int SORT_PRECISION = 1; /** * Sort the results using the Recall */ public final static int SORT_RECALL = 2; /** * Sort the results using the F0.5 score (weights precision over recall) */ public final static int SORT_F05 = 3; /** * Sort the results using the F1 score (precision and recall equally weighted) */ public final static int SORT_F1 = 4; /** * Sort the results using the F2 score (weights recall over precision) */ public final static int SORT_F2 = 5; /** * Sort the results using the F-beta score */ public final static int SORT_FBETA = 6; /** * Sort the results using the Jaccard */ public final static int SORT_JACCARD = 7; /** * Sort the results using the RMSD. Note that the RMSD is only computed using the TP so is therefore only of use * when the TP values are the same (i.e. for a tie breaker) */ public final static int SORT_RMSD = 8; public final static String[] matchSearchMethods = { "Relative", "Absolute" }; private static int myMatchSearchMethod = 0; private static double myMatchSearchDistance = 0.05; private static int myResultsSortMethod = SORT_JACCARD; private static double myBeta = 4.0; private static int myMaxResults = 100; private static boolean myShowScoreImages = false; private static String myResultFile = ""; private int[] optionsArray = {}; private String[] thresholdMethods = null; private String[] statisticsModes = null; private int[] backgroundMethodArray = {}; private double myBackgroundParameterMin; private double myBackgroundParameterMax; private double myBackgroundParameterInterval; private double[] myBackgroundParameterMinArray; private int[] searchMethodArray = {}; private double mySearchParameterMin; private double mySearchParameterMax; private double mySearchParameterInterval; private double[] mySearchParameterMinArray; private int myMinSizeMin; private int myMinSizeMax; private int myMinSizeInterval; private double myPeakParameterMin; private double myPeakParameterMax; private double myPeakParameterInterval; private int[] sortMethodArray = {}; private double[] blurArray = {}; private int[] centreMethodArray = {}; private int myCentreParameterMin; private int myCentreParameterMax; private int myCentreParameterInterval; private int[] myCentreParameterMinArray; private int[] myCentreParameterMaxArray; private int[] myCentreParameterIntervalArray; // For the multi-image mode private boolean multiMode = false; private static String INPUT_DIRECTORY = "findfoci.optimiser.inputDirectory"; private static String MASK_DIRECTORY = "findfoci.optimiser.maskDirectory"; private static String OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = "findfoci.optimiser.outputDirectory"; private static String SCORING_MODE = "findfoci.optimiser.scoringMode"; private static String REUSE_RESULTS = "findfoci.optimiser.reuseResults"; private static String inputDirectory = Prefs.get(INPUT_DIRECTORY, ""); private static String maskDirectory = Prefs.get(MASK_DIRECTORY, ""); private static String outputDirectory = Prefs.get(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, ""); private static String[] SCORING_MODES = new String[] { "Raw score metric", "Relative (% drop from top)", "Z-score", "Rank" }; private static final int SCORE_RAW = 0; private static final int SCORE_RELATIVE = 1; private static final int SCORE_Z = 2; private static final int SCORE_RANK = 3; private static int scoringMode = Prefs.getInt(SCORING_MODE, SCORE_RAW); private static boolean reuseResults = Prefs.getBoolean(REUSE_RESULTS, true); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Vector checkbox, choice; private GenericDialog listenerGd; // Stored to allow the display of any of the latest results from the result table private static ImagePlus lastImp, lastMask; private static ArrayList<Result> lastResults; private static String optimiserCommandOptions; // The number of combinations private int combinations; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.plugin.PlugIn#run(java.lang.String) */ public void run(String arg) { UsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); if (arg.equals("frame")) { showOptimiserWindow(); } else { ImagePlus imp = (arg.equals("multi")) ? null : WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); run(imp); } } /** * Run the optimiser on the given image. If the image is null then process in multi-image mode. * * @param imp */ public void run(ImagePlus imp) { if (!showDialog(imp)) return; IJ.log("---\n" + TITLE); IJ.log(combinations + " combinations"); if (multiMode) { // Get the list of images String[] imageList = FindFoci.getBatchImages(inputDirectory); if (imageList == null || imageList.length == 0) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No input images in folder: " + inputDirectory); return; } if (reuseResults && resultsExist(imageList)) IJ.log("Output directory contains existing results that will be re-used if they have the correct number of combinations"); IJ.showStatus("Running optimiser ..."); // For each image start an optimiser run: // - Run the optimiser // - save the results to the output directory int size = imageList.length; ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Prefs.getThreads()); List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<?>>(size); ArrayList<OptimisationWorker> workers = new ArrayList<FindFociOptimiser.OptimisationWorker>(size); // Allow progress to be tracked across all threads Counter counter = new SynchronizedCounter(combinations * size); for (String image : imageList) { OptimisationWorker w = new OptimisationWorker(image, counter); workers.add(w); futures.add(threadPool.submit(w)); } // Collect all the results Utils.waitForCompletion(futures); threadPool.shutdown(); IJ.showProgress(1); IJ.showStatus(""); if (Utils.isInterrupted()) return; // Check all results are the same size ArrayList<ArrayList<Result>> allResults = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Result>>(size); for (OptimisationWorker w : workers) { if (w.result == null) continue; ArrayList<Result> results = w.result.results; if (!allResults.isEmpty() && results.size() != allResults.get(0).size()) { IJ.error(TITLE, "Some optimisation runs produced a different number of results"); return; } allResults.add(results); } if (allResults.isEmpty()) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No optimisation runs produced results"); return; } IJ.showStatus("Calculating scores ..."); // Combine using the chosen ranking score. // Use the first set of results to accumulate scores. ArrayList<Result> results = allResults.get(0); getScore(results); size = allResults.size(); for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { ArrayList<Result> results2 = allResults.get(i); getScore(results2); for (int j = 0; j < results.size(); j++) { // Combine all the metrics Result r1 = results.get(j); Result r2 = results2.get(j); r1.add(r2); } } // Average the scores final double factor = 1.0 / size; for (int j = 0; j < results.size(); j++) { double[] metrics = results.get(j).metrics; // Do not average the RMSD for (int i = 0; i < metrics.length - 1; i++) metrics[i] *= factor; // We must reset the score with the original RMSD if (myResultsSortMethod == SORT_RMSD) metrics[Result.SCORE] = metrics[Result.RMSD]; } // Now sort the results using the combined scores. Check is the scored metric is lowest first final boolean lowestFirst = myResultsSortMethod == SORT_RMSD; sortResultsByScore(results, lowestFirst); // Output the combined results saveResults(null, null, results, null, outputDirectory + "all"); // Show in a table showResults(null, null, results); IJ.showStatus(""); } else { ImagePlus mask = WindowManager.getImage(myMaskImage); OptimiserResult result = runOptimiser(imp, mask, new StandardCounter(combinations)); IJ.showProgress(1); if (Utils.isInterrupted()) return; if (result == null) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No ROI points fall inside the mask image"); return; } // For a single image we use the raw score (since no results are combined) ArrayList<Result> results = result.results; getScore(results, SCORE_RAW); showResults(imp, mask, results); // Re-run Find_Peaks and output the best result if (!results.isEmpty()) { IJ.log("Top result = " + IJ.d2s(results.get(0).metrics[getSortIndex(myResultsSortMethod)], 4)); Options bestOptions = results.get(0).options; AssignedPoint[] predictedPoints = showResult(imp, mask, bestOptions); saveResults(imp, mask, results, predictedPoints, myResultFile); checkOptimisationSpace(result, imp); } } } /** * Check if the output directory has any results already * * @param imageList * @return true if results exist */ private boolean resultsExist(String[] imageList) { // List the results in the output directory String[] results = new File(outputDirectory).list(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith(".results.xls"); } }); if (results == null || results.length == 0) return false; for (String name : imageList) { name = getShortTitle(name); for (String result : results) if (result.startsWith(name)) return true; } return false; } /** * Copied from ImagePlus.getShortTitle() * * @param title * @return the title with no spaces or extension */ private String getShortTitle(String title) { int index = title.indexOf(' '); if (index > -1) title = title.substring(0, index); index = title.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index > 0) title = title.substring(0, index); return title; } /** * Check if the optimal results was obtained at the edge of the optimisation search space * * @param result * @param imp */ private void checkOptimisationSpace(OptimiserResult result, ImagePlus imp) { Options bestOptions = result.results.get(0).options; if (bestOptions == null) return; if (result.time != 0) { final double seconds = result.time / 1e9; IJ.log(String.format("%s Optimisation time = %.3f sec (%.3f ms / combination). Speed up = %.3fx", imp.getTitle(), seconds, result.time / 1e6 / combinations, / (double) result.time)); } // Check if a sub-optimal best result was obtained at the limit of the optimisation range if (result.results.get(0).metrics[Result.F1] < 1.0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (backgroundMethodHasParameter(bestOptions.backgroundMethod)) { if (bestOptions.backgroundParameter == myBackgroundParameterMin) append(sb, "- Background parameter @ lower limit (%g)\n", bestOptions.backgroundParameter); else if (bestOptions.backgroundParameter + myBackgroundParameterInterval > myBackgroundParameterMax) append(sb, "- Background parameter @ upper limit (%g)\n", bestOptions.backgroundParameter); } if (searchMethodHasParameter(bestOptions.searchMethod)) { if (bestOptions.searchParameter == mySearchParameterMin && mySearchParameterMin > 0) append(sb, "- Search parameter @ lower limit (%g)\n", bestOptions.searchParameter); else if (bestOptions.searchParameter + mySearchParameterInterval > mySearchParameterMax && mySearchParameterMax < 1) append(sb, "- Search parameter @ upper limit (%g)\n", bestOptions.searchParameter); } if (bestOptions.minSize == myMinSizeMin && myMinSizeMin > 1) append(sb, "- Min Size @ lower limit (%d)\n", bestOptions.minSize); else if (bestOptions.minSize + myMinSizeInterval > myMinSizeMax) append(sb, "- Min Size @ upper limit (%d)\n", bestOptions.minSize); if (bestOptions.peakParameter == myPeakParameterMin && myPeakParameterMin > 0) append(sb, "- Peak parameter @ lower limit (%g)\n", bestOptions.peakParameter); else if (bestOptions.peakParameter + myPeakParameterInterval > myPeakParameterMax && myPeakParameterMax < 1) append(sb, "- Peak parameter @ upper limit (%g)\n", bestOptions.peakParameter); if (bestOptions.blur == blurArray[0] && blurArray[0] > 0) append(sb, "- Gaussian blur @ lower limit (%g)\n", bestOptions.blur); else if (bestOptions.blur == blurArray[blurArray.length - 1]) append(sb, "- Gaussian blur @ upper limit (%g)\n", bestOptions.blur); if (bestOptions.maxPeaks == result.results.get(0).n) append(sb, "- Total peaks == Maximum Peaks (%d)\n", bestOptions.maxPeaks); if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.insert(0, "Optimal result (" + IJ.d2s(result.results.get(0).metrics[getSortIndex(myResultsSortMethod)], 4) + ") for " + imp.getShortTitle() + " obtained at the following limits:\n"); sb.append("You may want to increase the optimisation space."); showIncreaseSpaceMessage(sb); } } } private synchronized void showIncreaseSpaceMessage(StringBuilder sb) { IJ.log("---"); IJ.log(sb.toString()); // Do not show messages when running in batch if (!(java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() || multiMode)) IJ.showMessage(sb.toString()); } private void getScore(ArrayList<Result> results) { getScore(results, scoringMode); } /** * Gets the score for each item in the results set and sets it to the score field. The score is determined using the * configured resultsSortMethod and scoringMode. It is assumed that all the scoring metrics start at zero and higher * is better. * * @param results */ private void getScore(ArrayList<Result> results, int scoringMode) { // Extract the score from the results final int scoreIndex; switch (scoringMode) { case SCORE_RAW: case SCORE_Z: case SCORE_RELATIVE: scoreIndex = getSortIndex(myResultsSortMethod); break; // If scoring using the rank then note that the rank was assigned // using the chosen metric in myResultsSortMethod within sortResults(...) case SCORE_RANK: default: scoreIndex = Result.RANK; } // Only Raw/Rank are valid for RMSD if (scoreIndex == Result.RMSD && (scoringMode != SCORE_RAW || scoringMode != SCORE_RANK)) { scoringMode = SCORE_RAW; } double[] score = new double[results.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < score.length; i++) score[i] = results.get(i).metrics[scoreIndex]; // Perform additional score adjustment if (scoringMode == SCORE_Z) { // Use the z-score double[] stats = getStatistics(score); final double av = stats[0]; final double sd = stats[1]; if (sd > 0) { final double factor = 1.0 / sd; for (int i = 0; i < score.length; i++) score[i] = (score[i] - av) * factor; } else { score = new double[score.length]; // all have z=0 } } else if (scoringMode == SCORE_RELATIVE) { // Use the relative (%) from the top score. Assumes the bottom score is zero. final double top = getTop(score); final double factor = 100 / top; for (int i = 0; i < score.length; i++) score[i] = factor * (score[i] - top); } // Set the score into the results for (int i = 0; i < score.length; i++) results.get(i).metrics[Result.SCORE] = score[i]; } /** * Get the statistics * * @param score * @return The average and standard deviation */ private double[] getStatistics(double[] score) { // Get the average double sum = 0.0; double sum2 = 0.0; int n = score.length; for (double value : score) { sum += value; sum2 += (value * value); } double av = sum / n; // Get the Std.Dev double stdDev; if (n > 0) { double d = n; stdDev = (d * sum2 - sum * sum) / d; if (stdDev > 0.0) stdDev = Math.sqrt(stdDev / (d - 1.0)); else stdDev = 0.0; } else stdDev = 0.0; return new double[] { av, stdDev }; } /** * Get the highest score. Assumes the lowest is zero * * @param score * @return The top score */ private double getTop(double[] score) { double top = score[0]; for (int i = 1; i < score.length; i++) if (top < score[i]) top = score[i]; return top; } private class StopWatch { long base; long time; StopWatch() { this(0); } StopWatch create() { return new StopWatch(time()); } private StopWatch(long base) { time = System.nanoTime(); this.base = base; } long stop() { time = System.nanoTime() - time; return time(); } long time() { return time + base; } } private class OptimiserResult { ArrayList<Result> results; long time; long total; OptimiserResult(ArrayList<Result> results, long time) { this.results = results; this.time = time; total = 0; if (results == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) total += results.get(i).time; } } /** * Enumerate the parameters for FindFoci on the provided image * * @param imp * The image * @param mask * The mask * @return The results (or null if there are no ROI points inside the mask) */ private OptimiserResult runOptimiser(ImagePlus imp, ImagePlus mask, Counter counter) { if (invalidImage(imp)) return null; AssignedPoint[] roiPoints = extractRoiPoints(imp.getRoi(), imp, mask); if (roiPoints.length == 0) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "Image must have a point ROI or corresponding ROI file"); return null; } final boolean is3D = is3D(roiPoints); ArrayList<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>(combinations); // Set the threshold for assigning points matches as a fraction of the image size double dThreshold = getDistanceThreshold(imp); StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(); FindFoci ff = new FindFoci(); int id = 0; for (int blurCount = 0; blurCount < blurArray.length; blurCount++) { double blur = blurArray[blurCount]; StopWatch sw0 = new StopWatch(); ImagePlus imp2 = ff.blur(imp, blur); sw0.stop(); // Iterate over the options int thresholdMethodIndex = 0; for (int b = 0; b < backgroundMethodArray.length; b++) { String thresholdMethod = (backgroundMethodArray[b] == FindFoci.BACKGROUND_AUTO_THRESHOLD) ? thresholdMethods[thresholdMethodIndex++] : ""; String[] myStatsModes = backgroundMethodHasStatisticsMode(backgroundMethodArray[b]) ? statisticsModes : new String[] { "Both" }; for (String statsMode : myStatsModes) { int statisticsMode = convertStatisticsMode(statsMode); StopWatch sw1 = sw0.create(); FindFociInitResults initResults = ff.findMaximaInit(imp, imp2, mask, backgroundMethodArray[b], thresholdMethod, statisticsMode); sw1.stop(); if (initResults == null) return null; //Object[] clonedInitArray = null; FindFociInitResults searchInitArray = null; for (double backgroundParameter = myBackgroundParameterMinArray[b]; backgroundParameter <= myBackgroundParameterMax; backgroundParameter += myBackgroundParameterInterval) { boolean logBackground = (blurCount == 0) && !multiMode; // Log on first blur iteration // Use zero when there is no parameter final double thisBackgroundParameter = (backgroundMethodHasParameter(backgroundMethodArray[b])) ? backgroundParameter : 0; for (int s = 0; s < searchMethodArray.length; s++) for (double searchParameter = mySearchParameterMinArray[s]; searchParameter <= mySearchParameterMax; searchParameter += mySearchParameterInterval) { // Use zero when there is no parameter double thisSearchParameter = (searchMethodHasParameter(searchMethodArray[s])) ? searchParameter : 0; searchInitArray = ff.clone(initResults, searchInitArray); StopWatch sw2 = sw1.create(); FindFociSearchResults searchArray = ff.findMaximaSearch(searchInitArray, backgroundMethodArray[b], thisBackgroundParameter, searchMethodArray[s], thisSearchParameter); sw2.stop(); if (searchArray == null) return null; FindFociInitResults mergeInitArray = null; if (logBackground) { final float backgroundLevel = searchInitArray.stats.background; logBackground = false; IJ.log(String.format("Background level - %s %s: %s = %g", FindFoci.backgroundMethods[backgroundMethodArray[b]], backgroundMethodHasStatisticsMode(backgroundMethodArray[b]) ? "(" + statsMode + ") " : "", ((backgroundMethodHasParameter(backgroundMethodArray[b])) ? IJ.d2s(backgroundParameter, 2) : thresholdMethod), backgroundLevel)); } for (double peakParameter = myPeakParameterMin; peakParameter <= myPeakParameterMax; peakParameter += myPeakParameterInterval) { StopWatch sw3 = sw2.create(); FindFociMergeTempResults mergePeakResults = ff.findMaximaMergePeak(searchInitArray, searchArray, myPeakMethod, peakParameter); sw3.stop(); for (int minSize = myMinSizeMin; minSize <= myMinSizeMax; minSize += myMinSizeInterval) { StopWatch sw4 = sw3.create(); FindFociMergeTempResults mergeSizeResults = ff .findMaximaMergeSize(searchInitArray, mergePeakResults, minSize); sw4.stop(); for (int options : optionsArray) { mergeInitArray = ff.clone(searchInitArray, mergeInitArray); StopWatch sw5 = sw4.create(); FindFociMergeResults mergeArray = ff.findMaximaMergeFinal(mergeInitArray, mergeSizeResults, minSize, options, blur); sw5.stop(); if (mergeArray == null) return null; options += statisticsMode; for (int sortMethod : sortMethodArray) { for (int c = 0; c < centreMethodArray.length; c++) { for (double centreParameter = myCentreParameterMinArray[c]; centreParameter <= myCentreParameterMaxArray[c]; centreParameter += myCentreParameterIntervalArray[c]) { StopWatch sw6 = sw5.create(); FindFociResults peakResults = ff.findMaximaResults( mergeInitArray, mergeArray, myMaxPeaks, sortMethod, centreMethodArray[c], centreParameter); final long time = sw6.stop(); counter.increment(); if (peakResults != null) { // Get the results Options runOptions = new Options(blur, backgroundMethodArray[b], thisBackgroundParameter, thresholdMethod, searchMethodArray[s], thisSearchParameter, myMaxPeaks, minSize, myPeakMethod, peakParameter, sortMethod, options, centreMethodArray[c], centreParameter); Result result = analyseResults(id, roiPoints, peakResults.results, dThreshold, runOptions, time, myBeta, is3D); results.add(result); } id++; } } } } } } } } } } } sw.stop(); // All possible results sort methods are highest first sortResults(results, myResultsSortMethod); return new OptimiserResult(results, sw.time()); } private void showResults(ImagePlus imp, ImagePlus mask, ArrayList<Result> results) { createResultsWindow(imp, mask, results); // Limit the number of results int noOfResults = results.size(); if (myMaxResults > 0 && noOfResults > myMaxResults) noOfResults = myMaxResults; for (int i = noOfResults; i-- > 0;) { Result result = results.get(i); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.RANK], 0)).append("\t"); sb.append(result.getParameters()); sb.append(result.n).append("\t"); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(result.fp).append("\t"); sb.append(result.fn).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.JACCARD], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.PRECISION], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.RECALL], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.F05], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.F1], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.F2], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.Fb], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.SCORE], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.RMSD], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.time / 1000000.0, RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\n"); resultsWindow.append(sb.toString()); } resultsWindow.append("\n"); } /** * Saves the optimiser results to the given file. Also saves the predicted points (from the best scoring options) if * provided. * * @param imp * @param mask * @param results * @param predictedPoints * can be null * @param resultFile */ private void saveResults(ImagePlus imp, ImagePlus mask, ArrayList<Result> results, AssignedPoint[] predictedPoints, String resultFile) { if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(resultFile)) return; Options bestOptions = results.get(0).options; double fractionParameter = 0; int outputType = FindFoci.OUTPUT_RESULTS_TABLE | FindFoci.OUTPUT_ROI_SELECTION | FindFoci.OUTPUT_MASK_ROI_SELECTION | FindFoci.OUTPUT_LOG_MESSAGES; // TODO - Add support for saving the channel, slice & frame FindFoci.saveParameters(resultFile + ".params", null, null, null, null, bestOptions.backgroundMethod, bestOptions.backgroundParameter, bestOptions.autoThresholdMethod, bestOptions.searchMethod, bestOptions.searchParameter, bestOptions.maxPeaks, bestOptions.minSize, bestOptions.peakMethod, bestOptions.peakParameter, outputType, bestOptions.sortIndex, bestOptions.options, bestOptions.blur, bestOptions.centreMethod, bestOptions.centreParameter, fractionParameter, ""); OutputStreamWriter out = createResultsFile(bestOptions, imp, mask, resultFile); if (out == null) return; try { out.write("#\n# Results\n# " + createResultsHeader(true, false)); // Output all results in ascending rank order for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { Result result = results.get(i); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.RANK], 0)).append("\t"); sb.append(result.getParameters()); sb.append(result.n).append("\t"); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(result.fp).append("\t"); sb.append(result.fn).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.JACCARD], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.PRECISION], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.RECALL], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.F05], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.F1], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.F2], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.Fb], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.SCORE], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(IJ.d2s(result.metrics[Result.RMSD], RESULT_PRECISION)).append("\t"); sb.append(result.time).append("\n"); out.write(sb.toString()); } // Save the identified points if (predictedPoints != null) PointManager.savePoints(predictedPoints, resultFile + ".points.csv"); } catch (IOException e) { IJ.log("Failed to write to the output file '" + resultFile + ".points.csv': " + e.getMessage()); } finally { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } private synchronized void addFindFociCommand(OutputStreamWriter out, Options bestOptions, String maskTitle) throws IOException { if (bestOptions == null) return; // This is the only way to clear the recorder. // It will save the current optimiser command to the recorder and then clear it. Recorder.saveCommand(); // Use the recorder to build the options for the FindFoci plugin Recorder.setCommand("FindFoci"); Recorder.recordOption("mask", maskTitle); Recorder.recordOption("background_method", FindFoci.backgroundMethods[bestOptions.backgroundMethod]); Recorder.recordOption("Background_parameter", "" + bestOptions.backgroundParameter); Recorder.recordOption("Auto_threshold", bestOptions.autoThresholdMethod); if (backgroundMethodHasStatisticsMode(bestOptions.backgroundMethod)) Recorder.recordOption("Statistics_mode", FindFoci.getStatisticsMode(bestOptions.options)); Recorder.recordOption("Search_method", FindFoci.searchMethods[bestOptions.searchMethod]); Recorder.recordOption("Search_parameter", "" + bestOptions.searchParameter); Recorder.recordOption("Minimum_size", "" + bestOptions.minSize); if ((bestOptions.options & FindFoci.OPTION_MINIMUM_ABOVE_SADDLE) != 0) Recorder.recordOption("Minimum_above_saddle"); if ((bestOptions.options & FindFoci.OPTION_CONTIGUOUS_ABOVE_SADDLE) != 0) Recorder.recordOption("Connected_above_saddle"); Recorder.recordOption("Minimum_peak_height", FindFoci.peakMethods[bestOptions.peakMethod]); Recorder.recordOption("Peak_parameter", "" + bestOptions.peakParameter); Recorder.recordOption("Sort_method", FindFoci.sortIndexMethods[bestOptions.sortIndex]); Recorder.recordOption("Maximum_peaks", "" + bestOptions.maxPeaks); Recorder.recordOption("Show_mask", FindFoci.maskOptions[3]); Recorder.recordOption("Show_table"); Recorder.recordOption("Mark_maxima"); Recorder.recordOption("Mark_peak_maxima"); Recorder.recordOption("Show_log_messages"); if (bestOptions.blur > 0) Recorder.recordOption("Gaussian_blur", "" + bestOptions.blur); Recorder.recordOption("Centre_method", FindFoci.getCentreMethods()[bestOptions.centreMethod]); if (bestOptions.centreMethod == FindFoci.CENTRE_OF_MASS_SEARCH) Recorder.recordOption("Centre_parameter", "" + bestOptions.centreParameter); out.write(String.format("# run(\"FindFoci\", \"%s\")\n", Recorder.getCommandOptions())); // Ensure the new command we have just added does not get recorded Recorder.setCommand(null); } private static double getDistanceThreshold(ImagePlus imp) { if (myMatchSearchMethod == 1) return myMatchSearchDistance; final int length = (imp.getWidth() < imp.getHeight()) ? imp.getWidth() : imp.getHeight(); return Math.ceil(myMatchSearchDistance * length); } private void append(StringBuilder sb, String format, Object... args) { sb.append(String.format(format, args)); } private static AssignedPoint[] showResult(ImagePlus imp, ImagePlus mask, Options options) { if (imp == null) return null; int outputType = FindFoci.OUTPUT_MASK_PEAKS | FindFoci.OUTPUT_MASK_ABOVE_SADDLE | FindFoci.OUTPUT_MASK_ROI_SELECTION | FindFoci.OUTPUT_ROI_SELECTION | FindFoci.OUTPUT_LOG_MESSAGES; // Clone the input image to allow display of the peaks on the original ImagePlus clone = cloneImage(imp, imp.getTitle() + " clone");; FindFoci ff = new FindFoci(); ff.exec(clone, mask, options.backgroundMethod, options.backgroundParameter, options.autoThresholdMethod, options.searchMethod, options.searchParameter, options.maxPeaks, options.minSize, options.peakMethod, options.peakParameter, outputType, options.sortIndex, options.options, options.blur, options.centreMethod, options.centreParameter, 1); // Add 3D support here by getting the results from the results table not the clone image which only supports 2D ArrayList<FindFociResult> results = FindFoci.getResults(); //AssignedPoint[] predictedPoints = PointManager.extractRoiPoints(clone.getRoi()); AssignedPoint[] predictedPoints = new AssignedPoint[results.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < predictedPoints.length; i++) { FindFociResult result = results.get(i); predictedPoints[i] = new AssignedPoint(result.x, result.y, result.z + 1, i); } maskImage(clone, mask); if (myShowScoreImages) { AssignedPoint[] actualPoints = extractRoiPoints(imp.getRoi(), imp, mask); List<Coordinate> TP = new LinkedList<Coordinate>(); List<Coordinate> FP = new LinkedList<Coordinate>(); List<Coordinate> FN = new LinkedList<Coordinate>(); final boolean is3D = is3D(actualPoints); if (is3D) MatchCalculator.analyseResults3D(actualPoints, predictedPoints, getDistanceThreshold(imp), TP, FP, FN); else MatchCalculator.analyseResults2D(actualPoints, predictedPoints, getDistanceThreshold(imp), TP, FP, FN); // Show image with TP, FP and FN. Use an overlay to support 3D images ImagePlus tpImp = cloneImage(imp, mask, imp.getTitle() + " TP"); //tpImp.setRoi(createRoi(TP)); tpImp.setOverlay(createOverlay(TP, imp));; ImagePlus fpImp = cloneImage(imp, mask, imp.getTitle() + " FP"); //fpImp.setRoi(createRoi(FP)); fpImp.setOverlay(createOverlay(FP, imp));; ImagePlus fnImp = cloneImage(imp, mask, imp.getTitle() + " FN"); //fnImp.setRoi(createRoi(FN)); fnImp.setOverlay(createOverlay(FN, imp));; } else { // Leaving old results would be confusing so close them closeImage(imp.getTitle() + " TP"); closeImage(imp.getTitle() + " FP"); closeImage(imp.getTitle() + " FN"); } return predictedPoints; } private static void closeImage(String title) { ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(title); if (imp != null) { imp.close(); } } private static ImagePlus cloneImage(ImagePlus imp, String cloneTitle) { ImagePlus clone = WindowManager.getImage(cloneTitle); if (clone == null) { clone = imp.duplicate(); clone.setTitle(cloneTitle); } else { ImageStack s1 = imp.getImageStack(); ImageStack s2 = clone.getImageStack(); for (int n = 1; n <= s1.getSize(); n++) { s2.setPixels(s1.getProcessor(n).duplicate().getPixels(), n); } clone.setStack(s2); } clone.setOverlay(null); return clone; } private static ImagePlus cloneImage(ImagePlus imp, ImagePlus mask, String cloneTitle) { ImagePlus clone = WindowManager.getImage(cloneTitle); Integer maskId = (mask != null) ? new Integer(mask.getID()) : 0; if (clone == null || !clone.getProperty("MASK").equals(maskId)) { if (clone != null) { clone.close(); } clone = imp.duplicate(); clone.setTitle(cloneTitle); clone.setProperty("MASK", maskId); clone.setOverlay(null); // Exclude outside the mask maskImage(clone, mask); } return clone; } private static void maskImage(ImagePlus clone, ImagePlus mask) { if (validMask(clone, mask)) { ImageStack cloneStack = clone.getImageStack(); ImageStack maskStack = mask.getImageStack(); boolean reloadMask = cloneStack.getSize() == maskStack.getSize(); for (int slice = 1; slice <= cloneStack.getSize(); slice++) { ImageProcessor ipClone = cloneStack.getProcessor(slice); ImageProcessor ipMask = maskStack.getProcessor(reloadMask ? slice : 1); for (int i = ipClone.getPixelCount(); i-- > 0;) { if (ipMask.get(i) == 0) { ipClone.set(i, 0); } } } clone.updateAndDraw(); } } private int[] createOptionsArray() { if (myMinimumAboveSaddle == 0) return new int[] { FindFoci.OPTION_MINIMUM_ABOVE_SADDLE }; else if (myMinimumAboveSaddle == 1) return new int[] { FindFoci.OPTION_MINIMUM_ABOVE_SADDLE | FindFoci.OPTION_CONTIGUOUS_ABOVE_SADDLE }; else if (myMinimumAboveSaddle == 2) return new int[] { 0 }; else return new int[] { FindFoci.OPTION_MINIMUM_ABOVE_SADDLE, FindFoci.OPTION_MINIMUM_ABOVE_SADDLE | FindFoci.OPTION_CONTIGUOUS_ABOVE_SADDLE, 0 }; } private boolean invalidImage(ImagePlus imp) { if (null == imp) { IJ.noImage(); return true; } if (!FindFoci.isSupported(imp.getBitDepth())) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "Only " + FindFoci.getSupported() + " images are supported"); return true; } // This error is now handled later //Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); //if (roi != null && roi.getType() != Roi.POINT) //{ // IJ.showMessage("Error", "Image must have a point ROI"); //} return false; } private boolean showDialog(ImagePlus imp) { // Ensure the Dialog options are recorded. These are used later to write to file. boolean recorderOn = Recorder.record; if (!recorderOn) { Recorder.saveCommand(); // Clear the old command options Recorder.record = true; } if (imp == null) { multiMode = true; if (!showMultiDialog()) { Recorder.record = recorderOn; // Reset the recorder return false; } } // Get the optimisation search settings GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); ArrayList<String> newImageList = (multiMode) ? null : FindFoci.buildMaskList(imp); // Column 1 gd.addMessage("Runs the FindFoci algorithm using different parameters.\n" + "Results are compared to reference ROI points.\n\n" + "Input range fields accept 3 values: min,max,interval\n" + "Gaussian blur accepts comma-delimited values for the blur."); createSettings(); gd.addChoice("Settings", SETTINGS, SETTINGS[0]); if (!multiMode) gd.addChoice("Mask", newImageList.toArray(new String[0]), myMaskImage); // Do not allow background above mean and background absolute to both be enabled. gd.addCheckbox("Background_SD_above_mean", myBackgroundStdDevAboveMean); gd.addCheckbox("Background_Absolute", (myBackgroundStdDevAboveMean) ? false : myBackgroundAbsolute); gd.addStringField("Background_parameter", myBackgroundParameter, 12); gd.addCheckbox("Background_Auto_Threshold", myBackgroundAuto); gd.addStringField("Auto_threshold", myThresholdMethod, 25); gd.addStringField("Statistics_mode", myStatisticsMode, 25); gd.addCheckbox("Search_above_background", mySearchAboveBackground); gd.addCheckbox("Search_fraction_of_peak", mySearchFractionOfPeak); gd.addStringField("Search_parameter", mySearchParameter, 12); gd.addChoice("Minimum_peak_height", FindFoci.peakMethods, FindFoci.peakMethods[myPeakMethod]); gd.addStringField("Peak_parameter", myPeakParameter, 12); gd.addStringField("Minimum_size", myMinSizeParameter, 12); gd.addChoice("Minimum_above_saddle", saddleOptions, saddleOptions[myMinimumAboveSaddle]); // Column 2 gd.addMessage(createSortOptions()); Component sortOptionsLabel = gd.getMessage(); // Note the component that will start column 2 gd.addStringField("Sort_method", mySortMethod); gd.addNumericField("Maximum_peaks", myMaxPeaks, 0); gd.addStringField("Gaussian_blur", myGaussianBlur); gd.addMessage(createCentreOptions()); gd.addStringField("Centre_method", myCentreMethod); gd.addStringField("Centre_parameter", myCentreParameter); gd.addMessage("Optimisation options:"); gd.addChoice("Match_search_method", matchSearchMethods, matchSearchMethods[myMatchSearchMethod]); gd.addNumericField("Match_search_distance", myMatchSearchDistance, 2); gd.addChoice("Result_sort_method", sortMethods, sortMethods[myResultsSortMethod]); gd.addNumericField("F-beta", myBeta, 2); gd.addNumericField("Maximum_results", myMaxResults, 0); gd.addNumericField("Step_limit", STEP_LIMIT, 0); if (!multiMode) { gd.addCheckbox("Show_score_images", myShowScoreImages); gd.addStringField("Result_file", myResultFile, 35); // Add a message about double clicking the result table to show the result gd.addMessage("Note: Double-click an entry in the optimiser results table\n" + "to view the FindFoci output. This only works for the most recent\n" + "set of results in the table."); } gd.addHelp(; if (!java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { checkbox = gd.getCheckboxes(); choice = gd.getChoices(); saveCustomSettings(gd); // Listen for changes addListeners(gd); } // Re-arrange the standard layout which has a GridBagLayout with 2 columns (label,field) // to 4 columns: (label,field) x 2 if (gd.getLayout() != null) { GridBagLayout grid = (GridBagLayout) gd.getLayout(); int xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0; int lastY = -1, rowCount = 0; for (Component comp : gd.getComponents()) { // Check if this should be the second major column if (comp == sortOptionsLabel) { xOffset += 2; yOffset -= rowCount; } // Reposition the field GridBagConstraints c = grid.getConstraints(comp); if (lastY != c.gridy) rowCount++; lastY = c.gridy; c.gridx = c.gridx + xOffset; c.gridy = c.gridy + yOffset; c.insets.left = c.insets.left + 10 * xOffset; = 0; c.insets.bottom = 0; grid.setConstraints(comp, c); } if (IJ.isLinux()) gd.setBackground(new Color(238, 238, 238)); } gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) { Recorder.record = recorderOn; // Reset the recorder return false; } // Ignore the settings field gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); if (!multiMode) myMaskImage = gd.getNextChoice(); myBackgroundStdDevAboveMean = gd.getNextBoolean(); myBackgroundAbsolute = gd.getNextBoolean(); myBackgroundParameter = gd.getNextString(); myBackgroundAuto = gd.getNextBoolean(); myThresholdMethod = gd.getNextString(); myStatisticsMode = gd.getNextString(); mySearchAboveBackground = gd.getNextBoolean(); mySearchFractionOfPeak = gd.getNextBoolean(); mySearchParameter = gd.getNextString(); myPeakMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); myPeakParameter = gd.getNextString(); myMinSizeParameter = gd.getNextString(); myMinimumAboveSaddle = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); mySortMethod = gd.getNextString(); myMaxPeaks = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); myGaussianBlur = gd.getNextString(); myCentreMethod = gd.getNextString(); myCentreParameter = gd.getNextString(); myMatchSearchMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); myMatchSearchDistance = gd.getNextNumber(); myResultsSortMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); myBeta = gd.getNextNumber(); myMaxResults = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); STEP_LIMIT = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); if (!multiMode) { myShowScoreImages = gd.getNextBoolean(); myResultFile = gd.getNextString(); } Recorder.record = recorderOn; // Reset the recorder // This only works if we do not attach as a dialogListener to the GenericDialog optimiserCommandOptions = Recorder.getCommandOptions(); // Validate the chosen parameters if (myBackgroundStdDevAboveMean && myBackgroundAbsolute) { IJ.error("Cannot optimise background methods 'SD above mean' and 'Absolute' using the same parameters"); return false; } if (!(myBackgroundStdDevAboveMean | myBackgroundAbsolute | myBackgroundAuto)) { IJ.error("Require at least one background method"); return false; } if (!(mySearchAboveBackground | mySearchFractionOfPeak)) { IJ.error("Require at least one background search method"); return false; } // Check which options to optimise optionsArray = createOptionsArray(); parseThresholdMethods(); if (myBackgroundAuto && thresholdMethods.length == 0) { IJ.error("No recognised methods for auto-threshold"); return false; } parseStatisticsModes(); backgroundMethodArray = createBackgroundArray(); parseBackgroundLimits(); if (myBackgroundParameterMax < myBackgroundParameterMin) { IJ.error("Background parameter max must be greater than min"); return false; } myBackgroundParameterMinArray = createBackgroundLimits(); searchMethodArray = createSearchArray(); parseSearchLimits(); if (mySearchParameterMax < mySearchParameterMin) { IJ.error("Search parameter max must be greater than min"); return false; } mySearchParameterMinArray = createSearchLimits(); parseMinSizeLimits(); if (myMinSizeMax < myMinSizeMin) { IJ.error("Size max must be greater than min"); return false; } parsePeakParameterLimits(); if (myPeakParameterMax < myPeakParameterMin) { IJ.error("Peak parameter max must be greater than min"); return false; } sortMethodArray = createSortArray(); if (sortMethodArray.length == 0) { IJ.error("Require at least one sort method"); return false; } blurArray = createBlurArray(); centreMethodArray = createCentreArray(); parseCentreLimits(); if (myCentreParameterMax < myCentreParameterMin) { IJ.error("Centre parameter max must be greater than min"); return false; } myCentreParameterMinArray = createCentreMinLimits(); myCentreParameterMaxArray = createCentreMaxLimits(); myCentreParameterIntervalArray = createCentreIntervals(); if (!multiMode) { ImagePlus mask = WindowManager.getImage(myMaskImage); if (!validMask(imp, mask)) { statisticsModes = new String[] { "Both" }; } } if (myMatchSearchMethod == 1 && myMatchSearchDistance < 1) { IJ.log("WARNING: Absolute peak match distance is less than 1 pixel: " + myMatchSearchDistance); } // Count the number of options combinations = countSteps(); if (combinations >= STEP_LIMIT) { IJ.error("Maximum number of optimisation steps exceeded: " + combinations + " >> " + STEP_LIMIT); return false; } YesNoCancelDialog d = new YesNoCancelDialog(IJ.getInstance(), TITLE, combinations + " combinations. Do you wish to proceed?"); if (!d.yesPressed()) return false; return true; } private boolean showMultiDialog() { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("Run " + TITLE + " on a set of images.\n \nAll images in a directory will be processed.\n \nOptional mask images in the input directory should be named:\n[image_name].mask.[ext]\nor placed in the mask directory with the same name as the parent image."); gd.addStringField("Input_directory", inputDirectory); gd.addStringField("Mask_directory", maskDirectory); gd.addStringField("Output_directory", outputDirectory); gd.addMessage("[Note: Double-click a text field to open a selection dialog]"); gd.addMessage( "The score metric for each parameter combination is computed per image.\nThe scores are converted then averaged across all images."); gd.addChoice("Score_conversion", SCORING_MODES, SCORING_MODES[scoringMode]); gd.addCheckbox("Re-use_results", reuseResults); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Vector<TextField> texts = (Vector<TextField>) gd.getStringFields(); for (TextField tf : texts) { tf.addMouseListener(this); tf.setColumns(50); } gd.addHelp(; gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; inputDirectory = gd.getNextString(); if (!new File(inputDirectory).isDirectory()) { IJ.error(TITLE, "Input directory is not a valid directory: " + inputDirectory); return false; } maskDirectory = gd.getNextString(); if ((maskDirectory != null && maskDirectory.length() > 0) && !new File(maskDirectory).isDirectory()) { IJ.error(TITLE, "Mask directory is not a valid directory: " + maskDirectory); return false; } outputDirectory = gd.getNextString(); if (!new File(outputDirectory).isDirectory()) { IJ.error(TITLE, "Output directory is not a valid directory: " + outputDirectory); return false; } inputDirectory = Utils.addFileSeparator(inputDirectory); maskDirectory = Utils.addFileSeparator(maskDirectory); outputDirectory = Utils.addFileSeparator(outputDirectory); scoringMode = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); reuseResults = gd.getNextBoolean(); Prefs.set(INPUT_DIRECTORY, inputDirectory); Prefs.set(MASK_DIRECTORY, maskDirectory); Prefs.set(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, outputDirectory); Prefs.set(SCORING_MODE, scoringMode); Prefs.set(REUSE_RESULTS, reuseResults); return true; } private String createSortOptions() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Sort options (comma-delimited). Use if total peaks > max peaks:\n"); addSortOption(sb, FindFoci.SORT_COUNT).append("; "); addSortOption(sb, FindFoci.SORT_INTENSITY).append("; "); addSortOption(sb, FindFoci.SORT_MAX_VALUE).append("; "); addSortOption(sb, FindFoci.SORT_AVERAGE_INTENSITY).append(";\n"); addSortOption(sb, FindFoci.SORT_INTENSITY_MINUS_BACKGROUND).append("; "); addSortOption(sb, FindFoci.SORT_AVERAGE_INTENSITY_MINUS_BACKGROUND).append(";\n"); addSortOption(sb, FindFoci.SORT_SADDLE_HEIGHT).append("; "); addSortOption(sb, FindFoci.SORT_COUNT_ABOVE_SADDLE).append("; "); addSortOption(sb, FindFoci.SORT_INTENSITY_ABOVE_SADDLE).append(";\n"); addSortOption(sb, FindFoci.SORT_ABSOLUTE_HEIGHT); return sb.toString(); } private StringBuilder addSortOption(StringBuilder sb, int method) { sb.append("[").append(method).append("] ").append(FindFoci.sortIndexMethods[method]); return sb; } private String createCentreOptions() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Centre options (comma-delimited):\n"); for (int method = 0; method < 4; method++) { addCentreOption(sb, method).append("; "); if ((method + 1) % 2 == 0) sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } private StringBuilder addCentreOption(StringBuilder sb, int method) { sb.append("[").append(method).append("] ").append(FindFoci.getCentreMethods()[method]); return sb; } private void parseThresholdMethods() { String[] values = myThresholdMethod.split("\\s*;\\s*|\\s*,\\s*|\\s*:\\s*"); LinkedList<String> methods = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String method : values) validThresholdMethod(method, methods); thresholdMethods = methods.toArray(new String[0]); } private void validThresholdMethod(String method, LinkedList<String> methods) { for (String m : FindFoci.autoThresholdMethods) if (m.equalsIgnoreCase(method)) { methods.add(m); return; } } private void parseStatisticsModes() { String[] values = myStatisticsMode.split("\\s*;\\s*|\\s*,\\s*|\\s*:\\s*"); LinkedList<String> modes = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String mode : values) validStatisticsMode(mode, modes); if (modes.isEmpty()) modes.add("both"); statisticsModes = modes.toArray(new String[0]); } private void validStatisticsMode(String mode, LinkedList<String> modes) { for (String m : FindFoci.statisticsModes) if (m.equalsIgnoreCase(mode)) { modes.add(m); return; } } private int convertStatisticsMode(String mode) { if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("inside")) return FindFoci.OPTION_STATS_INSIDE; if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("outside")) return FindFoci.OPTION_STATS_OUTSIDE; return 0; } private int[] createBackgroundArray() { int[] array = new int[countBackgroundFlags()]; int i = 0; if (myBackgroundAbsolute) { array[i] = FindFoci.BACKGROUND_ABSOLUTE; i++; } if (myBackgroundAuto) { for (@SuppressWarnings("unused") String method : thresholdMethods) { array[i] = FindFoci.BACKGROUND_AUTO_THRESHOLD; i++; } } if (myBackgroundStdDevAboveMean) { array[i] = FindFoci.BACKGROUND_STD_DEV_ABOVE_MEAN; i++; } return array; } private int countBackgroundFlags() { int i = 0; if (myBackgroundAbsolute) i++; if (myBackgroundAuto) i += thresholdMethods.length; if (myBackgroundStdDevAboveMean) i++; return i; } private void parseBackgroundLimits() { double[] values = splitValues(myBackgroundParameter); myBackgroundParameterMin = values[0]; if (values.length == 3) { myBackgroundParameterMax = values[1]; myBackgroundParameterInterval = values[2]; } else { myBackgroundParameterMax = values[0]; myBackgroundParameterInterval = 1; } if (myBackgroundParameterInterval < 0) myBackgroundParameterInterval = -myBackgroundParameterInterval; while (myBackgroundParameterMin < 0) myBackgroundParameterMin += myBackgroundParameterInterval; } private double[] splitValues(String text) { String[] tokens = text.split(";|,|:"); StoredData list = new StoredData(tokens.length); for (String token : tokens) { try { list.add(Double.parseDouble(token)); } catch (Exception e) { } } return list.getValues(); } private double[] createBackgroundLimits() { double[] limits = new double[backgroundMethodArray.length]; for (int i = limits.length; i-- > 0;) { limits[i] = getBackgroundLimit(backgroundMethodArray[i]); } return limits; } private double getBackgroundLimit(int backgroundMethod) { return backgroundMethodHasParameter(backgroundMethod) ? myBackgroundParameterMin : myBackgroundParameterMax; } private static boolean backgroundMethodHasStatisticsMode(int backgroundMethod) { return !(backgroundMethod == FindFoci.BACKGROUND_NONE || backgroundMethod == FindFoci.BACKGROUND_ABSOLUTE); } private static boolean backgroundMethodHasParameter(int backgroundMethod) { return !(backgroundMethod == FindFoci.BACKGROUND_NONE || backgroundMethod == FindFoci.BACKGROUND_MEAN || backgroundMethod == FindFoci.BACKGROUND_AUTO_THRESHOLD); } private int[] createSearchArray() { int[] array = new int[countSearchFlags()]; int i = 0; if (mySearchAboveBackground) { array[i] = FindFoci.SEARCH_ABOVE_BACKGROUND; i++; } if (mySearchFractionOfPeak) { array[i] = FindFoci.SEARCH_FRACTION_OF_PEAK_MINUS_BACKGROUND; i++; } return array; } private int countSearchFlags() { int i = 0; if (mySearchAboveBackground) i++; if (mySearchFractionOfPeak) i++; return i; } private void parseSearchLimits() { double[] values = splitValues(mySearchParameter); mySearchParameterMin = values[0]; if (values.length == 3) { mySearchParameterMax = values[1]; mySearchParameterInterval = values[2]; } else { mySearchParameterMax = values[0]; mySearchParameterInterval = 1; } if (mySearchParameterInterval < 0) mySearchParameterInterval = -mySearchParameterInterval; while (mySearchParameterMin < 0) mySearchParameterMin += mySearchParameterInterval; } private double[] createSearchLimits() { double[] limits = new double[searchMethodArray.length]; for (int i = limits.length; i-- > 0;) { limits[i] = getSearchLimit(searchMethodArray[i]); } return limits; } private double getSearchLimit(int searchMethod) { return searchMethodHasParameter(searchMethod) ? mySearchParameterMin : mySearchParameterMax; } private static boolean searchMethodHasParameter(int searchMethod) { return !(searchMethod == FindFoci.SEARCH_ABOVE_BACKGROUND); } private void parseMinSizeLimits() { double[] values = splitValues(myMinSizeParameter); myMinSizeMin = (int) values[0]; if (values.length == 3) { myMinSizeMax = (int) values[1]; myMinSizeInterval = (int) values[2]; } else { myMinSizeMax = (int) values[0]; myMinSizeInterval = 1; } if (myMinSizeInterval < 1) myMinSizeInterval = -myMinSizeInterval; // The minimum size should not be zero (this would not be a peak) while (myMinSizeMin <= 0) myMinSizeMin += myMinSizeInterval; } private void parsePeakParameterLimits() { double[] values = splitValues(myPeakParameter); myPeakParameterMin = values[0]; if (values.length == 3) { myPeakParameterMax = values[1]; myPeakParameterInterval = values[2]; } else { myPeakParameterMax = values[0]; myPeakParameterInterval = 1; } if (myPeakParameterInterval < 0) myPeakParameterInterval = -myPeakParameterInterval; while (myPeakParameterMin < 0) myPeakParameterMin += myPeakParameterInterval; } private int[] createSortArray() { double[] values = splitValues(mySortMethod); int[] array = new int[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) array[i] = (int) values[i]; return array; } private double[] createBlurArray() { double[] array = splitValues(myGaussianBlur); Arrays.sort(array); return array; } private int[] createCentreArray() { double[] values = splitValues(myCentreMethod); if (values.length == 0) return new int[] { FindFoci.CENTRE_MAX_VALUE_SEARCH }; // Default int[] array = new int[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) array[i] = (int) values[i]; return array; } private void parseCentreLimits() { double[] values = splitValues(myCentreParameter); myCentreParameterMin = (int) values[0]; if (values.length == 3) { myCentreParameterMax = (int) values[1]; myCentreParameterInterval = (int) values[2]; } else { myCentreParameterMax = (int) values[0]; myCentreParameterInterval = 1; } if (myCentreParameterInterval < 1) myCentreParameterInterval = -myCentreParameterInterval; while (myCentreParameterMin < 0) myCentreParameterMin += myCentreParameterInterval; } private int[] createCentreMinLimits() { int[] limits = new int[centreMethodArray.length]; for (int i = limits.length; i-- > 0;) { limits[i] = getCentreMinLimit(centreMethodArray[i]); } return limits; } private int getCentreMinLimit(int centreMethod) { // If a range has been specified then run the optimiser for average and maximum projection, otherwise use average projection only. if (centreMethod == FindFoci.CENTRE_GAUSSIAN_SEARCH) return (myCentreParameterMin < myCentreParameterMax) ? 0 : 1; if (centreMethod == FindFoci.CENTRE_OF_MASS_SEARCH) return myCentreParameterMin; return 0; // Other methods have no parameters } private int[] createCentreMaxLimits() { int[] limits = new int[centreMethodArray.length]; for (int i = limits.length; i-- > 0;) { limits[i] = getCentreMaxLimit(centreMethodArray[i]); } return limits; } private int getCentreMaxLimit(int centreMethod) { if (centreMethod == FindFoci.CENTRE_GAUSSIAN_SEARCH) return 1; // Average projection if (centreMethod == FindFoci.CENTRE_OF_MASS_SEARCH) return myCentreParameterMax; // Limit can be any value above zero return 0; // Other methods have no parameters } private int[] createCentreIntervals() { int[] limits = new int[centreMethodArray.length]; for (int i = limits.length; i-- > 0;) { limits[i] = getCentreInterval(centreMethodArray[i]); } return limits; } private int getCentreInterval(int centreMethod) { if (centreMethod == FindFoci.CENTRE_GAUSSIAN_SEARCH) return 1; return myCentreParameterInterval; } private static boolean centreMethodHasParameter(int centreMethod) { return (centreMethod == FindFoci.CENTRE_OF_MASS_SEARCH || centreMethod == FindFoci.CENTRE_GAUSSIAN_SEARCH); } // Do not get warnings about unused variables @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int countSteps() { int stepLimit = STEP_LIMIT; int steps = 0; for (double blur : blurArray) for (int b = 0; b < backgroundMethodArray.length; b++) { String[] myStatsModes = backgroundMethodHasStatisticsMode(backgroundMethodArray[b]) ? statisticsModes : new String[] { "Both" }; for (String statsMode : myStatsModes) for (double backgroundParameter = myBackgroundParameterMinArray[b]; backgroundParameter <= myBackgroundParameterMax; backgroundParameter += myBackgroundParameterInterval) for (int minSize = myMinSizeMin; minSize <= myMinSizeMax; minSize += myMinSizeInterval) for (int s = 0; s < searchMethodArray.length; s++) for (double searchParameter = mySearchParameterMinArray[s]; searchParameter <= mySearchParameterMax; searchParameter += mySearchParameterInterval) for (double peakParameter = myPeakParameterMin; peakParameter <= myPeakParameterMax; peakParameter += myPeakParameterInterval) for (int options : optionsArray) for (int sortMethod : sortMethodArray) for (int c = 0; c < centreMethodArray.length; c++) for (double centreParameter = myCentreParameterMinArray[c]; centreParameter <= myCentreParameterMaxArray[c]; centreParameter += myCentreParameterIntervalArray[c]) { // Simple check to ensure the user has not configured something incorrectly if (steps++ >= stepLimit) { return steps; } } } return steps; } private void createResultsWindow(ImagePlus imp, ImagePlus mask, ArrayList<Result> results) { String heading = null; lastImp = imp; lastMask = mask; lastResults = results; if (resultsWindow == null || !resultsWindow.isShowing()) { heading = createResultsHeader(true, true); resultsWindow = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Results", heading, "", 1000, 300); if (resultsWindow.getTextPanel() != null) { resultsWindow.getTextPanel().addMouseListener(this); } } } private OutputStreamWriter createResultsFile(Options bestOptions, ImagePlus imp, ImagePlus mask, String resultFile) { OutputStreamWriter out = null; try { String filename = resultFile + ".results.xls"; File file = new File(filename); if (!file.exists()) { if (file.getParent() != null) new File(file.getParent()).mkdirs(); } // Save results to file FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename); out = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8"); String maskTitle = ""; if (imp != null) { out.write("# ImageJ Script to repeat the optimiser and then run the optimal parameters\n#\n"); if (mask != null) { out.write("# open(\"" + getFilename(mask) + "\");\n"); maskTitle = mask.getTitle(); } out.write("# open(\"" + getFilename(imp) + "\");\n"); } // Write the ImageJ macro command out.write(String.format("# run(\"FindFoci Optimiser\", \"%s\")\n", optimiserCommandOptions)); addFindFociCommand(out, bestOptions, maskTitle); return out; } catch (Exception e) { IJ.log("Failed to create results file '" + resultFile + ".results.xls': " + e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } } return null; } private String getFilename(ImagePlus imp) { FileInfo info = imp.getOriginalFileInfo(); if (info != null) { return Utils.combinePath(, info.fileName); } else { return imp.getTitle(); } } private String createResultsHeader(boolean withScore, boolean milliSeconds) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Rank\t"); sb.append("Blur\t"); sb.append("Background method\t"); sb.append("Max\t"); sb.append("Min\t"); sb.append("Search method\t"); sb.append("Peak method\t"); sb.append("Sort method\t"); sb.append("Centre method\t"); sb.append("N\t"); sb.append("TP\t"); sb.append("FP\t"); sb.append("FN\t"); sb.append("Jaccard\t"); sb.append("Precision\t"); sb.append("Recall\t"); sb.append("F0.5\t"); sb.append("F1\t"); sb.append("F2\t"); sb.append("F-beta\t"); if (withScore) { sb.append("Score\t"); } sb.append("RMSD\t"); if (milliSeconds) sb.append("mSec\n"); else sb.append("nanoSec\n"); return sb.toString(); } private Result analyseResults(int id, AssignedPoint[] roiPoints, ArrayList<FindFociResult> resultsArray, double dThreshold, Options options, long time, double beta, boolean is3D) { // Extract results for analysis AssignedPoint[] predictedPoints = extractedPredictedPoints(resultsArray); MatchResult matchResult; if (is3D) matchResult = MatchCalculator.analyseResults3D(roiPoints, predictedPoints, dThreshold); else matchResult = MatchCalculator.analyseResults2D(roiPoints, predictedPoints, dThreshold); return new Result(id, options, matchResult.getNumberPredicted(), matchResult.getTruePositives(), matchResult.getFalsePositives(), matchResult.getFalseNegatives(), time, beta, matchResult.getRMSD()); } private AssignedPoint[] extractedPredictedPoints(ArrayList<FindFociResult> resultsArray) { final AssignedPoint[] predictedPoints = new AssignedPoint[resultsArray.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < resultsArray.size(); i++) { final FindFociResult result = resultsArray.get(i); predictedPoints[i] = new AssignedPoint(result.x, result.y, result.z, i); } return predictedPoints; } /** * Convert the FindFoci parameters into a text representation * * @param blur * @param backgroundMethod * @param thresholdMethod * @param backgroundParameter * @param maxPeaks * @param minSize * @param searchMethod * @param searchParameter * @param peakMethod * @param peakParameter * @param sortMethod * @param options * @param centreMethod * @param centreParameter * @return */ static String createParameters(double blur, int backgroundMethod, String thresholdMethod, double backgroundParameter, int maxPeaks, int minSize, int searchMethod, double searchParameter, int peakMethod, double peakParameter, int sortMethod, int options, int centreMethod, double centreParameter) { // Output results String spacer = " : "; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(blur).append("\t"); sb.append(FindFoci.backgroundMethods[backgroundMethod]); if (backgroundMethodHasStatisticsMode(backgroundMethod)) { sb.append(" (").append(FindFoci.getStatisticsMode(options)).append(") "); } sb.append(spacer); sb.append(backgroundMethodHasParameter(backgroundMethod) ? IJ.d2s(backgroundParameter, 2) : thresholdMethod) .append("\t"); sb.append(maxPeaks).append("\t"); sb.append(minSize); if ((options & FindFoci.OPTION_MINIMUM_ABOVE_SADDLE) != 0) { sb.append(" >saddle"); if ((options & FindFoci.OPTION_CONTIGUOUS_ABOVE_SADDLE) != 0) sb.append(" conn"); } sb.append("\t"); sb.append(FindFoci.searchMethods[searchMethod]); if (searchMethodHasParameter(searchMethod)) sb.append(spacer).append(IJ.d2s(searchParameter, 2)); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(FindFoci.peakMethods[peakMethod]).append(spacer); sb.append(IJ.d2s(peakParameter, 2)).append("\t"); sb.append(FindFoci.sortIndexMethods[sortMethod]).append("\t"); sb.append(FindFoci.getCentreMethods()[centreMethod]); if (centreMethodHasParameter(centreMethod)) sb.append(spacer).append(IJ.d2s(centreParameter, 2)); sb.append("\t"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Convert the FindFoci text representation into Options * * @param parameters * @return the options */ private Options createOptions(String parameters) { String[] fields = p.split(parameters); try { double blur = Double.parseDouble(fields[0]); int backgroundMethod = -1; for (int i = 0; i < FindFoci.backgroundMethods.length; i++) if (fields[1].startsWith(FindFoci.backgroundMethods[i])) { backgroundMethod = i; break; } if (backgroundMethod < 0) throw new Exception("No background method"); int options = 0; if (backgroundMethodHasStatisticsMode(backgroundMethod)) { int first = fields[1].indexOf('(') + 1; int last = fields[1].indexOf(')', first); String mode = fields[1].substring(first, last); if (mode.equals("Inside")) options |= FindFoci.OPTION_STATS_INSIDE; else if (mode.equals("Outside")) options |= FindFoci.OPTION_STATS_OUTSIDE; else options |= FindFoci.OPTION_STATS_INSIDE | FindFoci.OPTION_STATS_OUTSIDE; } int index = fields[1].indexOf(" : ") + 3; String thresholdMethod = fields[1].substring(index); double backgroundParameter = 0; if (backgroundMethodHasParameter(backgroundMethod)) { backgroundParameter = Double.parseDouble(thresholdMethod); thresholdMethod = ""; } int maxPeaks = Integer.parseInt(fields[2]); // XXX index = fields[3].indexOf(" "); if (index > 0) { options |= FindFoci.OPTION_MINIMUM_ABOVE_SADDLE; if (fields[3].contains("conn")) options |= FindFoci.OPTION_CONTIGUOUS_ABOVE_SADDLE; fields[3] = fields[3].substring(0, index); } int minSize = Integer.parseInt(fields[3]); int searchMethod = -1; for (int i = 0; i < FindFoci.searchMethods.length; i++) if (fields[4].startsWith(FindFoci.searchMethods[i])) { searchMethod = i; break; } if (searchMethod < 0) throw new Exception("No search method"); double searchParameter = 0; if (searchMethodHasParameter(searchMethod)) { index = fields[4].indexOf(" : ") + 3; searchParameter = Double.parseDouble(fields[4].substring(index)); } int peakMethod = -1; for (int i = 0; i < FindFoci.peakMethods.length; i++) if (fields[5].startsWith(FindFoci.peakMethods[i])) { peakMethod = i; break; } if (peakMethod < 0) throw new Exception("No peak method"); index = fields[5].indexOf(" : ") + 3; double peakParameter = Double.parseDouble(fields[5].substring(index)); int sortMethod = -1; for (int i = 0; i < FindFoci.sortIndexMethods.length; i++) if (fields[6].startsWith(FindFoci.sortIndexMethods[i])) { sortMethod = i; break; } if (sortMethod < 0) throw new Exception("No sort method"); int centreMethod = -1; for (int i = 0; i < FindFoci.getCentreMethods().length; i++) if (fields[7].startsWith(FindFoci.getCentreMethods()[i])) { centreMethod = i; break; } if (centreMethod < 0) throw new Exception("No centre method"); double centreParameter = 0; if (centreMethodHasParameter(centreMethod)) { index = fields[7].indexOf(" : ") + 3; centreParameter = Double.parseDouble(fields[7].substring(index)); } Options o = new Options(blur, backgroundMethod, backgroundParameter, thresholdMethod, searchMethod, searchParameter, maxPeaks, minSize, peakMethod, peakParameter, sortMethod, options, centreMethod, centreParameter); // Debugging if (!o.createParameters().equals(parameters)) { System.out.printf("Error converting parameters to FindFoci options:\n%s\n%s\n", parameters, o.createParameters()); o = null; } return o; } catch (Exception e) { System.out .println("Error converting parameters to FindFoci options: " + parameters + "\n" + e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static double calculateFScore(double precision, double recall, double beta) { double b2 = beta * beta; double f = ((1.0 + b2) * precision * recall) / (b2 * precision + recall); return (Double.isNaN(f) ? 0 : f); } /** * Extract the points for the given image. If a file exists in the same directory as the image with the suffix .csv, * .xyz, or .txt then the program will attempt to load 3D coordinates from file. Otherwise the points are taken from * the the ROI. * * The points are then filtered to include only those within the mask region (if the mask dimensions match those of * the image). * * @param roi * @param imp * @param mask * @return */ public static AssignedPoint[] extractRoiPoints(Roi roi, ImagePlus imp, ImagePlus mask) { AssignedPoint[] roiPoints = null; boolean is3D = imp.getNSlices() > 1; roiPoints = loadPointsFromFile(imp); if (roiPoints == null) { roiPoints = PointManager.extractRoiPoints(roi); } if (!is3D) { // Discard any potential z-information since the image is not 3D for (AssignedPoint point : roiPoints) point.z = 0; } // If the mask is not valid or we have no points then return if (!validMask(imp, mask) || roiPoints.length == 0) { return roiPoints; } return restrictToMask(mask, roiPoints); } /** * Restrict the given points to the mask * * @param mask * @param roiPoints * @return */ public static AssignedPoint[] restrictToMask(ImagePlus mask, AssignedPoint[] roiPoints) { if (mask == null) return roiPoints; // Check that the mask should be used in 3D boolean is3D = is3D(roiPoints) && mask.getNSlices() > 1; // Look through the ROI points and exclude all outside the mask ImageStack stack = mask.getStack(); final int c = mask.getChannel(); final int f = mask.getFrame(); int id = 0; for (AssignedPoint point : roiPoints) { if (is3D) { // Check within the 3D mask if (point.z <= mask.getNSlices()) { int stackIndex = mask.getStackIndex(c, point.z, f); ImageProcessor ipMask = stack.getProcessor(stackIndex); if (ipMask.get(point.getXint(), point.getYint()) > 0) roiPoints[id++] = point; } } else { // Check all slices of the mask, i.e. a 2D projection for (int slice = 1; slice <= mask.getNSlices(); slice++) { int stackIndex = mask.getStackIndex(c, slice, f); ImageProcessor ipMask = stack.getProcessor(stackIndex); if (ipMask.get(point.getXint(), point.getYint()) > 0) { roiPoints[id++] = point; break; } } } } return Arrays.copyOf(roiPoints, id); } private static boolean is3D(AssignedPoint[] roiPoints) { if (roiPoints.length == 0) return false; // All points must have a z-coordinate above zero for (AssignedPoint point : roiPoints) if (point.z < 1) return false; return true; } private static AssignedPoint[] loadPointsFromFile(ImagePlus imp) { FileInfo fileInfo = imp.getOriginalFileInfo(); if ( != null) { String title = imp.getTitle(); int index = title.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index != -1) title = title.substring(0, index); for (String suffix : new String[] { ".csv", ".xyz", ".txt" }) { AssignedPoint[] roiPoints = loadPointsFromFile( + title + suffix); if (roiPoints != null) return roiPoints; } } return null; } private static Pattern pointsPattern = Pattern.compile("[, \t]+"); private static AssignedPoint[] loadPointsFromFile(String filename) { if (filename == null) return null; File file = new File(filename); if (!file.exists()) return null; BufferedReader input = null; try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filename); input = new BufferedReader(new UnicodeReader(fis, null)); String line; int id = 0; int errors = 0; ArrayList<AssignedPoint> points = new ArrayList<AssignedPoint>(); while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { if (line.length() == 0) continue; if (line.charAt(0) == '#') continue; String[] fields = pointsPattern.split(line); if (fields.length > 1) { try { int x = (int) Double.parseDouble(fields[0]); int y = (int) Double.parseDouble(fields[1]); int z = 0; if (fields.length > 2) { z = (int) Double.parseDouble(fields[2]); } points.add(new AssignedPoint(x, y, z, ++id)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Abort if too many errors if (++errors == 5) return null; } } } return points.toArray(new AssignedPoint[points.size()]); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } finally { try { if (input != null) input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static Roi createRoi(List<Coordinate> points) { int[] ox = new int[points.size()]; int[] oy = new int[points.size()]; int i = 0; for (Coordinate point : points) { ox[i] = point.getXint(); oy[i] = point.getYint(); i++; } return new PointRoi(ox, oy, ox.length); } private static Overlay createOverlay(List<Coordinate> points, ImagePlus imp) { int c = imp.getChannel(); int f = imp.getFrame(); boolean isHyperStack = imp.isDisplayedHyperStack(); int[] ox = new int[points.size()]; int[] oy = new int[points.size()]; int[] oz = new int[points.size()]; int i = 0; for (Coordinate point : points) { ox[i] = point.getXint(); oy[i] = point.getYint(); oz[i] = point.getZint(); i++; } Overlay overlay = new Overlay(); int remaining = ox.length; for (int ii = 0; ii < ox.length; ii++) { // Find the next unprocessed slice if (oz[ii] != -1) { final int slice = oz[ii]; // Extract all the points from this slice int[] x = new int[remaining]; int[] y = new int[remaining]; int count = 0; for (int j = ii; j < ox.length; j++) { if (oz[j] == slice) { x[count] = ox[j]; y[count] = oy[j]; count++; oz[j] = -1; // Mark processed } } x = Arrays.copyOf(x, count); y = Arrays.copyOf(y, count); PointRoi roi = new PointRoi(x, y, count); if (isHyperStack) roi.setPosition(c, slice, f); else roi.setPosition(slice); roi.setShowLabels(false); overlay.add(roi); remaining -= count; } } overlay.setStrokeColor(Color.cyan); return overlay; } private static boolean validMask(ImagePlus imp, ImagePlus mask) { return mask != null && mask.getWidth() == imp.getWidth() && mask.getHeight() == imp.getHeight() && (mask.getNSlices() == imp.getNSlices() || mask.getStackSize() == 1); } private void sortResults(ArrayList<Result> results, int sortMethod) { if (sortMethod != SORT_NONE) { final int sortIndex = getSortIndex(sortMethod); ResultComparator c = new ResultComparator(sortIndex); sortAndAssignRank(results, sortIndex, c); } } private int getSortIndex(int sortMethod) { // Most of the sort methods correspond to the first items of the metrics array if (sortMethod <= SORT_JACCARD) return sortMethod - 1; // Process special cases switch (sortMethod) { case SORT_RMSD: return Result.RMSD; } // This is an error return -1; } private void sortResultsByScore(ArrayList<Result> results, boolean lowestFirst) { final int sortIndex = Result.SCORE; ResultComparator c = new ResultComparator(sortIndex, lowestFirst); sortAndAssignRank(results, sortIndex, c); } public void sortAndAssignRank(ArrayList<Result> results, int sortIndex, ResultComparator c) { Collections.sort(results, c); // Cannot assign a rank if we have not sorted int rank = 1; int count = 0; double score = results.get(0).metrics[sortIndex]; for (Result r : results) { if (score != r.metrics[sortIndex]) { rank += count; count = 0; score = r.metrics[sortIndex]; } r.metrics[Result.RANK] = rank; count++; } } private void sortResultsById(ArrayList<Result> results) { Collections.sort(results); } private class Result implements Comparable<Result> { public static final int PRECISION = 0; public static final int RECALL = 1; public static final int F05 = 2; public static final int F1 = 3; public static final int F2 = 4; public static final int Fb = 5; public static final int JACCARD = 6; public static final int RANK = 7; public static final int SCORE = 8; public static final int RMSD = 9; public int id; public Options options; public String parameters; public int n, tp, fp, fn; public long time; public double[] metrics = new double[10]; public Result(int id, Options options, int n, int tp, int fp, int fn, long time, double beta, double rmsd) { = id; this.options = options; if (options != null) this.parameters = options.createParameters(); this.n = n; = tp; this.fp = fp; this.fn = fn; this.time = time; if (tp + fp > 0) { metrics[PRECISION] = (double) tp / (tp + fp); } if (tp + fn > 0) { metrics[RECALL] = (double) tp / (tp + fn); } if (tp + fp + fn > 0) { metrics[JACCARD] = (double) tp / (tp + fp + fn); } metrics[F05] = calculateFScore(metrics[PRECISION], metrics[RECALL], 0.5); metrics[F1] = calculateFScore(metrics[PRECISION], metrics[RECALL], 1.0); metrics[F2] = calculateFScore(metrics[PRECISION], metrics[RECALL], 2.0); metrics[Fb] = calculateFScore(metrics[PRECISION], metrics[RECALL], beta); metrics[RMSD] = rmsd; } /** * Add the values stored in the given result to the current values * * @param result */ public void add(Result result) { // Create a new RMSD // rmsd = Math.sqrt(sd / tp); double sd1 = metrics[RMSD] * metrics[RMSD] * tp; double sd2 = result.metrics[RMSD] * result.metrics[RMSD] *; metrics[RMSD] = Math.sqrt((sd1 + sd2) / (tp +; // Combine all other metrics n += result.n; tp +=; fp += result.fp; fn += result.fn; time += result.time; for (int i = 0; i < metrics.length - 1; i++) metrics[i] += result.metrics[i]; } public String getParameters() { return parameters; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object) */ public int compareTo(Result paramT) { return id -; } } /** * Provides the ability to sort the results arrays in ascending order */ private class ResultComparator implements Comparator<Result> { private final int sortIndex; private final int tieIndex; private final int sortRank; private final int tieRank; // Set this to zero to not perform a comparison of the result parameter options private int tieMethod = 1; public ResultComparator(int sortIndex, boolean lowestFirst) { this.sortIndex = sortIndex; if (sortIndex == Result.RMSD) tieIndex = Result.JACCARD; else tieIndex = Result.RMSD; sortRank = (lowestFirst) ? 1 : -1; tieRank = getRankOfHighest(tieIndex); } public ResultComparator(int sortIndex) { this.sortIndex = sortIndex; if (sortIndex == Result.RMSD) tieIndex = Result.JACCARD; else tieIndex = Result.RMSD; sortRank = getRankOfHighest(sortIndex); tieRank = getRankOfHighest(tieIndex); } private int getRankOfHighest(int index) { switch (index) { case Result.RANK: case Result.RMSD: // Highest last return 1; } // Highest first return -1; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) */ public int compare(Result o1, Result o2) { // Require the highest is first if (o1.metrics[sortIndex] > o2.metrics[sortIndex]) return sortRank; if (o1.metrics[sortIndex] < o2.metrics[sortIndex]) return -sortRank; // Compare using the tie index if (o1.metrics[tieIndex] > o2.metrics[tieIndex]) return tieRank; if (o1.metrics[tieIndex] < o2.metrics[tieIndex]) return -tieRank; if (tieMethod == 1 && o1.options != null && o2.options != null) { // Return method with most conservative settings int[] result = new int[1]; if (compare(o1.options.blur, o2.options.blur, result) != 0) return result[0]; // Higher background methods are more general if (compare(o1.options.backgroundMethod, o2.options.backgroundMethod, result) != 0) return -result[0]; if (compare(o1.options.backgroundParameter, o2.options.backgroundParameter, result) != 0) return result[0]; // Smallest size is more general if (compare(o1.options.minSize, o2.options.minSize, result) != 0) return result[0]; // Lower search methods are more general if (compare(o1.options.searchMethod, o2.options.searchMethod, result) != 0) return result[0]; if (compare(o1.options.searchParameter, o2.options.searchParameter, result) != 0) return result[0]; // Higher peak methods are more general if (compare(o1.options.peakMethod, o2.options.peakMethod, result) != 0) return -result[0]; if (compare(o1.options.peakParameter, o2.options.peakParameter, result) != 0) return result[0]; } // Return fastest method if (o1.time < o2.time) return -1; if (o1.time > o2.time) return 1; System.out.println("Sort error"); return 0; } private int compare(double value1, double value2, int[] result) { if (value1 < value2) result[0] = -1; else if (value1 > value2) result[0] = 1; else result[0] = 0; return result[0]; } private int compare(int value1, int value2, int[] result) { return result[0] = value1 - value2; } } private class Options { private String parameters = null; public double blur; public int backgroundMethod; public double backgroundParameter; public String autoThresholdMethod; public int searchMethod; public double searchParameter; public int maxPeaks; public int minSize; public int peakMethod; public double peakParameter; public int sortIndex; public int options; public int centreMethod; public double centreParameter; public Options(double blur, int backgroundMethod, double backgroundParameter, String autoThresholdMethod, int searchMethod, double searchParameter, int maxPeaks, int minSize, int peakMethod, double peakParameter, int sortIndex, int options, int centreMethod, double centreParameter) { this.blur = blur; this.backgroundMethod = backgroundMethod; this.backgroundParameter = backgroundParameter; this.autoThresholdMethod = autoThresholdMethod; this.searchMethod = searchMethod; this.searchParameter = searchParameter; this.maxPeaks = maxPeaks; this.minSize = minSize; this.peakMethod = peakMethod; this.peakParameter = peakParameter; this.sortIndex = sortIndex; this.options = options; this.centreMethod = centreMethod; this.centreParameter = centreParameter; } /** * @return the string representation of the parameters (the value is computed once and cached) */ public String createParameters() { if (parameters == null) { parameters = FindFociOptimiser.createParameters(blur, backgroundMethod, autoThresholdMethod, backgroundParameter, maxPeaks, minSize, searchMethod, searchParameter, peakMethod, peakParameter, sortIndex, options, centreMethod, centreParameter); } return parameters; } } private abstract class Counter { final int total; final int progressSize; int last = 0; public Counter(int total) { = total; this.progressSize = Math.max(1, total / 400); } public void increment() { if (incrementAndGet() > last) { // Don't show progress all the time last = get() + progressSize; IJ.showProgress(get(), total); } } public void increment(int delta) { if (addAndGet(delta) > last) { // Don't show progress all the time last = get() + progressSize; IJ.showProgress(get(), total); } } protected abstract int incrementAndGet(); protected abstract int addAndGet(int delta); protected abstract int get(); } private class StandardCounter extends Counter { int step = 0; public StandardCounter(int total) { super(total); } @Override protected int incrementAndGet() { return ++step; } @Override protected int addAndGet(int delta) { return step += delta; } @Override protected int get() { return step; } } private class SynchronizedCounter extends Counter { AtomicInteger step = new AtomicInteger(); public SynchronizedCounter(int total) { super(total); } @Override protected int incrementAndGet() { return step.incrementAndGet(); } @Override protected int addAndGet(int delta) { return step.addAndGet(delta); } @Override protected int get() { return step.get(); } } public class OptimisationWorker implements Runnable { String image; Counter counter; OptimiserResult result = null; public OptimisationWorker(String image, Counter counter) { this.image = image; this.counter = counter; } public void run() { if (IJ.escapePressed()) return; final ImagePlus imp = FindFoci.openImage(inputDirectory, image); // The input filename may not be an image if (imp == null) { IJ.log("Skipping file (it may not be an image): " + inputDirectory + image); // We can skip forward in the progress counter.increment(combinations); return; } String[] maskPath = FindFoci.getMaskImage(inputDirectory, maskDirectory, image); final ImagePlus mask = FindFoci.openImage(maskPath[0], maskPath[1]); final String resultFile = outputDirectory + imp.getShortTitle(); final String fullResultFile = resultFile + ".results.xls"; boolean newResults = false; if (reuseResults && new File(fullResultFile).exists()) { ArrayList<Result> results = loadResults(fullResultFile); if (results != null && results.size() == combinations) { IJ.log("Re-using results: " + fullResultFile); // We can skip forward in the progress counter.increment(combinations); result = new OptimiserResult(results, 0); } } if (result == null) { IJ.log("Creating results: " + fullResultFile); newResults = true; result = runOptimiser(imp, mask, counter); } if (result != null) { if (newResults) { saveResults(imp, mask, result.results, null, resultFile); } checkOptimisationSpace(result, imp); // Reset to the order defined by the ID sortResultsById(result.results); } } } private static Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\t"); /** * Load the results from the specified file. We assign an arbitrary ID to each result using the unique combination * of parameters. * * @param filename * @return The results */ private ArrayList<Result> loadResults(String filename) { ArrayList<Result> results = new ArrayList<FindFociOptimiser.Result>(); BufferedReader input = null; try { if (countLines(filename) != combinations) return null; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filename); input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis)); String line; boolean isRMSD = false; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { if (line.length() == 0) continue; if (line.charAt(0) == '#') { // Look for the RMSD field which was added later. This supports older results files if (line.contains("RMSD")) isRMSD = true; continue; } // Code using split and parse // # Rank Blur Background method Max Min Search method Peak method Sort method Centre method N TP FP FN Jaccard Precision Recall F0.5 F1 F2 F-beta RMSD mSec int endIndex = getIndex(line, 8) + 1; // include the final tab String parameters = line.substring(line.indexOf('\t') + 1, endIndex); String metrics = line.substring(endIndex); String[] fields = p.split(metrics); // Items we require int id = getId(parameters); int n = Integer.parseInt(fields[0]); int tp = Integer.parseInt(fields[1]); int fp = Integer.parseInt(fields[2]); int fn = Integer.parseInt(fields[3]); double rmsd = 0; if (isRMSD) rmsd = Double.parseDouble(fields[fields.length - 2]); long time = Long.parseLong(fields[fields.length - 1]); Result r = new Result(id, null, n, tp, fp, fn, time, myBeta, rmsd); // Do not count on the Options being parsed from the parameters. r.parameters = parameters; r.options = optionsMap.get(id); results.add(r); } // If the results were loaded then we must sort them to get a rank sortResults(results, myResultsSortMethod); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return null; } catch (IOException e) { return null; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } finally { try { if (input != null) input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } } return results; } /** * Count the number of valid lines in the file * * @param filename * @return The number of lines */ private int countLines(String filename) { BufferedReader input = null; try { int count = 0; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filename); input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis)); String line; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { if (line.length() == 0) continue; if (line.charAt(0) == '#') continue; count++; } return count; } catch (IOException e) { return 0; } finally { try { if (input != null) input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } } } /** * Get the index of the nth occurrence of the tab character * * @param line * @param n * @return */ private int getIndex(String line, int n) { char[] value = line.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { if (value[i] == '\t') { if (n-- <= 0) return i; } } return -1; } private HashMap<String, Integer> idMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private HashMap<Integer, Options> optionsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Options>(); private int nextId = 1; /** * Get a unique ID for the parameters string * * @param parameters * @return the ID */ private int getId(String parameters) { Integer i = idMap.get(parameters); if (i == null) { i = createId(parameters); } return i; } /** * Create a unique ID for the parameters string * * @param parameters * @return the ID */ private synchronized Integer createId(String parameters) { // Check again in case another thread just created it Integer i = idMap.get(parameters); if (i == null) { i = new Integer(nextId++); // Ensure we have options for every ID optionsMap.put(i, createOptions(parameters)); idMap.put(parameters, i); } return i; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { // Show the result that was double clicked in the result table if (e.getClickCount() > 1) { // Double-click on the multi-mode dialog text fields if (e.getSource() instanceof TextField) { TextField tf = (TextField) e.getSource(); String path = tf.getText(); final boolean recording = Recorder.record; Recorder.record = false; path = Utils.getDirectory("Choose_a_directory", path); Recorder.record = recording; if (path != null) tf.setText(path); } // Double-click on the result table else if (lastImp != null && lastImp.isVisible()) { // An extra line is added at the end of the results so remove this int rank = resultsWindow.getTextPanel().getLineCount() - resultsWindow.getTextPanel().getSelectionStart() - 1; // Show the result that was double clicked. Results are stored in reverse order. if (rank > 0 && rank <= lastResults.size()) { showResult(lastImp, lastMask, lastResults.get(rank - 1).options); } } } } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } private void showOptimiserWindow() { if (instance != null) { showInstance(); return; } IJ.showStatus("Initialising FindFoci Optimiser ..."); String errorMessage = null; Throwable exception = null; try { Class.forName("org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Property", false, this.getClass().getClassLoader()); // it exists on the classpath instance = new OptimiserView(); instance.addWindowListener(this); instance.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.HIDE_ON_CLOSE); IJ.register(OptimiserView.class); showInstance(); IJ.showStatus("FindFoci Optimiser ready"); } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e) { exception = e; errorMessage = "Failed to initialize class: " + e.getMessage(); } catch (LinkageError e) { exception = e; errorMessage = "Failed to link class: " + e.getMessage(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { exception = ex; errorMessage = "Failed to find class: " + ex.getMessage() + "\nCheck you have beansbinding-1.2.1.jar on your classpath\n"; } catch (Throwable ex) { exception = ex; errorMessage = ex.getMessage(); } finally { if (exception != null) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); pw.write(errorMessage); pw.append('\n'); exception.printStackTrace(pw); IJ.log(sw.toString()); } } } private void showInstance() { WindowManager.addWindow(instance); instance.setVisible(true); instance.toFront(); } public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { WindowManager.removeWindow(instance); } public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Start preset values. // The following code is for setting the dialog fields with preset values // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private class DialogSettings { String name; ArrayList<String> text = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Boolean> option = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); public DialogSettings(String name) { = name; } } private String[] SETTINGS; private ArrayList<DialogSettings> settings; private boolean updating = false; private long lastTime = 0; private boolean custom = true; // Store the preset values for the Text fields, Choices, Numeric field. // Preceed with a '-' character if the field is for single mode only. //@formatter:off private String[][] textPreset = new String[][] { { "Testing", // preset name // Text fields "3", // Background_parameter, // Auto_threshold "Both", // Statistics_mode "0, 0.6, 0.2", // Search_parameter "3, 9, 2", // Minimum_size "0, 0.6, 0.2", // Peak_parameter "1", // Sort_method "1", // Gaussian_blur "0", // Centre_method "2", // Centre_parameter // Choices "-", // Mask "Yes", // Minimum_above_saddle "Relative above background", // Minimum_peak_height "Relative", // Match_search_method "Jaccard", // Result_sort_method // Numeric fields "500", // Maximum_peaks "0.05", // Match_search_distance "4.0", // F-beta "100", // Maximum_results "10000", // Step_limit }, { "Default", // preset name // Text fields "2.5, 3.5, 0.5", // Background_parameter, // Auto_threshold "Both", // Statistics_mode "0, 0.6, 0.2", // Search_parameter "1, 9, 2", // Minimum_size "0, 0.6, 0.2", // Peak_parameter "1", // Sort_method "0, 0.5, 1", // Gaussian_blur "0", // Centre_method "2", // Centre_parameter // Choices "-", // Mask "Yes", // Minimum_above_saddle "Relative above background", // Minimum_peak_height "Relative", // Match_search_method "Jaccard", // Result_sort_method // Numeric fields "500", // Maximum_peaks "0.05", // Match_search_distance "4.0", // F-beta "100", // Maximum_results "10000", // Step_limit }, { "Benchmark", // preset name // Text fields "0, 4.7, 0.667", // Background_parameter + ", " ", ", // Auto_threshold "Both", // Statistics_mode "0, 0.8, 0.1", // Search_parameter "1, 9, 2", // Minimum_size "0, 0.8, 0.1", // Peak_parameter "1", // Sort_method "0, 0.5, 1, 2", // Gaussian_blur "0", // Centre_method "2", // Centre_parameter // Choices "-", // Mask "Yes", // Minimum_above_saddle "Relative above background", // Minimum_peak_height "Relative", // Match_search_method "Jaccard", // Result_sort_method // Numeric fields "500", // Maximum_peaks "0.05", // Match_search_distance "4.0", // F-beta "100", // Maximum_results "30000", // Step_limit } }; // Store the preset values for the Checkboxes. // Use int so that the flags can be checked if they are for single mode only. private final int FLAG_FALSE = 0; private final int FLAG_TRUE = 1; private final int FLAG_SINGLE = 2; private int[][] optionPreset = new int[][] { { FLAG_FALSE, // Background_SD_above_mean FLAG_FALSE, // Background_Absolute FLAG_TRUE, // Background_Auto_Threshold FLAG_TRUE, // Search_above_background FLAG_FALSE, // Search_fraction_of_peak FLAG_FALSE + FLAG_SINGLE // Show_score_images }, { FLAG_TRUE, // Background_SD_above_mean FLAG_FALSE, // Background_Absolute FLAG_TRUE, // Background_Auto_Threshold FLAG_TRUE, // Search_above_background FLAG_TRUE, // Search_fraction_of_peak FLAG_FALSE + FLAG_SINGLE // Show_score_images }, { FLAG_TRUE, // Background_SD_above_mean FLAG_FALSE, // Background_Absolute FLAG_TRUE, // Background_Auto_Threshold FLAG_TRUE, // Search_above_background FLAG_TRUE, // Search_fraction_of_peak FLAG_FALSE + FLAG_SINGLE // Show_score_images } }; //@formatter:on private void createSettings() { settings = new ArrayList<FindFociOptimiser.DialogSettings>(); settings.add(new DialogSettings("Custom")); for (int i = 0; i < textPreset.length; i++) { // First field is the name DialogSettings s = new DialogSettings(textPreset[i][0]); // We only need the rest of the settings if there is a dialog if (!java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { for (int j = 1; j < textPreset[i].length; j++) { if (textPreset[i][j].startsWith("-")) { if (multiMode) continue; textPreset[i][j] = textPreset[i][j].substring(1); } s.text.add(textPreset[i][j]); } for (int j = 0; j < optionPreset[i].length; j++) { if (multiMode && (optionPreset[i][j] & FLAG_SINGLE) != 0) { continue; } s.option.add((optionPreset[i][j] & FLAG_TRUE) != 0); } } settings.add(s); } SETTINGS = new String[settings.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < settings.size(); i++) SETTINGS[i] = settings.get(i).name; } /** * Add our own custom listeners to the dialog. If we use dialogListerner in the GenericDialog then it turns the * macro recorder off before we read the fields. * * @param gd */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addListeners(GenericDialog gd) { listenerGd = gd; Vector<TextField> fields = (Vector<TextField>) gd.getStringFields(); // Optionally Ignore final text field (it is the result file field) int stringFields = fields.size() - ((multiMode) ? 0 : 1); for (int i = 0; i < stringFields; i++) fields.get(i).addTextListener(this); for (Choice field : (Vector<Choice>) gd.getChoices()) field.addItemListener(this); for (TextField field : (Vector<TextField>) gd.getNumericFields()) field.addTextListener(this); for (Checkbox field : (Vector<Checkbox>) gd.getCheckboxes()) field.addItemListener(this); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void saveCustomSettings(GenericDialog gd) { DialogSettings s = settings.get(0); s.text.clear(); s.option.clear(); Vector<TextField> fields = (Vector<TextField>) gd.getStringFields(); // Optionally Ignore final text field (it is the result file field) int stringFields = fields.size() - ((multiMode) ? 0 : 1); for (int i = 0; i < stringFields; i++) s.text.add(fields.get(i).getText()); // The first choice is the settings name which we ignore Vector<Choice> cfields = (Vector<Choice>) gd.getChoices(); for (int i = 1; i < cfields.size(); i++) s.text.add(cfields.get(i).getSelectedItem()); for (TextField field : (Vector<TextField>) gd.getNumericFields()) s.text.add(field.getText()); for (Checkbox field : (Vector<Checkbox>) gd.getCheckboxes()) s.option.add(field.getState()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void applySettings(GenericDialog gd, DialogSettings s) { //System.out.println("Applying " + + " " + updating); lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int index = 0, index2 = 0; Vector<TextField> fields = (Vector<TextField>) gd.getStringFields(); // Optionally Ignore final text field (it is the result file field) int stringFields = fields.size() - ((multiMode) ? 0 : 1); for (int i = 0; i < stringFields; i++) fields.get(i).setText(s.text.get(index++)); // The first choice is the settings name Vector<Choice> cfields = (Vector<Choice>) gd.getChoices(); cfields.get(0).select(; for (int i = 1; i < cfields.size(); i++) cfields.get(i).select(s.text.get(index++)); for (TextField field : (Vector<TextField>) gd.getNumericFields()) field.setText(s.text.get(index++)); for (Checkbox field : (Vector<Checkbox>) gd.getCheckboxes()) field.setState(s.option.get(index2++)); //System.out.println("Done Applying " + + " " + updating); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { dialogItemChanged(listenerGd, e); } public void textValueChanged(TextEvent e) { dialogItemChanged(listenerGd, e); } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { dialogItemChanged(listenerGd, e); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.gui.DialogListener#dialogItemChanged(ij.gui.GenericDialog, java.awt.AWTEvent) */ public boolean dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e) { if (e == null || e.getSource() == null || !aquireLock()) return true; //System.out.println("changed " + e.getSource()); // Check if this is the settings checkbox if (e.getSource() == choice.get(0)) { Choice thisChoice = (Choice) choice.get(0); // If the choice is currently custom save the current values so they can be restored if (custom) saveCustomSettings(gd); // Update the other fields with preset values int index = thisChoice.getSelectedIndex(); if (index != 0) custom = false; applySettings(gd, settings.get(index)); } else { // This is a change to another field. Note that the dialogItemChanged method is called // for each field modified in applySettings. This appears to happen after the applySettings // method has ended (as if the dialogItemChanged events are in a queue or are delayed until // the previous call to dialogItemChanged has ended). // To prevent processing these events ignore anything that happens within x milliseconds // of the call to applySettings if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTime > 300) { // A change to any other field makes this a custom setting // => Set the settings drop-down to custom Choice thisChoice = (Choice) choice.get(0); if (thisChoice.getSelectedIndex() != 0) { custom = true;; } // Esnure that checkboxes 1 & 2 are complementary if (e.getSource() instanceof Checkbox) { Checkbox cb = (Checkbox) e.getSource(); // If just checked then we must uncheck the complementing checkbox if (cb.getState()) { // Only checkbox 1 & 2 are complementary if (cb.equals(checkbox.get(0))) { ((Checkbox) checkbox.get(1)).setState(false); } else if (cb.equals(checkbox.get(1))) { ((Checkbox) checkbox.get(0)).setState(false); } } } } } updating = false; return true; } private synchronized boolean aquireLock() { if (updating) return false; updating = true; return true; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // End preset values // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }