package gdsc.colocalisation; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC Plugins for ImageJ * * Copyright (C) 2011 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import ij.IJ; import ij.ImageJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.Prefs; import ij.WindowManager; import ij.gui.GUI; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.gui.Plot; import ij.gui.PlotWindow; import ij.gui.Roi; import ij.macro.MacroRunner; import ij.plugin.frame.PlugInFrame; import ij.process.ByteProcessor; import ij.process.ColorProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import ij.process.ShortProcessor; import ij.text.TextWindow; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Button; import java.awt.Checkbox; import java.awt.Choice; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.Label; import java.awt.Panel; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.TextField; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.JPanel; import gdsc.UsageTracker; /** * Compares two images for correlated pixel intensities. If the two images are correlated a search is performed for the * threshold below which the two images are not correlated. * * Supports stacks. Only a specific channel and time frame can be used and all input images must have the same number * of z-sections for the chosen channel/time frame. */ public class ColocalisationThreshold_Plugin extends PlugInFrame implements ActionListener, ItemListener, Runnable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // Used to show the results private static TextWindow tw; private static String TITLE = "CT Plugin"; // Image titles private static String channel1Title = "CT Channel 1"; private static String channel2Title = "CT Channel 2"; private static String threshold1Title = "CT Pixels 1"; private static String threshold2Title = "CT Pixels 2"; private static String colocalisedPixelsTitle = "CT Colocalised Pixels"; private static String correlationPlotTitle = "CT correlation: "; private static String correlationValuesTitle = "R-values"; private static String[] resultsTitles = new String[] { channel1Title, channel2Title, threshold1Title, threshold2Title, correlationPlotTitle, correlationValuesTitle }; // Options titles private static String choiceNoROI = "[None]"; private static String choiceChannel1 = "Channel 1"; private static String choiceChannel2 = "Channel 2"; private static String choiceUseRoi = "Use ROI"; private static String choiceRThreshold = "Correlation limit"; private static String choiceSearchTolerance = "Search tolerance"; private static String choiceShowColocalised = "Show colocalised pixels"; private static String choiceUseConstantIntensity = "Use constant intensity for colocalised pixels"; private static String choiceShowScatterPlot = "Show Scatter plot"; private static String choiceIncludeZeroZeroPixels = "Include zero-zero pixels in threshold calculation"; private static String choiceCloseWindowsOnExit = "Close windows on exit"; private static String choiceSetOptions = "Set results options"; private static String okButtonLabel = "Apply"; private static String helpButtonLabel = "Help"; private static Frame instance; private Choice channel1List; private Choice channel2List; private Choice roiList; private TextField rThresholdTextField; private TextField searchToleranceTextField; private Checkbox showColocalisedCheckbox; private Checkbox useConstantIntensityCheckbox; private Checkbox showScatterPlotCheckbox; private Checkbox includeZeroZeroPixelsCheckbox; private Checkbox closeWindowsOnExitCheckbox; private Checkbox setResultsOptionsCheckbox; private Button okButton; private Button helpButton; final int fontWidth = 12; final Font monoFont = new Font("Monospaced", 0, fontWidth); final String OPT_LOCATION = "CT.location"; final String OPT_CHANNEL1_INDEX = "CT.channel1SelectedIndex"; final String OPT_CHANNEL2_INDEX = "CT.channel2SelectedIndex"; final String OPT_ROI_INDEX = "CT.roiIndex"; final String OPT_R_THRESHOLD = "CT.rThreshold"; final String OPT_SEARCH_TOLERANCE = "CT.searchTolerance"; final String OPT_SHOW_COLOCALISED = "CT.showColocalised"; final String OPT_USE_CONSTANT_INTENSITY = "CT.useConstantIntensity"; final String OPT_SHOW_SCATTER_PLOT = "CT.showScatterPlot"; final String OPT_INCLUDE_ZERO_ZERO_PIXELS = "CT.includeZeroZeroPixels"; final String OPT_CLOSE_WINDOWS_ON_EXIT = "CT.closeWindowsOnExit"; final String OPT_BIG_NUMBERS = "CT.bigNumbers"; final String OPT_SHOW_THRESHOLDS = "CT.showThresholds"; final String OPT_SHOW_LINEAR_REGRESSION = "CT.showLinearRegression"; final String OPT_SHOW_R_TOTAL = "CT.showRTotal"; final String OPT_SHOW_R_GT_T = "CT.showRForGtT"; final String OPT_SHOW_R_LT_T = "CT.showRForLtT"; final String OPT_SHOW_MANDERS = "CT.showManders"; final String OPT_SHOW_MANDERS_GT_T = "CT.showMandersGtT"; final String OPT_SHOW_N_COLOC = "CT.showNColoc"; final String OPT_SHOW_VOLUME_COLOC = "CT.showVolumeColoc"; final String OPT_SHOW_VOLUME_GT_T_COLOC = "CT.showVolumeGtTColoc"; final String OPT_SHOW_INTENSITY_COLOC = "CT.showIntensityColoc"; final String OPT_SHOW_INTENSITY_GT_T_COLOC = "CT.showIntensityGtTColoc"; final String OPT_SHOW_ROIS_AND_MASKS = "CT.showRoisAndMasks"; final String OPT_EXHAUSTIVE_SEARCH = "CT.exhaustiveSearch"; final String OPT_PLOT_R_VALUES = "CT.plotRValues"; final String OPT_MAX_ITERATIONS = "CT.maxIterations"; // Options private double DEFAULT_R_LIMIT = 0; private double DEFAULT_SEARCH_TOLERANCE = 0.05; private int channel1SelectedIndex = (int) Prefs.get(OPT_CHANNEL1_INDEX, 0); private int channel2SelectedIndex = (int) Prefs.get(OPT_CHANNEL2_INDEX, 0); private int roiIndex = (int) Prefs.get(OPT_ROI_INDEX, 0); private double rThreshold = Prefs.get(OPT_R_THRESHOLD, DEFAULT_R_LIMIT); private double searchTolerance = Prefs.get(OPT_SEARCH_TOLERANCE, DEFAULT_SEARCH_TOLERANCE); private boolean showColocalised = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_COLOCALISED, false); private boolean useConstantIntensity = Prefs.get(OPT_USE_CONSTANT_INTENSITY, false); private boolean showScatterPlot = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_SCATTER_PLOT, false); private boolean includeZeroZeroPixels = Prefs.get(OPT_INCLUDE_ZERO_ZERO_PIXELS, true); private boolean closeWindowsOnExit = Prefs.get(OPT_CLOSE_WINDOWS_ON_EXIT, true); // Results options private boolean showThresholds = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_THRESHOLDS, true); private boolean showLinearRegression = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_LINEAR_REGRESSION, true); private boolean showRTotal = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_R_TOTAL, true); private boolean showRForGtT = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_R_GT_T, true); private boolean showRForLtT = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_R_LT_T, true); private boolean showManders = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_MANDERS, true); private boolean showMandersGtT = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_MANDERS_GT_T, true); private boolean showNColoc = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_N_COLOC, true); private boolean showVolumeColoc = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_VOLUME_COLOC, true); private boolean showVolumeGtTColoc = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_VOLUME_GT_T_COLOC, true); private boolean showIntensityColoc = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_INTENSITY_COLOC, true); private boolean showIntensityGtTColoc = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_INTENSITY_GT_T_COLOC, true); private boolean showRoisAndMasks = Prefs.get(OPT_SHOW_ROIS_AND_MASKS, true); private boolean exhaustiveSearch = Prefs.get(OPT_EXHAUSTIVE_SEARCH, false); private boolean plotRValues = Prefs.get(OPT_PLOT_R_VALUES, true); private int maxIterations = (int) Prefs.get(OPT_MAX_ITERATIONS, 50); // Windows that are opened by the plug-in. // These should be closed on exit. private ImagePlus scatterPlot = new ImagePlus(); private ImagePlus channel1RGB = new ImagePlus(); private ImagePlus channel2RGB = new ImagePlus(); private ImagePlus segmented1RGB = new ImagePlus(); private ImagePlus segmented2RGB = new ImagePlus(); private ImagePlus mixChannel = new ImagePlus(); private PlotWindow rPlot; private ImageJ ij; // Store the channels and frames to use from image stacks private int[] sliceOptions = new int[4]; // Stores the list of images last used in the selection options private ArrayList<String> imageList = new ArrayList<String>(); public ColocalisationThreshold_Plugin() { super(TITLE); } public void run(String arg) { UsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); if (WindowManager.getImageCount() == 0) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No images opened."); return; } if (instance != null) { if (!(instance.getTitle().equals(getTitle()))) { ColocalisationThreshold_Plugin cda = (ColocalisationThreshold_Plugin) instance; Prefs.saveLocation(OPT_LOCATION, cda.getLocation()); cda.close(); } else { instance.toFront(); return; } } instance = this; IJ.register(ColocalisationThreshold_Plugin.class); WindowManager.addWindow(this); ij = IJ.getInstance(); createFrame(); setup(); addKeyListener(ij); pack(); Point loc = Prefs.getLocation(OPT_LOCATION); if (loc != null) setLocation(loc); else {; } if (IJ.isMacOSX()) setResizable(false); setVisible(true); } private void setup() { ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp == null) return; fillImagesList(); } public synchronized void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object actioner = e.getSource(); if (actioner == null) return; if (((Button) actioner == okButton) && (parametersReady())) { Thread thread = new Thread(this, "ColicalisationThreshold_Plugin"); thread.start(); } if ((Button) actioner == helpButton) { String macro = "run('URL...', 'url=""');"; new MacroRunner(macro); } super.notify(); } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (setResultsOptionsCheckbox.getState()) { setResultsOptionsCheckbox.setState(false); GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Set Results Options"); gd.addCheckbox("Show linear regression solution", showLinearRegression); gd.addCheckbox("Show thresholds", showThresholds); gd.addCheckbox("Pearson's for whole image", showRTotal); gd.addCheckbox("Pearson's for image above thresholds", showRForGtT); gd.addCheckbox("Pearson's for image below thresholds (should be ~0)", showRForLtT); gd.addCheckbox("Mander's original coefficients (threshold = 0)", showManders); gd.addCheckbox("Mander's using thresholds", showMandersGtT); gd.addCheckbox("Number of colocalised voxels", showNColoc); gd.addCheckbox("% Volume colocalised", showVolumeColoc); gd.addCheckbox("% Volume above threshold colocalised", showVolumeGtTColoc); gd.addCheckbox("% Intensity colocalised", showIntensityColoc); gd.addCheckbox("% Intensity above threshold colocalised", showIntensityGtTColoc); gd.addCheckbox("Output ROIs/Masks", showRoisAndMasks); gd.addCheckbox("Exhaustive search", exhaustiveSearch); gd.addCheckbox("Plot R values", plotRValues); gd.addNumericField("Max. iterations", maxIterations, 0); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; showThresholds = gd.getNextBoolean(); showLinearRegression = gd.getNextBoolean(); showRTotal = gd.getNextBoolean(); showRForGtT = gd.getNextBoolean(); showRForLtT = gd.getNextBoolean(); showManders = gd.getNextBoolean(); showMandersGtT = gd.getNextBoolean(); showNColoc = gd.getNextBoolean(); showVolumeColoc = gd.getNextBoolean(); showVolumeGtTColoc = gd.getNextBoolean(); showIntensityColoc = gd.getNextBoolean(); showIntensityGtTColoc = gd.getNextBoolean(); showRoisAndMasks = gd.getNextBoolean(); exhaustiveSearch = gd.getNextBoolean(); plotRValues = gd.getNextBoolean(); maxIterations = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); } } public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { Prefs.saveLocation(OPT_LOCATION, getLocation()); close(); } public void close() { if (closeWindowsOnExit) { closeImagePlus(channel1RGB); closeImagePlus(channel2RGB); closeImagePlus(segmented1RGB); closeImagePlus(segmented2RGB); closeImagePlus(mixChannel); closeImagePlus(scatterPlot); if (tw != null && tw.isShowing()) { tw.close(); } } instance = null; super.close(); } private void closeImagePlus(ImagePlus w) { if (w != null) { w.close(); } } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { fillImagesList(); super.windowActivated(e); WindowManager.setWindow(this); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { findThreshold(); synchronized (this) { super.notify(); } } private void findThreshold() { if (!parametersReady()) { return; } // Read settings channel1SelectedIndex = channel1List.getSelectedIndex(); channel2SelectedIndex = channel2List.getSelectedIndex(); roiIndex = roiList.getSelectedIndex(); rThreshold = getDouble(rThresholdTextField.getText(), DEFAULT_R_LIMIT); searchTolerance = getDouble(searchToleranceTextField.getText(), DEFAULT_SEARCH_TOLERANCE); showColocalised = showColocalisedCheckbox.getState(); useConstantIntensity = useConstantIntensityCheckbox.getState(); showScatterPlot = showScatterPlotCheckbox.getState(); includeZeroZeroPixels = includeZeroZeroPixelsCheckbox.getState(); closeWindowsOnExit = closeWindowsOnExitCheckbox.getState(); ImagePlus imp1 = WindowManager.getImage(channel1List.getSelectedItem()); ImagePlus imp2 = WindowManager.getImage(channel2List.getSelectedItem()); int width1 = imp1.getWidth(); int width2 = imp2.getWidth(); int height1 = imp1.getHeight(); int height2 = imp2.getHeight(); if ((width1 != width2) || (height1 != height2)) { IJ.showMessage(TITLE, "Both images (stacks) must be at the same height and width"); return; } // Check for image stacks and get the channel and frame (if applicable) if (!getStackOptions(imp1, imp2)) return; // This should not be a problem but leave it in for now if ((imp1.getType() != ImagePlus.GRAY8 && imp1.getType() != ImagePlus.GRAY16) || (imp2.getType() != ImagePlus.GRAY8 && imp2.getType() != ImagePlus.GRAY16)) { IJ.showMessage("Image Correlator", "Images must be 8-bit or 16-bit grayscale."); return; } // Extract images imp1 = createImagePlus(imp1, 0); imp2 = createImagePlus(imp2, 2); if (imp1.getNSlices() != imp2.getNSlices()) { IJ.showMessage(TITLE, "Both images (stacks) must be at the same depth"); return; } correlate(imp1, imp2); } private double getDouble(String value, double defaultValue) { try { return Double.parseDouble(value); } catch (Exception ex) { return defaultValue; } } private boolean getStackOptions(ImagePlus imp1, ImagePlus imp2) { if (isStack(imp1) || isStack(imp1)) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Slice options"); gd.addMessage("Stacks detected. Please select the slices."); boolean added = false; added |= addOptions(gd, imp1, "Image 1", 0); added |= addOptions(gd, imp2, "Image 2", 2); if (added) { gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; // Populate the channels and frames into an options array getOptions(gd, imp1, 0); getOptions(gd, imp2, 2); } } return true; } private boolean isStack(ImagePlus imp) { return (imp != null && imp.getStackSize() > 1); } private boolean addOptions(GenericDialog gd, ImagePlus imp, String title, int offset) { boolean added = false; if (imp != null) { String[] channels = getChannels(imp); String[] frames = getFrames(imp); if (channels.length > 1 || frames.length > 1) { added = true; gd.addMessage(title); } setOption(gd, channels, "Channel", offset); setOption(gd, frames, "Frame", offset + 1); } return added; } private boolean setOption(GenericDialog gd, String[] choices, String title, int offset) { if (choices.length > 1) { // Restore previous selection int c = (sliceOptions[offset] > 0 && sliceOptions[offset] <= choices.length) ? sliceOptions[offset] - 1 : 0; gd.addChoice(title, choices, choices[c]); return true; } else { // Set to default sliceOptions[offset] = 1; return false; } } private String[] getChannels(ImagePlus imp) { int c = imp.getNChannels(); String[] result = new String[c]; for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) result[i] = Integer.toString(i + 1); return result; } private String[] getFrames(ImagePlus imp) { int c = imp.getNFrames(); String[] result = new String[c]; for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) result[i] = Integer.toString(i + 1); return result; } private void getOptions(GenericDialog gd, ImagePlus imp, int offset) { if (imp != null) { String[] channels = getChannels(imp); String[] frames = getFrames(imp); if (channels.length > 1) sliceOptions[offset] = gd.getNextChoiceIndex() + 1; if (frames.length > 1) sliceOptions[offset + 1] = gd.getNextChoiceIndex() + 1; } } private ImagePlus createImagePlus(ImagePlus originalImp, int offset) { int channel = sliceOptions[offset]; int frame = sliceOptions[offset + 1]; int slices = originalImp.getNSlices(); ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(originalImp.getWidth(), originalImp.getHeight()); ImageStack inputStack = originalImp.getImageStack(); for (int slice = 1; slice <= slices; slice++) { // Convert to a short processor ImageProcessor ip = inputStack.getProcessor(originalImp.getStackIndex(channel, slice, frame)); stack.addSlice(null, ip); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(originalImp.getTitle()); if (slices > 1 && (originalImp.getNChannels() > 1 || originalImp.getNFrames() > 1)) { sb.append(" (c").append(channel).append(",t").append(frame).append(")"); } ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus(sb.toString(), stack); Roi roi = originalImp.getRoi(); if (roi != null) imp.setRoi(roi); return imp; } public void correlate(ImagePlus imp1, ImagePlus imp2) { ImageStack img1 = imp1.getStack(); ImageStack img2 = imp2.getStack(); // Start regression IJ.showStatus("Performing regression. Press 'Esc' to abort"); ColocalisationThreshold ct; try { ct = new ColocalisationThreshold(imp1, imp2, roiIndex); ct.setIncludeNullPixels(includeZeroZeroPixels); ct.setMaxIterations(maxIterations); ct.setExhaustiveSearch(exhaustiveSearch); ct.setRThreshold(rThreshold); ct.setSearchTolerance(searchTolerance); if (!ct.correlate()) { IJ.showMessage(TITLE, "No correlation found above tolerance. Ending"); IJ.showStatus("Done"); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { IJ.error(TITLE, "Error: " + ex.getMessage()); IJ.showStatus("Done"); return; } IJ.showStatus("Generating results"); // Set up the ROI ImageProcessor ipMask = null; Rectangle roiRect = null; if (roiIndex != 0) { ImagePlus roiImage = (roiIndex == 1) ? imp1 : imp2; Roi roi = roiImage.getRoi(); if (roi != null) { roiRect = roi.getBounds(); // Use a mask for an irregular ROI if (roi.getType() != Roi.RECTANGLE) { ipMask = roiImage.getMask(); } } else { // Reset the choice for next time roiIndex = 0; } } saveOptions(); int nslices = imp1.getStackSize(); int width = imp1.getWidth(); int height = imp1.getHeight(); int xOffset, yOffset, rwidth, rheight; if (roiRect == null) { xOffset = 0; yOffset = 0; rwidth = width; rheight = height; } else { xOffset = roiRect.x; yOffset = roiRect.y; rwidth = roiRect.width; rheight = roiRect.height; } int mask = 0; ImageProcessor plot16 = new ShortProcessor(256, 256); int scaledC1ThresholdValue = 0; int scaledC2ThresholdValue = 0; imp1.getCurrentSlice(); int ch1threshmax = ct.getThreshold1(); int ch2threshmax = ct.getThreshold2(); int colocInt = 255; long n = 0; long nCh1gtT = 0; long nCh2gtT = 0; long nZero = 0; long nColoc = 0; long sumCh1 = 0; long sumCh2 = 0; long sumCh1_ch2gt0 = 0; long sumCh2_ch1gt0 = 0; long sumCh1_ch2gtT = 0; long sumCh2_ch1gtT = 0; long sumCh1gtT = 0; long sumCh2gtT = 0; long sumCh1_coloc = 0; long sumCh2_coloc = 0; int ch1Max = ct.getCh1Max(); int ch2Max = ct.getCh2Max(); double ch1Scaling = (double) 255 / (double) ch1Max; double ch2Scaling = (double) 255 / (double) ch2Max; if (ch1Scaling > 1) ch1Scaling = 1; if (ch2Scaling > 1) ch2Scaling = 1; ImageStack stackColoc = new ImageStack(rwidth, rheight); // These will be used to store the output image ROIs ImageStack outputStack1 = null; ImageStack outputStack2 = null; // These will be used to store the output masks ImageStack outputMask1 = new ImageStack(rwidth, rheight); ImageStack outputMask2 = new ImageStack(rwidth, rheight); // If an ROI was used then an image should be extracted if (roiRect != null) { outputStack1 = new ImageStack(rwidth, rheight); outputStack2 = new ImageStack(rwidth, rheight); } int[] color = new int[3]; for (int s = 1; s <= nslices; s++) { ImageProcessor ip1 = img1.getProcessor(s); ImageProcessor ip2 = img2.getProcessor(s); ColorProcessor ipColoc = new ColorProcessor(rwidth, rheight); ImageProcessor out1 = null; ImageProcessor out2 = null; ByteProcessor mask1 = new ByteProcessor(rwidth, rheight); ByteProcessor mask2 = new ByteProcessor(rwidth, rheight); if (outputStack1 != null) { // Create output processors of the same type out1 = createProcessor(imp1, rwidth, rheight); out2 = createProcessor(imp2, rwidth, rheight); } for (int y = 0; y < rheight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < rwidth; x++) { mask = (ipMask != null) ? ipMask.get(x, y) : 1; if (mask != 0) { int ch1 = ip1.getPixel(x + xOffset, y + yOffset); int ch2 = ip2.getPixel(x + xOffset, y + yOffset); if (out1 != null) { out1.set(x, y, ch1); out2.set(x, y, ch2); } int scaledCh1 = (int) (ch1 * ch1Scaling); int scaledCh2 = (int) (ch2 * ch2Scaling); color[0] = (int) scaledCh1; color[1] = (int) scaledCh2; color[2] = (int) 0; ipColoc.putPixel(x, y, color); sumCh1 += ch1; sumCh2 += ch2; n++; scaledC1ThresholdValue = scaledCh1; scaledC2ThresholdValue = 255 - scaledCh2; int count = plot16.getPixel(scaledC1ThresholdValue, scaledC2ThresholdValue); count++; plot16.putPixel(scaledC1ThresholdValue, scaledC2ThresholdValue, count); if (ch1 + ch2 == 0) nZero++; if (ch1 > 0) { sumCh2_ch1gt0 += ch2; } if (ch2 > 0) { sumCh1_ch2gt0 += ch1; } if (ch1 >= ch1threshmax) { nCh1gtT++; sumCh1gtT += ch1; sumCh2_ch1gtT += ch2; mask1.set(x, y, 255); } if (ch2 >= ch2threshmax) { nCh2gtT++; sumCh2gtT += ch2; sumCh1_ch2gtT += ch1; mask2.set(x, y, 255); if (ch1 >= ch1threshmax) { sumCh1_coloc += ch1; sumCh2_coloc += ch2; nColoc++; if (!useConstantIntensity) { colocInt = (int) Math.sqrt(scaledCh1 * scaledCh2); } color[2] = (int) colocInt; ipColoc.putPixel(x, y, color); } } } } } stackColoc.addSlice(colocalisedPixelsTitle + "." + s, ipColoc); if (outputStack1 != null) { outputStack1.addSlice(channel1Title + "." + s, out1); outputStack2.addSlice(channel2Title + "." + s, out2); } outputMask1.addSlice(threshold1Title + "." + s, mask1); outputMask2.addSlice(threshold2Title + "." + s, mask2); } long totalPixels = n; if (!includeZeroZeroPixels) n -= nZero; // Pearsons for colocalised volume - // Should get this directly from the Colocalisation object double rColoc = ct.getRAboveThreshold(); // Mander's original // [i.e. E(ch1 if ch2>0) / E(ch1total)] // (How much of channel 1 intensity occurs where channel 2 has signal) double m1 = (double) sumCh1_ch2gt0 / sumCh1; double m2 = (double) sumCh2_ch1gt0 / sumCh2; // Manders using threshold // [i.e. E(ch1 if ch2>ch2threshold) / E(ch1total)] // This matches other plug-ins, i.e. how much of channel 1 intensity occurs where channel 2 is correlated double m1threshold = (double) sumCh1_ch2gtT / sumCh1; double m2threshold = (double) sumCh2_ch1gtT / sumCh2; // as in Coste's paper // [i.e. E(ch1 > ch1threshold) / E(ch1total)] // This appears to be wrong when compared to other plug-ins // m1threshold = (double) sumCh1gtT / sumCh1; // m2threshold = (double) sumCh2gtT / sumCh2; // Imaris percentage volume double percVolCh1 = (double) nColoc / (double) nCh1gtT; double percVolCh2 = (double) nColoc / (double) nCh2gtT; double percTotCh1 = (double) sumCh1_coloc / (double) sumCh1; double percTotCh2 = (double) sumCh2_coloc / (double) sumCh2; // Imaris percentage material double percGtTCh1 = (double) sumCh1_coloc / (double) sumCh1gtT; double percGtTCh2 = (double) sumCh2_coloc / (double) sumCh2gtT; // Create results window String resultsTitle = TITLE + " Results"; openResultsWindow(resultsTitle); String imageTitle = createImageTitle(imp1, imp2); showResults(imageTitle, ch1threshmax, ch2threshmax, n, nZero, nCh1gtT, nCh2gtT, ct, nColoc, rColoc, m1, m2, m1threshold, m2threshold, percVolCh1, percVolCh2, percTotCh1, percTotCh2, percGtTCh1, percGtTCh2, totalPixels); if (showColocalised) { refreshImage(mixChannel, colocalisedPixelsTitle, stackColoc); } if (showRoisAndMasks) { if (outputStack1 != null) { refreshImage(channel1RGB, channel1Title, outputStack1); refreshImage(channel2RGB, channel2Title, outputStack2); } refreshImage(segmented1RGB, threshold1Title, outputMask1); refreshImage(segmented2RGB, threshold2Title, outputMask2); } if (showScatterPlot) { showScatterPlot(ct, ch1threshmax, ch2threshmax, plot16, ch1Max, ch1Scaling, ch2Scaling, imageTitle); } if (plotRValues) { plotResults(ct.getResults()); } IJ.selectWindow(resultsTitle); IJ.showStatus("Done"); } private String createImageTitle(ImagePlus imp1, ImagePlus imp2) { return imp1.getTitle() + " & " + imp2.getTitle(); } private void refreshImage(ImagePlus imp, String title, ImageStack img) { imp.setStack(title, img);; imp.updateAndDraw(); } private ImageProcessor createProcessor(ImagePlus imp, int rwidth, int rheight) { if (imp.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY8) return new ByteProcessor(rwidth, rheight); return new ShortProcessor(rwidth, rheight); } private void showScatterPlot(ColocalisationThreshold ct, int ch1threshmax, int ch2threshmax, ImageProcessor plot16, int ch1Max, double ch1Scaling, double ch2Scaling, String fileName) { int scaledC1ThresholdValue; int scaledC2ThresholdValue; double plotY = 0; plot16.resetMinAndMax(); int plotmax2 = (int) (plot16.getMax()); int plotmax = (int) (plotmax2 / 2); scaledC1ThresholdValue = (int) ((double) ch1threshmax * ch1Scaling); scaledC2ThresholdValue = 255 - (int) ((double) ch2threshmax * ch2Scaling); double m = ct.getM(); double b = ct.getB(); // Draw regression line for (int c = (ch1Max < 256) ? 256 : ch1Max; c-- > 0;) { plotY = ((double) c * m) + b; int scaledXValue = (int) ((double) c * ch1Scaling); int scaledYValue = 255 - (int) ((double) plotY * ch2Scaling); plot16.putPixel(scaledXValue, scaledYValue, plotmax); // Draw threshold lines plot16.putPixel(scaledXValue, scaledC2ThresholdValue, plotmax); plot16.putPixel(scaledC1ThresholdValue, scaledXValue, plotmax); } scatterPlot.setProcessor(correlationPlotTitle + fileName, plot16); scatterPlot.updateAndDraw();; IJ.selectWindow(scatterPlot.getTitle());"Enhance Contrast", "saturated=50 equalize");"Fire"); } private void showResults(String fileName, int ch1threshmax, int ch2threshmax, long n, long nZero, long nCh1gtT, long nCh2gtT, ColocalisationThreshold ct, long nColoc, double rColoc, double m1, double m2, double m1threshold, double m2threshold, double percVolCh1, double percVolCh2, double percTotCh1, double percTotCh2, double percGtTCh1, double percGtTCh2, double totalPixels) { StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); str.append(fileName).append("\t"); switch (roiIndex) { case 0: str.append(choiceNoROI); break; case 1: str.append(choiceChannel1); break; default: str.append(choiceChannel2); break; } DecimalFormat df4 = new DecimalFormat("##0.0000"); DecimalFormat df3 = new DecimalFormat("##0.000"); DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("##0.00"); DecimalFormat df1 = new DecimalFormat("##0.0"); DecimalFormat df0 = new DecimalFormat("##0"); str.append((includeZeroZeroPixels) ? "\tincl.\t" : "\texcl.\t"); if (showRTotal) appendFormat(str, ct.getRTotal(), df3); if (showLinearRegression) { double m = ct.getM(); double b = ct.getB(); appendFormat(str, m, df3); appendFormat(str, b, df1); } if (showThresholds) { appendFormat(str, ch1threshmax, df0); appendFormat(str, ch2threshmax, df0); } if (showRForGtT) appendFormat(str, rColoc, df4); if (showRForLtT) appendFormat(str, ct.getRBelowThreshold(), df3); if (showManders) { appendFormat(str, m1, df4); appendFormat(str, m2, df4); } if (showMandersGtT) { appendFormat(str, m1threshold, df4); appendFormat(str, m2threshold, df4); } if (showNColoc) { appendFormat(str, n, df0); appendFormat(str, nZero, df0); appendFormat(str, nCh1gtT, df0); appendFormat(str, nCh2gtT, df0); appendFormat(str, nColoc, df0); } if (showVolumeColoc) appendFormat(str, (nColoc * 100.0) / totalPixels, df2, "%"); if (showVolumeGtTColoc) { appendFormat(str, percVolCh1 * 100.0, df2, "%"); appendFormat(str, percVolCh2 * 100.0, df2, "%"); } if (showIntensityColoc) { appendFormat(str, percTotCh1 * 100.0, df2, "%"); appendFormat(str, percTotCh2 * 100.0, df2, "%"); } if (showIntensityGtTColoc) { appendFormat(str, percGtTCh1 * 100.0, df2, "%"); appendFormat(str, percGtTCh2 * 100.0, df2, "%"); } tw.append(str.toString()); } private void openResultsWindow(String resultsTitle) { if (tw == null || !tw.isShowing()) { StringBuffer heading = new StringBuffer("Images\tROI\tZeroZero\t"); if (showRTotal) heading.append("Rtotal\t"); if (showLinearRegression) heading.append("m\tb\t"); if (showThresholds) heading.append("Ch1 thresh\tCh2 thresh\t"); if (showRForGtT) heading.append("Rcoloc\t"); if (showRForLtT) heading.append("R<threshold\t"); if (showManders) heading.append("M1\tM2\t"); if (showMandersGtT) heading.append("tM1\ttM2\t"); if (showNColoc) { heading.append("N\t"); heading.append("nZero\t"); heading.append("nCh1gtT\t"); heading.append("nCh2gtT\t"); heading.append("nColoc\t"); } if (showVolumeColoc) heading.append("%Vol Coloc\t"); if (showVolumeGtTColoc) { heading.append("%Ch1gtT Vol Coloc\t"); heading.append("%Ch2gtT Vol Coloc\t"); } if (showIntensityColoc) { heading.append("%Ch1 Int Coloc\t"); heading.append("%Ch2 Int Coloc\t"); } if (showIntensityGtTColoc) { heading.append("%Ch1gtT Int Coloc\t"); heading.append("%Ch2gtT Int Coloc\t"); } heading.append("\n"); tw = new TextWindow(resultsTitle, heading.toString(), "", 1000, 300); } } private void appendFormat(StringBuffer str, double value, DecimalFormat format) { if (Double.isNaN(value)) { str.append("NaN"); } else { str.append(format.format(value)); } str.append("\t"); } private void appendFormat(StringBuffer str, double value, DecimalFormat format, String units) { if (Double.isNaN(value)) { str.append("NaN"); } else { str.append(format.format(value)).append(units); } str.append("\t"); } private void saveOptions() { Prefs.set(OPT_CHANNEL1_INDEX, channel1SelectedIndex); Prefs.set(OPT_CHANNEL2_INDEX, channel2SelectedIndex); Prefs.set(OPT_ROI_INDEX, roiIndex); Prefs.set(OPT_R_THRESHOLD, rThreshold); Prefs.set(OPT_SEARCH_TOLERANCE, searchTolerance); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_COLOCALISED, showColocalised); Prefs.set(OPT_USE_CONSTANT_INTENSITY, useConstantIntensity); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_SCATTER_PLOT, showScatterPlot); Prefs.set(OPT_INCLUDE_ZERO_ZERO_PIXELS, includeZeroZeroPixels); Prefs.set(OPT_CLOSE_WINDOWS_ON_EXIT, closeWindowsOnExit); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_THRESHOLDS, showThresholds); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_LINEAR_REGRESSION, showLinearRegression); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_R_TOTAL, showRTotal); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_R_GT_T, showRForGtT); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_R_LT_T, showRForLtT); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_MANDERS, showManders); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_MANDERS_GT_T, showMandersGtT); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_N_COLOC, showNColoc); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_VOLUME_COLOC, showVolumeColoc); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_VOLUME_GT_T_COLOC, showVolumeGtTColoc); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_INTENSITY_COLOC, showIntensityColoc); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_INTENSITY_GT_T_COLOC, showIntensityGtTColoc); Prefs.set(OPT_SHOW_ROIS_AND_MASKS, showRoisAndMasks); Prefs.set(OPT_EXHAUSTIVE_SEARCH, exhaustiveSearch); Prefs.set(OPT_PLOT_R_VALUES, plotRValues); Prefs.set(OPT_MAX_ITERATIONS, maxIterations); } private boolean parametersReady() { if (channel1List.getItemCount() == 0) { IJ.showMessage(TITLE, "No available images. Images must be 8-bit or 16-bit grayscale."); return false; } return ((channel1List.getSelectedIndex() != -1) && (channel2List.getSelectedIndex() != -1) && (channel1List.getItemCount() != 0) && (channel2List.getItemCount() != 0)); } public void fillImagesList() { // Find the currently open images ArrayList<String> newImageList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int id : gdsc.core.ij.Utils.getIDList()) { ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(id); // Image must be 8-bit/16-bit if (imp != null && (imp.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY8 || imp.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY16)) { // Exclude previous results if (previousResult(imp.getTitle())) continue; newImageList.add(imp.getTitle()); } } // Check if the image list has changed if (imageList.equals(newImageList)) return; imageList = newImageList; // Repopulate the image lists channel1List.removeAll(); channel2List.removeAll(); for (String imageTitle : newImageList) { channel1List.add(imageTitle); channel2List.add(imageTitle); } // Ensure the drop-downs are resized pack(); // Restore previous selection if ((channel1SelectedIndex < channel1List.getItemCount()) && (channel1SelectedIndex >= 0)); if ((channel2SelectedIndex < channel2List.getItemCount()) && (channel2SelectedIndex >= 0));; } private boolean previousResult(String title) { for (String resultTitle : resultsTitles) { if (title.startsWith(resultTitle)) { return true; } } return false; } private void createFrame() { Panel mainPanel = new Panel(); GridLayout mainGrid = new GridLayout(0, 1); mainGrid.setHgap(10); mainGrid.setVgap(10); mainPanel.setLayout(mainGrid); add(mainPanel); channel1List = new Choice(); mainPanel.add(createChoicePanel(channel1List, choiceChannel1)); channel2List = new Choice(); mainPanel.add(createChoicePanel(channel2List, choiceChannel2)); roiList = new Choice(); mainPanel.add(createChoicePanel(roiList, choiceUseRoi)); roiList.add(choiceNoROI); roiList.add(choiceChannel1); roiList.add(choiceChannel2); searchToleranceTextField = new TextField(); mainPanel.add(createTextPanel(searchToleranceTextField, choiceSearchTolerance, "" + searchTolerance)); rThresholdTextField = new TextField(); mainPanel.add(createTextPanel(rThresholdTextField, choiceRThreshold, "" + rThreshold)); showColocalisedCheckbox = new Checkbox(); mainPanel.add(createCheckboxPanel(showColocalisedCheckbox, choiceShowColocalised, showColocalised)); useConstantIntensityCheckbox = new Checkbox(); mainPanel.add(createCheckboxPanel(useConstantIntensityCheckbox, choiceUseConstantIntensity, useConstantIntensity)); showScatterPlotCheckbox = new Checkbox(); mainPanel.add(createCheckboxPanel(showScatterPlotCheckbox, choiceShowScatterPlot, showScatterPlot)); includeZeroZeroPixelsCheckbox = new Checkbox(); mainPanel.add(createCheckboxPanel(includeZeroZeroPixelsCheckbox, choiceIncludeZeroZeroPixels, includeZeroZeroPixels)); closeWindowsOnExitCheckbox = new Checkbox(); mainPanel.add(createCheckboxPanel(closeWindowsOnExitCheckbox, choiceCloseWindowsOnExit, closeWindowsOnExit)); setResultsOptionsCheckbox = new Checkbox(); mainPanel.add(createCheckboxPanel(setResultsOptionsCheckbox, choiceSetOptions, false)); setResultsOptionsCheckbox.addItemListener(this); okButton = new Button(okButtonLabel); okButton.addActionListener(this); helpButton = new Button(helpButtonLabel); helpButton.addActionListener(this); JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); FlowLayout l = new FlowLayout(); l.setVgap(0); buttonPanel.setLayout(l); buttonPanel.add(okButton, BorderLayout.CENTER); buttonPanel.add(helpButton, BorderLayout.CENTER); mainPanel.add(buttonPanel); } private Panel createChoicePanel(Choice list, String label) { Panel panel = new Panel(); panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Label listLabel = new Label(label, 0); listLabel.setFont(monoFont); list.setSize(fontWidth * 3, fontWidth); panel.add(listLabel, BorderLayout.WEST); panel.add(list, BorderLayout.CENTER); return panel; } private Panel createTextPanel(TextField textField, String label, String value) { Panel panel = new Panel(); panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Label listLabel = new Label(label, 0); listLabel.setFont(monoFont); textField.setSize(fontWidth * 3, fontWidth); textField.setText(value); panel.add(listLabel, BorderLayout.WEST); panel.add(textField, BorderLayout.CENTER); return panel; } private Panel createCheckboxPanel(Checkbox checkbox, String label, boolean state) { Panel panel = new Panel(); panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Label listLabel = new Label(label, 0); listLabel.setFont(monoFont); checkbox.setState(state); panel.add(listLabel, BorderLayout.WEST); panel.add(checkbox, BorderLayout.EAST); return panel; } private void plotResults(ArrayList<ColocalisationThreshold.ThresholdResult> results) { if (results == null) return; double[] threshold = new double[results.size()]; double[] R = new double[results.size()]; double[] R2 = new double[results.size()]; double yMin = 1, yMax = -1; // Plot the zero threshold result at the minimum threshold value int minThreshold = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int zeroThresholdIndex = 0; for (int i = 0, j = results.size() - 1; i < results.size(); i++, j--) { ColocalisationThreshold.ThresholdResult result = results.get(i); threshold[j] = result.threshold1; R[j] = result.r; R2[j] = result.r2; if (yMin > R[j]) yMin = R[j]; if (yMin > R2[j]) yMin = R2[j]; if (yMax < R[j]) yMax = R[j]; if (yMax < R2[j]) yMax = R2[j]; if (result.threshold1 == 0) { zeroThresholdIndex = j; } else if (minThreshold > result.threshold1) { minThreshold = result.threshold1; } } threshold[zeroThresholdIndex] = (minThreshold > 0) ? minThreshold - 1 : 0; if (rPlot != null && rPlot.isVisible()) rPlot.close(); Plot plot = new Plot(correlationValuesTitle, "Threshold", "R", threshold, R); plot.setLimits(threshold[0], threshold[threshold.length - 1], yMin, yMax); plot.setColor(Color.BLUE); plot.draw(); plot.setColor(Color.RED); plot.addPoints(threshold, R2, Plot.CROSS); plot.setColor(Color.BLACK); plot.addLabel(0, 0, "Blue=C1+C2 above threshold; Red=Ch1/Ch2 below threshold"); rPlot =; } }