package gdsc.threshold; import java.awt.Color; import gdsc.UsageTracker; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.gui.NewImage; import ij.gui.Plot; import ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; /** * Calculate multiple Otsu thresholds on the given image. * <p> * Algorithm: PS.Liao, TS.Chen, and PC. Chung, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol 17, 713-727 (2001) * <p> * Original Coding by Yasunari Tosa ( (Feb. 19th, 2005) and available from the ImageJ plugins site:<br/> * * <p> * Adapted to allow 8/16 bit stack images and used a clipped histogram to increase speed. Added output options. */ public class Multi_OtsuThreshold implements PlugInFilter { private static final String TITLE = "Multi Otsu Threshold"; private ImagePlus imp; // Static to maintain state between plugin calls private static int MLEVEL = 2; private static boolean s_doStack = true; private static boolean s_ignoreZero = true; private static boolean s_showHistogram = true; private static boolean s_ShowRegions = true; private static boolean s_ShowMasks = false; private static boolean s_LogMessages = true; // Instance variables to control plugin. Allow use of plugin from other code without GUI. public boolean ignoreZero = false; public boolean showHistogram = false; public boolean showRegions = false; public boolean showMasks = false; public boolean logMessages = false; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter#setup(java.lang.String, ij.ImagePlus) */ public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) { UsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); if (imp == null) { IJ.noImage(); return DONE; } this.imp = imp; return DOES_8G + DOES_16 + NO_CHANGES; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter#run(ij.process.ImageProcessor) */ public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("Multi-level Otsu thresholding on image stack"); String[] items = { "2", "3", "4", "5", }; gd.addChoice("Levels", items, items[MLEVEL - 2]); if (imp.getStackSize() > 1) gd.addCheckbox("Do_stack", s_doStack); gd.addCheckbox("Ignore_zero", s_ignoreZero); gd.addCheckbox("Show_histogram", s_showHistogram); gd.addCheckbox("Show_regions", s_ShowRegions); gd.addCheckbox("Show_masks", s_ShowMasks); gd.addCheckbox("Log_thresholds", s_LogMessages); gd.addHelp(; gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; MLEVEL = gd.getNextChoiceIndex() + 2; if (imp.getStackSize() > 1) s_doStack = gd.getNextBoolean(); s_ignoreZero = gd.getNextBoolean(); s_showHistogram = gd.getNextBoolean(); s_ShowRegions = gd.getNextBoolean(); s_ShowMasks = gd.getNextBoolean(); s_LogMessages = gd.getNextBoolean(); ignoreZero = s_ignoreZero; showHistogram = s_showHistogram; showRegions = s_ShowRegions; showMasks = s_ShowMasks; logMessages = s_LogMessages; if (!(showHistogram || showRegions || logMessages || showMasks)) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No output options"); return; } // Run on whole stack if (s_doStack) run(imp, MLEVEL); else { ImagePlus newImp = imp.createImagePlus(); newImp.setTitle(String.format("%s (c%d,z%d,t%d)", imp.getTitle(), imp.getChannel(), imp.getSlice(), imp.getFrame())); newImp.setProcessor(imp.getProcessor()); run(newImp, MLEVEL); } } /** * Calculate Otsu thresholds on the given image. Output the thresholds to the IJ log. * <p> * Optionally outputs the image histogram and the threshold regions depending on the class variables. * * @param imp * The image * @param MLEVEL * The number of levels */ public void run(ImagePlus imp, int MLEVEL) { int[] offset = new int[1]; float[] h = buildHistogram(imp, offset); float[] maxSig = new float[1]; int[] threshold = getThresholds(MLEVEL, maxSig, offset, h); if (logMessages) showThresholds(MLEVEL, maxSig, threshold); if (showHistogram) showHistogram(h, threshold, offset[0], imp.getTitle() + " Histogram"); if (showRegions) showRegions(MLEVEL, threshold, imp); if (showMasks) showMasks(MLEVEL, threshold, imp); } /** * Calculate Otsu thresholds on the given image. * * @param imp * The image * @param MLEVEL * The number of levels * @return The thresholds */ public int[] calculateThresholds(ImagePlus imp, int MLEVEL) { return calculateThresholds(imp, MLEVEL, null); } /** * Calculate Otsu thresholds on the given image. * * @param imp * The image * @param MLEVEL * The number of levels * @param maxSig * The maximum between class significance * @return The thresholds */ public int[] calculateThresholds(ImagePlus imp, int MLEVEL, float[] maxSig) { int[] offset = new int[1]; float[] h = buildHistogram(imp, offset); return getThresholds(MLEVEL, maxSig, offset, h); } /** * Calculate Otsu thresholds on the given image. * * @param data * The histogram data * @param MLEVEL * The number of levels * @return The thresholds */ public int[] calculateThresholds(int[] data, int MLEVEL) { return calculateThresholds(data, MLEVEL, null); } /** * Calculate Otsu thresholds on the given image. * * @param data * The histogram data * @param MLEVEL * The number of levels * @param maxSig * The maximum between class significance * @return The thresholds */ public int[] calculateThresholds(int[] data, int MLEVEL, float[] maxSig) { int[] offset = new int[1]; float[] h = buildHistogram(data, offset); return getThresholds(MLEVEL, maxSig, offset, h); } private int[] getThresholds(int MLEVEL, float[] maxSig, int[] offset, float[] h) { ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Build lookup tables from h //////////////////////////////////////////// float[][] H = buildLookupTables(h); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // now M level loop MLEVEL dependent term //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (maxSig == null || maxSig.length < 1) maxSig = new float[1]; int[] threshold = new int[MLEVEL]; maxSig[0] = findMaxSigma(MLEVEL, H, threshold); applyOffset(threshold, offset); return threshold; } /** * Create a histogram from image min to max. Normalise so integral is 1. * <p> * Return the image min in the offset variable * * @param imp * Input image * @param offset * Output image minimum (if array length >= 1) * @return The normalised image histogram */ private float[] buildHistogram(ImagePlus imp, int[] offset) { // Get stack histogram - Use ImagePlus to get the ImageProcessor so maintaining the ROI int currentSlice = imp.getCurrentSlice(); imp.setSliceWithoutUpdate(1); int[] data = imp.getProcessor().getHistogram(); for (int slice = 2; slice <= imp.getStackSize(); slice++) { imp.setSliceWithoutUpdate(slice); int[] tmp = imp.getProcessor().getHistogram(); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) data[i] += tmp[i]; } imp.setSliceWithoutUpdate(currentSlice); return buildHistogram(data, offset); } /** * Create a histogram from image min to max. Normalise so integral is 1. * <p> * Return the image min in the offset variable * * @param data * The histogram data * @param offset * Output image minimum (if array length >= 1) * @return The normalised image histogram */ private float[] buildHistogram(int[] data, int[] offset) { if (ignoreZero) data[0] = 0; // Bracket the histogram to the range that holds data to make it quicker int minbin = 0, maxbin = data.length-1; while (data[minbin] == 0 && minbin < data.length) minbin++; while (data[maxbin] == 0 && maxbin > 0) maxbin--; if (maxbin < minbin) // No data at all minbin = maxbin; // ROI masking changes the histogram so total up the number of used pixels long total = 0; for (int d : data) total += d; int[] data2 = new int[(maxbin - minbin) + 1]; for (int i = minbin; i <= maxbin; i++) { data2[i - minbin] = data[i]; } // note the probability of grey i is h[i]/(pixel count) double normalisation = 1.0 / total; int NGRAY = data2.length; float[] h = new float[NGRAY]; for (int i = 0; i < NGRAY; ++i) h[i] = (float) (data2[i] * normalisation); if (offset != null && offset.length > 0) offset[0] = minbin; return h; } /** * Build the required lookup table for the {@link #findMaxSigma(int, float[][], int[])} method. * * @param h * Image histogram (length N) * @return The lookup table */ public float[][] buildLookupTables(float[] h) { return buildLookupTables(h, null, null); } /** * Build the required lookup table for the {@link #findMaxSigma(int, float[][], int[])} method. * <p> * P and S can be provided to save reallocating memory. If null or less than h.length they will be reallocated. P * and S are destroyed and the lookup table is returned. * * @param h * Image histogram (length N) * @param P * working space (NxN) * @param S * working space (NxN) * @return The lookup table */ public float[][] buildLookupTables(float[] h, float[][] P, float[][] S) { int NGRAY = h.length; // Error if not enough memory try { P = initialise(P, NGRAY); S = initialise(S, NGRAY); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { IJ.log(TITLE + ": Out-of-memory - Try again with a smaller histogram (e.g. 8-bit image)"); throw e; } // diagonal for (int i = 0; i < NGRAY; ++i) { P[i][i] = h[i]; S[i][i] = ((float) i) * h[i]; } // calculate first row (row 0 is all zero) for (int i = 1; i < NGRAY - 1; ++i) { P[1][i + 1] = P[1][i] + h[i + 1]; S[1][i + 1] = S[1][i] + ((float) (i + 1)) * h[i + 1]; } // using row 1 to calculate others for (int i = 2; i < NGRAY; i++) for (int j = i + 1; j < NGRAY; j++) { P[i][j] = P[1][j] - P[1][i - 1]; S[i][j] = S[1][j] - S[1][i - 1]; } // now calculate H[i][j] for (int i = 1; i < NGRAY; ++i) for (int j = i + 1; j < NGRAY; j++) { if (P[i][j] != 0) S[i][j] = (S[i][j] * S[i][j]) / P[i][j]; else S[i][j] = 0.f; } return S; } private float[][] initialise(float[][] P, int NGRAY) { if (P == null || P.length < NGRAY) { P = new float[NGRAY][NGRAY]; } else { // initialize to zero for (int j = 0; j < NGRAY; j++) for (int i = 0; i < NGRAY; ++i) { P[i][j] = 0.f; } } return P; } /** * Find the threshold that maximises the between class variance * * @param mlevel * The number of thresholds * @param H * The lookup table produced from the image histogram * @param t * The thresholds (output) * @return The max between class significance */ public float findMaxSigma(int mlevel, float[][] H, int[] t) { int NGRAY = H[0].length; return findMaxSigma(mlevel, H, t, NGRAY); } /** * Find the threshold that maximises the between class variance * * @param mlevel * The number of thresholds * @param H * The lookup table produced from the image histogram * @param t * The thresholds (output) * @param NGRAY * The number of histogram levels * @return The max between class significance */ public float findMaxSigma(int mlevel, float[][] H, int[] t, int NGRAY) { for (int i = 0; i < t.length; i++) t[i] = 0; float maxSig = -1; // In case of equality use the average for the threshold int n = 0; switch (mlevel) { case 2: for (int i = 1; i < NGRAY - mlevel; i++) // t1 { float Sq = H[1][i] + H[i + 1][NGRAY - 1]; if (maxSig < Sq) { t[1] = i; maxSig = Sq; n = 1; } else if (maxSig == Sq) { t[1] += i; n++; } } break; case 3: for (int i = 1; i < NGRAY - mlevel; i++) // t1 for (int j = i + 1; j < NGRAY - mlevel + 1; j++) // t2 { float Sq = H[1][i] + H[i + 1][j] + H[j + 1][NGRAY - 1]; if (maxSig < Sq) { t[1] = i; t[2] = j; maxSig = Sq; n = 1; } else if (maxSig == Sq) { t[1] += i; t[2] += j; n++; } } break; case 4: for (int i = 1; i < NGRAY - mlevel; i++) // t1 for (int j = i + 1; j < NGRAY - mlevel + 1; j++) // t2 for (int k = j + 1; k < NGRAY - mlevel + 2; k++) // t3 { float Sq = H[1][i] + H[i + 1][j] + H[j + 1][k] + H[k + 1][NGRAY - 1]; if (maxSig < Sq) { t[1] = i; t[2] = j; t[3] = k; maxSig = Sq; n = 1; } else if (maxSig == Sq) { t[1] += i; t[2] += j; t[3] += k; n++; } } break; case 5: for (int i = 1; i < NGRAY - mlevel; i++) // t1 for (int j = i + 1; j < NGRAY - mlevel + 1; j++) // t2 for (int k = j + 1; k < NGRAY - mlevel + 2; k++) // t3 for (int m = k + 1; m < NGRAY - mlevel + 3; m++) // t4 { float Sq = H[1][i] + H[i + 1][j] + H[j + 1][k] + H[k + 1][m] + H[m + 1][NGRAY - 1]; if (maxSig < Sq) { t[1] = i; t[2] = j; t[3] = k; t[4] = m; maxSig = Sq; n = 1; } else if (maxSig == Sq) { t[1] += i; t[2] += j; t[3] += k; t[4] += m; n++; } } break; } if (n > 1) { if (logMessages) IJ.log("Multiple optimal thresholds"); for (int i = 0; i < t.length; i++) t[i] /= n; } return (maxSig > 0) ? maxSig : 0; } /** * Add back the histogram offset to produce the correct thresholds * * @param threshold * output from {@link #findMaxSigma(int, float[][], int[])} * @param offset * output from {@link #buildHistogram(ImageProcessor, int[])} */ public void applyOffset(int[] threshold, int[] offset) { for (int i = 0; i < threshold.length; ++i) threshold[i] += offset[0]; } private void showThresholds(int MLEVEL, float[] maxSig, int[] threshold) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Otsu thresholds: "); for (int i = 0; i < MLEVEL; ++i) sb.append(i).append("=").append(threshold[i]).append(", "); sb.append(" maxSig = ").append(maxSig[0]); IJ.log(sb.toString()); } private void showHistogram(float[] h, int[] thresholds, int minbin, String title) { int NGRAY = h.length; // X-axis values float[] bin = new float[NGRAY]; // Calculate the maximum float hmax = 0.f; int mode = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NGRAY; ++i) { bin[i] = i + minbin; if (hmax < h[i]) { hmax = h[i]; mode = i; } } // Clip histogram to exclude the mode count as per the ij.gui.HistogramWindow. // For example this removes a large peak at zero in masked images. float hmax2 = 0; // Second highest point for (int i = 0; i < h.length; i++) { if (hmax2 < h[i] && i != mode) { hmax2 = h[i]; } } if ((hmax > (hmax2 * 2)) && (hmax2 != 0)) { // Set histogram limit to 50% higher than the second largest value hmax = hmax2 * 1.5f; } if (title == null) title = "Histogram"; Plot histogram = new Plot(title, "Intensity", "p(Intensity)", bin, h); histogram.setLimits(minbin, minbin + NGRAY, 0.f, hmax); histogram.draw(); // Add lines for each threshold histogram.setLineWidth(1); histogram.setColor(; for (int i=1; i<thresholds.length; i++) { double x = thresholds[i]; histogram.drawLine(x, 0, x, hmax); }; } /** * Show new images using only pixels within the bounds of the given thresholds * * @param mlevel * The number of thresholds * @param t * The thresholds * @param imp * The image */ public void showRegions(int mlevel, int[] t, ImagePlus imp) { int width = imp.getWidth(); int height = imp.getHeight(); int bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth(); double max = imp.getDisplayRangeMax(); double min = imp.getDisplayRangeMin(); ImageStack stack = imp.getImageStack(); int slices = stack.getSize(); ImagePlus[] region = new ImagePlus[mlevel]; ImageStack[] rstack = new ImageStack[mlevel]; ImageProcessor[] rip = new ImageProcessor[mlevel]; for (int i = 0; i < mlevel; ++i) { region[i] = NewImage.createImage(imp.getTitle() + " Region " + i, width, height, slices, bitDepth, NewImage.FILL_BLACK); rstack[i] = region[i].getImageStack(); } int[] newT = new int[mlevel +1]; System.arraycopy(t, 0, newT, 0, mlevel); newT[mlevel] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; t = newT; for (int slice = 1; slice <= slices; slice++) { ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(slice); for (int i = 0; i < mlevel; ++i) { rip[i] = rstack[i].getProcessor(slice); } for (int i = 0; i < ip.getPixelCount(); ++i) { int val = ip.get(i); int k=0; while (val > t[k+1]) k++; rip[k].set(i, val); } } for (int i = 0; i < mlevel; i++) { region[i].setDisplayRange(min, max); region[i].show(); } } /** * Show new mask images using only pixels within the bounds of the given thresholds * * @param mlevel * The number of thresholds * @param t * The thresholds * @param imp * The image */ public void showMasks(int mlevel, int[] t, ImagePlus imp) { int width = imp.getWidth(); int height = imp.getHeight(); ImageStack stack = imp.getImageStack(); int slices = stack.getSize(); ImagePlus[] region = new ImagePlus[mlevel]; ImageStack[] rstack = new ImageStack[mlevel]; ImageProcessor[] rip = new ImageProcessor[mlevel]; for (int i = 0; i < mlevel; ++i) { region[i] = NewImage.createImage(imp.getTitle() + " Mask " + i, width, height, slices, 8, NewImage.FILL_BLACK); rstack[i] = region[i].getImageStack(); } int[] newT = new int[mlevel +1]; System.arraycopy(t, 0, newT, 0, mlevel); newT[mlevel] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; t = newT; for (int slice = 1; slice <= slices; slice++) { ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(slice); for (int i = 0; i < mlevel; ++i) { rip[i] = rstack[i].getProcessor(slice); } for (int i = 0; i < ip.getPixelCount(); ++i) { int val = ip.get(i); int k=0; while (val > t[k+1]) k++; rip[k].set(i, 255); } } for (int i = 0; i < mlevel; i++) { region[i].setDisplayRange(0, 255); region[i].show(); } } }