package ij.plugin.filter; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.Macro; import ij.Prefs; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.plugin.ContrastEnhancer; import ij.process.ByteProcessor; import ij.process.ColorProcessor; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.Checkbox; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.TextField; import java.util.Vector; /** This plug-in filter implements the Difference of Gaussians method for image * enhancement. The filter performs subtraction of one blurred version of an image * from another, less blurred version of the original. The result is an image * containing only the information within the spatial frequency * between the two blurred images (i.e. a band-pass filter). * * The filter is implemented using two {@link GaussianBlur } passes. * This takes advantage of the downscaling/upscaling performed within the GaussianBlur * class to increase speed for large radii. * * Preview is supported and the two Gaussian filtered images are cached to * avoid recomputation if unchanged. */ public class DifferenceOfGaussians extends GaussianBlur { /** the standard deviation of the Gaussian*/ private static double sigma1 = Prefs.get("DoG.sigma1", 6.0); private static double sigma2 = Prefs.get("DoG.sigma2", 1.5); /** whether sigma is given in units corresponding to the pixel scale (not pixels)*/ private static boolean sigmaScaled = Prefs.getBoolean("DoG.sigmaScaled", false); private static boolean enhanceContrast = Prefs.getBoolean("DoG.enhanceContrast", false); private static boolean maintainRatio = Prefs.getBoolean("DoG.maintainRatio", false); /** The flags specifying the capabilities and needs */ private int flags = DOES_ALL|SUPPORTS_MASKING|KEEP_PREVIEW|FINAL_PROCESSING; private ImagePlus imp; // The ImagePlus of the setup call, needed to get the spatial calibration private boolean hasScale = false; // whether the image has an x&y scale private int nPasses = 1; // The number of passes (filter directions * color channels * stack slices) private int pass; // Current pass private TextField sigma1field; private TextField sigma2field; private Checkbox previewCheckbox; // Flag used by the preview to indicate that further changes to the parameters will occur. // Setting this to true will cause the next invocation of run() to do nothing. private boolean ignoreChange = false; private boolean preview = false; private boolean computeSigma1 = true; private boolean computeSigma2 = true; private ImageProcessor ip1 = null; private ImageProcessor ip2 = null; private PlugInFilterRunner pfr = null; private int currentSliceNumber = -1; private double percentInternal = 0; long lastTime = 0; public boolean noProgress = false; /** Method to return types supported * @param arg unused * @param imp The ImagePlus, used to get the spatial calibration * @return Code describing supported formats etc. * (see ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter & ExtendedPlugInFilter) */ public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) { this.imp = imp; if (imp!=null) { if (imp.getRoi()!=null) { Rectangle roiRect = imp.getRoi().getBounds(); if (roiRect.y > 0 || roiRect.y+roiRect.height < imp.getDimensions()[1]) flags |= SNAPSHOT; // snapshot for pixels above and/or below roi rectangle } if (arg.equals("final")) { imp.resetDisplayRange(); if (enhanceContrast) { ContrastEnhancer ce = new ContrastEnhancer(); ce.stretchHistogram(imp, 0.35); } imp.updateAndDraw(); } } return flags; } /** Ask the user for the parameters */ @Override public int showDialog(ImagePlus imp, String command, PlugInFilterRunner pfr) { double min = imp.getDisplayRangeMin(); double max = imp.getDisplayRangeMax(); this.pfr = pfr; String options = Macro.getOptions(); boolean oldMacro = false; if (options!=null) { if (options.indexOf("radius=") >= 0) { // ensure compatibility with old macros oldMacro = true; // specifying "radius=", not "sigma= Macro.setOptions(options.replaceAll("radius=", "sigma=")); } } GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(command); gd.addMessage("Subtracts blurred image 2 from 1:\n- Sigma1 = local contrast\n- Sigma2 = local noise\nUse Sigma1 > Sigma2"); gd.addNumericField("Sigma1 (Radius)", sigma1, 2); gd.addNumericField("Sigma2 (Radius)", sigma2, 2); gd.addCheckbox("Maintain Ratio", maintainRatio); if (imp.getCalibration()!=null && !imp.getCalibration().getUnits().equals("pixels")) { hasScale = true; gd.addCheckbox("Scaled Units ("+imp.getCalibration().getUnits()+")", sigmaScaled); } else sigmaScaled = false; gd.addCheckbox("Enhance Contrast", enhanceContrast); gd.addPreviewCheckbox(pfr); gd.addDialogListener(this); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Vector fields = gd.getNumericFields(); sigma1field = (TextField)fields.elementAt(0); sigma2field = (TextField)fields.elementAt(1); previewCheckbox = gd.getPreviewCheckbox(); preview = previewCheckbox.getState(); gd.addHelp(; gd.showDialog(); // input by the user (or macro) happens here if (gd.wasCanceled()) { imp.setDisplayRange(min, max); return DONE; } if (oldMacro) { sigma1 /= 2.5; // for old macros, "radius" was 2.5 sigma sigma2 /= 2.5; } IJ.register(this.getClass()); // protect static class variables (parameters) from garbage collection return IJ.setupDialog(imp, flags); // ask whether to process all slices of stack (if a stack) } /** Listener to modifications of the input fields of the dialog */ @Override public boolean dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e) { // Flag used to indicate the next call to run should be ignored. // This is set when the ratio between fields is maintained. Since the // text field will be set the dialogItemChanged event will be called // again. This means the calculation is not needed a second time. boolean disableRun = false; maintainRatio = gd.getNextBoolean(); double newSigma = gd.getNextNumber(); if (newSigma <= 0 || gd.invalidNumber()) return false; if (sigma1 != newSigma) { computeSigma1 = true; if (maintainRatio) { computeSigma2 = true; double ratio = sigma1 / sigma2; sigma2 = Double.parseDouble(IJ.d2s(newSigma / ratio, 3)); //System.out.printf("New Sigma2 = %g\n", sigma2); disableRun = true; sigma2field.setText("" + sigma2); } } sigma1 = newSigma; newSigma = gd.getNextNumber(); if (newSigma < 0 || gd.invalidNumber()) return false; if (sigma2 != newSigma) { computeSigma2 = true; if (maintainRatio) { computeSigma1 = true; double ratio = sigma1 / sigma2; sigma1 = Double.parseDouble(IJ.d2s(newSigma * ratio, 3)); //System.out.printf("New Sigma1 = %s\n", sigma1); disableRun = true; sigma1field.setText("" + sigma1); } } sigma2 = newSigma; if (sigma1 <= sigma2) return false; if (hasScale) { boolean newSigmaScaled = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (sigmaScaled != newSigmaScaled) { computeSigma1 = true; computeSigma2 = true; } sigmaScaled = newSigmaScaled; } enhanceContrast = gd.getNextBoolean(); // Save settings to preferences Prefs.set("DoG.sigma1", sigma1); Prefs.set("DoG.sigma2", sigma2); Prefs.set("DoG.maintainRatio", maintainRatio); Prefs.set("DoG.sigmaScaled", sigmaScaled); Prefs.set("DoG.enhanceContrast", enhanceContrast); boolean newPreview = previewCheckbox.getState(); if (preview != newPreview) { // Check if the preview has been turned off then reset the display range if (!newPreview && imp != null) { imp.resetDisplayRange(); } } preview = newPreview; if (disableRun) { ignoreChange = true; } return true; } /** Set the number of passes of the run method. */ @Override public void setNPasses(int nPasses) { this.nPasses = nPasses; pass = 0; } /** This method is invoked for each slice during execution * @param ip The image subject to filtering. It must have a valid snapshot if * the height of the roi is less than the full image height. */ @Override public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { if (ignoreChange) { ignoreChange = false; return; } ignoreChange = false; pass++; if (pass>nPasses) pass =1; // Check if this is the same slice within the preview or a new slice when processing a stack if (currentSliceNumber != pfr.getSliceNumber()) { computeSigma1 = true; computeSigma2 = true; } currentSliceNumber = pfr.getSliceNumber(); double sigmaX = sigmaScaled ? sigma1/imp.getCalibration().pixelWidth : sigma1; double sigmaY = sigmaScaled ? sigma1/imp.getCalibration().pixelHeight : sigma1; double sigma2X = sigmaScaled ? sigma2/imp.getCalibration().pixelWidth : sigma2; double sigma2Y = sigmaScaled ? sigma2/imp.getCalibration().pixelHeight : sigma2; double accuracy = (ip instanceof ByteProcessor || ip instanceof ColorProcessor) ? 0.002 : 0.0002; // Recompute only the parts necessary if (computeSigma1) { ip1 = duplicateProcessor(ip); blurGaussian(ip1, sigmaX, sigmaY, accuracy); if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) return; // interruption for new parameters during preview? computeSigma1 = false; } showProgressInternal(0.333); if (computeSigma2) { ip2 = duplicateProcessor(ip); blurGaussian(ip2, sigma2X, sigma2Y, accuracy); if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) return; // interruption for new parameters during preview? computeSigma2 = false; } showProgressInternal(0.667); differenceOfGaussians(ip, ip1, ip2); // Need to refresh on screen display //ip.resetMinAndMax(); if (imp != null) { // This is necessary when processing stacks after preview imp.getStack().setPixels(ip.getPixels(), currentSliceNumber); imp.resetDisplayRange(); if (enhanceContrast) { ContrastEnhancer ce = new ContrastEnhancer(); ce.stretchHistogram(imp, 0.35); } imp.updateAndDraw(); } showProgressInternal(1.0); } /** * Perform a Difference of Gaussians (filteredImage2 - filteredImage1) on the image. Sigma1 should be greater than sigma2. * @param ip * @param sigma1 * @param sigma2 */ public static void run(ImageProcessor ip, double sigma1, double sigma2) { ImageProcessor ip1 = (sigma1 > 0) ? duplicateProcessor(ip) : ip; ImageProcessor ip2 = (sigma2 > 0) ? duplicateProcessor(ip) : ip; DifferenceOfGaussians filter = new DifferenceOfGaussians(); filter.noProgress = true; filter.showProgress(false); filter.blurGaussian(ip1, sigma1); filter.blurGaussian(ip2, sigma2); filter.differenceOfGaussians(ip, ip1, ip2); } /** * Subtract one image from the other (ip2 - ip1) and store in the result processor * @param resultIp * @param ip1 * @param ip2 */ private void differenceOfGaussians(ImageProcessor resultIp, ImageProcessor ip1, ImageProcessor ip2) { FloatProcessor fp1 = null; FloatProcessor fp2 = null; final Rectangle roi = resultIp.getRoi(); final int yTo = roi.y+roi.height; FloatProcessor fp3 = null; for (int i=0; i<resultIp.getNChannels(); i++) { fp1 = ip1.toFloat(i, fp1); fp2 = ip2.toFloat(i, fp2); float[] ff1 = (float[])fp1.getPixels(); float[] ff2 = (float[])fp2.getPixels(); // If an ROI is present start with the original image if (roi.height != resultIp.getHeight() || roi.width != resultIp.getWidth()) { fp3 = resultIp.toFloat(i, fp3); float[] ff3 = (float[])fp3.getPixels(); // Copy within the ROI for (int y=roi.y; y<yTo; y++) { int index=y*resultIp.getWidth() + roi.x; for (int x=0; x<roi.width; x++, index++) { ff3[index] = ff2[index] - ff1[index]; } } } else { fp3 = new FloatProcessor(fp1.getWidth(), fp2.getHeight()); float[] ff3 = (float[])fp3.getPixels(); for (int j=ff1.length; j-- > 0; ) ff3[j] = ff2[j] - ff1[j]; } if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) return; // interruption for new parameters during preview? resultIp.setPixels(i, fp3); } } /** * Perform a Gaussian blur on the image processor * @param ip * @param sigma The Gaussian width */ public void blurGaussian(ImageProcessor ip, double sigma) { double accuracy = (ip instanceof ByteProcessor || ip instanceof ColorProcessor) ? 0.002 : 0.0002; blurGaussian(ip, sigma, sigma, accuracy); } private static ImageProcessor duplicateProcessor(ImageProcessor ip) { ImageProcessor duplicateIp = ip.duplicate(); if (ip.getRoi().height!=ip.getHeight() || ip.getRoi().width != ip.getWidth()) { duplicateIp.snapshot(); duplicateIp.setRoi(ip.getRoi()); duplicateIp.setMask(ip.getMask()); } return duplicateIp; } /** * Overridden to prevent the GaussianBlur class from changing the ImageJ progress bar */ void showProgress(double percent) { if (noProgress) return; // Ignore the input percent and use the internal one percent = (double)(pass-1)/nPasses + this.percentInternal/nPasses; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (time - lastTime < 100) return; lastTime = time; IJ.showProgress(percent); IJ.showStatus(String.format("Difference of Gaussians: %.3g%%", percent * 100)); } void showProgressInternal(double percent) { this.percentInternal = percent; showProgress(0); } }