package gdsc.foci; import gdsc.UsageTracker; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC Plugins for ImageJ * * Copyright (C) 2011 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import gdsc.core.ij.Utils; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.WindowManager; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.gui.Plot; import ij.gui.PlotWindow; import ij.gui.Roi; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; import ij.plugin.filter.EDM; import ij.process.ByteProcessor; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import ij.text.TextPanel; import ij.text.TextWindow; import java.awt.Canvas; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Output the density around spots within a mask region. Spots are defined using FindFoci results loaded from memory. * <p> * A mask must be defined using a freehand ROI or provided as an image. This is used to create a 2D distance map of foci * from the edge of the mask. Any foci within the maximum analysis distance from the edge are excluded from analysis. */ public class SpotDensity implements PlugIn { public static String TITLE = "Spot Density"; private static TextWindow resultsWindow = null; private static String resultsName1 = ""; private static String resultsName2 = ""; private static String maskImage = ""; private static double distance = 15; private static double interval = 1.5; private class PC { final int n, area; final double[] r, pcf; public PC(int n, int area, double[] r, double[] pcf) { this.n = n; this.area = area; this.r = r; this.pcf = pcf; } } private static ArrayList<PC> results = new ArrayList<PC>(); private ImagePlus imp; private class Foci { final int id, x, y; public Foci(int id, int x, int y) { = id; this.x = x; this.y = y; } public double distance2(Foci that) { final double dx = this.x - that.x; final double dy = this.y - that.y; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } } public void run(String arg) { UsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); // List the foci results String[] names = FindFoci.getResultsNames(); if (names == null || names.length == 0) { IJ.error(TITLE, "Spots must be stored in memory using the " + FindFoci.TITLE + " plugin"); return; } imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); Roi roi = null; if (imp != null) roi = imp.getRoi(); // Build a list of the open images for use as a mask String[] maskImageList = buildMaskList(roi); if (maskImageList.length == 0) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No mask images and no area ROI on current image"); return; } GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("Analyses spots within a mask/ROI region\nand computes density and closest distances."); gd.addChoice("Results_name_1", names, resultsName1); gd.addChoice("Results_name_2", names, resultsName2); gd.addChoice("Mask", maskImageList, maskImage); gd.addNumericField("Distance", distance, 2, 6, "pixels"); gd.addNumericField("Interval", interval, 2, 6, "pixels"); gd.addHelp(; gd.showDialog(); if (!gd.wasOKed()) return; resultsName1 = gd.getNextChoice(); resultsName2 = gd.getNextChoice(); maskImage = gd.getNextChoice(); distance = gd.getNextNumber(); interval = gd.getNextNumber(); FloatProcessor fp = createDistanceMap(imp, maskImage); if (fp == null) return; // Get the foci Foci[] foci1 = getFoci(resultsName1); Foci[] foci2 = getFoci(resultsName2); if (foci1 == null || foci2 == null) return; analyse(foci1, foci2, resultsName1.equals(resultsName2), fp); } private String[] buildMaskList(Roi roi) { ArrayList<String> newImageList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (roi != null && roi.isArea()) newImageList.add("[ROI]"); newImageList.addAll(Arrays.asList(Utils.getImageList(Utils.GREY_8_16, null))); return newImageList.toArray(new String[newImageList.size()]); } private FloatProcessor createDistanceMap(ImagePlus imp, String maskImage) { ImagePlus maskImp = WindowManager.getImage(maskImage); ByteProcessor bp = null; if (maskImp == null) { // Build a mask image using the input image ROI Roi roi = (imp == null) ? null : imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null || !roi.isArea()) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No region defined (use an area ROI or an input mask)"); return null; } bp = new ByteProcessor(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()); bp.setValue(255); bp.setRoi(roi); bp.fill(roi); } else { ImageProcessor ip = maskImp.getProcessor(); bp = new ByteProcessor(maskImp.getWidth(), maskImp.getHeight()); for (int i = 0; i < bp.getPixelCount(); i++) if (ip.get(i) != 0) bp.set(i, 255); } // Utils.display("Mask", bp); // Create a distance map from the mask EDM edm = new EDM(); FloatProcessor map = edm.makeFloatEDM(bp, 0, true); // Utils.display("Map", map); // // float[] fmap = (float[])map.getPixels(); // byte[] mask = new byte[fmap.length]; // for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) // if (fmap[i] >= distance) // mask[i] = -1; // Utils.display("Mask2", new ByteProcessor(bp.getWidth(), bp.getHeight(), mask)); return map; } private Foci[] getFoci(String resultsName) { ArrayList<FindFociResult> results = FindFoci.getResults(resultsName); if (results == null || results.size() == 0) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No foci with the name " + resultsName); return null; } Foci[] foci = new Foci[results.size()]; int i = 0; for (FindFociResult result : results) foci[i++] = new Foci(i, result.x, result.y); return foci; } /** * For all foci in set 1, compare to set 2 and output a histogram of the average density around each foci (pair * correlation) and the minimum distance to another foci. * * @param foci1 * @param foci2 * @param identical * True if the two sets are the same foci (self comparisons will be ignored) */ private void analyse(Foci[] foci1, Foci[] foci2, boolean identical, FloatProcessor map) { final int nBins = (int) (distance / interval) + 1; final double maxDistance2 = distance * distance; int[] H = new int[nBins]; int[] H2 = new int[nBins]; double[] distances = new double[foci1.length]; int count = 0; // Update the second set to foci inside the mask int N2 = 0; for (int j = foci2.length; j-- > 0;) { final Foci m2 = foci2[j]; if (map.getPixelValue(m2.x, m2.y) != 0) { foci2[N2++] = m2; } } int N = 0; for (int i = foci1.length; i-- > 0;) { final Foci m = foci1[i]; // Ignore molecules that are near the edge of the boundary if (map.getPixelValue(m.x, m.y) < distance) continue; N++; double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int j = N2; j-- > 0;) { final Foci m2 = foci2[j]; if (identical && == continue; final double d2 = m.distance2(m2); if (d2 < maxDistance2) { H[(int) (Math.sqrt(d2) / interval)]++; } if (d2 < min) { min = d2; } } if (min != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { min = Math.sqrt(min); if (min < distance) H2[(int) (min / interval)]++; distances[count++] = min; } } double[] r = new double[nBins + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= nBins; i++) r[i] = i * interval; double[] pcf = new double[nBins]; double[] dMin = new double[nBins]; if (N > 0) { final double N_pi = N * Math.PI; for (int i = 0; i < nBins; i++) { // Pair-correlation is the count at the given distance divided by N (the number of items analysed) // and the area at distance ri: // H[i] / (N x (pi x (r_i+1)^2 - pi x r_i^2)) pcf[i] = H[i] / (N_pi * (r[i + 1] * r[i + 1] - r[i] * r[i])); // Convert to double for plotting dMin[i] = H2[i]; } } // Truncate the unused r for the plot r = Arrays.copyOf(r, nBins); Plot plot1 = new Plot(TITLE + " Min Distance", "Distance (px)", "Frequency", r, dMin); PlotWindow pw1 = Utils.display(TITLE + " Min Distance", plot1); // The final bin may be empty if the correlation interval was a factor of the correlation distance if (pcf[pcf.length - 1] == 0) { r = Arrays.copyOf(r, nBins - 1); pcf = Arrays.copyOf(pcf, nBins - 1); } // Get the pixels in the entire mask int area = 0; float[] dMap = (float[]) map.getPixels(); for (int i = dMap.length; i-- > 0;) if (dMap[i] != 0) area++; double avDensity = (double) N2 / area; // Normalisation of the density chart to produce the pair correlation. // Get the maximum response for the summary. double max = 0; double maxr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pcf.length; i++) { pcf[i] /= avDensity; if (max < pcf[i]) { max = pcf[i]; maxr = r[i]; } } // Store the result PC pc = new PC(N2, area, r, pcf); results.add(pc); // Display PlotWindow pw2 = showPairCorrelation(pc); Point p = pw1.getLocation(); p.y += pw1.getHeight(); pw2.setLocation(p); // Table of results createResultsWindow(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(results.size()); sb.append("\t").append(foci1.length); sb.append("\t").append(N); sb.append("\t").append(foci2.length); sb.append("\t").append(N2); sb.append("\t").append(IJ.d2s(distance)); sb.append("\t").append(IJ.d2s(interval)); sb.append("\t").append(area); sb.append("\t").append(IJ.d2s(avDensity, -3)); sb.append("\t").append(IJ.d2s(max, 3)); sb.append("\t").append(IJ.d2s(maxr, 3)); sb.append("\t").append(count); double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) sum += distances[i]; sb.append("\t").append(IJ.d2s(sum / count, 2)); resultsWindow.append(sb.toString()); } private PlotWindow showPairCorrelation(PC pc) { double avDensity = (double) pc.n / pc.area; String title = "Pair Correlation"; Plot plot2 = new Plot(TITLE + " " + title, "r (px)", "g(r)", pc.r, pc.pcf); plot2.setColor(; plot2.drawLine(pc.r[0], 1, pc.r[pc.r.length - 1], 1); plot2.addLabel(0, 0, "Av.Density = " + IJ.d2s(avDensity, -3) + " px^-2"); plot2.setColor(; return Utils.display(TITLE + " " + title, plot2); } private void createResultsWindow() { if (resultsWindow == null || !resultsWindow.isShowing()) { resultsWindow = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Summary", createResultsHeader(), "", 700, 300); // Allow clicking multiple results in the window to show a combined curve resultsWindow.getTextPanel().addMouseListener(new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { TextPanel tp = null; if (e.getSource() instanceof TextPanel) { tp = (TextPanel) e.getSource(); } else if (e.getSource() instanceof Canvas && ((Canvas) e.getSource()).getParent() instanceof TextPanel) { tp = (TextPanel) ((Canvas) e.getSource()).getParent(); } int[] ids = new int[results.size()]; int count = 0; for (int i = tp.getSelectionStart(); i <= tp.getSelectionEnd(); i++) { String line = tp.getLine(i); try { String sid = line.substring(0, line.indexOf('\t')); int id = Integer.parseInt(sid); if (id > 0 && id <= results.size()) ids[count++] = id; } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignore for now } } if (count > 2) { // Ask the user which curves to combine since we may want to ignore some // between start and end GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("Select which curves to combine"); int count2 = 0; int rowLimit = 20; if (count <= rowLimit) { // Use checkboxes for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) gd.addCheckbox("ID_" + ids[i], true); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (gd.getNextBoolean()) ids[count2++] = ids[i]; } else { // Use a text area StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(Integer.toString(ids[0])); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) sb.append("\n").append(ids[i]); gd.addTextAreas(sb.toString(), null, rowLimit, 10); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; for (String token : gd.getNextText().split("[ \t\n\r]+")) { try { int id = Integer.parseInt(token); if (id > 0 && id <= results.size()) ids[count2++] = id; } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignore for now } } } count = count2; } if (count == 0) return; // Check all curves are the same size and build an average PC pc = results.get(ids[0] - 1); int length = pc.r.length; int n = pc.n; int area = pc.area; double[] r = pc.r; double[] pcf = pc.pcf.clone(); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { pc = results.get(ids[i] - 1); if (length != pc.r.length) return; n += pc.n; area += pc.area; for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { // Distance scale must be the same! if (r[j] != pc.r[j]) return; pcf[j] += pc.pcf[j]; } } for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) pcf[j] /= count; showPairCorrelation(new PC(n, area, r, pcf)); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) { } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) { } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) { } }); } } private String createResultsHeader() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("ID"); sb.append("\tN1"); sb.append("\tN1_internal"); sb.append("\tN2"); sb.append("\tN2_selection"); sb.append("\tDistance"); sb.append("\tInterval"); sb.append("\tArea"); sb.append("\tAv. Density"); sb.append("\tMax g(r)"); sb.append("\tr"); sb.append("\tCount Distances"); sb.append("\tAv. Distance"); return sb.toString(); } }