package gdsc.colocalisation.cda; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC Plugins for ImageJ * * Copyright (C) 2011 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This class is based on the original CDA_Plugin developed by * Maria Osorio-Reich: * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import ij.gui.Plot; import java.awt.Color; /** * Provides functionality to plot a histogram of sampleData and then determine if a value is * significant using a specified p-value, i.e. it lies outside the upper/lower tails of the histogram sampleData. */ public class PlotResults { private Plot plot; private String plotTitle = ""; private String plotYTitle = ""; private String plotXTitle = ""; private double[] probabilityLimits = null; private String significanceTest = ""; private double[] normalisedHistogram; private double[] sampleData; private double[] histogramX; private int[] histogramY; private Color color =; private double sampleValue; private double pValue = 0.05; public PlotResults(double sampleValue, int bins, double[] sampleData, Color color) { createHistogram(sampleData, bins); this.sampleValue = sampleValue; this.color = color; } private void createHistogram(double[] sampleData, int bins) { this.sampleData = sampleData; histogramX = new double[bins]; histogramY = new int[bins]; // Get the range double min = Double.MAX_VALUE; double max = -Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < sampleData.length; i++) { if (min > sampleData[i]) min = sampleData[i]; if (max < sampleData[i]) max = sampleData[i]; } double interval = (max - min) / bins; // Set the bins for (int i = 0; i < bins; i++) { histogramX[i] = min + i * interval; } // Count the frequency for (int i = 0; i < sampleData.length; i++) { int bin = (int) ((sampleData[i] - min) / interval); if (bin >= bins) bin = bins - 1; if (bin < 0) bin = 0; histogramY[bin]++; } } public void calculate(double pValue) { setPValue(pValue); calculate(); } public void calculate() { probabilityLimits = getProbabilityLimits(sampleData); significanceTest = testSignificance(probabilityLimits, sampleValue); normalisedHistogram = normaliseHistogram(histogramY); plot = null; } private void createPlot() { double[] xValues = createHistogramAxis(histogramX); double[] yValues = createHistogramValues(normalisedHistogram); // Set the upper limit for the plot double maxHistogram = 0; for (double d : normalisedHistogram) if (maxHistogram < d) maxHistogram = d; maxHistogram *= 1.05; plot = new Plot(plotTitle, plotXTitle, plotYTitle, xValues, yValues, Plot.X_NUMBERS + Plot.Y_NUMBERS + Plot.X_TICKS + Plot.Y_TICKS); // Ensure the horizontal scale goes from 0 to 1 but add at least 0.05 to the limits. double xMin = Math.min(xValues[0] - 0.05, Math.min(sampleValue - 0.05, 0)); double xMax = Math.max(xValues[xValues.length - 1] + 0.05, Math.max(sampleValue + 0.05, 1)); plot.setLimits(xMin, xMax, 0, maxHistogram * 1.05); plot.setLineWidth(1); plot.setColor(color); plot.draw(); // Draw the significance lines and add top points plot.drawLine(probabilityLimits[0], 0, probabilityLimits[0], maxHistogram); plot.drawLine(probabilityLimits[1], 0, probabilityLimits[1], maxHistogram); // Draw lines for the lower and upper probability limits double[][] markers = new double[2][2]; markers[0][0] = probabilityLimits[0]; markers[0][1] = probabilityLimits[1]; markers[1][0] = maxHistogram; markers[1][1] = maxHistogram; plot.addPoints(markers[0], markers[1], 4); // Draw line for the data value double[][] valueMarker = new double[2][1]; valueMarker[0][0] = sampleValue; valueMarker[1][0] = maxHistogram; plot.setColor(Color.magenta); plot.drawLine(sampleValue, 0, sampleValue, maxHistogram); plot.addPoints(valueMarker[0], valueMarker[1], 0); } public void setXTitle(String title) { plotXTitle = title; } public void setYTitle(String title) { plotYTitle = title; } public void setTitle(String title) { plotTitle = title; } public Plot getPlot() { if (plot == null) { createPlot(); } return plot; } public double[] getProbabilityLimits() { return probabilityLimits; } public String getSignificanceTest() { return significanceTest; } private double[] createHistogramAxis(double[] histogramX) { double[] axis = new double[histogramX.length * 2 + 2]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < histogramX.length; ++i) { axis[index++] = histogramX[i]; axis[index++] = histogramX[i]; } double dx = (histogramX[1] - histogramX[0]); axis[index++] = histogramX[histogramX.length - 1] + dx; axis[index++] = histogramX[histogramX.length - 1] + dx; return axis; } private double[] createHistogramValues(double[] histogramY) { double[] axis = new double[histogramY.length * 2 + 2]; int index = 0; axis[index++] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < histogramY.length; ++i) { axis[index++] = histogramY[i]; axis[index++] = histogramY[i]; } axis[index++] = 0; return axis; } private int getTotal(int[] histogram) { int total = 0; for (int i : histogram) total += i; return total; } private double[] normaliseHistogram(int[] histogram) { int total = getTotal(histogram); double[] normalised = new double[histogram.length]; for (int j = 0; j < histogram.length; ++j) normalised[j] = ((double) histogram[j] / total); return normalised; } private double[] getProbabilityLimits(double[] p) { double[] limits = new double[2]; int pCut = (int) Math.ceil(p.length * pValue); limits[0] = p[pCut]; limits[1] = p[(p.length - pCut - 1)]; return limits; } private String testSignificance(double[] limits, double sampleValue) { String outputString = ""; if (sampleValue >= limits[1]) { outputString = " Value is significant! (colocalised)"; } else if (sampleValue <= limits[0]) { outputString = " Value is significant! (not colocalised)"; } else { outputString = " Value is NOT significant! "; } return outputString; } /** * @param pValue * the pValue to set */ public void setPValue(double pValue) { if (pValue >= 0 && pValue <= 1) { this.pValue = pValue; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("p-Value must be between 0 and 1: " + pValue); } } /** * @return the pValue */ public double getPValue() { return pValue; } }