package gdsc.foci; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC Plugins for ImageJ * * Copyright (C) 2011 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import gdsc.UsageTracker; import gdsc.core.utils.Sort; import; import gdsc.threshold.ThreadAnalyser; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.WindowManager; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.gui.Plot; import ij.gui.PlotWindow; import ij.gui.Roi; import ij.measure.Calibration; import ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import ij.text.TextWindow; /** * Finds spots in an image. Locates the closest neighbour spot within a radius * and produces a line profile through the spots. If no neighbour is present * produces a line profile through the principle axis. */ public class SpotSeparation implements PlugInFilter { public static final String TITLE = "Spot Separation"; private final static String[] methods = { "MaxEntropy", "Yen" }; private static String method = ""; private static double radius = 10; private static boolean showSpotImage = true; private static boolean showLineProfiles = true; private int flags = DOES_16 + DOES_8G; private LinkedList<String> plotProfiles = new LinkedList<String>(); private static TextWindow resultsWindow = null; private ImagePlus imp; private String resultEntry = null; private Calibration cal; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter#setup(java.lang.String, ij.ImagePlus) */ public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) { UsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); if (imp == null) return DONE; this.imp = imp; return flags; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter#run(ij.process.ImageProcessor) */ public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { if (!showDialog()) return; // TODO - Add some options to be able to preview the spots using a ExtendedPluginFilter FindFociResults results = runFindFoci(ip); // Respect the image ROI results = cropToRoi(results, ip); if (results == null) return; ImagePlus maximaImp = results.mask; ImageProcessor spotIp = maximaImp.getProcessor(); ArrayList<FindFociResult> resultsArray = results.results; showSpotImage(maximaImp, resultsArray); AssignedPoint[] points = extractSpotCoordinates(resultsArray); float[][] d = computeDistanceMatrix(points); int[] assigned = assignClosestPairs(d); createResultsWindow(); // Draw line profiles for (int i = 0; i < assigned.length; i++) { float[] xValues, yValues; String profileTitle; if (assigned[i] < 0) { // For single spots assign principle axis and produce a line // profile float xpos = points[i].x; float ypos = points[i].y; int peakId = points[i].id; profileTitle = TITLE + " Spot " + peakId + " Profile"; float[] com = new float[2]; //double angle = calculateOrientation(spotIp, xpos, ypos, peakId, com); double angle = calculateOrientation(ip, spotIp, xpos, ypos, peakId, com); // Angle is in Radians anti-clockwise from the X-axis float step = 0.5f; float dx = (float) (Math.cos(angle) * step); float dy = (float) (Math.sin(angle) * step); System.out.printf("%s : Angle = %f, dx=%f, dy=%f. d(x,y)=%.2f,%.2f\n", profileTitle, angle * 180.0 / Math.PI, dx, dy, points[i].x - com[0], points[i].y - com[1]); // Draw line profile through the centre calculated from the moments. This will fail if // the object has a hollow centre (e.g. a horseshoe) so check if it is in the mask. if (!isInPeak(spotIp, com[0], com[0], peakId)) { com[0] = points[i].x; com[1] = points[i].y; } // Extend the line to the edge LinkedList<float[]> before = new LinkedList<float[]>(); xpos = com[0]; ypos = com[1]; for (int s = 1;; s++) { xpos -= dx; ypos -= dy; if (isInPeak(spotIp, xpos, ypos, peakId)) { before.add(new float[] { -step * s, (float) ip.getInterpolatedValue(xpos, ypos) }); } else break; } // Extend the line to the edge in the other direction LinkedList<float[]> after = new LinkedList<float[]>(); xpos = com[0]; ypos = com[1]; for (int s = 1;; s++) { xpos += dx; ypos += dy; if (isInPeak(spotIp, xpos, ypos, peakId)) { before.add(new float[] { step * s, (float) ip.getInterpolatedValue(xpos, ypos) }); } else break; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") float[][] profileValues = convertToFloat(before, after); xValues = profileValues[0]; yValues = profileValues[1]; sortValues(xValues, yValues); addSingleResult(peakId, xValues, yValues); } else { // Skip the second of a pair already processed if (assigned[i] < i) continue; // For pairs draw a line between the spot centres and extend to // the edge of the spots int j = assigned[i]; profileTitle = TITLE + " Spot " + points[i].id + " to " + points[j].id + " Profile"; float distance = (float) Math.sqrt(d[i][j]); int samples = (int) Math.ceil(distance); float dx = (float) (points[j].x - points[i].x) / samples; float dy = (float) (points[j].y - points[i].y) / samples; float step = (float) Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); // The line between the two maxima ArrayList<float[]> values = new ArrayList<float[]>(samples + 1); values.add(new float[] { 0, ip.getf(points[i].x, points[i].y) }); float xpos = points[i].x; float ypos = points[i].y; for (int s = 1; s < samples; s++) { xpos += dx; ypos += dy; values.add(new float[] { step * s, (float) ip.getInterpolatedValue(xpos, ypos) }); } values.add(new float[] { distance, ip.getf(points[j].x, points[j].y) }); // Extend the line to the edge of the first spot LinkedList<float[]> before = new LinkedList<float[]>(); int peakId = points[i].id; xpos = points[i].x; ypos = points[i].y; for (int s = 1;; s++) { xpos -= dx; ypos -= dy; if (isInPeak(spotIp, xpos, ypos, peakId)) { before.add(new float[] { -step * s, (float) ip.getInterpolatedValue(xpos, ypos) }); } else break; } // Extend the line to the edge of the second spot LinkedList<float[]> after = new LinkedList<float[]>(); peakId = points[j].id; xpos = points[j].x; ypos = points[j].y; for (int s = 1;; s++) { xpos += dx; ypos += dy; if (isInPeak(spotIp, xpos, ypos, peakId)) { before.add(new float[] { distance + step * s, (float) ip.getInterpolatedValue(xpos, ypos) }); } else break; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") float[][] profileValues = convertToFloat(before, values, after); xValues = profileValues[0]; yValues = profileValues[1]; float offset = sortValues(xValues, yValues); addPairResult(peakId, xValues, yValues, distance, offset); } showLineProfile(xValues, yValues, profileTitle); } // Summarise results closeOtherLineProfiles(); } private boolean isInPeak(ImageProcessor spotIp, float xpos, float ypos, int peakId) { //return (int) spotIp.getInterpolatedValue(xpos, ypos) == peakId; return spotIp.get(Math.round(xpos), Math.round(ypos)) == peakId; } private float sortValues(float[] xValues, float[] yValues) { if (xValues.length == 0) return 0; Sort.sortArrays(yValues, xValues, true); // Reset to start at zero float offset = -xValues[0]; for (int ii = 0; ii < xValues.length; ii++) { xValues[ii] += offset; } return offset; } public boolean showDialog() { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addHelp(URL.UTILITY); gd.addMessage("Analyse line profiles between spots within a separation distance"); gd.addChoice("Threshold_method", methods, method); gd.addSlider("Radius", 5, 50, radius); gd.addCheckbox("Show_spot_image", showSpotImage); gd.addCheckbox("Show_line_profiles", showLineProfiles); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; method = gd.getNextChoice(); radius = gd.getNextNumber(); showSpotImage = gd.getNextBoolean(); showLineProfiles = gd.getNextBoolean(); return true; } private FindFociResults cropToRoi(FindFociResults results, ImageProcessor ip) { Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null || results == null) return results; ImagePlus maximaImp = results.mask; ImageProcessor spotIp = maximaImp.getProcessor(); ArrayList<FindFociResult> resultsArray = results.results; // Find all maxima that are within the ROI bounds final byte[] mask = (roi.getMask() == null) ? null : (byte[]) roi.getMask().getPixels(); final Rectangle bounds = roi.getBounds(); final int maxx = bounds.x + bounds.width; final int maxy = bounds.y + bounds.height; int[] newId = new int[resultsArray.size() + 1]; int newCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < resultsArray.size(); i++) { final FindFociResult result = resultsArray.get(i); final int x = result.x; final int y = result.y; if (x >= bounds.x && x < maxx && y >= bounds.y && y < maxy) { if (mask != null) { final int index = (y - bounds.y) * bounds.width + x - bounds.x; if (mask[index] == 0) continue; } newId[i] = ++newCount; } } if (newCount == 0) return null; // Renumber the remaining valid spots ArrayList<FindFociResult> newResultsArray = new ArrayList<FindFociResult>(newCount); int[] maskIdMap = new int[resultsArray.size() + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < resultsArray.size(); i++) { final FindFociResult result = resultsArray.get(i); if (newId[i] > 0) { = newId[i]; newResultsArray.add(result); // Reverse peak IDs so the highest value is the first in the // results list int oldMaskId = resultsArray.size() - i; maskIdMap[oldMaskId] = newCount - newId[i] + 1; } } // Update the image for (int i = 0; i < spotIp.getPixelCount(); i++) { final int oldPeakId = spotIp.get(i); if (oldPeakId > 0) { spotIp.set(i, maskIdMap[oldPeakId]); } } maximaImp.setProcessor(spotIp); return new FindFociResults(maximaImp, newResultsArray, null); } private FindFociResults runFindFoci(ImageProcessor ip) { // Run FindFoci to get the spots // Get each spot as a different number with the centre using the search // centre // Allow image thresholding int backgroundMethod = FindFoci.BACKGROUND_AUTO_THRESHOLD; double backgroundParameter = 0; if (ip.getMinThreshold() != ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD) { backgroundMethod = FindFoci.BACKGROUND_ABSOLUTE; backgroundParameter = ip.getMinThreshold(); } // TODO - Find the best method for this FindFoci ff = new FindFoci(); String autoThresholdMethod = method; int searchMethod = FindFoci.SEARCH_ABOVE_BACKGROUND; double searchParameter = 0; int maxPeaks = 100; int minSize = 3; int peakMethod = FindFoci.PEAK_ABSOLUTE; double peakParameter = 5; int outputType = FindFoci.OUTPUT_MASK_PEAKS | FindFoci.OUTPUT_MASK_NO_PEAK_DOTS; int sortIndex = FindFoci.SORT_MAX_VALUE; int options = FindFoci.OPTION_STATS_INSIDE; double blur = 1.5; int centreMethod = FindFoci.CENTRE_MAX_VALUE_SEARCH; double centreParameter = 0; double fractionParameter = 0; FindFociResults results = ff.findMaxima(new ImagePlus("tmp", ip), null, backgroundMethod, backgroundParameter, autoThresholdMethod, searchMethod, searchParameter, maxPeaks, minSize, peakMethod, peakParameter, outputType, sortIndex, options, blur, centreMethod, centreParameter, fractionParameter); return results; } private void showSpotImage(ImagePlus maximaImp, ArrayList<FindFociResult> resultsArray) { if (showSpotImage) { ImageProcessor spotIp = maximaImp.getProcessor(); spotIp.setMinAndMax(0, resultsArray.size()); String title = TITLE + " Spots"; ImagePlus spotImp = WindowManager.getImage(title); if (spotImp == null) { maximaImp.setTitle(title);; } else { spotImp.setProcessor(spotIp); spotImp.updateAndDraw(); } } } /** * Extract the centre of each maxima from the results * * @param resultsArray * @return */ private AssignedPoint[] extractSpotCoordinates(ArrayList<FindFociResult> resultsArray) { AssignedPoint[] points = new AssignedPoint[resultsArray.size()]; int i = 0; int maxId = resultsArray.size() + 1; for (FindFociResult result : resultsArray) { points[i] = new AssignedPoint(result.x, result.y, maxId -; i++; } return points; } /** * Compute the all-vs-all squared distance matrix * * @param points * @return */ private float[][] computeDistanceMatrix(AssignedPoint[] points) { float[][] d = new float[points.length][points.length]; for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < d.length; j++) { d[i][j] = (float) points[i].distance2(points[j].x, points[j].y); d[j][i] = d[i][j]; } } return d; } /** * Finds the pairs ij which are closer than the radius. Any given point can * only be assigned to one pair and so the closest remaining unassigned * points are processed until no more pairs are left. * * @param d * Squared distance matrix * @return Array of indices that each point is assigned to. Unassigned * points will have an index of -1. */ private int[] assignClosestPairs(float[][] d) { float d2 = (float) (radius * radius); int[] assigned = new int[d.length]; Arrays.fill(assigned, -1); while (true) { float minD = d2; int ii = 0, jj = 0; for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { if (assigned[i] >= 0) continue; for (int j = i + 1; j < d.length; j++) { if (assigned[j] >= 0) continue; if (d[i][j] < minD) { minD = d[i][j]; ii = i; jj = j; } } } if (ii != jj) { assigned[ii] = jj; assigned[jj] = ii; } else break; } return assigned; } /** * Create the result window (if it is not available) */ private void createResultsWindow() { if (resultsWindow == null || !resultsWindow.isShowing()) { resultsWindow = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Positions", createResultsHeader(), "", 700, 300); } // Create the image result prefix StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(imp.getTitle()); if (imp.getStackSize() > 1) { sb.append(" [Z").append(imp.getSlice()).append("C").append(imp.getChannel()).append("T") .append(imp.getFrame()).append("]"); } sb.append("\t"); cal = imp.getCalibration(); sb.append(cal.getXUnit()); if (!(cal.getYUnit().equalsIgnoreCase(cal.getXUnit()) && cal.getZUnit().equalsIgnoreCase(cal.getXUnit()))) { sb.append(" ").append(cal.getYUnit()).append(" ").append(cal.getZUnit()).append(" "); } sb.append("\t"); resultEntry = sb.toString(); } private String createResultsHeader() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Image\t"); sb.append("Units\t"); sb.append("Peak Id\t"); sb.append("Type\t"); sb.append("Width1\t"); sb.append("Width2\t"); sb.append("Distance"); return sb.toString(); } private void addSingleResult(int id, float[] xValues, float[] yValues) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(resultEntry); sb.append(id).append("\tSingle\t"); int[] maxima = new int[2]; float[] d = ThreadAnalyser.countMaxima(xValues, yValues, maxima); if (d.length > 1) { // Find the plot range int[] maxIndices = new int[d.length]; float max = yValues[0], min = yValues[0]; for (int i = 1; i < yValues.length; i++) { if (max < yValues[i]) { maxIndices[0] = i; max = yValues[i]; } if (min > yValues[i]) min = yValues[i]; } // Set the minimum height for a maxima using a a fraction of the plot range float height = (max - min) * 0.1f; int maxCount = 1; int start = findIndex(0, d[0], xValues); for (int i = 1; i < d.length; i++) { int end = findIndex(start, d[i], xValues); // Set threshold using the minimum height float threshold = Math.min(yValues[start], yValues[end]) - height; for (int j = start + 1; j < end; j++) { if (yValues[j] < threshold) { // Add to the maxima if (!findIndex(maxIndices, maxCount, start)) maxIndices[maxCount++] = start; if (!findIndex(maxIndices, maxCount, end)) maxIndices[maxCount++] = end; break; } } start = end; } if (maxCount > 1) { // There are definitely multiple peaks in this single spot // Find the widths of each peak Arrays.sort(maxIndices); float[] minD = new float[maxIndices.length]; float lastMinD = 0; start = maxIndices[0]; for (int i = 1; i < maxCount; i++) { int end = maxIndices[i]; min = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float middle = xValues[end] - xValues[start]; for (int j = start + 1; j < end; j++) { if (min > yValues[j]) { min = yValues[j]; middle = xValues[j]; } } minD[i - 1] = middle + lastMinD; lastMinD = minD[i - 1]; start = end; } minD[maxCount - 1] = xValues[xValues.length - 1]; System.out.printf("Multiple peak in a single spot: Peak Id %d = %d peaks\n", id, maxCount); // TODO - Perform a better table output if there are more than 2 peaks. sb.append(String.format("%.2f\t", minD[0] * cal.pixelWidth)); sb.append(String.format("%.2f\t", (minD[1] - minD[0]) * cal.pixelWidth)); sb.append(String.format("%.2f", (xValues[maxIndices[1]] - xValues[maxIndices[0]]) * cal.pixelWidth)); resultsWindow.append(sb.toString()); return; } } double width = xValues[xValues.length - 1]; sb.append(String.format("%.2f", width * cal.pixelWidth)); resultsWindow.append(sb.toString()); } private boolean findIndex(int[] maxIndices, int maxCount, int index) { for (int i = maxCount; i-- > 0;) if (maxIndices[i] == index) return true; return false; } private int findIndex(int i, float f, float[] xValues) { for (; i < xValues.length; i++) if (f == xValues[i]) return i; throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find peak index for the specified maxima"); } private void addPairResult(int id, float[] xValues, float[] yValues, float distance, float peak1Start) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(resultEntry); sb.append(id).append("\tPair\t"); // Find the midpoint between the two peaks int i = 0; while (i < xValues.length && xValues[i] < peak1Start) i++; float min = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float middle = distance * 0.5f; while (i < xValues.length && xValues[i] <= peak1Start + distance) { if (min > yValues[i]) { min = yValues[i]; middle = xValues[i]; } i++; } double width1 = middle; double width2 = xValues[xValues.length - 1] - width1; sb.append(String.format("%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f", width1 * cal.pixelWidth, width2 * cal.pixelWidth, distance * cal.pixelWidth)); resultsWindow.append(sb.toString()); } /** * Estimate the angle using the central moments. * <p> * See Burger & Burge, Digital Image Processing, An Algorithmic Introduction using Java (1st Edition), pp231. * * @param spotIp * @param xpos * @param ypos * @param peakId * @param com * The calculated centre-of-mass * @return The orientation in range -pi/2 to pi/2 from the x-axis, incrementing clockwise if the Y-axis points * downwards */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private double calculateOrientation(ImageProcessor spotIp, float xpos, float ypos, int peakId, float[] com) { // Find the limits of the spot and calculate the centre of mass int maxu = (int) xpos; int minu = maxu; int maxv = (int) ypos; int minv = maxv; double u00 = 0; double xCtr = 0, yCtr = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < spotIp.getPixelCount(); ii++) { if (spotIp.get(ii) == peakId) { int u = ii % spotIp.getWidth(); int v = ii / spotIp.getWidth(); if (maxu < u) maxu = u; if (minu > u) minu = u; if (maxv < v) maxv = v; if (minv > v) minv = v; u00++; xCtr += u; yCtr += v; } } xCtr /= u00; yCtr /= u00; if (com != null) { com[0] = (float) xCtr; com[1] = (float) yCtr; } // Calculate moments double u11 = 0; double u20 = 0; double u02 = 0; for (int v = minv; v <= maxv; v++) { for (int u = minu, ii = v * spotIp.getWidth() + minu; u <= maxu; u++, ii++) { if (spotIp.get(ii) == peakId) { double dx = u - xCtr; double dy = v - yCtr; u11 += dx * dy; u20 += dx * dx; u02 += dy * dy; } } } // Calculate the ellipsoid double A = 2 * u11; double B = u20 - u02; double angle = 0.5 * Math.atan2(A, B); return angle; } /** * Estimate the angle using the central moments. Moments are weighted using the original image values * <p> * See Burger & Burge, Digital Image Processing, An Algorithmic Introduction using Java (1st Edition), pp231. * * @param ip * @param spotIp * @param xpos * @param ypos * @param peakId * @param com * The calculated centre-of-mass * @return The orientation in range -pi/2 to pi/2 from the x-axis, incrementing clockwise if the Y-axis points * downwards */ private double calculateOrientation(ImageProcessor ip, ImageProcessor spotIp, float xpos, float ypos, int peakId, float[] com) { // Find the limits of the spot and calculate the centre of mass int maxu = (int) xpos; int minu = maxu; int maxv = (int) ypos; int minv = maxv; double u00 = 0; double xCtr = 0, yCtr = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < spotIp.getPixelCount(); ii++) { if (spotIp.get(ii) == peakId) { final float value = ip.getf(ii); int u = ii % spotIp.getWidth(); int v = ii / spotIp.getWidth(); if (maxu < u) maxu = u; if (minu > u) minu = u; if (maxv < v) maxv = v; if (minv > v) minv = v; u00 += value; xCtr += u * value; yCtr += v * value; } } xCtr /= u00; yCtr /= u00; if (com != null) { com[0] = (float) xCtr; com[1] = (float) yCtr; } // Calculate moments double u11 = 0; double u20 = 0; double u02 = 0; for (int v = minv; v <= maxv; v++) { for (int u = minu, ii = v * spotIp.getWidth() + minu; u <= maxu; u++, ii++) { if (spotIp.get(ii) == peakId) { final float value = ip.getf(ii); double dx = u - xCtr; double dy = v - yCtr; u11 += value * dx * dy; u20 += value * dx * dx; u02 += value * dy * dy; } } } // Calculate the ellipsoid double A = 2 * u11; double B = u20 - u02; double angle = 0.5 * Math.atan2(A, B); return angle; } private final float[][] convertToFloat(List<float[]>... lists) { int size = 0; for (List<float[]> list : lists) { size += list.size(); } float[][] results = new float[2][size]; int i = 0; for (List<float[]> list : lists) { for (float[] f : list) { results[0][i] = f[0]; results[1][i] = f[1]; i++; } } return results; } private void closeOtherLineProfiles() { if (!showLineProfiles) return; Frame[] frames = WindowManager.getNonImageWindows(); if (frames == null) return; for (Frame f : frames) { if (plotProfiles.contains(f.getTitle())) continue; if (f.getTitle().startsWith(TITLE) && f.getTitle().endsWith("Profile")) { if (f instanceof PlotWindow) { PlotWindow p = ((PlotWindow) f); p.close(); } } } } /** * Show a plot of the line profile * * @param xValues * @param yValues * @param profileTitle */ private void showLineProfile(float[] xValues, float[] yValues, String profileTitle) { if (showLineProfiles) { Frame f = WindowManager.getFrame(profileTitle); Plot plot = new Plot(profileTitle, "Distance", "Value", xValues, yValues); if (f instanceof PlotWindow) { PlotWindow p = ((PlotWindow) f); p.drawPlot(plot); } else {; } plotProfiles.add(profileTitle); } } }