package org.springframework.roo.project; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext; import org.springframework.roo.file.monitor.FileMonitorService; import org.springframework.roo.metadata.MetadataDependencyRegistry; import org.springframework.roo.metadata.MetadataService; import org.springframework.roo.process.manager.FileManager; import org.springframework.roo.project.maven.Pom; import org.springframework.roo.project.maven.PomFactory; import; import; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; @Component @Service public class PomManagementServiceImpl implements PomManagementService { private static class PomComparator implements Comparator<String> { private final Map<String, Pom> pomMap; /** * Constructor * * @param pomMap */ private PomComparator(final Map<String, Pom> pomMap) { this.pomMap = pomMap; } public int compare(final String s1, final String s2) { final String p1 = pomMap.get(s1).getRoot() + SEPARATOR; final String p2 = pomMap.get(s2).getRoot() + SEPARATOR; if (p1.startsWith(p2)) { return -1; } else if (p2.startsWith(p1)) { return 1; } return 0; } } private static final String SEPARATOR = File.separator; private static final String DEFAULT_POM_NAME = "pom.xml"; private static final String DEFAULT_RELATIVE_PATH = ".." + SEPARATOR + DEFAULT_POM_NAME; @Reference FileManager fileManager; @Reference FileMonitorService fileMonitorService; @Reference MetadataDependencyRegistry metadataDependencyRegistry; @Reference MetadataService metadataService; @Reference PomFactory pomFactory; @Reference Shell shell; private String focusedModulePath; private final Map<String, Pom> pomMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Pom>(); private String projectRootDirectory; private final Set<String> toBeParsed = new HashSet<String>(); protected void activate(final ComponentContext context) { final File projectDirectory = new File(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty( OSGiUtils.getRooWorkingDirectory(context), FileUtils.CURRENT_DIRECTORY)); projectRootDirectory = FileUtils.getCanonicalPath(projectDirectory); } /** * For test cases to set up the state of this service * * @param pom the POM to add (required) */ void addPom(final Pom pom) { pomMap.put(pom.getPath(), pom); } private void findUnparsedPoms() { for (final String change : fileMonitorService.getDirtyFiles(getClass() .getName())) { if (change.endsWith(DEFAULT_POM_NAME)) { toBeParsed.add(change); } } } public Pom getFocusedModule() { updatePomCache(); if (focusedModulePath == null && getRootPom() != null) { focusedModulePath = getRootPom().getPath(); } return getPomFromPath(focusedModulePath); } public String getFocusedModuleName() { if (getFocusedModule() == null) { return ""; } return getFocusedModule().getModuleName(); } public Pom getModuleForFileIdentifier(final String fileIdentifier) { updatePomCache(); String startingPoint = FileUtils.getFirstDirectory(fileIdentifier); String pomPath = FileUtils.ensureTrailingSeparator(startingPoint) + DEFAULT_POM_NAME; File pom = new File(pomPath); while (!pom.exists()) { if (startingPoint.equals(SEPARATOR)) { break; } startingPoint = StringUtils.removeEnd(startingPoint, SEPARATOR); startingPoint = startingPoint.substring(0, startingPoint.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)); startingPoint = StringUtils.removeEnd(startingPoint, SEPARATOR); pomPath = FileUtils.ensureTrailingSeparator(startingPoint) + DEFAULT_POM_NAME; pom = new File(pomPath); } return getPomFromPath(pomPath); } private String getModuleName(final String pomDirectory) { final String normalisedRootPath = FileUtils .ensureTrailingSeparator(projectRootDirectory); final String normalisedPomDirectory = FileUtils .ensureTrailingSeparator(pomDirectory); final String moduleName = StringUtils.removeStart( normalisedPomDirectory, normalisedRootPath); return StringUtils.stripEnd(moduleName, SEPARATOR); } public Collection<String> getModuleNames() { final Set<String> moduleNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (final Pom module : pomMap.values()) { moduleNames.add(module.getModuleName()); } return moduleNames; } public Pom getPomFromModuleName(final String moduleName) { for (final Pom pom : getPoms()) { if (pom.getModuleName().equals(moduleName)) { return pom; } } return null; } public Pom getPomFromPath(final String pomPath) { updatePomCache(); return pomMap.get(pomPath); } public Collection<Pom> getPoms() { updatePomCache(); return new ArrayList<Pom>(pomMap.values()); } public Pom getRootPom() { updatePomCache(); return pomMap.get(projectRootDirectory + SEPARATOR + DEFAULT_POM_NAME); } private Set<Pom> parseUnparsedPoms() { final Map<String, String> pomModuleMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); final Set<Pom> newPoms = new HashSet<Pom>(); for (final Iterator<String> iter = toBeParsed.iterator(); iter .hasNext();) { final String pathToChangedPom =; if (new File(pathToChangedPom).exists()) { String pomContents = ""; try { pomContents = .readFileToString(new File(pathToChangedPom)); } catch (IOException ignored) { } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pomContents)) { final Element rootElement = XmlUtils .stringToElement(pomContents); resolvePoms(rootElement, pathToChangedPom, pomModuleMap); final String moduleName = getModuleName(FileUtils .getFirstDirectory(pathToChangedPom)); final Pom pom = pomFactory.getInstance(rootElement, pathToChangedPom, moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "POM is null for module = '" + moduleName + "' and path = '" + pathToChangedPom + "'"); pomMap.put(pathToChangedPom, pom); newPoms.add(pom); iter.remove(); } } } return newPoms; } private void resolveChildModulePoms(final Element pomRoot, final String pomPath, final Map<String, String> pomSet) { for (final Element module : XmlUtils.findElements( "/project/modules/module", pomRoot)) { final String moduleName = module.getTextContent(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(moduleName)) { final String modulePath = resolveRelativePath(pomPath, moduleName); final boolean alreadyDiscovered = pomSet .containsKey(modulePath); pomSet.put(modulePath, moduleName); if (!alreadyDiscovered) { final Document pomDocument = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager .getInputStream(modulePath)); final Element root = pomDocument.getDocumentElement(); resolvePoms(root, modulePath, pomSet); } } } } private void resolveParentPom(final String pomPath, final Map<String, String> pomSet, final Element parentElement) { final String relativePath = XmlUtils.getTextContent("/relativePath", parentElement, DEFAULT_RELATIVE_PATH); final String parentPomPath = resolveRelativePath(pomPath, relativePath); final boolean alreadyDiscovered = pomSet.containsKey(parentPomPath); if (!alreadyDiscovered) { pomSet.put(parentPomPath, pomSet.get(parentPomPath)); if (new File(parentPomPath).isFile()) { final Document pomDocument = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager .getInputStream(parentPomPath)); final Element root = pomDocument.getDocumentElement(); resolvePoms(root, parentPomPath, pomSet); } } } private void resolvePoms(final Element pomRoot, final String pomPath, final Map<String, String> pomSet) { pomSet.put(pomPath, pomSet.get(pomPath)); // ensures this key exists final Element parentElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement( "/project/parent", pomRoot); if (parentElement != null) { resolveParentPom(pomPath, pomSet, parentElement); } resolveChildModulePoms(pomRoot, pomPath, pomSet); } private String resolveRelativePath(String relativeTo, final String relativePath) { if (relativeTo.endsWith(SEPARATOR)) { relativeTo = relativeTo.substring(0, relativeTo.length() - 1); } while (new File(relativeTo).isFile()) { relativeTo = relativeTo.substring(0, relativeTo.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)); } final String[] relativePathSegments = relativePath.split(FileUtils .getFileSeparatorAsRegex()); int backCount = 0; for (final String relativePathSegment : relativePathSegments) { if (relativePathSegment.equals("..")) { backCount++; } else { break; } } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = backCount; i < relativePathSegments.length; i++) { sb.append(relativePathSegments[i]); sb.append(SEPARATOR); } while (backCount > 0) { relativeTo = relativeTo.substring(0, relativeTo.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)); backCount--; } String path = relativeTo + SEPARATOR + sb.toString(); if (new File(path).isDirectory()) { path = path + DEFAULT_POM_NAME; } if (path.endsWith(SEPARATOR)) { path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1); } return path; } public void setFocusedModule(final Pom focusedModule) { Validate.notNull(focusedModule, "Module required"); if (focusedModule.getPath().equals(focusedModulePath)) { return; } focusedModulePath = focusedModule.getPath(); shell.setPromptPath(focusedModule.getModuleName()); } private void sortPomMap() { final List<String> sortedPomPaths = new ArrayList<String>( pomMap.keySet()); Collections.sort(sortedPomPaths, new PomComparator(pomMap)); final Map<String, Pom> sortedPomMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Pom>(); for (final String pomPath : sortedPomPaths) { sortedPomMap.put(pomPath, pomMap.get(pomPath)); } pomMap.clear(); pomMap.putAll(sortedPomMap); } private void updatePomCache() { findUnparsedPoms(); final Collection<Pom> newPoms = parseUnparsedPoms(); if (!newPoms.isEmpty()) { sortPomMap(); } updateProjectMetadataForModules(newPoms); } private void updateProjectMetadataForModules(final Iterable<Pom> newPoms) { for (final Pom pom : newPoms) { final String projectMetadataId = ProjectMetadata .getProjectIdentifier(pom.getModuleName()); metadataService.evictAndGet(projectMetadataId); metadataDependencyRegistry.notifyDownstream(projectMetadataId); } } }