package org.springframework.roo.model; import java.beans.Introspector; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; /** * Immutable representation of a Java field name, method name, or other common * legal Java identifier. * <p> * Ensures the field is properly formed. * * @author Ben Alex * @author Greg Turnquist * @since 1.0 */ public class JavaSymbolName implements Comparable<JavaSymbolName> { /** Constant for keyword "false" */ public static final JavaSymbolName FALSE = new JavaSymbolName("false"); /** Constant for keyword "true" */ public static final JavaSymbolName TRUE = new JavaSymbolName("true"); /** * Verifies the presented name is a valid Java name. Specifically, the * following is enforced: * <ul> * <li>Textual content must be provided in the name</li> * <li>Must not have any slashes in the name</li> * <li>Must not start with a number</li> * <li>Must not have any spaces or other illegal characters in the name</li> * <li>Must not start or end with a period</li> * </ul> * * @param name the name to evaluate (required) */ public static void assertJavaNameLegal(final String name) { Validate.notNull(name, "Name required"); // Note regular expression for legal characters found to be x5 slower in // profiling than this approach final char[] value = name.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { final char c = value[i]; if ('/' == c || ' ' == c || '*' == c || '>' == c || '<' == c || '!' == c || '@' == c || '%' == c || '^' == c || '?' == c || '(' == c || ')' == c || '~' == c || '`' == c || '{' == c || '}' == c || '[' == c || ']' == c || '|' == c || '\\' == c || '\'' == c || '+' == c || '-' == c) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal name '" + name + "' (illegal character)"); } if (i == 0) { if ('1' == c || '2' == c || '3' == c || '4' == c || '5' == c || '6' == c || '7' == c || '8' == c || '9' == c || '0' == c) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal name '" + name + "' (cannot start with a number)"); } } if (i + 1 == value.length || i == 0) { if ('.' == c) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal name '" + name + "' (cannot start or end with a period)"); } } } } /** * @return a camel case string in human readable form */ public static String getReadableSymbolName(final String camelCase) { final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[A-Z][^A-Z]*"); final Matcher m = p.matcher(StringUtils.capitalize(camelCase)); final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); while (m.find()) { builder.append(" "); } return builder.toString().trim(); } /** * Construct a Java symbol name which adheres to the strict JavaBean naming * conventions and avoids use of {@link ReservedWords} by suffixing '_' * * @param javaType the {@link JavaType} for which the symbol name is created * @return a Java symbol name adhering to JavaBean conventions and avoids * reserved words * @since 1.2.0 */ public static JavaSymbolName getReservedWordSafeName(final JavaType javaType) { final String simpleTypeName = javaType.getSimpleTypeName(); String str = Introspector.decapitalize(StringUtils .capitalize(simpleTypeName)); while (ReservedWords.RESERVED_JAVA_KEYWORDS.contains(str)) { // Prefixing can create names that don't work in the Derby DB str += "_"; } if (str.equals(simpleTypeName)) { // ROO-2929 str += "_"; } return new JavaSymbolName(str); } /** * Construct a Java symbol name which adheres to the strict JavaBean naming * conventions and avoids use of {@link ReservedWords} by prefixing '_' * * @param javaType the {@link JavaType} for which the symbol name is created * @return a Java symbol name adhering to JavaBean conventions and avoids * reserved words * @deprecated use {@link #getReservedWordSafeName(JavaType)} instead (does * the same thing, just better named) */ @Deprecated public static JavaSymbolName getReservedWordSaveName(final JavaType javaType) { return getReservedWordSafeName(javaType); } public static boolean isLegalJavaName(final String name) { try { assertJavaNameLegal(name); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { return false; } return true; } private final String symbolName; /** * Construct a Java symbol name. * <p> * The name will be enforced as follows: * <ul> * <li>The rules listed in {@link #assertJavaNameLegal(String)} * </ul> * * @param symbolName the name (mandatory) */ public JavaSymbolName(final String symbolName) { Validate.notBlank(symbolName, "Fully qualified type name required"); assertJavaNameLegal(symbolName); this.symbolName = symbolName; } public int compareTo(final JavaSymbolName o) { // NB: If adding more fields to this class ensure the equals(Object) // method is updated accordingly if (o == null) { return -1; } return symbolName.compareTo(o.symbolName); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { // NB: Not using the normal convention of delegating to compareTo (for // efficiency reasons) return obj instanceof JavaSymbolName && symbolName.equals(((JavaSymbolName) obj).symbolName); } /** * @return the symbol name in human readable form */ public String getReadableSymbolName() { final String camelCase = symbolName; return getReadableSymbolName(camelCase); } /** * @return the symbol name (never null or empty) */ public String getSymbolName() { return symbolName; } /** * @return the symbol name, capitalising the first letter (never null or * empty) */ public String getSymbolNameCapitalisedFirstLetter() { return StringUtils.capitalize(symbolName); } @Override public int hashCode() { return symbolName.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return symbolName; } }